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Feb 21, 2021 9:34 AM
Dec 2018
crybabymae said:
i feel like neiru saying that ai likes her sensei made her angry because she loved koito.. but that’s just me. i could be completely wrong but i’m just putting it down in writing at the slight chance that it’s sort of true. :)

also, i thought ai running with the prayer beads was going to end with her trying to see or talk to koito at school. the ending surprised me but i’m excited to see where it goes !!

Omg i didnt think about the bead thing like that at all. Omgomg what if she actually tried that and something happens, that would be so shocking and interesting at the same time uwu
Feb 21, 2021 9:36 AM
Dec 2018
smoledman said:
It's very subversive if Ai is actually in love with Mr. Sawaki. I thought she's a lesbian.

Why did u think so lol?

Ittan_Momen said:
Halfway through the series. I want to know more about Acca and Ura Acca.

Sawaki's presence tugs at me. I think there's more to him than the show is letting on right now. I wonder if he knows about the Wonder Egg Priority. For a minute, I thought that he might actually be Acca. I still haven't totally dismissed that possibility.

Wow if that actually is so, that would be the biggest twist for me. Since acca has been seeing addressing many problems and giving advices while the show potrays the teacher in kind of a suspicious light
Feb 21, 2021 9:37 AM
Dec 2018
AyyMayy said:
There it is. Title drop.

I really don't like Sawaki-sensei, he's so sus.

I feel like thats just how the show potrays him and wants us to see him as
Feb 21, 2021 1:34 PM
Aug 2020
This show is so amazing. It's been a while since i have seen a whole anime community get together and make predictions and theory's, its like the good old days are back. Either way, my prediction is that the teacher is a really awful person. I just get that kinda vibe from him. Also Ai should be more mad about the fact that the man she thought was coming to her house to help her was actually coming to chat her mom up. :///
Feb 21, 2021 2:20 PM

Nov 2011
Mr. Sawaki is scum. I can't stand this guy. Quite frankly I can't stand Ai's mother as well atm.

Usually these episodes each have a hidden meaning behind each one but I don't understand how Ghosts relate to Ai?

Maybe if just believing someone when they say something to you?

Maybe Koito told Ai things and she didn't listen.
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Feb 21, 2021 2:39 PM

Mar 2019

Ai x999 gorgeous when gets angry....

Neiru's uncertain look... is the best.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Feb 21, 2021 3:02 PM
Jan 2020
her smile in the end kinda killed me (aka: someone started cutting onions near me)
o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
Feb 21, 2021 3:18 PM
Nov 2019
The death flags are building and I'm beginning to think the author is totally baiting us with Mr Sawaki.

The other girls directly caused a death, but so far AI's reason for being there hasn't been fully explained - is the whole thing just a journey to her accepting Koito died because of something she did and her confessing and "Paying the price" for her actions as hinted earlier when the ACA's were talking about the first egg being free?

Also there must be some hidden significance to the "pets" - Chameleon = expert at changing their appearance to blend in and hide?
Feb 21, 2021 4:58 PM

Mar 2018
What the hell was going on at the end there?
Feb 21, 2021 8:59 PM

Sep 2018
Shit!!!! I thought Ai would say he likes the sensei >,< please don't! That guy is creepy!!!!!!! Who's on their right mind to date their student's mother??!!! Have a shame please!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Feb 22, 2021 8:24 AM

Jun 2007
I kinda wish Ai believed the psychic girl before she saw the monster materialized... just believed what she was saying to her, would be more satisfying.
see you, space cowperson . . .
Feb 22, 2021 10:02 AM
Feb 2021
im SUPER confused about the ending of this episode. why does she suddenly want to go to school?? how come she had this realization after her mom telling she's gonna leave her stuff in her clothes??

i don't think ai has feelings for sawazaki ..during the fight scene, she seemed certain of herself, and maybe even upset that people thought that in the first place. it just comes off as ooc to me for her to like him. j think she, if anything, feels conflicted that her mom wants to date a guy who is linked to her best friends suicide (im not sure if her mom knows, though). once again, these are all my opinions.

i'm excited for the familiars, and i hope they aren't something that are only mentioned once/briefly, then never touched again.
Feb 22, 2021 2:09 PM
Apr 2020
Marinate1016 said:
ag_ said:
I don't think I've ever teared up during a fight scene.

