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Jan 26, 2008 3:52 PM
Nov 2007
SH*T! THE DRAMA IS ON! And how was the ending scenes! Mao in the arms of Kai and Futami cutting off the experiment. Woah, lol.
radiantfireJan 26, 2008 3:57 PM
Jan 27, 2008 9:52 AM

Oct 2007
I'm more concerned about the episode preview for 17.

Jan 27, 2008 11:06 PM

Jun 2007
Wow, this episode was full of depression lol. It's definitely getting good. I honestly need to see the next episode now!

I'm a bit pissed how Mao acts though. When shes depressed she always uses Kai. I'm a bit glad shes figured out her feelings now all thats left is to see if she follows through and tells Kouichi how she feels.

Futami also got me irritated this episode. Like I said before, its understandable that she has no idea what love is or how to react to her current feelings or love and jealousy but she definitely could have handled that better. Ignoring the kid for days and then calling him to basically say screw off was harsh. I love Futami though and I hope she figures things out and ends up with Kazuki Aihara in the end.

Kouichi's been decisive all this time, I wonder if he will stay the same and choose one direction or the other and stick with it or if he will get all jumbled up and get stuck trying to figure out who he loves more. I Still hope he ends up with Mao though.

PS. Relationship chart hasn't changed so no image this week.
Jan 27, 2008 11:34 PM

Jan 2007
oh man, it's gettin crazy with all this drama. i can't imagine how this will end out. great stuff.
Jan 28, 2008 3:45 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
That's our cold Eriko. Good stuff indeed, I'm enjoying it. The next episode will be similar to this one so I'm looking forward to it.




[H+] ³  
Jan 28, 2008 4:09 AM

Nov 2007
the story is getting deep. i really like what's happening to this anime now.
Jan 28, 2008 4:41 AM

Aug 2007
Good episode. The drama is pretty hectic now. I wonder how it will all end. >_>
Jan 28, 2008 7:41 AM

Dec 2007
The deliciousness of the drama increases with every episode. :D

I think the character I liked the most this time around was Sakino, though...I hope she gets a good end. ;_; You're too good for baKazuki, girl!
Jan 28, 2008 8:57 AM

Oct 2007
DeathfireD said:

Futami also got me irritated this episode. Like I said before, its understandable that she has no idea what love is or how to react to her current feelings or love and jealousy but she definitely could have handled that better. Ignoring the kid for days and then calling him to basically say screw off was harsh. I love Futami though and I hope she figures things out and ends up with Kazuki Aihara in the end.

I totaly agree with that...
I think Futami might soon be my fave female lead instead of Mao... (i am hating the way Mao is acting lately)
Jan 28, 2008 11:20 AM

Apr 2007
I want a nice boat ending.. kill kai and hoshino off pls xD
as long as its not a mao x kai ending.. I'd be satisfied >.>;

"kono baka-yaro!" - Chiaki
Is it Hello, or just Goodbye?
Jan 28, 2008 11:23 AM

Jul 2007
zygreal said:
I want a nice boat ending.. kill kai and hoshino off pls xD
as long as its not a mao x kai ending.. I'd be satisfied >.>;

nuuu! hoshino is love! and so is futami! just kill off those frog-weilding lolis!(and that's saying a lot, coming from a member of SOL) XD
Jan 28, 2008 4:41 PM

Aug 2007
Good stuff, looking forward to the next episodes, definitely heating up.
Jan 28, 2008 6:59 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
corroded said:
just kill off those frog-weilding lolis!(and that's saying a lot, coming from a member of SOL) XD
I'm all for it!

DeathfireD said:
I honestly need to see the next episode now!

I'm a bit pissed how Mao acts though. When shes depressed she always uses Kai. I'm a bit glad shes figured out her feelings now all thats left is to see if she follows through and tells Kouichi how she feels.

Futami also got me irritated this episode. Like I said before, its understandable that she has no idea what love is or how to react to her current feelings or love and jealousy but she definitely could have handled that better. Ignoring the kid for days and then calling him to basically say screw off was harsh. I love Futami though and I hope she figures things out and ends up with Kazuki Aihara in the end.

Kouichi's been decisive all this time, I wonder if he will stay the same and choose one direction or the other and stick with it or if he will get all jumbled up and get stuck trying to figure out who he loves more. I Still hope he ends up with Mao though.

PS. Relationship chart hasn't changed so no image this week.
QFT. Except for Futami and Aihara. I think Sakino's better for him, but at the same time, I think he's good for Eriko. I'm so torn >.<
Jan 28, 2008 9:05 PM

Aug 2007
interesting. drama heating up
Jan 28, 2008 9:20 PM

Sep 2007
I kind of like Sakino too but maybe that's only because of what happened in these past episodes. And I don't like how Mao's using Kai either =/
Jan 29, 2008 2:56 PM

Apr 2007
corroded said:
zygreal said:
I want a nice boat ending.. kill kai and hoshino off pls xD
as long as its not a mao x kai ending.. I'd be satisfied >.>;

nuuu! hoshino is love! and so is futami! just kill off those frog-weilding lolis!(and that's saying a lot, coming from a member of SOL) XD

ugh yeah.. I forgot bout those two.. yeah kill em off too >:E lolol
Sakino x Kazuki x Futami is a hard one +_+; i like both girls.. *cough* anyone wanna do experiments with me? *cough* XD

"kono baka-yaro!" - Chiaki
Is it Hello, or just Goodbye?
Jan 29, 2008 4:10 PM

Sep 2007
And anyone felt the text message from Yuumi saying "Let's make a lot more memories" means something. Get my drift? -wink- :-D -wink-

As soon as Yuumi moves, Kouichi can get it on with Mao.

