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Yuuya has done a lot of insane stuff before. But here he has body slammed a bear in front of the whole school. Yet the response seems to be no more than wow amazing sugoi! Like BRO HE BODY SLAMMED A BEAR HOW HIGH ARE YOUR STANDARDS, THE LOT OF YOU CAN'T EVEN COOK
It's stupid sh*t like this that makes this so....... good. As a guilty pleasure, of course. The one thing that would make it perfect though is a type of Yuuya who'd say "yes" to Ms. Sawada telling him to marry her.
Basically hate-watching at this point, I remember someone commenting last week about how they can't wait until a bear shows up for Yuuya to fight, and of course this happens in this episode. Ngl though, seeing Yuuya suplex the bear caught me off guard and genuinely got a good laugh out of me.
Why is the bear lying flat on its back like a human? Haven't the authors ever seen a dog or a cat lie down on its side?
Why does the teacher get up like it's nothing when she was almost killed by a bear, then to propose to Yuuya again?
Why doesn't anyone react to Yuuya WRESTLING A BEAR? Except by saying wow, that's awesome.
Why does a HIGH SCHOOL get to take home a bear from the forest, to keep as a "guard bear"?
Why isn't Yuuya's face changed by the muscle mass? Don't the authors know that muscles create testosterone that changes how the face looks? Away from that baby face.
Why does the princess run into the forest with Yuuya, toward the threat? And why does it take the guards that long to catch up with the princess? Oh, they were holding back so the two could have a moment.
Why does Yuuya put on a face-covering mask that was just a moment ago worn by a demon? It would stink to high heaven. And he just killed the owner. Doesn't that bother him?
Why does Yuuya FORGET HE'S WEARING A MASK when waiting for the princess? A mask that covers his face and that only allows vision through narrow slits? It's obvious the authors have never worn a helmet or mask in their whole lives.
Phew! I was afraid Yuuya wouldn't get to save a woman in the real world and the princess in the other world in this episode.
Phew! Yuuya is a master chef. I was afraid there might be something he wasn't great at without trying.
Phew! Lucky the only other prominent guy in the show acts silly, so he isn't a rival for the girls. An otaku viewer might feel awkward otherwise.
Animation looks sloppy when fighting the bear but still an enjoyable episode.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Don't know why people making mess of these things, he is an OP MC that can use isekai skills 'cheat skills particularly' in real world also. Just have fun.
It's kind of funny how I was actually quite looking forward to this ep. But eh, i mean, it wasnt horrible but kinda soso, every ep has pretty much been the same so far and this ep isnt any different. hoping the next ep will MAYBE Finally be actually better but i dunno, coping intensifies.
so apparently i forgor but yuya can use his analysis thingy skill in the real world as well. well the whole gimmik really
to be honest it would be funny if nobody could cook. but for better or worse yuya is able to.
im not sure which is more realistic, being able, or not being able to cook. it definitely feels like in almost every anime you have the designated yes cooking and no cooking, though the proportion feels very high
that being said, was yuya always this good at cooking? or.
it feels like cooking is one of those protagonist skills (lately?), a protagonist who cant cook might be more interesting(?), but they really want it i guess(?)
i mean something something cooking anime
oh great now even the sensei is uh.
you know i feel like its been awhile, though well, school anime, and sensei all the time its not uncommon i guess??
surely there has to be some anime where its the focus
in other news, its times like these where i kinda wish there was like a direct/obvious foil to yuya, since he really feels a bit "outrageous" in a way. well who knows what the other characters
also did they actually mention the bath previously? it feels a bit weird but you know, gotta have all dem tropes i guess.
still a bit weird because they basically skipped most of the outdoor parts
for better or worse though, it seems rin doesnt seem like, totally uh, "affected" by yuya, for better or worse.
yukine has had almost 0 screentime so far soo i dunno.
add in the fact that lexia still has had almost 0 screentime so far (when dahell is that happening), and we still have luna and whoever is the other characters.
