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The Genius Prince's Guide to Raising a Nation Out of Debt (Hey, How About Treason?) (light novel)
Available on Manga Store
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Mar 30, 2022 9:01 AM
Jul 2020
Lumayan bagus ini anime, tidak buruk. Aku suka dengan karakter si Wein,berbeda dengan MC biasanya. Semoga dapat S2!
Mar 30, 2022 10:51 AM

Nov 2010
andreariona said:
Dude just losing fat for getting hurt. Wonderful.

Not that unrealistic, top athletes have mad metabolisms, just read of what Michael Phelps had to eat per day at his peak, just to keep his body running, a normal human couldn't eat that in a week. Injuries eat a lot of a body, I can tell you from experience that, after a big injury, I had to remind myself to eat regularly or I would get lightheaded pretty fast. Losing blood and healing tissue eats energy like nothing. Exaggerated, sure, unrealistic not really.

Kayle_x_Morgana said:
that last bluff was just so ridiculous. Literally no human being would ever believe that the clothes had poison on them.
the author should have wrote that better.

I don't think it was written badly, on the contrary the way it was written was quite genius, even with the detail missing that some readers mentioned that there was already illness in the kingdom. He basically did a move that magicians also use. He piled arguments on top of each other to overwhelm his opponent. If done right, it doesn't even matter if the first argument is not realistic, when you stop your opponent thinking deeply about it by piling up more and more stuff and putting them under time pressure. Magicians do it to distract their audience, negotiators may do it to lead the opposing site to rash and not thought through decisions.

SwitchingTmprly said:
I did enjoy this prescient sidebar about the war in Ukraine

I think the biggest thing that reminded me of Ukraine was when he mentioned that messengers during wartime always prefer to deliver messages that make it look better than it actually is and with the fog of war clouding clear information it was used here to lead to wrong decisions of the opposing side.
That is pretty close to what analysts believe is happening to Putin, nobody wants to tell him what went wrong, so he doesn't really have access to correct information. Kind of the problems with autocrats that only have 'yes' men surrounding them.
zwolf12Mar 30, 2022 10:54 AM
Mar 30, 2022 7:06 PM
Nov 2020
I’m hoping this gets a season 2, it would be criminal not to do so.
Mar 31, 2022 3:38 PM

Jun 2021
This was a really fun and interesting anime to watch, thoroughly enjoyed this! The last episode felt a teensy bit rushed, but it was great and hinted that there might be another season ^-^
Mar 31, 2022 5:35 PM

Mar 2015
idk this show looks like mc with half a brain plays tricks on utterly braindead opponents and they fall for every single one of them. I bet the prince guy could easily entrap enemy king by saying floor is lava or some other stupid shit and it would work out brilliantly -- or rather plot-conveniently. that's the sort of impression this show gave me. hardly even mid
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Apr 2, 2022 7:36 AM
Jun 2021
can some one explan me what he said in 21:23 please?
Apr 3, 2022 12:07 AM

May 2016
Really enjoyed watching this anime. The conversations were interesting & informative with proper substance and the constant developments made sure that I was never bored while watching. Overall, I'd give this anime an 8/10.

Apr 4, 2022 9:20 AM

Jan 2020
1st episode was boring, but I really liked it after ep 2. Wein was a solid mc
Apr 4, 2022 9:22 AM

Jan 2020
antonn said:
Looks like the anime didn't include that the red head loli joins the harem. Also pretty hilarious that they cut the little detail that there was already wide spread illness happening in Delunio, which is why the poisoned dye bluff even worked.

Is there even a harem tho? Ninym says she can’t fall in love with him, so only the blonde princess likes him
Apr 4, 2022 9:37 AM

Nov 2019
Animillion said:
Is there even a harem tho? Ninym says she can’t fall in love with him, so only the blonde princess likes him

Ninym says she can't marry him. Big difference there.

She quite obviously does love him. And he is just as obviously aware of all that as well; they are for all intensive purposes already a couple.
Apr 4, 2022 12:56 PM

Nov 2014
MightySheep said:
All the "genius" plots and schemes in this anime are dumb as fuck. For example the part where they had a little girl march all the residents of a merchant town out as refugees then return armed made absolutely no sense and would never happen.

Then in this episode he's bluffing about poison woven into clothing, and threatening to migrate his whole country? There's just so many things wrong with this plot, it makes literally no sense. If you can still enjoy it despite that then you are quite simply an idiot.

