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Jan 3, 2010 8:27 AM

Sep 2008
Hahahahh this is going on my top list :D I feel Kanokon has his little brother/sister thanks to this show :P
Jan 3, 2010 11:35 AM

Dec 2008
Hmm.... the first episode was interesting for me. Reminded me a little too much of Kanokon, but it could just me. I'm going to continue watching it to see how it goes. :D
Jan 3, 2010 11:55 AM

Oct 2009
argilium said:
please don't gang up on francis too much.. he has not seen a lot of anime so certain cliche elements may be new to him and hard to absorb unless it is shown in the series clearly..

but please, francis.. just accept it.. the official site already said it..

Yeah thanks, ok, ok I will accept but I think this will be a first in the reverse traps for a serie like this.
Madara_Arara said:
I'm am most definetly gonna enjoy this. I'm in love with every character lol. Seeing the people who are making this I can tell it's gonna end horribly... There hasn't been a good anime that ended good in months... but I can't be sure yet so let's see what future episodes bring

Ah crap, Yukas number1 fanboi is gonna be on these disscussion threads... Damn that bites :P

Yeah and no it does not byte unless someone will have another Yuka problem in this serie which might be the case for Sernia. I can see people being annoyed by the hair already not mention me for her attitude. Think of it as a girl like her coming to me and saying on my farm, no you are doing it wrong and hurting the animal. Please do not ask what I will do to her, because the least would be a big kick out from my farm telling her go back to where you came from. No one will tell me my ways are wrong after my father taught me those ways.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 3:11 AM

Jul 2009
Um, I don't think that was the first episode. <<
According to a wiki, the anime starts Jan 5
and that the special premiere was released.
MAL has it wrong.
Haruhi = Win!
Jan 4, 2010 12:41 PM

Feb 2008
francismeunier said:
argilium said:
please don't gang up on francis too much.. he has not seen a lot of anime so certain cliche elements may be new to him and hard to absorb unless it is shown in the series clearly..

but please, francis.. just accept it.. the official site already said it..

Yeah thanks, ok, ok I will accept but I think this will be a first in the reverse traps for a serie like this.
Madara_Arara said:
I'm am most definetly gonna enjoy this. I'm in love with every character lol. Seeing the people who are making this I can tell it's gonna end horribly... There hasn't been a good anime that ended good in months... but I can't be sure yet so let's see what future episodes bring

Ah crap, Yukas number1 fanboi is gonna be on these disscussion threads... Damn that bites :P

Yeah and no it does not byte unless someone will have another Yuka problem in this serie which might be the case for Sernia. I can see people being annoyed by the hair already not mention me for her attitude. Think of it as a girl like her coming to me and saying on my farm, no you are doing it wrong and hurting the animal. Please do not ask what I will do to her, because the least would be a big kick out from my farm telling her go back to where you came from. No one will tell me my ways are wrong after my father taught me those ways.

I really don't care if her hair is like that... I find it to be weird and thats just it. Plus shes pretty fuckable besides that and her attitude... She's a tsundere isn't she? If she is then she is doing a great job at it.
Jan 4, 2010 1:11 PM

Oct 2009
Madara_Arara said:
francismeunier said:
argilium said:
please don't gang up on francis too much.. he has not seen a lot of anime so certain cliche elements may be new to him and hard to absorb unless it is shown in the series clearly..

but please, francis.. just accept it.. the official site already said it..

Yeah thanks, ok, ok I will accept but I think this will be a first in the reverse traps for a serie like this.
Madara_Arara said:
I'm am most definetly gonna enjoy this. I'm in love with every character lol. Seeing the people who are making this I can tell it's gonna end horribly... There hasn't been a good anime that ended good in months... but I can't be sure yet so let's see what future episodes bring

Ah crap, Yukas number1 fanboi is gonna be on these disscussion threads... Damn that bites :P

Yeah and no it does not byte unless someone will have another Yuka problem in this serie which might be the case for Sernia. I can see people being annoyed by the hair already not mention me for her attitude. Think of it as a girl like her coming to me and saying on my farm, no you are doing it wrong and hurting the animal. Please do not ask what I will do to her, because the least would be a big kick out from my farm telling her go back to where you came from. No one will tell me my ways are wrong after my father taught me those ways.

