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Apr 27, 2021 3:32 PM
Jan 2021
Just wondering why there are so many votes for 10/10 and 9/10. I wouldn't rate this more than 7/10.

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KuniiOct 23, 2022 12:23 AM
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Apr 27, 2021 3:36 PM

Dec 2017
I know it's hard to believe but... people have different tastes and therefore they may not give the same score to a show that you have.
Apr 27, 2021 4:05 PM
Jan 2021
Cevoy said:
I know it's hard to believe but... people have different tastes and therefore they may not give the same score to a show that you have.

Yeah,thanks for stating the obvious. I want to know why this was to their taste.
Apr 27, 2021 4:10 PM

Oct 2020
I can see why people like it. Personally I agree with you, the movie was a little boring. The ending was pretty good tho.
Apr 27, 2021 4:16 PM

Sep 2018
I liked how it ended though I agree with you the movie was kind of slow.
Apr 27, 2021 4:18 PM
Jan 2021
It's a 10/10 IMO, great movie to end the series. The story and pacing are great, there's closure for every character, and really liked Utaha and Katou's characters as they're well written throughout the whole series.

Personal taste and enjoyment plays a big part in people's judgement, just like how you rate Rent a Girlfriend/Kanojo Okarishimasu an 8(I wouldn't even give it a 5 IMO since the story is shit with no progress, even MC character development is really slow in the manga, the series for the most part is a fanservice) or you give Your Name/Kimi no Na Wa and A Silent Voice/Koe no Katachi both a 10(while I think they're a 7 or 8 since there are lots of plotholes but the characters are great). As you see, people have different source of enjoyment. For example : mine are well written story and character with character development.
Hot_Green_TeaApr 27, 2021 4:47 PM
Apr 27, 2021 8:29 PM
Jan 2019
613_guy said:
Cevoy said:
I know it's hard to believe but... people have different tastes and therefore they may not give the same score to a show that you have.

Yeah,thanks for stating the obvious. I want to know why this was to their taste.

Because you can't rate a sequel as a stand-alone. As a sequel it was definitely a 10/10 masterpiece. The main characters were developed thoroughly in the first two seasons, and I think developing them more than that will be dragging out the series for money. It brought closure to every character and showed us what became of them in the future. I can't see why you would even rate it 7/10. BTW, your reply is hilarious.🤣🤣🤣
Apr 28, 2021 12:26 AM

Feb 2020
I guess The Ending was Satisfying for Everyone, Including me, That is why everyone fully enjoyed it rated accordingly.
Apr 28, 2021 1:52 AM

Sep 2018
Only 15% of those who watched and rated S1 have also watched and rated the movie.

It makes sense that most of them happen to be the ones who rated S1 9 or 10, skewing the mean score.
Apr 28, 2021 6:51 PM
Jan 2021
Hot_Green_Tea said:
It's a 10/10 IMO, great movie to end the series. The story and pacing are great, there's closure for every character, and really liked Utaha and Katou's characters as they're well written throughout the whole series.

Personal taste and enjoyment plays a big part in people's judgement, just like how you rate Rent a Girlfriend/Kanojo Okarishimasu an 8(I wouldn't even give it a 5 IMO since the story is shit with no progress, even MC character development is really slow in the manga, the series for the most part is a fanservice) or you give Your Name/Kimi no Na Wa and A Silent Voice/Koe no Katachi both a 10(while I think they're a 7 or 8 since there are lots of plotholes but the characters are great). As you see, people have different source of enjoyment. For example : mine are well written story and character with character development.

Thanks for laying out concretely why there are people who would rate it highly, like 10/10 yourself. I would have to disagree with your rating (just as you disagree with my ratings for different shows) because I did not see the qualities that you praise it for. I watched the whole series because I found it generally enjoyable but was confused about the increased rating with each season and the highest rating with this movie. If I wanted to rewatch this series (a factor in my rating), I would rate the show at least 8/10 but since I do not find myself wanting to rewatch it, it gets my maximum rating of 7/10.
Apr 28, 2021 6:52 PM
Dec 2010
Ewww, unrealistic crap.
Apr 28, 2021 6:59 PM
Jan 2021
D_E_A_T_H said:
613_guy said:

Yeah,thanks for stating the obvious. I want to know why this was to their taste.