Tbh the thing with clothes isn't that unrealistic. It's same as scam people fall to regularly: throw something that sounds dangerous, keep piling arguments without leaving a chance to think and add a pressure of time so they have to make a choice right now. On top of that Wein is already known in that world as someone who did many unexpected things, which does make his bluffs more believable. And migration itself is a serious threat, as we see in real world. Ukraine-Poland border has been crossed by like 2,5 milions in those 40 days, as an example.
But yes, let's call people idiots for enjoying their anime. Such a higher life form you are.
JustAnotherShiroApr 4, 2022 1:03 PM
Apr 4, 2022 3:25 PM

Jan 2020
Offkorn said:
Animillion said:
Is there even a harem tho? Ninym says she can’t fall in love with him, so only the blonde princess likes him

Ninym says she can't marry him. Big difference there.

She quite obviously does love him. And he is just as obviously aware of all that as well; they are for all intensive purposes already a couple.
Offkorn said:
Animillion said:
Is there even a harem tho? Ninym says she can’t fall in love with him, so only the blonde princess likes him

Ninym says she can't marry him. Big difference there.

She quite obviously does love him. And he is just as obviously aware of all that as well; they are for all intensive purposes already a couple.

They’re not a couple tho. She actively tries not to be with him in a romantic relationship, and therefore they can’t be a couple, even tho she likes him. Not sure about any other girl tho.
Apr 4, 2022 4:31 PM
Mar 2011
ThirteenEleven said:
MightySheep said:
All the "genius" plots and schemes in this anime are dumb as fuck. For example the part where they had a little girl march all the residents of a merchant town out as refugees then return armed made absolutely no sense and would never happen.

Then in this episode he's bluffing about poison woven into clothing, and threatening to migrate his whole country? There's just so many things wrong with this plot, it makes literally no sense. If you can still enjoy it despite that then you are quite simply an idiot.

Tbh the thing with clothes isn't that unrealistic. It's same as scam people fall to regularly: throw something that sounds dangerous, keep piling arguments without leaving a chance to think and add a pressure of time so they have to make a choice right now. On top of that Wein is already known in that world as someone who did many unexpected things, which does make his bluffs more believable. And migration itself is a serious threat, as we see in real world. Ukraine-Poland border has been crossed by like 2,5 milions in those 40 days, as an example.
But yes, let's call people idiots for enjoying their anime. Such a higher life form you are.

Besides, it IS believable to have clothing be poisoned.
I suggest that anyone saying that people that enjoy this are an "idiots" study a bit more about the phrase "mad as a hatter" and about green wallpaper in the Victorian Era.
Furthermore, this work's world is even earlier than pre-industrial revolution levels, and by early 20th century we were still encouraging people to paint watch dials with RADIUM and a lot of those workers were very sick.
In the mid 20th century they were dumping mercury compounds on the sea in Japan and it made a huge amount of people sick.

To sum it up, yeah people are just dumb like that, specifically when they have no knowledge about the poison itself.
Apr 4, 2022 5:07 PM

Nov 2019
Animillion said:
They’re not a couple tho. She actively tries not to be with him in a romantic relationship, and therefore they can’t be a couple, even tho she likes him. Not sure about any other girl tho.


They spend all their time together, they sit on/lay in each others laps, they go on dates, he openly calls her his heart and personally kills anyone who insults her.

They are, in fact, a romantic couple. You don't have to be married or have sex to be a romantic couple.
Apr 4, 2022 5:08 PM

Jan 2020
Offkorn said:
Animillion said:
Is there even a harem tho? Ninym says she can’t fall in love with him, so only the blonde princess likes him

Ninym says she can't marry him. Big difference there.

She quite obviously does love him. And he is just as obviously aware of all that as well; they are for all intensive purposes already a couple.

She can’t marry him = aren’t a couple. Heck she was encouraging him marrying someone else. I’m not denying that she likes him, but unless she changes her mindset, things will go nowhere for them
Apr 4, 2022 7:30 PM
Mar 2016
in japan they release in 4 vol of bluray dvd just for 12 episodes all my god. and I bet each volume is quite expensive. man unlike in my region. if it only 12 to 13 episodes then it will be release as in complete season 1 (2 dvd/bluray). if there 24 to 26 episodes then it will have to split in season ? part 1 and 2 (each set will have half of the anime season episode)
Apr 5, 2022 7:05 AM

Jul 2021
Well this was a good episode, pretty interesting.