I really don't care if her hair is like that... I find it to be weird and thats just it. Plus shes pretty fuckable besides that and her attitude... She's a tsundere isn't she? If she is then she is doing a great job at it.

I would prefer to do it with Tomomi or even Pina. Sernia is just too weird in my taste. Tsunderes aren't always juicy ones let's just say.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 1:45 PM
Jun 2009
Drill girl is the most annoying character ever made.

Clumsy maid is obviously the best character concieved, and "boy" at the end=girl
Jan 4, 2010 2:04 PM

Jan 2009
"I've been touched by this unknown guy! Even my father hasn't touched them! To think that a stranger actually touched my breast...!"

Sernia wasn't upset that her father hasn't touched her breast. She was using him as an example. What she meant was that having an unknown guy touch her breast is just as bad as having her father touch her breast. Kind of like:

"Even my own father hasn't touched them! He has more class than that! But you! How DARE you!

So it was like one of her personal ideals were shattered.

Now, if she had said "Even my father hasn't touched them yet!" then I would have to puke.
Jan 4, 2010 3:17 PM

Sep 2009
First series dropped in 2010. I guess at least, I can give it that. Congratz.
Jan 4, 2010 4:25 PM

Jul 2006
Any anime that can give me 5 different hardons in 20 minutes is fine with me.

Jan 4, 2010 6:16 PM

Apr 2009
HAHA. Lolicon Molester.
Oh dear.

"Free Falcon Punch for Everybody!"|Nani?|MCC Badge|
Jan 4, 2010 8:06 PM

Oct 2009
PrincessJustice said:
Any anime that can give me 5 different hardons in 20 minutes is fine with me.


In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 4, 2010 10:55 PM

Feb 2008
Madara_Arara said:
Fleri said:
First series dropped in 2010. I guess at least, I can give it that. Congratz.

quite sad actually
Jan 5, 2010 6:57 AM

Sep 2007
francismeunier said:
toratiger said:
worst troll ever.

I am pointing out that Daichi's reason better be good. Why would a girl hide as boy when she can be in the education uppers with the nice ladies.....oh wait maybe that girl wants to be a butler except there is no butler for girls as a job only maids. I should have said that earlier but did not want to go into details. Anyways I hope Daichi's reason is logical when they explain it.
You'll better try to watch the upcoming episode for this to find out, nor you'll need to read manga for this.
Jan 5, 2010 3:44 PM

Oct 2009
Well I'll be damned ! The impossible happened and the "proper" AT-X broadcast of episode 1 is COMPLETELY UNCENSORED, with nipples and everything !!! Get it while it's hot, people.
Jan 5, 2010 4:26 PM

Oct 2009
SurferDude said:
Well I'll be damned ! The impossible happened and the "proper" AT-X broadcast of episode 1 is COMPLETELY UNCENSORED, with nipples and everything !!! Get it while it's hot, people.
You serious? I will post NSFW content if it's true! Ok so it's true and now for proof. The uncensors gave me sensation let's just say.....if the rest of the anime is like that this will be another juicy Queen's Blade with more comedy/drama than action/fights. Quality's not bad: Not sure but they added more nipple see through clothing I would think...

All of the content is NFSW below so up to you to see and judge:
I admit that Pina and Mimina are delicious flat chest to admire in this serie based on the uncesors:
Rest are ok Sanae and that tan girls are not bad either:" target="_blank">
Tomomi's ass is delicious:
francismeunierJan 6, 2010 3:34 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 5, 2010 6:46 PM
Nov 2009
Wow haha, personally I can't take an anime that has nudity in it seriously, it's just awkward, especially when it's a comedy. When I said I wanted to see less censorship I didn't mean literally show us everything lol, atleast cover up the nipples...I'll be watching the censored version instead ^^
Jan 5, 2010 7:12 PM

Oct 2009
toratiger said:
Wow haha, personally I can't take an anime that has nudity in it seriously, it's just awkward, especially when it's a comedy. When I said I wanted to see less censorship I didn't mean literally show us everything lol, atleast cover up the nipples...I'll be watching the censored version instead ^^
Guess AT-X is out for you but not sure which other station will be censors...maybe it's a special and rest will be censored but bet on anything that the nipple through clothing will be present just noticed it's even in the OP if you pause the OP at some parts. I agree with you the non censored version is a little too much if you ask me. This will definitely be getting a 8 or 7 not higher than 8.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Jan 5, 2010 7:29 PM

