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Feb 20, 2022 7:08 AM

Dec 2021
I loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next chapter , the things momoshikki mentioned like "It will be soon" cuts off all of my patience
TetsuyagiriFeb 20, 2022 7:31 AM
Feb 20, 2022 7:48 AM

Dec 2016
Wait so Momoshiki stuck in Boruto's body?
So this meme can become reality?! xD

But honestly I still hope Momoshiki will be able to take control over Boruto's body.
And I still don't see any signs of a timeskip, Code will not wait few years to kidnap Amado.
Nieznajomy43Feb 20, 2022 7:53 AM
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Feb 20, 2022 8:35 AM
Jul 2018
Great Chapter, and I lover it soo much because of cleaver writing by Kishimoto. Really splendid work. And I think Code have attached his claws mark on either sikamaru or kawaki.
Excited for whats going to happen!!
Feb 20, 2022 9:24 AM

Apr 2018
This was absolutely one of the best recent chapters out yet. Kawaki against Code was phenomenal, he had the upper hand for most of the time until Code used his claw marks to get Daeomon. It was painfult to see Naruto in despair like that, clinging to his son's life. Well, Momoshiki resurrected Boruto by using a part of his body to revive him. Which means that he got turned into a Ohtsutsuki.

AND FINALLY! They talked about ''THAT'' again. Seems like the time is still not near and the next time something grandious happens. He won't be revived.

Code will use Shikamaru.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Feb 20, 2022 9:40 AM
Oct 2016
Really good chapter, I liked how well Kawaki is getting with his power and how Code thought quickly to use Daemon. Also the moment Momo foresaw is coming soon, I’m excited but terrified.
Feb 20, 2022 10:09 AM

Sep 2020
I always disliked Shikamaru since Naruto Shippuden. I hope now people can relate. He was such an asshole in this chapter. I doubt if it was Shikadai the one "dying'' he would be acting like that. He is just showing his true colours.
"I'll Take a Potato Chip and EAT IT"
Feb 20, 2022 10:19 AM

Jun 2014
Kawaki was destroying Code but he still managed to escape, barely. Looks like Boruto doesn't have to worry about Momoshiki resurrecting anymore, but he can't breathe easy based on what Momoshiki told him after. Seems like something ominous is on the horizon. And I'm sure Code left a claw mark on Shikamaru to use in order to get close to Amado.

I keep saying it but I wish this was a weekly series so we could get faster story progression. It's gonna be a while before we see what Momoshiki was foreshadowing, and the monthly waits between chapters doesn't help.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Feb 20, 2022 11:23 AM
Apr 2015
Was expecting more. Kinda disappointed not gonna lie.

They just took the most convenient option to get rid of a problem they had, ultimately, no way to deal with. The fact that Boruto would, eventually, turn into Momoshiki Otsutsuki and there was no known way to deal with it but for him to die, was definitely an interesting plot the author added to the story that would lead the characters to make harsh decisions, like the one Kawaki and Boruto took. All of that, all thrown away for nothing. Boruto won't turn into Momoshiki, he won't die (at least not for this reason), they bought themselves more time to learn about Code and now Boruto is, and I quote, "A pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" which means he's probably super strong. I mean, he was able to go head-to-head against Sasuke when he turned into Momoshiki, imagine what he is like now. Only difference is that then, he had no way to control that power and was terrifying that he might turn into that and lose himself in the process, and now, I'm assuming, he has all power in the world.

To say the characters acted super uncharacteristically, is an understatement. Naruto sat and cried while a fight was happening next to him (sure, you can argue that he just watched his son die, but the Naruto that I know would've used that suffering and frustration to fight, maybe that's just me), Shikamaru was so out of character, the one guy that's always 10 steps ahead of everyone, had NO IDEA that this was gonna happen nor did he try to stop it. And last, but definitely not least, do I have to talk about Momoshiki? He literally saved his main enemy, only to then explain that he can no longer be revived in Boruto's body? What?! What's the point then? I know Boruto has been controversial and definitely not what we expected at all, I think the only reason why we still read it it's because of that opening that made us all curious, but I never thought it'd get this bad. At this point we're just recycling arcs from Naruto.