Not much to say, feel like we should get another season, that muted words from Wein sort of hint that, I mean they xan't just end it here with that, can they?

Overall, would rate this season 7/10, cutting points because of all the complexity and frequent info dumps. Rest points are all because of the Ninym x Wein moments and some for Falanya.

Hoping we get a season 2.

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Apr 5, 2022 12:36 PM
Apr 2021
YotsubaPride said:
That plan was so idiotic, I can't believe the author made that work out perfectly. Clothes have poison on them and you believe that really?? And you are going to move 800000 of your people to enemy territory? Please carry out your stupid plan, I'm sure it will work out somehow.

I was going to give this show a 7 but because of this episode I'm giving it a 6. Use some logic in your stories, it's not that hard.

this is the dumbest comment yet lmao.
Apr 5, 2022 4:38 PM

Nov 2009
Win with bluffs... LOL

Also, some ppls are talking about moving 800,000 ppls and saying it isn't possible.

But if we use real world incident (current Ukraine-Russia War), more than 3 million ppls have moved out of Ukraine and into other countries, an estimated of 400,000 moved into Russia and Belarus (the enemy).

So it's not that far-fetched for a country to move hundreds of thousands of ppls out of their country. (even into the enemy's lands)

___ ___ ___

Also, I just noticed that I constantly focus my eyes onto Zeno's boobas everytime she appear on the screen... >_> ( Y )

And yea... how the fuck did the King lost weight so fast? WTF is this miracle technique? He's cured obesity...

___ ___ ___

Other note, ppls talking about "Harem", it's half I guess...

His little sister of course can't really be count as his Harem cause they don't have any sort of Romantic feeling for each other.

Lowellmina have feelings for Wein, but she wants to keep it off until she becomes the Queen (which would take years)

Ninym obviously loves Wein, but she "can't marry" only because 80% of the entire "world" are prejudice and incriminating against her Race. If she marries Wein on official account, Natara would be isolated and alienated by 80% of the entire "world" (have you not notice why Ninym keeps on dying her hair black whenever she goes outside of Natara?)

Zeno also have high opinions for Wein, but as previous episode stated. Zeno doesn't think she's "worth" for Wein.


Love = Lowel, Ninym
Admire = Falanya, Zeno

We also have no idea about Tolcheila's opinion on Wein, she seems to have a positive view for wein, but most times she's just into eating food... LOL

So... Neutral = Tolcheila

So yea, about half-half of Harem (btw, a Harem doesn't require you to be married with everyone, it simply means one person being the target of romantic feelings from more than 2 people that would spend their time on you)
amlgApr 5, 2022 4:44 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Apr 5, 2022 9:49 PM

Mar 2012
I rather enjoyed both this and Genjitsu Shugi. Both operate on this perhaps unrealistic premise of the main character just being able to outfox everyone they come across (for the most part), but I think the way they do it is fun and not entirely superficial at least. Would love to see a season 2 to see more Wein and Ninym.
Apr 6, 2022 9:50 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
IMO the first of the anime was getting really bland to me, I got into this for the main girl, but I was getting tired of seeing the MC anthics on loop over and over again... things somehow certainly improved, I dont feel the blondie a lot, but Zenovia is pretty cute and nice addiction to the harem, when I stopped caring about how much asspull every scheme the MC did was, I think the anime got more enjoyable for sure.

This final arc I was glad the fatso king actually proved to have some intriguity and damm he got so thin and buff, got me good.
Also I want to know what the MC told the king that had him HYPED.

Really welcome a S2, of course I want Ninym x Wein, but I also want other girls like Zenovia getting some love~~

7.7/10 = 8
Apr 6, 2022 7:25 PM

Oct 2014
ThirteenEleven said:
MightySheep said:
All the "genius" plots and schemes in this anime are dumb as fuck. For example the part where they had a little girl march all the residents of a merchant town out as refugees then return armed made absolutely no sense and would never happen.

Then in this episode he's bluffing about poison woven into clothing, and threatening to migrate his whole country? There's just so many things wrong with this plot, it makes literally no sense. If you can still enjoy it despite that then you are quite simply an idiot.

Tbh the thing with clothes isn't that unrealistic. It's same as scam people fall to regularly: throw something that sounds dangerous, keep piling arguments without leaving a chance to think and add a pressure of time so they have to make a choice right now. On top of that Wein is already known in that world as someone who did many unexpected things, which does make his bluffs more believable. And migration itself is a serious threat, as we see in real world. Ukraine-Poland border has been crossed by like 2,5 milions in those 40 days, as an example.
But yes, let's call people idiots for enjoying their anime. Such a higher life form you are.

