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Dec 1, 2009 1:03 PM

Oct 2009
Absolute depression! The episode left in a sad O_O compared to a exciting O_O way in Fairy Tail. Why? This is why: Tajima rages so much that he burns almost all the city to a crisp because Superbia tricked him with her magic of making a illusion of herself constantly while the real one goes after Misuzu/Kakeru. Not only that he burns 3 times Yukiko (once on her leg, once her clothing a little and a last time he tries to but does not.....Superbia reveals herself as the real Misao and so it was that girl at the ED part. Superbia breaks 2 swords of Misuzu and Misuzu is now in shock unable to do anything. Yuka was useless this time! I can't believe that she is Yandere to the point of just having these eyes and just staring, too bad Shiori stopped her. Kakeru was the best in this episode! He killed the illusions of Misao (was surprised she can copy the Black Knights that got killed) and blocked her attack from killing Misuzu and damaged her arm with the electrical sword. At the end after ED I was TT_TT badly and now will go do something to change ideas because Tajima is dead! Yukiko killed him T_T...she had no choice else Tajima would destroy all the city. Another to add to the graveyard...T_T Tajima!
He could almost be Natsu from Fairy Tails....Kakeru's best that beats his best last time: Tajima in rage mode as a final pic of him....he will not be in this anime anymore let's give him a look at least here

Major screw up! Unless they explain better in the next episode..they only show that Yukiko tells she killed Tajima and is all bloddied....I present the game version of it! Anime version so far:
Game version
Game version has much more impact.
francismeunierDec 2, 2009 4:58 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 1, 2009 3:01 PM

Dec 2008
Misao is hot o_O you can't deny the fact. Well I'll understand a bit more once its subbed, but it was a rather depressing episode.
1) Yuka should die, most pointless & useless character to be created
2)Misuzu lost two swords , which was shocking o_O Poor Misuzu!
3)Kakeru did some major butt kicking o_O
4)Misao's arm got burned!
5)Takahisa died!!!! *saddest part imo*
Dec 1, 2009 3:19 PM

Jun 2008
Well guys just in case, if you dont want to know the end of the anime, dont read the characters info on Wikipedia, because wherever who wrote it, wrote it all, who dies, who stays alive, who stays with who, bla bla. Sucks, because i didnt knew that Takahisa was going to die until i read it there.
anyway, im depressed, i mean Takahisa being killed by Yukiko its too much. i mean, if he died fighting against another bad guy or something, i wouldnt be so mad. Yukiko basically had to kill the person she most loved, and hell, Takahisa didnt give her a chance either.
F...Yuka, i cant stand her anymore.
Yay, Kakeru finally saved the day by saving Misuzu.
Im dying to see Kakeru with Misuzu. Misuzu rocks, even when she´s depressed,poor girl.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 1, 2009 5:51 PM

Sep 2008
What an enjoyable episode. Yuka had pretty much no screen time.
Shiori is moe. Kukuri <3 Misuzu was disappoint.
Also seems like Yuka will get a lot more screen time next episode which is unfunny.
Dec 1, 2009 7:00 PM

Sep 2007
Here is what you were waiting for francismeunier :P

As for the episode...somehow couldn't feel the drama... maybe cos I was busy playing Dragon Quest while watching it :D
Dec 1, 2009 7:47 PM
Jul 2008
no comment on this episode...
except that the visual novel was so good T-T
Dec 1, 2009 8:19 PM

Oct 2009
SunyiNyufi said:
Here is what you were waiting for francismeunier :P

As for the episode...somehow couldn't feel the drama... maybe cos I was busy playing Dragon Quest while watching it :D
Rofl so the title as it is means broken bandage....>_< Failed again. You play Dragon you! Started playing the first one on a emulator and like it a lot.
Orulyon said:
Well guys just in case, if you dont want to know the end of the anime, dont read the characters info on Wikipedia, because wherever who wrote it, wrote it all, who dies, who stays alive, who stays with who, bla bla.

