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To Your Eternity
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Jun 29, 2021 10:58 PM
Nov 2014
We knew it would happen, but still it was too sad to be true
Jun 29, 2021 11:25 PM
Apr 2020
Dude, imagine how sad it would be if 60 years from now Fushi returns to that place and Rynn is still there waiting for Gugu, even knowing from the start it would never happen.
Jun 30, 2021 12:36 AM
Dec 2020
I have a doubt. Why didn't the nokkers kill Fushi at the end of the episode instead of having a great advantage they escaped from there. Can anyone say.?
Jun 30, 2021 1:37 AM
Jul 2018
Didn't we all know that Gugu will die :(

Best episode so far!
Jun 30, 2021 3:22 AM
Nov 2020
phantomfandom said:
Not only this episode is just sad, Fushi also mess up the situation furthur by transforming into Gugu and meet with Ryn. Good thing Ryn realized what's really going on but still... will there ever be a happy ending for everyone that meet Fushi?

Fushi panicked when he saw her visiting because she shouldn't see him in his younger 14 year old form. He didn't really intend to pretend as Gugu, he was also a mess that time grieving for Gugu but she caught him in Gugu's form so he just decided to go along with it in order not to hurt her, because he didn’t know how to tell her the truth. Thankfully she realized the truth on her own eventually.
Jun 30, 2021 3:24 AM
Nov 2020
Shikkakku said:
Yet another heartbreaking event... this show does not pull its punches at all. I was hoping that even if Fushi had to go, Gugu and Rean would be safe and live happily ever after. But that's not how this show works, that's not how life works.

It hurts so much.

Gugu gave his life for Fushi, the one who he considered his true brother, and Rean, the girl he loves. Finally, their feelings reached other. They shared a kiss even under all that rubble.

But all at once, all that happiness was snatched away. Man, it really hit me hard. I'm feeling kind of depressed now. If Gugu could've just lived. He's had so much pain with his brother, his injuries, the discrimination. He doesn't deserve this at all.

It was even more heartbreaking seeing Fushi pretend to be Gugu. I thought it was unfair to Rean to not know the truth of what happened, and a betrayal of Gugu's memory. But Fushi was just trying to spare her feelings.

But Fushi is no Gugu, and I guess Rean saw through all that, even though she played along.

That final scene was the final coup de grace. My heart ached so much after seeing that Rean did realise that Gugu was dead, and that Fushi had merely taken his form. A lot of thoughts must be going through Rean's head. What would've happened if they had known each other's feelings sooner? What if she had tried to keep Gugu from going into the battle harder? What if they had made it out of the crumbling mansion sooner?

Their love finally come to life, and the future marriage that was finally in sight. All crushed in an instant.

I wanna cry.

Despite all that, Gugu doesn't regret anything. And Gugu kept being a good person up to the end, despite everything the world and the people around him had done to him. Because he had his own family - Fushi, Rean, Booze Man, and Pioran.

I wish Gugu and Rean could've had their happy ending. I wish. I wish. I wish. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it.

I guess Rean knows, either partly or fully, what Fushi is. I hope to see Rean again in the future.

This series is heartbreaking, and it's really painful to watch, but it's amazing.

Rest in Peace, Gugu. You deserve it. And the lives you touched won't forget you. You were a real damn hero. You were amazing guy.

Rean knows. Remember when she arrived to save Gugu, Gugu asked her, “How long have you been here?” and she answered “I have A LOT of things to ask you. But first off we need to escape” which implies that she probably witnessed Fushi transforming and wanted to ask about it. Sadly, she wan’t able to ask Gugu about it anymore, since the rubble started falling down on them. 😔

I’m also assuming she already realized that it’s Gugu’s grave. Remember, she knows Fushi's favorite food are fruits. If so, fruits must be the ones on the grave, not buns. Gugu likes buns I’m assuming, since it was what his brother decided to offer to his grave, of all other foods, so that was quite a clue too. Plus Fushi’s awkwardness as Gugu and when he almost mentioned Gugu's name when she offered the ring :'(

Also, to add to that, the villagers also saw Gugu’s dead body. So someone is bound to tell her at some point (after Fushi left). 🥺
Jun 30, 2021 5:15 AM

Feb 2019
mayumacherie said:
Rean knows. Remember when she arrived to save Gugu, Gugu asked her, “How long have you been here?” and she answered “I have A LOT of things to ask you. But first off we need to escape” which implies that she probably witnessed Fushi transforming and wanted to ask about it. Sadly, she wan’t able to ask Gugu about it anymore, since the rubble started falling down on them. 😔

Ah, right, she did say that. I guess she saw Fushi transforming. So she does know the full truth... Man, still sad as heck T_T
Jun 30, 2021 6:45 AM

Dec 2016
Shit, this one got the waterworks going.