Seriously though... Someone will get hurt in the end. I just hope it isn't Mao.
Jan 29, 2008 4:52 PM

Jun 2007
SamuraiTom said:
And anyone felt the text message from Yuumi saying "Let's make a lot more memories" means something. Get my drift? -wink- :-D -wink-

As soon as Yuumi moves, Kouichi can get it on with Mao.

Seriously though... Someone will get hurt in the end. I just hope it isn't Mao.

I agree with both of your comments. But the way this show has been progressing I have a feeling whoever gets hurt in the end will be short lived. Meaning, something good will happen right after for them or they will simply accept it and move on.
Jan 30, 2008 1:00 AM
Jun 2007
Oh man so much excitement i can process it all. I really want to see Kouichi and Mao together but i don't want to see hoshino to get hurt in the end.

As for Sakino and Futami... i still can't make my mind of. I like both girl's and im really hating the pain it looks like Sakino is going through

@corroded, NuuuU!!! dont kill the frog-wielding loli's they make me laugh
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Jan 31, 2008 12:39 AM
Jan 2008
I think Futami wants to end the experiment because she sees that Sakino have feelings for Kazuki. I think she ignored him because she was thinking about to continue with what she was doing or to end it. Because Kazuki said he wants to change and not to be half hearted anymore. And when Sakino had the talk with her i think that made her decision to end the experiment. Even though i want YumiXKouichi but i think in the end Mao will be with Kouichi because of the same old thing childhood friends always end up together. And in this episode Kouichi seems to be worrying about Mao too much instead of enjoying his date with Yumi. Probably soon he will realize that he likes Mao. I think this anime will have a happy end for everyone. Mao will be with Kouichi.Since Yumi is moving so she will probably find herself a new beginning with a different guy in her new school.Of course this will be after Kouichi tells her that he likes Mao.Well most of the people saying this is getting more interesting, but to me is kinda getting boring because is kinda moving too slow.... =/ Since True Tears is out, the drama there is faster and better And is getting more more interesting so you should check it out ;) True Tears>Kimikiss pure rouge =/
xhxJan 31, 2008 12:42 AM
Feb 2, 2008 7:37 AM
Oct 2007
Futami needs to be shot
Feb 2, 2008 7:43 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Comments like these amuse me, will you jump around like Rumpelstiltskin when you realize that won't happen? Would amuse me even more.




[H+] ³  
Feb 2, 2008 7:46 AM
Oct 2007
cyruz said:
Comments like these amuse me, will you jump around like Rumpelstiltskin when you realize that won't happen? Would amuse me even more.

She won't get shot?
Feb 2, 2008 9:14 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007





[H+] ³  
Feb 2, 2008 11:14 PM

Sep 2007
nice episode, finally the twist is starting xD

Feb 6, 2008 8:04 PM
Aug 2007
Up until this point, I always preferred Futami over Sakino, but after that little confrontation, I'm more leaning towards Sakino now.

When Mao came to Kai at the end, I started chanting 'no!', when she ran to him, I fell out of my chair, and as she was saying "kiss me", I pointed my middle finger at the screen and yelled "fuck you". I don't ever want to see a MaoxKai relationship. Even though Kai's reliable and I give him points for that, he still pisses me the hell off.
Feb 8, 2008 6:33 PM
Cool Story Bro

Dec 2007
Nice, Futami calls it off with Aizawa =D
Go Sakino XD
May 10, 2008 6:00 PM

Jan 2008
Nooo !!!!!!!! arghhh
futami is gonna be her old loner self again... and a mao x kai and a regretting kouta.. i can see i all now..

well not really there is atill 8 more eps left..
Mar 18, 2009 2:48 PM

Mar 2008
Well, Mao annoyed me to begin with, with no particular reason. But now, she just p!sses me off. ARGH!!!!!! MAKE UP YOUR MIND!!!!!!!!
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Jun 14, 2009 1:16 AM

Jul 2008
ahhh why do kouchi have to go away~~ and futami is ending the experiments? ugguu~~

Dec 9, 2009 4:12 AM

Oct 2009

well, it is really annoying how Mao keeps running to Kai when she gets upset, it's so not fair on him. Hopefully from next episodes title she'll let him know she's all into her brother and shiz. Okayy, I know he's not really her brother. But he calls her -neechan. I don't care.

