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Sep 29, 2022 4:02 AM
Aug 2018
Well. Rather lackluster of a final episode.
Sep 29, 2022 4:05 AM
Aug 2020
sunday sunday sunday yeah it's good
Sep 29, 2022 4:07 AM

Dec 2008
Phew... what a ride. Amazing experience but I missed the adventuring part of it.
The villagers were amazing, such wonderful characters too. Glad that Nanachi is still with us (and she looks awesome), but still no answers to where Reg comes from.
I will miss Maaaaaaaa, what a fab public speaker.

Go well Sosu, thanks for taking me with on this adventure.
May the Uguu be with you.

Sep 29, 2022 4:26 AM

May 2011
SOSU/10 .
Props to Kuno for nailing faputa, her voice acting sent chills down my spine especially in the final episode. Also RIP to veuko and Maaaaaaa (no Maaa why'd you have to go T_T ).
Godly OST from kevin penkins the gigachad, coupled with stunning visuals and character, PLUS superb OP and ED. Truly contender for AOTY.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Sep 29, 2022 4:43 AM
Jan 2021
I'm starting to think this story isn't about Riko. And more like Reg getting a Harem of babes and fuffly cuddle ones.
Sep 29, 2022 6:40 AM
Apr 2017
great episode. excellent adaptation on this one. enjoyed my time watching and hoping for the continuation.
Sep 29, 2022 6:46 AM

Jan 2021
that was pretty good episode sosu.

Sep 29, 2022 6:52 AM

Feb 2014
This arc was Magi-tier finale build. The world setup and the whole mother scenario of Irumyuui being the symbol of her wishes for generations was a beautiful metaphor. As everything must come to an end the journey they started is surely reaching the depth of the abyss. Vueko was at the center of all and her death was really sad. Wazunyan played his role of a saint till his limit. Majikaja and Maa were the two MVP's of this arc. Bruh literally got his wish to be a value for the princess. Not sure what happened to Maa but I can guess he became one with Faputa too.

With every arc the story gets darker taking our sanity bit by bit. Im kinda sacred what the depths hold now.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 29, 2022 6:54 AM

Feb 2014
Kiev said:
SOSU/10 .
Props to Kuno for nailing faputa, her voice acting sent chills down my spine especially in the final episode. Also RIP to veuko and Maaaaaaa (no Maaa why'd you have to go T_T ).
Godly OST from kevin penkins the gigachad, coupled with stunning visuals and character, PLUS superb OP and ED. Truly contender for AOTY.

Also Faputa's expressions were amazing.

Raicman said:
I'm starting to think this story isn't about Riko. And more like Reg getting a Harem of babes and fuffly cuddle ones.

Hmm sounds true. Reg with his fluffy Haku tribe. Nanachi being the fluffiest and mesmerizing smell too.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 29, 2022 6:58 AM
Jan 2021
This is one of my favorite animes, i wonder if ill watch something as special, I mean, i love one piece, i love hxh too, but this universe, the made in abyss world is just exciting,its different to everything ive seen, i cant even imagine what is going to happen with all that characters that i love with all. I just want to be able to see more made in abyss, i dont care when, maybe it will be in so many years, but as i said, i dont care. Congrats.
Sep 29, 2022 8:30 AM
Nov 2019
NO VUEROERUKO THE BARRIER IS BROKEN DON'T GO UP NOOO! NOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 29, 2022 9:02 AM
Jul 2019
tetrix1993 said:
Pretty good episode and great season so far! Sad Faputa didn't join them in the end...

She actully did lmao read the manga
Sep 29, 2022 9:15 AM

Aug 2015
Anime of the season and quite possibly of the year. Shit was beautiful and I personally liked it more than the first one due to how much information we got from one place and how little relevance Riko had during the show (I just dislike her a lot, so fleshing out other characters is a plus for me). Loved the arc, loved the ost.

