SparCy said:Dragevard said:This film is rushed as fuck. Characters not properly developed. It tries, but it just speedrun through everything. None of the villains are developed aside from the main villain. Even then, his development was only a 30 second flashback. The film even cockteased the two JKs' backstory and then it cuts it off the moment it shows a second of it. Also, who the fuck is that Black Guy that was fighting Gojo? Why was Gojo all friendly with the Black Guy in the credit scene? Not only that, the fight never finished. None of the fights resolved except the boss fight. Hell, the entire war against Getou's army never had a resolution. It just cuts to Gojo mentioning every one of Getou's minions escaping and that's it. It just tells, never shows. Clearly this was just a quick cash grab from MAPPA trying to replica the success of Mugen Train. Not only that, the tv series had better animation and fights than this film... This film tried to do too much and end up failing at everything. If it wasn't for Maki, this film is plain flat and boring and unbearable. Should had been a trilogy of film or a 12 episodes cour.
TLDR; Maki carried the film. Wasted potential.

Jjk is general is rushed, things happen too fast without explanation and the explanations given are lack lustre at best.
Also this definitely could not be a 12 episode series. The jjk 0 manga is only 1 volume long and a 12 episode series of that would be way too dragged out.
Also the movie added anime only parts mainly for fan service (gojo fight, nanami fight, todo appearing) which weren’t resolved well as they weren’t ment to be in the story. Gojo past will be explored at the start of season 2 so this was kinda just a tease for that.
The sode villains aren’t made to be important and you could tell that pretty quickly that geto was the star and the other are just there as fodder, so at least it is self aware they are useless.
Also gojo is gojo so he just made the guy he was fighting work for him…. Cause he’s gojo. In season 1 it says that yuta was abroad and the guy gojo was fighting was abroad with him.
Also animation wise is debatable, for me the tv show was more fluid and better choreographed, but the movie has better colour choices and ascetic, so for me jjk 0 is slightly better as I value a good ascetic very highly.
And finally maki is mid.