Oct 2009
francismeunier said:
toratiger said:
Wow haha, personally I can't take an anime that has nudity in it seriously, it's just awkward, especially when it's a comedy. When I said I wanted to see less censorship I didn't mean literally show us everything lol, atleast cover up the nipples...I'll be watching the censored version instead ^^
Guess AT-X is out for you but not sure which other station will be censors...maybe it's a special and rest will be censored but bet on anything that the nipple through clothing will be present just noticed it's even in the OP if you pause the OP at some parts. I agree with you the non censored version is a little too much if you ask me. This will definitely be getting a 8 or 7 not higher than 8.

FUN FACT: Girls have nipples !!! Hell, even guys have nipples, so why not show them ? Anime series like this one aren't meant to be taken seriously, they're just for fun and fanservice. You want serious, watch a drama. And Comedy + Nudity go VERY well together, even in movies, so I see no reason to limit your rating to an 8. If it deserves more after it finishes airing, why not rate it higher ? Ecchi comedies CAN be very good.
Jan 5, 2010 7:58 PM

Jan 2009
Just seen ep 1 and all i can say is: LMAO (continued throughout the show) Will be continuing this series ^^
Jan 5, 2010 9:20 PM

May 2008
I like Daichi <3 Lots.

This feels like a mix of Pincess Lover and a hint of Higurashi craziness.

Censer's didn't impress me though. Even Princess Lover's were executed better than that, even if they shouldn't have been done at all :/

Otherwise, awesome start. I like it :3

Jan 5, 2010 9:25 PM

Oct 2009
KayChan4U said:
I like Daichi <3 Lots.

This feels like a mix of Pincess Lover and a hint of Higurashi craziness.

Censer's didn't impress me though. Even Princess Lover's were executed better than that, even if they shouldn't have been done at all :/

Otherwise, awesome start. I like it :3

Just watch the uncensored version then.
Jan 5, 2010 10:31 PM

Sep 2008
after watching this, i think i am turning into a moe-hater.

...i frigging hate blonde head drill, and it was a pleasure when the guy told her to "go back to elementary school"
Jan 6, 2010 12:17 AM
Jun 2009
it was better than what i was expecting xD
i'll keep watching it...for now..if it keeps up like this.
Jan 6, 2010 3:39 AM

Jul 2009
lvlachine said:
it was better than what i was expecting xD
i'll keep watching it...for now..if it keeps up like this.
Exactly what I thought, after watching it I was pleasantly surprised how likeable the episode was.

I emidietly loved the main character after he owned that drill head in the beginning, got the impression that he's not the typical light headed idiot who is more or less affraid of girls which is the usual case in harem animes. So far I like this guy =P

Oh and I do wonder just how that Flameheart girls hair weight, those two 'cocoons' she had was massive =O
Jan 6, 2010 5:13 AM

Nov 2008
This dude is so lucky yet unlucky, lol. I wonder if he's really just that clumsy xD
Tosi yst&auml;vyys ei j&auml;&auml;dy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Jan 6, 2010 8:09 AM
Mar 2008
If I had to say anything about this anime is that it is very poor. There isn't anything that is on this show that hasen't been done better everywhere else, it has so much ecchi that it put Rosario + Vampire to shame. Flameheart is one of the most irritating characters ever and you just know her and the main guy will fall for each other. The music is bland and boring and the art is bad for 2010, finally why is everyone blushing?
Jan 6, 2010 10:52 AM

Aug 2009
so is this week a re-airing of the 1st episode or is there episode 2 this week?
Jan 6, 2010 7:14 PM

Oct 2009
SoFarGone said:
so is this week a re-airing of the 1st episode or is there episode 2 this week?

It's a re-airing, but this time the episode is uncensored and it has the OP and ED.
Jan 6, 2010 7:57 PM
Nov 2009
SurferDude said:
francismeunier said:
toratiger said:
Wow haha, personally I can't take an anime that has nudity in it seriously, it's just awkward, especially when it's a comedy. When I said I wanted to see less censorship I didn't mean literally show us everything lol, atleast cover up the nipples...I'll be watching the censored version instead ^^
Guess AT-X is out for you but not sure which other station will be censors...maybe it's a special and rest will be censored but bet on anything that the nipple through clothing will be present just noticed it's even in the OP if you pause the OP at some parts. I agree with you the non censored version is a little too much if you ask me. This will definitely be getting a 8 or 7 not higher than 8.