If anyone disagrees with me or has a different opinion, please comment, I'd love to talk about it!
Feb 20, 2022 1:44 PM

Jul 2011
Junniorr said:
Was expecting more. Kinda disappointed not gonna lie.

They just took the most convenient option to get rid of a problem they had, ultimately, no way to deal with. The fact that Boruto would, eventually, turn into Momoshiki Otsutsuki and there was no known way to deal with it but for him to die, was definitely an interesting plot the author added to the story that would lead the characters to make harsh decisions, like the one Kawaki and Boruto took. All of that, all thrown away for nothing. Boruto won't turn into Momoshiki, he won't die (at least not for this reason), they bought themselves more time to learn about Code and now Boruto is, and I quote, "A pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" which means he's probably super strong. I mean, he was able to go head-to-head against Sasuke when he turned into Momoshiki, imagine what he is like now. Only difference is that then, he had no way to control that power and was terrifying that he might turn into that and lose himself in the process, and now, I'm assuming, he has all power in the world.

To say the characters acted super uncharacteristically, is an understatement. Naruto sat and cried while a fight was happening next to him (sure, you can argue that he just watched his son die, but the Naruto that I know would've used that suffering and frustration to fight, maybe that's just me), Shikamaru was so out of character, the one guy that's always 10 steps ahead of everyone, had NO IDEA that this was gonna happen nor did he try to stop it. And last, but definitely not least, do I have to talk about Momoshiki? He literally saved his main enemy, only to then explain that he can no longer be revived in Boruto's body? What?! What's the point then? I know Boruto has been controversial and definitely not what we expected at all, I think the only reason why we still read it it's because of that opening that made us all curious, but I never thought it'd get this bad. At this point we're just recycling arcs from Naruto.

If anyone disagrees with me or has a different opinion, please comment, I'd love to talk about it!

That's exactly what I thought at first but after thinking a little more about it I am seeing some arguments against it (but I might be trying too hard to justify it all, I don't really know). I see the "resurrection and sacrifice" as an easy way out of the situation too. But it actually makes sense - the only way to continue the Otsutsuki bloodline was to resurrect Boruto one way or another. Momoshiki is sacrificing himself so that Code can use Boruto and finish what has to be done for the Otsutsuki to continue existing. Turning Boruto into a "pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" is actually the only way to do this in the situation where the vessel (Boruto) is dead. And even though it's a desperate move, it's the only one he can make atm.

This won't, however, justify an unreasonable power-up if Boruto inherits all the Otsutsuki power just like that. What pisses me off most about the series is the ridiculous power levels we are seeing. I mean, Naruto and Sasuke had to grind like crazy to get to this level (which is also ridiculously overpowered, or maybe used to be when they had Kurama and rinnegan) and now characters with unexplainable powers that are just crazy stupid keep popping up one after the other. It's getting too much to bare for me. But it is what it is.

I wouldn't say Naruto was out of character though. Maybe he would have gone crazy and got inspired to fight if he was still the little kid from the original series, but he is a mature individual now, free of the rage he had as a kid. That's a big factor. Also - he spent his entire life alone without a single family member and after struggling so much to build his own family, seeing his son die in front of his eyes, killed by another person he considers "a son" - his reaction seems totally reasonable to me. In terms of Sasuke - Momoshiki - might be biased but I think the only reason Momoshiki got the upper hand in the fight was the surprise element, Sasuke could easily take him on (meaning put up a good fight and win, not win easily).

Shikamaru might seem out of character at first, but consider that he knew close to nothing about Code's powers and was not aware about Kawaki having the karma power back. He seemed a little useless but considering the information he had and the unexpectedly fast development of the situation, I think it made sense he was pretty much powerless. His in-character trait however was putting things in perspective - the village's reaction towards Kawaki's actions and evaluating that this will be the only opportunity they will have to deal with Code.

