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Attack on Titan
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Jan 31, 2021 12:09 PM

Oct 2013
shingojira-chan said:
-Aincrad- said:

I can agree with this. It might also be because I have no emotional attachment to this series and the characters, but I didn't really feel anything when she was dying or when Mikasa and Armin were crying over her dead body.

Overall I only found this episode "Okay" tbh.

PS: I know the MAL community well, so I'll just let you know I will just ignore and block every single retard who will try to use my mean score and favourites trying to explain why I'm emotionless, a [anime title]tard etc, so don't f*cking waste your time.

I felt the same when I read the manga as well . Isayama does this sometimes . But her death makes Gabi a better character .

I was never a fan of Sasha, this wasn't sad for me, but as you said her death will have meaning. I like this episode not because it was sad, but because of how well directed it is.

Jan 31, 2021 12:11 PM
Aug 2016
I know they're trying to draw some parallels between Gabi and young Eren, but fuck that, Eren's boner for killing Titans was caused by him seeing said titans destroying his whole town and causing the loss of both his parents, meanwhile Gabi's boner for killing the Eldians is pure propaganda, she has no problem killing people that aren't even Eldians to help the Marlians expand their territories and oppress even more nations as we saw in the first episode, what a fucking prick she is.
Jan 31, 2021 12:11 PM

Sep 2012
It was a lot better than last episode in term of quality, even "fight" was decent, I guess they didn't lie about getting people from Jujutsu Kaisen to help. Is it just me or did they change Eren reaction to Sasha death? If I recall correctly he just accepted it with a smile in manga.
Edit. Nvm, my memory just sucks.
QuarioXJan 31, 2021 12:16 PM
Jan 31, 2021 12:12 PM

Aug 2013
Sasha's death hit me so hard. RIP Potato girl. :(

Gabi hate incoming. Now anime-onlies will hate her.

Jan 31, 2021 12:15 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
They delivered well adapting this episode. Good voice actor work specially from Gabi's seeiyu. Must be hard to do a character as toxic and unlikeable as her, but she's done such a good job that I actually prefer anime Gabi to manga Gabi (while still having her as one of my most dislikeable characters ever

Taltibalti said:
keragamming said:

Huh the only character that I can think of that makes a 360 turn is Eren, everyone else is pretty much the same, but there will be flashbacks and stuff during the time skip, can you atleast give the series the benefit of the doubt so it can explain to why Eren is the way he is after this 4 years?

I think that is fair.

That person leaves negative reviews for each episode, it's impossible to change his mind. He just doesn't like the timeskip aspect I guess.

And why is that so wrong? Aren't people allowed to have an opinion that's different to the almost unanimous norm?

For the record, I'm not a fan of the story either after the timeskip.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 31, 2021 12:15 PM

Jun 2020
Wow, I keep getting goosebumps every fucking week watching AOT. If this doesn't go in my list of 10s, probably no other anime ever will. Except fucking One Piece
This anime shit is addictive
Jan 31, 2021 12:16 PM

Aug 2018
For an anime-only, I still don't hate Gabi the slightest even after this episode.
In fact, I wished she will be the one who kills Sasha and I'm glad it turned out that way.
Jan 31, 2021 12:20 PM
Feb 2018
ClickBaitBuster said:
I know they're trying to draw some parallels between Gabi and young Eren, but fuck that, Eren's boner for killing Titans was caused by him seeing said titans destroying his whole town and causing the loss of both his parents, meanwhile Gabi's boner for killing the Eldians is pure propaganda, she has no problem killing people that aren't even Eldians to help the Marlians expand their territories and oppress even more nations as we saw in the first episode, what a fucking prick she is.

Exactly my thoughts lol eventhough i understand every single aspects why it's justified.
Jan 31, 2021 12:24 PM

Jun 2016
Is everyone okay? Because I am ducking not! I read the manga, maaan, but I can’t remember crying this hard when Sasha died. Maaan, MAPPA did a great job adapting this. I was bawling and seeing Connie crying when he broke the news to the Survey Corps that Sasha died, I bawled harder. And it’s weird because I’m hating Gabi again despite the fact that
But losing Sasha is too much. She was the comic relief of this show with Connie and Jean. No more MEAT TRIO. Maaan, pain is different from reading the manga to seeing it animated.

Thank you, MAPPA! The animation quality this episode is wow!

Also, was it just me who want to beat the heck outta Zeke? Hahhahahahaha!

Lastly, maaaan, Yelena’s voice definitely fits her. Wasn’t expecting it will exceed my expectations. Ugh. I’m in love with her voice. Kudos to her seiyuu.