Until now.

WEP is by far the best airing anime right now.

Redo and Mushoku exist so no.

Did you just say that redo of healer is better than wep I-
Feb 23, 2021 2:58 AM
Jan 2021
shitlordforever said:
i'd honestly find it a lot more interesting if the sensei was a good person and that him seeming like a bad person was a red herring or just due to ai's perception of him based on not having all the facts. the show sort of has a 'men are trash' vibe going on and it'd be nice to have a good male character to keep the show grounded. as far as koito crying while talking to him, it could have been her breaking down because of all the bullying. she probably wanted to seem strong in front of ai so she didn't want to cry in front of her. they weren't like romantically embracing, he looked like he was comforting her.

Not at all, one of the scenes, in fact, protects men from stigma and stereotypes, especially regarding issues that are quite heavy, such as 's word' and so on. The plot is actually simple, really simple. Not contain any political aspirations or anything. There are maybe any social aspirations in this anime, but in fact, nearly all anime (as well as manga) also have their own social aspirations (even 'underappreciated' anime such as Kanojo Okarishimasu, for example, or last season's best anime, Majo no Tabitabi: The Journey of Elaina or maybe Welcome to the N.H.K. are rich in social aspirations too).

At it all, it's all about a story of life itself, a slice-of-life story that is delivered and told with different formulations, with any fantasy, psychological, and thriller approaches, with much symbolism and hidden meanings as the hints for knowing the plot earlier. Some dark and hard slice-of-life story, but has been delivered in kindly unique storytelling and character developments, and from these all things, we can learn something even much about life, society, relationship, and self-strongness.

Everyone around the world must have felt the same way about the social problems that exist in Wonder Egg Priority, right? Bullying, 's word', sexual deviance, are all kinds of negative actions that continue to exist in society, right? Humans are not creatures with only one side of their personality. For this reason, why do we have a law, have the police force, have a state, and so on? The question is, do we want to be strong as humans to face everything that will happen in life? Will we improve our mindset and think positively continuously? Will we prefer to focus on what is real, focus on the people who love us, and prefer non-conflictual paths? Now, that's the real main message of Wonder Egg Priority (until episode 6, that's what I got).

*And by the way, all of my thoughts above are related to the lyrics' meanings of Anemoneria - Life is Cider. If you have any free time, I recommend you translate those.*
Feb 23, 2021 3:53 AM

Sep 2020
Oh, looks like Ai san is planning on having a talk with Mr.Sawasaki!
And her mother asks if she;s okay for a remarriage with Mr.Sawasaki and it seems like she told them to do whatever they want xD

When Ai met up with the other girls, they talked about this and Rikka assumed things about Mr.Sawasaki having a relationship with Koito-Chan.

Then at last, we see that Ai Ohto, has taken the decision to go to school!
Feb 23, 2021 3:54 AM

Oct 2018
It's here, the name drop of our anime series "Wonder, Egg, Priority"

The drama is getting more and more interesting now, there's a possibility that Ai was in love with sensei and was jealous when Koito was with him. I can't confirm it yet but will see in the next episode where she finally goes back to school.
Forum set made by Nate
Feb 24, 2021 10:33 AM

Apr 2018
Holy shit, i might be pretty slow on the uptake with this, but i think this Ep. might have just made me realize something about the enemies' nature, and how their behavior might be cluing us into some things. So they've upgraded to "Haters", which means they will directly target our Heroines now, out of "spite and envy" for them.

However, when they were called "SeeNoEvils", they would largely ignore our heroines. Could this mean that the enemies can perceive a hidden/suppressed "evil" aspect to the main girls that hasn't yet been revealed to us, the audience? Perhaps the girls were actually a lot more involved, if not directly responsible, in their respective "rescuee's" suicides than they're letting on? Such an interesting, thought-provoking show...
Feb 25, 2021 7:30 PM
Jul 2020
ahhhh I totally knew ai's mom and mr. saiwaki (? I forget his name lol) would get into a relationship or something. I still feel like there's something there tho, he's very sus. idk what ai's going to do, it looks like she's decided to give up clutching onto him in favor of going back to school and letting her mom have it.
Feb 26, 2021 10:29 AM
Aug 2020
In one shot it looked like Mr Sawaki has one of those pet eggs
Feb 26, 2021 6:34 PM

Mar 2019
Well the Haters part made me realize they are really getting into all aspects of bullying, its cool, i hope the teacher is not what they think and maybe adress how some people get falsely acussed as well, make the story less predictable as well.

