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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Jul 23, 2017 12:44 PM

May 2009
Great opening with Kibaou after talking in favour of equality and justice becomes a spawncamper and player killer because Reki Kawahara wants it. “We tried to give things to people equally, but this only ended up empowering people who don’t want to try hard, and without an incentive to try hard, those people will in turn oppress others.” Amazing reasoning, Ayn Rand.

So what's this episode about really? Yui? Oh, I'm sorry, am I supposed to be surprised that Yui is secretly some kind of god-child? Am I supposed to be surprised that she's not a real person, but a program, right after we saw her being affected by static noise? What is the point of this episode, if it just confirms stuff that was really obvious from a first glance? I won't be surprised when she reappears later in the series either, that's for sure.

Everything related to Yui is saccharine, manipulative, and over the top crap that I hate the most in anything. "I'm a fake. Even these tears." she says, while the tears she's shedding sparkle as they fall. "What's this?" "Yui's heart" This isn't tragedy, this isn't good writing, this is just a Skinner Box. You introduce cute, helpless things and then run a car over them to make the audience cry. It’s trite and fake and condescending.
Nov 11, 2017 7:54 PM

Nov 2017
So Asuna, who some episodes ago suggested attracting a Boss to a village full of NPCs in order to achieve victory, is now sad because a Program is finished? Damn, that's some hypocrisy right there. Also, since when Kirito is a hacker? I can't believe they tried to go for an emotional punch within 2 episodes involving a barely fleshed out character. Pathetic. 2/5
Dec 19, 2017 9:30 AM

Mar 2016
Lol I saw this episode torn apart in a review, so I kinda knew what was gone happen.

OP Kirito ftw >>>
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Dec 31, 2017 2:34 PM

Nov 2017
What the hell, if Kirito could change the program why didn't he just put in the logout button? That doesn't make any sense to me, Yui was a program why do they care?

I don't see why three days with her made them so attached.
Jan 1, 2018 4:39 PM
Nov 2017

it was impossible to get super attached so soon, but still kinda sad.
May 16, 2018 2:57 AM

Mar 2018
meh... still don't see how they can be so attached to her. they was no build up in the relationship. right from the beginning they were acting as if Yui was their own child.
May 21, 2018 1:39 PM

May 2018
All that Yui stuff was badly written in my opinion, just like the Moonlit Black Cats. We just can't care about her since there's nothing to make us get attached to her.

Sword Art Online tries way to hard to be emotional when it's clearly not it's strenght.
May 27, 2018 6:05 PM
Jan 2018
Okay, there were a lot of things I enjoyed about this episode, but some parts that stood out as really important kind of bugged me.

I can see them getting attached enough to her to cry about the situation. Maybe it was a little over-dramatic, although that wasn't what stood out to me. It's just... the past few episodes have been too fast-paced in my opinion. It's like Kirito and Asuna suddenly become romantically involved in THAT quickly after nothing like that happening for two years or so? It seemed like they didn't get any closer after all that time, and then they're suddenly married in the game and wanted someone to fill the role of a child in their home. Maybe I can see some reasons for why it was written like that, but it doesn't sit well with me.

And it'd be nice to have some explanation as to how Kirito knew what to do with the computer thingy Yui exposed before she was gone.

That's all I can think of for now. Yui wasn't a bad character in my opinion, and I liked the explanation for what happened in the guild and to the children in the game.
Sep 23, 2018 4:13 PM

Apr 2018
Damn all these comments are filled with negativity. I'm currently rewatching it, although I've watched both seasons some weeks ago and I'm still enjoying it.
zerotwosdarlingSep 23, 2018 4:18 PM
Apr 24, 2019 10:01 AM

Aug 2018
I thought this a decent enough episode. I did like Yui being a badass to that monster.
May 26, 2019 10:26 PM

Aug 2017
Yui being a badass was great. So, she's Artificial Intelligence...A bit sad, indeed.
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May 15, 2020 4:43 AM

