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Apr 7, 2021 11:22 AM
Jan 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Ayesha
Age: 13
Country: India
Likes: Anime, Drawing, Cats
Dislikes: Fanservice, Sexism, Immaturity
I have been watching anime for quite a while now, I aspire to be an artist I dont really mind anyone texting me you can send me a friend request if you want <3
Apr 8, 2021 4:49 AM

May 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Andrew

Age: Prefer not to say

Country: Indonesia

Likes: Anime, manga, light novel, cooking, technology, drawing, TEA

Dislikes: repetitive isekai, ecchi that destroys the plot, cockroaches

A little about yourself: I started watching anime in November 2019
Apr 8, 2021 11:17 AM
Oct 2020

Name: Hewidar

Age: 18 (19 in May)

Country: Germany

Likes: Living life to the best of my ability's, Animes :-), Sport, help people, friendly people, Candy (I have a big sweet tooth 😁)

Dislikes: Gabi (AoT), negative people, mean people, manga readers that are spoiling, fake people

A little about myself: Sometimes when I'm playing basketball I use my Sharingan, but don't tell someone.......
I would love to build relationships with Anime Lovers like me, don't matter where you from or what you are
Apr 9, 2021 11:15 AM
May 2011
Martijn but nickname is Marty

28 old rot in town

the Netherlands

anime of course, my hobby Waterpolo, like my work, like some casual gaming (not enough time due work and studie and anime), like mecha, fantasy, sifi, romance, comedy, a little bit of horror, action, like discussing anime or characters

waking up at 5:30 for work, trolls and stupid meaningless hate on each other, traffic, anime with more than 200 episode, thought fun one piece binge watching until I got to the airing episode
i am now one piece tired and have not even come close

A little about yourself:
just a normal guy, nothing special, single, like good stories, switching between anime and netflix from time to time, i consider myself a kind person, have a typical humor that you either like or dislike
i try my best to be good
Apr 12, 2021 1:16 AM
Jul 2018
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: oli

Age: 18

Country: UK

Likes: having rain in the background when im listening to music, pretty beaches and landscapes, affection & intimacy e.g. hugging, holding hands (i tend 2 b very affectionate w my friends), ferrets (i adore them, they r so cute <3), guitar .. i have a huge admiration for people who r able to play it & haing someone sing for me + play guitar is calming, and i admire it. i also love boba and coffee - theyre things im a little addicted to (˃ᆺ˂)

Dislikes: racism, homophobia n sexism, hot weather, people being mad at me, inconsideration, smoking n the smell of it, being made to feel like my experiences & feelings r irrelevant

A little about yourself: hihi <3 i'm here with hopes of meeting new people n sharing the similar love for anime n potentially find other similar likes/hobbies that we share. i'm a psychology student in my first year of university (will be starting my second year in september) with the aims of becoming a therapist for the youth. unfortunately, all my classes have been online so far so i've yet to meet all my classmates BUT i'm hopefully moving onto the accommodation this yr, so that'll give me a chance to meet more people ᵔᴗᵔ as for other things.. i love gaming n it's been smth i've been doing since around .. 11? so soon enough, it'll be a whole 9 years since i started !! i have a habit of collecting plushies which may seem v childish for my age.. but i rly like cute things n i find it fun 2 do so <3

i hope to meet some of u n get to know u better.. ʕ ˵• ₒ •˵ ʔ
Apr 12, 2021 3:13 AM
Mar 2021
Name : Natsu
Age :17
Country: India
Likes : Anime and sports
Dislike: not much
A little about yourself:Actually in 2011 on our television we had a channel named animax so out of curiosity I started watching it and that's how I became a weeb...
I'm a lazy person and love to binge watch anime all the time ,would love getting recommendations on good anime.
Apr 13, 2021 9:36 AM

Mar 2018
Name: Skarvalin/Skulkman
Age: 17
Country: Sweden
Likes: Nature, games, movies and may also like anime.
Dislikes: Immoral behavior, wasps, heights, myself when I say something stupid.
A little about myself: I'm a small town boy.
SkarvalinApr 13, 2021 9:42 AM
Apr 13, 2021 1:24 PM
Aug 2020
Hi people!

