Higehiro: After Being Rejected, I Shaved and Took in a High School Runaway (light novel)
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Apr 27, 2021 7:05 PM
So this episode has taught me that Gotou is either extremely stupid, extremely manipulative, or both. "Oh, actually I really like you but last week just wasn't the right time." That is the stupidest thing she could've possibly said in the situation. |
Apr 27, 2021 10:56 PM
Apr 28, 2021 3:24 AM
Shinuki_n_Reborn said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Not surprised there's ton of hate for Gotou the LN readers are saying she's good so I think I'm gonna trust them people are looking at this as if it is a romcom, where everyone is trying to win the Yoshida Cup. But the story is meant to be about a damaged youngster and how her past has affected her. Whether Gotou and Yoshida get together isn't the main issue here. They don't understand that the rejection from ep 1 one was just a plot device that is meant to start the event of this story Everyone is in harem mode! And, when it comes down to it, who might understand Sayu's situation, Yoshida or Gotou or Mishima? Some people have elevated Yoshida into some kind of God. But it took a female to give him a warning in this episode, and he didn't seem to be particularly prepared for it, despite all the rationalising he was doing in his head. Yup they're treating this Rent-A-Girlfriend when its probably going more for Barakamon or San-Gatsu no Lion angle of having a surrogate family Yes, rent a girlfriend for sure!! Too many harem anime and now everyone is suspicious!! Considering the subject matter, I'm surprised that no one is wondering why Gotou would have no experience at her age, rather than criticising her! Yeah that's the only thing I find odd about her character but she looking to be great character in my opinion I'm looking forward to people realising how good she is and that there have been a lot of clues in there from early on, if only they thought about the story and didn't focus on the rent a girlfriend nonsense. Her actions are all pretty reasonable and understandable. Seems like having a large chest, being 28 and being attractive makes someone untrustworthy. Lots a strange prejudices for her crime of not revealing her life story to her coworker. Well my friend, look around you, is a otaku forum full of "i was never able to get that super hot girl i liked" otakus commenting about romance, you can't expect much maturity, funny thing is that if any of these were in Yoshida's place they would already be dating Gotou in a heartbeat. Yes, spot on. I don't consider myself to be the most enlightened guy around but some of the mysogyny is quite amazing. It seems that benig successful, attractive and knowing what you want, and how you want to do things makes you untrustworthy. This, in a world where we watch harem anime all the time and the guy is able to be indecisive and change his mind every 5 minutes. I suppose half of these shows are written by frustrated guys who try to base the MC on themselves, which is why we see so many stories where a totally ordinary guy is being chased by 4 or 5 women. A lot of the viewers seem to be exactly the same. Yoshida isn't anything special, all these conspiracy theories as to why she would be plotting to get him are ridiculous. She has a better job than him and could get guys that were just as good or better at the drop of a hat. Considering the main plot, I'm amazed that no one is looking at it in a different way, and everyone is thinking that she is the typical harem contestant. |
Apr 28, 2021 3:26 AM
Gazz said: That Sayu flashback. If you look closely, there is a scene where she is naked and theres a some sort of white liquid in her hand. I hope I'm wrong but I think her guy before Yoshida makes her drink his cumshot, hence why it makes her vommit while eating good food. Gotou is a sweet girl. You cant hate her unless you are a Sayu worshipper. I hope Sayu dont get jealous of her. She can be a good motherly figure for her. Everything will be fine. Just dont do anythjng like running away and let Yoshida takes care of you. Exactly, there are a lot of reasons why Gotou could look out for and understand Sayu far more than Yoshida can. But people are still thinking that this should be a competition. |
Apr 28, 2021 3:36 AM
Ahaxx said: Koustubh said: Damn people are really hating Gotou, that's funny. ๐๐๐ Anyway, people are going to like her in the next episode anyway when she confronts Sayu and makes her spit out the truth when Yoshida goes out to buy stuff for cooking food. Damn, that's gonna hit hard, if adapted well. That conversation was very good in the manga. Hope the anime does it justice as well. Anyway, easy 5/5 Read that chapter few hours ago because I didn't want to wait till next week it was great Gotou doesn't deserve the hate Yes, the anime has to do it justice. The scene at his house is one of the most important in the story. Hopefully, people will see that they got this wrong. There are more similarities there than people think. It is how they dealt with it that is different. |
