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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai (light novel)
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Nov 28, 2018 10:25 AM

Jan 2009
5 episodes left and we still have the problem with the little sister and the girl that wants to adopt the cats, also it seems there's one more character that wasn't introduced yet.
I hope the story ends with 13 episodes.
Nov 29, 2018 5:22 AM
Nov 2016
I understand the feeling of hatinf oneself like Futaba does.

At least Sakuta fixed it.
Nov 29, 2018 9:03 PM

Jul 2016
And so, another arc ends and it was another one I just loved.

Honestly, I couldn't stop smiling during most of the episode. The part where the "other" Futaba started crying because she realized how much her friends cared for her and the whole scene at the beach with Kunimi and Sakuta were just great, I felt very happy for her at that moment.

So basically, Futaba solved her problem by accepting herself with all her issues and fears, which gave her more confidence as a result. However, it seems that Kunimi and her will remain as friends, which is a shame since I don't know what makes Kunimi's GF so great... but well, that aside, Im really happy for her growth.

And at the end... Oh shit, did they exchange bodies?? That will be interesting, for sure.
Nov 30, 2018 5:33 AM

Oct 2013
This was a good episode. I felt that the resolution was a bit hasty, but it was good.

Sakuta reminds me a fair bit of Yuuji Kazumi from The Fruit of Grisaia.

I am particularly fond of how Sakuta told Futaba, "it's okay if you hate yourself, really." That was an... insightful approach; I'm a fan.

Dec 1, 2018 11:26 AM

Jun 2013
Futaba cemented her status as my best girl. I felt sorry for her even if the rejection was expected. I still don’t get what’s so good about Kunimi’s gf tho. Acting like a bitch to his friends is a definite no.
Dec 2, 2018 3:00 AM

Apr 2015
Arc wasn't that great for me, although I 'got' all of it.
Dec 7, 2018 4:45 PM
Apr 2017
Maybe the best Arc so far. I realy like her Charakter and what Problems she had.
Beeing the first one whit an adult body and cant realy handle it, making hot photos and Sakuta and the show didnt antagonice the Idea, only the reason.
Ore the fact what an confession isnt a free win and she would get most likly rejekted.
Dec 7, 2018 4:51 PM
Apr 2017
cchigu said:
Bad episode. MC is boring and the only thing good about the show(conversations between the charas) doesn't feel as refreshing as it was in the start.

At least you speak about Rakugo, and not stuff like SAO.

Can you realy consider a Show about the real Problems of Teens what do these topics seriously and dont make fun of them generic?
A generic Show would be Slice of Life Comedy, pseudo Philosophic Bullshit in Mirai Mikki Style, ore Fanservice Shows.

Look at Episode 7, the second Timeloop. Why is this special?
Because the Girl, Koga, needet to solve her Problems herselfe.
The Hero didnt solve all the Problems for others, he teach them how they help themselves. This is a realy good message.
Also, the Main Lead is interesting and sassy as fuck. This isnt so common.
Sure this is not a Harem Komedy, but still. He as the Maincharakter is the most entertaining Person in the Show and whats something.
Dec 12, 2018 2:39 PM

Apr 2018
Deknijff said:
like honestly what de fuck does Kunimi see in his GF to not want to date Rio instead

That's what I'm questioning too.. ARGHH..
Dec 14, 2018 10:58 PM

Jun 2015
i really like azusagawa's approach on life and what he thinks honestly, really keeps me going on finding the show interesting.
i really cant understand why kunimi is still so interested in his girlfriend. she seems just like an asshole basically, being rude to his friends is a red flag on its own. i hope there's some episode or at least a mention of that.
Dec 15, 2018 12:47 PM

May 2015
I bet that Futaba said : I LIKE TRAINS.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Dec 22, 2018 3:03 PM
Oct 2018
Watching Futaba gain confidence was lovely, my favourite character of the show, her problems are really easy for me to relate with.
Jan 1, 2019 10:51 PM

May 2013
Kunimi's tastes are god awful lmao. He missed his chance. Sucks to suck.
Jan 4, 2019 1:33 AM

Jun 2009
Am I the only one who can't tell these two dudes apart by their looks? That character design is the definition of "generic anime guy".
Jan 4, 2019 3:56 PM