Gonna miss Gugu, I need to learn to stop getting attached to any character besides Fushi lol
Jun 30, 2021 7:18 AM

Aug 2019
ok, seeing march made cry so much?? like is she stuck there unable to reach afterlife cause of fushi? if so is unnamed boy there to at least keep her company?? or am i just too stuck on them watching over fushi, cause gosh her face there and seeing her die made me tear up again
also poor rean, she realized gugu was dead immediately
i hope pioran will help fushi take back the forms that nokker took away, hope the next episode is fushi remembering unnamed boy and march cause he seems to not remember them too much
Jun 30, 2021 7:22 AM

Oct 2020
Just for everyone's clarification: the Nameless Boy is not following around Fushi. You can either go into a paradise like he did or follow around Fushi. Only March, the bear, and now Gugu are following around Fushi.

Jun 30, 2021 10:12 AM

Mar 2017
That was even worse than March's death because Fushi understood grief this time and it just tore me apart seeing him in pain after he felt Gugu pass away. Gugu deserved to have a long and happy life with Rean, but I'm happy he died without any regrets. I'm glad that March isn't alone anymore too because she has been for so long.

I'd just got my tears under control but then when Fushi tried to pretend to be Gugu for Rean and it was revealed at the end that she knew he was actually dead... that started crying again.
Jun 30, 2021 10:56 AM

Jun 2016
The biggest question one can ask and hope for a different answer is does any major character other than Fushi and the white-skinned dude in the hood is going to outlast more than one arc?? 😅 Cause everyone's just dying everywhere. Good thing I'm prepared.
How much more pain can you give to a man
Gift by Mimurona

Jun 30, 2021 11:37 AM

Jan 2015
I literally cried 4 times throughout the episode and I’m still crying. This episode got me good
Jun 30, 2021 11:48 AM

Mar 2015
Man, I really wish Gugu didn't have to die. I didn't think I'd be that sad about it but the scene where he's holding back the rubble go me teary.

I didn't really like the way the author had Fushi turn into Gugu when Rean came to check on them. I was just like "NO! Don't lie to her!"

I guess we're in for zombies next.
Jun 30, 2021 12:28 PM

Mar 2013
All I can say is "excuse me while I gather my shattered heart"
Jun 30, 2021 12:45 PM
Apr 2020
of course they killed him
Jun 30, 2021 1:24 PM

Jan 2021
Damn that was tough...
But we get to see a new form of Fushi. And he can actually fight back against his enemies now.
Jun 30, 2021 1:59 PM

Nov 2018
absolutely devastated after i finished watching the episode. while i was anticipating a major character death and it likely being gugu's, it still hurts so much just like march's. the most heartbreaking part was seeing him end up in the same fate with being crushed as he did 4 years prior.

some solace that comforts me a bit was rean and him finally sharing their feelings together, even if it was at the last moment. im immediately recalling what he had told fushi too in earlier episodes pretimeskip. he embraced the hand fate had dealt him and was okay with fushi taking his form once he died.

gugu is definitely one of my top favorite characters from the show
Jun 30, 2021 3:53 PM

Aug 2013
What a trip the Gugu storyline was... I will always remember him at his best: When he was kicking Fushi off the pull up bar lol.

So is it possible, that Gugus dead soul took control of Fushis body there? That quote
"Why am I me" with both, Gugus and Fushis voices overlapping was sure hinting at it.

Also, I wonder how Rean figured out that Gugu wasnt "around" anymore, when she doesnt know that Fushi can transform..
Jun 30, 2021 11:20 PM

Mar 2019
Sentimentally Epic....


Tier 000 Episode.

Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jul 1, 2021 1:30 AM

Nov 2019
puppetmazter said:
What a trip the Gugu storyline was... I will always remember him at his best: When he was kicking Fushi off the pull up bar lol.

So is it possible, that Gugus dead soul took control of Fushis body there? That quote
"Why am I me" with both, Gugus and Fushis voices overlapping was sure hinting at it.

Also, I wonder how Rean figured out that Gugu wasnt "around" anymore, when she doesnt know that Fushi can transform..

"I have a lot of things to ask you" implies that she was watching for a bit and saw Fushi tranform.
Jul 1, 2021 1:34 AM

Oct 2015
nein_yards said:
Fushi really fucked up at the end there. He shouldn't have lied to Rean, bc now not only is he assassinating Gugu's character by leaving her, he's also having her grieve for a person who hasn't even died. And the fact that he's going along with Rean picking flowers with him and hugging him just makes me think that Gugu would be pissed looking on at this from the afterlife.