Apr 28, 2021 4:54 AM
kiwixcoke said: Ok wtf, why does Yoshida go out with Gotou, when there is the blonde girl who is more genuine and attractive? Cose hes into older women with big boobs. He said it himself, like 3 times already, you need to pay attention bro :) |
Apr 28, 2021 6:14 AM
I wonder if I'm watching the same show. Airi came across as sincerely afraid of getting into a serious relationship (you know, the type that involves sex) Yoshida made it clear that he isn't interested in her passively accepting they might end up fucking, he wants her to ask him out as a way of her demonstrating that she actively wants sex to be part of the deal. |
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra |
Apr 28, 2021 6:37 AM
I admit i was not expecting much from this show, but am blown away. It has zoomed to the top of my favorites list passing just about everything of its genre and most of the rest as well. It has style, depth, fine fine character development and wonderful art and dialog. It is bottom line one of the bet and most mature shows about human sharing and relations I have maybe seen ever in anime. I am so encouraged that such a fine show could emerge in what is otherwise a pretty dry season,or quarter. well done Studio and Director, VA and staff. Can't wait to see what happens. In fact i have rewatched the episodes now once already and that is very unusual for me. Let's keep going! And i expect and hope that she has invited her new and sassy blond friend to help face down the potential girl friend boss. we will see. btw the blond girl is NOT attractive really, but she is a good support role. I have no interest at all in seeing her take any kind of active role in the show. |
Apr 28, 2021 6:43 AM
i dont really trust that women but lets see... the glimpse of Sayu's past made really curious |
No matter who much you regret or wish, if you couldn't do something in life, you can't do it after death, either. - Hanako |
Apr 28, 2021 7:20 AM
Why couldn't Sayu get a part-time job earlier instead of selling her body... |
Always the same… Every age, every generation. Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell ~Dantalion (Makai Ouji) |
Apr 28, 2021 7:49 AM
To make things simple - the Harem... Sayu - Troubled teenager (had a major trauma before running away - hinted at in flashback) who has developed a crush on Yoshida and can't understand why he won't have sex with her because she feels it's the only thing of worth she has to offer him. Asami - Astute teenager working at store, Sayu's first friend since running away, very smart and switched on, clocks the "relationship" they have and takes it on herself to protect Sayu and likes Yoshida (not romantically), she's not what she at first seems. Mishima - Younger blond haired co-worker who has a crush on Yoshida, looks like she's being setup as the unrequited member of the Yoshida harem - might cause trouble later out of spite due to loosing her man. Gotou - Older big busted love interest for Yoshida, if she wasn't so hesitant they'd probably be at it like rabbits, she's 100% his type and she's interested but overly-cautious. Ex-Girlfriend - Older woman, probably won't show up until Ep.7 but what happens when she does will be very interesting provided they adapt it well. Yoshida - self confessed older woman, big tiddy lover and has had the hots for Gotou for 5 years, has firm beliefs in how a relationship should work and how partners need to love and respect each other before committing to having sex. Also repeatedly states "He's not into teenagers". Has feeling for Sayu but has a hard red-line he won't cross. Most of this information is taken from the Anime and LN that's been covered to this point (Vol 1 & 2) - a lot of dialogue with Gotou and Yoshida was omitted from the restaurant that would have cleared things up. |
Apr 28, 2021 7:51 AM
Maou_heika said: Why couldn't Sayu get a part-time job earlier instead of selling her body... Because she needed a fixed home address and a guardian's signature (which Yoshida did) to get a job as she's only 17. |
Apr 28, 2021 7:59 AM
I hate Gotou so god damn much. How are you going to string my man along like that...get jealous and then go "TeeHee Jk I love you" Nah thats Bullshit. Yoshida deserves better then that snake woman. Sayu past Trauma coming back to haunt her... please protect this child T_T |
Listen to my podcast https://anchor.fm/waifusandweeaboos Follow my twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/sorasensei1 Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile "You can have multiple Waifus" -me |