Anyway overall this show is amazing, the kind of thing i want to see each season at least one, an original story with such great production values.
Feb 27, 2021 12:18 PM

Feb 2020
I'm pretty sure the girl who sees spirits is actually mentally ill. At least, I hope this is what the show has been going for since in the end, aren't this girl's struggles exactly what schyzophrenic (please correct me if this disorder isn't schyzophrenia, I'm not certain I'm using the correct terms and I don't want to be offensive) people go through ? She might be the only one to see those horrible creatures, but it doesn't mean they aren't real. They are, to her. And instead of receiving actual help, she is left all alone to deal with something that is far beyond her control. She is just called insane and sent to a mental institute... But in what way is calling her insane going to solve the problem ? What she really needs is someone who will stay by her side during her crisis, someone who will understand that those creatures are real to her, someone who will show her that she is not alone to fight these demons. But she never received any of that and has been left alone until she couldn't take it anymore. Poor girl...

Another thing I found interesting in this episode is that my theory about Rika having a troubled history with grown men seems to be correct. It is pretty clear now that her mother's husbands abused her, which explains the way she is now.

Also, it seems that the teacher actually isn't a bad person, he's simply been demonized by Ai due to her conflicted feelings as she actually is in love with him. That's something a lot of teenage girls like her experience after all. But at the same time, Koito's death is still suspicious. Is he really innocent in all this ? It's hard to say.

Finally, I'm glad that Ai is ready to go back to school and doesn't want to hide her heterochromia anymore. But I'm also a bit worried regarding that because it was said in the first episode that she's been bullied due to said heterochromia. Isn't everything going a little too fast now ? We've never seen Ai working on this trauma after all, only her feelings about her teacher.
Feb 27, 2021 8:43 PM
Aug 2019
Tbh, I was worried Ai was going to confess feelings for the counselor at the end of the episode lol ... so much so that I wasn't able to pay attention to what was happening and ended up completely lost on it. Still liked the episode though.
Mar 5, 2021 1:43 PM
Jul 2020
and here is my sixth installment of haikus for this egg-some anime.
well actually 3rd? anyway.

Litt-le hap-py egg
ye-llo-wy, yel-low, in-side
All of it, scram-bled.

Mar 9, 2021 7:06 PM

Apr 2020
So in the end, does Ai just want to go back to school to investigate the cause of Koito's death, or does she really like the teacher?

In the former case it would be because she realized that the bead chain could be taken from her dream to reality, so she was ready to go to school, get close to the teacher, find her friend's ghost and ask the cause of her death.

If it is interpreted that she really likes the teacher, then previously her not going to school, was to avoid her feelings for the teacher and the relationship between this feeling and Koito's death, so she just stubbornly risked her life to find out the cause of Koito's death. Now Ai saying that she wants to go to school means that she began to admit her feelings. This statement is actually a disguised confession, originally wanted to say a bunch of words finally all held back into "want to go to school".

Or maybe she does like the teacher, but she thinks Koito also likes the teacher, so her feelings are essentially a betrayal of her friend. She is also vaguely aware that Koito's death is largely because of her, and dare not face this possibility, which led to the appearance that she was afraid of the teacher, and finally her grabbing the bead chain and running out is the decision to face the problem, for Koito, for herself, no matter what it takes she must save Koito back!

However, it's normal to have such a thing as "teacher-student love". After all, it is written by Nojima. lol

Also, I feel that the fighting scenes in this show are just aid of catharsis by the MCs. If the climax of this show is reflected by fighting scenes, then I guess it would not be so great.

Mar 15, 2021 3:23 PM

Mar 2019
I actually expected Ai to say "I love you", but guess this is better. Hopefully nothing wrong happens after.