to be honest at this rate i wouldnt be surprised if the author just wrote a bunch of hooks and forgor about them
you know, one thing about all these overpowered protagonists is, another skill i havent seen them use before is just outright skipping sleep. though i guess at that point its like, really not human anymore. its one of those things that you just kinda take for granted i guess, time and what not
(also so wait, they TALK about the bath but they completely skipped it aside from the changing room scene? talk about awkward scene jumping)
ok well here's the plot twist....but really surprise bear? oh my
really though, imagine how much of a world of hurt the teachers are gonna be in if the students get injured...
i have no idea how heavy is a bear but uh...huh. gotta refresh my memory on all these human vs animal fights
it would have been more interesting if it didnt come down to just raw power i guess
really weird but whatever, i guess they just wanted a dramatic plot twist and then resolved it in like 1 min
back in the isekai, are they finally going to make some actual progress? glub
it seems the enemies are slowly putting up more and more resistance, they did make a point about how yuya's stats isnt going up very fast, and the weapons can only(?) carry him so far(?). whatever it is
as usual the shenanigans of night. night seems to be more sensitive to these kinds of stuff, yuya didnt notice the trap at all soo
they do seem to be quite straightforward, one moment and then the next aready knocked out luna
feels like the whole ep just kinda zoomed past. another like partial cliffhanger, though very weird. post credit scene, presumably more isekai shenanigans next time
funny thing is, i was just thinking, can yuya even use his teleport magic in teh forest? since the forest is basically just trees there would be no way to control precisely, so maybe it just wouldnt work. presumably once he actually goes to the kingdom he can just freely teleport there. next time
also lexia leaving her guards behind, what could possibly go wrong.
Something something next time.
The sensei is voiced by numakura manami, which is actually kinda interesting...but so far honestly like, the number of girls is just way too huge, we have 2+2 girls irl plus sensei, then lexia, luna, and who knows who else is going to show up next. (I also totally forgor about miu because she's only shown up like in two eps so far)
I don’t see a big issue with this isekai compared to some others I’ve seen. The 2D art is appealing to the eye and the CGI is tolerable (I’ve seen much worse).
But, idk. I know from my enjoyment of other shows that my tastes are weird. This show is an 8 for me.
Yet again cringe episode. Fighting a bear in real world and throwing it unconscious, and he is not interviewed ? He threw at least 300 kg, while he is 70 ... Orc caught his spear while it hits everything ... No logic. Kaede's size have no sense. Now teacher asking him to marry her...
the teacher want to join the harem lol
fan service scene are always good but with so pretty girls it's not hard to like it
i'm always wandering what they want to make us look in this anime. school life with overcheat powers or adventure in another world ?
This people come join us over on KamiKatsu or Shinda. Both of which have less watchers, and I would say they are at least as good as this.
BetaMaleUltra said: Yuuya has done a lot of insane stuff before. But here he has body slammed a bear in front of the whole school. Yet the response seems to be no more than wow amazing sugoi! Like BRO HE BODY SLAMMED A BEAR HOW HIGH ARE YOUR STANDARDS, THE LOT OF YOU CAN'T EVEN COOK
Lmao I'm fuckin dead. Their standards peaked after they witnessed bro summersalt out of a 4 story building and solo a biker gang to save the princess. Anything after that is another Tuesday for him
I know anime is predisposed to being "weird" but this anime goes beyond weird with how much they absolutely wank the MC. Almost feels like the author had a hard on for the main character while they were writing this. Like we get it, he's perfect, we don't need yet another example of why he's perfect and why women will automatically flock to his perfectness as he saves women from strangely opportunistic threats. The fact that we're just now getting a second glimpse of an overarching conflict 8 episodes in is startling. We wasted 7 to 8 episodes propping up the main character as this wonder boy who does no wrong while forgetting that we need an actual story for him to exist in. Like seriously not even SAO or Strike The Blood had this much MC wanking, it's so painfully obvious the sole purpose of this series was to take the laziest approach to establishing a stacked MC with little to no backstory and character development. Isekai as a genre is so much better than this and it's so disappointing to see the genre be belittled to mere cock stroking.