Jan 2020
Well that was a little emotional to watch.. even the 3rd time through. I've never quite fully understood the weird hate towards SAO but I'd imagine in this case the lack of any real appreciation for the Yui character is mostly by those who don't have kids. It wouldn't matter if you're a parent for 2 weeks or 20 years - the emotional impact on any parent would be huge so I think that part was written quite well.
Jun 14, 2020 6:17 AM

Dec 2016
Emotional episode.
Imagine if later Kirito realizes he has some GM access left-outs from this incident.
Aug 19, 2020 3:26 PM

Jun 2020
jesus the pacing is soooo off

why is kirito suddenly this cheery & upbeat ????????? why would they bring yui along?????????? why is asuna suddenly so attached to her??????????????? it was supposed to be emotional but it didn’t hit me at all. im glad this is over tbh it felt so forced ☹ like as if them suddenly getting together getting married suddenly moving to some cottage wasn’t rushed enough LETS THROW IN A GROWN ASS KID TO THE MIX

but i’ll probably remember over and over again
you were there and everyone else was there
— the day we all searched for just one thing

Aug 31, 2020 11:50 AM

Dec 2018
Episode begins: Army plot exists.
Halfway through the episode: Army plot proceeds to YEET/teleport itself.
Kirito & Asuna: 'We don't need to know what happened to the army, who cares. We almost killed ourselves but who cares. Yui could have died from it but who cares, she's already dead'.
Honestly where the hell did that plot go? Nowhere.

All those 8-year-olds shouldn't be in SAO and it's their parents' fault but a full orphanage of kids is extremely unlikely, maybe like 5 in 10000 people. Also, this makes Kayaba Akihiko unredeemable no matter what his goal was, he brought in children[This is the modern world, not the dark ages]. All these advanced computer systems but not a feature to recognize whether the player is underage, especially with that mirror thingy. SAO is not realistic so it could have some way of doing it, but Kayaba clearly didn't care for the potential death of underage children[We also have living breathing AI, so].

To me, this episode cemented the fact that this entire franchise is unredeemable. The creators of the show and the characters in the show all though it would be a bright idea to take a child into a battlefield when the child said she wants to. FUCK OFF. I don't care she's an AI or some shit, the entire basis of these two episodes has been the insanely dramatic love Kirito and Asuna have for Yui[even though it is still bullshit in my eyes] and then still they decide to take her to a battlefield. WTF do the show expects me to feel, I was conflicted, to begin with, but now I am enraged. And then the child actually dies[thank god].

Throughout the whole Yui is going to die section I was impersonating Light Yagami's 'I Win' laughter because I was actually enjoying Kirito and Asuna's tears, In my eyes, they found her in a forest, spent one day with her and then killed her. I wonder what happened to Kirito's Sachi flashbacks? "Oh who cares, child must die to make viewer cry", pfft.

Yui being an AI with emotions is bs because rushed, Kirito.......I mean god, having hacking abilities is bs, Hacking the game in the first place is asspull bs. Kirito and Asuna's overtly dramatic 'I love Yui' scene is rushed bs.

But.......... I am actually passionately angry and actually having a good time ripping this show apart, I think that is why I can't look away. I want to see the entirety on this dead-horse. I know why people love this franchise, there are many reasons for it. I myself love the very first anime I've seen[after Pokemon and Naruto]. That's Tokyo Ghoul, to me it's a 10/10, but I clearly know it shouldn't be.
Oct 23, 2020 5:56 PM
Feb 2020
Thanks for showing up Yui.

Jan 18, 2021 6:26 AM

Jul 2008
Uuugggghhhh, this is where this show went from pure mediocrity to cringy garbage. You can't introduce an annoying character and kill her off in the same episode and expect people to care. Awful pacing, awful writing. Just bad.