I see your point about recycling the Naruto arcs, but I have to say they are adding new elements - there are a lot more plot twists here (even when they are a little dumb). And, to be fair, can we really expect something more of a shonen series - they use the same formula, it is in the genre itself, not much room to be "original".

I'm not super impressed with Boruto (the series), not gonna lie, but I think they are doing what they can. For me the only problem remains the outrageous power-levels of the antagonists, it's just ridiculous and I can't really get over it because the only way for Naruto and co to fight Code and the rest is for another unjustified and unreasonable power-up that will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. That pisses me off. And Code has a limiter. Really. That was just the tip of the iceberg for me, how much more powerful can he get...
Feb 20, 2022 1:56 PM
Apr 2015
Wolf48 said:
Junniorr said:
Was expecting more. Kinda disappointed not gonna lie.

They just took the most convenient option to get rid of a problem they had, ultimately, no way to deal with. The fact that Boruto would, eventually, turn into Momoshiki Otsutsuki and there was no known way to deal with it but for him to die, was definitely an interesting plot the author added to the story that would lead the characters to make harsh decisions, like the one Kawaki and Boruto took. All of that, all thrown away for nothing. Boruto won't turn into Momoshiki, he won't die (at least not for this reason), they bought themselves more time to learn about Code and now Boruto is, and I quote, "A pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" which means he's probably super strong. I mean, he was able to go head-to-head against Sasuke when he turned into Momoshiki, imagine what he is like now. Only difference is that then, he had no way to control that power and was terrifying that he might turn into that and lose himself in the process, and now, I'm assuming, he has all power in the world.

To say the characters acted super uncharacteristically, is an understatement. Naruto sat and cried while a fight was happening next to him (sure, you can argue that he just watched his son die, but the Naruto that I know would've used that suffering and frustration to fight, maybe that's just me), Shikamaru was so out of character, the one guy that's always 10 steps ahead of everyone, had NO IDEA that this was gonna happen nor did he try to stop it. And last, but definitely not least, do I have to talk about Momoshiki? He literally saved his main enemy, only to then explain that he can no longer be revived in Boruto's body? What?! What's the point then? I know Boruto has been controversial and definitely not what we expected at all, I think the only reason why we still read it it's because of that opening that made us all curious, but I never thought it'd get this bad. At this point we're just recycling arcs from Naruto.

If anyone disagrees with me or has a different opinion, please comment, I'd love to talk about it!

That's exactly what I thought at first but after thinking a little more about it I am seeing some arguments against it (but I might be trying too hard to justify it all, I don't really know). I see the "resurrection and sacrifice" as an easy way out of the situation too. But it actually makes sense - the only way to continue the Otsutsuki bloodline was to resurrect Boruto one way or another. Momoshiki is sacrificing himself so that Code can use Boruto and finish what has to be done for the Otsutsuki to continue existing. Turning Boruto into a "pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" is actually the only way to do this in the situation where the vessel (Boruto) is dead. And even though it's a desperate move, it's the only one he can make atm.

This won't, however, justify an unreasonable power-up if Boruto inherits all the Otsutsuki power just like that. What pisses me off most about the series is the ridiculous power levels we are seeing. I mean, Naruto and Sasuke had to grind like crazy to get to this level (which is also ridiculously overpowered, or maybe used to be when they had Kurama and rinnegan) and now characters with unexplainable powers that are just crazy stupid keep popping up one after the other. It's getting too much to bare for me. But it is what it is.

I wouldn't say Naruto was out of character though. Maybe he would have gone crazy and got inspired to fight if he was still the little kid from the original series, but he is a mature individual now, free of the rage he had as a kid. That's a big factor. Also - he spent his entire life alone without a single family member and after struggling so much to build his own family, seeing his son die in front of his eyes, killed by another person he considers "a son" - his reaction seems totally reasonable to me. In terms of Sasuke - Momoshiki - might be biased but I think the only reason Momoshiki got the upper hand in the fight was the surprise element, Sasuke could easily take him on (meaning put up a good fight and win, not win easily).

