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May 5, 2008 1:12 AM

Mar 2008
which in your opinion is your favourite season? and why?
ive just finished it all, and they all seem unique and wonderful in their own way, and i love them all!
like the animation is getting to know all of them and the moral stories,
then natural was having a good time and some aspects of mystery
then origination sums it all up and has the biggest character development
sugarplumfairyMay 10, 2008 4:25 AM
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May 5, 2008 3:48 AM

Dec 2007
Why am I the first to vote? Lol

Anyway, I feel that my vote has to go to Origination. It has had some of my favorite episodes yet, episode 10 (Aika stuck in well) being my favorite and the Atora, Anbu, and Anzu episode being second.

May 7, 2008 9:09 AM

Sep 2007
I voted for origination as well. The last few episodes were just gorgeous.
May 7, 2008 9:16 AM

Feb 2008
official now, origination just replaced the animation on my favorites list

i am now one step closer to a favorites list comprised solely of 10's :)
May 7, 2008 12:38 PM

Jan 2008
So where is the All Above option? I love them all! I'm kind of disappointed that Cait Sith didn't make an appearance in Origination.
May 7, 2008 12:47 PM

Mar 2008
xbandaidx said:
So where is the All Above option? I love them all!.

hehe i added it! and i agree! nooo we dont see cait sait in season 3?? *disappointed* i liked that mysterious part of aria with the parallel world of intelligient cats...:( ah well it had more character development rather than the little moral stories, and arias still amazing!!
sugarplumfairyMay 7, 2008 12:56 PM
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May 7, 2008 2:36 PM

Apr 2008
Origination had the most strong episodes since it was wrapping everything up (this might be a bit biased since it's more fresh in memory), as well as the nicest visuals.
May 8, 2008 5:56 PM

Mar 2008
In my case I'd have to say Aria the Natural, :3 It's probably the only season where Akari actually got to meet the Cait Sith in person.
May 23, 2008 3:47 PM

Nov 2007
I love the three seasons ^^" ...
But my vote is for Origination ! This third season is the more wonderful *___* ... from the 8th episode is so ... T__T ... i was (and always now) so sad and so happy !!

Jun 4, 2008 6:17 PM

Apr 2007
All of it was wonderful. But if I HAD to pick one, it would be ORIGINATION. For the content and the budget :v
ORIGINATION was beautiful. NATURAL suffered from budget issues at times, obviously so :/
Sep 22, 2008 8:45 AM
Sep 2008
I went for the original - animation. I think it's closest to my heart because it was the first I saw but Origination is also very good ^.^
Sep 22, 2008 8:31 PM

Aug 2008
NATURAL suffered from budget issues at times, obviously so :/

Yeah. QUALITY was rampant in the TV airing of the Natural and the pacing was kinda... hmm.
But I really can't make up my mind between the Animation and Origination (I consider Arietta a part of Origination because of the GODLY budget), so I'll have to choose the last one.
Sep 22, 2008 8:56 PM

Sep 2008
Origination - because of the budget I guess.

$$$ = increase in art quality I guess!

The art in the Natural was the most mediocre, the characters getting a big hit even - but the Isola San Michele episode saw the quality of art and effects skyrocket which was nice.
Hyouka and real-life Takayama comparison blog: Completed 31/10/2015

Aria the Animation and real-life Venice comparision blog:
Sep 23, 2008 7:13 AM
Apr 2008
All of the above - of course.
Animation made me interested.
Natural saved my life.
Origination made the circle full.

I don't care much about animation, or whatnot. If something looks good, but smells like sh*t, it's just sh*t with decoration.

Of course, Aria looks great, and maybe Natural is -really- mediocre in some point, as a series whole, it's great. So that's why it's not 3 seasons and an OVA for me. Aria is just one, godly sparkling wonderfulness, shining in all colors.
Sep 24, 2008 1:42 AM

Dec 2007
Favourite season is obviously Origination.

While its true Animation interested me, I didn't really fall in love with it till midway through Natural. And, while Origination started out slow, it ended the series with an absolute bang.
Sep 25, 2008 9:13 AM

Feb 2008
All of them. And maybe I like the Origination slightly less that the others because everyone were too obsessed with becoming a Prima.
Oct 15, 2008 1:11 AM

Jul 2008
Origination is the most one which is great and touching.
Oct 16, 2008 6:31 PM

Nov 2007
Origination is on a completely different level than the others. I really liked Animation as well though. Natural had some great episodes, but it was far too inconsistent. :(
Oct 23, 2008 1:12 PM
Aug 2008
Favourite season is obviously Origination.

