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Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway (light novel)
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Jun 28, 2021 9:29 AM

Dec 2016
So in the end, Sayu actually became Yoshida's girl despite him having so many other options. Who would have thought?


Guess this show will go to the top of my disapointing list of the season. A show that had so much potential in it's beginning and even after it's mid point, but it plummeted in the last quarter with a climax that didn't live up to it's hype.

Sadly Gotoh & Mishima where just pawns in Yoshida's unwanted harem. The fact that the timeskip shows no growth in neither of them just makes it even more absurd just for the sake of making Sayu a bit older so that the age gap isn't as frwoned upon by the bystanders.
Jun 28, 2021 9:33 AM

Jun 2016
MenchiK1 said:
I would have liked this show more if it had the balls to be what it really was, an adult male harem fantasy. So all that pretending to be a father figure was to appease the mom (and the audience) so he could get away with banging her when she turned 18. should have just slept with her in ep 1 then and not wasted our time. <_<
Lol, exactly. I didn't have my hopes too high when I saw the first episode, I expected it to go down like this. Judging by how the sexual assault was handled, it's obvious that the author doesn't actually know how to work with serious topics. It's apparently just a cool gimmick to force drama I guess.
Jun 28, 2021 9:35 AM
Oct 2009
Very predictable and boring ending.. can't believe Yoshida's dumb little speech got the mom to rethink her behavior at all lol. "you're Sayu's only parent!!!" "OMG I AM" like did no one ever tell her that? What a mediocre man, and yet the show insists he's the nicest guy everybody wants. I watched it for the trashy drama but then it just got really boring and never recovered. 4/10
Jun 28, 2021 9:37 AM

Dec 2018
PastUchiha98 said:

lol, ora è un Virgin Yoshida
Jun 28, 2021 9:41 AM

Jun 2016
Suzie said:
Very predictable and boring ending.. can't believe Yoshida's dumb little speech got the mom to rethink her behavior at all lol. "you're Sayu's only parent!!!" "OMG I AM" like did no one ever tell her that? What a mediocre man, and yet the show insists he's the nicest guy everybody wants. I watched it for the trashy drama but then it just got really boring and never recovered. 4/10
100% agree, they tried to make it look like Yoshida was a person of reason and for a moment it looked like he had some convictions in his own ideas, apparently not though. Started off as maybe a 6, but definitely ended at a 4.
Jun 28, 2021 9:45 AM

Sep 2019
I didn't like the ending. It was very boring like some people said above. This show was never good imo but it got even worse after Sayu went back home, that arc was so fucking bad.
Jun 28, 2021 9:48 AM

Dec 2015
7-ish fo rme. Liked the confrontation with the mother. Other than that it was again Yoshida + Sayu. And this actually did not really feel too special compared to other romance I liked more.

It was really close for me between 7 and 8. But I am giving 7 (7.4 rounded down).
Jun 28, 2021 9:55 AM

Jul 2014
To literally no one's shock whatsoever, this garbage fire does indeed end with Yoshida and Sayu getting together. But before that, we have to sit through yet more of the absolutely awful mother being absolutely awful (I don't even know where to start on her belief that she did nothing wrong, given she has really done nothing right at all) and the writing here continues to be as shit as ever: how did it never occur to the mother that she is Sayu's only parent, or why did that statement from Yoshida suddenly make her do a complete 180.

This show started by pretending it was less iffy than its premise suggested and that it was smarter than it actually was, but from the flashback onwards everything fell apart in almost impressive fashion and we ended up with a repulsive trainwreck. Abusive parents are always a bit of a touchy topic for me, and this show's bending over backwards to avoid condemning the mother for her behaviour by suggesting living with her is best for Sayu was aggravating beyond belief, especially after the trivialisation of suicide in Sayu's backstory.

Also, these final three episodes could have been done in two, given that far too long of this episode was spent on Yoshida saying goodbye to Sayu.

This show is absolutely abysmal, by far and away the worst and most repulsive I watched this season and probably one of the absolute worst seasonals I've ever watched to completion (certainly the worst since I started to actually drop anime back in 2016 rather than finishing stuff no matter what).

