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Feb 20, 2021 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
Glad to see this show focus more on other characters besides just Hori and Miyamura. This week, there's a lot more of Yuki and she is such a nice person. However, she also seems to be slightly jealous towards others such as Sakura.

Highlight of the episode imo is the Hori's embrace with all those feelings. Hori and Miyamura's relationship still remains important as ever in this show.
Feb 20, 2021 8:08 AM
Jul 2018
Yup, I am glad it highlights side characters and their feelings, relationships with each other.
I do love both Yuki and Sakura even though they are so different they seem kinda similar to me for some reason.

Oh boy how I wanna taste some of Sakura's cookies, they look tasty as hell.

They did the deed, yay. Hope it wont upset some anime only fans. I always feel bad for Souta in that scene. Every time, every single time. it was hard to get over.
removed-userFeb 20, 2021 9:32 AM
Feb 20, 2021 8:23 AM
Jul 2018
Oh I am unusually early, few mins in the ep and i like it. Gotta mention how I love the opening even though it isn't related to the 7th ep. Yuki is adorable, I have seen many ppl loving her and having her in their faves and it not a surprise why. She was a bit jealous of sakura but its alright, we all get jealous sometimes.

Love triangle is happening guys. Get ready.
Feb 20, 2021 8:40 AM

Apr 2010
Sakura making her move it seems, tho she is still to shy to set the last step but she has a rival.

Kyouko and Izumi are progressing nicely but seeing them missing each other like that was nice.
I wonder wether Izumi already introduced Kyouko to is mother.
If not it could make for some nice scenes in the future.
Feb 20, 2021 9:00 AM

Mar 2019
Another so sweet episode. Just wholesome and cute.

Tooru love incoming? It's sooo hard to say whether Yuki or Sakura should be the "winner" of this though...both are great girls.
Feb 20, 2021 9:02 AM

Jun 2019
Miyamura and Kyouko already missing each other. :3
Yuki seems like a nice person but might get in a rivalry with Sakura. Since she's jealous of Sakura a little bit. Well, it's alright. We love to see some love triangles in the story.
Feb 20, 2021 9:09 AM
Jul 2018
I love Tooru and Yoshikawa's relationship. They should love each other :D
Hori and Miyamura's hug scene was beautifully animated. I wanted friends like them in my school life.
Feb 20, 2021 9:18 AM

Apr 2018
Yoshikawa and Sakura were cute at the beginning, I hope they'll hit their love goal.
Hori missed Miyamura so much for 5 days that she ended up having a bed time with him instead of watching the horror movie... xD nice
Also that bite scene at the end, we all know why it happened xDD
Feb 20, 2021 9:19 AM
Feb 2018
They finally do the sex?
Feb 20, 2021 9:20 AM
Sep 2013
I thought that will be between 7 - 9 eps -> part of chapter 37 called Rain from manga where Izumi and Kyouko are taking another step in their relationship. Besides it's very good episode. If you can please enlight me. It just my prespective that Story is too fast explained or skipped... ?
AnimePLFeb 20, 2021 9:24 AM
Feb 20, 2021 9:24 AM

Apr 2017
It's cool that they shined more on the supporting characters in the first half of the episode. I wonder how Ishikawa and Yoshikawa's interactions will develop from here.

That elevator scene between Hori and Miyamura was melodramatic af though 😭

They also smashed fo sho. No doubt in my mind at all.
LezetFeb 20, 2021 9:29 AM
Feb 20, 2021 9:26 AM
Aug 2020
Okay they banged 🤭
Feb 20, 2021 9:27 AM

Jul 2020
Episode 7 is out, titled you’re here I’m here. Yuki is trying to cheer up tooru, when tooru runs into sakura, spilling a drink on her. He grabs his sweatshirt to give to her, and sakura asks yuki if the two are going out. Sakura and tooru seem to be getting closer, with sakura giving him cookies and yuki is getting steadily more and more upset but doesn't voice her concerns. She tries to make cupcakes, but fails and tooru sees them, eats it and says that they are bad but he looks forward to the next batch. Miyamura and his family go to hokkaido for 5 days, and his phone dies, and hori gets anxious, running to see him when he returns. Hori is told by the girls that she doesn't act cute, she tries but fails and the two listen to each others heart then got on the bed? Raunchy eh? Souta doesn't want hori to go away and miyamura tells him she isn't and that he isn't either.