Right it's totally believable even though there's absolutely no evidence or cases that have come forward despite this clothing having been sold THROUGHOUT THE CONTINENT not just this guys region. Simply testing it would obviously be too difficult too right? Having scientists or experts examine it to verify his claims is totally out of the question.

Also I'm sure if this guy tells his entire country to migrate into another country they would all do it without hesitation and there would be no issues whatsoever. His people definitely wouldnt massively suffer from this and experience infinite hardships, especially when the guy is threatening to stop them by any means necessary at the border. Like cmon how is threatening to use your entire population as a disposable swarm a legit threat? I mean Im talking off the top of my head but literally just think for 1 second about what youre saying. Threatening to completely ruin your own country and population has got to be the dumbest bluff I've ever heard of. If you think this is smart writing you are just literally just an idiot I dont care if you call me an smart ass egolord its just the truth.
Apr 7, 2022 4:31 AM

Nov 2019
MightySheep said:
Simply testing it would obviously be too difficult too right? Having scientists or experts examine it to verify his claims is totally out of the question.

While I get where you're coming from, since I personally found that arc overwrought and lacking believability myself:

What scientists? What experts? This is a world with medieval level technology/knowledge. He also doesn't have the time for any of that since his people have already fallen ill and he couldn't find the cause.

Like, you can attack the premise from multiple angles, but realism isn't really one of them.
Apr 7, 2022 10:10 AM

Nov 2014
MightySheep said:
ThirteenEleven said:

Tbh the thing with clothes isn't that unrealistic. It's same as scam people fall to regularly: throw something that sounds dangerous, keep piling arguments without leaving a chance to think and add a pressure of time so they have to make a choice right now. On top of that Wein is already known in that world as someone who did many unexpected things, which does make his bluffs more believable. And migration itself is a serious threat, as we see in real world. Ukraine-Poland border has been crossed by like 2,5 milions in those 40 days, as an example.
But yes, let's call people idiots for enjoying their anime. Such a higher life form you are.

Right it's totally believable even though there's absolutely no evidence or cases that have come forward despite this clothing having been sold THROUGHOUT THE CONTINENT not just this guys region. Simply testing it would obviously be too difficult too right? Having scientists or experts examine it to verify his claims is totally out of the question.

Also I'm sure if this guy tells his entire country to migrate into another country they would all do it without hesitation and there would be no issues whatsoever. His people definitely wouldnt massively suffer from this and experience infinite hardships, especially when the guy is threatening to stop them by any means necessary at the border. Like cmon how is threatening to use your entire population as a disposable swarm a legit threat? I mean Im talking off the top of my head but literally just think for 1 second about what youre saying. Threatening to completely ruin your own country and population has got to be the dumbest bluff I've ever heard of. If you think this is smart writing you are just literally just an idiot I dont care if you call me an smart ass egolord its just the truth.

What sceintists? When? They are mid-negotiations. He has to make decisions right now. Again, it's same as phone scammers do (succesfully) nowadays, despite modern people being much better educated.
And he doesn't need to tell his people to migrate. They would do so themselves if their country got overwhelmed by army (which seems to be unavoidable). All he needs to do is tell them that "country X is a good place to run to" instead letting them move in all directions. His threat is based on assumption that he loses, which is what the other guy is aiming for. He doesn't destroy his country himself. If anything, he is just saying that if he goes down, they both do.
Sure, it is far fetched and relying on a lot of luck. But that's the point of fiction - we want to see that super risky gamble work out.
JustAnotherShiroApr 7, 2022 10:14 AM
Apr 8, 2022 8:30 PM

Oct 2014
"What scientists? What experts? This is a world with medieval level technology/knowledge. "

I knew using the word scientist would lead to this response, ok replace it alchemist, poisons master, who gives a fuck. If youre going to say "its a fantasy show who cares about realism" then you dont understand what makes for good writing. As for the other guy trying to justify why a ruler of a country would fall for the worlds dumbest bluffing, just stop. Youre dumb so you dont know how dumb you are, its ok just accept it and lets move on.

This is just the same issue every book / tv show / anime / etc has when there's a potato brain writer trying to come up with a "genius" or "super smart" protagonist. It just doesnt ever work because it requires smart writing and this aint it.
Apr 9, 2022 2:27 AM

Nov 2019
MightySheep said:
"What scientists? What experts? This is a world with medieval level technology/knowledge. "

I knew using the word scientist would lead to this response, ok replace it alchemist, poisons master, who gives a fuck.