Edit: My bad didn't see the after credits scene. Seems she figured out that it wasn't Gugu, prolly the old man or woman telling her.
No, it's easily interpretable that she figured it out AS Fushi was giving his farewell in Gugu's form.
Jul 1, 2021 3:07 AM

Oct 2009
Gugu's death was not worth the 2 episodes of PAIN I had to endure. Let me make this clear: I am happy Gugu is dead. He was fucking annoying. His death was not enough to appease my suffering.

Jul 1, 2021 3:33 AM

Jan 2019
Another predictable episode and proof why this show is so overrated.

Writer is basically "i will do anything to make you cry". So everything is predictable if you understand what writer trying to achieve.

also even im emotional person i didn't even get emotional once during entire series because simply i don't care new one dimensional characters.
G.O.A.T Twitter Account:
Jul 1, 2021 3:50 AM

Aug 2013
Okeanix said:
Another predictable episode and proof why this show is so overrated.

Writer is basically "i will do anything to make you cry". So everything is predictable if you understand what writer trying to achieve.

also even im emotional person i didn't even get emotional once during entire series because simply i don't care new one dimensional characters.

I disagree that the characters are one dimensional. Gugu alone is pretty complicated, going from positive outlook on the world, to contemplaining suicide, to not caring about his own situation, I can go on and on..
BUT.. youre right, the writing isnt perfect. I was shaking my head at the place and time of the Nokker attack. So convenient
Jul 1, 2021 4:43 AM

Apr 2018
This is the peak of the series for me, after this arc the manga became less and less interesting for me, i hope the anime could elevate the manga and make it better than the original.
Jul 1, 2021 5:23 AM
Jun 2007
Wow such a sad episode that Gugu died :(
Jul 1, 2021 11:22 AM

Jul 2019
Nostalgik said:
nein_yards said:
Fushi really fucked up at the end there. He shouldn't have lied to Rean, bc now not only is he assassinating Gugu's character by leaving her, he's also having her grieve for a person who hasn't even died. And the fact that he's going along with Rean picking flowers with him and hugging him just makes me think that Gugu would be pissed looking on at this from the afterlife.

Edit: My bad didn't see the after credits scene. Seems she figured out that it wasn't Gugu, prolly the old man or woman telling her.
No, it's easily interpretable that she figured it out AS Fushi was giving his farewell in Gugu's form.

That's a valid interpretation, but he's still a prick imo. Ik he's like 4-5 years old but it's still annoying how he was willing to make his friend look like he left her.
What is this Mickey Mouse bullshit I see before my very eyes
Jul 1, 2021 11:35 AM

Jul 2020
completely predictable, I knew it was going to work bad for the couple and Gugu was going to die. next.

lucjan said:
Gugu's death was not worth the 2 episodes of PAIN I had to endure. Let me make this clear: I am happy Gugu is dead. He was fucking annoying. His death was not enough to appease my suffering.

Perfect comment, good that this guy disappeared, was a relief, ridiculous character from aesthetics, even personality.

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
babyakiJul 3, 2021 1:44 AM
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Jul 1, 2021 12:13 PM

Oct 2015
woofwoofdesu said:
completely predictable, I knew it was going to work bad for the couple and Gugu was going to die. next.
damn, now that's some next level predictions!

now, what being "predictable" means to you - whether it's good, or bad and why - is something i'm quite interested in
Jul 1, 2021 5:15 PM

Mar 2018
im so glad that gugu and rean confessed and gugu had no regrets it made me not cry like a baby

what was that march and gugu ghost segment im a little confused?

that ending was beautiful

gugu will always be best boy in my heart (fushi close 2nd)

here come more people to die next arc i gotta learn not to get attached man...
Jul 2, 2021 8:51 AM

Mar 2018
This episode absolutely broke my heart. Okay, I should have known since March died that absolutely no one is safe and this show will have a lot of people dying and I had a feeling that at some point Gugu would die but it still hurt. This show sure knows how to grind your heart through a meat grinder.
Jul 2, 2021 4:52 PM
Feb 2021
Which all stimulations were stolen from fushi?
Jul 2, 2021 4:57 PM
Nov 2018
A very powerful episode. It was really sad when Gugu died. So well done.

And now we know for sure that Fushi can only turn into the forms of the dead - maybe because their spirits are attached to him somehow. Before this, it could have been that he imagined it, and at some point we might see him look like someone living. But now he turned into Gugu when Gugu died, even though he didn't see the death.

And he felt Gugu's pain in the moment of death. Also a sign that their spirits connect with him, when they die close to him.

The god was right after all, Fushi should have left earlier to keep the Nokkers away from those he cared about. What a terrible thing to know. But you couldn't expect Fushi, still a child, to have enough determination to leave at that time.

