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Sep 26, 2021 4:20 PM
so in the end does was that a scene of kyoya getting along with kawasegawa? cuz i ship them hard |
Sep 26, 2021 5:41 PM
Watch this today, and, damn, Kyouya really leap back in time and surely remake everything right from the start again. However, its not the same start, cause its using the previous start, the Rokuonji dropping out the school point. Pretty underwhelming final honestly. A cheap freakin cliffhanger that wished to make the audience read the damn source to know more. Then sure i am gonna say that its not hook me that much. Reason, its will lead to the same repeated situations again, when Kyouya-sama solve every trouble, on the same cool way, right? Because no matter how much you say you were self-aware about this show for the protagonist fulfilment, but everything still lead on the same convenience way, making hard to me to believe, are you really trying that hard? None. The twist sometimes good. Never expect Kyouya-sama will get the future route once, and continue it a bit, then went back again to the past. Still, the way its using the same Kyouya-sama always able to pull the same magic to solve every trouble, its not convincing me. Though, if anything, i am always open for another continuations, and see what kind of magic Kyouya pull next for Rokuonji. Okay series, love the art, feel. always make me proud with the cute design, and the ost oped also nice. However, as an overall, especially the story element, so sorry to say that Bokutachi no Remake fail to make me enjoy the other aspects. |
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here. I'm level |
Sep 26, 2021 8:52 PM
ButtSlapper said: kyouya is a freaking liar, a womanizer, and a cheater. he promised shinoaki to support her drawing career and let her draw freely again, but then in the next days he just fled back to the past what a piece of shit. Actually, he will create an opportunity for Shino Aki to draw without a hiatus. |
Sep 26, 2021 10:53 PM
Kyouya stated that "He wanted to get, struggle, pushed,hurt, lose hope with them" okay but didn't he already did that from before? But this time hes going to let others give out ideas and use theirs in the past? (Which would make things more easier for him?) I didn't like the lack of screentime for Kawasegawa Felt like Nanako was the only one that felt like she had gotten character development, thanks to Kawasegawa of course. Kyouya is just another boring generic main characters |
August 6th 2023: Biggest upset ever, deception, selfishness, or scammed, manipulated. Heavy damage costs, and more. Days since: 15 Last updated: 8/21/2023 One Piece Episode 1041 & 1042 & 1047 & 1048 & 95.75%/1049 & 1053 were a mistake and Uta brought the salvation -AhriTheS3xyFox |
Sep 26, 2021 11:39 PM
cant believe it ended right when things were getting so good, need season 2 ASAP |
Sep 27, 2021 1:28 AM
I'm happy that they showed the best girl last. Of course I'm talking about Kawasegawa Too short though, it needed at least 20 more minutes Him losing Maki though, was kinda sad SoraSenpai said: It'll probably depend on the Bluray sales. Also, can I get the source of the LN sales?Ending kind of leave on a pretty big opening. So with sales in the gutter I guess we'll have to wait until the LN finishes to see how the series ends. It wasn't a bad anime at all but it failed to hit on some pretty important issues early on. Like self improvement for Kyouya. 7.5/10 |
Sep 27, 2021 5:59 AM
Lots of challenges, Tsurayuki's confidence, Aki's motivation, and Nanako's independence. Designs hinting at a few new characters in the lecturehall scene. Hardly an end episode, dude where's S2? Kinda like the partly realistic work sol, art college vibe, character changes, but wish it show more project process & their actual art/films. |
Sep 27, 2021 6:43 PM
Our control freak has loosened the reins and allowed the kids to be thmselves |
Sep 29, 2021 6:10 AM
Well, the loli is literally a magical girl after this episode. Only word for this anime: trash. The concept of time travel is terrible to the point where Erased's time travel look like a masterpiece in comparation. Characters are extremely annoying to watch and the fact they are riding MC's dick all the time didn't help either. Also its hilariously bad when MC daughter doesn't have any relevance or development in the future, why she was created in the first place especially with that lazy design? And lol at our shitty MC for basically murdering his daughter by erasing her from existence lol. 1/10 for the anime. |
NurguburuSep 29, 2021 7:16 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity. In Nippon, we trust. We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本 |
Sep 29, 2021 8:02 AM
Sep 29, 2021 8:04 AM
My mother and so it ends, I don't hate when this thing happens and I hate it. Just when things got interesting then or rotten sheep. And Kyouya seems to be trying his best to fix what he did wrong then, I can't wait for the next season. 😳🤚🏻🌹 |
