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Apr 15, 2023 9:45 PM
a young girl meets guy 10 years older in a street and falls in love. She tries to find him and eventually goes on an adventure with him as a chair. She saves him and they fall in love and meet again later. I don't see where the romance developed. Feels like it was out of nowhere. And the age gap is very large. Felt it was a boring and strange movie, and i felt it was very weak in writing and development. The theater i was in was dead quiet except for scenes with Souta's friend, who got a few chuckles out of the crowd. I don't understand the positive reception and high ratings at all. Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story. I would give a 1/10 because Souta's friend was funny and the only cool character, but no idea where >8 scores are coming from. |
Apr 15, 2023 10:37 PM
Souta's age is never shown, did you pull that "27 years old" out of your ass? Tomoya Serizawa, Souta's friend is listed as 21, both of them are around college final year age. boring and strange Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story *Took a peek at your profile* ....ugh....*took another peek at thread created*....welp It make sense, I guess Have a good day |
-rkr-Apr 15, 2023 10:43 PM
Apr 15, 2023 10:37 PM
There’s only one way to make sense of the romance, but even still it was on the weaker side. Suzume said she had met Souta before. At the end of the movie older Suzume met younger Suzume, but younger Suzume didn’t know who she was. Souta was there as well and it happened to be that when younger Suzume grew up, she sort of remembered Souta during the bike scene at the beginning. The end of Suzume seems to be about acceptance, and the events of the movie are like a loop. Older Suzume accepts her past while telling her younger self it’ll be okay, younger self grows up and does the same and repeat. It all ends in acceptance and moving forward. The romance itself has little events otherwise to back it up. That’s my take, but I could be completely wrong. |
Apr 15, 2023 10:40 PM
Ri-KoRin said: Souta's age is never now, did you pull that "27 years old" out of your ass? Tomoya Serizawa, Souta's friend is listed as 21, both of them are around college final year age. [url=Proof][/url] boring and strange Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story *Took a peek at your profile* ....ugh....*took another peek at thread created*....welp It make sense, I guess Have a good day Their profile is still better than yours to be honest. And also their points about the movie are valid. |
Apr 15, 2023 11:15 PM
Makoto’s focus wasn’t really the romance since his intention was to explore different relationships and not just doing romance like he had been the past 2 movies. He explains this in his interview and if you didn’t think about the romance you would understand his intentions. Although I do agree story writing is on the weak side maybe a consequence of writing the script during Covid. |
Apr 15, 2023 11:22 PM
Kumikou said: There’s only one way to make sense of the romance, but even still it was on the weaker side. Suzume said she had met Souta before. At the end of the movie older Suzume met younger Suzume, but younger Suzume didn’t know who she was. Souta was there as well and it happened to be that when younger Suzume grew up, she sort of remembered Souta during the bike scene at the beginning. The end of Suzume seems to be about acceptance, and the events of the movie are like a loop. Older Suzume accepts her past while telling her younger self it’ll be okay, younger self grows up and does the same and repeat. It all ends in acceptance and moving forward. The romance itself has little events otherwise to back it up. That’s my take, but I could be completely wrong. This is how I accepted it, and it was easy. I'd have to go out of my own way to reject that reason just to assume there is no logical connection between them. I felt like their connection was well established for the length of time we got to see them together. |
Apr 15, 2023 11:29 PM
Their profile is still better than yours to be honest. And also their points about the movie are valid. I's true that the generic and cookie cutter battle shounen+seinen profile is inoffensive and has a mass-appeal. If the act of making myself distinguishable from that crowd is a bad thing, I would accept that. As their criticism being valid or not, I mean it is valid in the subjective sense, that is I support the idea that every opinion is valid. But whether or not it is in the constructive, factual or the objective sense is highly debatable. Just you can complain about a sushi stall having only fish and rice, or a Italian restaurant serving too many tomatoes or pastas. These opinions are valid, but doesn't make them sensible or worthwhile of discussion. (Monny600's thread above me says it in the best way) |