Concentrating on other characters is great for a well rounded story! Good stuff here!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Feb 20, 2021 9:29 AM

Feb 2019
First episode since we got the news the manga would be ending next month. Really bittersweet, but the story had started dragging on Tbf.

Of course as usual some skipped chapters today, but I still think they did a good job of giving Sakura and Yuki some shine. I think the direction during those Yuki monologue scenes was really well done. I love seeing how the side characters develop in this story and actually prefer them to Hori and Miya most of the time.

Glad we got the sex scene, think that was done really well too. Thoroughly enjoyable episode as usual.
Feb 20, 2021 9:31 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode as always.

Yoshikawa and Sakura were cute in the beginning trying to do their best.

Hori missing Miyamura because he was gone for 5 days was adorable and sounds like they had a great time together after he got back. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The scene with Sota and Miyamura is one of my favorites from the manga, it's a surprisingly intimate scene with how Miyamura gently asks Sota if he could technically be a part of their family.
That bite mark. xD
Feb 20, 2021 9:34 AM
Mar 2020
For the first time they didnt cut anything from sakura and yuki chapter. I dont care about the pace. Just dont skip any manga panel. And this episode actually deliver.

They even animated the bite panel. Whoever the director of this episode, i love u
Feb 20, 2021 9:34 AM

Mar 2020
rah did they really did?? umm?? im shocked ngl

Feb 20, 2021 9:34 AM
Jul 2018
Lelouch0202 said:
Great episode as always.

Yoshikawa and Sakura were cute in the beginning trying to do their best.

Hori missing Miyamura because he was gone for 5 days was adorable and sounds like they had a great time together after he got back. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The scene with Sota and Miyamura is one of my favorites from the manga, it's a surprisingly intimate scene with how Miyamura gently asks Sota if he could technically be a part of their family.
That bite mark. xD

But those empty eyes of Souta, I have always felt bad for him bc of that scene. He is too young.
Feb 20, 2021 9:35 AM

Mar 2020
SavageTM said:
They finally do the sex?

exactly my thoughts

Feb 20, 2021 9:35 AM
Feb 2020
Holy shit they fucked
Feb 20, 2021 9:35 AM

Aug 2020
The inevitable love triangle, ugh.

I definitely prefer Sakura over Yuki but I think they are both great.

Sota at the end was previous af, trying to make sure his onee-chan didn't get taken away from him.
clannad is the greatest piece of fiction to ever exist.
Feb 20, 2021 9:36 AM

Oct 2017
Both Yoshikawa and Sakura are great girls, hope they find happiness.

Hori hugging Izumi was sweet. She endured the entire week so she deserves some sweet time with her lover. Also they finally did it thou some scenes were removed in the anime.
MegamiRemFeb 23, 2021 10:31 AM
Feb 20, 2021 9:43 AM

Jan 2020
mavericko said:
For the first time they didnt cut anything from sakura and yuki chapter. I dont care about the pace. Just dont skip any manga panel. And this episode actually deliver.

They even animated the bite panel. Whoever the director of this episode, i love u

I agree. I've been a little dissappointed with the adaptation so far (it's not bad, just the OVA did a better job) but Ep7 was pretty good overall especially in not watering down a lot of the important character interactions.
Feb 20, 2021 9:43 AM

Aug 2014
loved this episode glad they focused more on the side characters. the hori-miya scenes were also good as usual
Feb 20, 2021 9:44 AM
Sep 2015
I'm so shock! They're just highschool! There's no place for heterosex in highschool level!
Feb 20, 2021 9:46 AM
Jul 2020
I know how animes can sometimes downplay adult scenes, so when it was raining and that atmosphere rose to what it became and he was on top of her as it fades to black, and that post-credit scene with hori leaving a mark on him and both of them having bare shoulders, they most definitely had sex in that offscreen time right?
Feb 20, 2021 9:51 AM

Jul 2017
Finally, we take a look at one of the first conflicts of the main supporting charas love triangle, Yuki-Tooru-Sakura. Glad to see Sakura happy with the such simple things beside the boy she liked, their happy-and-laugh dynamic really get into Yuki. Their love triangle will just be more relevant from here and out.

Being apart for a bit really made Miyamura and Hori missed each other so much, so when they finally meet, the emotion exploded just like that, they really loved and want to be with each other.
Even tho Hori couldn't act cute, it doesn't matter to Miyamura, because.