Jun 28, 2021 9:57 AM

Nov 2016
This was a sweet "conclusion", I guess. Far from being really good, then again, I didn't have high expectations to begin with. I liked this show more in the beginning because it didn't really do much wrong. Couldn't say the same after the halfway point.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 28, 2021 10:01 AM
May 2016
Atavistic said:
To literally no one's shock whatsoever, this garbage fire does indeed end with Yoshida and Sayu getting together. But before that, we have to sit through yet more of the absolutely awful mother being absolutely awful (I don't even know where to start on her belief that she did nothing wrong, given she has really done nothing right at all) and the writing here continues to be as shit as ever: how did it never occur to the mother that she is Sayu's only parent, or why did that statement from Yoshida suddenly make her do a complete 180.

This show started by pretending it was less iffy than its premise suggested and that it was smarter than it actually was, but from the flashback onwards everything fell apart in almost impressive fashion and we ended up with a repulsive trainwreck. Abusive parents are always a bit of a touchy topic for me, and this show's bending over backwards to avoid condemning the mother for her behaviour by suggesting living with her is best for Sayu was aggravating beyond belief, especially after the trivialisation of suicide in Sayu's backstory.

Don't forget everyone bowing and apologizing to appease her 9_9
Jun 28, 2021 10:03 AM
Mar 2019
andreariona said:
So last ep end with them didn't date (yet), but still open for S2 possibility. I guess it's kinda safe for that route because their age difference isn't that much, unlike After the Rain or Daughter's Friend which screaming for jail. Lol

But ofc I ship Gotou, mature woman ftw.

the anime cover all novel :(
Jun 28, 2021 10:08 AM
May 2020
Since I'm not a LN reader and basically, since I'm an anime fan, I look for the original sources after watching anime adaptation.

Taking into account just what the anime presented, the ending was kinda open.
For me, it was confusing if Yoshida was imagining Sayu waiting for him again or if they actually met again some years later.

I enjoyed this series a lot and the evolution of some characters along the story.

Jun 28, 2021 10:08 AM
Mar 2019
Emmuhzx said:
Anyone think we'll get a season 2?

no because it cover all ln

i read that it will be side stories of gotou an mishima
Jun 28, 2021 10:11 AM
Nov 2019
So they rammed all of volume 5 into one episode...

It was never going to end well.

No need for season 2 or an OVA as no more source material for them to butcher.

The should have put AO's highschool sexy time arc and Gotou's JK runaway arc in instead of the last two episodes of trash adaptation.

Started off at 7/10 - ended with a 4/10.

Read the LN if you can be bothered, you'll waste less time than watching the anime and it'll make sense - but it'll still be adult picks up JK as waifu material + timeskip to make it legal....
Jun 28, 2021 10:13 AM

Jan 2021
Well, nice to see that it had a happy ending. I wish there was more to this but it's fine I guess. Overall, I enjoyed watching Higehiro. Sayu's smile in the end was adorable ^~^
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Jun 28, 2021 10:14 AM

Jan 2018
This was a nice one. The animation could've been a lot better tho. I wish the "fanbase" of this anime wasn't so immature too. When I started this I had very low expectations but it did manage to surprise me.
I didn’t read the ln but I know the anime skipped some parts so this could've used some more episodes or OVAs. But overall I'm satisfied with the ending because it’s pretty open-ended and didn’t take a darker path.
Jun 28, 2021 10:14 AM

Oct 2020
I'm so glad this ended so well. Hands down my anime of the season, no contest. I'm so glad they decided to air this show and sad that it finally has come to an end. What a ride. 8.5/10. Great show.

Also, was that Sayu under the tree? Was a bit confused there lol
SaintZephJun 28, 2021 10:18 AM

Jun 28, 2021 10:20 AM
Nov 2020
What I didn't like was how the story really pushed for Sayu and Yoshida to end up together in the end. What made Yoshida admirable/respectable was that he was a consistent character, i.e. he wouldn't stray away from his ideals despite the constant temptations presented to him (mostly from Sayu).