I would suggest people also to follow does tell everything and I know everything too but wish I did not at first...anime still does a good job at giving a impact to me.
Orulyon said:
Sucks, because i didnt knew that Takahisa was going to die until i read it there.
anyway, im depressed, i mean Takahisa being killed by Yukiko its too much. i mean, if he died fighting against another bad guy or something, i wouldnt be so mad. Yukiko basically had to kill the person she most loved, and hell, Takahisa didnt give her a chance either.

Me too was depressed but feeling better after 5 hours. I know that Takahisa being killed by Yukiko its too much because of that nice hug and relation progress only to be destroyed by Superbia..she needs to die badly more than Yuka to me.
Orulyon said:
F...Yuka, i cant stand her anymore.
Yay, Kakeru finally saved the day by saving Misuzu.
Im dying to see Kakeru with Misuzu. Misuzu rocks, even when she´s depressed,poor girl.

I got something interesting for you there.....based on the preview for next episode here: we might get some juicy Kakeru x Yuka which would make my wish come true! I always wanted for it to happen! I hope...*hopes and prays* Proofs from game it can happen:
francismeunierDec 1, 2009 8:29 PM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 1, 2009 10:07 PM

Sep 2007
francismeunier said:
You play Dragon you! Started playing the first one on a emulator and like it a lot.

I play it with emulator too on my cellphone :3

As for Kakeru and Yuka being juicy, in the anime it won't happen. At least not to the extend like it did in the game, cos they can't become +18 :D
Dec 1, 2009 10:10 PM

Oct 2009
SunyiNyufi said:
francismeunier said:
You play Dragon you! Started playing the first one on a emulator and like it a lot.

I play it with emulator too on my cellphone :3

As for Kakeru and Yuka being juicy, in the anime it won't happen. At least not to the extend like it did in the game, cos they can't become +18 :D

Yeah I know that but it might get to a certain point with the DVD is might get better but who knows until it is seen. You play it on the cellphone? You can do that? O_O
BTW what in the world is Yuka problem being like this Yandere but not doing anything....I got the proof here:
You know I will initiate a hate Yuka now but not part of it:If Yuka would have used her power she would have saved the whole city and Tajima not being killed by Yukiko because his rage and flames would be no more. Now give me so Yuka hate because of that but I am not joining you...instead Shiori should have let her help.
francismeunierDec 2, 2009 5:01 AM

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 2, 2009 5:36 AM

Jun 2008
francismeunier said:
I got something interesting for you there.....based on the preview for next episode here: we might get some juicy Kakeru x Yuka which would make my wish come true! I always wanted for it to happen! I hope...*hopes and prays* Proofs from game it can happen:

Well since the anime is only 12 eps, i doubt that they even kiss. Probably they will be interrupted by someone (Go Misuzu, go!:P) Kakeru in the anime is too innocent to think in making things with Yuka (or with other girl...actually...does he really has any interest in woman?! i mean, i never saw him blush i think....)
i never played the game, but i guess they are following the plot (except for the scenes of +18) - (not that i would mind if something happened between my beloved Misuzu and Kakeru:p)
Superbia must die!Poor Takahisa T.T
and also, im really getting tired with Lisette, i hope she gets off that crystal soon, because we need some action:D

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 2, 2009 10:00 AM

Jul 2008
well...Kakeru is indeed too calm(innocent) but I think he realizes Yuka's yandere character...until now Misuzu showed some interest in him but not enough so there are hardly any chances Kakeru will dump Yuka and go for Misuzu(most likely Yuka will get a kiss at most and that'll be all)..still I'm sad for Yukiko and Takahisa :(
Dec 2, 2009 10:53 AM

Jun 2008
HRisa said:
well...Kakeru is indeed too calm(innocent) but I think he realizes Yuka's yandere character...until now Misuzu showed some interest in him but not enough so there are hardly any chances Kakeru will dump Yuka and go for Misuzu(most likely Yuka will get a kiss at most and that'll be all)..still I'm sad for Yukiko and Takahisa :(