Name: Berper
Age: 23
Country: Spain
Likes: I love vampire and demon animes, Pokémon, football and basketball
Dislikes: I don´t like mecha animes and I'm sorry but I don't like Attack on Titan
A little about yourself: I'm always looking for some good anime and manga, so I would love your recommendations. Also, my english is not perfect, so sorry if I make mistakes. Feel free to talk with me if you want!
Apr 15, 2021 6:05 AM
Nov 2019
Hi, I'm Serena (this is not my real name) and I'm from Hungary. My favourite animes are: HxH, Jujutsu Kaisen and Steins;Gate but I like everything that's fantasy, adventure or isekai so if you have some recommendations please contact me :D I don't really like drama but sometimes it's good to watch too. I'm looking forward to making new friends so if you want please add me, thanks :)
Apr 20, 2021 7:27 AM

Dec 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Nori neesan, just call me Nori

Age: 15 - 20

Country: Mars or wherever

Likes: Music

Dislikes: Crowded

A little about yourself: well, nice to meetchaa, people say i'm fun when i'm talk to. that's all sankyuu

✭set by Mitch162
Apr 30, 2021 8:14 AM
Sep 2020
I literally just realized I never did this and now im mod so maybe I should lmao

❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Cherry

Age: 16

Country: Ohio, USA

Likes: anime, manga, theater, art, writing, video games, music, vocaloid, animation, movies

Dislikes: math, hw in general, negativity

A little about yourself: Im a newer mod who joined the club a while ago for a friendly (specifically lgbt friendly) club, and now I am an active member in the discord server! My dms are always open on here and discord. I love making friends and talking with people so never hesitate to message me :))
Apr 30, 2021 10:55 AM

Nov 2019
    Name: Dominic(a)
    Age: My sweet secret
    Country: Poland
    Likes: Strawberry ice cream and lucretia candies
    Dislikes: Cinnamon and people who think only one way
    A little about yourself: In rl people-to-people contacts every two weeks are enough for me.
May 3, 2021 3:04 PM
Jul 2018
Name: Ian
Age: 10
Country: Ancestors from Korea and China but born in San Jose, CA
Likes: Kaiju, Nintendo Switch games, Anime, History, Cryptozoology, Kpop, being fake and not offend my friends by being real, being dumb cuz I am dumb, watching kaiju wreck everything, playing Monster Hunter Rise and Animal Crossing, Soda, giving my friend P some cookies, animals, manga, Night, staying awake all night cuz I want to, not having social anxiety, the korean game closers, magicami, storytime vids,
Dislikes: Fourth grade education stuff, Talking about Japan invading Korea(happened twice), My friend Keira calling me names, myself, global warming
A little about yourself: My brain is rotted with PG 13 content which is fine.
removed-userMay 18, 2021 8:07 AM
May 4, 2021 6:02 AM
Jul 2018
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Cam

Age: 25

Country: US

Likes: Video Games, Pokémon, Music (Variety), Anime, Energy Drinks, Tattoos (nerdy ones too), Bow ties, Sashimi.

Dislikes: Bullying.

A little about yourself: I am a very down to earth person who thrives off the anime that I do watch. Although it was your typical SAO that got me introduced to it, I am still searching for more to watch and manga to read. Also I am very shy, which doesn't really help since attention is drawn to me because of my tattoos. But its nice to meet all of you! ^~^
May 4, 2021 10:01 AM

Nov 2019
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Finn

Age: 17

Country: Netherlands

Likes: Anime, Games and some good damn food

Dislikes: Working, being social asf

A little about yourself: I'm just this dutch guy chilling on myanimelist I like being social but I am socially awkward now and then-

May 10, 2021 7:23 AM

May 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Malena

Age: 20

Country: Argentina

Likes: anime, manga, series, movies, horror, boyfriend, read, twitch, videogames, netflix, disney

Dislikes: lies, bullying

A little about yourself: i speak spanish and a little bit of English, so sorry if my english is bad and if you want you can talk with me whenever you want c:
May 10, 2021 10:25 AM
Feb 2021
Hello, i'm new
name: lily
pronouns: she/her and they/them
age: 15
country: Canada
likes: anime, games, reading, sports, ice cream (cookie dough) and coffee (cold)
dislikes: watermellon (yes, i'm werid) , doing homework and baing bored
Hoping to meet new friends ( please be my friend)
L_I_L_YDec 16, 2021 11:14 PM
May 10, 2021 11:26 AM

Jul 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Lime

Age: 15

Country: finland

Likes: coffee, sweets, vocaloid, anime and manga, piano, sleeping, drawing making new friends!! (╯✧▽✧)╯

