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Oct 19, 2021 3:48 AM
Sep 2021
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
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Oct 19, 2021 3:55 AM
Jun 2021
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

I'm pretty sure ufotable didn't forget making the movie
Oct 19, 2021 3:57 AM
Sep 2021
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
i think they did it because most people don't watch movies due to internet availability issues and some just don't like to watch something 1 hour long . Although they can watch by splitting but it's just human mentality and that is what i also do some times.
Oct 19, 2021 3:58 AM
May 2020
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
That series is for the people who couldn’t see the movie in their respective countries and refuse to see it on a pirated website(for example, me)and to also give a (very long)recap of sorts to the people who saw it when it was first released. And people like me who have have read the manga, I can’t say everyone , but me personally, I like the series more than the movie cause I can watch it weekly and not have to sit down and watch 2 hours of the same thing that I have already read.
Oct 19, 2021 4:25 AM
Feb 2021
They wouldn’t forget about making the movie. The series is more like what actually happened whereas the movie is a shortened down version of the series.
Oct 19, 2021 4:29 AM
May 2020
If all of you stopped complaining, MAL would be a better place.
Whats the big deal? Its their decision and you can accept it or not. If you dont or cant accept it, then shut up bc no one gives a f(ck about people repeating the same issues. Thanks
Oct 19, 2021 4:30 AM

Aug 2018
This is mainly for people who haven't seen the film I guess
_______I like rocks__
Oct 19, 2021 4:37 AM
Jan 2021
Nope they are just milking the fuck outta demon slayer
Oct 19, 2021 4:46 AM
May 2021
Yeah, another day, another same thread
Oct 19, 2021 4:48 AM

Oct 2018
i know people like to call demon slayer fans toddlers but i never knew they were being serious

Oct 19, 2021 4:53 AM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
Just wait until December and stop complaining
Oct 19, 2021 4:56 AM

May 2021
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
my god what are you expecting a Ufotable executive to answer your question, I really wonder from where this many annoying people came into Anime community।

Thank you for the present, Santa Snowman 2

Oct 19, 2021 5:09 AM

Aug 2021
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

This question has been asked a LOT of times since the's getting really annoying now...
Can't you understand a simple thing that they r doing it for money...thay know people will still watch it n they will earn money from it...

And what kind of stupid question is that...How the f*ck can a studio forget about a movie they made...

Yeah, the world would be dark without Light...
but without L, the world would just be a Word...
Oct 19, 2021 5:14 AM
Feb 2018
DBS did the exact same thing and I didn’t see anyone complaining. It’s only 7 freaking episodes and if you don’t want to watch it, then don’t. Skip it, it’s not that hard. Why do people have to keep complaining about this over and over again?
Oct 19, 2021 5:30 AM
Nov 2020
TheHackedOne said:
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
i think they did it because most people don't watch movies due to internet availability issues and some just don't like to watch something 1 hour long . Although they can watch by splitting but it's just human mentality and that is what i also do some times.
i am one of those people lol. I have a hard time sitting through a movie but I can watch 10 twenty minute episodes like it’s nothing.
Oct 19, 2021 6:26 AM
Aug 2020
Use you fucking mind
Oct 19, 2021 6:27 AM
Oct 2020
Lol! Yes they totally forgot that they made a movie that made hundreds of millions of dollars that came out just a year ago.
Oct 19, 2021 6:46 AM

Feb 2020
First off yeah ufotable definitely forgot that they made the highest grossing anime movie of all time.

Second did you even stop to think that maybe just maybe not everyone saw the movie.

Third who cares how does this affect you it's not gonna push the second season release date up. By them making the movie into a TV series so other people can watch it is not a big deal get over it it happened.
Oct 19, 2021 6:48 AM
Jul 2018
TheHackedOne said:
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
i think they did it because most people don't watch movies due to internet availability issues and some just don't like to watch something 1 hour long . Although they can watch by splitting but it's just human mentality and that is what i also do some times.

Literally everyone watched the movie dude. It became the highest grossing theatrical movie because almost everyone watched it, multiple times.

Not only that it sold over 1.5 million BluRays. A typical movie sells less than 80,000.

To top it off it was shown two times on Japanese TV and was made available to stream on Netflix, Funimation as well as AnimeLab.

The TV edit is just a low effort cash grab.
Oct 19, 2021 6:49 AM

Feb 2020
DamonElix said:
Its a lazy low effort cash grab bro. They are being too greedy.

I literally lost all respect I had for Ufotable after this. Fuck em.