And finally we got the sex scene, raining is always giving a good vibe to do something warm, lmao. Glad they adapted everything, including the bite mark reveal scene. XD
Feb 20, 2021 9:52 AM

Sep 2019
It was kind of a drama heavy episode and I liked it. Sakura was really cute when she blushed but I like Yuki a lot more than her.

It went from watching horror movie to doing it real quick lol. I'm happy for them.
Feb 20, 2021 9:54 AM

Jun 2017
Expected the final section to be a part of the episode but I was lowkey hoping it wouldn't until next episode. But hey, they didn't cut anything besides the Sota finding something scene so I can live with it, wanted an addition of some sort there.

Yoshikawa focused in the 1st half and it was quite delightful indeed.
A little fast though, I must say once again. Sengoku-san's gold reactions though, lol.

And the second half entirely focused on Hori-Miya was a treat! Final bit especially more so but the buildup almost just as good. Touching hug to boot. Dat bite though, that's one possessive kanojo...

Artstyle is still quality material, this might've been the best such episode thus far.

When will Yasuda-sensei be coming back btw xD? Just popped up in my mind randomly.

Mod edit: Added spoiler tags.
KuuroFeb 21, 2021 5:07 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Feb 20, 2021 9:57 AM
Sep 2020
Maaan, it was much better in the manga. YES, they did have sex.

Oh there is an after credit scene, nevermind.
MrPetrixFeb 20, 2021 10:03 AM
Feb 20, 2021 10:00 AM

Jun 2015
Loving the new summer visuals they added to the opening. Looks like seeing Hori and Miyamura go public has also awakened Yoshikawa's desire to find someone as well. Funny seeing Kouno get so flustered though. Though not a strong person physically Remi is the type of person whose very presence and attempt to help makes her someone thats immensely valuable to all who know her. Looks like Yuki's having a hard time deciding on what to do with Tooru. The loss of contact between Hori and Miyamura sure served to create a sense of panic within Hori though. Overall an interesting ep that did well in expanding upon Yuki and Hori's characters while also showing the first stages of Sakura's determination to ask Tooru out.
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Feb 20, 2021 10:00 AM
Jul 2018
is it just me or did the art style look a bit different this episode? it was also quite fast paced episode compared to the others but i didn't mind too much.

regardless, this was a pretty nice episode. some nice development and focus on the green and blonde hair girl, her making cupcakes and stuff was so wholesome. it was cute seeing hori-san's reactions when miyamura went to hokkaido too.

also, that ending and post credit scene... yabai
phantomfandom said:
I'm so shock! They're just highschool! There's no place for heterosex in highschool level!

so there's a place for homosex in highschool?
Feb 20, 2021 10:00 AM

Aug 2013
Must protect Yoshikawa at all cost.

It was nice to see some focus on other characters like Sakura and Yoshikawa. Between the two, I just don't know which to root for.

Hori really missed Miyamura. Did they do the deed? It looked like it.
Oh and the bit mark. That was something. XD

Feb 20, 2021 10:01 AM

Jan 2015
Ok, I'm happy for them for scoring the home run

Did they use protection is my worry tho
Feb 20, 2021 10:02 AM
Oct 2016
Split up this episode into halves with the first focusing on the budding love triangle of Yuki, Sakura and Toru. The latter half focusing on our main couple Hori and Miyamura. Yuki with how her personality is she always puts others before herself. Like we saw with letting that other girl her the fashion magazine and with trying to bake for Toru. We really get our first deep look into who Yuki is, shes been trying to comfort Toru since his crush on Hori didn't work out. Toru himself is a stand up guy who keeps moving forward no matter what. Helping out both Yuki and Sakura in this episode. Sakura having her own feelings for Toru bubble up every time they're around each other. Multipled by him giving her his jacket when that trashed spilled on her uniform.

Sakura giving Toru the cookies was adorable. She looked so flustered. Beforehand asking Sengoku what he likes about Remi, how she makes him stronger by being herself and being next to him. Yuki though suffers from all this pining she can see Sakura liking Toru. She wants to be with Toru of course but doesn't want to act selfish or try to shove anyone aside to get him. I'm glad that Hori, Miyamura and Toru all comforted her by saying they'd look forward to her next horrible batch of cake.

After that we see Hori feeling down that Miyamura is on a trip up north. Five days away from the person you love most is not an easy thing to deal with. The distance is one thing but of course Miyamura forgot his phone charger and has no way to keep talking to Hori the whole trip aside from letting her know he made it there. Hori literally counting down the days till his return. She goes on to ask Remi, Sakura, and Yuki for some advice. With them all saying she needs to not act so cavalier with her horror movie selections. Act a little scared instead so he can comfort her and not feel intimidated I suppose.