Because you can't rate a sequel as a stand-alone. As a sequel it was definitely a 10/10 masterpiece. The main characters were developed thoroughly in the first two seasons, and I think developing them more than that will be dragging out the series for money. It brought closure to every character and showed us what became of them in the future. I can't see why you would even rate it 7/10. BTW, your reply is hilarious.🤣🤣🤣

I didn't rate it as a stand-alone, I watched the whole series because I found it generally enjoyable. Perhaps I was not as invested as those who gave it a 9/10 or 10/10. I found each sequel to be of similar quality to each other and did not feel like wanting to rewatch it (an important factor for my personal rating, and I need at least 8/10 to want to rewatch something).
Apr 28, 2021 7:16 PM
Jan 2021
Nirinbo said:
Only 15% of those who watched and rated S1 have also watched and rated the movie.

It makes sense that most of them happen to be the ones who rated S1 9 or 10, skewing the mean score.

Didn't know we could access these kinds of stats, thanks for sharing!
Apr 29, 2021 1:24 AM
Jan 2021
613_guy said:
Hot_Green_Tea said:
It's a 10/10 IMO, great movie to end the series. The story and pacing are great, there's closure for every character, and really liked Utaha and Katou's characters as they're well written throughout the whole series.

Personal taste and enjoyment plays a big part in people's judgement, just like how you rate Rent a Girlfriend/Kanojo Okarishimasu an 8(I wouldn't even give it a 5 IMO since the story is shit with no progress, even MC character development is really slow in the manga, the series for the most part is a fanservice) or you give Your Name/Kimi no Na Wa and A Silent Voice/Koe no Katachi both a 10(while I think they're a 7 or 8 since there are lots of plotholes but the characters are great). As you see, people have different source of enjoyment. For example : mine are well written story and character with character development.

Thanks for laying out concretely why there are people who would rate it highly, like 10/10 yourself. I would have to disagree with your rating (just as you disagree with my ratings for different shows) because I did not see the qualities that you praise it for. I watched the whole series because I found it generally enjoyable but was confused about the increased rating with each season and the highest rating with this movie. If I wanted to rewatch this series (a factor in my rating), I would rate the show at least 8/10 but since I do not find myself wanting to rewatch it, it gets my maximum rating of 7/10.

That's understandable if you think this is a 7/10 series. The first season was rated by 450+ thousand, then the 2nd one dropped to 250+ thousand, and finally the movie only has around 100 thousand. Of course, the one who stays till the end(this movie) usually the fans that really loved the show that's why the movie has a high overall score and a lot of 9's and 10's.
Apr 29, 2021 2:52 AM

Sep 2018
613_guy said:
Nirinbo said:
Only 15% of those who watched and rated S1 have also watched and rated the movie.

It makes sense that most of them happen to be the ones who rated S1 9 or 10, skewing the mean score.

Didn't know we could access these kinds of stats, thanks for sharing!

I just took the number of users who rated those anime from their main pages, without needing the "stats" section (total users also includes the "plan to watch", so it's useless in this regard). Movie/first season = 34k/226k

With that said, the difference in score is too high to say that this is the only reason the movie is rated higher. I mean, as more people will watch it the score will decrease but it will still remain fairly higher than s1 (just like AoT s3p2 or 3-gatsu no Lion s2).
NirinboApr 29, 2021 2:56 AM
May 1, 2021 2:37 PM

Aug 2019
Because the movies normally has more quality than the animes?
May 1, 2021 6:15 PM
Jul 2016
Like the title of the movie says it was FINE

I agree it was not a masterpiece and should not be this high in rankings, but it wasn't that bad either for people to ask others why they are rating this high.
Overall the pacing was rushed and seems like quite a lot from the novel was either cut or shortened resulting in the climax scenes seem half-hearted and underwhelming. Also I really liked Kasumigaoka Utaha and would've preferred if she was the main heroine; but they absolutely trashed her chances right from the start. All she sees is MC's message to Megumi and she instantly gives up, even encouraging Eriri to do the same. It was a sad ending to the Utaha route I was on from season 1, but I guess I should've paid more attention to the Boring Girlfriend part of the title.
Even then, the overall movie was good. I liked the technical aspect of making games shown which understandably may seem boring to others, but we need more of these anime which show the process of anime making imo. The ending was satisfactory since we were able to see a few years into the future and their dream of working together come true. These harem series always screw up the endings; very few are able to end it properly with proper resolution of the characters but this movie does it and so its an 8/10 from me, as I think would be for most people who've been watching and waiting for this series to come to conclusion.
May 3, 2021 12:52 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Yo wassup, currently watching the first season right now, not exactly digging it right now but I’m just looking around to see if I’d be missing out on something, to see if it would be worth it to continue.