FUN FACT: Girls have nipples !!! Hell, even guys have nipples, so why not show them ? Anime series like this one aren't meant to be taken seriously, they're just for fun and fanservice. You want serious, watch a drama. And Comedy + Nudity go VERY well together, even in movies, so I see no reason to limit your rating to an 8. If it deserves more after it finishes airing, why not rate it higher ? Ecchi comedies CAN be very good.

Oh no, really? Girls have nipples? ...idiot.
You might not understand but some of us feel that it's awkward when there's nothing but naked anime girls flashing their tits around in a comedy show like this. If it's one or two scenes I don't mind but not when the entire show sits on nudity, after all this isn't hentai. Now it's not that ecchi comedy is bad, it's just that it becomes awkwardly weird when there's no censorship.
This is not that great of an anime but it's not totally eye blinding, the humor is decent. So I'll be enjoying it with the censorship.
Jan 6, 2010 9:59 PM

Dec 2007
It was so lulz and I really enjoyed it so far. I will re-watch epiosde 1 with AT-X version.
Jan 7, 2010 3:14 AM

Sep 2007
Hum ...
More funny than i thought.
I hated Kanokon but this anime look good. :)
Jan 7, 2010 11:37 AM

Aug 2009
From the start this episode wasnt realy that interesting,abit to much of talk as for my taste,but ULTRA DRILL..i mean beautiful blonde hairs scene changed it all.That was one awesome stuff,wonder how she can keep them together like that^^
Jan 7, 2010 1:15 PM

Oct 2009
toratiger said:
SurferDude said:
francismeunier said:
toratiger said:
Wow haha, personally I can't take an anime that has nudity in it seriously, it's just awkward, especially when it's a comedy. When I said I wanted to see less censorship I didn't mean literally show us everything lol, atleast cover up the nipples...I'll be watching the censored version instead ^^
Guess AT-X is out for you but not sure which other station will be censors...maybe it's a special and rest will be censored but bet on anything that the nipple through clothing will be present just noticed it's even in the OP if you pause the OP at some parts. I agree with you the non censored version is a little too much if you ask me. This will definitely be getting a 8 or 7 not higher than 8.

FUN FACT: Girls have nipples !!! Hell, even guys have nipples, so why not show them ? Anime series like this one aren't meant to be taken seriously, they're just for fun and fanservice. You want serious, watch a drama. And Comedy + Nudity go VERY well together, even in movies, so I see no reason to limit your rating to an 8. If it deserves more after it finishes airing, why not rate it higher ? Ecchi comedies CAN be very good.

Oh no, really? Girls have nipples? ...idiot.
You might not understand but some of us feel that it's awkward when there's nothing but naked anime girls flashing their tits around in a comedy show like this. If it's one or two scenes I don't mind but not when the entire show sits on nudity, after all this isn't hentai. Now it's not that ecchi comedy is bad, it's just that it becomes awkwardly weird when there's no censorship.
This is not that great of an anime but it's not totally eye blinding, the humor is decent. So I'll be enjoying it with the censorship.

If you don't like naked anime girls in a comedy, then don't watch THIS comedy. There are plenty other series out there where they don't show the nipples. Watch one of those. And I hope there won't be any censored version from episode 2 on, maybe that way you''ll drop this show and fuck off, or your eyes burn out from having to see the female body in its full glory....Retard...
Jan 7, 2010 2:56 PM

Feb 2009
d3CaL08 said:
any news if there are other big-name group that's going to sub this?

Dunno if it's big for you,but least their release isn't censored.For this kind of shows:uncensored or nothing...what's the point watching ecchi where you don't see any panties,breasts,etc...

For the more great beginning this season.Same creators as Kanokon...i doubt it'll disappoint me.

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Jan 7, 2010 3:02 PM
Dec 2007
Too much ecchi harem kills ecchi harem. It's a pass for me.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jan 7, 2010 4:10 PM

Jul 2009
Jeez some people are easily offended or just like to complain -.-'

How can there be "too" much nudity in an ecchi anime?! People who rather want to see steam instead of nipples should get slapped in the face for being retarded...