Apr 28, 2021 10:13 AM
Gazz said: That Sayu flashback. If you look closely, there is a scene where she is naked and theres a some sort of white liquid in her hand. I hope I'm wrong but I think her guy before Yoshida makes her drink his cumshot, hence why it makes her vommit while eating good food. Gotou is a sweet girl. You cant hate her unless you are a Sayu worshipper. I hope Sayu dont get jealous of her. She can be a good motherly figure for her. Everything will be fine. Just dont do anythjng like running away and let Yoshida takes care of you. Lmao. That's hilarious but I don't think that's what it was. She remembered when she wasn't alone and had a friend. Broad guess here but maybe her friend was being abused and Sayu tried to take her place. Her friend is gone, maybe suicide or something else. That would explain why her parents aren't looking for her. After a scandal like that her family was probably ashamed. |
Apr 28, 2021 12:07 PM
penrhos said: To make things simple - the Harem... Sayu - Troubled teenager (had a major trauma before running away - hinted at in flashback) who has developed a crush on Yoshida and can't understand why he won't have sex with her because she feels it's the only thing of worth she has to offer him. Asami - Astute teenager working at store, Sayu's first friend since running away, very smart and switched on, clocks the "relationship" they have and takes it on herself to protect Sayu and likes Yoshida (not romantically), she's not what she at first seems. Mishima - Younger blond haired co-worker who has a crush on Yoshida, looks like she's being setup as the unrequited member of the Yoshida harem - might cause trouble later out of spite due to loosing her man. Gotou - Older big busted love interest for Yoshida, if she wasn't so hesitant they'd probably be at it like rabbits, she's 100% his type and she's interested but overly-cautious. Ex-Girlfriend - Older woman, probably won't show up until Ep.7 but what happens when she does will be very interesting provided they adapt it well. Yoshida - self confessed older woman, big tiddy lover and has had the hots for Gotou for 5 years, has firm beliefs in how a relationship should work and how partners need to love and respect each other before committing to having sex. Also repeatedly states "He's not into teenagers". Has feeling for Sayu but has a hard red-line he won't cross. Most of this information is taken from the Anime and LN that's been covered to this point (Vol 1 & 2) - a lot of dialogue with Gotou and Yoshida was omitted from the restaurant that would have cleared things up. Yoshida just needs to get the Hell out of Dodge, all these girls/women have issues. |
Apr 28, 2021 12:20 PM
Maou_heika said: Why couldn't Sayu get a part-time job earlier instead of selling her body... I would think it's because you can't make enough doing part-time to pay for lodging... |
Apr 28, 2021 12:43 PM
Apr 28, 2021 12:55 PM
kiwixcoke said: AlexGK said: kiwixcoke said: Ok wtf, why does Yoshida go out with Gotou, when there is the blonde girl who is more genuine and attractive? Cose hes into older women with big boobs. He said it himself, like 3 times already, you need to pay attention bro :) I'd rather date someone who isn't fake and nosey into who I'm seeing and what I'm doing in my day to day life, then have someone with just 'big boobs' I don't think you understand my point, you need to pay more attention bro :) I am totally with you, but its not up to who we would date, its up to who he wants. Your question was why and I answered that. Maybe you didnt mean this as a question, but rather as a rant at his stupidity :) |
Apr 28, 2021 1:39 PM
Rather than getting hung up on the Gotou lunch then back to Yoshida's flat to see Sayu plot twist, I'm surprised more people aren't commenting on the contents of the flashback that makes Sayu throw up. It starts about 20 mins into the episode - if you slow playback to 0.25 you can clearly see some major hints. you can see what looks like a girl - possibly Sayu (as it's from the girls POV) being raped down a dark alley and another girl preparing to jump from a railing presumably committing suicide. So I'm calling it as Sayu and a friend were out late, both got raped, Sayu's friend committed suicide because of it and her parents threw her out because of the "Shame" That's why Yoshida couldn't find a missing persons report for Sayu and that's why she let herself be used for sex in exchange for a roof over her head. |
penrhosApr 29, 2021 3:19 AM
Apr 28, 2021 3:16 PM