Dislikes: can't think of anything right now

A little about yourself: hi!! uhhhhh i'm kind of shy but i do like to talk to new people!! i listen to a lot of music and always appreciate song recommendations <3
May 12, 2021 1:23 PM

Mar 2021
name: emi
age: 14
country: brazil
likes: anime, kpop, music <3
May 15, 2021 7:32 AM
Oct 2020
Name: jeanie :)

Age: 15

Country: thailand/hong kong

Likes: pokemon, anime, vodka

Dislikes: people who wipe their mouth with their hands, cockroaches (dead and/or alive)

A little about yourself: i grew up in front of the tv when my dad would play the first season of attack on titan and i'd watch spirited away on repeat so id say my family is quite anime oriented ^-^ I also play rhythm games like bandori and osu!
May 16, 2021 2:49 PM
Jan 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Maxi
Age: 18
Country: Sweden
Likes: Games, anime, football, music and food.
Dislikes: lasagne.
A little about yourself: I think i'm a pretty chill guy, don't have any friends so i might be a lil awkward. I'm not that good at speaking english so i prefer typing. I deal with depression so i might not be the most active person, feel free to hit me up
May 17, 2021 8:07 AM
Feb 2021
Name: SmugMiko, just call me Smug or Miko, either is fine

Age: legal, don't try anything funny

Country: Canada

Likes: I like anime, music, dinosaurs, youtube, drawing, and Ishigami from Love is War.

Dislikes: Dishonest people, anyone who looks down on others or hurts others in any way. At times I just hate humanity as a whole, no hard feelings.

A little about yourself: I am a student who has just gained the freedom I have been yearning for most of my life. Due to this freedom, I have discovered my love for anime, become more invested in gaming, and realized just how much I hate the education system. In terms of anime, my favourite anime is Kaguya Sama: Love is War (In case you couldn't tell) and my favourite character is Iino Miko. And that is all I have to say about myself.
May 18, 2021 7:39 AM
Jan 2021

Age: Joshua

Country: America

Likes: anime, soccer, math, quiet girls, and sleep :)

Dislikes: harem isekai, anime where you can't find where to watch first, homework, fall, and yuri or yaoi anime

A little about yourself: I stay home and do nothing, I like to read fictional mythology, which may be why I like anime.
May 18, 2021 8:30 AM
May 2021
name : junko TVT
age : 17
country : indonesia
likes : nice people,drawing,kpop,anime,junko enoshima (haha), himiko toga,hatsune miku,daydreaming,fashion (retro gothic princess vibe?),karma akabane, ruling the world (haha jk),miniatures,over the garden wall,bee and puppycat,sour cream chips,anything strawberry flavor,crepes,bands (such as sobs,lunar vacation,beach bunny,etc), coraline,marcelline
dislikes : rude people,school,toxic people,social anxiety,humanity (sometimes)

a little about yourself: i'm depressed but trying to cope with it and i really want
friends but i'm awkward af T^T (also i really wanna dye my hair pink),
0410junkoMay 18, 2021 8:42 AM
May 21, 2021 6:26 AM
Jul 2018
late as hell but who cares um-

name : i go by al
age : 17
country : my bed
likes: utaites, cats, sleeping, wasting time, sketching/drawing
dislikes: food, egg plants, roaches, lizards
a bit more about my self : idk i'm dumb
May 24, 2021 10:18 AM

Feb 2021
Name: Tamir

Age: 16

Country: israel

Likes: well let's see , i like do watch anime of course, boxing, my sphinx cat (he looks like a goblin/alien) i guess math to some degree , playing games obviously, sleep , that's it i guess oh wait i forgot, i also like listening a lot to music.

Dislikes: to wake up early , do big projects/test because they always take my precious time and because of that less anime and fun lol.

A little about yourself: I am teenager shy guy, but when someone get's to know me it's surprises them how different i am compare to when they first meat and talk to me, usually very quiet idk why, i am quiet funny i guess um and just recently started to watch anime if anyone got an anime suggestion that isn't in my ptw let me know
May 28, 2021 9:11 AM

Jan 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Aman

Age: 14

Country: Pakistan

Likes: Anime, Manga

Dislikes: Soa and boring stuffs

A little about yourself: I like to watch Animes and i am a introverted person and umm oh yeah I love online friends...

