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Dec 8, 2009 8:18 PM

Oct 2009
Everything went chaos, crazy and insane. So much was shown and said. This episode would be worth seeing 3 times and I will do that. I will go by logic here. Yuka tries to hurt Misuzu with a razor in her tea. They showed Yukiko and dead Tajima just like in the game but the game showed it better so fail on that one but still somewhat well done. Yuka is bold in showing in only underwear in front of Kakeru, surprised that Momono did not mind at all. Multiples references....death, famine, Babylon, Egypt, war, pollution of industries/oil by Momono. Multiple revelations of Lisette like she wants to destroy world, her rage, her sealing, Black Knights guarding her and who they were before (is crazy), how she wanted to destroy world and death of Verard. Momono can read tarots? Surprised by that. Ending most shocking! Yukiko is dead and she had one of those green crystals....probably is what made her immortal. Yuka.....O_O What in the world.....something about the world is hers and she throws green crystal towards Liselotte Wreckmeister and wakes her up/unseals her....I smell people hating Yuka more but I am just so tired I have no energy to be angry but just be OoO Crazy episode and too much elements in it. My dream came true....Kakeru x Yuka! Kiss! :D Finally!=> Depressing part of Yukiko....Superbia really slaughtered her so much there were censors (gore) but worst part is ripping of stomach during this part also censored pretty sure, I am O_O still because Yukiko is dead now...............T_T damn you Superbia
Verard's death was another depressing part....
Kukuri is dissapearing....what in the world O_O
Anyone reminded of Higurashi when Liselotte Wreckmeister is raging?
Assuming Misuzu fans will like the hug/Kakeru drinking blood again with Misuzu being now a rival to Yuka and being emotional around here with Kakeru more than before?
I am waiting to discuss all of this with you all and let's count the hate Yuka for trying to hurt Misuzu and giving the green crystal to Liselotte Wreckmeister so she revives and ruins the world......I don't hate her as long as the world is saved and Kakeru with her live forever together. Tired 1 hour sleep too much to do on farm....tired
francismeunierDec 9, 2009 8:17 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 8, 2009 8:53 PM
Jul 2008
plot twist and tragedy :P well I'm kind of expecting that from the beginning of this anime like chaos;head ^^
Dec 8, 2009 9:02 PM

Oct 2009
yodlormak said:
plot twist and tragedy :P well I'm kind of expecting that from the beginning of this anime like chaos;head ^^
Yeah crazy episode, wrote more than I did ever in this serie. So much to talk about. I did not finish seeing Chaos Head but I think this is better than Chaos Head for a end....maybe more intense? How many you think will hate Yuka now? Three reasons I give you: a)For trying to hurt Misuzu, b) For kissing Kakeru and c)giving the green crystal to Liselotte Wreckmeister so now she is revived. If they continue like this
Seriously Momono was great with her attacks too blowing the arm of that guy. Ha! Just like in the game that I showed with previous posts....ha! Once again but Yukiko was so T_T why so much gore/torture sometimes in anime? This one is a first to me, I would have to say that I see such cruelty, I don't think it was worst in Higurashi, thinking here is worst, especially can't wait to see DVD changes but might have problems seeing it again. So much to write in this episode and the next 2. Probably won't have time to see other animes I am watching because of that....>_<
francismeunierDec 9, 2009 8:18 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 8, 2009 10:11 PM

Apr 2008

*smashes monitor since Yuka came onscreen*
God I thought I reached my pinnacle of hate for her. But NOOOOOO she has to go and REALLY push my buttons some more. >_> just DIE do the entire fuckin world a favor and CHOKE ON THAT RAZOR YOU OBSESSIVE USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN REFUSE
*anger is off the charts so will end it there*
Dec 8, 2009 10:43 PM

Oct 2009
Darklight0303 said:


rofl...I was like that with Superbia for her cruel treatment of Yukiko but too tired and need energy for farming.
Darklight0303 said:
*smashes monitor since Yuka came onscreen*
rofl what about the kiss part and her throwing that green crystal at Viselote to revive her?
Darklight0303 said:
God I thought I reached my pinnacle of hate for her. But NOOOOOO she has to go and REALLY push my buttons some more. >_> just DIE do the entire fuckin world a favor and CHOKE ON THAT RAZOR YOU OBSESSIVE USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN REFUSE
rofl you are funny with your rage...why so serious?
Darklight0303 said:
*anger is off the charts so will end it there*
here let me help this your intention to Yuka?:

Some interesting part of the game.....Viselote in full view
Tajima attending to Saeko before her death and in the game it is interesting to see that she died in his arm...though it might a interest to the public of this serie....

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 8, 2009 11:14 PM

Apr 2008
francismeunier said:
Darklight0303 said:


rofl...I was like that with Superbia for her cruel treatment of Yukiko but too tired and need energy for farming.
Darklight0303 said:
*smashes monitor since Yuka came onscreen*
rofl what about the kiss part and her throwing that green crystal at Viselote to revive her?
Darklight0303 said:
God I thought I reached my pinnacle of hate for her. But NOOOOOO she has to go and REALLY push my buttons some more. >_> just DIE do the entire fuckin world a favor and CHOKE ON THAT RAZOR YOU OBSESSIVE USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN REFUSE
rofl you are funny with your rage...why so serious?
Darklight0303 said:
*anger is off the charts so will end it there*
here let me help this your intention to Yuka?:

Some interesting part of the game.....Viselote in full view
Tajima attending to Saeko before her death and in the game it is interesting to see that she died in his arm...though it might a interest to the public of this serie....

Ah Rena my savior. if only she was there. ^_^
Then again Psycho Shion would be even better >_>

Viselote looks Smokin' @_@

Awwww that just cranked up the emotion and sadness to a new level T_T
Dec 8, 2009 11:25 PM

Oct 2009
francismeunier said:
Darklight0303 said:

Liselotte Wreckmeister looks Smokin' @_@

Yeah I know especially her legs and that ribbon around one of them....hmmm sounds sexy.
francismeunierDec 9, 2009 8:19 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 1:32 AM

Sep 2007
Japanese are fucking trolls... They made me believe that title is right this time, cos it's correct and would actually in a way fit a series. YET! When I checked the original title I went wtf.

