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86--EIGHTY-SIX (light novel)
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Aug 31, 2023 11:07 AM
Aug 2023
Whyyouask said:
giant robots or machines” are not you not reading. Or machines like this isn’t real nice try on dissing redo of healer tho lol sounds like someone trying perpetuate their morality onto others, the only “logic” your referencing on about is the specs of actual Star Trek machines and shit which I’m not versed. Your argument is 90% robot 10 percent view, it’s ironic bec in MECCAS the machines are doing 90% of the fighting and the rest is someone piloting it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"giant robots or machines" does not change anything to my points. Are you incapable of reading? "Giant robots or giant machines controlled by people " => 86 mechs are not "mechs" according to your definition because 86 mechs are not giant. "machines controlled by people" => tanks in Girls und Panzer are mechs because the girls enter the tanks to fight and the tanks are machines controlled by people. It's your definition, not mine. 
I have never said anything about the morality of redo of healer, what are you on about? It is just bad and boring af, bad writing, bad cinematography, bad story telling, zero character development. Totally below mid, 5.5/10 at most. Point is, if you rate below mid animes like redo of healer 10/10, you have zero credibility when accusing someone else of having trash taste lol. 
"your referencing on about is the specs of actual Star Trek machines and shit which I’m not versed" If you are not versed at, then obviously stop commenting. 86 mechs are basically scifi tanks/armored vehicles, Juggernaut being an MGS similar to Stryker MGS, Vánagandr is basically a tank, literally based off the famous M4 Sherman. If you replace 86 mechs with actual tanks and armored vehicles, nothing will change. 86 mechs are based off tanks and fight like tanks do, so if you replace them with tanks, the story remains exactly the same. If you replace the mechs in Gundam series with tanks, well, you can't, tanks don't fly into space to do sword fights.
MrJ588Aug 31, 2023 11:40 AM
Sep 2, 2023 2:22 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to MrJ588
Whyyouask said:
giant robots or machines” are not you not reading. Or machines like this isn’t real nice try on dissing redo of healer tho lol sounds like someone trying perpetuate their morality onto others, the only “logic” your referencing on about is the specs of actual Star Trek machines and shit which I’m not versed. Your argument is 90% robot 10 percent view, it’s ironic bec in MECCAS the machines are doing 90% of the fighting and the rest is someone piloting it😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"giant robots or machines" does not change anything to my points. Are you incapable of reading? "Giant robots or giant machines controlled by people " => 86 mechs are not "mechs" according to your definition because 86 mechs are not giant. "machines controlled by people" => tanks in Girls und Panzer are mechs because the girls enter the tanks to fight and the tanks are machines controlled by people. It's your definition, not mine. 
I have never said anything about the morality of redo of healer, what are you on about? It is just bad and boring af, bad writing, bad cinematography, bad story telling, zero character development. Totally below mid, 5.5/10 at most. Point is, if you rate below mid animes like redo of healer 10/10, you have zero credibility when accusing someone else of having trash taste lol. 
"your referencing on about is the specs of actual Star Trek machines and shit which I’m not versed" If you are not versed at, then obviously stop commenting. 86 mechs are basically scifi tanks/armored vehicles, Juggernaut being an MGS similar to Stryker MGS, Vánagandr is basically a tank, literally based off the famous M4 Sherman. If you replace 86 mechs with actual tanks and armored vehicles, nothing will change. 86 mechs are based off tanks and fight like tanks do, so if you replace them with tanks, the story remains exactly the same. If you replace the mechs in Gundam series with tanks, well, you can't, tanks don't fly into space to do sword fights.
@MrJ588 this is obvious satire redo bad writing a true protagonist that stick to his values lol no character development another lol it’s obvious you just have prejudice against the genre because ain’t no way are you gonna defend 86 a navie unrealistic female mc that knows nothing of the real world and is all fuzzy and Cotten candy. The female mc told the 86 that were encamped of mainly against their free will why don’t you just stop being 86 why don’t you just leave as if it is that easy and your actually the defend that trash shit yeooooo LMFAOOOOOO bro horrbile characterization and you have the gall to ridicule a anymore that breeches out the norms and subsides from troupe yeahhh all that Star Trek research getting too you the cinematography is bad? yeah he just trnna find any reason to justify a trash ass show. And way to take things out of context you are going in depth about tanks models and shit ofc I’m not versed in such expertise tf who is 😭 overall horrbile take stating vehicles diesnt defend your premise stop talking about armored trucks it has nothing to do with the argument the entirety of the argument is that 86 is your standard mecca anime, in the wiki I applied too you it said meccas are giant robots or machines. You’re saying you see by your definition mecca is giant machine and 86 aren’t giant like bro the word machine means machine just because I said giant robot doesn’t also mean I’m applying giant upon machines as well because the definition literally states machines machines meaning big or small
Sep 2, 2023 6:10 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@MrJ588 this is obvious satire redo bad writing a true protagonist that stick to his values lol no character development another lol it’s obvious you just have prejudice against the genre because ain’t no way are you gonna defend 86 a navie unrealistic female mc that knows nothing of the real world and is all fuzzy and Cotten candy. The female mc told the 86 that were encamped of mainly against their free will why don’t you just stop being 86 why don’t you just leave as if it is that easy and your actually the defend that trash shit yeooooo LMFAOOOOOO bro horrbile characterization and you have the gall to ridicule a anymore that breeches out the norms and subsides from troupe yeahhh all that Star Trek research getting too you the cinematography is bad? yeah he just trnna find any reason to justify a trash ass show. And way to take things out of context you are going in depth about tanks models and shit ofc I’m not versed in such expertise tf who is 😭 overall horrbile take stating vehicles diesnt defend your premise stop talking about armored trucks it has nothing to do with the argument the entirety of the argument is that 86 is your standard mecca anime, in the wiki I applied too you it said meccas are giant robots or machines. You’re saying you see by your definition mecca is giant machine and 86 aren’t giant like bro the word machine means machine just because I said giant robot doesn’t also mean I’m applying giant upon machines as well because the definition literally states machines machines meaning big or small