Sasha is trending worldwide. Everyone is in pain. This will stay for 2 episodes or more. I hope Sasha gets to eat a lot of meat in heaven. We love you, Potato Girl. You were everything to everyone who are suffering because of AOT.


"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Jan 31, 2021 12:24 PM
Jul 2020
The episode was great but was it just me or did the episode end in a wierd way. This a very small thing but it Bugs me for some reason 🤣

The episode should have ended after showing Eren's reaction to Sasha's death but they showed us a clip of the ship fly i think this very unnecessary. If only it would have ended before that clip it would have been just perfect. But it doesn't make the episode and less enjoyable so yaa it doesn't matter.
Jan 31, 2021 12:29 PM

Jun 2015
Here we see Falco observing how Gabi develops contrasting mindset/thoughts that he heard from Eren earlier. The Falco flashbacks makes it clear that Falco seems to have caught on to the contrast between Eren's and Gabi's outlook of the conflict. He's realized that it's meaningless to take revenge and tries to relentlessly stop Gabi to protect her from the consequences of that.

I'm surprised at how Falco seem to more easily overlook Zofia's and Udo's death unlike Gabi though. Even with the extra information he's heard from Eren, I would've expected some minor hesitation from Falco as he struggles between his feelings for his friends and coming to terms with the reality they've been handed, which I didn't quite catch anywhere.

Overall a good episode. RIP Sasha :(
Plot thickens with Zeke onboard and preview showed us a bunch of things on the island. Can't wait to see what comes next!
NadfeeJan 31, 2021 12:33 PM

Jan 31, 2021 12:30 PM
Apr 2020
DAMN THE KICK, I got so excited for that lmao
But now I'll go cry.
Btw, I thought the bearded person was Armin, I'm so confused right now.
I don't even know do I want the new episode, cuz I'll cry even more if someone else dies.
Jan 31, 2021 12:32 PM

Sep 2016
Farabeuf said:
They delivered well adapting this episode. Good voice actor work specially from Gabi's seeiyu. Must be hard to do a character as toxic and unlikeable as her, but she's done such a good job that I actually prefer anime Gabi to manga Gabi (while still having her as one of my most dislikeable characters ever

Taltibalti said:

That person leaves negative reviews for each episode, it's impossible to change his mind. He just doesn't like the timeskip aspect I guess.

And why is that so wrong? Aren't people allowed to have an opinion that's different to the almost unanimous norm?

For the record, I'm not a fan of the story either after the timeskip.

I never said it was wrong to leave negative reviews. If you perceived it that way then it was my fault. I meant that there is no point in trying to persuade someone to enjoy something that they clearly are not. It'll end up making them dislike the show even more.
TaltibaltiJan 31, 2021 12:38 PM
Jan 31, 2021 12:33 PM
Feb 2019
This was really something else.I thought I was ready for Sasha's death since I've read the manga, but seeing it animated was just so fucking sad and heartbreaking.At least it felt like her death was impactful.

Gosh I hate Gabbie so fckn much, Jean just should've kicked her off the plane.
Jan 31, 2021 12:33 PM
Feb 2017
Jean & Connie are an absolute disgrace as friends they should've atleast beaten the crap out of Gabi if they don't want to kill her.
Jan 31, 2021 12:34 PM
Jan 2020
NOOOOO not potato girl :[
I fking hate Gabi
Jan 31, 2021 12:37 PM

Apr 2013
Priyansh_04 said:
Jean & Connie are an absolute disgrace as friends they should've atleast beaten the crap out of Gabi if they don't want to kill her.
one of the many reasons why floch is better bff material
Jan 31, 2021 12:38 PM

Mar 2018
every manga including this one hit way different in the anime man rip Sasha the goat, i ate some meat in her memory instead of pouring one out.
Jan 31, 2021 12:38 PM

Apr 2018
The OST is perfect.
Jan 31, 2021 12:39 PM
Mar 2020
Rest In Peace Sasha.
Jan 31, 2021 12:39 PM

Jul 2020
Why is the world of Attack on Titan so grim? Sigh, all that lies for the future of Paradis is death and destruction...
Jan 31, 2021 12:39 PM
Jan 31, 2021 12:41 PM
Feb 2018
Sourire said:
Priyansh_04 said:
Jean & Connie are an absolute disgrace as friends they should've atleast beaten the crap out of Gabi if they don't want to kill her.
one of the many reasons why floch is better bff material

Thanks for that pic yo
Jan 31, 2021 12:42 PM

Aug 2009
I think the hate on Gabi is ridiculous, i didn't like what she did but i understand the situation also i liked how Jean & Connie responded to her unlike the Floch and the others.