Can probably answer your question though, even though it was kind of answered already with the stats. Everyone who really liked season one of course kept watching and then rated season 2 as well as this movie with high scores. Everyone who didn’t like season one so much probably dropped it right there and didn’t bother with this movie, leaving out a lot of potential low scores and making this average pretty dang high actually. 8.4, not that MAL scores mean much but that’s not bad at all for an anime that really isn’t that big. Although again that’s only from 34k users, most of them probably who adore this series

Anyway I’m just really on the fence about continuing this. Again I feel like I’m going to miss out if I drop this here. Currently just finished episode 3 and it just feels kind of bland despite having some sort of a witty edge to it. Maybe I’ll watch till episode 6 or something and if I’m still not feeling it I’ll go for the drop

Edit: YO I'm back, watched S2 here in mid-September 2021, so just under 4 months later, but man it feels like longer than that. Anyway "Flat" was indeed very pleasantly surprising to me and I'm really looking forward to watch the movie which serves as the conclusion. Man I love it when anime just END you know? Like properly? Anyway if you're stumble across this and are unsure of whether or not to continue this series after S1 which you might consider to be next to the trash tier, if you thought S1 was even just OKAY, please continue watching.
BetaMaleUltraSep 20, 2021 4:38 AM

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 3, 2021 2:07 AM
Feb 2021
It's because in movie i got to see Megumi's true sides and intentions and finally in post credits scene when utaha sang iam dead lol 🤣😭 best movie for me most people prefer and overrate battle manga movies !!! that saddens me it's not at all highly rated in my opinion.
May 7, 2021 12:18 PM

Jun 2014
It is a 10/10 for me because as the final sequel it concluded the initial intent of the series laid out in the first few episodes of season 1, and as a whole, the main theme and message to the audience are emphasized very well and highly applicable/relatable (not romance/harem related). For what started as a light-hearted romance comedy harem ecchi, it found a very clear purpose it wanted to explore, and resolved them in a manner I found most appropriate. It is unfortunate you weren't able to capture or relate to that, but that's where tastes come in and for the most part, it seems that most agree this end was satisfying.
Jun 1, 2021 10:32 AM

Oct 2014
Its a 10/10 for them cuz the best girl win. Although Saekano for me is so boring, I didnt even bother watching its second season. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jun 4, 2021 2:42 PM
Jul 2019
For me it became the best anime I have ever seen, the feeling it gave me and the characters’ development was so great and human for me, very realistic; the plot also was original and OST and animation where pretty good. For me, it deserves more recognition but yeah, I can relate is not a anime for all watchers.
Jun 5, 2021 3:02 AM
Feb 2020
Its like you're asking "Why do people likes ice cream"

Obviously we have different tastes, so just because you hate or love something doesnt mean all people had the same perspective as yours

Even me thinks the same thing, why do peoole loves Oregairu? Even though its boring, but I did not ask it and I respect their tastes because if you want someone to respect yours, then respect them also
Jun 26, 2021 11:12 PM

Oct 2018
Have you ever heard the word, "Preferences"? This movie is incredible and worth a watch. Don't say that romance movies doesn't deserve a high score. It's stupid.