Ufotable isn't even the first studio to do this fyi and this made you lose respect for the studio is hilarious.
Oct 19, 2021 6:49 AM
Jul 2018
Fofo-man said:
These threads keep poping up -_-

Why does it even matter? Doesn't effect you in any way and believe it or not, there are people that still hasn't watched the movie for multiple different reasons.

Because its a shitty marking strategy which resonates pure greed. Ufotable is garbage. Fuck em.
Oct 19, 2021 6:54 AM
Jul 2018
CyborgSaber said:
DamonElix said:
Its a lazy low effort cash grab bro. They are being too greedy.

I literally lost all respect I had for Ufotable after this. Fuck em.

Ufotable isn't even the first studio to do this fyi and this made you lose respect for the studio is hilarious.

The only others who did it was Dragon Ball Super but even that is a million times better than this because literally they did not reuse a single frame of animation in the Battle of Gods arc TV version compared to the movie.

Everything was reanimated from scratch and the only thing similar was the plot. The animation was completely different, even the locations were the fight took place were completely different.

Other was Boruto movie and TV version and even that was a huge upgrade over the movie with animation which was twice as better and even new character designs for the villian. 90% of the fight was new. So yeah.

Ufotable only gave us one episode of additional content which is just filler bullshit and the rest will be just the movie cut into episodes. The 70 new cuts of animation will be less than 2 minutes of new content. So yeah this is disgusting and greed filled bullshit.
Oct 19, 2021 7:02 AM

Feb 2020
DamonElix said:
CyborgSaber said:

Ufotable isn't even the first studio to do this fyi and this made you lose respect for the studio is hilarious.

The only others who did it was Dragon Ball Super but even that is a million times better than this because literally they did not reuse a single frame of animation in the Battle of Gods arc TV version compared to the movie.

Everything was reanimated from scratch and the only thing similar was the plot. The animation was completely different, even the locations were the fight took place were completely different.

Other was Boruto movie and TV version and even that was a huge upgrade over the movie with animation which was twice as better and even new character designs for the villian. 90% of the fight was new. So yeah.

Ufotable only gave us one episode of additional content which is just filler bullshit and the rest will be just the movie cut into episodes. The 70 new cuts of animation will be less than 2 minutes of new content. So yeah this is disgusting and greed filled bullshit.

OK why are you so angry about this it's so stupid it's funny you quoting everyone raging about them doing this. Did you ever stop to think that maybe some people didn't watch the or don't want to pay for the movie. I know some people that cant sit through a movie hell I have a hard time sitting and watching a movie sometimes. Two of my friends didn't see the movie and thought this idea was great because now they can watch what happens instead of just going into season 2. THIS APPEALS TO TV WATCHERS ITS NOT HARD TO GRASP. The only bad idea was making it into a movie in the first place. I don't feel this is being greedy honestly because it's only going to be watched by a small number of people hence the smaller user count but even if it was a cash grab who cares ufotable deserves it all the effort and work they put into Fate and Demon Slayer is way more than most studios have ever done.
Oct 19, 2021 7:16 AM
Jun 2020
Bruh why y'all so mad? They did this so people who don't have access to the movie can experience the Mugen Train arc, which is relevant to the story since it continues the story from season 1. Also, so people in the future can watch the series without it having to be a jumble of movies and season. You watch season 1, then you watch season 2 and so on. It honestly would've been weird to just skip an arc from the main series. And also we got a new opening and a new ending, both of which (imo) slap both visually and as songs. And honestly with the whole pandemic going on, I think the District arc would've been delayed to December anyways. Be thankful that atleast so far the series is given proper care, you DO NOT want this to be another SDS.
Oct 19, 2021 8:59 AM
Sep 2021
DamonElix said:
TheHackedOne said:
i think they did it because most people don't watch movies due to internet availability issues and some just don't like to watch something 1 hour long . Although they can watch by splitting but it's just human mentality and that is what i also do some times.

Literally everyone watched the movie dude. It became the highest grossing theatrical movie because almost everyone watched it, multiple times.

Not only that it sold over 1.5 million BluRays. A typical movie sells less than 80,000.

To top it off it was shown two times on Japanese TV and was made available to stream on Netflix, Funimation as well as AnimeLab.