Oct 1, 2021 9:20 AM
What a pointless journey. Mostly an awful watch but had some few good episodes here and there. Started well, went down hill, improved a little bit before going downhill again. All I get is the feeling of wasting my time watching it. 5/10. Could have been 4 except for few episodes. |
Oct 3, 2021 9:50 AM
Well done Kyouya, you erased your daughter with Shinoaki, unless the exact sperm meets the exact egg again. Going back to ask Kawasegawa for help when he should have? Will that put him on to a path where he ends up in a relationship with her? (I hope there is a Nanako route). |
![]() Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022 |
Oct 6, 2021 2:21 AM
Wondering if there'll be a second season. Cliffhanger fbm. Show felt too short to see its true potential imo. |
. |
Oct 6, 2021 2:37 PM
Farewell nice family life with Shinoaki and little Maki, time to start the 'our' part of 'Remake our life' halfway through the last episode! (or next season if there'll be one) Good anime but could've been better imo if not for the last few eps feeling so frustrating and dragging with Kyoya repeating the same mistake without learning until explictely needed to be told by Kawasegawa that he should rely on others instead of taking all responsibility. |
Oct 7, 2021 8:42 AM
6 / 10 for the show. Everything was ok, nothing was really bad, but alltogether the show never suprised me or got me excited. Like lukewarm coffee. |
I'm not reading any replies or comments directed at me at all. I know my truth and if you disagree: that's fine but i couldn't give a damn about :) |
Oct 12, 2021 6:54 AM
It's pretty much a worse Re:Life. If you liked this I highly recommend to watch Re:Life. Nothing about it really stands out but it's still a good watch. 7/10 |
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill My discord server for gaming and anime/manga: |
Oct 12, 2021 2:00 PM
This anime feels like an overpowered isekai MC except this kyoya guy is OP at problem solving. He's a saitama in problem solving. |
Oct 14, 2021 6:16 AM
does the manga and the anime have a big difference for the plot or they still similar? |
Oct 16, 2021 7:14 AM
where season 2? :monke_face: |
Oct 23, 2021 1:52 PM
6/10, the only reason it gets a 6 is because he ended up killing maki, and now there is a potential Kawasegawa route, else 1/10 |
Oct 23, 2021 3:08 PM
It's not often that I come to truly despise a character, but right now, I can say that I truly despise Kyouya. This guy destroyed futures, then found out it's not entirely the case, but since it's not exactly the future he wanted, he decided to erase it and go back in time, once again destroying everyone's future in the process (and also killing his child). Not only that, but let's also talk about how he had a mental breakdown over his life being too easy, or how he complains about having a savior complex but despite what he himself said, he just continued to interfere in other people's business up until the very end ("I decided for her to be independent" but who are you to decide that ?), or how he has a completely insane obsession with this Platinum Generation, or how no matter what happens to him he just never questions anything, or how the show actually portrays him as the Messiah for absolutely no reason other than him being the mc... Throughout this entire show, I tried not to be too harsh and to find him some remeedable qualities but this last episode just confirmed there's none, he's lame, end of the story. I'm so happy not to have to see his bland face again. Aside from him, this show was full of good ideas but as I expected from the very first episode, it suffered from having characters that are just not interesting and well written. The show just did the bare minimum to provide them some superficial depth, but anytime it tried to make something deeper than that, it just proved it doesn't know what it is doing (Kyouya being the best example). I quite liked Kawasegawa but even she wasn't that great, far from it. At least she had a bit of a personality. What also bothered me about the characters is how they barely, if at all, changed after what, 10 years ? I mean, that's certainly very convenient if you want to avoid the problem of Kyouya having the brain of a 28 year old in an 18 year old's body, but that's, once again, absolutely not good writing. The only one who changed is Shinoaki and in her case, she changed way too much, she became a completely different character and for no real reason. And let's just talk about the time travel plot, the only way they managed to """explain""" that is through giving us a random girl with pink hair who touches Kyouya's head and BAM ! Magic. No I'm sorry I can't accept that. What is up with her ? Why does she look like a toddler but speaks like a middle-aged woman ? Why does she seem to know Kyouya ? Why did she seem morally ambiguous at the end of episode 8 but not at all the rest of the time ? Why does everyone accept her presence even though she has nothing to do here ? And above all, WHY DOES SHE HAVE MAGIC POWERS ?! Oh right, bad writing. If you don't know how to explain supernatural elements, just add in a mysterious totally-not-loli. To be fair, maybe her character is explained is the source material, I didn't read it (and don't plan on doing so) so I can't know for sure... But even if that's the case, I still can't accept it, because there hasn't been any kind of foreshadowing that could give us some hints about who she is. She just happens to be there. So I'm sorry but no, it can't work. Initially, I was planning to give this show a 5, but this last episode confirmed to me that I have some serious issues with it, so I give it a 4/10, and I'm being nice, I added an extra point because I like the thematics about production and found them to be pretty well adressed. |
Oct 29, 2021 1:50 AM
I'm just gonna mention two things here. 1. What business does Keiko have as time-traveler, isn't it a bit weird that she was relevant to a big part of the story but also is somewhat behind the time travel? She compliments MC on "not cheating", but essentially provided him with a way to keep Tsuruyuki in school. 2. Shinoaki's burnout from art seemed like a big deal. I mean, Kyouka made it a big deal, blaming himself on it. It seemed like her distaste from drawing started there, at episode 12, but in the ending credits we see her drawing with a smile on her face. This just makes it feel trvialized, or did I miss something and they had to shorten Kyouka inspiring Shinoaki somewhere. |
Nov 1, 2021 9:04 PM
I mean wft was this ending? hahaha. The biggest issue for me was Kyouya not even questioning what Keiko was. He was like "Yeah, ok, you're just a pink-haired loli who apparently can travel through time. No big deal". WTF, MAN?! At least explain to us viewers who the fuck she is after putting us through all of that. Besides that, I do think the anime was a bit melodramatic, but I guess if you consider the entirety of the story, it was ok. The anime didn't have to create so many situations in which it seemed like they were dealing with matters of life and death though hahaha. Nonetheless, I saw some people saying the protagonist sucked and that he was to blame for everything going wrong to others... How is he to blame? He was just trying to help others all the time, acting selfless and all of that. It's the anime that sucked a little making it seem like he was to blame. Btw, I read this show is going to follow some routes, so is it only my wishful thinking we get to see the Tsurayuki route? hahahaha |
Nov 10, 2021 10:11 PM
This is probably gonna be an awkwardly late reply since the anime already ended airing but I really need to get this off my chest. The ending really struck a chord within me. And I'm not sure in a good or bad way. The MC decided to give up a happy future with the struggles of the present. Idk about you guys, but a future with a good job, a cute wife, and a kid is something that I desire to have one day, happiness is what I strive for, and having something like that is my dream. Seeing him give it up just like that was a shot through my heart. I actually liked Kyouya x Kawasegawa myself but I could still work with Kyouya x Aki and just when I started to like it, it all went up in flames. Now I'm feeling heartbroken, confused, angry, and sad at the same time. Was there a right answer? Would everything work out if he stayed in the future? Am I wrong for wanting him to stay? I understand that if he chose to stay in the future there wouldn't be much narrative potential for the overall story but still. For some reason, the ending gave me this feeling like happiness was not the answer, and if it isn't the answer then was my dream even worth anything? Am I destined to one day become the hopeless soul we see Kyouya as at the beginning of the show? I don't know where I'm going with this, but this may be the result of me staying at home in quarantine for almost 2 years and barely meeting any new people. |
"You can't have a rainbow without a little rain." |
Nov 14, 2021 2:33 PM
kingpin120 said: damn dude quarantine been hitting you hardThis is probably gonna be an awkwardly late reply since the anime already ended airing but I really need to get this off my chest. The ending really struck a chord within me. And I'm not sure in a good or bad way. The MC decided to give up a happy future with the struggles of the present. Idk about you guys, but a future with a good job, a cute wife, and a kid is something that I desire to have one day, happiness is what I strive for, and having something like that is my dream. Seeing him give it up just like that was a shot through my heart. I actually liked Kyouya x Kawasegawa myself but I could still work with Kyouya x Aki and just when I started to like it, it all went up in flames. Now I'm feeling heartbroken, confused, angry, and sad at the same time. Was there a right answer? Would everything work out if he stayed in the future? Am I wrong for wanting him to stay? I understand that