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Dec 22, 2020 12:17 PM
Oct 2018
Finally, an end that didn't feel rushed this is good stuff. It was quite a long journey but enjoyed every single chapter.

Well here we go back to the empty feeling you get every time you end watching/reading an anime.
Dec 23, 2020 5:25 AM

Nov 2019
Would've preferred a true ending, smfh this cop out route BS ruins the manga, an open end would've been just fine but an alt routes between it just seems backpedally

Only Fumino had a decent route and she's my least favorite girl

The comedy carried the show for me, hilarious manga, like the fact it being predictable and the recycled jokes will still make you laugh and that doesn't happen in other manga for me

And since everyone here comparing endings

QQ > Bokuben > TLR > YnY

Overall series tho

TLR > Bokuben > YnY > QQ

Sensei is best girl

Dec 26, 2020 11:15 AM

Sep 2019
A great harem manga ended, really loved the idea of routes.
Dec 27, 2020 8:21 PM

Feb 2017
shitshow finally over.
if everything is canon, nothing is canon.
instead of making a good developed ending, author make cheap short fanservice.

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Jan 4, 2021 7:21 AM

May 2016
A lot of salt on here, lol. I liked the extra routes(except Rizu's); besides, it gave Tsutsui an opportunity to get paid for an extra 8 months.... :' )

Still would've liked to have seen a Sawako Route.....
"Genki is Life, Genki is Love"
Jan 9, 2021 11:55 AM
Feb 2020
evoniee said:
shitshow finally over.
if everything is canon, nothing is canon.
instead of making a good developed ending, author make cheap short fanservice.


This manga is one of the worst manga i ever read for this simple reason. A total loss of time and intellect.

A manga totally empty which talk about nothing, which express nothing, with a MC reduce to a simple figure with no character or personnality.

The choice of the Author has totally destroy the manga and all his meaning, character, event or everything.

The worst on it, people like it. And it's a huge problem, because of it, some author will do the same. If people don't understand why it's a sin. I explain it simply : with this choice of create different end all canon, nullify all interaction in his work. It's simply kill the art, worst it's say the art is nothing, this product is just a pur product with no soul, just here to make money.

Just an example. If at the end of Berserk, the author said "we will have 4 end to satisfy everyone". A good thing or not ? No, a trahison to all his reader.
Jan 10, 2021 11:19 AM
Jul 2018
An open ending with a big hint on a harem end. Kinda thougt this would happen with all the routes stuff. Great ending to a very good series. Manga had surprisingly more ecchi than anime tho. Didn't expect that tho it is not really a lot per se.

Will really miss this series.
removed-userJan 10, 2021 11:24 AM
Jan 15, 2021 4:11 PM

Apr 2017
1. Asumi route 10/10
2. Fumino route 10/10
3. Kirisu sensei route 9/10
4. Rizu route 9/10
5. Uruka route 8/10
Jan 15, 2021 8:18 PM

Dec 2015
Elverost said:

This manga is one of the worst manga i ever read for this simple reason. A total loss of time and intellect.

A manga totally empty which talk about nothing, which express nothing, with a MC reduce to a simple figure with no character or personnality.

The choice of the Author has totally destroy the manga and all his meaning, character, event or everything.

The worst on it, people like it. And it's a huge problem, because of it, some author will do the same. If people don't understand why it's a sin. I explain it simply : with this choice of create different end all canon, nullify all interaction in his work. It's simply kill the art, worst it's say the art is nothing, this product is just a pur product with no soul, just here to make money.

Just an example. If at the end of Berserk, the author said "we will have 4 end to satisfy everyone". A good thing or not ? No, a trahison to all his reader.

I took the time to read several of your previous posts regarding this series, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you thought chapters 1-150 worked together as a coherent story that eventually led to an ending that saw Nariyuki and Uruka becoming a couple. You then had shifting feelings about the route structure that you detailed in the chapter 167 thread but those eventually gave way to strong negative feelings about said structure because you feel it damages the integrity of the story. That leads us to what you said in your pervious post in this thread.

Look, I get it and I think you do too, the majority of written stories aren't written this way. They have a beginning, middle, and end. Period. But as you mentioned in previous discussions, this is not a romance story alone but one with the harem tag. To be honest, I'm one of the ones that hopes this structure is used more in the future.