Lena being smart but also very naive is the whole point, she's a noble sheltered like a princess and so blinded by her ideas surrounded by racist people with literally no one that would teach or help her, she knows nothing about the world because how would she when they've been living inside the wall the whole time duh and the fact that subconsciously she was still a racist before theo lash out to her. Idk she's pretty realistic to me

Lena ask them why they just can't rebel because they can! They literally just have to let the legion run through the republic but the 86ers didn't do it because of their pride.

Also according to the wiki you said, it literally states that they are giant robots or machines controlled by people, typically depicted as HUMANOID walking vehicles, none of that is in 86 and it does not fall under standard mecha anime lol and stop calling us prejudice just to defend your trash shows because that's fxxking cringe
addie1998Sep 2, 2023 7:14 AM
Sep 2, 2023 8:03 AM
Aug 2023
Reply to Whyyouask
@MrJ588 this is obvious satire redo bad writing a true protagonist that stick to his values lol no character development another lol it’s obvious you just have prejudice against the genre because ain’t no way are you gonna defend 86 a navie unrealistic female mc that knows nothing of the real world and is all fuzzy and Cotten candy. The female mc told the 86 that were encamped of mainly against their free will why don’t you just stop being 86 why don’t you just leave as if it is that easy and your actually the defend that trash shit yeooooo LMFAOOOOOO bro horrbile characterization and you have the gall to ridicule a anymore that breeches out the norms and subsides from troupe yeahhh all that Star Trek research getting too you the cinematography is bad? yeah he just trnna find any reason to justify a trash ass show. And way to take things out of context you are going in depth about tanks models and shit ofc I’m not versed in such expertise tf who is 😭 overall horrbile take stating vehicles diesnt defend your premise stop talking about armored trucks it has nothing to do with the argument the entirety of the argument is that 86 is your standard mecca anime, in the wiki I applied too you it said meccas are giant robots or machines. You’re saying you see by your definition mecca is giant machine and 86 aren’t giant like bro the word machine means machine just because I said giant robot doesn’t also mean I’m applying giant upon machines as well because the definition literally states machines machines meaning big or small
Protagonist sticking to his value doesn't have anything to do with quality of the writing of a show. How old are you? 12? Kirito sticks to his value in Sword Art Online, does it have anything to do with the quality of the writing? No. Do you even know what good writing means? You can have characters sticking to their values and bad writing at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive. You must be trolling, no real person can say this much bullshit with this level of confidence. And I have said many times, but since you can't read I will repeat again: I have nothing against isekai, I myself love isekai, even trash ones. Mushoku Tensei is my top 3 anime, but Mushoku Tensei has good writing, good character development, BEAUTIFUL cinematography, it is objectively well made and well directed, and redo of healer isn't any of those things. Redo of healer is objectively totally below mid, 5.5/10 at most, maybe 6 if I want to be generous. Point is, if you rate below mid animes like redo of healer 10/10, you have zero credibility when accusing someone else of having trash taste lol. You are more than welcome to like a trash show, but trash shows like redo of healer are objectively trash. And again, stop saying I have something against the genre, I watch almost all isekais every season.

Also, I have never said anything about the quality of 86 to you, so why are you arguing about the quality of 86 with me? Well I know why, you are changing the topic because you can not make a single counter-argument against the points I laid out to you. I said the 86 is not a standard mecha anime, and you went out of your way to prove that I am right, so thank you I guess?

"You’re saying you see by your definition mecca is giant machine" No I did not say that. I said very clearly that even if you remove the giant part, according to your definition, mechs are "machines controlled by people", hence tanks in Girls und Panzer are mechs because the girls enter the tanks to fight and the tanks are machines controlled by people. Do you get it now? 86 is not your standard mecha because the mechs have nothing to do with the story, if you replace all the mechs with actual tanks and armored vehicles, nothing will change to the story. 86 mechs are based off tanks and fight like tanks do, so if you replace them with tanks, the story remains exactly the same, which cannot be said for any actual mecha anime. Try replacing the mechs in Gundam with actual tanks and come back here explain to me how tanks can fly into space and do sword fights.
Sep 3, 2023 2:14 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to MrJ588
Protagonist sticking to his value doesn't have anything to do with quality of the writing of a show. How old are you? 12? Kirito sticks to his value in Sword Art Online, does it have anything to do with the quality of the writing? No. Do you even know what good writing means? You can have characters sticking to their values and bad writing at the same time, they are not mutually exclusive. You must be trolling, no real person can say this much bullshit with this level of confidence. And I have said many times, but since you can't read I will repeat again: I have nothing against isekai, I myself love isekai, even trash ones. Mushoku Tensei is my top 3 anime, but Mushoku Tensei has good writing, good character development, BEAUTIFUL cinematography, it is objectively well made and well directed, and redo of healer isn't any of those things. Redo of healer is objectively totally below mid, 5.5/10 at most, maybe 6 if I want to be generous. Point is, if you rate below mid animes like redo of healer 10/10, you have zero credibility when accusing someone else of having trash taste lol. You are more than welcome to like a trash show, but trash shows like redo of healer are objectively trash. And again, stop saying I have something against the genre, I watch almost all isekais every season.