Shikamaru might seem out of character at first, but consider that he knew close to nothing about Code's powers and was not aware about Kawaki having the karma power back. He seemed a little useless but considering the information he had and the unexpectedly fast development of the situation, I think it made sense he was pretty much powerless. His in-character trait however was putting things in perspective - the village's reaction towards Kawaki's actions and evaluating that this will be the only opportunity they will have to deal with Code.

I see your point about recycling the Naruto arcs, but I have to say they are adding new elements - there are a lot more plot twists here (even when they are a little dumb). And, to be fair, can we really expect something more of a shonen series - they use the same formula, it is in the genre itself, not much room to be "original".

I'm not super impressed with Boruto (the series), not gonna lie, but I think they are doing what they can. For me the only problem remains the outrageous power-levels of the antagonists, it's just ridiculous and I can't really get over it because the only way for Naruto and co to fight Code and the rest is for another unjustified and unreasonable power-up that will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. That pisses me off. And Code has a limiter. Really. That was just the tip of the iceberg for me, how much more powerful can he get...

Yeah I can also see your points really.

I guess I've just been so fed up with this Otsutsuki bullshit and how they're related to Kaguya and what not, that was a really big turn off, and anything that has to do with them just looks lazy to me. In Naruto I did not like the Kaguya arc at all, and now that they're recycling some of it to Boruto, I like it even less.

Now, if characters acted accordingly to themselves or not, it's up to interpretation. I personally don't think so, but after reading what you wrote, I can also see your points and even agree to some of them to a certain extent.

About the "power creep", I also agree. Boruto has always been ridiculously strong, I don't know if it was because of genetics which would be questionable, or if it's just because he's the protagonist. Either way, it doesn't make much sense ot me, and characters get to an absorb amount of power by doing almost nothing, which is bothersome because, as you mentioned, Naruto and Sasuke had to train literally the whole series to get to the point where they are, but the characters in Boruto don't feel like that.

Just as you, I'm not super invested in this manga anymore, I started reading it because I love Naruto so much, and even Naruto had its own flaws. I'll just read the monthly chapters whenever they come out and hope things get better. Thank you for your insight, I very much appreciate it!
Feb 20, 2022 8:48 PM
Jul 2018
These chapters have been nothing but exciting! 🤩 Tensions between Code and Eida, philosophical clashing between Naruto and Shikamaru and quite the growth of relationship between Boruto and Momoshiki.

I'm excited (and worried) about what's next for Shikamaru. 👀
Feb 21, 2022 12:13 AM

Jul 2011
Junniorr said:
Wolf48 said:

That's exactly what I thought at first but after thinking a little more about it I am seeing some arguments against it (but I might be trying too hard to justify it all, I don't really know). I see the "resurrection and sacrifice" as an easy way out of the situation too. But it actually makes sense - the only way to continue the Otsutsuki bloodline was to resurrect Boruto one way or another. Momoshiki is sacrificing himself so that Code can use Boruto and finish what has to be done for the Otsutsuki to continue existing. Turning Boruto into a "pure, genuine complete Otsutsuki" is actually the only way to do this in the situation where the vessel (Boruto) is dead. And even though it's a desperate move, it's the only one he can make atm.

This won't, however, justify an unreasonable power-up if Boruto inherits all the Otsutsuki power just like that. What pisses me off most about the series is the ridiculous power levels we are seeing. I mean, Naruto and Sasuke had to grind like crazy to get to this level (which is also ridiculously overpowered, or maybe used to be when they had Kurama and rinnegan) and now characters with unexplainable powers that are just crazy stupid keep popping up one after the other. It's getting too much to bare for me. But it is what it is.

I wouldn't say Naruto was out of character though. Maybe he would have gone crazy and got inspired to fight if he was still the little kid from the original series, but he is a mature individual now, free of the rage he had as a kid. That's a big factor. Also - he spent his entire life alone without a single family member and after struggling so much to build his own family, seeing his son die in front of his eyes, killed by another person he considers "a son" - his reaction seems totally reasonable to me. In terms of Sasuke - Momoshiki - might be biased but I think the only reason Momoshiki got the upper hand in the fight was the surprise element, Sasuke could easily take him on (meaning put up a good fight and win, not win easily).