Shinuki_n_Reborn said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Not surprised there's ton of hate for Gotou the LN readers are saying she's good so I think I'm gonna trust them people are looking at this as if it is a romcom, where everyone is trying to win the Yoshida Cup. But the story is meant to be about a damaged youngster and how her past has affected her. Whether Gotou and Yoshida get together isn't the main issue here. They don't understand that the rejection from ep 1 one was just a plot device that is meant to start the event of this story Everyone is in harem mode! And, when it comes down to it, who might understand Sayu's situation, Yoshida or Gotou or Mishima? Some people have elevated Yoshida into some kind of God. But it took a female to give him a warning in this episode, and he didn't seem to be particularly prepared for it, despite all the rationalising he was doing in his head. Yup they're treating this Rent-A-Girlfriend when its probably going more for Barakamon or San-Gatsu no Lion angle of having a surrogate family Yes, rent a girlfriend for sure!! Too many harem anime and now everyone is suspicious!! Considering the subject matter, I'm surprised that no one is wondering why Gotou would have no experience at her age, rather than criticising her! Yeah that's the only thing I find odd about her character but she looking to be great character in my opinion I'm looking forward to people realising how good she is and that there have been a lot of clues in there from early on, if only they thought about the story and didn't focus on the rent a girlfriend nonsense. Her actions are all pretty reasonable and understandable. Seems like having a large chest, being 28 and being attractive makes someone untrustworthy. Lots a strange prejudices for her crime of not revealing her life story to her coworker. Well my friend, look around you, is a otaku forum full of "i was never able to get that super hot girl i liked" otakus commenting about romance, you can't expect much maturity, funny thing is that if any of these were in Yoshida's place they would already be dating Gotou in a heartbeat. Gab5 said: Shinuki_n_Reborn said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Not surprised there's ton of hate for Gotou the LN readers are saying she's good so I think I'm gonna trust them people are looking at this as if it is a romcom, where everyone is trying to win the Yoshida Cup. But the story is meant to be about a damaged youngster and how her past has affected her. Whether Gotou and Yoshida get together isn't the main issue here. They don't understand that the rejection from ep 1 one was just a plot device that is meant to start the event of this story Everyone is in harem mode! And, when it comes down to it, who might understand Sayu's situation, Yoshida or Gotou or Mishima? Some people have elevated Yoshida into some kind of God. But it took a female to give him a warning in this episode, and he didn't seem to be particularly prepared for it, despite all the rationalising he was doing in his head. Yup they're treating this Rent-A-Girlfriend when its probably going more for Barakamon or San-Gatsu no Lion angle of having a surrogate family Yes, rent a girlfriend for sure!! Too many harem anime and now everyone is suspicious!! Considering the subject matter, I'm surprised that no one is wondering why Gotou would have no experience at her age, rather than criticising her! Yeah that's the only thing I find odd about her character but she looking to be great character in my opinion I'm looking forward to people realising how good she is and that there have been a lot of clues in there from early on, if only they thought about the story and didn't focus on the rent a girlfriend nonsense. Her actions are all pretty reasonable and understandable. Seems like having a large chest, being 28 and being attractive makes someone untrustworthy. Lots a strange prejudices for her crime of not revealing her life story to her coworker. Well my friend, look around you, is a otaku forum full of "i was never able to get that super hot girl i liked" otakus commenting about romance, you can't expect much maturity, funny thing is that if any of these were in Yoshida's place they would already be dating Gotou in a heartbeat. Yes, spot on. I don't consider myself to be the most enlightened guy around but some of the mysogyny is quite amazing. It seems that benig successful, attractive and knowing what you want, and how you want to do things makes you untrustworthy. This, in a world where we watch harem anime all the time and the guy is able to be indecisive and change his mind every 5 minutes. I suppose half of these shows are written by frustrated guys who try to base the MC on themselves, which is why we see so many stories where a totally ordinary guy is being chased by 4 or 5 women. A lot of the viewers seem to be exactly the same. Yoshida isn't anything special, all these conspiracy theories as to why she would be plotting to get him are ridiculous. She has a better job than him and could get guys that were just as good or better at the drop of a hat. Considering the main plot, I'm amazed that no one is looking at it in a different way, and everyone is thinking that she is the typical harem contestant. I don't usually use this word often because it's kinda lost all it's meaning kinda like the word simp both them are used to insult men online. But all the extremely toxic comments like "goutou needs to die" or "I want to kill Gotou" sounds like 4chan Incel shit no normal guy will say something like that. |
