Attack on Titan
Available on Manga Store
Jan 19, 2021 10:51 AM
By the way guys, for you, what's the most impressive titan design in this season so far? And why? For me it has to be Warhammer, i loved his design (there were some strange cgi scenes with him, but it's not that big of a concern) |
Jan 19, 2021 10:54 AM
So this is the thread to segregate the ones who as such dare to dislike the adaptation? The mods are basically saying that complain here, don't 'pollute' the episode discussions with your negative opinions because apparently that's a sacred place now. You can't even dare dislike this season lest you want to be called a hater. And they call us toxic when they're the ones who are trying to stop us from expressing our opinions. This Mappa dickriding is getting out of hand. The fans like to bootlick Mappa for feeding them shit. They're probably laughing at them and raking in the easy cash they made with such low effort. That's for the executives. The staff isn't innocent either. They became over ambitious and tried to mimic Wit by putting in the details. They went for the hard work instead of smart work. Should've just cut all the art details as needed so it is animation friendly atleast. I can only describe this is as poor foresight and incompetence on their part. They knew they had less time but still tried to do twice the work you'd do for a regular anime. No one's to blame but themselves. Anyone who had creative control over someone in the production process is to blame. The only one exempt from blame are the ones who were ordered around and made to overwork. Those who're telling that it isn't the fault of Mappa are wrong. Mappa voluntarily decided to pick up the task. They failed to properly analyze the time and resources required and didn't took into consideration the feasibility. As a result the animators suffered. Well this isn't unique to Mappa. As Mr. Cao said, the production is 'normal'. As in the overwork is normal in the industry. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that Mappa took this project because they're passionate about AoT. They took it because they saw easy money. Mappa is a shovelware studio. They know they can get away with making a colored manga panels animation. Other studios refused because they actually want to enhance the manga to its fullest potential in the anime. Also, they know that the schedule is bad and they have other stuff to animate just like Mappa, but they just weren't greedy enough, unlike Mappa. Just look at Wit for the immediate example. |
Jan 19, 2021 11:01 AM
Jehad321 said: DeadlyRaven said: Since people can't behave and keep making thread about these, you can all have a special thread to talk about these topics. This thread will also be heavily moderated. If you can't discuss these in a civil fashion, you will be at risk of receiving a warning of a ban. Please read the Site & Forum Guidelines before posting. Reminder of some rules and rules for this thread:
This is mostly an anime only thread, please use spoiler tags. If someone repeatedly posts spoilers without tags, it will be a trolling rule violation. Here are the Site & Forum Guidelines, the Anime Discussion Rules and the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules. Want to read the old Rumor & Leaks Thread? You can find it here. All other threads concerning these topics will be either locked, merged or removed. The same goes for all ranting/blog threads. There are plenty of places where you can discuss, there's no need for a new thread every five minutes. Gossiping threads will be removed too. Anything concerning the community being x or y. That's not fair I can't create a poll now. deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. |
Jan 19, 2021 11:03 AM
MAQS said: Sourire said: This thread will definitely be civil. CHAMPIONOFDEATH said: My personal opinions on the animation and production: Not a fan of the inconsistent character models, Mikasa looks like four different characters in the span of one episode. Eren also looks very inconsistent at times. They did floch dirty, but that's fine honestly lol. Attack Titan looks really bad in some shots. I don't know how I feel about Levi's design, I need to see more stills to determine. The CGI was expected but not to the extent that they used it. The animation was pretty good for Mikasa vs War Hammer Titan, but the over reliance of the CGI goes to show how strapped for time they are and how rushed this production is. The finally shot of the scouts dancing around the screen and Levi running into the camera was just cringy for me. OST mixing and placements isn't really there forte from the looks of it. Lot of just awkward moments where there is either no music or bad choice. And they really like the PV OST to much. I think the story and voice acting is what is carrying this adaptation. I think a lot of anime onlys are able to look past the faults of the season because it's their first experience with this 10/10 storytelling. I think it's a bit harder to look past the faults if you already know what happens, because at that point you're just judging it based on how it is as an adaptation rather then the whole experience. I greatly appreciate the animators busting there ass to do they best they can in this short amount of time they have to work on it. Considering the schedule, they've done a great job with the short amount of time they have. I just think they could've made it a lot better if they had more time to work on it. So essentially, I appreciate the animators for doing their best, but fuck the mappa executives for dumping this on to there employees and fuck the production committee for not granting them more time to work on it. Considering the circumstances, it's just an average adaptation and definitely a downgrade from the previous seasons. Overall it’s a decent adaptation, but definitely not at the level it should be with the material it is adapting. WIT had faults too, but their storyboarding and overall execution was more on point. The story and voice actors will carry this season. And fuck Kodansha. Should’ve delayed the release of season 4 to Spring 2021 as it would’ve given MAPPA 1.5 years to make all 16 episodes and most likely enough time to make everything 2D and more detailed. Disagree with OST placement. Is on par with WIT. And if I were to bash S3 about its OST which I wont because I dont think it miss used it either, I would point out the backslash for the OST of Levi vs Zeke and Armin being burnt to a crisp, that happened. The OST coherence and motiff is on point this final season. First of all, I agree with @Suorire, if Kodansha would give them more time, and hopefully more episodes as well, I'm sure MAPPA would be able