Also I don't really see Rika as a kind of plot device, asking the dumb questions so everyone will get what the characters mean. I've seen that type in other anime and it's not really that present here. Either that or it was something small enough to not get my attention. I have to say that it's kind of weird how she's always the one to say everything, even if it's bad.
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Mar 30, 2021 7:35 PM
Nov 2020
teacher gives me "erased" vibes. i dont trust him
ping pong
Apr 1, 2021 2:48 AM

Apr 2020
Great episode

Can't wait for the next

"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"~Rumi

Apr 1, 2021 6:24 PM

Apr 2011
Well, now the girls have their pokemon \ o /.
This drama with the teacher is the part that makes me most afraid of what might happen. Well, it was already expected that Ai's mother and the teacher would have some relationship. The words of Rika and Neiru about Ai liking the teacher seem to be very troublesome, and this is seeming to materialize or is something more complex than that, except that I am no longer seeing the teacher as a possible pedophile.
Ai is a character that she doesn’t even seem to know what her truth is and like all the girls in this anime, she feels guilty for what they did, I think this return to school can help that.
Apr 2, 2021 2:07 PM
Dec 2020
Srsly I was ready to throw my phone at the last minute.....😡😡😡
Apr 5, 2021 3:27 AM
Jan 2020
At first I didn't think this was like WIXOSS or Yuri Kuma, but now I kinda feel like it is like those things. Mostly in that they have the same execution as one another.

This is definitely WIXOSS all over again, I really wanted to like that show too but I just find myself like, "Finally, another episode is over." In the end I bet the revelation will be super underwhelming, but they are going to try and present it in a way that tries to exaggerate how dark and tragic it is.

These fights are getting less and less impressive. I guess that's not particularly the point of the show though. I figured the fighting is what would've made it graphic and what would've given it an R rating. I'm not even really sure why this has an R rating? I'd say it's PG-13 at most.

The final scenes were kinda weird. In general, this show appears to be getting lazier and lazier. It just shows the characters doing random things and continually withholds information. I wish things would start happening, we're at the half-way point. I was expecting a little bit of progress.
"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Apr 5, 2021 7:19 PM
Jan 2021
I was about to quite if she said I love u at the end
Apr 7, 2021 6:33 AM
May 2020
i thought that ohto was gonna say that she loved sensei ahlie
Apr 22, 2021 9:50 AM
Oct 2019
My god, I'm here for the story.
But damn The Fight Scene Animation was Beautiful...
My Eyes are orgasm right now... Lmao

Sensei and Ai mom gonna get married???
Sensei still sus.

But seriously why Ai decided back to school?
Apr 29, 2021 3:55 PM

Mar 2018
"Those who stand out pay for it, in any time and in any world"


This show so far is not making good use of it's premise that could easily provide for a captivating story, instead going for the easier to digest light SOL-like atmosphere to carry the premise, which is struggling to even maintain enjoyment and interest on that atmosphere to begin with. Looking like a 6/10 so far, which has me seriously questioning it's weighted score. Alas, I'll continue on and try to enjoy it for what it is and hope for improvement.
Jun 21, 2021 8:46 AM

Feb 2021
I swear I thought she was going to say I like you in the last scene for a second I was going to start flipping tables—

Honestly is it just me that doesn’t trust that sawaki dude ? Idk there’s something wrong with him..? Can’t point it out but there’s that feeling.
Jul 5, 2021 5:44 PM
May 2021
Ai's "pet" reminded me of Yoshi lol
Jul 12, 2021 3:46 AM

Jun 2017
i feel like there's some symbolism or some shit that's going on after ai runs outta the shower that i don't understand

the teacher drama stuff sounds stupid & i really hope it doesn't develop into what it presents itself at face-value
Jul 17, 2021 10:59 AM

Jul 2015
You know stuff is getting serious now that the four heroes say the title name and also each got their own adorable pet. Lot to take in for Ai there with the teacher possibly involved in Koito's suicide and her mom having fallen in love with each other. Nice to see at the end that she decided to go to school again.

