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To Your Eternity
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Jun 21, 2021 7:20 AM

Nov 2011
Interesting, a four year time skip. Gugu and Fushi looks more mature now since then.

Not sure how I feel about Rena but getting pushed into some rearranged marriage doesn't make her life look good. I just love Gugu and Rena's on screen chemistry. He really does care about her and their relationship is very charming in this show.
Jun 21, 2021 7:25 AM

Jul 2017
Volume 4 of the manga, here we go!

The mature looks after the 4-year timeskip, and Fushi is beginning to adapt to the human life well, though the same from before. Rean teaching Fushi the concept of marriage, though Fushi constantly redirecting her words with Gugu is sublime.

Gugu's older brother Shin coming back to find him, but he has suffered long enough from the betrayals of his brother's true nature to not give a shit about it, even if he came back to give Rean's ring back to him while living a modest life. Gugu simply had enough of his brother trying to steal precious things from him, they're no longer brothers since the time of abandonment.

The ring bringing back memories of young Rean and Meer, together with Gugu, it's a nice recollection of a memory. But Rean secretly and forcefully trying to put her ring onto Gugu is hilarious, and all the confessions past all chug out of the brightful girl. The audacity of Gugu screwing up by being drunk and forgetting all about what happened 4 years prior.

The new mask that Booze Man readied for Gugu, now he can be Charizard without the hassle, and it's off to Rean's birthday party with Fushi with presents on hand. Of course, all romance are comedically shut down lols, and Gugu's present of the dream bellflower being one from the past (of the cliff incident), it's a sombering reminder.

Welp, Rean's fiancé is introduced, but it's clear where her heart is veering to, and Gugu is feeling bad about it. Fushi with that literate encouragement, I like it. The clarification and reconciliation of the two's past, and hearts a-opening...except the cliffhanger, and the eventual appearance of the Nokkers ready to rampage once again.
KANLen09Jun 21, 2021 9:59 AM
Jun 21, 2021 9:33 AM

Jul 2020
WHAT THE HECK IN BAJEBUS WAS THAT. Firstly, rynn realising she was there and finally them two talking about it was sweet as hell BUT WHY DID THE KNOCKERS HAVE TO COME? WHY DID THE FLOOR BREAK? WHY? WHY DOES THIS ANIME DO THIS TO ME? I was finally thinking, yo this anime might be nice to the characters and I can actually like them BUT IT STABBED ME IN THE BACK WHILST I WASN'T LOOKING!

Frustrations aside, the more slice of life-y aspect was nice, with a bit of drama from the brother coming back, but I do believe the pair of them made the correct decisions, as respecting the other's autonomy whilst living their own best life is the way to move forward, especially with the older brother apologising for his mistakes and seems like he genuinely regrets what he did and is trying to move forward. Great stuff.

Rynn and Fushi's talk was cute, with the amount of misunderstandings in it, but they were true? Seems like rynn does like gugu and still takes the drunken confession to heart, even though the pair of them are too bashful to actually talk about it. Noble marriages seem to be a drag, guess they trade safety for love, and rynn's is still acting against her parents but seems like she's resigned herself to her fate.

Old booze man crying was some brilliant yet stupid foreshadowing - still annoyed at the ending if you can't tell- as his wants came true in a twisted way. The buying the flower thing was again a cutesy slice of life moment, but the flower is one which they banned to stop rynn from remembering the 'sad' memory. I don't really understanding why they wouldn't gorge themselves on that lovely looking food, gimme some!

Gugy's bullying still seems prevalent, but he seems to have matured and not try to lash out, but rynn protecting him was cute and diffusing the situation reminds us that she is a high class woman, no matter how much she doesn't like it. The whole jealousy from gugu to the fiance was bittersweet, as a lowly commoner should not dream of a noble partner, but love doesn't care about society does it?

The scene when gugu finally admitted what happened was so blooming sweet, I genuinely thought we'd have the good ending, as rynn chiming in and the tension was gradually increasing, I thought she'd take the mask off and embrace him BUT WHAT DO YOU KNOW THE FLOOR BREAKS AND THE KNOCKERS ARE BACK AND FUSHI IS CLUELESS SINCE HE DIDN'T BOTHER TRAVELLING FOR NEW FORMS.