As for the ep itself, Yuka just gets sillier and sillier. I mean, who the hell would put a razor in the tea?! Seriously, I've seen some lame bullying already but that's the lamest of them all. But I loved how Yuka's Kakeru-radar is still working while she is asleep XD Btw, how the hell could she fall asleep while trying to seduce someone?

And now that we know almost everything, I have to say that this plot is more stupid than I thought it would be.
Dec 9, 2009 6:11 AM

Nov 2007
SunyiNyufi said:
Japanese are fucking trolls... They made me believe that title is right this time, cos it's correct and would actually in a way fit a series. YET! When I checked the original title I went wtf.

The Hungarian title is not meant to be a translation of the Japanese one...just a second "subtitle". They often do this in anime with English with a official "English" episode that is different from the Japanese title. However, this does not give them excuse to make grammatical and vocabulary errors in the previous titles.

Lol I did not watch the episode yet due to final exam period....
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 9, 2009 6:51 AM

Sep 2007
I only don't agree with that cos before all the subtitles were failed translations of the original japanese title. So it doesn't really make sense making a second title for this episode. Then again, I really dunno why am I expecting any logic from them.
Dec 9, 2009 7:30 AM

Sep 2008
SunyiNyufi said:

Angel = Witch, I see the connection.
Dec 9, 2009 7:31 AM

Sep 2007
Tpoia said:
Angel = Witch, I see the connection.
lol...just lol...
Dec 9, 2009 7:48 AM

Oct 2009
SunyiNyufi said:
Tpoia said:
Angel = Witch, I see the connection.
lol...just lol...
Actually I agree with her a little if you replace witch with Yuka but thanks again SunyiNyufi dear....analysis of the title and another fail for Japanese translating title to Hungarian. At least it was not written badly.
wakka9ca said:
SunyiNyufi said:
Japanese are fucking trolls... They made me believe that title is right this time, cos it's correct and would actually in a way fit a series. YET! When I checked the original title I went wtf.

The Hungarian title is not meant to be a translation of the Japanese one...just a second "subtitle". They often do this in anime with English with a official "English" episode that is different from the Japanese title. However, this does not give them excuse to make grammatical and vocabulary errors in the previous titles.

Lol I did not watch the episode yet due to final exam period....

It could be but still should have done what it was intended to do.....have the exact meaning from the Japanese to the Hungarian. That failed itself....if it was another subtitle then it did not look like it from the other titles from before. BTW good luck with the school wakka9ca.
SunyiNyufi said:
As for the ep itself, Yuka just gets sillier and sillier. I mean, who the hell would put a razor in the tea?! Seriously, I've seen some lame bullying already but that's the lamest of them all.

Hey it was more of a warning not bullying the way I see it. Means stay away from my Kakeru!
SunyiNyufi said:
But I loved how Yuka's Kakeru-radar is still working while she is asleep XD Btw, how the hell could she fall asleep while trying to seduce someone?
Yeah I like that radar too. :D She fell asleep because she wanted to dream with him near her?
SunyiNyufi said:
And now that we know almost everything, I have to say that this plot is more stupid than I thought it would be.
Based on all the anime you saw....why I would like to know. I think the plot is let's just say too many elements in it....reminds me of Matrix the first movie until they explained things better in the other ones.
Some juicy assumption of the next episode. Uh oh Misuzu fans will scream out their happiness on a possible Misuzu kiss on Kakeru
with a possible sex scene but not sure about that one. Unless I think I know what happens in the game happens.....the world is gone in this serie with this=>
Next episode will be 50% crazier I would think but cruel this episode....time to do some head shots on a Superbia picture! Target practice! :D
For Misuzu x Kakeru fans of the possible end with Misuzu route
francismeunierDec 9, 2009 8:02 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 8:57 AM

Jun 2008
well even without internet i had to come here to scream my happiness, my prayers have been awnsered too: Misuzu x Kakeru on that sexy sweet epic scene, i still cant believe it, i was losing hope, now i confident*evil laugh*
well, what can i say, i really dont like to judge a chara, so, well, i guess Yuka could deserve another chance to be happy and alive ...but far away from Kakeru. Seriously, im really trying no to hate her, but its being damn hard!
her kiss with Kakeru could have been sweet...if she wasnt so sick!
and c´mon guys! no way her pinky bra and panties could win against super sexy lacy black bra from Misuzu:P
and what the hell was that?! yuka showing herself like that in front of everyone?!a little bit more and she would walk naked on the garden.*c´mon Yuka, you´re not Eve, and that is not Eden*
Well, i really liked the Misuzu x Kakeru moment. Finally we found out that she has feelings for him, and, even if Kakeru kissed Yuka, i think he feels something for Mizusu too!So if she wants to kiss him, go ahead Misuzu senpai!
Poor Yukiko T.T but well at least she joined Takahisa in soul T.T
well, i wonder who will die : Misuzu or Yuka? (i dont think Kakeru will die, and one of the girls has to stay alive to stay with him)
anyway, this anime is being low rated, which sucks, but i understand , because, 12 episodes so rushed made the anime look bad, and this anime has a great plot but....
Anyway*changing again into fangirl mode*
Misuzuuuuuu x Kakeru!:D (no offense to yuka fans, but the hug between her and Kakeru was much more sweet than he´s kiss with Yuka).

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 9, 2009 9:06 AM

Sep 2007
francismeunier said:
SunyiNyufi said:
As for the ep itself, Yuka just gets sillier and sillier. I mean, who the hell would put a razor in the tea?! Seriously, I've seen some lame bullying already but that's the lamest of them all.

Hey it was more of a warning not bullying the way I see it. Means stay away from my Kakeru!