9/10. Certified greatness, sosu. Now I´m sad we won´t see this thing animated for the next 7 years.
Sep 29, 2022 9:28 AM
Sep 2020
13_triste said:
Completely different from the manga, in the worst way.

They were talking about the 12 episode months ago and it was promised that he would have 120 minutes, after a beatiful season they mock with the fans and deliver a 47 minutes episode of junk changing only the final of the last arc.

It's unbeliveable that they made 11 episodes keeping all the elements of the history of manga and decide to do a complete change in the last episode without delivering the episode that they were promising.

In resume, Faputa and Reg doesn't kill the animals of the sixth level, they are beat up by them and the only way to Faputa don't die in the fight was eating the last Naherates of the village who offer themselves as sacrifice for the princess. After she and Reg continues to be beaten until they escape with Riko running from the animals who invade the village, Faputa doesn't channel a Kamehameha and destroy the entire Naherate village (this was invention from the anime kkkkk)

But the really bad part is that in the anime we doesn't see the end of the majority of Naherates "Maa" simple disappear when Faputa is sleeping (?!?!?!?!), they create a lore of charaters in 11 episodes and in the last cut the end of them? Really fuck you producers.

This is a episode 0/10 cause they changed a lot of history and doesn't give the propper ending for the majority of Naherates including "Maa"

Bro what in the world are you even talking about this was almost a 1 to 1 adaption of the manga.did we even watch the same show or manga? LMAO
Sep 29, 2022 9:38 AM
Aug 2015
I might be the minority, but this season, was...not good in my opinion. The story, was just garbage. The first episodes and the world-building were somewhat interesting, but it all went to shit when the focus redirected to Faputa. She is just not that great of a character.
This feels like a side story that had nothing to do with the main plot of the abyss. You could skip this entire Season. Like, they went to layer 6, gained new ally. Done.

You can shove all you want the "emotional music", "crying and pain" and stuff, I just didn't buy it.
For me it was very unpolished, and the main cast wasn't really involved all that much in the story.
Nanachi mostly slept during the season and we got the "emotional connection with Mitty" all over again, which was unnecessary and not as impactful as the first time.
Riko didn't do all that much during the season, so did Reg - they both mostly wandered around until the events folded by themselves.

So all you have left is the story of the village, but with very vague characters, their human forms weren't all that great, so when they become Hollow is was even shittier because they speak like ass. You really can't understand what the hell they want.

Vueko crying or dying had zero impact because she wasn't really relevant. She may were in the village's past, but she had no role in the present.
Similar is Belaf who held Nanachi for the sake of value, but let her go when village was getting destroyed. Other than that he had no role to play, so he is just forced in the story.

And then you have Faputa as the antagonist and the revenge arc all going but not really well done.
She is angry, eating people and stuff, suddenly she is revived but she protects everyone, whatever.

I'm not hating on the series, I really like the concept and setting of the abyss, but as I said before, this feels like a side story and not part of the main plot.
Sep 29, 2022 10:23 AM

Feb 2021
it was beautiful...
Sep 29, 2022 10:31 AM

Mar 2019
Perfect adaptation minus Riko whiffing Faputas asshole. Cant believe they left that out smh...
Sep 29, 2022 11:01 AM
Dragon Idol

May 2017
What a finale. They absolutely blew it out of the park!
Vueko's final remaining loved one saving her life at cost of her own, Faputa learning Irumyuui kept Vueko to herself all this time, showing how valuable she really was to her. Faputa, from being introduced as this great threat with immense hatred and strength to truly being as she is, friendly and thoughtful. Prushka's feelings of Riko. Reg rekindling his bonds with Faputa. The brutality of the abyss. Faputa breaking away from her mother's expectations and finding her own destiny. Moogie and the others giving up the remainder of their life so Faputa can finish her duty. Maaa taking care of Riko until the very end...
This was such a journey and I've said it before but I'm so glad this was animated finally. I love this franchise. It's so much. So well put together. Thank you everyone.
Sep 29, 2022 11:37 AM