This was the cringiest episode I think I've ever seen. Which says much considering I thought the last episode took that title. I got to him fending off the bear and I couldn't watch any more of that. I hope i'll be able to fight through it and finish the remaining 8 minutes, sigh. I don't remember the last time I wasn't able to finish the episode in one seating... this anime is too incredible
Lol eating mushrooms to test if they are poisonous is so not a good idea even though that guy lucked out.
Yuuya again showed he has been having subtle problems because of his abilities. Everyone was blown away by food he made but to him it's just ordinary because he consistently makes it so good without even realizing. In this episode he definitely freaked people out a bit that he wrestled a bear. Just the book said people will grow to fear him from this much power.
Well Lexie was pretty quick to accept Yuuya's request for someone that just tried to kill her.
Professor Sawada saw the slightest opportunity and didn't hesitate for a second to risk everything trying to take it, and now she fell even more in love with him when she transformed into Takamura as soon as she saw the bear trying to attack her hahaha, see you next week to find out Get rid of explanations with Princess Lexia the Yuya.
This episode was a work of art. Truly, the author is quite openly displaying his passion for the more simpler talents. Nothing as grandiose or flagrant as saving girls from a raging fire or defending the school against a gang of delinquents. No, here we simply see our hero express his obvious love for the culinary arts by preparing a first class meal for the entire class on a camping trip. And of course, the coup de grâce being the heart of yet another beautiful woman, wowed and love stricken by our multitalented hero's infinite collection of skills. But what is this series without it's ever ferocious, diabolical cast of rouge villains who seem to only target women? This weeks no good reprobate miscreant to harm beautiful women is none of than a bear! I must say a nice change of pace, and with the spectacular showing of prowess against this bear I'd say Yuuya here puts even Heihachi Mishima to shame. I honestly can not wait for next week to see how the author manages to continue this epic tale with us finally being shown a glimpse of conflict in the other world. Per chance we will finally see the evil fellow shown only a mere four episodes ago.
Yuuya fought a bear in this episode with his bare hands (the irony was not intended). That speaks enough to this show’s so-bad-it’s-good kind of quality.
Apollo_Injustice said: This episode was a work of art. Truly, the author is quite openly displaying his passion for the more simpler talents. Nothing as grandiose or flagrant as saving girls from a raging fire or defending the school against a gang of delinquents. No, here we simply see our hero express his obvious love for the culinary arts by preparing a first class meal for the entire class on a camping trip. And of course, the coup de grâce being the heart of yet another beautiful woman, wowed and love stricken by our multitalented hero's infinite collection of skills. But what is this series without it's ever ferocious, diabolical cast of rouge villains who seem to only target women? This weeks no good reprobate miscreant to harm beautiful women is none of than a bear! I must say a nice change of pace, and with the spectacular showing of prowess against this bear I'd say Yuuya here puts even Heihachi Mishima to shame. I honestly can not wait for next week to see how the author manages to continue this epic tale with us finally being shown a glimpse of conflict in the other world. Per chance we will finally see the evil fellow shown only a mere four episodes ago.
Wow, that message is too eloquent for this show (my boss writes in a similar way). But yeah, another damsel (aka hot girl) in distress and another heroic save by "our hero." Is there anything this guy can't do? I won't be surprised if he convinces both Luna and Lexia to kiss and make up (and both grovel for him) in the next episode.
I watched every single isekai in existence and liked it. I watched Isekai Cheat magician and enjoyed it. I watched Kenja no Mago probably about half a dozen times already. I live for isekai, I breathe for isekai and I eat this shit up every single time. If you think you can find an isekai that I won't like then you're mistaken... is what I would be saying before seeing this episode. This is too much even for me. I can live through this hot young (probably barely older than her students) teacher coming on to her student. I can live through the MC suplexing an 800 kilogram bear. I can even live through the stupid as balls reactions of the people there - like how is it even supposed to be possible to THROW A FUCKIN BEAR?! And they go "you good mate? ye? ok? cool, good job". I can stomach that. But for them to then decide to make this bear into a guard dog at the academy... fuck you.