if he chose to stay in the future there wouldn't be much narrative potential for the overall story but still. For some reason, the ending gave me this feeling like happiness was not the answer, and if it isn't the answer then was my dream even worth anything? Am I destined to one day become the hopeless soul we see Kyouya as at the beginning of the show? I don't know where I'm going with this, but this may be the result of me staying at home in quarantine for almost 2 years and barely meeting any new people. but yeah the ending episode is a difficult onee to process and cant deny that i didnt shed a tear when the goodbyes were said but who knows, we make our future and every decision counts from what you already saw, noone really knows where we ll be in 10years from now so thinking about our future and choices might be a good choice while in this 2 -entering 3- year quarantine ^^ ningen will be back with more stuff to say next time |
Nov 15, 2021 11:42 AM
This was an amazing series. I went crazy and emotional with the farewell scene. Loved it. |
Dec 7, 2021 12:01 PM
Is it just me or does this so badly feels like a prologue? |
Dec 12, 2021 9:39 PM
Fafette said: It's not often that I come to truly despise a character, but right now, I can say that I truly despise Kyouya. This guy destroyed futures, then found out it's not entirely the case, but since it's not exactly the future he wanted, he decided to erase it and go back in time, once again destroying everyone's future in the process (and also killing his child). Not only that, but let's also talk about how he had a mental breakdown over his life being too easy, or how he complains about having a savior complex but despite what he himself said, he just continued to interfere in other people's business up until the very end ("I decided for her to be independent" but who are you to decide that ?), or how he has a completely insane obsession with this Platinum Generation, or how no matter what happens to him he just never questions anything, or how the show actually portrays him as the Messiah for absolutely no reason other than him being the mc... Throughout this entire show, I tried not to be too harsh and to find him some remeedable qualities but this last episode just confirmed there's none, he's lame, end of the story. I'm so happy not to have to see his bland face again. Aside from him, this show was full of good ideas but as I expected from the very first episode, it suffered from having characters that are just not interesting and well written. The show just did the bare minimum to provide them some superficial depth, but anytime it tried to make something deeper than that, it just proved it doesn't know what it is doing (Kyouya being the best example). I quite liked Kawasegawa but even she wasn't that great, far from it. At least she had a bit of a personality. What also bothered me about the characters is how they barely, if at all, changed after what, 10 years ? I mean, that's certainly very convenient if you want to avoid the problem of Kyouya having the brain of a 28 year old in an 18 year old's body, but that's, once again, absolutely not good writing. The only one who changed is Shinoaki and in her case, she changed way too much, she became a completely different character and for no real reason. And let's just talk about the time travel plot, the only way they managed to """explain""" that is through giving us a random girl with pink hair who touches Kyouya's head and BAM ! Magic. No I'm sorry I can't accept that. What is up with her ? Why does she look like a toddler but speaks like a middle-aged woman ? Why does she seem to know Kyouya ? Why did she seem morally ambiguous at the end of episode 8 but not at all the rest of the time ? Why does everyone accept her presence even though she has nothing to do here ? And above all, WHY DOES SHE HAVE MAGIC POWERS ?! Oh right, bad writing. If you don't know how to explain supernatural elements, just add in a mysterious totally-not-loli. To be fair, maybe her character is explained is the source material, I didn't read it (and don't plan on doing so) so I can't know for sure... But even if that's the case, I still can't accept it, because there hasn't been any kind of foreshadowing that could give us some hints about who she is. She just happens to be there. So I'm sorry but no, it can't work. Initially, I was planning to give this show a 5, but this last episode confirmed to me that I have some serious issues with it, so I give it a 4/10, and I'm being nice, I added an extra point because I like the thematics about production and found them to be pretty well adressed. I wrote up a bit about this show, but instead of that, I'll just quote everything this person said. This is a real review of the show, not whatever the fuck the 8/10 reviews on the main page are. User popularity votes were a mistake. |
Dec 14, 2021 8:23 AM
Why so many elitshit rate this anime ? This good SoL + Fantasy anime what I know. This anime deserve 8++ |
Dec 17, 2021 9:20 PM