Also, I have never said anything about the quality of 86 to you, so why are you arguing about the quality of 86 with me? Well I know why, you are changing the topic because you can not make a single counter-argument against the points I laid out to you. I said the 86 is not a standard mecha anime, and you went out of your way to prove that I am right, so thank you I guess?

"You’re saying you see by your definition mecca is giant machine" No I did not say that. I said very clearly that even if you remove the giant part, according to your definition, mechs are "machines controlled by people", hence tanks in Girls und Panzer are mechs because the girls enter the tanks to fight and the tanks are machines controlled by people. Do you get it now? 86 is not your standard mecha because the mechs have nothing to do with the story, if you replace all the mechs with actual tanks and armored vehicles, nothing will change to the story. 86 mechs are based off tanks and fight like tanks do, so if you replace them with tanks, the story remains exactly the same, which cannot be said for any actual mecha anime. Try replacing the mechs in Gundam with actual tanks and come back here explain to me how tanks can fly into space and do sword fights.
@MrJ588 the cop 😭😭 86 is not your standard mecca, ok that doesn’t devoid it from being a mecca. Stop trying to find loopholes to fit your reasoning, Such a mundane hypotheticals to say well if the 86 were replaced with “armored tanks” well news flash they’re aren’t. It’s pretty obvious what’s better your average troupe with tedious pesky naive mc🗿 or a refreshing controversial show the breaks through anime barriers it’s clear which is better. Also the difference is you went to redo with a degenerative mindset ofc you weren’t going to enjoy it and supply it with “bad writing” if the aspects aren’t for you, you more susceptible to judge it harsh. Much like many others I went into 86 with the preconceived notation that hey this might actually be worthwhile, then phewwww here goes a robot Ka Ka Ka boom laser ah ah pew pew LMFAOOOOOOoooooo at least redo mc is entertaining once again 86 mc to d really to likr I mean like really
Sep 3, 2023 2:21 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998

Lena being smart but also very naive is the whole point, she's a noble sheltered like a princess and so blinded by her ideas surrounded by racist people with literally no one that would teach or help her, she knows nothing about the world because how would she when they've been living inside the wall the whole time duh and the fact that subconsciously she was still a racist before theo lash out to her. Idk she's pretty realistic to me

Lena ask them why they just can't rebel because they can! They literally just have to let the legion run through the republic but the 86ers didn't do it because of their pride.

Also according to the wiki you said, it literally states that they are giant robots or machines controlled by people, typically depicted as HUMANOID walking vehicles, none of that is in 86 and it does not fall under standard mecha anime lol and stop calling us prejudice just to defend your trash shows because that's fxxking cringe
@addie1998 typically doesn’t mean always bro where’s the logic this shit a lil frustrating. Imagine trying to convince humans driving in robots not a Mecca like brooo who are you guys😭😭😭😭😭😭🗿🗿. And her being blinded by her ideals isn’t sweet or compassionate, it’s just our right retarded and unhinged. Bros is the bias, you over looking horrible character qualities just to defend an anime you like isn’t helpful. You’re proving your stances pertains to only your narrative.
Sep 3, 2023 2:34 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 typically doesn’t mean always bro where’s the logic this shit a lil frustrating. Imagine trying to convince humans driving in robots not a Mecca like brooo who are you guys😭😭😭😭😭😭🗿🗿. And her being blinded by her ideals isn’t sweet or compassionate, it’s just our right retarded and unhinged. Bros is the bias, you over looking horrible character qualities just to defend an anime you like isn’t helpful. You’re proving your stances pertains to only your narrative.

Are you really that dumb? again there is no HUMANOID ROBOTS that people pilot in 86 lmao and lena blinded by her ideals is not sweet or compassionate, it's just sad and disappointing that she can't see the truth which is pretty realistic to me and a part of her flaws because character development exist duh
addie1998Sep 3, 2023 3:07 AM
Sep 3, 2023 2:41 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@MrJ588 the cop 😭😭 86 is not your standard mecca, ok that doesn’t devoid it from being a mecca. Stop trying to find loopholes to fit your reasoning, Such a mundane hypotheticals to say well if the 86 were replaced with “armored tanks” well news flash they’re aren’t. It’s pretty obvious what’s better your average troupe with tedious pesky naive mc🗿 or a refreshing controversial show the breaks through anime barriers it’s clear which is better. Also the difference is you went to redo with a degenerative mindset ofc you weren’t going to enjoy it and supply it with “bad writing” if the aspects aren’t for you, you more susceptible to judge it harsh. Much like many others I went into 86 with the preconceived notation that hey this might actually be worthwhile, then phewwww here goes a robot Ka Ka Ka boom laser ah ah pew pew LMFAOOOOOOoooooo at least redo mc is entertaining once again 86 mc to d really to likr I mean like really