For one, Yoshida has stated multiple times that he likes older girls. Therefore, it's not a simple case of waiting for Sayu to become "legal" because she's still going to be (a lot) younger than Yoshida regardless.

I hoped that Yoshida would've ended up with Gotou in the end (because one of the credits scenes shows him confessing to her again), but two years have passed and no romantic relationships have been formed. (Mishima would've been a good choice as well. Yeah, she's younger but at least there's not a generational difference between the two). I guess that's the safest route for Yoshida because it's never really a good/safe idea to date coworkers, especially in an office environment (where it's safe to assume that Yoshida will be working at for a very long time if not until retirement).

What I found interesting was Asami's style change. It seems like she has moved on from her "gal" phase. Then again, I wonder if she became a brunette again because she noticed that both Sayu and Gotou were close to Yoshida and she wanted to get closer to him as well.

It was a nice ride while it lasted.
Jun 28, 2021 10:23 AM

Oct 2020
rsc-pl said:
0451 said:
it’s pretty open-ended and didn’t take a darker path.

SaintZeph said:

Also, was that Sayu under the tree? Was a bit confused there lol

No, it was her friend. She wanted to be a novelist.

Wow had to rewatch, she dyed her hair and looks so much older compared to Sayu after 2 years who's unchanged. Oh well lol. Thanks for the reply!

Jun 28, 2021 10:24 AM
Mar 2019
It will have more material in new novels

in the timeskipp of left Hokkaido an meet again Sayu

the storyline of gotou an Mishima
Jun 28, 2021 10:25 AM
Jan 2017
This show is actually ok, im glad it ended nicely, I personally dont ship sayu and yoshida not because of the pedophilia excuse but I just wanted it to be wholesome in a non romantic relationship. If there is a season 2 and they get together in that season im completely fine with it, and IF its a slice of life version, Oma Gahd!!!
Jun 28, 2021 10:26 AM

May 2021
SaintZeph said:
rsc-pl said:

No, it was her friend. She wanted to be a novelist.

Wow had to rewatch, she dyed her hair and looks so much older compared to Sayu after 2 years who's unchanged. Oh well lol. Thanks for the reply!

She had her hair dyed before, and her skin tanned too. She was supposed to represent a rebellious teenager. So this is her natural self

Jun 28, 2021 10:28 AM

May 2021
Despite the cuts from the LN. sloppy animation and the open ending, it was an enjoyable romance anime.
Jun 28, 2021 10:29 AM
Nov 2020
Really liked the last episode specially the open ending. Also Sayu was sooooo cutee in this episode ahahaha!!!
Jun 28, 2021 10:31 AM

Nov 2017
So I just wasted all those hours for.. this ending..? smh
Jun 28, 2021 11:18 AM

May 2021
Emotional episode. Was expecting something different but this still was good. Yoshida crying about Sayu and realising he needed her also was quite upsetting to watch. Was a good journey to this final episode. I’d say a 7/10
Jun 28, 2021 11:19 AM

Nov 2018
Predictable ending, good show, a solid 7 for me.


Jun 28, 2021 11:20 AM

Feb 2019
A somehwat fitting ending to this series, I think. Nothing too climatic or bombastic, because that was exactly what Sayu's life was before. But finally Sayu is content, is strong enough, confident enough to stand on her own. And life goes on.

That was a pretty sad goodbye. Glad to see that Yoshida kept true to himself to the very end. Rejecting Sayu's half-hearted, still somewhat desperate and insecure advances again, and saying once more he's not interested in kids. But when the time comes when she's an adult, she'll have a chance. That was a cute confession, and a cute resolution to it.

But it was saddening to see the empty apartment. Looks like he rejected Gotou in the end from what I can tell from his bowing to her at the restaurant. And glad he kept in touch with Asami.

I should've expected an ending where we'd go back to the start: Sayu sitting under the lamppost late at night as Yoshida came home. I could feel Yoshida's surprise and happiness as well. Did Asami already know? Maybe.