Well as a warning it was a fail too. I mean, what did she expect to happen? That she drinks it, or freaks out while everyone is there?

francismeunier said:
SunyiNyufi said:
And now that we know almost everything, I have to say that this plot is more stupid than I thought it would be.
Based on all the anime you saw....why I would like to know. I think the plot is let's just say too many elements in it....reminds me of Matrix the first movie until they explained things better in the other ones.

tl;dr °3°
Dec 9, 2009 9:30 AM

Aug 2009
Finally, Yuka has shown her yandere traits. Awesome episode and my most favorite out of 10 indeed. Hope that ep 11 will be even greater (or crazier). :P
Dec 9, 2009 10:23 AM

Apr 2008
francismeunier said:

Some juicy assumption of the next episode. Uh oh Misuzu fans will scream out their happiness on a possible Misuzu kiss on Kakeru
with a possible sex scene but not sure about that one. Unless I think I know what happens in the game happens

Dec 9, 2009 10:37 AM

Oct 2009
SunyiNyufi said:
francismeunier said:
SunyiNyufi said:
As for the ep itself, Yuka just gets sillier and sillier. I mean, who the hell would put a razor in the tea?! Seriously, I've seen some lame bullying already but that's the lamest of them all.

Hey it was more of a warning not bullying the way I see it. Means stay away from my Kakeru!

SunyiNyufi said:
Well as a warning it was a fail too. I mean, what did she expect to happen? That she drinks it, or freaks out while everyone is there?

francismeunier said:
SunyiNyufi said:
And now that we know almost everything, I have to say that this plot is more stupid than I thought it would be.
Based on all the anime you saw....why I would like to know. I think the plot is let's just say too many elements in it....reminds me of Matrix the first movie until they explained things better in the other ones.

tl;dr °3°
SunyiNyufi said:
My first complain would be about the dark knights. So they turned out to be the good guys, who have to kill people in order to keep the witch from awakening. That's ok. But since Shiori said that the kakera (aka our main characters) aren't necessarly evil, they just possess power, so why did the dark kinghts tried to killed them in the beginning? I mean, it was obvious, that Kakeru and gang has no friggin idea about what's going on, and only wanted to protect themselves.
Logic of assumption is that the Kakeru's friends were protecting him and though that they are with him so they should be eliminated with him. I assume also some might have been part of Vlad's army brought back in a new body since all of this happened long time ago and time does not change in the Red Night.
SunyiNyufi said:
So if the kinghts had at least the same IQ as a bug or a snail, they would have talked with them. I know that their main reason is killing Kakeru, cos he won't be able to widthstand the power of Vlad (or what ever his name was), but wouldn't it be much easier to kill him without fighting everyone? I mean, it much much easier to kill someone when they let their guard down, then attacking them while they are expecting it.
Logic says you are right but because of the things in the beginning OP like guilty/punish/compensate I would think Kakeru's friends were to be targeted also but logically they should have done like you said...kill Kakeru before he woke up. Thanks to protection they failed that. They should have used some of their vitality to appear real in the real world and then do something. Superbia should have done that easily but that would not work for the storyline.
SunyiNyufi said:
And actually the "I want to destroy the whole world cos nobody loves me" thing is just plain studpid. No one would do that, cos no one wants to die. If they want to die, they just commit suicide. So unless the person who wants to destroy the world, has the power to create a new one, this reason is just stupid.

Makes me think of the Umineko thing and endless witch...maybe Liselotte can create another world...thinking she blames the world because the one who killed him was human maybe?
SunyiNyufi said:
An other problem is Shiori herself, though I think that's mostly due to the fact that the Shiori route from the game didn't get much air-time. So Shiori changed her way of thinking because she found friends? Well I understand that friends are important, but when did we see them become such important and good friends? Haven't seen such thing in the anime...

Did she not change her thinking because of the happiness gained from friends? That is how I saw it because she mentioned war/famine/death but happiness with friends can overcome this so maybe is why she changed? Yeah her route might be a hard one in the game but I have to play that game and I got it from Internet but did not have time to play it.
SunyiNyufi said:
And the fact that they all aren't in the real world, but in Yuka's world... and Kukuri was just an illusion... Ooookay. So if it's a world Yuka wished for, than why is nothing going her way actually? She must be one hell of a masochist inside, to wish for a world like that. And my only problem with this is actually, that the way we were told it's not the realy world, is a bit lame. I mean, it wasn't the real world from the first red night on, yet we didn't really see hints about it.
Yeah Kukury illusion was lame as a thing in this serie. I though I heard something about contract....does Yuka have a contract with Liselotte Wreckmeister? Yeah the way it is explained is lame in this case...logic agrees and confusion needs to be cleared up. It would be nice to see Yuka fuse with Liselotte Wreckmeister to create a one person and Kakeru becoming Vlad but it will not happen probably.
Orulyon said:
well even without internet i had to come here to scream my happiness, my prayers have been awnsered too: Misuzu x Kakeru on that sexy sweet epic scene, i still cant believe it, i was losing hope, now i confident*evil laugh*

rofl, ok glad you are happy.
Orulyon said:
well, what can i say, i really dont like to judge a chara, so, well, i guess Yuka could deserve another chance to be happy and alive ...but far away from Kakeru.
I don' think it will be far away from Kakeru.
Orulyon said:
Seriously, im really trying no to hate her, but its being damn hard!
her kiss with Kakeru could have been sweet...if she wasnt so sick!
What are you talking about? She is so cute and nice here:

Orulyon said:
and c´mon guys! no way her pinky bra and panties could win against super sexy lacy black bra from Misuzu:P
I think pink shows a girl's sweet innocent side and black shows a more daring side but personally pink is better!
Orulyon said:
and what the hell was that?! yuka showing herself like that in front of everyone?!a little bit more and she would walk naked on the garden.*c´mon Yuka, you´re not Eve, and that is not Eden*
That was strange but it shows she can all the way for Kakeru and Misuzu did not yet other than those small showing of her black bra/underwear and body (does not count Kakeru was sleeping most of the time and did not feel anything seeing her like that)
Orulyon said:
Well, i really liked the Misuzu x Kakeru moment. Finally we found out that she has feelings for him, and, even if Kakeru kissed Yuka, i think he feels something for Mizusu too!So if she wants to kiss him, go ahead Misuzu senpai!
Don't forget that eye stare

Orulyon said:
Poor Yukiko T.T but well at least she joined Takahisa in soul T.T
That was the most beats even Higurashi to me.... Yukiko....T_T
Orulyon said:
well, i wonder who will die : Misuzu or Yuka? (i dont think Kakeru will die, and one of the girls has to stay alive to stay with him)
To be honest both might but I am going to say Misuzu has it worst for her.
Orulyon said:
Misuzuuuuuu x Kakeru!:D (no offense to yuka fans, but the hug between her and Kakeru was much more sweet than he´s kiss with Yuka).