I will agree with you that the route stuff is a bit sloppy in some of its execution. Details about what I'm calling the base story, approximately chapters 1-140 with some divergence happening before then, had to altered.

For example:

Somehow, the one with the least deviance from the base story is the Mafuyu route. The implication is that everything up to chapter 144 plays out virtually the same way. The the difference is that Nariyuki's feelings towards Mafuyu change in chapter 102 which would have led him to reject Uruka. The problem is that it is never explicitly addressed. The bigger change in that route is putting Nariyuki and Mafuyu together during her senior year's school festival, which honestly could be in the backstory of all the routes - it only has meaning if Nariyuki and Mafuyu end up together after all.

The reason these events had to added in some cases and glossed over in others is because of the biggest issues with the routes - only 9 chapters apiece. Even though I think the finished product is good as it is, the truth is you have to infer what happens to make these routes possible as there was simply not enough time to go in and fill in all the blanks. I'm not here to say Bokuben is a perfect story with no problems because that just isn't true.

I also just completely disagree with your statement that the manga "expresses nothing, with a MC reduced to a simple figure with no character or personality." Nariyuki is not the most deeply written character in all of fiction or anything, but he has his periods of growth in the story and to deny that is just not being fair.

I now want to address your final complaints: "with this choice of create different end all canon, nullify all interaction in his work. It's simply kill the art, worst it's say the art is nothing, this product is just a pure product with no soul, just here to make money."

You talked about in other threads so let me ask you, did you read the same manga I did? I think there is a lot of heart put into the different endings. Were some things contrived or rushed? Yes, but the message of the story and feelings of the heroines come through in each one. Calling it a soulless product is just going too far.

Ok, here comes the elephant: the inevitable comparisons to other media that has branching narratives, the most comparable being visual novels. No matter what I say, I will never convince you or people who think along the same lines as you do that branching paths in a story like Bokuben ever work; manga aren't visual novels, when everything is canon nothing is and so on. I, once again, just have to disagree.

You brought up Berserk and said what if the writer decided to give us four endings to that story. Berserk is a dark fantasy and not a light-hearted rom-com romp like Bokuben so to me this is an apples to oranges comparison. They both may be manga but it doesn't mean they have be structured the same way. Stories like Bokuben are told all the time using branching narratives and that story structure in and of itself is not new.

It is my personal belief that any story structure should be considered if they think it is a good fit for the story. Would multiple endings for Berserk be a good idea? Probably not. Is a story that already has its tropes and genres rooted in romance visual novels make having multiple endings a viable idea? I believe stories like that, stories like Bokuben, can have branching narratives if they want to do that.

Routes were not the perfect solution for Bokuben. If they had decided, "the story leads exclusively to Nariyuki x Girl X and we are going to take chapters 140 -170 to really flesh it out" it would haven been a more focused narrative with more character development for those two with the other heroines becoming support characters or just dropping out of the story. That idea has its own merits. The final version of Bokuben has 45 chapters that could have been spent doing other things instead of creating routes that forced everything into 9 chapters for each heroine. However, Bokuben is a story that I and many others agree has five main heroines and none of them ever really move to a sub-heroine position, thus making routes a viable solution.

You and especially evoniee have been dunking on Bokuben for a while and you are welcome to have your opinions; I'm not the thought police. I wrote all that just to give you an idea of what I think - that routes and branching narratives are viable story-telling formats. They work in other media and have been a part of storytelling for a long time. You don't have to like it - I looked at our anime crossover list and we agree and disagree on all sorts of things. Just be aware that there are people who think that this branching narrative format is not the end of storytelling as we know it, and indeed, many of us wouldn't mind seeing it deployed more often. It is already being used for other light novel and manga properties anyway and has been for years. You just have to ask yourself, "how canon is this to me?" For me, the ending of My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU is one the visual novel endings, not the end of anime or the books. It doesn't mean that the more "canon" endings aren't viable. If Bokuben for you was over at the end chapter 150, that's perfectly fine. With this story structure all five routes are canon and you can just take it or leave it. Simple as that.

I personally think this chapter, 187, is just okay at best. All it does it bring back everyone for one last ride and it leaves the future of the characters to your imagination. I personally see it as just being a reminder to readers that the future is unwritten and we can make own paths going forward. It's a fine message, but not what I was hoping for in this final chapter.
ArchsagePentFeb 4, 2021 5:09 PM
Jan 20, 2021 4:43 AM
Feb 2020
Thanks for you reply.