I think Kakeru is trying to convince himself that Yuka didnt changed, and that she´s still that sweet little girl.
Well, he has this obsession in protecting Yuka, but he´s getting closer to Misuzu, so although im not expecting them to kiss (kakeru and misuzu), i would be happy if at least he hugged her, because in japanese culture, a hug has more meaning than a kiss, so, just let me dream for a while, looool.
i know that he will never dump Yuka, but at least if she becames "crazy" i bet he will get away from her a bit more.
Yeah poor Takahisa and Yukiko. i didnt liked very much Yukiko, but now i truly feel sorry for her.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 2, 2009 12:31 PM

Feb 2009
Ok...Yuuka is totally nuts already,Takahisa died,The Black Knights are the good guys(not like we didn't know it already),Superbia is actualy a hot chick(now it's hard to hate her for killing Saiko ;( ) and Misuzu...well she got screwed(too bad,i like her) :S
francismeunier said:
I got something interesting for you there.....based on the preview for next episode here: we might get some juicy Kakeru x Yuka which would make my wish come true! I always wanted for it to happen! I hope...*hopes and prays*

Yeah,that would be nice ^_^

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Dec 2, 2009 12:45 PM

Sep 2009
I really dislike Yuka, hopefully she goes nuts and kills herself or someone has to kill her.

MisuzuxKakeru, imo.
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence...”
Dec 2, 2009 12:54 PM
Nov 2009
wow what a crazy episode and speaking of yuka i wonder what will end up happening with her.

also i really hope they expand on the guys death instead of just glazing over it with an off screen death (which would really suck for a main character)
Dec 2, 2009 1:14 PM

Oct 2008
I wonder how they will end this in 3 more episodes.

This is really a pleasant surprise to me this season. I had written it off as "Another Ero game translated to harem anime" but it has really moved beyond that to be more serious.

I might be alone in it, but i like Yuka. She might be a bit insane now, but maybe if Kakeru clears up the misunderstanding(s)... They really do seem to have just been misunderstandings since he has mostly acted every bit as obsessed with her as she is with him, although admittedly he still cares about other people. From comments other people are making about the game, it sounds like it isn't the case, but how things are going almost makes me think that Yuka is the demon Kakeru awakened.

Yukiko killing Takahisa was a nice and unexpected touch. He was really a stereotypical "nice bad guy," but his end still evoked some emotion and humanized him. Also added some teeth to the story.
Dec 2, 2009 2:00 PM

Jul 2009
Did ANYBODY notice that the episode was SOOOO much better without Yuka?! Who's with me?!

TBH, this anime should just be an anime, with less ecchi and more action. This episode is a great example of what can be done with a more action packed genre.

Too bad next episode will be more fan service. And yes, I am complaining.
But what can I said, it IS based off a ero game.
Dec 2, 2009 2:35 PM

Jul 2009
Well i'll pass Yuka's route on the ero game if it's available XD
I wonder what will Keima from TWGOK do to handle Yuka, it will be fun
Dec 2, 2009 3:56 PM

Feb 2009
How is it that even Shiori is freaked out by Yuka's insane Kakeru obsession? I sure hope the boy doesn't die because of her, seriously, Saeko shouldn't have died, Yuka should have.

And that Misao person is insanely frightening! The fights are definitely getting more and more intense! And I really feel for Misuzu, she's my second favorite character, I hope she gets her spirits back up..

Dec 2, 2009 4:26 PM

Aug 2009
This episode made me bump my score to 8.

Could they be possibly any more screwed than they are right now? Because they're gonna be just about done at this rate. I think I liked this episode a little better because Yuka barely talked and when she did, she was just batshit insane and that's a plus for me.