I think the kiss was more sweet and nicer but the hug had its emotional value...that's true.
francismeunierDec 9, 2009 10:48 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 10:58 AM

Apr 2008
francismeunier said:
That was strange but it shows she can all the way for Kakeru and Misuzu did not yet other than those small showing of her black bra/underwear and body (does not count Kakeru was sleeping most of the time and did not feel anything seeing her like that)

that's nothing to be proud of. Think about the situation and the timing FFS. It was more shameless than a cheap call girl >_>
Dec 9, 2009 11:29 AM

Oct 2009
Darklight0303 said:
francismeunier said:
That was strange but it shows she can all the way for Kakeru and Misuzu did not yet other than those small showing of her black bra/underwear and body (does not count Kakeru was sleeping most of the time and did not feel anything seeing her like that)

that's nothing to be proud of. Think about the situation and the timing FFS. It was more shameless than a cheap call girl >_>
lol, yeah maybe but she still did it. :D

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 11:33 AM

Sep 2007
francismeunier said:
Logic of assumption is that the Kakeru's friends were protecting him and though that they are with him so they should be eliminated with him.

My only problem with that is: they weren't friends. They appeared in the Red Night in different places, and without any connection to eachother. It might just be my stupidity, but I won't think of people who randomly appear in totally different places and their only connection is that they are wearing the same school uniform, as friends or allies. And even if they were, it would be totally obvious after one or twi fights that they have no idea about what's going on.

francismeunier said:
Did she not change her thinking because of the happiness gained from friends? That is how I saw it because she mentioned war/famine/death but happiness with friends can overcome this so maybe is why she changed?

Well obviously that's what they tried to imply, but since Shiori basically had no screen time it's like saying: Hey, she had a major character development, we just didn't show, cos we were too busy making pantyshots with Yuka.
Dec 9, 2009 11:39 AM

Jun 2008
@Francismeunier: Well, in first place let me say that im a big defender of hated charas in most of anime. most of hated charas are the ones i support the most, because i think they deserve a chance, and what if they bad, well probably its because someone did something to them. So, i try to understand the charas point of view, his past, his story and the people surrounding him.
i honestly dont like to offend a chara, because i know that that chara must have a few fans.
the thing is, im really curious to know...besides her looks and her pinky lingerie, what do you admire so much in Yuka, that makes you blind not to see that she is doing many wrong things, which, everyone has the right to make mistakes of course, but, do you honestly think Kakeru will be happy with someone like her?
someone who doesnt let him breath? i mean, the guy wants to go to the bathroom in a private moment and she is the type that will follow him, im so sorry but thats too much. do u honestly think that he will be happy just with her in the end?
i mean, reflect a bit. How would be their end:
Kakeru:" Oh Yuka my beloved, you helped destroying all my friends (and yours) and the whole world, but, hey who cares, iam with you and im gonna be so happy. Let´s have sex?"
No, sorry, i dont think he would be happy unless he was a psycho with no feelings.
there´s one thing i admire in you, true, you defend you fav chara until the end. Just like me. But that wouldnt keep me to see the chara´s actions and personality.
For example, if Misuzu stayed alone with Kakeru and in the world totally destroyed, i would be so pissed, because i know that both were unhappy like hell for not having his friends near to them. Not even if they desperately loved each other, the guilty, the pain they would feel would not allow them to move on.
So, sorry, i just cant think in yuka with kakeru in a destroyed or not destroyed world, because even if they all died, she would still be happy with that non appropriate smile of hers. but well, i respect your opinion.

@Darklight0303:Totally agree. It was so not sexy doing that in front of Shiori. i mean she dragged him into a far away place just to kiss him, but it makes no sense at all what she did, grabbing him in underwear in front of Shiori. i dont like that type of girl. How can such a sweet girl in the beggining can change into... That?!

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 9, 2009 11:41 AM

Jun 2008
Yuka is just funny
SunyiNyufi said:
My first complain would be about the dark knights. So they turned out to be the good guys, who have to kill people in order to keep the witch from awakening. That's ok. But since Shiori said that the kakera (aka our main characters) aren't necessarly evil, they just possess power, so why did the dark kinghts tried to killed them in the beginning?
Not everybody knows the concept of first talking then drawing your sword. Let's say they are the aggressive type who would even start a war without a reason.
SunyiNyufi said:
And actually the "I want to destroy the whole world cos nobody loves me" thing is just plain studpid. No one would do that, cos no one wants to die. If they want to die, they just commit suicide. So unless the person who wants to destroy the world, has the power to create a new one, this reason is just stupid.
So there are two people who want the world destroyed. Both are mad. Who of those two again cares about rationality?
Secondly if the world is created by Yuka, why can't she create a second one?
Dec 9, 2009 12:27 PM

Oct 2009
Orulyon said:
@Francismeunier: Well, in first place let me say that im a big defender of hated charas in most of anime. most of hated charas are the ones i support the most, because i think they deserve a chance, and what if they bad, well probably its because someone did something to them. So, i try to understand the charas point of view, his past, his story and the people surrounding him.
i honestly dont like to offend a chara, because i know that that chara must have a few fans.
Ok, that's nice to know you in that point.
Orulyon said:
the thing is, im really curious to know...besides her looks and her pinky lingerie, what do you admire so much in Yuka, that makes you blind not to see that she is doing many wrong things, which, everyone has the right to make mistakes of course, but, do you honestly think Kakeru will be happy with someone like her?
Yes he will because she was first there with him but there is now a rival of the name Misuzu who think it's right for her to take him away after all the things Kakeru went through with Yuka?
Orulyon said:
someone who doesnt let him breath? i mean, the guy wants to go to the bathroom in a private moment and she is the type that will follow him, im so sorry but thats too much. do u honestly think that he will be happy just with her in the end?
She is not always like that. She is just concerned about him doing something with Misuzu and that all can see it's all about that before she was not like that....guess she has a powerful jealousy. I would not mind being with her all the time.
Orulyon said:
i mean, reflect a bit. How would be their end:
Kakeru:" Oh Yuka my beloved, you helped destroying all my friends (and yours) and the whole world, but, hey who cares, iam with you and im gonna be so happy. Let´s have sex?"
Well since all of them are girls I am not surprised at all by that but I don't think she thinks like that...try guy friends and it is not the same thing.
Orulyon said:
No, sorry, i dont think he would be happy unless he was a psycho with no feelings.
there´s one thing i admire in you, true, you defend you fav chara until the end. Just like me. But that wouldnt keep me to see the chara´s actions and personality.
I don't think he is a psycho but Yuka understands him more than Misuzu.
Orulyon said:
For example, if Misuzu stayed alone with Kakeru and in the world totally destroyed, i would be so pissed, because i know that both were unhappy like hell for not having his friends near to them. Not even if they desperately loved each other, the guilty, the pain they would feel would not allow them to move on.
Ok that would be the case of Kakeru and Misuzu.
Orulyon said:
So, sorry, i just cant think in yuka with kakeru in a destroyed or not destroyed world, because even if they all died, she would still be happy with that non appropriate smile of hers. but well, i respect your opinion.
Same here I respect yours.....let's see which of our characters win in the end.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 12:37 PM