-rkr-Apr 15, 2023 11:32 PM
Apr 15, 2023 11:44 PM
i mean those last lines give me vibes of this being just another "why're people liking something i don't" true it wasn't necessarily was on the level of the previous 2 but oh well |
Apr 16, 2023 12:09 AM
Ri-KoRin said: Why is my profile an " ....ugh... "? That wasn't nice ๐ข*Took a peek at your profile* ....ugh....*took another peek at thread created*....welp It make sense, I guess Have a good day |
Apr 16, 2023 12:14 AM
MongoDB said: Ri-KoRin said: Why is my profile an " ....ugh... "? That wasn't nice ๐ข*Took a peek at your profile* ....ugh....*took another peek at thread created*....welp It make sense, I guess Have a good day Because you don't have a bad taste, albeit some intriguing favorite pick but your takes are absolutely weird and *cough* shit |
Apr 16, 2023 1:21 AM
This is official artwork. People without context would think this is a nice happy family. The romance is official. |
Apr 16, 2023 1:27 AM
it felt incredibly forced imo. Sure there are some theories that could make better sense of it but even then its still undeniably weak romance |
Apr 16, 2023 2:07 AM
It might be unrealistic, but it’s a fantasy movie about an impulsive young woman and a guy who gets turned into a chair. Besides, I can somewhat buy developing strong feelings for someone after a short amount of time, as within a couple of days of meeting my two best friends I felt closer to them than friends I’d known for 10 years, and now, five years later, I consider them family. |
Apr 16, 2023 2:09 AM
I have to agree that the romance is the weakest point of the entire movie, and the 16/21 age gap is a little concerning, but it doesn't really take away from that whole factor either. if you blink twice, she doesn't have to be romantically in love, she could just love him as a person. Which feels slightly less weird. |
"Aiming for the mark takes precision, balance, and patience." ....Screw that, let's shoot the damn thing! |
Apr 16, 2023 2:53 AM
Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. |
Apr 16, 2023 3:28 AM
Yuu_Kanzaki said: Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. Ya missed the point there. She followed him because he looked familiar to her. When she was a child she saw him in the Ever After, so it was more out of curiosity. Also her romantic feelings to me make sense cause she's a naive young person (also part of the point of the entire story) which is pretty realistic if you have ever fallen for someone when young. And he had his life saved by her. Her seeing herself with him in the future as a child seemed to play a big part, whether she knew it at the time or not. |
Apr 16, 2023 3:44 AM
Jacombo said: I won't lie I have forgotten most of the first 10 minutes of the movie because of how forgettable it is for me. Maybe you're right. Yuu_Kanzaki said: Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. Ya missed the point there. She followed him because he looked familiar to her. When she was a child she saw him in the Ever After, so it was more out of curiosity. Also her romantic feelings to me make sense cause she's a naive young person (also part of the point of the entire story) which is pretty realistic if you have ever fallen for someone when young. And he had his life saved by her. Her seeing herself with him in the future as a child seemed to play a big part, whether she knew it at the time or not. That being said, I still stand by my opinion that the movie would still function the same without romance which feels kind of forced in my opinion. Again, that's not even my biggest complaint with the movie. |
Apr 16, 2023 3:53 AM
Yuu_Kanzaki said: Jacombo said: I won't lie I have forgotten most of the first 10 minutes of the movie because of how forgettable it is for me. Maybe you're right. Yuu_Kanzaki said: Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. Ya missed the point there. She followed him because he looked familiar to her. When she was a child she saw him in the Ever After, so it was more out of curiosity. Also her romantic feelings to me make sense cause she's a naive young person (also part of the point of the entire story) which is pretty realistic if you have ever fallen for someone when young. And he had his life saved by her. Her seeing herself with him in the future as a child seemed to play a big part, whether she knew it at the time or not. That being said, I still stand by my opinion that the movie would still function the same without romance which feels kind of forced in my opinion. Again, that's not even my biggest complaint with the movie. yeah she literally says "you look familiar to me for some reason." but to each their own. Understanding human nature it'd almost make no sense for their to be no romantic tension at all in this story. If anything the writer did a great job not making it the primary focus, but it still existing. Also the rushed setting changes also made sense considering they were literally just chasing a cat and closing a door.. wouldn't make a ton of sense to hang around. Most of these critiques are a result of just not being into what the point of the movie was, which is COMPLETELY fine and understandable. I just think people are getting hung up stuff and completely missing the point of the story. |