I read the manga of redo of healer before the anime came out and it's objectively fxxking trash like the mc is trying to be so edgy which is very cringe but fails incredibly, also there's no laser in 86 and the mechs in 86 are literally just armored tanks lmao
addie1998Sep 3, 2023 3:10 AM
Sep 5, 2023 11:50 PM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998

Are you really that dumb? again there is no HUMANOID ROBOTS that people pilot in 86 lmao and lena blinded by her ideals is not sweet or compassionate, it's just sad and disappointing that she can't see the truth which is pretty realistic to me and a part of her flaws because character development exist duh
@addie1998 that’s a clear example of just how bad a character quality’s is don’t try to twist things to fortune you. Makes you look desperate
Sep 5, 2023 11:51 PM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998

I read the manga of redo of healer before the anime came out and it's objectively fxxking trash like the mc is trying to be so edgy which is very cringe but fails incredibly, also there's no laser in 86 and the mechs in 86 are literally just armored tanks lmao
@addie1998 you find him edgy because he wants to have sex? lol whatever moralist
Sep 6, 2023 12:32 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 you find him edgy because he wants to have sex? lol whatever moralist
@Whyyouask or just wants to rape and you like that kind of character? i read berserk and some of the most dark mangas out there than this and this shit is fxxking cringe and contains such copious amounts edge it's hilarious, this is just edgefest over edgefest with no inkling of substance or character development.
addie1998Sep 6, 2023 1:14 AM
Sep 6, 2023 12:34 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 that’s a clear example of just how bad a character quality’s is don’t try to twist things to fortune you. Makes you look desperate
@Whyyouask clear example? That's redo of a healer perfect material for self-inserters 🤮...
Because a character has flaws equals bad lmao, you're just spitting nonsense
addie1998Sep 6, 2023 12:44 AM
Sep 6, 2023 5:08 AM
Aug 2023
Reply to Whyyouask
@MrJ588 the cop 😭😭 86 is not your standard mecca, ok that doesn’t devoid it from being a mecca. Stop trying to find loopholes to fit your reasoning, Such a mundane hypotheticals to say well if the 86 were replaced with “armored tanks” well news flash they’re aren’t. It’s pretty obvious what’s better your average troupe with tedious pesky naive mc🗿 or a refreshing controversial show the breaks through anime barriers it’s clear which is better. Also the difference is you went to redo with a degenerative mindset ofc you weren’t going to enjoy it and supply it with “bad writing” if the aspects aren’t for you, you more susceptible to judge it harsh. Much like many others I went into 86 with the preconceived notation that hey this might actually be worthwhile, then phewwww here goes a robot Ka Ka Ka boom laser ah ah pew pew LMFAOOOOOOoooooo at least redo mc is entertaining once again 86 mc to d really to likr I mean like really
@Whyyouask The cop? You are the one who is copping big time Mr. "Redo of Healer is 10/10". Why are you changing the topic again? You proved with your own words that 86 isn't a mecha anime so why are you still arguing about this? It was YOU who proved that 86 isn't a mecha anime with your own definition. Stop changing the topic because you lost the argument lol. I am not letting you change the topic, you basically admitted and proved that 86 isn't a mecha anime, you can't just erase what you did by changing the topic and hoping people wouldn't notice.

Also who the hell calls something an "armored tank", all tanks are armored, that's the point of a tank. You just have zero knowledge about military and warfare, that's exactly why you think 86 is a mecha anime (then you went out of your way to prove that it is not a mecha anime, which is quite funny). "if the 86 were replaced with “armored tanks” well news flash they’re aren’t" => well, they actually are. They are tanks (and armored vehicles, the Juggernauts are essentially MGS, not really tanks, while the Vánagandr are tanks) in every sense of words. They are not real-life tanks and real-life armored vehicles, but they are scifi tanks and scifi armored vehicles. So yeah, they are tanks (and armored vehicles). They are armed with real weapons, both the 120mm Smoothbore Gun of the Vánagandr and the 57mm Smoothbore Gun of the Juggernauts are real tank/anti-tank guns. Secondary weapons are realistic too, 12.7mm is a real caliber for Heavy Machine Gun. They also use real-life operational doctrine, and real-life small-unit tactic (Fire and Movement). Who to say they are not tanks and armored vehicles? Just because you say so doesn't mean they are not what they are, especially when you have zero knowledge about military and warfare.