Apr 2008
francismeunier said:
She is not always like that. She is just concerned about him doing something with Misuzu and that all can see it's all about that before she was not like that....guess she has a powerful jealousy. I would not mind being with her all the time.

Wanna bet she'd rather kill you than let you live if you ever got tired of her? and I bet you would after less than a year >_>
Dec 9, 2009 1:10 PM

Oct 2009
Darklight0303 said:
francismeunier said:
She is not always like that. She is just concerned about him doing something with Misuzu and that all can see it's all about that before she was not like that....guess she has a powerful jealousy. I would not mind being with her all the time.

Wanna bet she'd rather kill you than let you live if you ever got tired of her? and I bet you would after less than a year >_>
I tend to be a person that accepts all of people and would not get tired of her.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 9, 2009 1:16 PM

Apr 2008
if she says your name more than 20 times in 3 hours EVERY day?. I think I would become a murderer after day 2 in those conditions >_>
Dec 9, 2009 2:02 PM

Jun 2008
francismeunier said:

Orulyon said:
the thing is, im really curious to know...besides her looks and her pinky lingerie, what do you admire so much in Yuka, that makes you blind not to see that she is doing many wrong things, which, everyone has the right to make mistakes of course, but, do you honestly think Kakeru will be happy with someone like her?
francismeunier said:

Yes he will because she was first there with him but there is now a rival of the name Misuzu who think it's right for her to take him away after all the things Kakeru went through with Yuka?

have u been paying attention in the anime? since i remember they only became rivals in the last episode (10). Before that they were great friends, they were alone many times but nothing happened due to the respect and friendship they shared. Did you remember that was Yuka that started imagining things? if she had trusted Kakeru and Misuzu, i doubt Misuzu would even hug him, because she respected Yuka. Did you forgot that was Misuzu who taught Kakeru how to fight in order to protect Yuka? take him away?! what u talking about?!
im not trying to say that Misuzu should replace Yuka. Every person is unique and irreplaceable. Kakeru suffered a lot more than Yuka because he lost his sister and he didnt became obsessed with her. While yuka was adopted, he´s been living alone. Yes, yuka helped him, and she used to be a great girl, but she´s not anymore and that´s it. Even if he loves her, sooner or later he will end up hating her because she doesnt care about their friends.

Orulyon said:
someone who doesnt let him breath? i mean, the guy wants to go to the bathroom in a private moment and she is the type that will follow him, im so sorry but thats too much. do u honestly think that he will be happy just with her in the end?
francismeunier said:
She is not always like that. She is just concerned about him doing something with Misuzu and that all can see it's all about that before she was not like that....guess she has a powerful jealousy. I would not mind being with her all the time.

yeah, but the thing is you´re not Kakeru, and Kakeru wants to...i dont know...maybe breath a little?

Orulyon said:
i mean, reflect a bit. How would be their end:
Kakeru:" Oh Yuka my beloved, you helped destroying all my friends (and yours) and the whole world, but, hey who cares, iam with you and im gonna be so happy. Let´s have sex?"
francismeunier said:
Well since all of them are girls I am not surprised at all by that but I don't think she thinks like that...try guy friends and it is not the same thing.


Orulyon said:
No, sorry, i dont think he would be happy unless he was a psycho with no feelings.
there´s one thing i admire in you, true, you defend you fav chara until the end. Just like me. But that wouldnt keep me to see the chara´s actions and personality.

francismeunier said:
I don't think he is a psycho but Yuka understands him more than Misuzu.

yeah she understands him a lot, wow. if she understood his feelings she would know that he would be hurt to see his friends dying and that he´s been fighting to help them while she drinks tea and talks about fairytales. let me correct your sentence: she USED to understand him. in the past.

Orulyon said:
For example, if Misuzu stayed alone with Kakeru and in the world totally destroyed, i would be so pissed, because i know that both were unhappy like hell for not having his friends near to them. Not even if they desperately loved each other, the guilty, the pain they would feel would not allow them to move on.

francismeunier said:
Ok that would be the case of Kakeru and Misuzu.

No. that would be the case of Kakeru with any other girl from the anime except Yuka.

Orulyon said:
So, sorry, i just cant think in yuka with kakeru in a destroyed or not destroyed world, because even if they all died, she would still be happy with that non appropriate smile of hers. but well, i respect your opinion.

francismeunier said:
Same here I respect yours.....let's see which of our characters win in the end.

Im not in a competition you see. Im expressing my opinion.(and if i was, no, im not afraid to loose. Loosing or winning is not synonymous of the word justice. I dont care who wins or looses,(but yes, i of course would like to see them all well and alive and lisette loosing her powers)
but it will be the worst anime ever if Misuzu dies and Yuka stays with Kakeru. No offense. At least leave Misuzu alive. Too many already died. If Yuka regains her senses and return to her old personality i wouldnt mind see her with Kakeru. The point is, if she stays like she is now, even Kakeru will loose his feelings for her. Its common sense.
OrulyonDec 9, 2009 3:46 PM

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 9, 2009 2:31 PM

Sep 2007
Proselyt said:
SunyiNyufi said:
My first complain would be about the dark knights. So they turned out to be the good guys, who have to kill people in order to keep the witch from awakening. That's ok. But since Shiori said that the kakera (aka our main characters) aren't necessarly evil, they just possess power, so why did the dark kinghts tried to killed them in the beginning?
Not everybody knows the concept of first talking then drawing your sword. Let's say they are the aggressive type who would even start a war without a reason.