Jul 2013
I really love it when I can relate to these characters damn. I may not be a big fan of this doppelganger shit but I relate to Futaba's issues but in a different sense. We are also a trio, me and two friends from college, also 2 guys and 1 girl. We are tight though we only hangout from time to time cause we're busy. Anyway, girl confesses to me but guy doesn't know anything about it. She already said she knows my answer, so technically I didn't reject her, it's just I was too in love with someone else and also I really just see her as a friend. And we are still close friends just like these 3. It's total bs when people say you can't stay friends with someone if you fell for them. That was 2 years ago btw and she has a boyfriend now and I'm still single so fuck me am I right?
Jan 5, 2019 1:58 PM

Aug 2017
Show reminds me of Suzumiya Haruhi and Steins Gate.
Jan 8, 2019 6:24 PM

Jan 2017
grandy_UiD said:
Am I the only one who can't tell these two dudes apart by their looks? That character design is the definition of "generic anime guy".

I keep seeing Kazuma from Konosuba in Sakuta's facial structure. Gah!

Jan 11, 2019 1:53 PM

May 2012
Oh yea that phone call scene was executed perfectly! Really amazing ending as well! Looking forwards to see what happens next.
Jan 21, 2019 4:15 PM

Sep 2011
I really hope Kunimi will choose Futaba in the end. That girlfriend of his has only been annoying so far.
Feb 9, 2019 7:23 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
2 Different Futaba, 2 different personalities, 2x the time Sakuta has to deal with...

Futaba's family is rich af, they got a modern mansion!

Kunimi is a really likeable guy, he held his promise and came to Futaba quickly

This is what the Futaba who wants attention wants... Attention from her 2 close friends, seeing them 3 playing with fireworks and enjoying themselves gave off a really cheerful nostalgic atmosphere, brings a smile to face. And now, for the other Futaba... The Futaba really gave Sakuta some really tedious chores, but in the end, it's all worth it, that's the moment when she disappears and become one Futaba.

In the end, Futaba confesses to Kunimi and expected to be rejected, quite similar to how Koga did it, but unique in its own way...

Beautiful fireworks at the end though!
Feb 15, 2019 2:18 PM
Jul 2018
Ok arc. Much better than the last one. On par with the first one. There was less content than the first arc on a step by step basis but it also had far less tonally inconsistent moments.

I found the dialogue to be better than the first arc. Unlike the first one, it was much more formulaic, however I liked its ending more than the first arc. Once again, much too short to leave any impact, even moreso than the first arc though.

So for my ratings of each arc,

Mai arc: 5/10

Tomoe Arc: 2/10

Futaba Arc: 5/10
Feb 15, 2019 6:38 PM

Oct 2012
Great end to Futaba's arc, I like how they didn't went with usual fireworks "I didn't hear you" cliche and she confessed him again. In the end, she just felt anxious after both Kunimi and Sakuta got girlfriends (although being Mai I would certianly get jealous he is just spending his time with other women). And it also surpised me that the real Futaba was actually the glass-less one with pony-tail although it was pretty logical when you think about it - it's just the anxiousness that split from her at that time.

All in all, really well done episode emphasizing friendship, probably one of the best so far. Futaba confirmed being the best girl of this show in this episode even though I quite like Mai too.

And that cliffhanger, heh, when that blond girl appeared on tv it was obvious what her problem is but I never expected she would switch her place with Mai - probably to start seeing her as normal human rather than some godly creature.
May 5, 2019 8:41 AM

Feb 2019
Good episode. I can really sympathize with how Futaba feels, afraid of losing her place in the world, never feeling uneasy before you had something to lose.

This episode was very well done, everything wraps up nicely for this arc. Certainly wasn't expecting this arc to end in just two episodes what with the two previous arcs being three episodes each. But how Futaba deals with her problems with the help of Sakuta here really is just full, that's the word that keeps popping in my head. No loose ends. And a great way to resolve them too. Kunimi's really growing on me, I thought he was just that side character that's always there but doesn't really do much, but he turns out to be a real nice guy.

I guess she told him she liked her. That was sweet, and bitter. Bittersweet. But the whole trio scenes with Sakuta, Futaba, and Kunimi were really wholesome and sweet.

Looking forward to continuing, will it finally be about Shoko?
Jun 19, 2019 9:20 PM

Mar 2015
Lol glad I'm not the only one who thinks Kunimi's an idiot for being with that other hateful girl instead of Futaba!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Oct 15, 2019 7:08 PM
Jul 2016
What did Futaba say to Kunimi at the end???