While its true Animation interested me, I didn't really fall in love with it till midway through Natural. And, while Origination started out slow, it ended the series with an absolute bang.

Seconded. Origination is a 10/10 and pushed the series into my top 10. Not sure how far up yet, but its definitely on that list now. The season has so many emotional and beautiful scenes for such a mellow and non plot oriented show. Alice's promotion episode is a contender for my favorite anime episode of any anime series. Akari's promotion and Alicia's farewell (final episode) aren't too far behind.
Tiran86Oct 30, 2008 9:43 PM
Oct 30, 2008 8:58 PM

Dec 2007
For me, it was Natural. It had the most of my favorite stories bundled into that series...and thats pretty much the only reason.

Origination is definitely a close contender though.
Nov 18, 2008 8:09 AM

Nov 2007
All ofc.

#Feitoism @ - the official IRC channel for Fate Testarossa.
Nov 21, 2008 11:16 PM

Mar 2008
Definitely Origination. The former two seasons were good too but Origination just trumps them both. So happy yet so sad. =(
Dec 30, 2008 11:58 AM

Jul 2008
i love all of them, and though the third season hast the best script, i prefer the mystic atmosphere of the second one. =)
Take a look at the world and laugh. -Januzs Korczak
Mar 20, 2009 7:26 AM

Feb 2009
Excluding the final episodes of Origination, I thought Natural was the best overall. It had some of the most interesting stories, and had a supernatural mystique that was so alluring! (Cait sith, the fox's wedding, the lady in the black dress, etc.)
I like anime and stuff
May 13, 2009 3:48 AM

Jan 2009
3rd season is really touching for me
Needs more Drill Hair.
Jul 20, 2009 3:44 AM

Apr 2008
yea orgination for me too.. the first two are good however the 3rd one was juz better haha.. 3rd is the charm eh?
Jul 26, 2009 11:43 AM

Jul 2009
3rd season!~
Jul 27, 2009 8:56 AM

Jul 2008
3rd and a few select eps of 2nd. Didn't like the final eps of 3, felt a bit rushed.

Only a bit. :3
Aug 4, 2009 2:01 AM
Jul 2018
Aria the Origination...
Aug 5, 2009 2:29 PM

Apr 2007
It's kinda sad that the original season has only 3 of 75 votes.
I know Origination was artistically stunning, but we'd be nowhere without the beloved first series :'(
Aug 5, 2009 6:31 PM

Jul 2007
Aye. I think the first season had the most nostalgic episodes (specifically That Undeliverable Letter, Those Orange Days, and That Soft Wish) and the closest we'd ever get to official fanservice (To That Island Which Shouldn't Exist and That Warm Holiday).
Aug 11, 2009 4:35 AM

Aug 2009
I voted for all because every of them made me feel so calm and at ease like on vacation. But if I had to pick one it would be The Natural, simply because I liked the stories there the most.
Oct 6, 2009 10:52 AM

Oct 2008
All of the above. Because my consciousness would not allow me choosing one season over the other; that'd be like choosing chocolate over could just have both. ><;

PERSONALLY, however, Origination. Then Animation. Then Natural.
Nov 27, 2009 3:23 AM

Nov 2008
All seasons are good, but third is the best ^^

Nov 28, 2009 12:55 AM

May 2008
Yuunagi said:
Aye. I think the first season had the most nostalgic episodes (specifically That Undeliverable Letter)

That episode made me a fan of the series ;_;

Still, my votes goes to Origination; it had the best animation, best OST and the ending was pretty amazing.
Nov 29, 2009 12:37 PM

Jun 2009
I voted the Natural, but that's only because I hadn't seen Origination at the time. The third season was definitely the most dramatic and, more importantly, it did it in an unforced and completely natural way. I'll probably never forget episode 9 and on for the Origination either. The entire series is great, so great that I went and bought the first two seasons. I rarely buy anything, btw.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 29, 2009 10:40 PM

Apr 2009
Loved them all.