So you say, that the ones who supposedly saved the world already once in this story, were just some brainless agressive bunch? That's just makes the story even more stupid imho ^^'
Proselyt said:
SunyiNyufi said:
And actually the "I want to destroy the whole world cos nobody loves me" thing is just plain studpid. No one would do that, cos no one wants to die. If they want to die, they just commit suicide. So unless the person who wants to destroy the world, has the power to create a new one, this reason is just stupid.
So there are two people who want the world destroyed. Both are mad. Who of those two again cares about rationality?
Secondly if the world is created by Yuka, why can't she create a second one?

Madness has its rules too. It's true that mad people just try to sattisfy their desire, but those are personal things and never such vague things like destroying the world.
Why Yuka is not creating a new world, is a good question. Maybe because Kakeru didn't f*ck her yet? :D
Dec 9, 2009 5:47 PM

Aug 2009
WE ARE AT YANDERE STAGE 2! REPEAT, YUKA IS AT STAGE 2! (the stage of threats/attempted murder. Stage 3 is the actual violence/murder)

-Wow, could Yuka be any stupider right now? I'm not a "hater" but I do hate the way she's acting. First asking Kakeru to sleep with her (that was kinda hot actually), then razoring the tea, getting a kiss and then releasing Liselotte for god knows whatever reason. On the other hand, I really can't see her living through to the end of the series any more.

-Crap, Yukiko died. I didn't think she could but I didn't realize they could take the fragments out which sucks. And man, her death was graphic. I mean, we didn't see all of it but the sounds left enough to the imagination.

-You know, if this anime wanted to do a time-rewrite thing to bring everyone back to life, I'd be okay with it as long as they did it properly.
Dec 9, 2009 6:02 PM
Mar 2009
Darklight0303 said:

*smashes monitor since Yuka came onscreen*
God I thought I reached my pinnacle of hate for her. But NOOOOOO she has to go and REALLY push my buttons some more. >_> just DIE do the entire fuckin world a favor and CHOKE ON THAT RAZOR YOU OBSESSIVE USELESS PIECE OF HUMAN REFUSE
*anger is off the charts so will end it there*


Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his anger level?

ITS OVER 9000!!!!

Im here trying to think of how they will make us hate Yuka even more on episode 11, because I thought it was impossible already and they did it again... My god what a bitch, what she deserves is some brutal hentai raping by the black knights or whatever

Still trying to calm myself down... God, worst character ever
Dec 9, 2009 6:16 PM
Nov 2009
without yuka this anime is pretty boring, atleast now you have something to hate on
Dec 9, 2009 6:23 PM

Apr 2009
francismeunier said:
Three reasons I give you: a)For trying to hurt Misuzu, b) For kissing Kakeru and c)giving the green crystal to Liselotte Wreckmeister so now she is revived.
thanks for giving reasons why i love yuka.. and oh.. also the "My Kakeru-kun sense is tingling".. hahaha.. yandere FTW! (sure, i don't want to be with them.. but they are so fun to watch..)

Frostwake said:
Im here trying to think of how they will make us hate Yuka even more on episode 11, because I thought it was impossible already and they did it again... My god what a bitch, what she deserves is some brutal hentai raping by the black knights or whatever

Still trying to calm myself down... God, worst character ever
i don't think she's the worst character ever since she's fulfilling her role outstandingly.. she's having a major success on trying to make people hate her.. really, she's starting to be one of the better yandere type characters out there..

about the ep, it's either they haven't explained some stuff yet or they were not able to coz the stuff they threw us in this episode are unclear.. they'd still have to clear what really happened in the past (you know, first scene of the anime) as it might be the thing that connects all.. guess i would have to wait for the translation of the vn.. or when i can read japanese properly..
argiliumDec 9, 2009 6:37 PM
Dec 9, 2009 6:44 PM

Jul 2009
Hmmmm...I wonder why I didn't realize this before... Fragment = Kakera... LULZ I see wut they did thar...

And LAWL the bitch's gone crazy and since the anime sucks donkey balls, they decided to go DBZ... 7 fragments my ass yea? And Higurashi too... And despite the combination of those 2, it still FAILS

Kakeru: "Sempai, u trained me with yo body..." LOL wut a training indeed...8-)

Disappointed at Avaritia for losing a hand due to a tiny blast, I always thought he's super duper uber strong since he's teh boss but seems like he's also like the regular male lead nowadays who loves to hide under girls' skirt like a dog... How sad, O' manhood...

@ Yuck-a

*Yawn* Okay~ So how much?

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Dec 9, 2009 6:44 PM

Feb 2009
garfield15 said:
WE ARE AT YANDERE STAGE 2! REPEAT, YUKA IS AT STAGE 2! (the stage of threats/attempted murder. Stage 3 is the actual violence/murder)


I can't help but laugh at Yuka even though Kakeru and the others are having serious conversations. Never mind the plot...Yuka in underwear is the best. :D

But not Yuka :D
Dec 9, 2009 6:47 PM

Feb 2009
Yuka needs to die. How do crazy people like her still get what they want? And she created this world? This whole plot is dumb, and this show is dumb because they finally started explaining why things are happening, in episode 10. And now, Yukiko is dead, and it seems like all the good characters are going to be gone, and we're gonna be left with Yuka. Hurray, this show is sucking.

Dec 9, 2009 6:51 PM

Jun 2007
I hate clingy women. Nothing good every comes from them.
Dec 9, 2009 6:51 PM

Jul 2009
argilium said:
Frostwake said:
Im here trying to think of how they will make us hate Yuka even more on episode 11, because I thought it was impossible already and they did it again... My god what a bitch, what she deserves is some brutal hentai raping by the black knights or whatever

Still trying to calm myself down... God, worst character ever
i don't think she's the worst character ever since she's fulfilling her role outstandingly.. she's having a major success on trying to make people hate her.. really, she's starting to be one of the better yandere type characters out there...