"Also the difference is you went to redo with a degenerative mindset ofc you weren’t going to enjoy it and supply it with “bad writing” if the aspects aren’t for you, you more susceptible to judge it harsh" => how is this an argument? Why would I go into it with a degenerative mindset? I love controversial shows, I love MCs taking revenge against people who wronged them. With your argument, Skelter Heaven is a masterpiece, people who don't enjoy it are just ones that went into it with a degenerative mindset.
MrJ588Sep 6, 2023 5:55 AM
Sep 6, 2023 5:45 AM
Aug 2023
Reply to addie1998

Are you really that dumb? again there is no HUMANOID ROBOTS that people pilot in 86 lmao and lena blinded by her ideals is not sweet or compassionate, it's just sad and disappointing that she can't see the truth which is pretty realistic to me and a part of her flaws because character development exist duh
@addie1998 I think we are talking to a 12 to 15-year-old kid who doesn't know life works. Being born under an authoritarian regime I can confirm how Lena acted was extremely realistic to any 17/18-year-old girl who wanted to do good. You were filled from birth with propaganda from the state, you realized that everything was wrong, you deeply wanted to fix it but you didn't know how, because all the knowledge you got were from state's propaganda. You couldn't just go against the state, you would just be imprisoned or executed. So you tried to be nice to the oppressed, but then it came off super condescending to the oppressed. Like what, I am supposed to like you when your regime have oppressed and killed my friends and family just because you act a little nice? That is SO realistic. Imagine you were a Jew in a concentration camp during World War 2, and some daughter of a SS officer just came to you and acted very chummy. When you are the oppressed, you don't want someone being nice to you, that's just pity, you want people putting their lives on the line to fix things. The character development here is that Lena realized that she was extremely naive and started putting her life on the line to fight for the 86. Her transition from the naive Lena to the Bloody Regina is very satisfying. In a sense she transformed from some naive daughter of an SS officer to Oskar Schindler.

But of course some 12 to 15-y-o kid wouldn't understand that. "Muh FMC is too naive", that's the point of character development lol. She used to be naive but she is not anymore.
MrJ588Sep 6, 2023 5:58 AM
Sep 6, 2023 6:29 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to MrJ588
@addie1998 I think we are talking to a 12 to 15-year-old kid who doesn't know life works. Being born under an authoritarian regime I can confirm how Lena acted was extremely realistic to any 17/18-year-old girl who wanted to do good. You were filled from birth with propaganda from the state, you realized that everything was wrong, you deeply wanted to fix it but you didn't know how, because all the knowledge you got were from state's propaganda. You couldn't just go against the state, you would just be imprisoned or executed. So you tried to be nice to the oppressed, but then it came off super condescending to the oppressed. Like what, I am supposed to like you when your regime have oppressed and killed my friends and family just because you act a little nice? That is SO realistic. Imagine you were a Jew in a concentration camp during World War 2, and some daughter of a SS officer just came to you and acted very chummy. When you are the oppressed, you don't want someone being nice to you, that's just pity, you want people putting their lives on the line to fix things. The character development here is that Lena realized that she was extremely naive and started putting her life on the line to fight for the 86. Her transition from the naive Lena to the Bloody Regina is very satisfying. In a sense she transformed from some naive daughter of an SS officer to Oskar Schindler.

But of course some 12 to 15-y-o kid wouldn't understand that. "Muh FMC is too naive", that's the point of character development lol. She used to be naive but she is not anymore.
@MrJ588 well said but we all know why he likes redo of a healer's mc lol
Sep 16, 2023 10:43 PM

May 2015
7 episodes in and it's been pretty mid

Edit: last 3 episodes were really good. Hopefully second season keep the quality
anikevinSep 17, 2023 12:19 AM
Sep 18, 2023 2:49 PM
Apr 2020
86 has a bit of everything, which is why I consider it such a good anime.

-Good character development
-Heavy emotion
-Good pacing
-Interesting story
-Awesome music

Overall, this is a 9/10 anime, and I highly recommend it.
Sep 19, 2023 4:41 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to MrJ588
@addie1998 I think we are talking to a 12 to 15-year-old kid who doesn't know life works. Being born under an authoritarian regime I can confirm how Lena acted was extremely realistic to any 17/18-year-old girl who wanted to do good. You were filled from birth with propaganda from the state, you realized that everything was wrong, you deeply wanted to fix it but you didn't know how, because all the knowledge you got were from state's propaganda. You couldn't just go against the state, you would just be imprisoned or executed. So you tried to be nice to the oppressed, but then it came off super condescending to the oppressed. Like what, I am supposed to like you when your regime have oppressed and killed my friends and family just because you act a little nice? That is SO realistic. Imagine you were a Jew in a concentration camp during World War 2, and some daughter of a SS officer just came to you and acted very chummy. When you are the oppressed, you don't want someone being nice to you, that's just pity, you want people putting their lives on the line to fix things. The character development here is that Lena realized that she was extremely naive and started putting her life on the line to fight for the 86. Her transition from the naive Lena to the Bloody Regina is very satisfying. In a sense she transformed from some naive daughter of an SS officer to Oskar Schindler.