Jun 3, 2021 10:53 PM
May 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: mika

Age: 14

Country: asia

Likes: anime, netflix, aesthetics, animals especially cats,, manga novel manhwa reading, playing the piano, writing, studying, chilling, making fake scenarios cus why not lol, listening to music, simping over fictional characters, using my phone, and dancing

Dislikes: toxic, rude, selfish people, insects, snakes, creeps, perverts, etc

A little about yourself: im a girl, and short lol, im new to anime so im open to some recommendations :D im quite shy but once u get to know me im so hype lmao
Jun 9, 2021 12:11 PM
Nov 2017
Hello everyone reading this. Saw the invitation now and joined. So,
Name- same as username
Age- 19
Country- India
Likes- Ofc animes and other things which doesn't matter here but if you wanna know then ask me personally.
Dislikes- Too many things.
A little about myself- I started watching anime in 2016 knowing that they are called 'anime' but in 2019 I started binge watching as hell. Startes reading mangas and manhwas in this year. Yet to read a manhua. So, here I'm with you in this club. Nice to meet you.
Jun 22, 2021 12:48 PM
Jul 2018
Name: Kerb

Age: over 18... xD I'm old

Country: USA

Likes: Gaming and Anime of course! Also trucks pretty odd combo I'm sure. I love ARPG for games and Isekai/Slice of life Anime!

Dislikes: I guess the usual stuff mean/entitled people and the like.

A little about yourself: Idk really what to put here at all Msg if you have any question or whatever! or anime Recommendations!
Jun 25, 2021 4:09 PM

Mar 2021
name: kos

age: 23

country: USA

likes: music, games, anime

dislikes: dont dislike many things tbh

a little about yourself: im just a guy that doesnt have many friends, feel free to ask me about myself if somebody is interest (dont know why anybody would be lol)

“Do you need a reason to love someone?.” 
-Tachibana Akira-

Jun 29, 2021 4:30 AM
Jul 2018
name: animedude or abdulla (you may call me as you please)

age: 14

country: UAE

likes: shawarma,pizza,drama or psychological anime,linkin park.

dislikes: Mangoes, but not a lot besides that.

About: Just some guy whos a weeb for fun.
Jul 29, 2021 8:59 AM
Jul 2021


Country:Czech republic

Likes:read manga,sushi,anime,Hisoka,rain,plushies,playing genshnin impact,drawing and longboarding with friends <3

Dislikes:mean people,onion,school,cleaning

A little about yourself:i can speak(russian,czech,english and little bit ukraine),
pollynasJul 31, 2021 6:22 AM
Aug 9, 2021 9:19 PM

Jul 2020
name: waz
age: 15
likes: little kids
favourite anime: gintama,clannad,sangatsu no lion

Aug 11, 2021 12:47 PM
Apr 2020
Name : alexy/joe
Sex : not interested
Likes: anime, bald men, webkins, manga
single? :always
Dislikes : not seeing the king of sweeden in a hat
Sep 4, 2021 6:05 PM
Jul 2018
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜ --> :)

Name: Mateus

Age: 16

Country: Brazil

Likes: animes, mangas, sports, chocolate, water, sleep, sunbath.

Dislikes: vegetables, cigarette, boring people, spiders and mosquitos.

A little about yourself: I'm a little shy in real life, but I'm confident when I'm talking in the internt.

Sep 21, 2021 11:50 AM
Jul 2018
Name Scarlet age 23 likes desserts , anime , hot boys, drawing, music music and more music.I'm looking to make some friends and I'm pretty shy online is easier .😊
Oct 28, 2021 4:01 PM
Oct 2021
Hello ,
I'm kinda new here ^^. I hope i can meet new people in here.
I've freshly finished my studies, i'm 24 years old. From north Africa.
I love cats. I've always been a fan of anime since i was a kid.
my hobbies : drawing, learning new languages, music, reading.
Nice to meet you everyone. ^^
Nov 3, 2021 1:21 AM
Jun 2021
Aloha! Im Dillypoooo or Dylan (I also go by DylAye) and mmmm this is my introduction

❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: Dylan

Age: 25

Country: USA

Likes: Fitness, Fashion, Im a dancer!, Harems, Isekai, Waifus, JDM cars, asian food, japanese culture, DIY projects, TEA!, Rom and rom-coms, (dont really have a favorite genre of anime. I like em all if the story interests me!), MUSIC!, learning new things (I get distracted easily LOL) lots more but i cant think of anything else rn