Apr 16, 2023 4:24 AM
Jacombo said: Yuu_Kanzaki said: Jacombo said: Yuu_Kanzaki said: Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. Ya missed the point there. She followed him because he looked familiar to her. When she was a child she saw him in the Ever After, so it was more out of curiosity. Also her romantic feelings to me make sense cause she's a naive young person (also part of the point of the entire story) which is pretty realistic if you have ever fallen for someone when young. And he had his life saved by her. Her seeing herself with him in the future as a child seemed to play a big part, whether she knew it at the time or not. That being said, I still stand by my opinion that the movie would still function the same without romance which feels kind of forced in my opinion. Again, that's not even my biggest complaint with the movie. yeah she literally says "you look familiar to me for some reason." but to each their own. Understanding human nature it'd almost make no sense for their to be no romantic tension at all in this story. If anything the writer did a great job not making it the primary focus, but it still existing. Also the rushed setting changes also made sense considering they were literally just chasing a cat and closing a door.. wouldn't make a ton of sense to hang around. Most of these critiques are a result of just not being into what the point of the movie was, which is COMPLETELY fine and understandable. I just think people are getting hung up stuff and completely missing the point of the story. Most definitely a Shinkai hater. Telling that he missed the first 10 minutes and is full of complaints. |
Apr 16, 2023 4:40 AM
MongoDB said: a young girl meets guy 10 years older in a street and falls in love. She tries to find him and eventually goes on an adventure with him as a chair. She saves him and they fall in love and meet again later. I don't see where the romance developed. Feels like it was out of nowhere. And the age gap is very large. Felt it was a boring and strange movie, and i felt it was very weak in writing and development. The theater i was in was dead quiet except for scenes with Souta's friend, who got a few chuckles out of the crowd. I don't understand the positive reception and high ratings at all. Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story. I would give a 1/10 because Souta's friend was funny and the only cool character, but no idea where >8 scores are coming from. from my guesses he’s 21 and she’s around 16-18 |
Apr 16, 2023 5:12 AM
mechian said: A Shinkai hater? Not my fault that the movie is forgettable for me, is it? Or what, I can't state what I don't like about the movie just to appreciate all the work put into it? I'm not putting my words in anyone's mouth by the way, but that's the trend right now within the anime community. How about not putting that much locations and cram everything in?Jacombo said: Yuu_Kanzaki said: Jacombo said: I won't lie I have forgotten most of the first 10 minutes of the movie because of how forgettable it is for me. Maybe you're right. Yuu_Kanzaki said: Suzume literally starts with Suzume chasing after Souta because he looks handsome to her. Though the main focus of the movie isn't romance, it surely starts because of it. My biggest complaint is how the movie feels they're cramming in so many locations and events and sections that nothing at the end feels satisfying. Movie moves the plot from point A to point B, to point C and so on. All those encounters during their chase feel like nothing, flushed down the toilet. I expected those encounters would help Suzume to view things from a different perspective or at least have the slightest impact on her. But I guess not, they just meet and separate. That's what the side characters are for. It's not a bad movie in any way, but it can't be called amazing or better than average. I give an 8 because of the visual really. Story is lacking. Ya missed the point there. She followed him because he looked familiar to her. When she was a child she saw him in the Ever After, so it was more out of curiosity. Also her romantic feelings to me make sense cause she's a naive young person (also part of the point of the entire story) which is pretty