Apr 28, 2021 4:48 PM
This Gotou is definitely playing , she just like the attention of having guys crushing on her lmao |
Apr 28, 2021 5:57 PM
Two anime about romances featuring adult men and high school females, both of which I ship the main characters with each other and their rivals. Gotou is a nice, mommy waifu. |
Apr 28, 2021 5:57 PM
Gotou virgin? Yeah, of course... lul. She should just disappear from the anime. The new girl was cute tho |
Apr 28, 2021 6:03 PM
the main character should just be like https://youtu.be/iIoQ-W6cHmI?t=575 |
Apr 28, 2021 6:54 PM
Decided to keep on watching this anime. Yay for Sayu, nay for Gotou, as how Backstreet Boys would sing: "Quit Playing Games With My Heart" |
![]() |
Apr 28, 2021 6:59 PM
Sayu remembered what happened to her friend(?) in the past. Did her friend commit suicide? Yoshida brings Gotou to his place. Because of that Sayu thought she was going to get abandoned again, but the kind Yoshida won't let her leave! Really owo |
Apr 29, 2021 4:54 AM
Ahaxx said: Shinuki_n_Reborn said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Not surprised there's ton of hate for Gotou the LN readers are saying she's good so I think I'm gonna trust them people are looking at this as if it is a romcom, where everyone is trying to win the Yoshida Cup. But the story is meant to be about a damaged youngster and how her past has affected her. Whether Gotou and Yoshida get together isn't the main issue here. They don't understand that the rejection from ep 1 one was just a plot device that is meant to start the event of this story Everyone is in harem mode! And, when it comes down to it, who might understand Sayu's situation, Yoshida or Gotou or Mishima? Some people have elevated Yoshida into some kind of God. But it took a female to give him a warning in this episode, and he didn't seem to be particularly prepared for it, despite all the rationalising he was doing in his head. Yup they're treating this Rent-A-Girlfriend when its probably going more for Barakamon or San-Gatsu no Lion angle of having a surrogate family Yes, rent a girlfriend for sure!! Too many harem anime and now everyone is suspicious!! Considering the subject matter, I'm surprised that no one is wondering why Gotou would have no experience at her age, rather than criticising her! Yeah that's the only thing I find odd about her character but she looking to be great character in my opinion I'm looking forward to people realising how good she is and that there have been a lot of clues in there from early on, if only they thought about the story and didn't focus on the rent a girlfriend nonsense. Her actions are all pretty reasonable and understandable. Seems like having a large chest, being 28 and being attractive makes someone untrustworthy. Lots a strange prejudices for her crime of not revealing her life story to her coworker. Well my friend, look around you, is a otaku forum full of "i was never able to get that super hot girl i liked" otakus commenting about romance, you can't expect much maturity, funny thing is that if any of these were in Yoshida's place they would already be dating Gotou in a heartbeat. Gab5 said: Shinuki_n_Reborn said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Gab5 said: Ahaxx said: Not surprised there's ton of hate for Gotou the LN readers are saying she's good so I think I'm gonna trust them people are looking at this as if it is a romcom, where everyone is trying to win the Yoshida Cup. But the story is meant to be about a damaged youngster and how her past has affected her. Whether Gotou and Yoshida get together isn't the main issue here. They don't understand that the rejection from ep 1 one was just a plot device that is meant to start the event of this story Everyone is in harem mode! And, when it comes down to it, who might understand Sayu's situation, Yoshida or Gotou or Mishima? Some people have elevated Yoshida into some kind of God. But it took a female to give him a warning in this episode, and he didn't seem to be particularly prepared for it, despite all the rationalising he was doing in his head. Yup they're treating this Rent-A-Girlfriend when its probably going more for Barakamon or San-Gatsu no Lion angle of having a surrogate family Yes, rent a girlfriend for sure!! Too many harem anime and