Sure, I'll still watch it, but that has more to do with the slim pickings of anime on netflix than anything else.
Mar 13, 2021 12:24 PM

Nov 2019
Will Yui ever be back? Love Art Online continues.
Jun 6, 2021 5:07 AM
Mar 2021
So what was the point of yui's death?
Nov 16, 2021 8:23 PM

Feb 2020
Yeah i know it Yui was important to the game, and actually she's a mental health program that created first to help players mental. However, since the system was a jerk, ofc it won't let Yui going free out there said hello to the poor players. Somehow, with the charm of mc, she get attracted and searching for them whole two years. Then after they met, feeling happiness, shit happened, and forced her to be deleted. I mean, wtf? Now after all that flash shocking value, suddenly Kirito power of the mc reappeared without a good explanations 'how', successfully regained her heart and turned it into an item. Like, seriously? I am not surprise if that item actually hold some cheat-kind of power for the future event mSuch a weird introduction of the character, and how its end, and hopefully Kirito can't revive Yui because it will be a big fuckin bullshit left and right and leaving me a bad taste in the end. Guess they just don't care....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Dec 6, 2021 3:10 PM

Jul 2017
There's really only 2 more episodes for the main SAO arc after this eh. And this really was the episode before the penultimate one lol. Yui felt so thrown in to this story to clearly play a key part in the final 2 episodes of a really rushed and flat opening arc. More relationship dynamics being completely thrown in and rushed as usual from this series. Only 2 more to go.
May 5, 2022 2:52 PM

Jan 2020
Fafner34 said:

This is the same Asuna that a couple episodes ago wanted to take a Boss to a town, even though it would kill the NPCs but didn't care because they are just programs. Kirito at least disagrees with this plan. (it is not shown if they did it or not)

Also Asuna is 16, it is pretty rare to want to be a mother and spend your life raising a child at that age, and she only knew this PC PROGRAM for 24 hours (at least in the anime, they find her, go to sleep and they go to the dungeon the next day and she dies). Even if she was dying to be a mother (which is never shown or explored in the anime up to this point) to form that kind of bond and undying love to an AI in a single day is pretty stupid and falling to the ground and crying like your life just ended is not believable and well written at all. And you are comparing this to loosing a child?

Your comment speaks for itself really. You're clearly missing the point by a long way but I'm not going to get into a debate on something I wrote 2 years ago. Suggest you educate yourself and little and read up on emotional attachment, loss, trauma and any number of very real human conditions. It's not far fetched at all.
Aug 19, 2022 12:25 PM

May 2022
seeing people say that the episode "sucks" or "could care less, boring" goes to show how haters can't even pay attention and understand the importance of the story, in this case, Kirito and Asuna deepening their bond while helping sweet Yui to regain her memories and cheer her up. this episode IS very emotional and very important. seeing Yui save Kirito and Asuna was awesome and significant.
Oct 4, 2022 1:33 PM
Jul 2020
defeitos: tirando a parte q o kirito a asuna e a yui n estão aparecendo até que é bom.
Oct 20, 2022 4:25 AM
May 2022
ghkjjkbm jfjtskdeo568o6
Oct 21, 2022 3:01 PM

Mar 2019
So this is their way of giving Kirito and Asuna a child. Yui was badass at the end, but other than that pretty boring. The first girl died after 1 episode so they gave Yui 2 episodes but it's far from being enough to make me care about her.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Feb 22, 2023 2:06 AM
Jan 2022
yui is cool and cool
Jul 14, 2023 12:27 PM

Aug 2019
kirito what? yui used the terminal to delete the monste rand was in turn deleted by the system and kirito thinks "ok ill use the terminal"
and that "hacking" thing was so dumb :D there wasnt even any monitor first he just started typing without knowing anything and managed to turn a part of an internal program into an object in the game while said program was being deleted in that short time
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Jul 23, 2023 9:16 AM