“Once you've been loved once and have loved once, you cannot forget it.”
― Natsume Takashi
Jun 28, 2021 5:03 PM
Aug 2017
Yeah, it's like a 7 tops for me. Those that are rating it as a 10 aren't critics. I checked one of the responders profiles and his/her/they had an average rating of 8.64...which is ridiculous but some people are just easier to please than others.
Jul 1, 2021 10:13 AM
May 2017
The other day I saw a poll of people like apple better than a banana. Why most people like apple? I mean you need to peel it with a knife or wash it first, then take away the seeds. I prefer eating banana, you only need to peel it less than 5 seconds, finish it, and throw it away. I really dont get why people like apple better. Everyone should vote banana as their favorite fruit next time.
Jul 1, 2021 10:20 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Simply put: Sequel effect.
Jul 8, 2021 1:32 AM
Sep 2020
People had fun watching it so they rated 10/9.
Jul 8, 2021 1:43 AM

Jun 2021
It was decent in my opinion, at least the Movie
Jul 8, 2021 11:02 PM

Oct 2014
I agree. This movie is a solid 7/10. Any higher than that is weird.
Jul 13, 2021 2:09 PM

Jun 2020
Climax for a good series, enjoyable characthers, fun to watch, waifu material - Megumi, specially

And the most important: I can rewatch this over and over that will always be a nice movie and ending to the anime series
Sep 18, 2021 4:04 AM

Jun 2015
Maybe only the series' faithfuls who have watched all the sequels and basically followed everything about Saekano have watched the movie.

I say about 80% of the all-rounder watchers (such as myself) haven't watched the movie yet. Hell, I've only watched the first season and I couldn't even remember most of what it was all about. If you bring a lot more people to this movie, the score will adjust itself. It would probably be around the other anime sequels which is ~7.5 range.

But yeah... A score of 8.5 in MAL is damn high, man. It's like 5 percentile or something. I can't judge about its accuracy though, as I say, I don't follow the series.
Sep 22, 2021 10:21 AM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
Its subjetive dude, i really liked how it ended and its characters, so i rated 9/10, not everyone is a critic that analyses the plot deeply, its not hard to understand.
Sep 25, 2021 7:06 PM

Mar 2017
613_guy said:
Just wondering why there are so many votes for 10/10 and 9/10. I wouldn't rate this more than 7/10.

Im one of those people and I did it mainly because of the main girl. She is so different in the sense that she is literally how most girls in real world would act under those circumstances. Jealously, pride, no overly reaction to romantic gestures. In addition how they got together is really good as well.
Nov 16, 2021 7:41 PM

Apr 2018
It's quite evident that the writing is much more polished: the characters have much more depth, the dialogue feels more natural, the drama is well handled and doesn't descend into utter madness, and more. In particular, it builds very well upon some of the groundwork and better developments in the first two seasons. Which is pretty damn impressive when you consider that those seasons were marred relatively early on by somewhat inconsistent writing, awkward situations and character behavior, and an unfortunate willingness to settle for shallow tropes. And just as importantly, it has a truly satisfying ending that brought real closure to the whole series without leaving any plot points or character relationships hanging.

I think the high rating is quite deserved, and the fact that the movie has a .6 point increase from the previous season I think convincingly rules out sequel effect as the main driver here. This should be a decent example of how to properly end a series that more authors should take note of.
Nov 19, 2021 3:28 AM
Jan 2019
I seriously think the anime was shit and this movie made the series as a whole slightly better. Still, it wasn’t the best movie I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone and it barely reaches top 20 for me.
Nov 20, 2021 6:02 PM
Apr 2016
I would have given it a 8 but saekano hit me a lot harder than other similar romcoms solely cos of Katou. Katou's subtle personality is a winner, her VA is a god and her voice acting alone carries this to a 10 for me.
Dec 29, 2021 10:01 AM
Nov 2010
Nirinbo said:
Only 15% of those who watched and rated S1 have also watched and rated the movie.

It makes sense that most of them happen to be the ones who rated S1 9 or 10, skewing the mean score.

I must be in the minority. I liked the movie more than the series. The pacing was better and Tomoya was likable. Also, I really like how the epilogue duped me. I like surprises like that.
Jan 24, 2022 7:46 PM
May 2019
When it this series going to get dubbed and properly released in North America on home video? Looks pretty damn good.
Feb 3, 2022 4:34 AM
Mar 2020
613_guy said:
Hot_Green_Tea said:
It's a 10/10 IMO, great movie to end the series. The story and pacing are great, there's closure for every character, and really liked Utaha and Katou's characters as they're well written throughout the whole series.