This time, she's not in her uniform. She's in a dress fitting for girls her age. She's finally an adult. She can stand on her own. She has a home to go back to. And finally, the line the started it all...


Man, this series was good. It was wholesome, like really wholesome how Yoshida was so good to Sayu, and how precious Sayu was. Gonna miss this show, and I think I'll pick up the LN.

Jun 28, 2021 11:20 AM
Mar 2011
Who was the girl he called with? the one standing next to a tree?
Jun 28, 2021 11:21 AM
Nov 2019
Reminder#9: Sayu Is One Of The Worst Characters Of All Time.

What A TERRIBLE Anime. Good Riddance.
Jun 28, 2021 11:24 AM

Feb 2020
All I cared for ever since episode 1 is that Sayu ends up with Yoshida, and I'm glad to see it actually happened within reasonable time (1-2 years, not like half a decade). I was afraid that he would've had to wait for her to also go through college...

I was glad to see she got her ass back to Tokyo for him, once she graduated from high school. Although high school diplomas are practically worthless today, it would've still been a huge problem if she moved in with him without having one. At least now, they can get married or whatever and she can calmly go to college in Tokyo. Or do whatever else she wanted, IDC.

I loved this anime! Don't care about the hate. It was very sweet, albeit the flaws.
Emmuhzx said:
Anyone think we'll get a season 2?
They animated the entire light novel of 6 volumes. So there's no more.

I believe we're still in volume 5, but the author already said that volume 6 will be the last. So that's how it basically ends. I guess you could always read it, as they probably left little things out in the anime adaptation. To get the whole picture.

But honestly, what else could we wish for!?
Sayu got together with Yoshida, as an adult, this time around. It's not like we've got one of those s---ty ambiguous endings where it was left to our imagination.
Alex796Jun 28, 2021 11:35 AM
Jun 28, 2021 11:32 AM
Feb 2017
Hard to believe that none of the side characters changed at all and everything was constant for two years.

Jun 28, 2021 11:33 AM

Oct 2020
Ah, the teasing from Sayu was pretty cute and funny. "I don't think age matters when it comes to love" isn't a line you should be throwing around. Wow, Sayu finally tells Yoshida that she loves her, but, once again, Yoshida denies her by basically stating that he's not into kids. Gotou and Mishima are back on Yoshida's love train. Well, it looks like the cycle begins again for Yoshida!
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Jun 28, 2021 11:36 AM

Sep 2018
Credit where it's due, Sayu remained ultra horny right to the bitter end.

And that ending, let's face it, it's no wonder Yoshida cried a little. His first thought must have been, "No escape, I'm getting my brains fucked out tonight."

Quantum ille canis est in fenestra
Jun 28, 2021 11:40 AM

Apr 2016
The anime started great then went downhill. The last3 or 4 eps were meh and the ending was quite disappointing . The author didn't had the balls to go against the industry trend and make the mc NOT fall in love with a high school girl
Final score 7/10 (more like a 6.5/10)

Jun 28, 2021 11:45 AM
Sep 2019
Well, it is the end of the anime...and I think that our girl Sayu has grown up a bit.

THOUGH Sayu's mom...hmmm...eventually there has to be some change there.

She never did love Sayu, since Sayu was the child she used to try to win her husband back, and since it did not work, Sayu was 'a failed object'. The result...Sayu was a victim of two selfish parents.

Anyway, it might be good if she ended up with Yoshida, since Yoshida was the first person who treated her with some actual affection and care.

Lesson from the anime...don't have children as pawns. Children are not your tools, they are people too.
Jun 28, 2021 11:48 AM

May 2018
As expected a pretty inconclusive ending, though I do expect Yoshida and Sayu to become a couple now that Sayu is an adult.