Takahisa....T_T. (He's seriously dead? Crap)

Can't believe there's 3 episodes left.
Dec 2, 2009 4:51 PM

Sep 2007
I seriously hope Kakeru gets his ass kicked which causes Yuka to flip the fuck out and then she self destructs and dies. Her obsession with Kakeru is just ridiculous. "LOLZ HOO KARES IF ANYBOBY ELSE GET HERT, AS LUNG AS MAH KAKERU IS FIEN"
Dec 2, 2009 5:00 PM

Jul 2009

~4 France & 4 chu~moron~~4 France & 4 chu~moron~~4 France & 4 chu~moron~~4 France & 4 chu~moron~~4 France & 4 chu~moron~...

GAHHHHHH... STOP IT!!! STOP TORMENTING MAH EARS, YOU PUNK BITCH!!! **** I think Imma go insane at this rate...not. Like hell I'm gonna let that annyoing Yuck-a and Yukiko accomplish their objectives and "Just as planned" smile on my toilet bowl. I will counter them with this, take this YOU PUNK BITCH!!!


And Shizuku SUX!!! LOL Congratulations on your...Wai-, I have lost count of how many times she got OWNED in this show besides the Mario brotha(s)...defeat. Now I can proudly say that this girl's only purpose in this show is to look pretty and maybe handling mushrooms ROFL

sweetangel1927 said:
sarroush said:
Misao is hot o_O you can't deny the fact. Well I'll understand a bit more once its subbed, but it was a rather depressing episode.

Haha I can't argue with you there, Misao is really pretty.

Count me in too!!! XD


She totally deserves her own fanclub IMHO LOL

kurogashi said:
Did ANYBODY notice that the episode was SOOOO much better without Yuka?! Who's with me?!

Too bad next episode will be more fan service. And yes, I am complaining.
But what can I said, it IS based off a ero game.

*Raise rod-shaped object up*

And it's an ero, what do you expect?!!

...Sorry but just have an irresistible urge to say it XP

@ Laevantein

Please stop it, anything but please, I beg you, spare my GDO Keima. The mere thought of it made me SHAT BRIX already...
BitchMasterDec 2, 2009 5:17 PM

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Dec 2, 2009 5:28 PM

Nov 2009
Who looked at the last part of the preview... looks like somewone is being killed...(almost looks like Yuka ;)... Maybee with a little luck that night mare will be over...
Dec 2, 2009 5:51 PM

Jul 2009
BitchMaster said:

@ Laevantein

Please stop it, anything but please, I beg you, spare my GOD Keima. The mere thought of it made me SHAT BRIX already... will be interesting though..XDD
Dec 2, 2009 6:01 PM

Jan 2009
I keep hating this show more and more. The characters I like are dying and the ones I absolutely hate keep getting saved. And we don't see the good fights. Takahisa got killed by Yukiko and they didn't show any of it, they also didn't show Takahisa's fight with that other Black Night a few episodes ago that was actually a chose fight.

I really hope that Yuka, Kakeru, and Misuzu all die. I hate all of them. Misuzu states the obvious while trying to sound deep and what's with the "Oh my God, look at the way shes standing and staring at me, I can't move anymore" WTF?

Basically, I don't like this show, which is a major disappointment because I had high expectations, and this show won't even get a 7 (that's a C in my rankings) unless all three of them die.
Dec 2, 2009 6:26 PM

Jun 2009
Holy crap, Takahisa is dead, Mizuzo is suffering a mental breakdown and yuka doesnt give a crap abotu anyone aside from Kakeru! She could have saved everyone and she didnt..please please please Yuka die.
Dec 2, 2009 6:43 PM

Apr 2009
like everybody said, Misao is hawt!! oh yeah..

and unlike what everybody said.. i liked Yuka more.. i lol'ed at how selfish she is.. that's just sick.. she might even be the villain here.. and if she disappears, it's ok.. it would be until the end, anyway..

they should show how takihisa was killed in a flashback on the next ep..
Dec 2, 2009 6:56 PM

Feb 2009
Meh_93 said:
I really hope that Yuka, Kakeru, and Misuzu all die. I hate all of them. Misuzu states the obvious while trying to sound deep and what's with the "Oh my God, look at the way shes standing and staring at me, I can't move anymore" WTF?