But of course some 12 to 15-y-o kid wouldn't understand that. "Muh FMC is too naive", that's the point of character development lol. She used to be naive but she is not anymore.
@addie1998 hell nah I see exactly you just did bro is summing up the entire beginning of the anime to try and pertain to his own narrative. It still doesn’t account for her being an horrible mc. It’s ok to want to do good and help others out no one is faulting her feeling such emotions. Where the issue lies is on how she goes about executing her help. She shows her tenacity in doing things that are meaningless, which in turn makes her highly dislikable. When doth first stated that she was naive it wasn’t directed towards her feelings and in wanting to save the 86. It was more so on how she provides them with false hope and illogical solutions ultimately becoming a pest and a hindrance to those around her who have been protecting her for her entire cushioned life that allows her to even propagate such discrepancies. As I’m sure you can imagine, if it was anyone other than her endlessly asking to save the 86. They would have been condemned and or thrown out to be with the 86. Stop tap dancing around her ungrateful personality. Oh how I wish someone with authority snatch the headphones of the bitch hand before the story even has a chance to progress it would just feel so invigorating to see her cry and then like redo rape her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭yeooooo
Sep 20, 2023 4:40 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 hell nah I see exactly you just did bro is summing up the entire beginning of the anime to try and pertain to his own narrative. It still doesn’t account for her being an horrible mc. It’s ok to want to do good and help others out no one is faulting her feeling such emotions. Where the issue lies is on how she goes about executing her help. She shows her tenacity in doing things that are meaningless, which in turn makes her highly dislikable. When doth first stated that she was naive it wasn’t directed towards her feelings and in wanting to save the 86. It was more so on how she provides them with false hope and illogical solutions ultimately becoming a pest and a hindrance to those around her who have been protecting her for her entire cushioned life that allows her to even propagate such discrepancies. As I’m sure you can imagine, if it was anyone other than her endlessly asking to save the 86. They would have been condemned and or thrown out to be with the 86. Stop tap dancing around her ungrateful personality. Oh how I wish someone with authority snatch the headphones of the bitch hand before the story even has a chance to progress it would just feel so invigorating to see her cry and then like redo rape her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭yeooooo
@Whyyouask she can't help/save them that was the point, did you watch the show?this is not the same with your redo mc where his powers was just handed to him for the sake of being mc, her job description is literally to send the 86 to their deaths. What false hope? Like the 86ers already knew she can't do anything against the whole system they're just going with the flow as to not hurt lena lmao, the alba is the one giving false hope to its citizen lul . So she becomes a pest and hindrance for being good okay how?, while the alba is just waiting for their own destruction how is that protecting her? If it's anyone other than lena the alba they will still not throw them out to the 86 district because of their culture. So you show your true colors at the end huh you can eat that shxt 😭
addie1998Sep 20, 2023 5:05 AM
Sep 20, 2023 5:02 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998
@Whyyouask she can't help/save them that was the point, did you watch the show?this is not the same with your redo mc where his powers was just handed to him for the sake of being mc, her job description is literally to send the 86 to their deaths. What false hope? Like the 86ers already knew she can't do anything against the whole system they're just going with the flow as to not hurt lena lmao, the alba is the one giving false hope to its citizen lul . So she becomes a pest and hindrance for being good okay how?, while the alba is just waiting for their own destruction how is that protecting her? If it's anyone other than lena the alba they will still not throw them out to the 86 district because of their culture. So you show your true colors at the end huh you can eat that shxt 😭
@addie1998 the nation was protecting Lena and giving her a comfortable life. And what false hope lol even if you do believe the hope you are being reciprocated it’s still false hope the hell do you not understand about that. I like how you tried to say powers just handed to him like he doesn’t face excruciating paon to get stronger or level up. Unlike you I actually watch 86 up to seven episodes to be precise and it was awful. You deman redo based on biases and how immoral it is grow tf up stop being immature. And yes she was becoming a pest do you have any idea how many times she has tried to coerce her uncle and her ex friend to abject themselves to her values that is the epitome of being insensitive to think they just don’t care at all but the nation becomes first if the robots that have a mind of their own ugh so fucking trash tf is this wreck it Ralph ?!?😭😭 if the robots didn’t exist they wouldn’t have been prejudice towards the 86
Sep 20, 2023 5:03 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998
@Whyyouask she can't help/save them that was the point, did you watch the show?this is not the same with your redo mc where his powers was just handed to him for the sake of being mc, her job description is literally to send the 86 to their deaths. What false hope? Like the 86ers already knew she can't do anything against the whole system they're just going with the flow as to not hurt lena lmao, the alba is the one giving false hope to its citizen lul . So she becomes a pest and hindrance for being good okay how?, while the alba is just waiting for their own destruction how is that protecting her? If it's anyone other than lena the alba they will still not throw them out to the 86 district because of their culture. So you show your true colors at the end huh you can eat that shxt 😭
@addie1998 it’s quite literally an example of a necessary evil
Sep 20, 2023 5:11 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 it’s quite literally an example of a necessary evil
@Whyyouask so this is it? Okay