Keiko gave him good pep talk Lowkey mad he sacrificed Maki and Shinoaki, well, kinda Shinoaki is picking up drawing once again! Yay! Shinoaki is still best girl btw! Okay, I have a feeling he'll actually marry her in the end! But WHAT THE FUCK was that ending? Man gimme a second season right now! |
Mess with waifu, lose your laifu |
Dec 17, 2021 10:03 PM
I would prefer Kyouya to continue in the future with Ayaka.. I don't know why he is stupid and he went back to the past to help his friend.. Even his girlfriend told him it wasn't his fault |
Dec 18, 2021 8:09 AM
NeitherZ said: Why so many elitshit rate this anime ? This good SoL + Fantasy anime what I know. This anime deserve 8++ watch more anime and u will understand how mid this anime is lol |
Dec 23, 2021 9:53 AM
Mmmm, not much happened, just this guy meet a bad end. Need to load game and fix a lot of thing. Probably will got season two. Girls in here are pretty but too much boing. Except that loli senpai a 'check point system'. |
Jan 2, 2022 3:15 PM
this was really good script maybe there were some rewrites and rework but in the end the product met the deadline and sales were good :D |
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`) I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;) |
Jan 6, 2022 1:29 AM
Lots of potential here, but it hasn't really come to fruition. If there's gonna be a season 2,they need to pick up the pacing by quite a lot. 6/10 |
Jan 6, 2022 3:08 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed most of this show for all its, it had ups and downs but each time it solved the problems in a good way, looking forward to sequels but considering the negative reviews from audience this might be a hard stretch, I hope we can at least get a manga adaptation not much of a LN reader myself. 7.5/10 |
Jan 7, 2022 3:16 PM
After I finished the show, some things I want to talk about: 1. Can someone explain Keiko without too much spoilers? 2. Nanako worst girl, typical tsundere who punches other (male) characters 3. Shinoaki best girl, no explanation needed 4. Red haired girl is second best girl 5. time travel was handled not perfect, but ok Rating 6,5/8, personal enjoyment 8/10 |
Jan 13, 2022 2:41 AM
I just finished the last episode after starting a few days ago, I don't know how to feel, I spent the first half of the episode crying when I realized he was going to say goodbye to Maki. For someone who wanted to create something with people he respected and admired, she was there the entire time in that future. I guess the gimmick is just that he didn't exactly get to participate in the creation (and I don't mean it in that way). He couldn't truly value what he had because to him it wasn't really his and I hate that about this power. |
Jan 19, 2022 3:20 AM
No no no NO, FUCK! I LOATHE IT. WHY DOES IT HAVE TO END RIGHT NOW?! That is my major problem with this, I really wanted to give it a 9, but I deeply feel that the show was on right track to that, it was already a 9 during this last arc, during the build-ups, the drama was getting real, but stopping here is a major turn off, I loved it so much, but ain't right, not a good stopping point at all. Guess I will have to read the LN for that, once it surpasses the anime, after vol5 is fully translated. 8.4/10 = 8 (definitely deserved a 8.6 thus a 9, IF it had the ride of the wave and given a proper conclusion, at least 2-3 more episodes, this anime should have been 2 coir) NOW, let me gush the praise for this show, 1-7 episodes are pretty good, I think Shino was my favorite there, her advances were pretty cute, MC annoyed me, because he even tried to kiss her back is pussy to talk about going further when he knows she want him badly... but then seeing a bit more about him talking about it, made sense I guess, he was on the heat of the moment after all. As a guy I can relate to that, if there is a cute girl that kisses you, and you have lots of affection for her, but also find her attractive, but don't have any love yet, I mean, hard to resist when she is doing such bold actions~~ But then, if you really don't like her, it is half-assed to try something serious till you can commit. The red girl was like the star of the later episodes, that talking to him on ep11 really set him straight up, Minori was an enjoyable addiction, I felt the feels when he remakes it again, but realized at least the game was already made, thus Minori would get the inspiration from it to strive for her dreams, it was cool to see her near the end, seeing him approaching her, she will be a great encouragement to Shino, I was left really wanting to see both the girls inspiring one another, creating more art. ALSO hopefully Minori will someday bring back her gothic maid cosplay, because YESS, 10/10 for that, I want to say Itadakimasu and feast my eyes on such a lovely combination of cute and sexy, more and more~~ So yeah, I loved that he remaking his life again was not an easy thing to the point he could go back before they started to do the game, this