Jan 2022
Asuna said she couldn't be happy without Yui. What was the point of her character and the death? I've been thinking about this a lot, why couldn't they undress themselves without having to go into the settings?
cooldogmomJul 23, 2023 9:20 AM
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Aug 2, 2023 12:58 AM
May 2020
O coração de Yui é fácil um dos episódios mais profundos da obra, não vou me alongar muito por estar tarde, sinto muito. Basicamente, essse episódio nos faz pensar na vida a partir do plot de Yui, a IA que adquiriu inteligência e sentimentos próprios, mas que teve seu triste fim.
O quão reais nós somos?
Nossa informação, nossos dados, ou seja, nosso coração (assim como o "item", "Coração de Yui") são apenas parte de nós, ou são oq nós somos?
Entendo se discordar de mim quando digo que o episódio levanta essas reflexões, mas é isso que eu pensava quando re-assistia a "breve morte" da Yui, que viria a ser "ressucitada" no futuro.
Dec 16, 2023 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
Yui sure is very human like for a AI program
Dec 31, 2023 5:38 AM
Oct 2019
slow progression of the story and filler for the "plot"
Jan 23, 2024 1:57 AM

Aug 2008
So Asuna and Kirito are the only people who have found joy in SAO? Certainly what the little AI girl was implying which I don't buy.
Jan 31, 2024 5:09 PM
Jan 2024
Idk it lost its magic, weird story
Apr 26, 2024 7:25 PM
Jan 2009
I feel like a lot of people, including both the MCs in the anime and a lot of anime watchers, got way too invested in a character (Yui) that only showed up literally yesterday. It would have made more sense if she lived with them for months or years, but 1 day? Come on. There was not time to build the connections which people seem to be granting to this relationship. At this point they're essentially strangers.
Nov 9, 2024 11:04 AM
Apr 2023
The love story came out of nowhere without prior build up, and suddenly they get married. Also, the blacksmith fell in love with him after one night?! And what's with the weird glitch ai girl that randomly becomes their adoptive daughter?

Nah fam.
Nov 11, 2024 8:55 AM

Oct 2020
Reply to Sin_of_Arrogance
The love story came out of nowhere without prior build up, and suddenly they get married. Also, the blacksmith fell in love with him after one night?! And what's with the weird glitch ai girl that randomly becomes their adoptive daughter?

Nah fam.
@Sin_of_Arrogance Your confusion is legit. But pay attention while watching the show. Dates are mentioned in the ep itself. You could at least link that much instead of getting confused, although I do understand your confusion.
WISHED I COULD ALSO GET TRANSPORTED TO A WORLD FULL OF MAGIC And DUNGEONS, please take me there too if you could (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠
Feb 17, 1:59 PM
Oct 2014
Yet another one-off with no impact, badly written too.

No, my problem isn't that they had feelings for an AI, that's perfectly normal. But the execution was just so bad - why would they take her to the dungeon when it was suposedly an extremely dangerous place? Why wouldn't they just run past the reaper when they had enough time to talk? And the entire scene with the GM panel was completely stupid, even if Yui somehow wasn't logged out after deletion, the game just allows Kirito to poke around and use the GM panel to turn Yui's data into an in-game object? Which is somehow "set to be saved in Kirito's headset"? What?

I'm really trying to enjoy the show, but it starts to feel like some madman producer decided to uplift a pile of half-baked short stories vaguely connected through Kirito from a teenage author with little to no experience.

If they instead kept Yui as a real child who got traumatized by her parent's death or something, it could have been great. But now that I know what the idea was supposed to lead to, I think they should have just cut this entire part out. It adds nothing, unless she plays a role later (which I doubt), it felt forced (AI mental-health care taker who was disabled so she accumulated errors until she became a person and desired to join the MCs who are the only two people out of 6000 who are able to feel joy... come on, I could write a better version of this idea myself I bet), and it consumed two episodes which could have been used to make some of the other nano-arcs a little more interesting.
ElDoRado1239Feb 17, 2:15 PM
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