Sep 10, 2021 9:29 AM

Aug 2018
Antis came from not seeing, hm.. Interesting concept.. Well, I mean, is hate coming from not seeing sometimes?.. Maybe?.. Maybe not?.. Depends, I imagine.. Maybe sometimes we can start hating something, because, for example, we're not looking at what we ourselves can do to get something we want.. Like hating hurt people, because they make you feel uncomfortable or something.. But sometimes you can just hate something, just because you hate it, something like hating vegetables, or just hating the aesthetic you don't like, and that's all.. So depends.. But concept is interesting..
Title drop.. But well.. Do we prioritize saving them over everything else?.. Do we?.. Maybe yes?.. Maybe not fully?.. Who knows..
Hating heroes?.. How hating heroes can be born from trying not to see?.. Well, ok, lets take exact example.. Like you at first trying not to see that someone is bullied.. But starting to hate then some hero, who'd protect the bullied person?.. Hm....... I don't know how it works.. Maybe I'll think about something later..
Feeding on haters.. Who is metaphorically feeding on haters, hm.. Also, by the way, it's a bit suspicious they use "warmth" of person to exist.. Well, possible energy suck.. But not necessary, of course..
Well.. You exist in the world, where some magic happens and you hope to save dead person.. Why not to trust person who sees someone dead persons and their anger?.. Well, it can still sound strange, though, it's alright.. Just that.. Maybe it's not that strange, after all..
And well.. Ai believes eye-patch girl in the end.. Sometimes there are some things we can't see, but which can hurt us, don't we?.. As well as sometimes something can hurt us, what not everyone will understand..
Not sure, why Ai decided to return to school.. Because she wants to meet sensei?.. Fell in love with person, who looked differently at her?.. Well.. Yabai, but also starting going to school.. Also not 100% sure on this explanation, case might be different..
Oct 8, 2021 5:00 PM

Apr 2019
Now there's a girl who sees supernatural things in real life, ok, ok... It's not enough for the shit of dramas with serious themes to be treated so stupidly, agoda has even more stupid things. This anime junk will end up making it into one of the worst animes of all time.
Oct 9, 2021 3:59 PM

Jul 2021
Ahh interesting episode, the part with ai's mum and the teacher was so predictable though. The second she said they want to talk about something I knew it was coming.

And the litle creatures they have are so cute :] I forgot what they were called already, but I hope we get to see the other 3 in action and not just Ai's.

Also was I seeing things or had Ai cut her hair so both her eyes are visible?? I don't see anyone here talking about that, since if I wasn't seeing things and that was the case that seems to be some pretty good character development on her part
Oct 18, 2021 9:32 PM

Aug 2017
I think the teacher isn't evil, it will obvious it was the case but idk. That ending was pretty surprising.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Nov 26, 2021 3:53 PM

Oct 2013
Aww, their pet helpers are sooo cute. :)
Sep 1, 2022 2:13 AM
Aug 2022
so emoi!!!!!!!!!
Dec 19, 2022 6:54 PM
Sep 2014
Ai is a spoiled, selfish brat and her drama is stupid. Her mom is a saint, really. I wouldn't have that patience if Ai were my daughter.
Feb 25, 2023 8:22 AM
Aug 2018
I thought Ai's decision to go back to school was just a screenwriter's whim.
NocturnSunshower said:
The reason Ai wants to go back to school is to  check if the bead chain can make her see Koito's ghost. It seems many here missed her grabbing it after getting out of the bathtub.
So that's what it is!
Mar 8, 2023 8:50 AM

Aug 2019
that title drop was cringe <.<
I swear this anime keeps getting more random and weirder every episode. It's not like i'm hating it.... but I have my complaints
I get why there's a change in Ai's character but did she have to go from a super depressed to a (although not always as we see in thus ep) happy go lucky girl in just one episode? this shift of character happened at the end of episode 1 so it's kinda pointless to mention now but idk. Again, I get why they did it but they should've at least developed it better cause it felt too sudden.
Something else that feels sudden is the possibility that she could have a crush on the teacher. But hopefully I'm betting that it's just a false alarm 'cause there's just no way I'm buying that.

May 3, 2023 8:05 PM
Jun 2016
idk if its super obvious that the sensei has something evil, that end up in the suicyd of othos´s friend, or its made up to see in that way, but it feels very very akward the whole situation whit him
May 6, 2023 7:26 PM

Dec 2022
I knew there was something going on between the teacher and her mom...
And I feel like there were no ghosts, that little girl was just schizophrenic..
And, that last scene, she really had us in the first half.
Jun 3, 2023 3:11 PM
May 2023
I liked it a lot! I would really suggest to everyone watching to take a step back and apreciate the acuracy of the industry of filming and the drama that comes with it. 10/10 cant wait for the nezt ep.
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