6/10 overall
Jun 28, 2021 11:49 AM

Jan 2013
so she somehow kinda-sorta blames herself anyway…not a fan of that

i do like how new-look Asami and Yoshida became buddy buddy tho

started off good but then like every felt like it was handled way too easily during the second half. woulda been an 8 from me had things were handled better. 7/10
Jun 28, 2021 11:50 AM

May 2018
ASTRO999 said:
Who was the girl he called with? the one standing next to a tree?

Asami lol I couldn't tell for a few seconds xD
Jun 28, 2021 11:51 AM

Jul 2008
Surprised Sayu didn't try to hook up in the airport bathroom stall.

I wanted a happy ending with Yoshida motorboating those Size I's

How much time passed in the after credit scene?

Jun 28, 2021 11:53 AM
Sep 2019
MenchiK1 said:
I would have liked this show more if it had the balls to be what it really was, an adult male harem fantasy. So all that pretending to be a father figure was to appease the mom (and the audience) so he could get away with banging her when she turned 18. should have just slept with her in ep 1 then and not wasted our time. <_<

1.Well, not every adult is into having sex with minors, especially as it is mentioned several times in the anime that Yoshida is breaking the law by harboring Sayu. Having sex with her would make things all, bothersome (Age of consent in Japan is now 18)
So, Yoshida decided to be cautious.

2.The only people who could have reported decided not to. The guy who previously used Sayu could have reported but he would have been obliged to also admit he harbored her, and had intercourse with her...and that's 2 people in legal trobule (In one of the early episodes, Yoshida is seen listening to a news report about an adult man caught with an underage girl)

3.The mom, when we meet her, seems to be something of a malicious person. I guess she got mollifed a bit by the fact that Yoshida did not do her daughter.(She does not know about the other guys...yet). If not for the presence of her son to calm her down....I see her immediately calling the law on Yoshida's ass for 'defiling her daughter'.

4.Sayu is still very much a little girl. And very very immature. Yoshida at the time preferred older ladies. And even if he was into JK...see the above reasons.
Jun 28, 2021 11:55 AM

May 2019
5/10 overall. Pretty average, felt like the writer got lost in the issues he attempted to tackle.
Also the ending... 2 years' time skip and gotou and the other chick both still seem interested in Yoshida but nothing happened in 2 years? It's like they all went to sleep for 2 years and nothing at all happened.
Jun 28, 2021 11:56 AM
Sep 2019
Brushrop03 said:
Surprised Sayu didn't try to hook up in the airport bathroom stall.

I wanted a happy ending with Yoshida motorboating those Size I's

How much time passed in the after credit scene?


And you want some bystander calling the cops?

(Adult male disappears into bathroom stall with high school uniform. Yes, officer, that stall right there!)

Plus if Sayu's mom found out.....any nice feelings towards Yoshida would end, and she would call the cops on him. Just to PUNISH sayu.
Jun 28, 2021 11:58 AM

Apr 2018
Well I guess we got a safe and happy ending.
Yoshida came back home without Sayu, pretty sad for him but he saved Sayu.
That was his goal afterall. A pretty good anime I guess. It was funny and wholesome. Also a bit emotional.
Opening and ending were both good.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Jun 28, 2021 11:58 AM

Feb 2014
I was expecting an open ending of some sort and for the anime at least, it seems to be that way. Although I'm a bit indifferent with open endings, I thought this one was done decently well.

Sayu's constant horny suggestions was amusing, but I do have to give Yoshida respect for resisting all the way to the end of his stay at Hokkaido. At least he was able to meet Sayu once again at the same place when he first saw her back in episode 1. =)

Overall, this show felt like a rollercoaster. It had plenty of touchy subjects that it wasn't afraid to touch upon, but sometimes it didn't always execute its potential all that well. Mishima was interesting at first, but she (and Hashimoto) became nothing more than one-dimensional characters whose only purpose was to berate Yoshida for doing things wrong and it happened too many times mid-way throughout the series. It got pretty annoying at that point, sadly. =(

At least Asami never went down that rabbit hole and her involvement with Sayu made me like her as a character far more than Mishima and Gotou. Plus, her natural look in the last episode was nice, too!