Sorry if I'm oblivious to all the hints.
Nov 26, 2019 7:46 PM

Jan 2019
Nemesis16 said:
Keirik said:
Why is Kunimi still even dating that girl? She's a total cunt who hates his friends and wants him to stop seeing them because she's more worried about her own popularity than his happiness. This relationship 100% won't last past high school anyway, just get it the fuck over with already. He doesn't even have to rebound straight to Futaba, just cut out what's her face and be with the bro squad in peace smh.

ANYWAY, body swap next week huh? That's fun.

Both of them are a couple in college. lmao how wrong could you be

What's the point in spoiling tho
Nov 26, 2019 7:49 PM

Jan 2019
JackOfHearts said:
What did Futaba say to Kunimi at the end???

Sorry if I'm oblivious to all the hints.

She confessed to Kunimi and got rejected (yes, I'm answering you 43 days late)
Dec 17, 2019 1:48 AM

Aug 2018
Futaba arc is great af
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Feb 12, 2020 5:04 AM

Aug 2018
Hm.. So Futaba was making photos for a while.. And would want for some kind of reaction in social media, hm?.. It feels a bit strange, honestly.. I never encountered so level headed girls, even not talkative ones, but posting such stuff in media.. It just feels strange..
Also Futaba hates herself..
So things like this didn't matter to Futaba before high school, she says..
Well, in Futaba's arc not a lot things are being said, much is left to complete, with not necessary true information.. For now I think that maybe Futaba is something like was living by her own for a long time (including how parents were always not home), and she was alright with this.. But with high school she got in love, and didn't know what to do with her feelings?.. Well, as she kinda used to live not wanting anything from others, and here is some feelings for another person..
Well.. Again resolve is leaving questions.. Just because Sakuta says that "well, if you hate yourself, what to do, I guess".. It could work, I guess.. But I feel that problems are still being solved too quickly, and phrases like that aren't really accepted in one second anyway.. Resolves are just strange.. Well, this is short anime on the other hand, but still..
And another girl is left with nothing, I guess.. Same as Koga, I mean.. Problem resolve again feels a bit questionable, really.. They happen too fast, I'd say..
So now it's Mai's fan girl turn, who is also idol?..
Honestly, so far I feel ambivalent about anime.. It touches interesting topics, like social image creation (Koga), or sudden love of total introvert before that (Futaba), but in the end it's resolved as nothing, it feels.. It's just alright in the end.. Yeah, some phrases are told, but they're questionable at best, really.. So I don't know how I feel about this anime, really.. Admire it for touching these topics, portrayal of them.. But not resolve.. I guess, I'm like this so far about anime..
Mar 25, 2020 11:41 AM

Mar 2013
Futaba best girl. Really, she deserves the best.

Sakuta's sexual jokes still piss me off. Can he like stop.
May 6, 2020 11:07 PM
Nov 2010
RafaelDeJongh said:
Oh yea that phone call scene was executed perfectly! Really amazing ending as well! Looking forwards to see what happens next.

Yeah, the moment where her acceptance leads to them combining back together really hit me strongly for some reason. The suddenly-dropped receiver was the perfect cinematographic way to convey the nature of it -- was *not* expecting something quite that mature coming from the anime, but I shouldn't be surprised at this point.

Imagine what those first few seconds must have been like for her as a single person again... before Sakuta picked up the phone. What an odd state to find oneself to be in.
Sep 8, 2020 8:27 AM

Jul 2015
True friendship right there which really pains my heart is knowing Futaba x Kumini ship isn't going to sail... no matter how much we wish for it... well props her for still confessing despite knowing the outcome and also finding a place in this world.

Nov 12, 2020 7:41 AM

Apr 2013
So the problem with Rio got solved, seems like now it's Mai's turn again. Was that her sister or did she turn blonde? xD
Mar 24, 2021 2:34 PM
Jul 2020
Oh my, that was sudden
Apr 3, 2021 9:18 AM

Jun 2020
So the two got called out to not date for a while which is an opportunity wasted so many possibilities for a date man

So Sakuta spent the day with Futaba and someone knew somewhat of her identity and got anxious and asked Sakuta to stay with her for the night, How many girls do you have to make them cry Sakuta and he got sent to the hospital which later woken up by Mai-san's cute face

So the two finally conjoined together and the problem has been solved and I think Futaba confessed to Kunimi at the beach and already knew the answer, and we'll yet to see the new character in the next episode.