This episode was beyond amazing and deserves a 10/10 in my opinion.
AzureFlame64Jan 31, 2021 1:32 PM
Jan 31, 2021 12:42 PM
Nov 2020
Can we like not. I saw it coming. I saw it fucking coming. AND I STILL BROKE TF DOWN. I actually need medical attention
Jan 31, 2021 12:43 PM

Oct 2020
Man this is so sad.

RIP Sasha
Jan 31, 2021 12:43 PM

Aug 2020
Sasha, you'll never be forgotten.

If Gabi dies I'll be glad to forget her and I hope she dies.
Jan 31, 2021 12:43 PM

Nov 2018
BASED GABI BACK AT IT AGAIN. Still it huts man, sadly one had to go down eventually and here we have it. Rest in Potato, Potato Girl.
Jan 31, 2021 12:44 PM

Apr 2020
amazing episode with a big RIP for Sasha. ;_;
Jan 31, 2021 12:44 PM
Nov 2017
Gabi had the right to do what she did. Don't have to like the deed but it was understandable. Like Jean said, how will throwing off a couple of kids off of an airship stop the bloodshed. It's time for the survey corps to be the bigger man and let Gabi live. RIP to everyone with a good heart that died that night. Eldian and Marleyan.
Jan 31, 2021 12:45 PM
Jul 2018
so much to unpack in this episode but first off, rip sasha, it was really sad to see her die. was really surprised when they got eren on the ship and started beating him up and shit cause i thought they had all this stuff planned out but i guess not, zeke being there shocked me too; is he on the eldians side now? wonder whats gonna happen to gabi and falco, hope they don't get killed. also feel bad for mikasa and armin :(
Jan 31, 2021 12:45 PM
Feb 2015
I haven't laughed this much watching an anime since I watched Nichijou. 10/10
Jan 31, 2021 12:47 PM

Sep 2014
Rest in peace Sasha, yes I am part of the Gabi hate train now I don't care, she killed a character I've loved for years after being introduced 8 episodes ago, all my homies hate Gabi too >:( IDC that it was valid for her to have done so after lifelong indoctrination, I still hate her :( I hope you're enjoying all the meat your heart desires in the afterlife Potato Girl.

Really interested in how the heck Zeke decided to join (?) the Scouts and help them out? Like what is going on I need to know what this means, did he basically betray Marley? I am hoping it'll be explained more in the later episodes because I am confused!
Jan 31, 2021 12:47 PM

Sep 2020
I don't really like Sasha's character that much so maybe that's why I'm not really mad at Gabi for what she did like.. I understand Gabi's side and she must be so traumatized (two of her closest friends died gruesomely right in front of her and she like saw pieck get hurt rlly bad and thought zeke died) and I get that she was trying to prove to everyone that Eldians weren't really bad, but now that Eren and them 'declared war' or whatever it's kind of over for the eldians who live in marley??

I don't think what she did was okay, esp cuz she's not even trying to see the paradis island eldians side she's just like i hate them.. but I hope eventually she'll understand everything

I feel bad for Connie and Jean and them for having to witness that all right after they thought they were safe.

Anyways I do think more of the blame goes to the adults that were mentoring them like Reiner and Pieck and them for not like letting them know that the Eldians on Paradis Island weren't demons.

Also idk how Eren and them are gonna get out of this situation.. why would Eren basically wage war on the entire world?? It's not looking good for them

Falco is my favorite in s4 I think

R.I.P. Sasha
Jan 31, 2021 12:49 PM

Apr 2020
did not expect to like this adaptation very well

goodbye my 'potato girl' :)
hope you can get more potatoes and meat there. RIP Sasha
Jan 31, 2021 12:50 PM
Aug 2020
P.S.: Let's be sad for Sasha but don't go crazy hating Gabi. She did something completely understandable from her POV.
Jan 31, 2021 12:50 PM

Aug 2019
Sasha knew the implications and the potential consequences of what she was doing, like the rest of the survey corps.

What Gabi did was obviously wrong, but it's completely understandable given she's been brainwashed to think a particular way, and just watched her hometown get smoked and her best friends get killed. Of course she wants retribution for that.

Falco reminds me a lot of Armin. Intelligent, brave, empathetic, understanding and willing to see through the bullshit. One of the few from the Marleyan side with his head screwed on the right way.

RIP Potato Girl.
Jan 31, 2021 12:52 PM
Sep 2016
z00nex said:
Why did Sasha had to die out of all the people? FUCK YOU GABI.

I can get why she would want to kill the Eldians and I don't blame her for it. BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SHOOT SASHA?