Nice to see that Gugu's brother will help the old people. He really grew up to be a brother Gugu can be proud of.
Jul 2, 2021 5:00 PM
Nov 2018
nein_yards said:
Nostalgik said:
No, it's easily interpretable that she figured it out AS Fushi was giving his farewell in Gugu's form.

That's a valid interpretation, but he's still a prick imo. Ik he's like 4-5 years old but it's still annoying how he was willing to make his friend look like he left her.

Anyone would prefer that someone they loved left, to knowing that he died. You'll understand when someone close to you dies.
Jul 2, 2021 5:18 PM

Jul 2019
Hegar said:
nein_yards said:

That's a valid interpretation, but he's still a prick imo. Ik he's like 4-5 years old but it's still annoying how he was willing to make his friend look like he left her.

Anyone would prefer that someone they loved left, to knowing that he died. You'll understand when someone close to you dies.

I mean I would prefer to know the truth tbh. I think most people would but ig it depends on the person.
What is this Mickey Mouse bullshit I see before my very eyes
Jul 2, 2021 6:32 PM

Jun 2012
nein_yards said:
Hegar said:

Anyone would prefer that someone they loved left, to knowing that he died. You'll understand when someone close to you dies.

I mean I would prefer to know the truth tbh. I think most people would but ig it depends on the person.

From what I learned there isn't really a right or wrong answer to this... specially for a "child" like Fuushi, you just do what you think it's right and push through.
Jul 2, 2021 7:45 PM
Mar 2017
I've been spoiled through the entire week, but couldn't really prepare myself, that episode hurted like being hit by a truck. At least Gugu'll always be part of Fushi, but Rinn tho... Not sure if she knew it was Fushi or just accepted she couldn't be with Gugu, anyways, haven't cried this much since the 2nd season of Re Zero
gugfsbJul 2, 2021 7:54 PM
Jul 2, 2021 11:58 PM

Sep 2020
So they are going to introduce a new character every arc just to kill them after 3 to 4 episodes.

This show need to stop killing so many characters I got soo angry and sad when they killed Gugu I thought of dropping this show .
Jul 3, 2021 2:38 AM
Jul 2018
I just cried like a baby after finishing this episode. Despite knowing what was coming.
Jul 3, 2021 7:35 AM

May 2015
Damn, Gugu died. At least he got some kiss time before death.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Jul 3, 2021 9:56 AM
Mar 2021
I can't stop crying over Gugu. The last episode provided hope for a better futur of Gugu just to snatch it away in the end. Even though Fushi will be avle to retain Gugu's form, it makes me sad to think that sooner or later gugu will be forgotten.
Animes like this make me want to believe in afterlife so that selfless people like Gugu can find happiness in the end.

Well, now I am scared of getting attached to any character in this anime, but I know I will and I know it will hurt.
Jul 3, 2021 11:38 AM
Mar 2021
I was having a great day actually, then foolishly I decided to watch this episode. FUCK MY LIFE!

Now I am angry and depressed. I hate the writer(not really really) for what he did. :'(
Jul 3, 2021 9:55 PM

Feb 2014
I remember how much I bawled my eyes out reading this scene back in the manga. And now this. It hurts like hell. Gugu a true chad until the end. The most kind and caring of souls.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Jul 3, 2021 10:17 PM
Feb 2010
This ep made me cry, still so sad….
Jul 3, 2021 10:33 PM
Jul 2021
Watching this episode right after kiryu cocos graduation is... bad for the heart to say the least
Jul 4, 2021 4:29 AM

Jul 2019
Snaita said:
nein_yards said:

I mean I would prefer to know the truth tbh. I think most people would but ig it depends on the person.

From what I learned there isn't really a right or wrong answer to this... specially for a "child" like Fuushi, you just do what you think it's right and push through.

yeah. ik its not really fushi's fault bc he's still learning and stuff.
What is this Mickey Mouse bullshit I see before my very eyes
Jul 4, 2021 6:50 AM

Jul 2020
So sad to see Gugu die. The feels really hit me in this episode.
Jul 4, 2021 6:59 AM
Sep 2020
This episode gave me unreal level of grief...It tore my heart apart over and over again...It was frustating and sad...Even knowing that this might happen did not help....I am so sad...Gugu was a real bro....just how torturous can a series get
Jul 4, 2021 9:28 AM
Oct 2020
Even though I knew it was coming, watching everything unfold was rough. To me Gugu’s death hit much harder because we spent so much more time with him, and with Fushi having a much more mature understanding of emotions, pain, and death mad that much sadder. I normally get emotional when I watch this show, but this episode WRECKED me. From Fushi’s reaction of turning into Gugu after he died, to the “alternate” future, him not being able to join the family hug, to Rean realizing Gugu was dead at the end. What an episode.
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