Sep 20, 2023 5:33 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 the nation was protecting Lena and giving her a comfortable life. And what false hope lol even if you do believe the hope you are being reciprocated it’s still false hope the hell do you not understand about that. I like how you tried to say powers just handed to him like he doesn’t face excruciating paon to get stronger or level up. Unlike you I actually watch 86 up to seven episodes to be precise and it was awful. You deman redo based on biases and how immoral it is grow tf up stop being immature. And yes she was becoming a pest do you have any idea how many times she has tried to coerce her uncle and her ex friend to abject themselves to her values that is the epitome of being insensitive to think they just don’t care at all but the nation becomes first if the robots that have a mind of their own ugh so fucking trash tf is this wreck it Ralph ?!?😭😭 if the robots didn’t exist they wouldn’t have been prejudice towards the 86
@Whyyouask the country is literally waiting for it's destruction like what do you not understand but since you only watched up to 7 eps you didn't know her country was destroyed and how the fxxk would she even have a comfortable life when her country was built by millions human sacrificies. That's not make her a character bad lmao but not anymore since those false hope you said are coming true,her country is literally doing the exact thing but worse to its citizen. Yeah the same with these generic trash fantasy mc maybe you need to ask yourself about being immature, nonsense you only watched 7 episodes but i READ the manga and it was fxxking trash so you don't understand even war veterans loved this show. Huh so lena trying to convince them to do good is bad you should be angry to them because they're not trying to do anything! The alba is already prejudiced NOT JUST the 86 but to the rest of the humans before even the war started because you do know that these 86ers are from different parts of the world right?, if the redo mc didn't get mistreated then what stupid?
addie1998Sep 20, 2023 6:17 AM
Sep 20, 2023 6:10 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998
@Whyyouask the country is literally waiting for it's destruction like what do you not understand but since you only watched up to 7 eps you didn't know her country was destroyed and how the fxxk would she even have a comfortable life when her country was built by millions human sacrificies. That's not make her a character bad lmao but not anymore since those false hope you said are coming true,her country is literally doing the exact thing but worse to its citizen. Yeah the same with these generic trash fantasy mc maybe you need to ask yourself about being immature, nonsense you only watched 7 episodes but i READ the manga and it was fxxking trash so you don't understand even war veterans loved this show. Huh so lena trying to convince them to do good is bad you should be angry to them because they're not trying to do anything! The alba is already prejudiced NOT JUST the 86 but to the rest of the humans before even the war started because you do know that these 86ers are from different parts of the world right?, if the redo mc didn't get mistreated then what stupid?
@addie1998 you’re susceptible to sentiments im not going to be mad at the country it’s realistic what isn’t realistic is hee trying to hackneyed everyone to her side like people don’t have differences in opinions
Sep 20, 2023 6:11 AM
Jun 2023
Reply to addie1998
@Whyyouask the country is literally waiting for it's destruction like what do you not understand but since you only watched up to 7 eps you didn't know her country was destroyed and how the fxxk would she even have a comfortable life when her country was built by millions human sacrificies. That's not make her a character bad lmao but not anymore since those false hope you said are coming true,her country is literally doing the exact thing but worse to its citizen. Yeah the same with these generic trash fantasy mc maybe you need to ask yourself about being immature, nonsense you only watched 7 episodes but i READ the manga and it was fxxking trash so you don't understand even war veterans loved this show. Huh so lena trying to convince them to do good is bad you should be angry to them because they're not trying to do anything! The alba is already prejudiced NOT JUST the 86 but to the rest of the humans before even the war started because you do know that these 86ers are from different parts of the world right?, if the redo mc didn't get mistreated then what stupid?
@addie1998 so read redo manga and not watch the show lol jokeeee
Sep 20, 2023 6:24 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 so read redo manga and not watch the show lol jokeeee
@Whyyouask i did watched the show out of curiosity but never continue because they're the same fxxking trash lmao atleast the manga is ahead
addie1998Sep 20, 2023 6:57 AM
Sep 20, 2023 6:27 AM
Jun 2020
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 you’re susceptible to sentiments im not going to be mad at the country it’s realistic what isn’t realistic is hee trying to hackneyed everyone to her side like people don’t have differences in opinions
@Whyyouask nonsense what the country did was laughable it was so stupid and illogical that's why karma got them, everyone? you mean there's only 2 people which she did succeed by doing so and she's not even trying to convince her own mother lmao
addie1998Sep 20, 2023 10:59 AM
Jan 27, 2024 7:12 PM
Aug 2023
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 hell nah I see exactly you just did bro is summing up the entire beginning of the anime to try and pertain to his own narrative. It still doesn’t account for her being an horrible mc. It’s ok to want to do good and help others out no one is faulting her feeling such emotions. Where the issue lies is on how she goes about executing her help. She shows her tenacity in doing things that are meaningless, which in turn makes her highly dislikable. When doth first stated that she was naive it wasn’t directed towards her feelings and in wanting to save the 86. It was more so on how she provides them with false hope and illogical solutions ultimately becoming a pest and a hindrance to those around her who have been protecting her for her entire cushioned life that allows her to even propagate such discrepancies. As I’m sure you can imagine, if it was anyone other than her endlessly asking to save the 86. They would have been condemned and or thrown out to be with the 86. Stop tap dancing around her ungrateful personality. Oh how I wish someone with authority snatch the headphones of the bitch hand before the story even has a chance to progress it would just feel so invigorating to see her cry and then like redo rape her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭yeooooo
@Whyyouask Your entire paragraph makes zero sense and has nothing to do with what I said, come back to me when you become mature and develop enough to actually make proper arguments like a grown man. Peace.
Jan 29, 2024 8:16 AM