You, presumably. If you're going to attack it from a realism angle, then you should at the very least have some basic knowledge about the topic at hand.

Like, this isn't a high magic fantasy show. There's no magic, alchemy, or technomancy here. Medical knowledge is spotty at best, germ theory is nonexistent.

So, with all that in mind, please explain why it's not realistic for a leader whose population has recently been falling unexplainably ill to believe an opposing nation was poisoning them when said nation straight-up extorts them.

Is is believable? Clearly not, since you're having so much difficulty believing it. But then... reality is full of unbelievable events.
Apr 9, 2022 5:59 PM

Oct 2014
Offkorn said:
MightySheep said:
"What scientists? What experts? This is a world with medieval level technology/knowledge. "

I knew using the word scientist would lead to this response, ok replace it alchemist, poisons master, who gives a fuck.

You, presumably. If you're going to attack it from a realism angle, then you should at the very least have some basic knowledge about the topic at hand.

Like, this isn't a high magic fantasy show. There's no magic, alchemy, or technomancy here. Medical knowledge is spotty at best, germ theory is nonexistent.

So, with all that in mind, please explain why it's not realistic for a leader whose population has recently been falling unexplainably ill to believe an opposing nation was poisoning them when said nation straight-up extorts them.

Is is believable? Clearly not, since you're having so much difficulty believing it. But then... reality is full of unbelievable events.

OK youre really struggling with this. Lets agree that there is knowledge about poisons. So you will have people in this world that are experienced with poisons. Experts. Can we at least agree on that? Something like a grand meister. There are pretty basic medieval ways to test if something is poisoned. Alchemy isnt magic its what existed in medieval times before chemistry came along.

Also I cant really remember this episode now but did it even say that people were falling ill? I dont remember it ever saying that.
Apr 16, 2022 3:22 PM
Jul 2018
this episode was ridiculous in almost all aspects specially the way the general lost. a very bad episode for what was a very good anime.
Apr 17, 2022 12:24 AM
Apr 2022
Kayle_x_Morgana said:
that last bluff was just so ridiculous. Literally no human being would ever believe that the clothes had poison on them.
the author should have wrote that better.

boy oh boy....ever heard of Rhodamin B? Or lead for plumbing? or at least arsenic and mercury/quicksilver for face powder.

Human is opportunist, we use anything that we could use. The less knowledge we had, the less cautious we are. Most of the times to the point that we only use something for its immediate use rather than long term safety & sustainability and get screwed up later.

Its still happen now, and for sure its happen in middle ages settings like in this anime. So a cloths dye that is poisonous is not really a stretch in my opinion...
Apr 17, 2022 1:54 AM

Aug 2021
great show, great writing
smartest anime I have watched.
please for the sake of god GIVE ME SEASON 2 someday
Stawberry Milk Supremacy
May 9, 2022 11:56 PM

Feb 2014
Where is the 7.5/10 score... aff -_-" That would makes things so easier >.< =P
May 30, 2022 1:47 AM

Jul 2015
Certainly a fun watch because of Wein's tactical outplays but I wish his genius wasn't mostly shown against hugely incompetent enemies and plotconveniences (clothes being poisoned without any evidence seemed like the kind of bluff nobody would fall for even if it was real).

Jun 10, 2022 10:33 PM
Oct 2012
JustKhoa said:
can some one explan me what he said in 21:23 please?
I'll just copy paste my comment from another site. Idk if it is spoiler since its stated clearly back at volume 1/arc 1 but totally skipped in anime so..

Anyway, I probably have my enjoyment toned down by a LOT by knowing the series beforehand from the light novel.. because as others have said, anime skipped like tons of details here and the tense feeling of nothing goes according to his plans weren't there so... 6/10. Would probably rate this way higher without knowing the light novel ngl
Jun 11, 2022 6:11 PM

Oct 2008
Was an alright show and an interesting world, but couldn't stand Weins character at all. They tried to make him out to be a genius but it felt more like everyone was just dumb or he was just lucky.
Jul 15, 2022 5:43 AM

Dec 2020
Animation looked a lil jank this ep to me. The muted mouthed reason of what he really wants to do, I'm gonna assume it's going to be like taking over the continent or becoming one of the top major influential kingdoms.