I want to cry in a corner now. My ship became the titanic and sunk. Gugu is drowning, and now fushi is going to have to solo fight in the middle of a party, I guess rynn probably says she loves gugu as he dies after saving fushi with the mask - else why would it be mentioned - BUT ITS SO FRUSTRATING MAN!
LeviathanHWDJun 21, 2021 10:01 AM
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jun 21, 2021 9:49 AM

Apr 2008
Still waiting for a mod to add Gugu's New V/A who is Yashiro Taku

Confirmed Here:
Jun 21, 2021 9:57 AM

Jun 2019
Man... what a sweet episode it was. From the beginning to the very end, everything was so sweet. Rean's sixteenth birthday is coming and she's gonna have to meet the person she's going to marry. She loves Gugu and so does Gugu. Both are just awkward with each other. Gugu has to do something before her birthday.

On her birthday, Rean finally realized the truth about how Gugu got injured and why does he wear that mask? Rean was about to express her feelings but then... comes the Nokkers. Gugu fell off the cliff this time for real and looks like something tragic is waiting for them. I hope everything will be alright. I don't want anything to happen to any of them. They're all so precious together.
Jun 21, 2021 10:00 AM

Feb 2019
Man, I’m sick for Gugu. Finally gets around to telling Rean about that day and then here come the mf Nokkers to cockblock. Pain.
Jun 21, 2021 10:01 AM

Nov 2014
Gugu finally revealed his past. I waited for it so long.
I wish them happy ending, but I also want Fushi to move on. This arc is taking too long for my taste.
Jun 21, 2021 10:07 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
I honestly don't like this Gugu x Rean arc at all. I'm getting so tired of this.

The first 6 episodes were much more interesting.

SerafosJun 22, 2024 10:01 AM
Jun 21, 2021 10:09 AM

Nov 2016
Rejecting big bro was harsh. Don't get me wrong, he had it coming. And Gugu had go to go through a lot of shit before forming bonds with these precious people. That's still a fucked up situation for both.

Gugu x Rean on the other hand would be pretty sweet. She finally realized who he is. Damn, I ship them hard.

We better get a happy ending here...or maybe I'm watching the wrong series for that lol

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 21, 2021 10:10 AM
Sep 2015
Don't you dare take the happiness away from them, don't you DARE!
Jun 21, 2021 10:12 AM

Jan 2021
Gugu's brother... I wouldn't forgive him either, but thanks to him this time Lyn finally realised it 0.0

God, what a beautiful episode, and I thought there would be a happy ending...
I feel like it's going to rain a bit next week (╥_╥) 10/10 this episode
Jun 21, 2021 10:13 AM
Apr 2021
That's what I would consider as a "cliffhanger". Kappa
Jun 21, 2021 10:13 AM

Apr 2018
I literally screamed in front of my computer when the final scene appeared xD I was legit thinking that it was weird how this episode was not sad at all and that they would end up marrying like that, but it had to happen... and I'm guessing that Gugu will die because of that...
Jun 21, 2021 10:29 AM

Oct 2020
really lovely episode, i enjoyd it....until yeah you know
Jun 21, 2021 10:31 AM

Dec 2020
Gugu faced his brother and was, as expected, very angry and averse to him, but he changed.
Leen celebrates her birthday and becomes 16, but she gets selected who she has to marry, whom she doesn't even love but gugu love she and leen also gugu. I hope gugu survived this!
P O S I T I V E V I B E Sシ

Jun 21, 2021 10:40 AM

Sep 2017
I knew it was to wholesome. I just couldn't be at ease and enjoy it cause I knew some shit was gonna happen. Course I was right... right at the very end they get ya. Booze man talking about having to die before Gugu was definitely a red flag. Pretty worried about what's to come.
Jun 21, 2021 10:43 AM

May 2020
The music of the scene where Rean realizes that Gugu saved was so good. I found myself more invested in the music of that scene rather than the scene itself. I need to find this OST.
I'm a blunt and pessimistic guy who tries to be nice to everybody. Whether that's off-putting or not is for you to decide.