Loved Sakino in this, Futami annoyed me, but i'm happy she's called off the experiment and hope it works out anyway without the 'experiment'.
Feb 9, 2010 11:44 PM

May 2008
cyruz said:
Comments like these amuse me, will you jump around like Rumpelstiltskin when you realize that won't happen? Would amuse me even more.
i second it..
Jul 4, 2010 4:14 AM

Mar 2010
It's about time Mao broke it off with Kai....she was gonna do nothing but hurt the guy even more if she stayed with him, same with Futami x Aihara with 6 episodes left I have a weird feeling there will be drama with these couples still.....but that predictable I guess :D
Dec 25, 2010 6:06 PM

Nov 2007
so the poor Aihara stares at the phone for so long only to get rejected. poor guy.

although Mao is kinda mean too, she keeps dragging Kai around when she really doesn't have feelings for him and doesn't want to go out with him yet uses him to feel better.
Dec 30, 2010 12:15 AM

Nov 2010
kouichi and yumi finally kissed ^_^!!
May 10, 2011 3:06 PM

Mar 2011
Damn !
Whats gonna happen next ?!
Mao & Kai, will it last?
Kouichi and Yuumi how long will that hold out?
too bad for Aihara, the experiments have ended for him
Awaiting the next episode !

Apr 29, 2013 4:15 PM

Aug 2007
Nao needs to make up her mind. She keeps going to Kai and shes going to break his heart. If she goes to Kouichi shes going to break Yummi's heart. In fact she was the one encouraging Kouichi so wtf!
Apr 30, 2013 2:26 PM

May 2012
A lot of shit is going on especially the ending has lots of drama pieces! Really liked the talk behind the school with Futami but for her to cut the experiment course, well I wonder what will happen next!

Mao chan going back to Kai most likely because she can't express her true feelings, ugh I don't like the thought of them being together, but well it can get interesting though! Lets see what happens next!
Dec 13, 2014 1:25 PM

Aug 2013
Kouichi is just stupid. In the middle of date he talking about how lonely is his childhood friend and he cut off this date because of that. FACEPALM. Seriously?
Dec 29, 2014 2:31 AM

May 2011
My body is always ready for drama, and the drama indeed is at full burst for this episode. Eriko calling off the experiments was natural in the end. She feels guilty manipulating Kazuki's feelings all the time, and I really want to see how Kazuki's gonna deal with it. He won't just let things slide after all, and thus Asuka needs to give a push too. Although I start to question Kouichi's rationality in this episode. For pete's sake, Yuumi is LEAVING. She is transferring. Mao already has her bf (though for obvious reasons, it is unnaturally forced as Mao herself is unsure of her own feelings), and Kouichi is just inconsiderate, to just cancel off what Yuumi was actually anticipating forward to.

I would like to commend on the direction of where this anime is heading to, though. The past few episodes have been lacking something part thereof, and it is resolved with this episode - the drama. I am glad they added it in rather consistently, making this episode much more fruitful and not as plain.
"If you reject me, I'll blast a hole in you!" Kanzaki H. Aria
Just kidding.

May 4, 2016 10:39 PM

Mar 2014
Looks like the developments are taking a turn for the better .. or worse .
There's so much honest feelings in this episode that is waiting to be determined.
Great episode . Here we are , Drama special ~ .
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Feb 1, 2018 4:35 AM

Dec 2014
well mao is breaking apart…and a lot of drama this episode than I had originally expected
Aug 26, 2018 11:02 AM

Sep 2011
Are we finally done on these two damsels in distress?

Jan 23, 2020 1:29 PM

Aug 2017
Ouch kazuki got crushed. Time to get with best girl Sakino

Mao not best girl anymore

zygreal said:
I want a nice boat ending.. kill kai and hoshino off pls xD
I agree, kill off Kai and Hoshino. Ideally Mao x Kouichi and Kazuki x Sakino

Futami can be killed or become a recluse
CarbonMDJan 23, 2020 1:33 PM
Sep 25, 2021 6:15 AM

Aug 2014
WIth the experiment ending, now the soccer guy MC is frustrated and sad that he lost his free bootea.
Nov 23, 2022 7:54 PM

Oct 2016
All I can say is... big ouch.
Aug 7, 2023 9:23 AM
Nov 2010
That text from Hoshino is so cute & nice. I wish my GF would do the same thing whenever I take her out. Haha

What did Mao expect to happen between Hoshino & Kouichi after helping them become closer together? I guess she realized her feelings for Kouichi way too late.

Aihara's situation is so relatable! I used to text this girl I liked around when this anime came out, and she took forever to call or text back. I would do the same thing with my phone every day, anxiously waiting for her. Obviously, she didn't like me, but I had to continue fighting to the bitter end! I would've been extra depressed if I had seen this back then. Haha Ouch, Futami finally calling him back only to be the bearer of bad news must've been a rollercoaster of emotions for Aihara. I know those feelings all too well!

Kouichi is an idiot. He ended their date for Mao. Make up your damn mind already! I feel bad for Hoshino. She's better off moving away and finding a better BF like me. Haha!

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