They aren't even trying a this point. There is an attempt on the princess' life and not even a minute after that, she runs off ahead of her escort into the forest from where an attack came. Whoever wrote this, if you could only answer a single question please - why are you so shit? And yes - of course the dog already knew, he could smell the assassin on her. Tho' admitedly it would be hard not to assume that she wasn't an assassin after seing her for the first 5 seconds so I guess that was intended.
I haven't gotten this worked up in a while, I think I just had stupid-overload occur in my brain. I'm gonna go lay down in the middle of an intersection or something.
so they got a bear pet? highschool students on a camping trip got a bear pet? an actual wild bear that just tried to kill someone? yes of course they did and they even got permission from the government
we all know student council has more power than goverment
A fast paced episode ngl. Camping continues, we see fancy cooking skills to a marriage proposal from sawada sensei (honestly shes the hottest so far no kap) i would gun for her, then yuuya bear wrestiling with a suplex casually with no one raising a question as to how a boy in his school years is holding off big full adult bear and the cherry on top Kaori just walks in casuallly and converts the bear into a pet in a blink of an eye. am i surprised by it ? no lol
Then back to the isekai world where yuuya is ready to meet the king and ofc interrupted by lunas assassination attempt on lexia, luna gets ko'd immediately and easily, also surprisingly lexia agrees for luna to get healed even after knowing lunas identity just to see whats is yuuyas relationship with her. Lets where this goes
Also teleportation is so convenient, i liked how yuuya uses it to feed best boy night.
So more of a focus on the real world, as expected. I didn’t know that Yuuya’s skill allow him to see the health status of other people and identify whether mushrooms in the real world are poisonous. It’s a good thing that Yuuya checked the mushrooms and was able to get rid of the bad ones without anyone noticing. Is Yuuya the only one who can see the menu that he uses?!
And we can see the foreshadowing is growing in this series. Akira talked about luring out a bear, and then said bear attacks everyone. Of course we know that an ordinary bear isn’t doing shit to Yuuya. I was thinking that this wasn’t going to be an ordinary bear, but a creature from the other world that somehow transferred over. I was wrong. The sudden proposal from Ms. Sawaka was both surprising and weird. BRO HE’S YOUR STUDENT. I know the age of consent in Japan is 16, and assuming that’s how old Yuuya is right now, it’s legally not wrong. But on a moral level, it’s well beyond messed up. She should at least look for someone in their 20s bro. Regardless, another woman added to the ever growing list.
Lastly, the assassination attempt. I thought at first that Yuuya was the target, but it appears that Lexia is the target. Now that I think about it, that’s a more logical path, but at the same time, there was a group trying to assassinate her before. I think said group is the Dark Guild that Luna is apart of, but I thought they knew of Yuuya’s action and decided to get rid of him first. In the previous episode, Night was growling at Luna when they met because he knew she was an assassination (and maybe he knew she was going after Lexia). Great foreshadowing.
Some people may complain about the predictability and repetitiveness of the series with the fact that women fall for Yuuya and Yuuya performs an amazing feat of physical prowess in most of the episodes. There’s always something going wrong that Yuuya resolves. The fact that his teacher fell for him though wasn’t something anyone was going to predict. The previous episode added more to the series though.
I enjoyed the episode but I was surprised swanda asked yuuya to marry her more surprised she did latch onto him after he wrestled the bear to protect her.
Apart from every other cringe and boring thing that happened, the most off-putting was the teacher flirting with the MC. This would not be well received if the genders were reversed. The first few episodes were fun and now it's gone full blown self-insert. As annoying as it is that the MC is dense, at least he's not an incel.