Mar 2010
Damn they killed of my fav char Veoko but damn wish I was berried with her can't lie. But damn they have easily recruited the most OP character if she joins haha, their going to be the most formidable group and adventurers that might even be able to climb up and go down into history. But damn I had chills mate chills just pure perfection.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Sep 29, 2022 12:12 PM
Mar 2021
Bro my horny ass fr can't finish this shit 🤤🤤🤤
Sep 29, 2022 12:13 PM
May 2021
Great ending, onto the next adventure!
Sep 29, 2022 12:25 PM

Oct 2013
Made in Abyss has done it again, the story, the character developments, the scenery, the world, the music, the pacing, each characters reasoning. Perfect 10/10
Sep 29, 2022 12:32 PM
Aug 2015
it was alright. hm wanted more from this season overall and kinda wish this 40 minutes gave me something more to work with, with the overall plot
Sep 29, 2022 12:40 PM
Mar 2014

I cared more about a pink Wobbafett than any other character in years of anime.

Sep 29, 2022 12:49 PM

Apr 2015
I knew it was coming but i cried with Vueko, Maa and the village getting destroyed.

I liked how Riko and Nanachi comment indirect that Reg is pretty much a furry, he got easily sold for another fluffy.

I really would like they teased "mommy", but well... Now comes the long wait.

Easy 10/10 i will miss this anime, very unique and i can't wait for the full ost release.
ScarRufusOct 1, 2022 1:20 AM
Sep 29, 2022 1:05 PM
Dec 2021
Season 2 - 7/10

Season 1 and the Bondrewd movie (movie #3?) were immersive as an adventure (9/10), exploring various levels of the abyss and facing increasing darkness and dangers as the team descends deeper. The danger, horror, and awe was all so captivating, we could only expect greatness in Season 2.

Animation was superb, music was decent & got the job done but no strong feelings either way towards it. However sadly the pacing slowed to a crawl in Season 2. There was little added in terms of world building, the main characters, or the abyss.

We learned mainly about the village haven, in contrast to a hostile abyss. It was neat our heroes finally made some friends, explorers who went in the abyss before today's surface city developed. It was like a time capsule effect of the history of the island, and foreshadows the direction surface city is headed towards.

However we didn't learn much about the abyss itself & very little exploring was done, which is one of the shows strong points. Instead we were told of a golden city, and travelers called Ganja group who seek it out. Where they are from & how the explorers of the time know about it, we are never told. Ganja group eventually lands on the island, and descends to level 6 there was no village nor golden city. The village had to be created.

The crux of the season aka the golden eggs were just dropped on us without foreshadowing before, and no explanation after. When a point so fundamental to the season like these eggs (no eggs -> no village -> no Ganja survivors -> no season 2) just gets skipped over. Not asking every detail to be explained but something basic to make the events seem credible, believable, relatable, etc. and the golden egg plot device didn't even feel necessary for the village to exist.

I get that that this village has its own "gold" in a way which is "value," teaching us that what is valuable is not always silver and gold but the things the heart cherishes. Great theme and lesson to take away, but for a show like this I wonder if it doesn't feel out of place for a dark story.

We made some friends and lost some friends, however the impact didn't hit the same as it did during the events of the Bondrewd movie. The connection wasn't quite as strong this season.

We did get some set-up for what happens in Season 3: the piece of paper from "Mom," refining Riko's white whistle, some of Reg's backstory, and possibly new companions.

----And whatever happens to Maaa? One second (s)he is there, the next (s)he is gone. Was (s)he off-screened or just decide to ditch everyone? They said (s)he was one of the outsider hollows so it doesn't seem right that Faputa took revenge on Maa or that Maa dissipated because the village collapsed.