If the anime keep bringing good comedy and somewhat decent story I don't care how much nudity is in it. It's when boobs and pantsu shots become the main feature you should be concerned.
Though even then it might be a nice way to pass time if they artwork is good ;)
EternalDreamerJan 8, 2010 2:48 AM
Jan 7, 2010 5:38 PM

Jul 2007
Can't say it was all crap, especially not with Kawasumi Ayako voicing someone. And also a 19y/o loli appearing : p But I did not enjoy the whole thing very much so far.
Jan 7, 2010 5:53 PM
Nov 2009
SurferDude said:

If you don't like naked anime girls in a comedy, then don't watch THIS comedy. There are plenty other series out there where they don't show the nipples. Watch one of those. And I hope there won't be any censored version from episode 2 on, maybe that way you''ll drop this show and fuck off, or your eyes burn out from having to see the female body in its full glory....Retard...


Thanks for the laugh, I've had a long day.

Sorry to ruin your wish, but I do like the humor of this particular show and I am pretty sure there will be censored episodes. So I'll be staying here alittle longer so I could have my laughs at morons such as yourself. Hell, your comments might even proof to be more funny/stupid than the show iteslf.
Jan 7, 2010 6:07 PM

Jul 2008
May have been mentioned before. But did anyone see the maid that looks JUST like Suoh from DtB?
Jan 7, 2010 6:41 PM

Oct 2009
toratiger said:
SurferDude said:

If you don't like naked anime girls in a comedy, then don't watch THIS comedy. There are plenty other series out there where they don't show the nipples. Watch one of those. And I hope there won't be any censored version from episode 2 on, maybe that way you''ll drop this show and fuck off, or your eyes burn out from having to see the female body in its full glory....Retard...


Thanks for the laugh, I've had a long day.

Sorry to ruin your wish, but I do like the humor of this particular show and I am pretty sure there will be censored episodes. So I'll be staying here alittle longer so I could have my laughs at morons such as yourself. Hell, your comments might even proof to be more funny/stupid than the show iteslf.

OK, so stay all you like then. I may be a moron in your eyes and you may find some of my comments stupid, but you'll still be the idiot who requested less ecchi in an ecchi comedy. Glad that makes sense to you. Please read comment #140 for more info. Now, would you care for a glass of censorshit to go with your anime ?
Jan 7, 2010 7:10 PM

Dec 2007
Watched an uncensored version.

Show was alright. I like the male leads personality. He has common sense! As for the big blondie... lose the hair and we'll talk.

Uncensored boobies FTW.
Jan 7, 2010 10:25 PM

Nov 2007
Disliked everything until the bit at the end with the evil Ayako Kawasumi voiced childhood friend. I'll be sticking around for more potential from that. The art style takes some time to get used to with the nearly non-existent noses the girls have. Heck, Croissant with Tits and co seem to not even have noses here and there.
Jan 8, 2010 2:28 AM

Dec 2008
Ater the first two minutes I realized the animation art of Xebec's Kanokon

I will watch some more episodes to decide if I like this show.

Day2Dream said:
Watched an uncensored version.

Uncensored boobies FTW.

Oh there's an uncensored version, with censorship its no real fun.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 8, 2010 5:49 AM

Dec 2007
Fabienne said:
Ater the first two minutes I realized the animation art of Xebec's Kanokon

I will watch some more episodes to decide if I like this show.

Day2Dream said:
Watched an uncensored version.

Uncensored boobies FTW.

Oh there's an uncensored version, with censorship its no real fun.

Yeah there's an uncensored version.


Mod edit: NSFW material NEEDS to be both tagged NSFW and only posted as a link. Not even posting in a spoiler tag is allowed.
BourskJan 10, 2010 8:45 AM
Jan 8, 2010 2:00 PM

Jun 2009
Where did u find uncensored ver.?
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jan 8, 2010 2:33 PM

Jul 2006
OrochiPL said:
Where did u find uncensored ver.?

Jan 8, 2010 5:09 PM

Oct 2008
I found the episode quite funny and it seems to have a comical plot so I think I'll keep watching :D
Jan 8, 2010 7:23 PM

May 2009
It was okay. What's with that drill hair?!
Jan 8, 2010 9:41 PM
Jun 2008
yea despite i only saw pics of it really the hair version of GIGA DRILL BREAK even more her voice is mai "nagisa" nakahara?!

really why is this happening?!
you either with ANIME or against the anime
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