Dislikes: Negativity, fruits and veggies (with exceptions tho LOL), idk i dont really dislike much LOL all smiles and positivity here :)

A little about yourself:
Got into anime almost about 2 years ago and love love love it omg. If a series is really interesting i'd binge watch it in one night! LOL Mmmm I work as a meat cutter and when im not working or working out you can usually find me watching anime or reading some manga (which i kinda just started getting into so if you have any manga recommendations lmk) But hope we can be friends! love hearing other opinions on animes and/or recommendations! Got 97 completed animes on my list and plenty more to go! Hope we can be friends! Always wanted to join a community like this but always been kind of shy >.<
Nov 5, 2021 1:07 AM
Feb 2021
Name: Frishzx (nickname)
Country: Malaysia
A little about yourself: Let's have a good time I guess
Nov 5, 2021 1:38 AM
Nov 2021
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜
Name: Kiyo
Age: 15
Country: US/Spain
Likes: Chocolate, plushies, J-pop, anime, manga, crystals, Japanese food
Dislikes: Italian food IM SORRY and country music
A little about yourself: i enjoy meeting new people so feel free to send a friend request!
Nov 6, 2021 9:30 AM
Dec 2017
Hi there!
Country: U.S
Likes: Anime, manga, webtoons, books, writing
Dislikes: Homework, negativity, bugs
A little about yourself: I think I started watching anime in 2016, and even though there were other people at my school who watched it I still acted like it was a big secret.
Nov 8, 2021 9:37 PM
Jun 2021
Name: Ria
Age: 20
Country: Philippines
Likes: Reading, Watching, Cooking
Dislikes: Racist, Sexist, Negativity
Something abt self: I enjoy anime, manga, manhwa, and light novels. I am an awkward person, sometimes. But u can talk to me if u want.
Jan 11, 2022 10:51 AM

Apr 2021
❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

You can call me Subi

Age: I'm 13

Country: I'm from Nepal

Likes: I like a lot of things - anime, music, football, games, talking to my friends, foods

My favorite foods are Pizza, Cheeses especially Paneer and Samosa

My favourite games are Minecraft and Roblox Piggy
A little about yourself: I spend most of my time using my laptop and eating.
Sometimes I like to exercise.

My favourite anime is Hunter x Hunter and Attack on Titan
Jan 11, 2022 5:34 PM
Jul 2018
Name: Roxa (not my real name)

Age: 21

Country: USA

Likes: Art, video games, music, traveling, anime/movies/documentaries, etc.

Dislikes: Bugs, toxic people, being manipulated, phone calls from strangers, etc.

A little about yourself: I'm a shy introvert whose happily engaged <3 Feel free to send me a DM!
Jan 12, 2022 2:35 PM

Oct 2020
❛❛ Introduction ;;❃❜❜

Name: baguettethecourier

Age: 16

Country: serbia

Likes: anime & manga, games, art

Dislikes: summer, romance

A little about yourself: im kind of an awkward person, my fav genres are mostly mystery, thriller and psychological and im a nerd
Jan 12, 2022 5:49 PM

Aug 2019
Heyo y'all!

Name: Luxavia | I'll give my real name if we talk relax- relax :) |

Age: 18, imma be 19 pretty soon tho (Imma boomer rip)

Country: USA (My apologies)

Race: Formula 1😳

Fun Factoids:

First Year CS Student :^)

I like to play the video games occasionally I kinda stopped playing them as much as I used to :(

I know a wee bit about computers (not a whole lot, yet), so I may be able to assist with some basic troubles. I'd be glad to help!

I have weird phases where I watch a shit ton of anime then don't watch any; quite strange :/

Hope to get to know ya!
Jan 17, 2022 6:08 AM
Jul 2018
Name: Yoni
Age: 17
Likes: Anime, Video games, Space, Tech, My room, Chocolate, Everything comfortable
Dislikes: Everything not comfortable, School, Go outside
A little about yourself: I can say I’m like Umaru-chan, I’m Himouto Yoni-chan, I just like to lazy doing everything in my bed watching anime and playing video games. XD
Jan 17, 2022 8:55 PM
Sep 2021
Hi Guys
My name:Billy
Country: Indonesian
Dislikes:mean people,math,fake friend
About me:lazy kid
Jan 17, 2022 8:55 PM
Sep 2021
Hi Guys
My name:Billy
Country: Indonesian
Dislikes:mean people,math,fake friend
About me:lazy kid
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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It’s time to ditch the text file.
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