IhnalakoKaina said:chenfeng said:This logic has a flaw. If it is not human, it cannot have "human rights". Now this doesn't mean we cannot give them rights, as animals have "animal rights" based on sufferage. So theoretically we can give them Humanoid rights but we cannot give them human rights as they are not human. So this is where i go back to my point. Suppose they have "humanoid rights", because their rights would not be human rights you would have to acknowledge they were seen as our equal. But that goes against the intent of making them in our likeness and having them cohabit our family and very society as equals in the first place. You can say that animals are the same and people treat them like their own family. However regardless of an individuals treatment of their "family", i ask you does society allow animals vote? Does society at large acknowledge any right that they may own property or roam freely as they wish? The answer is no. Any roaming roaming animals are categorized as 'stray' or 'wild'. Both understood as outside society and any animal inside society is recognized as property so they are in all respect slaves or individuals without freedom. So i digress back to my original point, you are either a human or you're not. You are either a Slave or you're not there is no both or in between in the reality of the world. So in the world building described in a advanced, progressive, and evolved society the very writing is a contradiction. Now I'm not saying that such a world is impossible but it wouldn't and couldn't be a stable and functioning society for very long, which goes against any likeliness it would be able to progress very far in the first place. After all the only reason why our society in life has progressed this far is because we have changed many of society's contradictions to make them ever so less contradictory even if just barely.
I think you missed the fact that unlike domesticated animals, humanoids would have intelligence and apparent self awareness.
Bear in mind that they "solved most of the brain's mysticisms", and that is what made possible the creation of artificial brains in the image of natural ones.
Still, there's no way to prove whether or not they have souls, but the fact that they look, feel and think like humans do is what makes how they are treated important, at least I think. This is because of the effect it would have in a human spirit if they treated what seems almost completly human, even if it's not, inhumanely.
Obviously this has happened with actual human beings in the past, and still today, but we have supposedly mostly evolved from that. I guess it could go either way:
It's fair to assume that racism would be generally frowned upon in a futuristic society, or certainly wouldn't be used as a cuddle to subjugate an entire group of people. Unless the author of the particular story said otherwise, in which case it would make sense that the humanoids be used as slaves or an inferior class.
and please space out your paragraphs so they're easier to read.
Are you saying that that there is no evidence to support the idea that animals have no intelligence or self awareness? Perhaps you could say most may not be a Buddha or Einstein, but there have already been studies showing evidence of intellect and enough awareness in many species to exhibit behaviors and perform tasks required to equate both levels of a spectrum equivalent to human ages of 1-17.