Okay~ "one of the better yandere characters out there"?

Stop it, just stop bringing shame to the awesome yandere community please...

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Dec 9, 2009 6:54 PM

Apr 2009
DarcyD said:
This whole plot is dumb, and this show is dumb because they finally started explaining why things are happening, in episode 10.
i don't know why but i like it more when they explain it all towards the end.. makes you still keep watchin it and theorize a lot at first.. also a usual format for visual novels.. but still, i think this show is kinda dumb unless they explain it all since as of now, there are a lot of plotholes..
Dec 9, 2009 7:03 PM

Feb 2009
argilium said:
DarcyD said:
This whole plot is dumb, and this show is dumb because they finally started explaining why things are happening, in episode 10.
i don't know why but i like it more when they explain it all towards the end.. makes you still keep watchin it and theorize a lot at first.. also a usual format for visual novels.. but still, i think this show is kinda dumb unless they explain it all since as of now, there are a lot of plotholes..

That doesn't work for me. I don't apprciate this anime killing off so many important characters, flashing us a billion panty shots, and then, with 2 EPISODES LEFT, have Shiori, who was the most IMPORTANT character of all, explain everything that's been happening, so quickly, we can't even grasp our minds around it because, gasp, ANOTHER character has died. And congrats 11eyes, you managed to throw in some yandere romance, which pisses me off because this is the worst mix of violence and romance at the same time. Oh, and really great job adding some DBZ elements, totally made the show. :/

Dec 9, 2009 8:02 PM

Aug 2009
BitchMaster said:
Hmmmm...I wonder why I didn't realize this before... Fragment = Kakera... LULZ I see wut they did thar...
Lol. I got that a long time ago.

Oh yeah, I love how Kakeru licking Misuzu's blood went from necessary to just plain sexual....not that there was anything wrong with that of course >,>
Dec 9, 2009 9:02 PM

Sep 2007

What the fuck just happened? So not only is Yuka a yandere, she becomes the cliched deus ex machina factor with everyone living in her own little deranged world. Well I'm tempted to raise the score for the show just killing off characters like they're nothing, but somehow, I can see an ending where everybody comes back all alive and cheery.

As for Yuka... /me facepalms. Other than the plot-centric deus ex machina that she is, she still proves to be nothing but an obsessive, jealous little brat. Jealous and yandere enough to the point of trying to get rid of Misuzu with a razor. Seriously? "ZOMG KAKERU-KUN, YOU CALL HER KUSAKABE-SENPAI RIGHT NOW, NOT MISUZU. MY GOD YOU CAN'T BE WITH OTHER WOMENZ KTHX. ONLY ME ME ME ME ME ME ME". And lolz at her releasing Liselotte. I can see it now, her motive is to use Liselotte to get rid of Misuzu once and for all. Talk about fucking insane.
Dec 9, 2009 9:37 PM
Oct 2009
here's +1 hate post for yuka D<

if yuka dies this shall become one of mah favourite animes :D
Dec 9, 2009 10:05 PM
Nov 2009
nerdzo said:
here's +1 hate post for yuka D<

if yuka dies this shall become one of mah favourite animes :D

lol@this mofo.
Dec 9, 2009 11:37 PM

Nov 2007
no...just no...I have already expressed my dislike for Yuka and her selfish and obsessive behaviour which only the lowest scumbags of human beings can match but this....this is just too much...

I have to compliment 11Eyes for having created a character whose sole existence makes me want to fucking punch the shit out of my monitor and burn it....but seriously

She doesnt love Kakeru....she just loves the Kakeru she has had in her mind all along...she wants Kakeru to always be the same person that SHE wants and thats just wrong...fuck 10/10 and i would rage many more times
Dec 10, 2009 12:34 AM

Sep 2007
Holy FUCK, Tang-Ina ka Yuka, you wanted to kill Misuzu badly.

Update later.
Dec 10, 2009 12:42 AM

Oct 2009
Wasabi said:
I can see it now, her motive is to use Liselotte to get rid of Misuzu once and for all. Talk about fucking insane.
Nice one but this remains to be seen I am thinking you are right about rid Misuzu but maybe you might be surprised who it could be...not sure but I have seen a pic of how it might be from the game...
argilium said:
francismeunier said:
Three reasons I give you: a)For trying to hurt Misuzu, b) For kissing Kakeru and c)giving the green crystal to Liselotte Wreckmeister so now she is revived.
argilium said:
thanks for giving reasons why i love yuka.. and oh.. also the "My Kakeru-kun sense is tingling".. hahaha.. yandere FTW! (sure, i don't want to be with them.. but they are so fun to watch..)

Why you are welcomed argilium it was a pleasure for me too to like Yuka more because of this episode.
Frostwake said:
Im here trying to think of how they will make us hate Yuka even more on episode 11, because I thought it was impossible already and they did it again... My god what a bitch, what she deserves is some brutal hentai raping by the black knights or whatever

Still trying to calm myself down... God, worst character ever
argilium said:
i don't think she's the worst character ever since she's fulfilling her role outstandingly.. she's having a major success on trying to make people hate her.. really, she's starting to be one of the better yandere type characters out there..

I agree but I might not have seen enough anime to say the best but certainly her character pleased me enough to claim her. Ha!
argilium said:
about the ep, it's either they haven't explained some stuff yet or they were not able to coz the stuff they threw us in this episode are unclear.. they'd still have to clear what really happened in the past (you know, first scene of the anime) as it might be the thing that connects all.. guess i would have to wait for the translation of the vn.. or when i can read japanese properly..

I though they explained the whole Velardo thing with Liselotte wanting revenge from the world...I though I gived a logical opinion that a human killed him (pic proof) and because of that she wants to destroy all human = to whole world or both of them tried to save the world and the world got rid of one of them so the other has revenge reason being love.
Orulyon said:
francismeunier said:

Orulyon said:
the thing is, im really curious to know...besides her looks and her pinky lingerie, what do you admire so much in Yuka, that makes you blind not to see that she is doing many wrong things, which, everyone has the right to make mistakes of course, but, do you honestly think Kakeru will be happy with someone like her?
francismeunier said:

Yes he will because she was first there with him but there is now a rival of the name Misuzu who think it's right for her to take him away after all the things Kakeru went through with Yuka?