If I had a quarter for every time a character said they couldn't move during a fight I'd be one rich mofo, I don't think you should bring Misuzu down to Yuka's level, she's no crazy ass yandere. >:o

Dec 2, 2009 7:18 PM

Jul 2009
Laevantein said:
BitchMaster said:

@ Laevantein

Please stop it, anything but please, I beg you, spare my GOD Keima. The mere thought of it made me SHAT BRIX already... will be interesting though..XDD

GAHHHH... That's not where you need to fix it DX

It's not a typo and since I'm not a religious person, I won't use the word "GOD" and only believe in "GDO" who believes in me and pierce throuh somebody's armpit with mah drill . Got it memorized?

Whatever, I'm so fed up with this "Kakeru-kun" and "4 France & 4 chu~moron" already.... Hope that punk bitch will jump him next ep and keep her mouth shut for the rest of the show, and the other one goes blow herself up into soy sauce or something for ever creating that stupid phrase. Dammit, Superbia is the only reason for me to watch this crap now and maybe somewhere deep down in my sweet potato, I wish for that dumb couple kama sutra the shit out of each other and die from orgasm for the love of GDO...<_<

If he's not with us, he's AGAINST us!!!

Dec 2, 2009 7:46 PM

Jan 2009
DarcyD said:
Meh_93 said:
I really hope that Yuka, Kakeru, and Misuzu all die. I hate all of them. Misuzu states the obvious while trying to sound deep and what's with the "Oh my God, look at the way shes standing and staring at me, I can't move anymore" WTF?

If I had a quarter for every time a character said they couldn't move during a fight I'd be one rich mofo, I don't think you should bring Misuzu down to Yuka's level, she's no crazy ass yandere. >:o

Misuzu is on a different level of hate for me. I hate Yuka for all the reasons people have been saying (don't need to repeat those), but I don't like Misuzu because she says something in a really serious tone, and the creators are trying to make what she says sound really deep and profound, but it's either stupid or she's just stating the obvious which irritates me.

This is the first time I actually don't want the main protagonist and the girl to be together at the end because I hate both or just one of them.
Dec 2, 2009 7:48 PM

Nov 2007
lol 11eyes. So bad, but like a trainwreck I can't stop watching. Yukiko -- plz to be killing Yuka next! :D
Dec 2, 2009 9:34 PM
Feb 2009

w0oow fk this h0 right here wat a slut
Dec 2, 2009 9:41 PM

Sep 2007
I could not believe it, Yuka turned into yandare totally. Dropped here into my list of my favorite female anime. Too bad, Takahisa died, I though he will be alive at the ending. He cause too much destruction that made Yukiko to kill her without Yuka help to calm and protect him.
kurogash said:

Did ANYBODY notice that the episode was SOOOO much better without Yuka?! Who's with me?!

Too bad next episode will be more fan service. And yes, I am complaining.
But what can I said, it IS based off a ero game.

I agree, this time it show muuuccchhh of action rather than fan service. As if I could only erase Yuka from the series.

I would definitely go for KakeruXMizusu pairing.
Dec 2, 2009 9:43 PM
Nov 2009
an entire episode of nothing but action...not bad not bad!
the way fireboy died was pitiful, oh well, atleast he got to blow things up before he died.
still waitin for yuka to snap.
Dec 2, 2009 9:45 PM
Mar 2009
Just reading this thread is hilarious, but its all true

Yuka has gone bonkers and needs to have a reverse school days ending... I need to see her in despair and hopelessness

Unfortunately Kakeru and Misuzu kinda switched roles... Now kakeru is the one kicking ass and as said, all Misuzu does is look pretty and state the obvious