now everyone is suspicious!! Considering the subject matter, I'm surprised that no one is wondering why Gotou would have no experience at her age, rather than criticising her! Yeah that's the only thing I find odd about her character but she looking to be great character in my opinion I'm looking forward to people realising how good she is and that there have been a lot of clues in there from early on, if only they thought about the story and didn't focus on the rent a girlfriend nonsense. Her actions are all pretty reasonable and understandable. Seems like having a large chest, being 28 and being attractive makes someone untrustworthy. Lots a strange prejudices for her crime of not revealing her life story to her coworker. Well my friend, look around you, is a otaku forum full of "i was never able to get that super hot girl i liked" otakus commenting about romance, you can't expect much maturity, funny thing is that if any of these were in Yoshida's place they would already be dating Gotou in a heartbeat. Yes, spot on. I don't consider myself to be the most enlightened guy around but some of the mysogyny is quite amazing. It seems that benig successful, attractive and knowing what you want, and how you want to do things makes you untrustworthy. This, in a world where we watch harem anime all the time and the guy is able to be indecisive and change his mind every 5 minutes. I suppose half of these shows are written by frustrated guys who try to base the MC on themselves, which is why we see so many stories where a totally ordinary guy is being chased by 4 or 5 women. A lot of the viewers seem to be exactly the same. Yoshida isn't anything special, all these conspiracy theories as to why she would be plotting to get him are ridiculous. She has a better job than him and could get guys that were just as good or better at the drop of a hat. Considering the main plot, I'm amazed that no one is looking at it in a different way, and everyone is thinking that she is the typical harem contestant. I don't usually use this word often because it's kinda lost all it's meaning kinda like the word simp both them are used to insult men online. But all the extremely toxic comments like "goutou needs to die" or "I want to kill Gotou" sounds like 4chan Incel shit no normal guy will say something like that. Yes, it is pretty scary to see the weird things that people say while at home on their keyboards. These are people walking around freely on the streets!! |
Apr 29, 2021 6:00 AM
maidcafe said: Gotou virgin? Yeah, of course... Why's that not possible? |
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra |
Apr 29, 2021 7:31 AM
I like that Sayu is taking the initiative and getting a job to help out. I really like Asami and I'm excited to see her and Sayu's friendship development. If Gotou liked Yoshida all along, in my opinion, she should've just said "I like you too I'm just not ready to date" or something like that instead of leaving him hanging like that. |
Apr 29, 2021 11:37 AM
BRO WE HAD THE WHOLE LAST EPISODE teaching that bitch sayu to stop being a bitch and she still is. like just gtfo my screen and let us see gotou for a little while jesus christ i hate sayu wish she wasn't one of the main characters. |
Apr 29, 2021 11:40 AM
It's possible, I just don't believe her |
Apr 29, 2021 11:40 AM
this man rlly let a girl bust into his house. disrespect him in his own house. and kept quiet this is legit naoto hachioji 2.0. as i expected this anime isn't going to get better i will continue it cuz i don't like dropping anime but yea i've given up on it fuck sayu. |
Apr 29, 2021 11:42 AM
The chad Airi>the slut sayu ๐ฅฑ |
Apr 29, 2021 11:49 AM
Because so many people are stupid or jealous of an anime character. People who love Sayu saying that she's playing games. He has a 17 year old trying to get in bed with him in his flat for a place to stay!! I think there is other game playing he needs to be more concerned about. |
Apr 29, 2021 1:31 PM
Yeah yeah yeah good episode, my only question....does anyone know the idea behind the gal slang CHASO honorific? I know I've heard it before but never thought about it. Thanks |
Apr 29, 2021 9:24 PM
The first half with Asami was fun to watch. I didn't like the second half, though. I do not like Gotou; everything about her seems really fake. |
![]() Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol. |
Apr 30, 2021 6:41 AM
So we get a short glimpse of Sayu's past, Gotou and Yoshida meet up and dinner at Yoshida's place. I wonder how Gotou meeting Sayu will go. She already met Yuzuha and it felt like a older sister type relationship. I find it hard to believe Gotou likes Yoshida. She looks kinda jealous when he's on his phone messaging or talking to Yuzuha. So to me seems like she wants him to keep his focus on her. |
Apr 30, 2021 6:42 AM