Apr 12, 2021 8:05 AM
Waifu Inspector

Sep 2019
Seeing Futaba grow and come to terms with herself and the reality that she isn’t alone at all was good. That whole bit where they watched the fireworks together was sweet, and I know she must have mixed feelings telling Kunimi about her true feelings. This preview makes me think we’re going to be having a Freaky Friday-esque experience this next episode.
Apr 27, 2021 9:19 AM

Jul 2017
For 2 episodes only for a whole arc, the story actually felt less rushed in general than I expected for Futaba's arc. It wasn't again as good as the first arc, but still a respectable enough part of the show and it was nice seeing her and Sakuta and Kunimi all share a bond like that, and Futaba learn to grow with herself after reassurance from her best friends, especially with Sakuta, while seemingly gaining some closure too after seemingly confessing her feelings to Kunimi, even though she already knows what the outcome would be. Her internal strifes wore away and a tough shell was finally cracked with this episode.
Jul 15, 2021 4:02 PM

Oct 2020
I liked the little touch where once Futaba went back to normal she wore her glasses and kept her ponytail to kind of illustrate how she accepted both parts of herself.
Though the part where she assumedly confessed to Kunimi was a bit sad considering she did so knowing that she'd be rejected
Sep 26, 2021 11:09 PM
May 2020
what a dumb name for such an interesting anime lol, i would never had guessed it was like this, i probably would've watched this like 2 years ago
Oct 19, 2021 9:19 AM
Aug 2021
So Futaba was deprecating herself and that's why she split into two people, one who she believes is the "better Futaba".
It was sad seeing Futaba being rejected but at least she finally confessed. The episdoe was quite wholesome with the trio spending time together. Guess the next arc is the idol gal's.
Jan 16, 2022 2:42 PM

Mar 2019
So she was the fake one after all. I like this group, Kunimi, Sakuta and Futaba, they are nice together. Although, what happened with Shouko?! I'm still confused and the next (and final arc I assume) isn't related to her either. Is that another puberty syndrome for Mai?
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Feb 13, 2022 10:06 PM
Aug 2010
I like the anime and the story quite a lot, even if it's sometimes quite complicated and I am still not 100% if I understood everything. And I still don't understand why Mai has so many fans on MAL. She seems like your classic Tsundere without really much character besides that and she has compared to the main guy not much screentime at all. Maybe I will once understand when watching the movie after the series. 8,8/10 so far.
smX89Feb 13, 2022 10:11 PM
May 3, 2022 7:02 AM
Oct 2019
Futaba Arc comes to end, sweet conclusion i guess

why the hell Kunimi still dating that bitch Kamisato??? bruhh

Aug 4, 2022 1:00 PM

Aug 2020
Really nice episode, complex, it shows more about some of the main characters, nice emotional moments
Sep 9, 2022 7:40 PM
Aug 2020
Simply captivating.
Feb 3, 2023 9:25 AM

Feb 2020
I love it how Futaba's arc was resolved, WOW!!!
Futaba the machine and Futaba the woman have made peace. Beautiful!
Mar 24, 2023 5:35 PM
Jan 2020
the futaba arc may be one of the best adolescence syndrome arcs on the whole anime...... (apart from the movie ofc)...... LOVED TO REWATCH IT!!!!
Apr 20, 2023 6:40 PM

Nov 2022
Really liked Sakuta's character, he's such an incredible person, and then he acts like a jackass so nobody has to feel too indebted even after he stays up all night just to make sure they're okay.
Aug 18, 2023 4:36 AM

Dec 2012
My first impression of Rio was that I wasn't going to be as interested in her arc, but she definitely delivered and I keep finding myself thinking each girl is the best. I could touch base with her a bit, particularly on being extremely self-conscious about my body. When I was morbidly obese, I even took (very safe) selfies just to keep reminding myself of how stupid I was for putting on all of that weight. I had a feeling that hair down Rio was the double, but the way this was resolved still caught me off guard. How Rio accepts her vulnerabilities reminds me of an episode of Fruits Basket, where the answer to self-hatred isn't forcing self-love but moving forward to better understand those feelings.

On another note, I liked that little touch of Rio fanning Yuuma while her other self at home was getting fanned. Between the dialogue and parallels, there's a subtle wit that this series keeps impressing with. This would definitely be worth a re-watch just to see what I missed.
Oct 14, 2023 8:19 PM

Nov 2022
I just love how some characters are presented before they get their own 'arc' just awesome. This show is so enjoyable
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