The TV edit is just a low effort cash grab.
i can make you meet someone who just not watches movies
Oct 19, 2021 9:17 AM
Jun 2021
No one force you to watch this just ignore it
Oct 19, 2021 10:15 AM
Feb 2021
It’s not like we were getting season 2 earlier anyway, plus this gives the studio a chance to make more money so they can make more quality anime. Y’all need to calm tf down most of y’all watch this shit illegally they need to increase profits somehow.
Oct 19, 2021 10:28 AM
May 2019
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

the movie was huge all-time gross for them and you said "what is the point? "

-its important arc
-not everyone are watching the movie. specifically at this pandemic circumstance and noe they aim worldwide.
- Mugen train arc isn't finished yet. starting season 2 with leftover final part of last arc is just not right.
- to measure the market. if mugen train movie didn't made it well. mostly they wouldn't continue ds/made season 2
Oct 19, 2021 10:46 AM
Nov 2017
isn't it common sense? because a movie and an anime series is a completely different platform, they just cannot split the main story into two different platform and then tell you ''Oh, you want to watch season 2? Too bad you have to watch the movie first''. They also have to add some filler scenes to fit the 24 episode standard.

Besides, there is 4 arcs left in demon slayer, if they dint adapt the movie, they would have to adapt one more arc, leaving only 1 arc for the last season which is not enough btw.
TheHalfOtaku123Oct 19, 2021 10:55 AM
Oct 19, 2021 10:52 AM
May 2019
TheHalfOtaku123 said:
isn't it common sense? because a movie and an anime series is a completely different platform, they just cannot split the main story into two different platform and then tell you ''Oh, you want to watch season 2? Too bad you have to watch the movie first''. They also have to add some filler scenes to fit the 24 episode standard.

Besides, there is 4 arcs left in demon slayer, if they dint adapt the movie, they would have to adapt one more arc, leaving only 1 arc for the last season which is not enough btw.

plus mugen train arc isn't over yet.
starting new season with leftover part of previous arc is just doesn't sound right.

if ufotable want to milk ds. its a good thing. cause the source story is too short and deserve more treatment.
Oct 19, 2021 10:55 AM
Mar 2021
They probably needed time to animate the next few episodes in the meantime, there might have been a timeslot empty on jp tv. They might have used it to make money. Or they probably realised they won't be able to complete the season within the time the expected for it to take, so they're buying time in the already bought timeslot. There are multiple reasons. I can't say for sure which one it is but they can't forget that they made a movie when literally the entire second episode other than opening and ending is directly extracted scenes from movie
Oct 19, 2021 11:13 AM
May 2019
TanakaTarou24 said:
They probably needed time to animate the next few episodes in the meantime, there might have been a timeslot empty on jp tv. They might have used it to make money. Or they probably realised they won't be able to complete the season within the time the expected for it to take, so they're buying time in the already bought timeslot. There are multiple reasons. I can't say for sure which one it is but they can't forget that they made a movie when literally the entire second episode other than opening and ending is directly extracted scenes from movie

ufotable have well known good schedules so i believe that's not the case.

-mugen train arc is not finished yet. there's 3 chapter remaining on this arc. and starting new season with leftover final part of previously arc is just not sound right

-they aim worldwide market. and not everyone are watching the movie/ may because ds not available in their country/pandemic reason/or just started watching ds recently.
Oct 19, 2021 11:32 AM

Nov 2016
It's bewildering to see so many people seemingly struggling to accept this TV series adaptation, lol. You can easily skip it if you have already watched the movie and to others it might be the only way to watch this arc or another option to rewatch it in preparation for the new season.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 19, 2021 11:48 AM
May 2021
InvaderFred said:
Lol! Yes they totally forgot that they made a movie that made hundreds of millions of dollars that came out just a year ago.
same bro totally slipped my mind this dude deserves a prize for reminding us
Oct 19, 2021 12:06 PM

Jan 2021
is there a reason not to? i mean you're getting the whole series style split up with all the openings/endings and post credits so I don't see any problem whatsoever.
either way, this is hardly the first time a shonen movie was readapted into a show. gotta stop with these low effort threads dude.
Oct 19, 2021 12:07 PM

Jan 2021
InvaderFred said:
Lol! Yes they totally forgot that they made a movie that made hundreds of millions of dollars that came out just a year ago.

See, times like these remind me why I love sarcasm.
Oct 19, 2021 12:09 PM
Sep 2020
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
bro ur late af to this and they r just milking dw who doesnt want extra money, ppl are gonna watch it anyways
Oct 19, 2021 12:11 PM
Aug 2014
Just a simple google search and your find out Ufotable decided to release the movie in TV series format for those unable to watch the film.

If anything I'll quite happily to watch it again in an episode format as it's easier to manage 20min stints once a week compared to 2 hours in one sitting.
Oct 19, 2021 12:12 PM

Jul 2020
You are simply free to ignore it.