Origination > Natural > Animation
Dec 1, 2009 7:32 AM

Sep 2009
All are important = favourite. ^^
Dec 12, 2009 10:57 AM

Oct 2008
I loved and voted all, but I have Origination in my top 5 favorites, lol..
1st season was for introducing characters, 2nd for the wold of Aqua, while Origination summed and concluded all of them..
I'm just hoping we can put an entire series into our favs though, like "Aria" on my 2nd fav spot, like that..
Jan 8, 2010 1:23 PM

Jan 2009
Tiran86 said:
Favourite season is obviously Origination.

While its true Animation interested me, I didn't really fall in love with it till midway through Natural. And, while Origination started out slow, it ended the series with an absolute bang.

Seconded. Origination is a 10/10 and pushed the series into my top 10. Not sure how far up yet, but its definitely on that list now. The season has so many emotional and beautiful scenes for such a mellow and non plot oriented show. Alice's promotion episode is a contender for my favorite anime episode of any anime series. Akari's promotion and Alicia's farewell (final episode) aren't too far behind.

Agreed 100%
I'm just a big visual novel fan but have also watched quite a bit of anime and played a bunch of games. Avatar is Mashiro from Making*Lovers and Kotori from Rewrite.
Apr 30, 2010 4:22 AM

Apr 2009
Origination is the most excellent and polished season yet.
However, to fully appreciate it, the Animation and Natural MUST be watched.
So probably all of the above.
Aug 27, 2010 2:13 AM

Mar 2009
The 3rd season :D

Sep 4, 2010 7:25 AM

Aug 2009
I love th Origination. It's a very touching/sad story, actually it really made me cry. Also like the Origination, Arietta has a touching story too, Animation and Natural has its funny side story. So i say All seasons are my favorite :)
Mar 14, 2012 6:16 PM

Feb 2012
Arise thread!

To start with, I rather like the colours and the BGM is probably the best in Animation. Stories are also very high quality, but I couldn't appreciate them fully on my first viewing. There were some jagged frames here and there, but nothing too big.

Natural obviously took a blow on animation quality, which becomes very apparent on a second viewing. On the other hand it does build a lot of things that are crucial to the world of Aqua and its residents. This is also something that I wasn't able to see that clearly until I watched the Origination.

Arietta OVA was somewhat of an oddball for me at first, and I even almost skipped it on my second watch, but it is a very good watch to get some much needed dialogue between Alicia and Akari. Especially since Alicia is always so secretive about herself and the Animation cuts out much of the introductionary material from the beginning and most of it is scattered over the various seasons. Arietta being an important one.

Origination is almost perfect in terms of quality. All I noticed was clearly wrong was the episode with Alicia and Alice, with that awkward CG shot and one poor frame of Alicia that managed to find its way in. There were some weaker episodes, like the chocolatier one, but also some very sweet ones like the Atora, Anzu and Ayumi one. Also the past one with Grandma and the one with Aika and Akira. Great stuff. But it is not just those episodes that makes Origination great. It is the final ones where all that was done in the previous seasons comes together. It is just so very sweet to watch and that is what truly evoked my love for Aria, but on my second viewing I just felt sad that it was over. It is the best season I think, but mostly because of the ending.
Aug 16, 2012 6:47 AM

Aug 2012
in my opinion each season is amazing =D i really like all of them and i think that they are quite similar^^ in each episode Akari and her friends explore Aqua and experience new things but the anime never gets boring xD so you can see that you do not need a compliacted storyline to produce a great anime =)
Aug 16, 2012 7:26 AM

May 2012
For me, I enjoyed all of them. In Aria The Natural, there were some silly episodes that I least enjoyed, such as the one where President Aria fell and then saw all the genders of the characters have changed -_- A silly episode indeed! Plus some few episodes that were not too interesting in The Natural. But other than that, I still enjoyed that season along with Animation and Origination (plus the OVA - Arietta). This is my No.1 slice of life anime so far. I don't think anything else can beat the Aria series!

Oct 24, 2012 5:11 AM

Sep 2012
The third season for me. Because it concluded all this great story with so much great moment.
Jun 22, 2013 2:10 AM

Oct 2012
yes i love all

Sep 1, 2013 12:13 PM

Dec 2011
Origination, without a doubt. Episodes 9 and 13 were simply on a league of their own. I had to reduce ALL of my scores to allow Origination the golden spot of #1.
Apr 8, 2015 5:03 PM

Jun 2014
Origination. That ending is just brilliant

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