Overall still love Made in Abyss but can't wait for a return to facing the descent and all the darkness that comes with that.
Astute_AnimeSep 29, 2022 8:28 PM
Sep 29, 2022 1:15 PM
Feb 2022
That was incredible
Sep 29, 2022 1:27 PM

Feb 2011
A great episode. Very well done. Happy to see the curse took out at least one person and came back, but sad to see we didn't end somehow with getting to the next layer of the abyss. Movie maybe? I cant imagine a whole season revolving around one layer.

Regardless, good arc. Animation was great, the characters are well done, and im glad to see most people feel the same way.

Still, cant please everyone and it's disappointing to see some reviewers who nitpick at small things in this incredible anime.

All in all a solid 9.7/10. Would've been flawless 10 if we got to layer 7... but hopefully we dont need to wait too long.
Sep 29, 2022 1:31 PM
Oct 2021
ThaiDuy said:
I love the moment Faputa says: "It's Sosu time" and "It's Fapu-Time" truly a moment of the episode, and she sosus all over the place making this AOTY in the Oscars.

it's fapping time
Sep 29, 2022 1:44 PM
Nov 2017
10/10, waiting for season 3 now

FAQ Answers:

1. Maa is dead. Probably got eaten by Faputa off screen, either that or disintegrated since the villagers cant exist outside the village, and the village is gone

2. Riko will sniff Faputa's butt in S3, don't you worry
Sep 29, 2022 1:59 PM

Mar 2014
What an epic conclusion
Sep 29, 2022 2:17 PM

Feb 2018
Penkin is the GOAT, visuals were great as well. Although I wasn't a big fan of this arc, the adaptation made it really enjoyable. Kinda sad considering the fact the anime is almost up to date with manga (and the pace the manga is being released) we're not gonna get any more MIA anime is a few years, it got me pretty hyped.
Sep 29, 2022 3:02 PM
Aug 2017
I don't think the words even exist to describe what emotions I felt watching this. There is a saying, a picture conveys more than a thousand words. I believe the same can be said about stories. If a story paints a world of anguish, despair and tragedy like this, those are emotions going way beyond their meaning. Mixing and evolving, like a system that is more than the sum of its parts. The entirety of this show accumulated and resonated within me, overflowing and eventually bursting.

I cried.

In my free time I am a dungeon master for DnD. This show just set my goal of how and what kind of stories I want to tell in the future. Emotions, Tragedy, Lore and Mystery. I hope that some day in the future I improve enough to create a world like Made in Abyss.

Thank you so very much for existing <3
Sep 29, 2022 3:08 PM
May 2022
Most people rating this low have no ability to look past the surface layer of this show.
Sep 29, 2022 3:08 PM
Mar 2022
truely a great way to end the season off
Sep 29, 2022 3:15 PM
Apr 2013
I have a question about Irumyuui - what did Vueko mean when she said she said her wish all came down to "homesickness"? Did the Abyss "grant" her wish by making her as tall as possible so she is "closer to home", or turning her into an actual village meant to resemble her previous home village?
Sep 29, 2022 3:33 PM
Apr 2019
MASTERPIECE this arc !!
Sep 29, 2022 3:50 PM

Jul 2020
Great another fluffy girl joined the harem
Sep 29, 2022 5:12 PM
Jun 2021
top tier, i loved it.
Sep 29, 2022 5:27 PM

Sep 2014
Apolygon2 said:
Comander-07 said:
ngl this was too confusing for me to enjoy. Halfway through this season just lost me.

Lots of dying, lots of drama, lots of action, but whats the point?

Where was Vuero even trying to go when she got hit with the curse?

Wazazan predicted everything and just did it for the lulz?

Nanachis entire involvement in this was because she inherited some others memories. Basically was absent the entire season outside of recycled melodrama.

Riku has strong "chose one" vibes here, just gets the center of attention without any reason.

Reg still doesnt remember anything at all, shame.

Lots of focus on Faputa so either she joins or this all was wasted effort.