Overall I enjoyed all the scheming and when the plans go in Wein's favor. Ninym is def my favorite here. Though with all the talking and explaining I felt 12 eps wasn't enough to make proper progress.
Sep 19, 2022 7:30 PM

Mar 2013
This has been such an interesting, inspiring and enjoyable series to have. OP was fantastic because of that duo... and the lyrics are quite cute.

I will miss this series, better add the source to my list.
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Sep 21, 2022 10:14 AM

Aug 2018
Anime was great overall, enjoyed it a lot.. Do you like war campaigns?.. Intrigues of rulers?.. Then maybe this anime is for you.. It's not something that's shown that often in anime, it feels.. More often it's some hero, story of someone who actively fights.. This anime goes more on the outside level of things.. And it's nice to see this unusual more historic feeling like level of things.. I like history myself.. Historical strategy games, some history in itself.. So this anime was quite interesting..
Of course, there is also some things yet to be revealed about some characters.. Like Wein's overall internal beast, how they called it.. Or his motivation, in other words.. Some other characters' motivations are mystery as well.. And also Ninym, Falanya, Zenovia were just enjoyable characters.. ;P
Nov 30, 2022 12:38 PM

Mar 2013
This thread is full of retard, "scientist" "expert" about medieval world when even in the genius era we are used to smoke shit to increase our health (kek can't refute science here).
Old time also used to use poison everywhere from beauty item to construction material killing them in only 2 year.
Dec 11, 2022 12:38 PM
Mar 2022
Exceptionnel, Impressionnant
Dec 26, 2022 10:08 AM
Apr 2022
Fun take on strategy games
Jan 2, 2023 1:51 AM
Jan 2022
its a good series but there is something lacking
Feb 16, 2023 5:31 PM
Oct 2022
Good and very good and very very good
Apr 18, 2023 5:51 AM

Jan 2014
I thought she killed the king, turn out he survives because of a fat.

now, for the beast within him, my best guess is probably goes like this:
I'm gonna govern this continent by unite all kingdom/country in the west and make them to swear allegiance to me, then wage a war to the east (earthworld empire), make them submit by winning the war. after that, I'm gonna abolished the noble system and bring democracy to this country so commoners and nobles are standing in the same ground.
or something similiar to that.
I hope there's another season for this.
May 4, 2023 8:51 PM
Apr 2023
I enjoyed the Gruyere 🧀 conclusion, and also found it very funny how he suddenly slimmed up when being held captive 😆

The ending was well tied up, and hopefully there's a second season to see all the other threads come together (since the Emperor's succession wasn't finalised, and lots of possibilities in the West opened up).

Otherwise I'm guessing the manga is good too?

Also I liked the humour at the very end when Ninym was revealing that the boom times are gone 😂

All around fun season with lots of twists, and (for me personally) I'm glad it wasn't too harem-y chest-y.
Jun 6, 2023 2:11 PM

Mar 2015
Was skeptical at first, but it turned out to be quite enjoyable. Glad I gave this series a try. 

7/10 for me. Hoping for a season 2 for more Ninym content
Oct 22, 2023 11:43 PM

Jun 2020
I can’t believe some of the OP and animation this episode were the same 😧

This anime was super fun, and it was interesting to watch and experience all of the political moments. Learning about the continent was great and special. I also love Wein and Zenoia’s friendship, it felt quite natural and not to mention the foundation of it was “trust builds on risk of betrayal” or something like that. But in this episode, Wein let Zenoia speak her plan out before his. I wish that Ninym and Wein got a bit more focus in these final few episodes but whatever. I can definitely feel that a lot of events were rushed through, which is probably one of the most major flaws of this show. Maybe I should watch LOGH to see political tactics fully fleshed out 🤔

DumbOct 22, 2023 11:46 PM
Feb 14, 2024 8:55 PM

Dec 2022
Well, the start of it I felt a toss up if I should keep watching or not, but I'm happy I did, really became great in the later episodes, hope there'll be a second season, very interesting story.
Oct 23, 2024 8:59 AM

Sep 2011
Ninym's side boob just saved the show for me.

Nov 12, 2024 11:26 AM
Oct 2024
i went into this thinking it might be an another reborn series i was quite surprised to see that its more of just a man running a kingdom is was a good time killer
Dec 6, 2024 12:24 AM
Aug 2024
Dang. So many schemes...looking forward to more!!
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72 by katakumplat »»
Jun 16, 2024 3:57 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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