Orulyon said:
have u been paying attention in the anime? since i remember they only became rivals in the last episode (10). Before that they were great friends, they were alone many times but nothing happened due to the respect and friendship they shared.
Not until that blood drinking thing and that was before episode 10.
Orulyon said:
Did you remember that was Yuka that started imagining things? if she had trusted Kakeru and Misuzu, i doubt Misuzu would even hug him, because she respected Yuka. Did you forgot that was Misuzu who taught Kakeru how to fight in order to protect Yuka? take him away?! what u talking about?!
im not trying to say that Misuzu should replace Yuka.
I just supposed if she would...would you think it's ok because Yuka's mind does not is what I am trying to say.
Orulyon said:
Every person is unique and irreplaceable. Kakeru suffered a lot more than Yuka because he lost his sister and he didnt became obsessed with her. While yuka was adopted, he´s been living alone. Yes, yuka helped him, and she used to be a great girl, but she´s not anymore and that´s it. Even if he loves her, sooner or later he will end up hating her because she doesnt care about their friends.

Ok I can't say anything to that but to defend her I will say that she is just doing what she can do have Kakeru to herself.
Orulyon said:
someone who doesnt let him breath? i mean, the guy wants to go to the bathroom in a private moment and she is the type that will follow him, im so sorry but thats too much. do u honestly think that he will be happy just with her in the end?
francismeunier said:
She is not always like that. She is just concerned about him doing something with Misuzu and that all can see it's all about that before she was not like that....guess she has a powerful jealousy. I would not mind being with her all the time.

Orulyon said:
yeah, but the thing is you´re not Kakeru, and Kakeru wants to...i dont know...maybe breath a little?

I could imagine to be....I like thinking about some characters since seeing anime....I can't do it? With imagination it is possible.
Orulyon said:
i mean, reflect a bit. How would be their end:
Kakeru:" Oh Yuka my beloved, you helped destroying all my friends (and yours) and the whole world, but, hey who cares, iam with you and im gonna be so happy. Let´s have sex?"
francismeunier said:
Well since all of them are girls I am not surprised at all by that but I don't think she thinks like that...try guy friends and it is not the same thing.

Orulyon said:

I think Yuka is the type to be jealous over Kakeru with girls and less with guys is what I am saying.
Orulyon said:
No, sorry, i dont think he would be happy unless he was a psycho with no feelings.
there´s one thing i admire in you, true, you defend you fav chara until the end. Just like me. But that wouldnt keep me to see the chara´s actions and personality.

francismeunier said:
I don't think he is a psycho but Yuka understands him more than Misuzu.

Orulyon said:
yeah she understands him a lot, wow. if she understood his feelings she would know that he would be hurt to see his friends dying and that he´s been fighting to help them while she drinks tea and talks about fairytales. let me correct your sentence: she USED to understand him. in the past.

Ok maybe but her mind state has been corrupted by delusions.
Orulyon said:
For example, if Misuzu stayed alone with Kakeru and in the world totally destroyed, i would be so pissed, because i know that both were unhappy like hell for not having his friends near to them. Not even if they desperately loved each other, the guilty, the pain they would feel would not allow them to move on.

francismeunier said:
Ok that would be the case of Kakeru and Misuzu.

Orulyon said:
No. that would be the case of Kakeru with any other girl from the anime except Yuka.

No it is a case in the game with who you choose. Logic says it is either Misuzu or Yuka.
Orulyon said:
So, sorry, i just cant think in yuka with kakeru in a destroyed or not destroyed world, because even if they all died, she would still be happy with that non appropriate smile of hers. but well, i respect your opinion.

francismeunier said:
Same here I respect yours.....let's see which of our characters win in the end.

Orulyon said:
Im not in a competition you see. Im expressing my opinion.(and if i was, no, im not afraid to loose. Loosing or winning is not synonymous of the word justice. I dont care who wins or looses,(but yes, i of course would like to see them all well and alive and lisette loosing her powers)
but it will be the worst anime ever if Misuzu dies and Yuka stays with Kakeru. No offense. At least leave Misuzu alive. Too many already died. If Yuka regains her senses and return to her old personality i wouldnt mind see her with Kakeru. The point is, if she stays like she is now, even Kakeru will loose his feelings for her. Its common sense.
I did not say competition I just ended in a logic to see who is right and wrong. Nothing more and nothing serious.
francismeunierDec 10, 2009 12:58 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 10, 2009 1:04 AM

Sep 2009
So Yukas a whore. Seriously broad daylight --lingerie- how perverted are you damn women..

Kakure wants to save people , but hes not strong ( i actually like this part dont know why).

Saw Kakure blushing for the first time.

KakureX Misuzu maybe next ep.

I dont get the whole " Yuka made this world" part , its like Haruhi Suzumiya...

Cant even talk about Yukiko and Takhisa , its umm..*sigh* ~depressing.

The seven fragments could actually die in the end to save the world .

I want lisetto clothes , they are so pretty...or i want atleast the hairband :D
Dec 10, 2009 3:01 AM

Jul 2009
ROFL...yeah sorry francis..i must agree with Yuka's hater now..she really pissed me off

And what a funny way to killed a character..i forgot her name..who's that girl who disappear because she was Yuka's creation? oh forget it she doesn't even have a role

I just hope the Black Knight will triumph!! Yeah just kill that fragment or something..i'm rooting for them..Superbia should be the main character XD
Dec 10, 2009 3:19 AM

Oct 2009
Laevantein said:
ROFL...yeah sorry francis..i must agree with Yuka's hater now..she really pissed me off

It's ok we all have our opinions but I would stay with Yka till the end of this.
Laevantein said:
And what a funny way to killed a character..i forgot her name..who's that girl who disappear because she was Yuka's creation? oh forget it she doesn't even have a role

Kukuri?...I think she will be in the Red Night next episode
Laevantein said:
I just hope the Black Knight will triumph!! Yeah just kill that fragment or something..i'm rooting for them..Superbia should be the main character XD
Superbia should also pay for killing Tajima and Yukiko.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
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