Shikamaru might seem out of character at first, but consider that he knew close to nothing about Code's powers and was not aware about Kawaki having the karma power back. He seemed a little useless but considering the information he had and the unexpectedly fast development of the situation, I think it made sense he was pretty much powerless. His in-character trait however was putting things in perspective - the village's reaction towards Kawaki's actions and evaluating that this will be the only opportunity they will have to deal with Code.

I see your point about recycling the Naruto arcs, but I have to say they are adding new elements - there are a lot more plot twists here (even when they are a little dumb). And, to be fair, can we really expect something more of a shonen series - they use the same formula, it is in the genre itself, not much room to be "original".

I'm not super impressed with Boruto (the series), not gonna lie, but I think they are doing what they can. For me the only problem remains the outrageous power-levels of the antagonists, it's just ridiculous and I can't really get over it because the only way for Naruto and co to fight Code and the rest is for another unjustified and unreasonable power-up that will make absolutely no sense whatsoever. That pisses me off. And Code has a limiter. Really. That was just the tip of the iceberg for me, how much more powerful can he get...

Yeah I can also see your points really.

I guess I've just been so fed up with this Otsutsuki bullshit and how they're related to Kaguya and what not, that was a really big turn off, and anything that has to do with them just looks lazy to me. In Naruto I did not like the Kaguya arc at all, and now that they're recycling some of it to Boruto, I like it even less.

Now, if characters acted accordingly to themselves or not, it's up to interpretation. I personally don't think so, but after reading what you wrote, I can also see your points and even agree to some of them to a certain extent.

About the "power creep", I also agree. Boruto has always been ridiculously strong, I don't know if it was because of genetics which would be questionable, or if it's just because he's the protagonist. Either way, it doesn't make much sense ot me, and characters get to an absorb amount of power by doing almost nothing, which is bothersome because, as you mentioned, Naruto and Sasuke had to train literally the whole series to get to the point where they are, but the characters in Boruto don't feel like that.

Just as you, I'm not super invested in this manga anymore, I started reading it because I love Naruto so much, and even Naruto had its own flaws. I'll just read the monthly chapters whenever they come out and hope things get better. Thank you for your insight, I very much appreciate it!

I feel the same about the Otsutsuki arc, not a big fan of it. I see that in Shippuden they tried to make a big plot twist out of it but it's just not to my liking. Anyway, fully agree - it's all about personal opinion and understanding of character. It's always nice to discuss those things though, so thank you for sharing your thoughts!

The power-scaling remains a big issue, but let's see where they take it. It was obvious the series won't be up to the Naruto standard from the start, it's out of curiosity that I started following it. I'm trying not to take any negative aspects too hard, the series ended with Shippuden for me.

Feb 21, 2022 1:56 AM
Dec 2020
One of the best chapters recently
Basically Boruto is a God now ?
Feb 21, 2022 7:26 PM

Jan 2018
Our MC is an Otsutsuki now boys
Feb 21, 2022 7:46 PM

Dec 2021
Zackkhan said:
Tetsuyagiri said:
I loved this chapter and I can't wait for the next chapter , the things momoshikki mentioned like "It will be soon" cuts off all of my patience
what is the sauce of gif bro??????? Damn this words limit
If u r saying about the signature it's from Domestic Girlfriend

Feb 22, 2022 9:56 AM
Jul 2018
It's fun being a shinobi
Feb 23, 2022 5:04 AM
Apr 2021
Where To Continue In LN After This Chapter?? I Can't Wait For The Next Chapters
Feb 23, 2022 9:41 AM

Nov 2020
Code don't touch Shikamaru >:(
Feb 27, 2022 6:59 AM
Aug 2021
from now on he uzumaki boruto outsutsuki
Aug 26, 2022 7:08 AM

Jun 2019
Boruto is back to life and we also got to see Momoshiki after a while he helped in resurrect Boruto by giving away 18 percent of himself. What is next for them? Also, Shikamaru has been tagged, I guess.
Dec 9, 2023 11:38 AM
Aug 2021
nun to entertaining

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