Jun 21, 2021 10:54 AM

Mar 2018
OMG What a amazing Episode i hate when this Anime Episodes Finish lol
Jun 21, 2021 10:55 AM
Apr 2021
This was a really good episode. Can’t wait till next week
Jun 21, 2021 11:08 AM
Jul 2018
I had a feeling something bad like this was gonna happen bcs of all these happy episodes but it still caught me out of guard. And just when I was looking forward to see the preview, there is non. I’m not joking, gugu better be alive. Don’t even try me
Jun 21, 2021 11:13 AM
Elder Emo

Jan 2013
Bruh, I knew someone bad was gonna happen to poor Gugu but I did not expect the cliff to literally collapse underneath him 😭 I want the poor guy to be happy, but I am prepared for more sadness come next week.
Jun 21, 2021 11:17 AM

Feb 2015
I can't believe that ending! Just let Gugu live a normal life already!! It was so perfect, and I thought that finally, Gugu x Rean would be a thing. Now I'm not so sure! This show sure is a rollercoaster. Just when we think there's finally a happy moment, it just as quickly takes it away.

Anime | Profile | Manga
「The day before yesterday I saw a rabbit, and yesterday I saw a deer, and today, you.」

Jun 21, 2021 11:23 AM
Jan 2017
That moment in the end when rean was about to confess her love to gugu but then fell from the cliff is the imbodiment of that "to be continued" meme
Jun 21, 2021 11:26 AM

Jul 2015
Gugu is practically one of my best characters in recent anime.. Dude's a chad but never enforces his feelings..
and he was just about to get his dream girl.. but goddamn knockers.. knocked off his whole confession scene..
Jun 21, 2021 11:34 AM
May 2021
Wooooow woooooooow wooow, Is the only thing that's the only thing in my mind right now, what will happen next?
Jun 21, 2021 11:48 AM
Mar 2021
The next episode is going to be one of those, huh? I already know I'm going to be mad 😡
Jun 21, 2021 11:54 AM
Jan 2015
That last scene was perfect...i felt myself shed a tear. The music, dialogue. One of the best scenes this anime season.

Now to prepare myself for my heart being ripped out stomped on next week
Jun 21, 2021 12:00 PM

Oct 2020
Yes, Gugu finally told Rean the truth about his injury! Damn, Gugu was so close to getting confessed to from Rean, but no, those damn nokkers decided to ruin it! I've got a bad feeling about this one.
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Jun 21, 2021 12:02 PM

Mar 2016
This episode felt quite mundane to me up til the ending, though at least they sorta explained why Fushi was physically aging in his current form, and it kinda made some sense. No danger, no need to transform or regenerate to "reset" the form.
Gugu is now truly looking like a firebreather cause of the new mask (and again it looks too intense a fire blast to be practical). My suspension of disbelief continues to be tested.

The puppy love was so cringe. I couldn't embrace anything about it. Romance in shounen is often immensely misused.

The ending was kinda hilarious, tbh, as it was too easygoing an episode up to that point. Another shounen superpower battle coming up xD. That being said, the lack of coherent prioritization really continues to make this show feels utterly disjointed and lacking of genuine evocativeness. I don't really expect any significant improvement at this point now.
RyuseishunJun 25, 2021 10:10 PM
Jun 21, 2021 12:08 PM
Jan 2017
The episode ended on a cliffhanger , literally
Jun 21, 2021 12:10 PM

Nov 2018
Damn, this episode was so good with all that Rean x Gugu. What a cliffhanger at the end.
Jun 21, 2021 12:43 PM

Oct 2010
I don't like where this is going :(
Jun 21, 2021 1:21 PM

Jan 2021
Always remember: Never get attached to characters in this anime. But I think it's funny how Rean is trying to confess her love and Gugu is just standing there with his triceratops mask. Absolute Chad
Jun 21, 2021 1:23 PM

May 2020
do not turn my happy tears into sad tears please god
Jun 21, 2021 1:30 PM
Jan 2021
Serafos said:
I honestly don't like this Gugu x Rean arc at all... I'm getting so tired of this.

The first 6 episodes were much more interesting.