Maybe because she just saw Sasha shoot down people she knows before her eyes and is part of the attack that just destroyed her city and kill 2 of her friends. That seems like a lot of reasons to want to shoot Sasha, plus she was in the middle of the group.
Jan 31, 2021 12:58 PM

Jan 2011
Twitter and Facebook spoiled this for me but I still loved it. Wow, the plot is so good. I also love the reveal that Sasha is dead. So many moving parts. Let's see how our cast stops the literal world from wiping them off the map. Also Gabi... Jesus she is a fucking psychopathic devout follower. She sounds like a radical Jehovah Witness.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jan 31, 2021 12:58 PM

Jan 2017
Damn I remember reading this in the manga when it first came out and thinking her death wasn't as good as it could have been. The ost + voice actors really did make it way better. Great episode.
Jan 31, 2021 12:59 PM

Sep 2016
MasterHavik said:
Twitter and Facebook spoiled this for me but I still loved it. Wow, the plot is so good. I also love the reveal that Sasha is dead. So many moving parts. Let's see how our cast stops the literal world from wiping them off the map. Also Gabi... Jesus she is a fucking psychopathic devout follower. She sounds like a radical Jehovah Witness.

I feel you, man. Gabi reminds me of one of my family members, It's kinda scary.
Jan 31, 2021 12:59 PM

Mar 2018
I guess dragging your friends into war isn't the best way to protect them...
Who would have thought?

For some people, the change of the perspective seems to be useless.
Hating on Gabi for acting as Eren when he didn't understand Reiner's position, wanting to make him suffer for doing the same thing the scouts did in Liberio represents the same attitude that the marleyans have towards Paradise island, refusing to see and understand the other perspective.


The scouts are right regarding what happened...

Gabi's reaction was understandable, tragic and hard to watch!!
R.I.P. Sasha!! :(

Jan 31, 2021 1:00 PM
Sep 2020
Honestly, Wow. What an episode for Season 4.

Sasha, Food is ready.
Jan 31, 2021 1:00 PM

Apr 2018
I was so excited to see the original group members but did not expect to see Sasha go down too soon ;( ... I'm so sad. When you grow an attachment to certain characters and see them gone like that, it definitely hurts 10x more. This makes me hate Gabi but I understand her situation on why she did it. GAHHHHHH!!!

RIP Sasha :(
Jan 31, 2021 1:02 PM

May 2016
Arin-san said:
Seeing this scene animated, it broke my heart into 2. And I hope Gabi dies the most painful fucking death, Jean and the others are fucking pussies, I would’ve kicked Gabi to death, what the fuck did Jean do? Absolutely pussies, shame in the name of a friend.

Floch should've kicked them out of the plane, fuck 'em kids.
I sacrifice
Jan 31, 2021 1:03 PM
May 2020
My eyes are sweating for some reason :)
Jan 31, 2021 1:03 PM

Sep 2019
Oriotiar said:
z00nex said:
Why did Sasha had to die out of all the people? FUCK YOU GABI.

I can get why she would want to kill the Eldians and I don't blame her for it. BUT WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU SHOOT SASHA?

Maybe because she just saw Sasha shoot down people she knows before her eyes and is part of the attack that just destroyed her city and kill 2 of her friends. That seems like a lot of reasons to want to shoot Sasha, plus she was in the middle of the group.
Everyone shoot their people and killed them. There was like a dozen people there but that bullet hits Sasha, the least harmful person.
Jan 31, 2021 1:08 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Taltibalti said:
Farabeuf said:
They delivered well adapting this episode. Good voice actor work specially from Gabi's seeiyu. Must be hard to do a character as toxic and unlikeable as her, but she's done such a good job that I actually prefer anime Gabi to manga Gabi (while still having her as one of my most dislikeable characters ever

And why is that so wrong? Aren't people allowed to have an opinion that's different to the almost unanimous norm?

For the record, I'm not a fan of the story either after the timeskip.

I never said it was wrong to leave negative reviews. If you perceived it that way then it was my fault. I meant that there is no point in trying to persuade someone to enjoy something that they clearly are not. It'll end up making them dislike the show even more.

Oh, ok. I misunderstood you point. My bad.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 31, 2021 1:11 PM

Apr 2020
I don´t care how much you defend Gabi, how much arguments you have.
Jan 31, 2021 1:12 PM
Nov 2020
But why Eren must be like this in the final season i dont like the character development cause they show us a different Eren,a cold Eren that he doesnt care if he kills so mane childs and civilians.I know that the same happended when the armored titan invaid the walls but Eren must be different he must care about others
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