realistic if you have ever fallen for someone when young. And he had his life saved by her. Her seeing herself with him in the future as a child seemed to play a big part, whether she knew it at the time or not. That being said, I still stand by my opinion that the movie would still function the same without romance which feels kind of forced in my opinion. Again, that's not even my biggest complaint with the movie. yeah she literally says "you look familiar to me for some reason." but to each their own. Understanding human nature it'd almost make no sense for their to be no romantic tension at all in this story. If anything the writer did a great job not making it the primary focus, but it still existing. Also the rushed setting changes also made sense considering they were literally just chasing a cat and closing a door.. wouldn't make a ton of sense to hang around. Most of these critiques are a result of just not being into what the point of the movie was, which is COMPLETELY fine and understandable. I just think people are getting hung up stuff and completely missing the point of the story. Most definitely a Shinkai hater. Telling that he missed the first 10 minutes and is full of complaints. Again, I never said the movie is bad, it's just not a masterpiece of a movie. And 8 is a very good score. |
Apr 16, 2023 6:41 AM
Kumikou said: There’s only one way to make sense of the romance, but even still it was on the weaker side. Suzume said she had met Souta before. At the end of the movie older Suzume met younger Suzume, but younger Suzume didn’t know who she was. Souta was there as well and it happened to be that when younger Suzume grew up, she sort of remembered Souta during the bike scene at the beginning. The end of Suzume seems to be about acceptance, and the events of the movie are like a loop. Older Suzume accepts her past while telling her younger self it’ll be okay, younger self grows up and does the same and repeat. It all ends in acceptance and moving forward. The romance itself has little events otherwise to back it up. That’s my take, but I could be completely wrong. Yep it makes sense, this was my take as well. It’s basically the supernatural soul mates message of Your Name, but in weaker form. The centerpiece here wasnt the romance. |
Apr 16, 2023 8:11 AM
I think it made fine sense narratively, but it seemed counterintuitive to have an entire thing about saving him, in a film that is thematically entirely about learning to let go of the past and find closure. |
Apr 16, 2023 8:53 AM
I felt that the romance was less "there in love and together forever" at the end but leaned more towards "they are close, and possibly starting a relationship." |
Apr 16, 2023 9:11 AM
I don't go as far as saying the romance didn't make sense... but it was underdeveloped for her to go as far as wanting to sacrifice herself for his sake. but on the bright side, the author was smart or lucky enough to not actually make her do that... because if she did that would have had a much bigger negative affect on the movie.... but yes the romance isn't fleshed out enough, and that was my only gripe with the movie. |
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Apr 16, 2023 7:47 PM
I truly envy people that give things that have a quality to them a 1/10. As they clearly haven't seen anything truly awful. |
Apr 18, 2023 2:18 AM
mechian said: Man this was some Nolan paradox .This is official artwork. People without context would think this is a nice happy family. The romance is official. |
Apr 18, 2023 6:16 AM
The romance element is the weakest part of the movie, but it's not at all the main aspect of the film or what it's about, so it only affects my opinion of the work as a whole a little bit. |
Apr 18, 2023 1:00 PM
Yeah, romance was totally unnecessary and mate the story worse IMO. It made 0 sense how she became so love-struck with the dude, considering he was a chair most of the time. I can agree that some relationship developed between the two, obviously, but love? Naah, don't buy it. Just wanting to save the life of a fellow human would've been enough. No? I mean, Suzume could've wanted to save the guy from fate worth than death. A noble cause. Doing it because of love was so corny IMO. But I guess Daijin would not be willing to become a key-stone in their place otherwise. That's basically all there is to it IMO. Daijin took pity on them because of "love". |
Apr 18, 2023 7:06 PM
suzume got rizz she don't need social anxiety, she wants something she gets it, that's what I think her character is and she shows clear signs shes naively confident in these scenarios. I think the conflict she has was has to do with the loss of her mother which it clearly points out multiple times. It seems like shinkai wants to create a different thing that isn't the relationship of 2 potential couple but the relationship of oneself and coping and shit. I felt like the problem resides in people's expectation that this is just another shinkai romance film, hate how they advertised it that way when it clearly isn't. |