Idk, just give me back the adventure part of this story and tone down the child torture melodrama.

Maybe I can enjoy this more when I binge it in a rewatch.. would be a shame not to after the amazing first season and movie.

1. I get why one may think this arc was semi-pointless. it was easily the most stand alone arc. still had a lot of stuff like reg's past, more information on the history of abyss and the white whistle and stuff like that, but it was mostly the story of the village, not our characters. but I'm completely fine with that. the story of the village was more than strong enough to stand on it's own.

2. Wazukyan brought her down when things were getting crazy, and she was simply trying to get back to where she was.

3. up for interpretation or maybe revealed in the future. we don't even know if he can actually see the future, or not, at least not for sure. I would say it has to do with the abyss layer thing nanachi explained in season 1, but he had this "ability" even before getting to the abyss, so idk. If he did know the future, he probably didn't know a way to change it. I think he did all he could, there isn't really much else he could have done to help their situation.

4. that and her fully moving on from her loss. But why is that a problem? it's not every single character has to have the biggest role in every single season. It is true that she had very little to do with this arc, but like, why is that a problem?

5. the thing about riko is that she has chosen one vibes not because she is the main character, but because she acts like it. she just does things without a second thought, even though those things have huge impacts. in this very season she almost decided what limb to give away in like 1 minute. you see her making relationships with the villagers, and you are given a reason to why people notice her. this is how to properly put the MC in the center of attention. she isn't special because she's the mc, she is the mc because she's special.

6. if by adventure you mean the first like 9 episodes of season 1, I don't see the show getting back to that. the show has been changing with it's every arc, and I think that's a great thing. the bondrewd arc was completely different from everything before it, and this was the same. my guess is that the later parts will follow this same pattern and be completely different.

7. even if she doesn't join, I'm near certain she will be coming back, so no I seriously doubt this being all for nothing.
imo this was way too long for what it had to offer, should have atleast given us 1 or 2 actual adventuring episodes more, the only one we got were the flashbacks and all the village stuff could have been half a cour, or even a movie.

3+2 how about not dropping Vera further down when he kinda knows the village doesnt stop the curse anymore? As far as I could tell she only died because of the curse, she was fine before.

4 Because none of the main cast got developement, Reg only got some backstory. Which in itself would be fine if we had more of the trio actually adventuring instead of getting split for essentially the entire arc.

5 nah huge disagree, she is both. Sure she doesnt act like most kids yet all the villagers getting attached to them only because they are human children was weak, Nanachi got it as well with all the small ones swarming around her only because she napped next to them all season.

6 we saw a lot of different locations and learned a lot about the world, here we see 1 honestly not all that cool location and get 2 eps worth of abyss lore.

Honestly there was too much action.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Sep 29, 2022 6:29 PM

Oct 2019
Astute_Anime said:
Season 2 - 7/10
Season 1 and the movie were so immersive as an adventure (9/10), with the exploration of various levels of the abyss and the encroaching darkness and dangers as the team descends deeper. Season 2 was all about the village where they stayed, made some friends, but we didn't learn much about the abyss itself beside the golden eggs, the piece of paper from "Mom," and a few other tidbits like new monsters etc.

Season 2 left me wanting to know more about the abyss, it felt like a side-quest story in a video game & look forward to what happens in S3 when it comes out.

And whatever happens to Maaa? One second she is there, the next she is gone. Was she off-screened?

she was holding riko when they got out. but when riko wakes up, she just sees the doll being next to her.

the implication was that maa went poof in those purple flames due to being outside the village.
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Sep 29, 2022 6:34 PM
Sep 2022
Masterpiece! Loved the music!
Sep 29, 2022 6:35 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
I'm not quite sure on how I've felt about this finale to be honest.

To be honest, I wasn't completely following all the metaphors regarding value already so this finale's impact was mostly lost on my eyes. That isn't to say that the music didn't resound on me at all, far from it actually. Same with how each of the villagers were returned to the abyss. It was a sad departure but a necessary one.