But the episode was definitely better with almost no Yuka... Now they just need to stop the "For friends and for tomorrow" crap, no one will get emotional over this anime, its made in such a way you hate pretty much every character for some reason (except Shiori shes cute)
Dec 3, 2009 1:57 AM

Sep 2009
Game version
Game version has much more impact.
Oh my God the pics made me cry , i am glad they didnt show that in the anime or wud have cried for 3 days...
Yuka was useless this time! I can't believe that she is Yandere to the point of just having these eyes and just staring

Good boy your 1st step into Yuka hate..XD

I got something interesting for you there.....based on the preview for next episode here:

love the utter displeasure look on Kakures face , what the hell is wrong with the damn Yuka?

Takahasi Died , whom am i going to stare at now XD

Misao is prettier tha misuzu...and shes kindof cool.

So the dark knight ppl are the good people but...hmm .cant think of anything..

Dec 3, 2009 3:58 AM

Oct 2009
Setsia said:

w0oow fk this h0 right here wat a slut

No Yuka might
SoulHunterF said:
Who looked at the last part of the preview... looks like somewone is being killed...(almost looks like Yuka ;)... Maybee with a little luck that night mare will be over...
No Yuka might sacrifice herself to save everything and maybe take along Kakeru but I hope not because this is how it is in the game as proof here=>

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 3, 2009 4:10 AM

May 2009
Kakeru needs to cheer Misuzu up pronto. Yuka went off the deep end long ago and doesn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. Misao is quite the impressive "villain" as she easily manipulated Takahisa (RIP) and absolutely owned Misuzu. Wonder if Kusakabe women are beautiful.
Dec 3, 2009 4:33 AM

Nov 2008
I think this anime is just getting better and better. I like all those nice effects there are when they use those powers. And to kill Takahisa after he got berserk, and by someone he loved.
Kusakabe is also starting to lose hope because she lost.

Tosi yst&auml;vyys ei j&auml;&auml;dy pakkasella! Thank you for your visit. Welcome again!
Dec 3, 2009 4:37 AM

Jun 2008
i cant see why people complaint about Misuzu. give her a break guys! i mean, she pratically was the leader of the group since the beggining, she was this perfect leader, but we all forgot she is indeed human, and she doesnt has to carry all the burden under her shoulders and still be perfect and strong. i think its super normal of her being depressed. And i was even more glad to see Kakeru in action because he was like the "girl" and Misuzu was like the "boy", so thank god finally a real man to protect her. Go Misuzu! she will recover, im sure, she just needs a little of support. Go Kakeru!:P
Superbia yes, she´s beautiful, but i bet that Misuzu dressed in a kimono would be even more beautiful.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 3, 2009 4:57 AM

Apr 2008
I gave it a 5 out of 5 for the character deaths (even if Yuka was not included) and the fighting.

Yuka is now my most hated character in the series. It's not that I don't like Yandere's but her extreme type makes me SICK to the stomach. I tried to not let my hate for her go too far but she MADE IT TOO DAMN DIFFICULT. Nothing she will try to do will EVER redeem her in my eyes. she is a lost cause and Kakeru should just move on to greener pastures >_>
Dec 3, 2009 5:00 AM

Oct 2009
Darklight0303 said:
I gave it a 5 out of 5 for the character deaths (even if Yuka was not included) and the fighting.

Yuka is now my most hated character in the series. It's not that I don't like Yandere's but her extreme type makes me SICK to the stomach. I tried to not let my hate for her go too far but she MADE IT TOO DAMN DIFFICULT. Nothing she will try to do will EVER redeem her in my eyes. she is a lost cause and Kakeru should just move on to greener pastures >_>
rofl more Yuka hate, I will still give her some time because of what my game spoiler shows....she might still save everyone.
Orulyon said:
i cant see why people complaint about Misuzu. give her a break guys! i mean, she pratically was the leader of the group since the beggining, she was this perfect leader, but we all forgot she is indeed human, and she doesnt has to carry all the burden under her shoulders and still be perfect and strong. i think its super normal of her being depressed. And i was even more glad to see Kakeru in action because he was like the "girl" and Misuzu was like the "boy", so thank god finally a real man to protect her. Go Misuzu! she will recover, im sure, she just needs a little of support. Go Kakeru!:P
Superbia yes, she´s beautiful, but i bet that Misuzu dressed in a kimono would be even more beautiful.