Apr 19, 2023 7:46 AM
My only complaint is that when Suzume risked her life for someone who she knew a day ago |
Apr 19, 2023 2:32 PM
One reason the romance might not feel like it fit well was the he originally intended it to be a lesbian romance. He was forced to change it, which is also why he put the chair in too. |
Apr 20, 2023 4:07 AM
Apr 20, 2023 4:11 AM
Apr 25, 2023 5:00 AM
Its not about romance, its about japan and suzume- how she involving in door closing, and grow on journey There is just attraction from suzume - not mature character and belongs from Japan |
Apr 25, 2023 2:25 PM
MongoDB said: a young girl meets guy 10 years older in a street and falls in love. She tries to find him and eventually goes on an adventure with him as a chair. She saves him and they fall in love and meet again later. I don't see where the romance developed. Feels like it was out of nowhere. And the age gap is very large. Felt it was a boring and strange movie, and i felt it was very weak in writing and development. The theater i was in was dead quiet except for scenes with Souta's friend, who got a few chuckles out of the crowd. I don't understand the positive reception and high ratings at all. Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story. I would give a 1/10 because Souta's friend was funny and the only cool character, but no idea where >8 scores are coming from. MongoDB said: a young girl meets guy 10 years older in a street and falls in love. She tries to find him and eventually goes on an adventure with him as a chair. She saves him and they fall in love and meet again later. I don't see where the romance developed. Feels like it was out of nowhere. And the age gap is very large. Felt it was a boring and strange movie, and i felt it was very weak in writing and development. The theater i was in was dead quiet except for scenes with Souta's friend, who got a few chuckles out of the crowd. I don't understand the positive reception and high ratings at all. Very weak romance, very weak character development, very simple and boring story. I would give a 1/10 because Souta's friend was funny and the only cool character, but no idea where >8 scores are coming from. I totally agree with this.I was told it was similar to my name but It doesn’t even come close to my name. I don’t recommend this movie |
Apr 25, 2023 5:59 PM
Apr 25, 2023 7:37 PM
shinkai film good romance challenge *impossible* maybe that's why he's wanting to move away from boy meets girl :P |
'On-Hold' is another way for a completionist to say 'Dropped' |
Apr 26, 2023 2:40 PM
tbh i think we watched a diff movie, its true that suzume does develops romantic feelings towards souta, but i would say at first she had a sort of deja vu, like ive seen this person before (which makes sense at the end of the movie, when she goes through the last door). I wouldnt say she fell for him the first time they met. I would say she definitely falls in love when they go through their journey of japan. Secondly, at no point in the movie did I feel that Souta develop romantic feelings towards Suzume, im pretty sure he loved her but not in a romantic way. I thought this was pretty obvious, but it seems it wasnt, so at least that was my interpretation. Plus of the recent shinkai films i would say the romance theme was not even relevant to the story compared to other themes present in the movie. Also i think there were other things that were harder to grasp than the "romance" theme. |
Apr 27, 2023 11:05 AM
fr the romance was awk+age inappropriate (like most anime) and the way she forced herself into his life, became familiar with his friend n grandfather then decided to sacrifice her life to save a chair guy - all within a few days is illogical but then its anime lol |
Apr 27, 2023 1:43 PM
Shinkai did an interview for this movie where he said he didn't even want to have romance in the movie but his producer told him its what audiences wanted / expected from hin so it had to be in. We can't be surprised it was so weak when Shinkais heart wasn't in it. Hopefully he puts his foot down next film and makes something a little different. He's such a talented director, it would be a shame if he spent his peak years recycling the same ideas. |
Apr 29, 2023 4:42 PM