Of course this doesn't work out well since its not who Hori really is. Miyamura says it in her bedroom that he fell in love not with a normal girl but with her. Hori reciprocating that notion by saying she fell in love with Miyamura just how he is. The two then comforting one other as the rain pitter pats outside. Very adorable afterwards when Souta doesn't want Miyamura to take his big sister away. Miyamura wouldn't do that though, he just wants Kyoko and would never hurt Souta like that.
Feb 20, 2021 10:02 AM
Sep 2017
Moonpoolrider said:
I know how animes can sometimes downplay adult scenes, so when it was raining and that atmosphere rose to what it became and he was on top of her as it fades to black, and that post-credit scene with hori leaving a mark on him and both of them having bare shoulders, they most definitely had sex in that offscreen time right?

To answer your question, yes they did.
Feb 20, 2021 10:05 AM
Jul 2019
It seems like my boy Izumi got laid
Feb 20, 2021 10:05 AM

Mar 2020
phantomfandom said:
I'm so shock! They're just highschool! There's no place for heterosex in highschool level!

i think its pretty normal in Japan from what I've heard.

Feb 20, 2021 10:05 AM
Sep 2020
Zinzoo said:
Ok, I'm happy for them for scoring the home run

Did they use protection is my worry tho

Feb 20, 2021 10:05 AM
Apr 2020
The episode was shit. What’s up with the pacing? Shouldn’t cute moments last longer? Where Hori hugged Miyamura, it was over in an instant. Toru eating Yuki’s cookies and expecting another batch, shouldn’t it receive more time? That was also over in an instant. The only good thing I appreciated was that the episode emphasized on side characters.
Feb 20, 2021 10:06 AM

Apr 2020
This episode was cute,
And they showed more of Yuki side, which I like.
It was cute when Hori missed Izumi even though it been 5 days.
And dam, did they really do it in the bed?

Overall I find this episode cute
Probably my favourite (maybe)
Nina supporter for life💕
Feb 20, 2021 10:06 AM

Jan 2021
Sakura x Tooru 😌 😌

Hmmm, so they finally did it...

Nice chapter, I like that they also develop other characters
Feb 20, 2021 10:06 AM

Jan 2015
MrPetrix said:
Zinzoo said:
Ok, I'm happy for them for scoring the home run

Did they use protection is my worry tho

Well that bodes well
Feb 20, 2021 10:09 AM

Jun 2012
Souta's little talk with Miyamura cut out a extremely important fact...
Feb 20, 2021 10:12 AM

May 2020
When I saw the scene of them "doing the deed", for some reason it felt like I was a little kid watching people kiss in a movie for the first time. Maturity had left the room. All that was said was "YOOOOOOOO THEY DID IT!"
I'm a blunt and pessimistic guy who tries to be nice to everybody. Whether that's off-putting or not is for you to decide.

Feb 20, 2021 10:12 AM
Jul 2020
Another great episode cool romance with other characters too.

Amazing scene when Hori got back to miyamura the music really got to me.

And i think we are all wondering what happened in that room after he went down o her lmao
Feb 20, 2021 10:14 AM

Mar 2020
Well this episode somewhat sparked the start of a love triangle. Don't know if Yoshikawa actually likes Ishikawa or just wants to hang out with him cause she feels lonely. What we do know is Sakura has fallen head over heals for Ishikawa.

Five days worth of loneliness for Miyamura and and Hori as they couldn't see each other nor connect with one another threw the phone. Once they met up though, they did the deed xD.
Feb 20, 2021 10:17 AM
Jul 2018
Such a cute and fluffy episode. Bumped up the rating of the anime from 9 to 10. Also did they get laid? I wasn't sure but it looked like it.
Feb 20, 2021 10:19 AM
Feb 2016
A nice episode. You could definitely see how Hori was feeling lonely when Miyamura was away and couldn't contact her. Really shows how much she loves him.

But damn, I didn't expect them to have sex so soon! And she bit him on the back of his neck nonetheless. No wonder people in some of the YT reactions were saying that Hori was a bit of an M type of person lol, she's the aggressive type!
Feb 20, 2021 10:22 AM
Aug 2020
Good Episode. The other characters got their time to shine. And did hori and Miyamura have S.E.X? or i’m tripping
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