It's your opinion, but I like the last 3 episodes(ep 9,10,11) more then the first 6.
Jun 21, 2021 1:34 PM

Apr 2020
The ground collapsed under the weight of Gugu's massive ginormous muscles



Jun 21, 2021 1:37 PM
Dec 2019
animejas said:
My man Gugu got Nok-blocked with that cliffhanger. Probably the worst thing I've said in years, but fitting for the situation.
lmfaooo you're nok wrong.
Jun 21, 2021 1:38 PM
Dec 2019
OrangeClouds said:
Damn, this episode was so good with all that Rean x Gugu. What a cliffhanger at the end.
as we both saw...that cliff is no longer hanging o_O
Jun 21, 2021 1:50 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Just when Rean and Gugu were about to have their moment, something bad happens. I just hope Gugu survives.
Jun 21, 2021 2:00 PM

Aug 2019
well the parallels between the convo gugu and reen had in episode 9 to the convo they had now was amazing, i take back the critism i had for that conversation, yes it was boring but it did have a purpose in the end
also idk whether im gonna be sad or happy when fushi has to change forms and the boys form gets younger, i loved seeing the boy grown up but holy shit does that patch of hair on his chin look weird and i really want to see grown up march and cry
i hope reen can get out of that marriage but i know for a fact that it wont happen since this show loves to make me cry
Jun 21, 2021 2:11 PM

Jan 2018
Good episode, I like the progress that Gugu's and Rena's relationship made.
She even realised it was Gugu who saved her on that day.
But of course, the Nokkers had to show up and ruin things.
I have a feeling that Gugu will die in the next episode, I hope that won't be the case.
Jun 21, 2021 2:32 PM
Mar 2021
Honestly got me a little psyched at the end for Gugu and Rean adding that hint of romance just makes an anime much much better but the damn knockers literally knocked Gugu off a cliff and the ep left with my jaw dropped, Gugu is such a great character and really deserves is all. This episode really said “To be continued.”
Jun 21, 2021 2:36 PM

May 2016
Cliff-Kun has been busy this season, between this show and Furuba.... :P
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Jun 21, 2021 2:37 PM
Mar 2021
BRO I was so happy for him and I was really glad that he finally told Rean about the injury. But then nope he just dies
Jun 21, 2021 3:05 PM

Nov 2020
This was a amazing episode. It could be because I love my romance but it did for me. I hope the rest can continue being as good as this ep
If there's a hole there's a goal-Master Oogway
Jun 21, 2021 3:09 PM

Mar 2015
Criticiza said:
my boi, there were so many death flags all over already. like when the old man sees Gugu off, you can already tell where this is going. after March's arc it was safe to assume everyone is going to die in the most saddest way. that's just the kind of show this is. why are you so surprised?
Am I a good person? No. But do I try to be better every single day? Also no
Jun 21, 2021 3:10 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Why would you do this Cliff-kun? Whyyyy???
⠓⠥⠍⠁⠝⠊⠞⠽ ⠞⠓⠗⠕⠥⠛⠓ ⠎⠕⠍⠑ ⠎⠞⠥⠏⠊⠙⠊⠞⠽⠂ ⠎⠕⠍⠑ ⠺⠊⠇⠇ ⠎⠅⠊⠏ ⠺⠁⠎⠓⠊⠝⠛ ⠞⠓⠑⠊⠗ ⠓⠁⠝⠙⠎ ⠁⠝⠙ ⠑⠝⠙ ⠥⠏ ⠗⠥⠊⠝⠊⠝⠛ ⠊
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Jun 21, 2021 3:12 PM

Jul 2020
pasanoid said:
Criticiza said:
my boi, there were so many death flags all over already. like when the old man sees Gugu off, you can already tell where this is going. after March's arc it was safe to assume everyone is going to die in the most saddest way. that's just the kind of show this is. why are you so surprised?

Lol, kinda also mentioned it in my post as well that it was foreshadowed but just because I expect something doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt less. IT STILL HURTS MAN MY BOY GUGU IS ALL GROWN UP AND NOW HE’S PROBABLY DEAD. I’ve also repeatedly mentioned in my other episode forum posts that I know he’ll die but yeah doesn’t make it any easier lol
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Jun 21, 2021 3:25 PM

Feb 2017

placeholder text
Jun 21, 2021 3:27 PM

Nov 2017
There's no way she could've been thát dense 🧡🧡

I hope my boi gugu is alright though...
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