Regarding the season itself, for the most of it I wasn't sure where it was headed towards since each main went their separate ways and the villagers had a way of speaking that wasn't very clear. Aside from the value I guess by the end I didn't quite get what the goal of the villagers was from their initial journey. Were they venturing just for the sake of adventure? What was the golden city exactly? I'll need to catch up on that later.

Lastly, animation wise this was on par with the last movie, which is good due to the fluidity but not that great considering that I'm not that fan of gore and there sure was plenty of it. In fact, I do still cover my eyes from time to time bt the mental image stays, gross.

All in all, better season than the first one on many levels, even if I didn't get as emotionally or plot invested as others.
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Sep 29, 2022 6:40 PM

Oct 2019
Comander-07 said:
Apolygon2 said:

1. I get why one may think this arc was semi-pointless. it was easily the most stand alone arc. still had a lot of stuff like reg's past, more information on the history of abyss and the white whistle and stuff like that, but it was mostly the story of the village, not our characters. but I'm completely fine with that. the story of the village was more than strong enough to stand on it's own.

2. Wazukyan brought her down when things were getting crazy, and she was simply trying to get back to where she was.

3. up for interpretation or maybe revealed in the future. we don't even know if he can actually see the future, or not, at least not for sure. I would say it has to do with the abyss layer thing nanachi explained in season 1, but he had this "ability" even before getting to the abyss, so idk. If he did know the future, he probably didn't know a way to change it. I think he did all he could, there isn't really much else he could have done to help their situation.

4. that and her fully moving on from her loss. But why is that a problem? it's not every single character has to have the biggest role in every single season. It is true that she had very little to do with this arc, but like, why is that a problem?

5. the thing about riko is that she has chosen one vibes not because she is the main character, but because she acts like it. she just does things without a second thought, even though those things have huge impacts. in this very season she almost decided what limb to give away in like 1 minute. you see her making relationships with the villagers, and you are given a reason to why people notice her. this is how to properly put the MC in the center of attention. she isn't special because she's the mc, she is the mc because she's special.

6. if by adventure you mean the first like 9 episodes of season 1, I don't see the show getting back to that. the show has been changing with it's every arc, and I think that's a great thing. the bondrewd arc was completely different from everything before it, and this was the same. my guess is that the later parts will follow this same pattern and be completely different.

7. even if she doesn't join, I'm near certain she will be coming back, so no I seriously doubt this being all for nothing.
imo this was way too long for what it had to offer, should have atleast given us 1 or 2 actual adventuring episodes more, the only one we got were the flashbacks and all the village stuff could have been half a cour, or even a movie.

3+2 how about not dropping Vera further down when he kinda knows the village doesnt stop the curse anymore? As far as I could tell she only died because of the curse, she was fine before.

4 Because none of the main cast got developement, Reg only got some backstory. Which in itself would be fine if we had more of the trio actually adventuring instead of getting split for essentially the entire arc.

5 nah huge disagree, she is both. Sure she doesnt act like most kids yet all the villagers getting attached to them only because they are human children was weak, Nanachi got it as well with all the small ones swarming around her only because she napped next to them all season.

6 we saw a lot of different locations and learned a lot about the world, here we see 1 honestly not all that cool location and get 2 eps worth of abyss lore.

Honestly there was too much action.

if it was shorter, it would have been rushed. there was way too much in this to put into 1 movie. maybe you don't like everything in it, but there is a lot in it.

3+2 he didn't want her to get back up. he brought her down to keep her safe from everything that was going on up there. the main reason she got hit was because:

1. she didn't know she was human
2. she had forgotten that she should worry about the curse

4. I recently made sure of it, faputa will join them. and this was her arc. so I argue that she is now a main character that got plenty of development. + this arc focused on fleshing out the village. it wasn't about our characters, it was the story of the village. like I said, I agree that this had very little to do with our cast and overall plot, I just don't think that's a bad thing.