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To your eternity
Vanitas no Karte
Oct 19, 2021 4:08 PM
May 2020
I don’t imagine they would forget they made the highest grossing anime film of all prior time. Well there’s additional content and music for a start. Such as a whole new episode as well as opening and ending music. There’s also all the Taichou secret things they have at the end of each episode. I know sometimes DVD releases sometimes have improved animation (not that there’s much at all to improve) but they might have done that. I also think there might be an added scene or two or maybe something new after the events of the film have finished. It’s also nice to see things in an episodic format. Finally, I think a lot of people like me were wanting to re watch it so there’s no better way than this. Besides it makes he studio more money which would perhaps mean better pay for the people who worked hard on the show and maybe more funding for future series to the show doesn’t become a car crash like Promised Neverland season 2.
Oct 19, 2021 4:57 PM
Jul 2018
Messiah357 said:
Nope they are just milking the fuck outta demon slayer

Well I don't think that's the case, because they actually put effort into adding new stuff, but it's mostly for people who haven't seen it
And even if it is just so they can "milk it", anime is a business and it's the people's jobs to make money, so every anime could be considered "milking" it, especially in the case of an adaptation of anything.
Oct 19, 2021 8:11 PM
May 2020
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

If I may ask, wt's wrong with anime companies (which runs on money, if u didn't know) tries to cash grab? If I remember correctly, ufotable has evaded tax abt 2-3 times now and anime companies already go over budget while making anime. So, if anything them remaking this is prolly more beneficial to the company people who didn't watch the movie.
Oct 20, 2021 12:42 AM
May 2019
Messiah357 said:
Nope they are just milking the fuck outta demon slayer

that's a good thing. demon slayer source material is too short. if they can extend it in anime ver that's very good decision for both ufotable and ds
Oct 20, 2021 2:12 AM
Sep 2012
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

Uhmmm. They didn't forget about it?
This is just the reverse treatment of 'TV Series crammed into a single movie' in that it divides the crammed movie into lengthier and more comprehensible TV format. Also, to give access to those who cannot go to the theatres to watch it (due to covid or other technical limitations). Because the movie is canon to the series, TV-only viewers now get the chance to follow the story without feeling like an arc or a plot is missing.
Oct 20, 2021 3:48 AM
Nov 2016
I personally don't mind, are they milking it? probably but I don't mind. I'm good with it as long as the episodes aren't part of S2 because it would really suck if 7 episodes are wasted in S2 because of it.

This is like Re:Zero Director's Cut, just a new broadcast of the same things we've seen already.
Oct 20, 2021 4:43 AM
Jul 2018
Alldeku said:
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series
That series is for the people who couldn’t see the movie in their respective countries and refuse to see it on a pirated website(for example, me)and to also give a (very long)recap of sorts to the people who saw it when it was first released. And people like me who have have read the manga, I can’t say everyone , but me personally, I like the series more than the movie cause I can watch it weekly and not have to sit down and watch 2 hours of the same thing that I have already read.
So, you would rather not watch something at all then use the only available way to watch it? Thats just dumb, bro. Also, nobody asked if you pay for your anime or not.
removed-userOct 20, 2021 4:50 AM
Oct 20, 2021 4:58 AM
Sep 2018
Well Ufotable maybe have either too much budget or just didn't satisfying about the movie. I mean the last fight is good but just it, it's lacking in animation and didn't feel that epic at least for Ufotable standard. That's my opinion so having it series will raise it to new level, that being said I still cannot believe they add 70 animation cuts into it, I mean it's a lot.
Oct 20, 2021 5:02 AM

Jan 2021
How could they forgot about the highest grossing anime movie in existence (up till now).
How could they forget about the highest grossing film of 2020 internationally.
How could they forget about a film that earned more than 500 million dollars.
If you enjoyed the time you wasted, then its not a waste of time.

Oct 20, 2021 6:40 AM

Jan 2019
You all out here calling the studio greedy when the decision of things like these always goes to the producers, Aniplex and Shueisha in this case. Those are the greedy ones.
Oct 20, 2021 6:48 AM

Jan 2019
BIIIGPP6969 said:
animeforlife808 said:
IDK what the fuck the studio was thinking when they literally made the movie into a series . I mean whats the point in it . The movie was pretty good , but that doesnt mean that they should have redone it in a series

If I may ask, wt's wrong with anime companies (which runs on money, if u didn't know) tries to cash grab? If I remember correctly, ufotable has evaded tax abt 2-3 times now and anime companies already go over budget while making anime. So, if anything them remaking this is prolly more beneficial to the company people who didn't watch the movie.

Ufotable didn't do the tax evasion, Hikaru Kondo alone did it, between 2015 and 2018, and the money was from the cafes. The actual animation studio has nothing to do with the tax evasion thing. He most likely did it because of God Eater's troubled production, which happens to be 2015.

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