The visuals were nice and pleasant, but the animation quality did go from good to mediocre a lot, which is a little disappointing. At least the OP/ED songs were good. Overall, I think this series is worth a 7/10. I was tempted into a 6/10, but Yoshida and Sayu really carried the show for me, so a 7/10 it is. XD
Jun 28, 2021 12:00 PM
Sep 2019
kuwangpa said:
What I didn't like was how the story really pushed for Sayu and Yoshida to end up together in the end. What made Yoshida admirable/respectable was that he was a consistent character, i.e. he wouldn't stray away from his ideals despite the constant temptations presented to him (mostly from Sayu).

For one, Yoshida has stated multiple times that he likes older girls. Therefore, it's not a simple case of waiting for Sayu to become "legal" because she's still going to be (a lot) younger than Yoshida regardless.

I hoped that Yoshida would've ended up with Gotou in the end (because one of the credits scenes shows him confessing to her again), but two years have passed and no romantic relationships have been formed. (Mishima would've been a good choice as well. Yeah, she's younger but at least there's not a generational difference between the two). I guess that's the safest route for Yoshida because it's never really a good/safe idea to date coworkers, especially in an office environment (where it's safe to assume that Yoshida will be working at for a very long time if not until retirement).

What I found interesting was Asami's style change. It seems like she has moved on from her "gal" phase. Then again, I wonder if she became a brunette again because she noticed that both Sayu and Gotou were close to Yoshida and she wanted to get closer to him as well.

It was a nice ride while it lasted.

Gotou also strikes me as

1.Being more mature than a relationship between them might not work out.

2.A career woman, who is probably more interested in work and climbing up to management eventually than in family life with kids, especially a Japan that still in some ways tends to look down on married women working, esepcially after kids have come.
Jun 28, 2021 12:02 PM

Jul 2008
Nigerianotaku40 said:
Brushrop03 said:
Surprised Sayu didn't try to hook up in the airport bathroom stall.

I wanted a happy ending with Yoshida motorboating those Size I's

How much time passed in the after credit scene?


And you want some bystander calling the cops?

(Adult male disappears into bathroom stall with high school uniform. Yes, officer, that stall right there!)

Plus if Sayu's mom found out.....any nice feelings towards Yoshida would end, and she would call the cops on him. Just to PUNISH sayu.

Calm down, bro. It's a joke considering how horny Sayu was to the very end the night before. Yoshida would have course turned her down.
Jun 28, 2021 12:05 PM
Mar 2021
"I don't think age matters when it comes to love."
It turns out Sayu's brother is a pedophile
noidea6492Jun 28, 2021 12:12 PM
Jun 28, 2021 12:05 PM
Sep 2019
Brushrop03 said:
Nigerianotaku40 said:

And you want some bystander calling the cops?

(Adult male disappears into bathroom stall with high school uniform. Yes, officer, that stall right there!)

Plus if Sayu's mom found out.....any nice feelings towards Yoshida would end, and she would call the cops on him. Just to PUNISH sayu.

Calm down, bro. It's a joke considering how horny Sayu was to the very end the night before. Yoshida would have course turned her down.

I know...
But seriously, I have the feeling poor old Yoshida always had one eye open for the cops, just in case....
Jun 28, 2021 12:07 PM

May 2016
That was a good ending. I found the first half of this series to be more entertaining over the cheap ass drama bs towards the end. Everything about Sayu's past, the reason for her leaving home and the supposedly perfect kind brother who is mega dumb enough to give allowance to his beloved teenage sister, send her away into the streets and not even look for her whereabouts after losing contact with her is just unbelievable. I expected a much darker past (like child abuse or rape victim) for someone to end up like Sayu but there was nothing in her past that can properly justify her running away and ending up selling her body to survive.

All that said, the anime was not as terrible as those elite anime critics with their 'hey look I just gave this anime a 1-3 score, am I cool or what' make it out to be. I loved Yoshida's character and his colleagues at work were all interesting people. Asami was also a cool character. And their daily life was also entertaining to watch. Overall, I'd give this anime a 7/10.

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