5. fair enough

6. I don't think they need to move through location after location in only 1 season for this to be a good adventure. for me 1 location per season is more than enough. I also hard disagree on this not being cool. I thought location wise, this layer was by far and beyond the most interesting out of the 6 that we have been through. it was also the most visually unique.

if anything most adventure shows are like this.

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Sep 29, 2022 6:59 PM
Dec 2021
BirdyTheMighty said:
10/10, waiting for season 3 now

FAQ Answers:

1. Maa is dead. Probably got eaten by Faputa off screen, either that or disintegrated since the villagers cant exist outside the village, and the village is gone

2. Riko will sniff Faputa's butt in S3, don't you worry

Are we sure Maa is dead? I'll have to rewatch the last episode again, but I'm almost certain that Wazukyan or Majikaja said Maa and Nanachi were both outsiders and hollows from beyond the village. So just as Nanachi still remains alive, in theory so is Maa because the village collapsing doesn't affect her and she didn't eat X so Faputa won't try to get revenge....

I have my own opinion about what happened to Maa (& why), but either way they should not leave out such an important character like Maa in the end of the season. It allows for a better set up if they're alive & returns, or conclusion if they pass on.
Astute_AnimeSep 29, 2022 7:02 PM
Sep 29, 2022 7:14 PM
May 2019
Solid 9/10
I enjoyed this season and it will be missed for at least 5 years :(
Hopefully we get a S3 one day !
Sep 29, 2022 7:52 PM

Sep 2013
Sooooooo what was Wazukyan's end goal again?

It's incredible how good the production values were this season, you can tell that the staff really love working on this anime. Just like we love watching it. Also imma need Riko's hair to grow back fast cuz I'm not a fan of her short hair lol

Off to another 5 years wait before season 3 comes out...
Sep 29, 2022 8:21 PM
Dec 2017
So glad the episode was much longer than the usual 24 minutes. They wrapped it up pretty well
Sep 29, 2022 8:33 PM
Jan 2021
No words can describe how i fell in this episode...
Sep 29, 2022 11:02 PM
Aug 2022
Just Wow.
The "Dark Beauty" has come to an end.
It's one of the best sequels out there in anime which actually surpassed it's first season by flying colours.

Faputa starts her true revenge by using her full potential by consuming her mother's soul in other villagers to transform into real Gold, that they were searching for.
Ah!, They have to do it now.
The backstory of Gaburoon and Faputa started only to pierce our heart more cruelly.
The fight sequence was also amazing.

I found Wazukyan so much interesting, he is definitely one of the best character written out there in fantasy world just like Bondrewd.
Like even he was dying, he was telling them to find hope only to despair.
It's true that our life is the accumulation of everything from the time we born to the time we die.
He is really something else.
He even created the path for outsiders to come to destroy the village.
Just how much he saw out there in the darkness.

The scene between Vueko and Pako made me emotional and the way Vueko was hurting.
Terasaki Yuka has become my One of the favourite female seiyuu.
The voice acting was out of the world, like I can feel her pain accurately only by her voice without even listening to music.
Kevin Penkin, You are the Gigachad.
The music, it was so mesmerizing, like it adds so much feeling to the scenes.
It was out of the world, it gave me goosebumps several times this episode.

Everything comes to an end, and our villagers also met their end through Faputa.
Moogie and others also met their end.

Vueko was the one that Faputa can't have, she only belonged to Irumyuui.
Vueko also met her end alongside Irumyuui.
And, this scene made me and my brothers bawl like so hard, I was crying crazily.

This is the definitely of Anime of the Year.
This is the story of three children longing to to go Deep down the Unknowing, mysterious, dangerous, crueler than anything on the surface, which is called "Abyss".
And, this journey is so beautifull and mesmerizing inside the beauty of Abyss.

Fattsue Sanburemu, Sosu
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