Don't forget Tajima's death also made her depressed further....with Yukiko saying it was her.

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 3, 2009 5:45 AM
Mar 2009
francismeunier said:
Darklight0303 said:
I gave it a 5 out of 5 for the character deaths (even if Yuka was not included) and the fighting.

Yuka is now my most hated character in the series. It's not that I don't like Yandere's but her extreme type makes me SICK to the stomach. I tried to not let my hate for her go too far but she MADE IT TOO DAMN DIFFICULT. Nothing she will try to do will EVER redeem her in my eyes. she is a lost cause and Kakeru should just move on to greener pastures >_>
rofl more Yuka hate, I will still give her some time because of what my game spoiler shows....she might still save everyone.

And thats not enough to redeem her ^^ Id rather everyone die than people surviving along with Yuka at this point

Seriously, she needs to be nuked from orbit
Dec 3, 2009 6:01 AM

Jul 2008
You want some tea? .....

Yuka needs to die. How hollow can someone be?
Dec 3, 2009 6:11 AM

Apr 2009
The one actual decent character in this anime... and he dies. D: Son, of a biatch. I actually kind of liked Takahisa. And he dies. FML, guys. FML. I felt so bad for him, especially when he saw Saeko. Well, that killed the only pairing I liked in this anime. -_- Of all people to die, why not Yuka? She's a dumb, useless good-for-nothing. No, it was Takahisa. :(

Misao, though, is pretty cool. And here this whole time I thought the villains in this anime sucked. But Misao was a turn-around. And Shiori is actually cool as well, now that she is playing her part in the anime. Yuka is starting to become annoyingly and freakishly obssesive with Kakeru. Like that will win him over. I hope to God he rejects her. That would make my day. :)

francismeunier said:

Dec 3, 2009 7:12 AM

Oct 2007
It feels so awkward watching the whole episode. I can't even feel any drama.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 3, 2009 7:22 AM

Oct 2009
Siva said:
It feels so awkward watching the whole episode. I can't even feel any drama.
Probably used to it Siva....look at all the anime you have seen....:P I would like to see if in the game you would have the same reaction.....?

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 3, 2009 7:40 AM

Oct 2007
Well I don't blame the game since I never play it. But this anime adaptation is suck the same go for Fairy Fail.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 3, 2009 7:57 AM

Oct 2009
Siva said:
Well I don't blame the game since I never play it. But this anime adaptation is suck the same go for Fairy Fail.
Huh? No way, I loved the last episode of Fairy Tail! That was great fighting!

In spoiler my anime list for now.
Dec 3, 2009 10:25 AM
Feb 2009
takahisa is dead?! just like that?!... even the death of side char like saeko has more impact than his...

anyway RIP takahisa (geez...i like him more than kakeru lol)
oblivious is a bliss
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Poll: » 11eyes Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

ShanaFlame - Oct 27, 2009

108 by wildhood »»
Feb 6, 4:51 AM

Poll: » 11eyes Episode 12 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

LadyOrihime - Dec 22, 2009

316 by fiveguysshake »»
Feb 18, 2024 3:42 PM

Poll: » 11eyes Episode 10 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

francismeunier - Dec 8, 2009

197 by fiveguysshake »»
Feb 18, 2024 3:10 PM

Poll: » 11eyes Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

francismeunier - Nov 24, 2009

148 by fiveguysshake »»
Feb 18, 2024 2:30 PM

Poll: » 11eyes Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

francismeunier - Nov 17, 2009

182 by fiveguysshake »»
Feb 18, 2024 2:17 PM
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