You have your point and i understand it, and i appreciate your process, i don't want to be convinced but your word are also true.

I understand the process of this type of story and what i now understand better is i don't like it for the reason you explain or i explain before.

I need in the story i read a clear structure and the fact you quote that all "route" had only 9 chapter is a huge problem. For me to appreciate maybe this process, 5 story will be necessary to express all the developpement need to create the five end.

For the developpement of Nariyuki maybe i exagerate but it's true that it's reduce his character. For the example of Berserk, ok it's a bad example, a better example will be Love Hina or other of the same type.

Bokuben is a story i appreciate before and the use of the branching narrative destroy my feeling about it Because like i said, it gave me a feeling of emptyness relate to all the thing i read before the branching point. And i was ignorant of the fact it was used before for other story except VN. I think this process is dangerous for the reason I explain before. I can't see the meaning of a story if it's had different end. The conclusion is important to put on evidence the final purpose of the story. With different end, this purpose is diluate and lost impact.

Also, the concept of Canon is an occidental concept, and maybe it's not fair to use it to jugde this story.
Jan 21, 2021 9:23 PM

Dec 2015
Elverost said:

For the developpement of Nariyuki maybe i exagerate but it's true that it's reduce his character. For the example of Berserk, ok it's a bad example, a better example will be Love Hina or other of the same type.

That's probably a fair enough statement about Nariyuki. He is the main character of the base story but the routes are more about the heroines and their shifting feelings.

Elverost said:

Bokuben is a story i appreciate before and the use of the branching narrative destroy my feeling about it Because like i said, it gave me a feeling of emptyness relate to all the thing i read before the branching point. And i was ignorant of the fact it was used before for other story except VN. I think this process is dangerous for the reason I explain before. I can't see the meaning of a story if it's had different end. The conclusion is important to put on evidence the final purpose of the story. With different end, this purpose is diluate and lost impact.

I can see where you are coming from. I've read a couple of books that felt like the rug was pulled out from under me. However, I didn't get a sense of emptiness reading this manga because I'm used to this story structure. And for better or worse, the moral of the story is laid out at the end of this chapter when Nariyuki says, "We're always at the crossroads between infinite possible futures." This story is at its core about breaking free from the path that society thinks you should take and forging your own.

Elverost said:

Also, the concept of Canon is an occidental concept, and maybe it's not fair to use it to jugde this story.

The anime/manga harem tag brings all kinds of weirdness with it. Like you said, the Love Hina manga has one ending. I haven't seen anything past the first anime season but based on the name I'm going to assume that MC boy ended up Hina at the end of the story. The other girls may have liked MC the whole time, but MC really only loved Hina and he wanted her to fall in love with him. Nariyuki didn't have the same sorts of feelings that Love Hina MC did - you could argue that his feelings may have been pushing him towards one girl or another but they were never made crystal clear in the first 140 chapters.

Most stories have a beginning, middle, and ending, but this genre introduces all sorts of wrinkles that muddle up the straight-forward nature of a traditional story. Most properties, like Love Hina, have games and VNs that are independent of the source material. Most readers don't think anything about them and consider them non-canon alternate stories. The point is, for some, those alternate sources are more satisfying than how the manga played out and for them these alternate worlds are their canon endings. It doesn't take anything away from the books.

For a different example, let's try Clannad, which was a VN first to be fair. The "canon" end is with Nagisa, but there is also a sequel VN that continues in the world where MC ends up with Tomoyo instead. Is one less canon than the other? The point is that it all exists in parallel.

Canon is always a little loose in the romance/harem world of anime and manga anyway. Bokuben just made it more apparent than usual by bringing routes and branching paths into the manga.
ArchsagePentJan 30, 2021 9:29 PM
Jan 24, 2021 3:42 PM
Jan 2021
I'll really miss this manga :(

Mafuyu>Asumi>Fumi > the other 2

Overall 9/10 ending but wish we saw best waifu Mafuyu figure skate more!
Jan 28, 2021 11:56 PM
Jan 2021
Jangan di end dulu lah
Mar 3, 2021 1:34 PM
Jan 2017
Imagine if the MCs of these harems are like Usui Takumi. Mafuyu would need lots of undies every episode.