Because we've seen similar types of plots, everyone is alrerady angry at Gotou because the most likely scenario is that she will reveal itself as the "villain" and only do that to manipulate MC and feel needed. And also, I can see a good part of the viewers wanting this to become a love triangle and root for Sayu. However, despite the fact she could have handled the situation better in ep. 1, she hasn't done anything wrong yet objectively speaking. If the show wanted to be interesting, it should go for the unexpected yet natural route: Gotou and MC slowly develop romance and Sayu slowly develops as someone more mature and independent. But that's probably never gonna happen, and we will sell Sayu develop as the love interest for the MC, which is just a really stupid decision. |
Apr 30, 2021 6:58 AM
thiago52192 said: Because we've seen similar types of plots, everyone is alrerady angry at Gotou because the most likely scenario is that she will reveal itself as the "villain" and only do that to manipulate MC and feel needed. And also, I can see a good part of the viewers wanting this to become a love triangle and root for Sayu. However, despite the fact she could have handled the situation better in ep. 1, she hasn't done anything wrong yet objectively speaking. If the show wanted to be interesting, it should go for the unexpected yet natural route: Gotou and MC slowly develop romance and Sayu slowly develops as someone more mature and independent. But that's probably never gonna happen, and we will sell Sayu develop as the love interest for the MC, which is just a really stupid decision. I don't get how you can make a reasoned defense of Airi against everyone angry at her and fall into the same trap yourself by declaring that the MC falling for Sayu would be "just a really stupid decision" Either is a plausible end point, it's only the handling of the journey to either outcome that might be stupid. |
Quantum ille canis est in fenestra |
Apr 30, 2021 7:21 AM
borderliner said: thiago52192 said: Because we've seen similar types of plots, everyone is alrerady angry at Gotou because the most likely scenario is that she will reveal itself as the "villain" and only do that to manipulate MC and feel needed. And also, I can see a good part of the viewers wanting this to become a love triangle and root for Sayu. However, despite the fact she could have handled the situation better in ep. 1, she hasn't done anything wrong yet objectively speaking. If the show wanted to be interesting, it should go for the unexpected yet natural route: Gotou and MC slowly develop romance and Sayu slowly develops as someone more mature and independent. But that's probably never gonna happen, and we will sell Sayu develop as the love interest for the MC, which is just a really stupid decision. I don't get how you can make a reasoned defense of Airi against everyone angry at her and fall into the same trap yourself by declaring that the MC falling for Sayu would be "just a really stupid decision" Either is a plausible end point, it's only the handling of the journey to either outcome that might be stupid. Although I'll agree the overall journey is what will mostly make the outcome be stupid, I still can't find Sayu as the love interest of MC a wise decision considering how their relationship started and currently work much better from a siblings standpoint. The show could introduce arcs that could slowly change this, but they have to be extremely well written. And considering what it has given so far, it will probably develop their romantic relationship with forced scenarios. But I'll also admit that I can be wrong. |
Apr 30, 2021 11:09 AM
Amazing how many people are against a 28 year old virgin, even disputing whether she is or not, considering what this show is about. Why would she lie? What is so special about Yoshida that someone in a better job, who is attractive and smart, would be plotting for? I think a lot of guys have a higher opinion of themselves than is reasonable. She has no reason to lie or cheat to get this guy, he's bang average. If Gotou had been more like Sayu, she wouldn't be a virgin, that's for sure, how is that a bad thing? And, yet, people expect her to fall at the feet of a guy who the show has made clear that he spends half the time staring at her boobs. And then he asks her to sleep with him to prove that she likes him. That's really mature. Had she been Sayu, she would have done it. Had Yoshida treated her a bit more like he treated Sayu, not as a child but with a bit of restraint, maybe they would have be going out together already. She has said more about what she likes about Yoshida than he has. All he has said is that he wants to sleep with her, asked her what her cup size is and spent the rest of the time looking at her tits. She's his senior at work, she'd be crazy to go out with him at the moment. Yoshida is not the same guy with Gotou that he is with Sayu. I wonder about some people's approach to dating if they think that staring at boobs and talking about sleeping with someone and asking them their cup size is the way to get a girlfriend. I'd expect a slap in the face. If Yoshida ends up with Sayu, without a significant time skip where she grows up and stands on her own two feet, how is he any better than the guys who took advantage of her? Because he waited for her to get to the right age? If he, or anyone else, says that 'it just evolved' that would be pretty convenient and you would have to wonder how he never saw that coming. |