Jul 2008
Reply to Whyyouask
@addie1998 so read redo manga and not watch the show lol jokeeee

You absolutely got thrashed in this argument. To be honest, I can't tell if you are just purposefully trolling and trying to get people riled up for fun or not because your responses are so asinine.

First, about genre: @MrJ588 was making a simple point you can't seem to comprehend. Just because an anime contains mecha does not mean that the GENRE of the anime is mecha. For example, Girls un Panzer is slice of life and falls under "cute girls doing things" even though they "pilot vehicles." Mecha anime as a genre is defined by the Mexha themselves playing a large role as either a character or a plot device. This does not happen in 86. Yes, the 86 might be using mecha, but their mecha do not play a role of their own in the show.

Second, character development: The whole point of Lena's character is that she is supposed to be naive! Doing this is a common writing device so that readers/watchers have a character that can serve as their introduction into the world. It allows watchers to have a character that is just about as knowledgeable as them regarding the world, so the watcher can always follow their POV to discover things about the world along with the character if they couldn't predict it beforehand.

Why is Lena naive? This is another way MCs are used: to show people the psychology and world building instead of telling them through bad info dumps. Lena was raised with the same propaganda as the rest of the Alba. They have been trained to believe the Colors are sub-human. You might think this is ridiculous, but it's taken from our own global history. It's alluding to the genocides that happened like the Holocaust or the many, many times foreign powers occupied countries with people of a different ethnicity where they are made a lower class and men are forced to fight in their occupier's military and many women are forced into free prostitution to the use of the occupier's military to "boost moral." That is EXACTLY what happens in 86. They even code it so that the Albas are equivalent to caucasians/the white race while the Colors are coded as minorities. ("Coded" in this use means that an author creates a character or group of people that have a direct equivalent to a specific person or group of people in our own world). It is representative of both colonization and genocide through ethnic cleansing.

You think the population is just waiting to die, but you have to remember that next to no one except the highest ranking military officials, no one is aware they are losing the war. To them, machines are fighting machines, so no one is dying, and they are told that their machine military is very close to winning the war. We know Lena is intelligent, so she does eventually realize this, but it's not something she can tell anyone considering it's classified. And nearly the entire Alba portion of the military also has no idea since their tasks are so divided that none of them have even close to a picture of the total battlefield.

Lena does have tremendous character growth, and it is shown beautifully directorally through different visual motifs throughout the story. For example, Lena keeps one white flower in her room. This is symbolic of her naivety. The more she comes to view the Colors as human instead of numbered processors thereby losing her ignorance, more petals fall off the flower. Lena is also only like this because her father was a sympathizer of the Colors while he was alive and took her to the battlefield to show her that. Unfortunately, due to her experience, the trauma overshadows the lesson her father was teaching her. (And, yes, her long walks to his grave are symbolic of this too... and when she finally deals with her trauma and instead remembers bits and pieces of what her father meant to teach her, she goes there less frequently, until it is no longer necessary because she has learned and gone beyond everything her father was able to teach her). So, yes, Lena grows. Each step she takes, like asking the 86s their names, sending them fireworks to have their own celebration, until she fully humanizes them is her major story arc. She goes from seeing the processors as numbers to developing feelings for one of them. She goes from quietly taking orders from her superiors to arguing with them and actually going around their backs and risking her own command to do things that are unallowed but will help her squad. The character development for the Colors also is well done as we go from not even seeing a squad to viewing more and more of their actions both in and out of battle so our attachment to the characters grows along with Lena's.

As for the "Why do you continue to fight?" question you find ridiculous. It has meaning because the members of her squad have known since they were young children that ALL pilots die or are eventually killed. Telling them they will be accepted back into society is a lie and they know it, while Lena doesn't until she asks that question. She wonders why they continue fighting when they know they would have the exact same fate if they did nothing AND screw the Alba living behind the walls that sent them out to die by leaving them unprotected. She doesn't understand why they fight so hard when all it accomplishes is protecting their enemy. So the question makes perfect sense. It also means Lena has finally realized that their deaths are just as important as her own people. It means she realizes that choice and not letting your enemy define you makes their humanity more alive and vibrant. She's one of the best developed female MCs in ages:

The direction of the show is also beautiful. When we cut between locations, we start with Alba as a bustling happy city Lena focuses on, represented by the clear character drawings juxtaposed to the drab, broken environment of her squad. As the series progresses, this changes little by little until the background animation shows progressively more decay in the district with cracks in buildings and broken streetlights, etc. as well as drawing the Alba as more of a faceless mob. Meanwhile, the area of the squad becomes more homey, more covered in wildflowers, and eventually the beauty of nature. Even the flowers in Lena's District are red to symbolize the blood spilled for them to leave while the 86s get wildflowers that are able to grow freely. We even see one crushed when Lena starts to give up because she knows she can't save them and their ability to turn home is a lie.

I'll stop there because this is plenty. 86 is a spectacular anime if someone is looking for a story that lives by the "show don't tell" motto. The direction is fantastic. The character growth is extremely well done. The symbolism is poignant and utilized so effectively.

But these are all things that only certain viewers will really notice and appreciate. It wants you to be patient. It wants you to slowly grow more attached to the characters so that they mean something. And it serves as warning that if humanity continues to see each other as unequal, eventually it will destroy us.
Jul 8, 2024 5:23 AM
Sep 2021
3 years later only have I started to watch it on Netflix.
It's good *cries
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