Jax said: Shinkai did an interview for this movie where he said he didn't even want to have romance in the movie but his producer told him its what audiences wanted / expected from hin so it had to be in. We can't be surprised it was so weak when Shinkais heart wasn't in it. Hopefully he puts his foot down next film and makes something a little different. He's such a talented director, it would be a shame if he spent his peak years recycling the same ideas. For someone who wanted to portray something else than romance un this story he did terrible The idea of the door closing and the stones was good !!!! Good lore but was done SO on the surface than i thought this was a romance with a magical subplot instead of the other way around .... He tried to put SO Many things and he did all of them so empty |
May 2, 2023 9:16 PM
Noir_Alchemist said: I hope he focuses on new movies with new ideas and not just the same romance movies he made which are still pretty good but I think he should try a different direction with new genres cause I would be curious to see how he would do other genres but I feel this movie was the not greatest out of the trilogy since he did say he wanted to stop doing movies with "boys meet girl" but I do blame the producer for pushing him to keep the same idea cause it seems the producer didn't want him to make new ideas for a movie but instead he pushed him with the same idea's he used for the trilogy which I think kinda sucks tbhJax said: Shinkai did an interview for this movie where he said he didn't even want to have romance in the movie but his producer told him its what audiences wanted / expected from hin so it had to be in. We can't be surprised it was so weak when Shinkais heart wasn't in it. Hopefully he puts his foot down next film and makes something a little different. He's such a talented director, it would be a shame if he spent his peak years recycling the same ideas. For someone who wanted to portray something else than romance un this story he did terrible The idea of the door closing and the stones was good !!!! Good lore but was done SO on the surface than i thought this was a romance with a magical subplot instead of the other way around .... He tried to put SO Many things and he did all of them so empty |
May 3, 2023 12:59 PM
and it happened again, people ask nonsense in anime fantasy lol always look at the movie tag before watching, sometimes the genre tag at the mall is true. |
May 3, 2023 8:24 PM
From a recent Shinkai interview, he seems very well aware he's making films to a 'formula' that has worked very well for him and his investors, and if he was advised/decided not to stray too far from the formula and risk impacting the movies returns then at least he's pushed at the edges of those expectations somewhat by playing around with the 'love at first sight' trope common in Fairytales/Fantasy/Disney movies and even gender-flips the 'Dulcinea effect' trope where it's the girl now going all-out to protect a hot dude she met minutes ago.... Love following a chance meeting also not uncommon elsewhere in cinema (often seemingly irrational, but often in the context of catastrophic events) - e.g. 1930's 'Waterloo Bridge', it's Japanese 1950's (kinda) remake 'Kimi no na Wa', latter specifically referenced both visually and in the plot of 'Millennium Actress' - where the main girl even gets a nice big key she can wear around her neck while running all over Japan chasing the hot long-haired college boy she bumped into on the way home from school.... And sure, Shinkai has a big name - but he's got that name by making a certain type of film, these films cost a lot of money to make up-front - and that money will only materialize if the investors are sure they'll get a return (i.e. repeat the formula, don't take too many risks). Even Hayao Miyazaki was not completely free of this dynamic, and speaking of Miyazaki - age gap between Sophie (barely older than Suzume) and Howl was what, double that of Suzume and Shouta, although is little commented on? Overall, I liked the movie a lot as a popcorn-flick, entertaining but did not engage too much emotionally with it - a lot of themes kinda put on the table but only explored relatively lightly, and did get repetitive and lacked dramatic tension at key points. |
dograzorMay 3, 2023 9:40 PM
May 5, 2023 4:12 PM
This movies story is awful and seems incredibly rushed Itll be the first and last time I watch a makoto shikai movie in theatres. I might check one more movie of his movies just to make sure if all of them have boring/formulai or flat out bad plots like this one though |
May 7, 2023 12:35 AM
I agree, the movie was pretty shit. Take a shot every time she says his name ๐ The friend was the only good character |
May 7, 2023 12:50 AM
mechian said: This is official artwork. People without context would think this is a nice happy family. The romance is official. image seems more like current suzume, child suzume and the dude in the ever after. at least that's what I see looking at this, no romance |
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