way just felt like consequences mattered more, and seeing Shino finally wanting to draw again when he made his mind to go back, it can break you, Shino & daughter combo breaks you, the feels, in a way it feels even worst because I m conflicted, we have seen Shino's future with him now, what a lovely daughter and I kinda wanted to see how it would be with Kawasegawa, but that Shino's power man... you know the show did their heroines right when you want them both to succeed! Keiko's role needs to be explained, like when episode 9 came and he goes back, and then she makes her knowledge about him clear, ok, twist indeed, but this has to be explained some day. I do have to comment on the setting, I really loved all those visual novel references, experiencing a story focusing on the artists and creators, being more grounded, aside from the remake aspect of it, seeing their struggle and passion, and how it has to be nurtured because you can lose it... Lovely series, I gotta thank this anime for existing, making me aware of the source material, because now I really want to experience more of this series, and if an S2 comes and keeps up the momentum from there, and ends satisfyingly, I will give that shit a 9! |
Feb 10, 2022 8:47 AM
Erm. Justice for Tsurayuki???????? Dead ass used as a plot device for Kyouya’s “””””””””””””””DEVELOPMENT”””””””””””””””” (close to none, really) & gets like a 15sec appearance in the last episode. Would be down for a 2nd season, I would actually watch it. I’m interested in more meaningful character development, if there’s even any. I also like Kawasegawa‘s dynamic with Kyouya better. She’s got main & best girl vibes♡ But sadly didn’t seem like we saw much of her. |
ꕤ but i’ll probably remember over and over again you were there and everyone else was there — the day we all searched for just one thing ꕤ |
Feb 10, 2022 9:16 PM
Overall I quite like this series, although most people say it's not good. I like this series in terms of the romance in it because, I like the romance theme, the main character is also quite good, namely a hard worker who regrets his decision when he goes to college,This can also make me a little motivated not to just choose a major in college later or I will regret it in the future. Sorry if I even tell my life |
Feb 15, 2022 4:16 AM
It has been months since I finished Bokutachi no Remake so I forgot some details already. I felt like the episode was rushed, Kyouya just erased her daughter from existence? His problems were already fixing themselves. It ended in a cliffhanger so I hope we get a sequel soon, season 2 or even just an OVA. It was an OK series, could've been better though. 6.5/10 |
UppendicularFeb 15, 2022 4:28 AM
Feb 27, 2022 11:22 PM
I was really hoping that Kyouya gets to solve everything this episode but seeing that the possibility could get rushed I doubt it It was nice seeing Shino Aki drawing again after her hiatus, Just like that he's back from the past As I would've guessed it it's going to the next season if it does happen I mean I would like to see how Kyouya handled it. I must say this anime changed a lot of my perspective of the future and made me feel like I need to take all the opportunities that were offered, I really would like to see how this ends but that's going to be quite a while to see another sequel for this series. |
Mar 12, 2022 9:31 AM
Fck! Finally, when the anime have the route i like, he decided to go back in time and do it again. It's completely logic. But i don't liks that decision. Just like Saenai heroine - which end up being not the route i like. However, logically, i can understand his decision. |
Apr 28, 2022 10:02 PM
Yeah, now that the fanboys are long gone, I just watched the show and probably can see why he wants to go back... There's no platinum generation, its now bronze generation....all just inspired, not too serious, retaking up drawing again, as a hobby, has a child to look after....MC remains a salaryman, himself. So off to season 2 for the reset. Then off to season 3 for the next reset. Then off to season 4 for the next reset. Then off to season 5 for the next reset. Then off to season 6 for the next reset. Then off to season 7 for the next reset. Then off to season 8 for the next reset. Then off to season 9 for the next reset. Then off to season 10 for the next reset. Then off to season 11 for the next reset. Then off to season 12 for the next reset. Then off to season 13 for the next reset. Then off to season 14 for the next reset. Then off to season 15 for the next reset. Then off to season 16 for the next reset. Then off to season 17 for the next reset. Then off to season 18 for the next reset. Then off to season 19 for the next reset. |
Aug 12, 2022 1:27 PM
I liked this episode. It was a nice ending, I'm looking forward to a new season. BTW who tf is this Shonen antagonist at 21:38 in the ending credits who looks like he lives off of monster energy drinks and the agony of his parents? |
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