Personal taste and enjoyment plays a big part in people's judgement, just like how you rate Rent a Girlfriend/Kanojo Okarishimasu an 8(I wouldn't even give it a 5 IMO since the story is shit with no progress, even MC character development is really slow in the manga, the series for the most part is a fanservice) or you give Your Name/Kimi no Na Wa and A Silent Voice/Koe no Katachi both a 10(while I think they're a 7 or 8 since there are lots of plotholes but the characters are great). As you see, people have different source of enjoyment. For example : mine are well written story and character with character development.

Thanks for laying out concretely why there are people who would rate it highly, like 10/10 yourself. I would have to disagree with your rating (just as you disagree with my ratings for different shows) because I did not see the qualities that you praise it for. I watched the whole series because I found it generally enjoyable but was confused about the increased rating with each season and the highest rating with this movie. If I wanted to rewatch this series (a factor in my rating), I would rate the show at least 8/10 but since I do not find myself wanting to rewatch it, it gets my maximum rating of 7/10.

Think about it like this: the majority of people who even bothered to watch the movie in the first place are people who took the time to go through S1 and S2 and thoroughly enjoyed them. There's going to be people who dropped the series halfway and so by the time the movie dropped, it's mainly the dedicated fans who will have watched it. That's why with each season, the score is going to increase. Personally for me though, I really enjoyed the character development throughout the seasons and movie and how the plot went from a very generic harem trope to all of them finding their place in the world and pursuing their own dreams to one day coming back together. If you're wondering what I mean by character development, Tomoya went from an Otaku who loved only 2D girls and a head full of shitty plots to a very mature high school senior who finally understood how to actually work with and understand people while working towards making a game. The growth he has as well while he encounters multiple barriers throughout the game making process and his bond with Megumi is really something I would day is unique in an anime cause instead of the stereotypical anime where the MC ends up never really choosing a clear partner, he actually confesses and sticks with her and makes it very clear he's the one he wants. Plus the anime's jokes on the stereotypical tropes a harem anime would usually have is funny af imo
AquifiliaFeb 3, 2022 4:40 AM
Feb 6, 2022 8:37 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Because it is much better than S2 was, and the movie understands what people want, and how to end in a way that leaves you happy, abrupt endings suck.
Considering how poolry S2 ended, the movie was able to handle that and deliver a sequel that got me to forget how bitter S2 ended up with me.

Really great movie, an example how any series should end.
Feb 11, 2022 8:56 PM

Oct 2011
I came here to see if I was the only one. I watched an hour so far of the movie and it felt pretty boring so far. I am wondering if it's worth continuing to watch but it looks like many like the ending. I'm about to sleep soon so I'll watch the rest tomorrow night.

I saw the other seasons and it was decent enough for me to watch this movie but I'm not really a fan of anime about characters creating a game/manga so maybe that's why I feel it's dragging on.

I just came to this anime for the ecchi and so far even in this movie it's been lacking so much compared to the seasons.

I'm hoping the 2nd half will be better.
Mar 13, 2022 4:55 AM
Aug 2020
Simple, best girl won
Jun 27, 2022 10:59 PM
Dec 2018
613_guy said:
Just wondering why there are so many votes for 10/10 and 9/10. I wouldn't rate this more than 7/10.

can i ask you, why Gurren Lagann is also rated very high
Jul 28, 2022 8:19 PM
Jul 2014
613_guy said:
Just wondering why there are so many votes for 10/10 and 9/10. I wouldn't rate this more than 7/10.
it's because how it ended, i agree it has its flaws, but ending is more important than you think.
Jul 30, 2022 12:05 PM
Jun 2022
if you don't like the series and kato then you won't like the movie it's that simple no debate it depends on your taste. Personally I really like the series and also kato and because of that I gave the movie a 9/10 but the ending made me put it 10/10 it's one of the best ending for me because kato wins and that's what I want.
Sep 13, 2022 4:19 AM
Jul 2018
"You" wouldn't rate it more than 7 but other people can have different opinions for me it was a 10 and it was better than the first 2 seasons
Sep 28, 2022 10:25 PM
Dec 2020
I only gave the first series a 6/10, but the movie 10/10.

I like it this series due to many factors, one of them being the realism of the relationships.

They also managed the drama really good without going over the top. The characters all grew along the way and the series got a nice conclusions.

So it's much better than most anime.
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