Gab5Apr 30, 2021 11:17 AM
May 1, 2021 5:04 AM
I feel that I-cup snake is lying! |
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there." "Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life." |
May 1, 2021 8:00 AM
Yoshida is......I would sleep with him too. In a heartbeat. Gojou is.....yer a fool. What is up with her lol I liked how Asami talked about how you don’t get to choose who you meet; and you’re lucky to meet good people. Sayu has met another friend who cares for her, even tho they have just met. Asami is already looking out for her & understanding her, how sweet. I’m excited to see how Gotou is going to treat Sayu. It would be predictable if she’s just going being vindictive/mean/jealous. From the OP, it seemed like the different girls will uplift/support her. I wonder if she’s going to be kind & show empathy, just like Mishima did. We shall see! Also I love the OP visuals, it’s so detailed, shows how important each character is & looks like there would be a ton going on. |
๊ค but i’ll probably remember over and over again you were there and everyone else was there — the day we all searched for just one thing ๊ค |
May 2, 2021 1:16 AM
Ah yes, best girl Asami is finally here. Get yourself a friends who's as observant, supportive and charismatic as her. That's it for this episode lol. |
May 2, 2021 3:49 PM
OOOOh Gotou san you bimbo 1st you dumped the guy and now you wanna be with the guy. |
May 2, 2021 5:57 PM
Team Godou! Honestly, I was thinking she's playing with him but those eyes don't lie. Don't really understand what date means when they are both visiting the restaurant regularly and she already properly confessed (she even said kokuhaku suru) but well. Now, this is interesting contrast because we have young girl with awful lot of experience on one side and vigin onee-san type on the other side. Their interaction will be surely very interesting in the future, provided they will start seeing each other regularly (my guess is they will start eating at his place with Sayu cooking for them, else her kitchen skill wouldn't be emphasized in this episode.. although other people may join too at this point). Also, Hashimoto is listed as main for this series and right now he only has side-role, so he is still waiting for his spotlight (or is this quiet married coworker actual villain afterall?). And the last scene simply comfirmed my thoughts. She was really raped (by her mother's new boyfriend?) and then she tried to suicide by jumping from school roof (or was it her best friend?). It seems the future developement will be even darker as her past is slowly unraveled. And I would bet that when everything would get finally happy to the point she would think she found the new home, the coworker guy who slept with her before returns from business trip and asks her for sex again. If she didn't run now, she will run in the future. And someone will probably try to rape her blond friend from konbini too. Else her safe return to home wouldn't be emphasized this time. We will be probably getting some carefree slice of life moments now until shit gets real around ep6-7. Edit: I just realized that OP already shown what happens in the future - she'll try to suicide again and he'll (hopefully) save her, only her phone gets wasted. And we also got snippet of what happens in the future: Look at Asami's hand here, going by similiar anime she is hiding some razor cuts on her left wrist. |
Mich666May 3, 2021 3:55 AM
May 2, 2021 6:33 PM
Horn_dawg_2019 said: OOOOh Gotou san you bimbo 1st you dumped the guy and now you wanna be with the guy. you can't dump someone that you aren't with. |
May 2, 2021 10:06 PM
May 3, 2021 11:33 PM
May 4, 2021 7:34 PM
That sayu's boss girl is really annoying, first day of work and shes already asking to go to her house and starts sticking her nose in her personal life? jesus On other hand, my image of gotou improved a bit after her confession, makes kinda understandable her behavior, but why has yoshida to be such an ass now? also asking her to sleep with him right after that is like, man... |
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