Mar 8, 2021 7:34 PM
Feb 2016
I'm all for Mafuyu's route..that ending tho, nearly brought me to tears...She was my favourite in Bokuben from the first time she entered the series...And the final ch, was well, okay. It's fine cause I didn't want the author to end the series with just one final true ending...
Apr 13, 2021 8:36 AM

Jan 2014
Its a first harem manga that I've read that gave all main girl routes, so that alone I give it to the author. Ngl, I will miss this manga alot as despite all the girls who loved the MC, I enjoyed the whole story process as a whole too. Maybe a manga that I will come back and re-read again. =)
Aug 23, 2021 12:19 AM
Aug 2021
This is how all harem manga should end.
May 20, 2022 11:44 AM

Sep 2011
Well it was an okay way to end the manga. I am not really into manga but I decided to read this after watching the anime because I have heard that this manga has endings for each heroine and that is a big plus for me, given that I love playing visual novels.

So for the heroines: Mafuyu > Fumino > Asumi > Rizu > Uruka.

As for the routes: Mafuyu > Asumi >= Fumino >= Uruka > Rizu.

1. Mafuyu's route/sensei route: To me, it is a flawless story. Although, I really preferred that this route should have started right after Nariyuki's graduation. Or at least the first three heroines still have some involvement on sensei's route. OR ANOTHER AT LEAST, they have a cameo appearance on their wedding. I really do not like the idea that the main casts were thrown out of the window, especially Rizu and Fumino as they should have a special bond with Nariyuki and Mafuyu as their tutors.

2. Asumi's route: I really do not quite like that they still act like teenagers when they should have been acting like a matured adult, given the time skip, at the beginning. At least, the route redeemed itself as the story progressed. This has the same problem as Mafuyu's route that the main casts were thrown out of the window but I do not really mind much on the case of Asumi's route.

3. Fumino's route: I admit that her story arc on Naryuki's solving Fumino's dilemma with her father is one of the best arcs to me. And the anime delivered it so good. However, I find Fumino's route lacking and I can't just point out exactly why I feel that way. Fumino is my second best girl, heck, she almost ties with Mafuyu to me. Fumino dealing with guilt about loving Nariyuki and resolving it has already shown on Uruka's route and I feel it handled way better, despite that Uruka is my least favorite. TL;DR, I was quite disappointed on her route and it got cheesy too with that "Nariyuki and Fumino are similar". Honestly, I feel her route could be way better. At least, the ending is quite nice and cute too.

4. Uruka's route: If only I am not biased to Fumino, Uruka's route could have been my third favorite. Uruka dealing with her dilemma and Nariyuki giving his effort on considering Uruka's confession is one of the best moments on her route. In fact, I wish these Fumino's scenes on Uruka's route should be on Fumino's route.

5. Rizu's route: Sadly, Rizu's route does not really feel like Rizu's route to me when Sekijou and even Misao steals Rizu's spotlight. Not to mention her story is underwhelming when I compare it to other routes.

May 22, 2022 9:51 PM
Apr 2022
So the multiverse of madness from doctor strange is true, huh... About our dreams are from our experiences in another dimension
Mar 3, 2023 6:31 AM

Mar 2021
The salt here is ridiculous. Some people will never be satisfied. Anyway that was one of the better harem mangas I've experienced. Overall I'll give it an 8. I loved that he did routes for all the heroines. Mafuyu of course had the best route, Ashumi with a very close second then Fumino then Uruka then Rizu. I'm gonna miss best girl Mafuyu
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 23, 2023 12:39 PM
Feb 2022
Why could the author make routes for every girl, but for quintessential quintuplets, that author couldn't make alternatives. Damn
Apr 23, 2023 12:44 PM
Feb 2022
dadnaya said:
I thought for a second 22i pulled "twas just a dream" stunt, but then reading the text just confirms that all the routes indeed happen but in "different futures"

And of course, route 6 is now a Harem end (Mizuki wins too!)

Overall, it has been a very cute manga, and I've been reading it weekly for a year and a half now. Damn... I'll really miss it.

I'm glad 22i went the routes way instead of deciding on a random winner and angering 4/5 of the fandom.

It's been fun with you guys and we'll see you next time, in the next Harem romcom

Route rankings: Ashumi>Sensei=Foom>Uruka>Rizu

I haven't read the manga, but I'm glad that all the girls got an ending.What angers me is that they could have done the same for Quintessential Quintuplets, and I could have had my Nino ending:))
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