to show the best of their best without any restriction, though knowing them (a bit, just a bit) they still wuold've used CGI for some key scenes, but it would be way more polished, with more layers of detail and a bigger focus on the compositing for it to blend in. Now, with OST choices I kinda agree and disagree, at first Kohta's style was very off-putting to me, but now I got more used to it, though I'm not fully sold on his work yet, there are some OST's that don't fit that much imo, specially in the SOL alike segments. Now, the whole fuss with 2Volt playing over the declaration of war, it grew up way too much, but it's true that it doesn't really fit, because of it being calmer many people forget that it's still a hype OST, intended for action packed scenes, so in the same way that YouSeeBIGGIRL/T:T wouldn't fit, 2Volt didn't, and despite it's use was criticized as well in Levi vs. Zeke, it fits better there because it's an action scene, to contextualize, the other places where 2Volt played were Eren vs. Reiner in season 2, and somewhere in the season 2 finale as well (when Hannes is about to charge on Dina iirc), all action scenes; actually, they could've keep 2Volt and get the dramatical effect but with last part of that part, the very same that plays when Pieck rescues Zeke from Levi, it fits really well the scene, but instead they went with the bombastic section of it... however. There are so many edits on internet, so to each their own, but to me a dramatical tone was best choice, so either Vogel im Käfig, 4th-7-b@$ or the leaked OST would been a good option. The PV motif is great, and I like it's use so far, but I get why some people are already tired of it; also, one track I really loved was a strings section accompanied of flutes when Willy Tybur was talking about the peace will of King Fritz, it's really beautiful; as well, I liked the final OST of the sixth episodes, when Porco is cornered by the scouts, it feels alike to the PV ones but new because of it's different melody; last but not least, the piano piece when Reiner breaks down in front of Eren was really good, it had the typical Sawano sound but also a more peaceful air to it, alike to Yukata Yamada, it was great. Edit: I've never understood the people who complain about the OST choice in the Armin's sacrifice/takedown of the colossal scene, it fits really well the bittersweet tone of the scene, and it's a great presentation for that motif; it's like complaining about ApeTitan playing over the suicide charge, and I haven't heard/read the first person to complaiin about it. |
mafd12Jan 19, 2021 11:48 AM
Jan 19, 2021 11:08 AM
I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO |
Jan 19, 2021 11:19 AM
Alpha_Druid said: deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. i personally think its because like the sakuga community is saying the anime fandom cannot separate the staff from the studio, the praise is always on the studio is the biggest misconception here |
Jan 19, 2021 11:32 AM
Tsarko said: Someone made a good post on Reddit that worded well one of my main gripes with this season, and MAPPA's shows in general and it's colour use and compositing. I think the post and the thread is well worth a read thats a great read and i agree MAPPA compositing team or the director of photography is kinda bad no hate or harassment intended here though |
Jan 19, 2021 11:47 AM
Hey so just wanna say about the CGI that during the barrages of punches by attack titan on WHT,at the start of the fight,the CGI looked awesome.Attack Titan looked terrific than ever.But after that I dunno what happened.The quality of CGI depreciated or maybe it was more slower(fps).Some models of WTH looked bad,some good.The whole sequence with Mikasa and WTH was awesome but was ruined by the mediocre CGI before and afterwards.After that the way eren jumped from the roof to transform again,the sequence was odd.Maybe the CGI or the timing,I am not sure. The ending was great with Levi outta nowhere,but is it me or who thought that Eren's neck was cut in that scene instead of Jaw Titan.I just assumed it was Jaw's but they didn't make it visible enough I really liked Armored Titan's CGI design,but was unimpressed with Attack Titan's and WTH.I dunno,WTH should have had a larger impact on me. I am kinda disappointed that we didn't see the scenes from trailer.Maybe that fight shot b/w Eren and Reiner will also be CGi as opposed to what we saw in the trailer.Tha would be a bummer.Anywhay,I guess what is done is done and can't be changed. |
Jan 19, 2021 12:00 PM
Alpha_Druid said: Jehad321 said: DeadlyRaven said: Since people can't behave and keep making thread about these, you can all have a special thread to talk about these topics. This thread will also be heavily moderated. If you can't discuss these in a civil fashion, you will be at risk of receiving a warning of a ban. Please read the Site & Forum Guidelines before posting. Reminder of some rules and rules for this thread:
This is mostly an anime only thread, please use spoiler tags. If someone repeatedly posts spoilers without tags, it will be a trolling rule violation. Here are the Site & Forum Guidelines, the Anime Discussion Rules and the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules. Want to read the old Rumor & Leaks Thread? You can find it here. All other threads concerning these topics will be either locked, merged or removed. The same goes for all ranting/blog threads. There are plenty of places where you can discuss, there's no need for a new thread every five minutes. Gossiping threads will be removed too. Anything concerning the community being x or y. That's not fair I can't create a poll now. deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. Imagine calling people stupid for loving AoT S4 😂😢 Cry me a river buddy. |
Jan 19, 2021 12:02 PM
SaberHotMikasa said: Alpha_Druid said: Jehad321 said: DeadlyRaven said: Since people can't behave and keep making thread about these, you can all have a special thread to talk about these topics. This thread will also be heavily moderated. If you can't discuss these in a civil fashion, you will be at risk of receiving a warning of a ban. Please read the Site & Forum Guidelines before posting. Reminder of some rules and rules for this thread:
This is mostly an anime only thread, please use spoiler tags. If someone repeatedly posts spoilers without tags, it will be a trolling rule violation. Here are the Site & Forum Guidelines, the Anime Discussion Rules and the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules. Want to read the old Rumor & Leaks Thread? You can find it here. All other threads concerning these topics will be either locked, merged or removed. The same goes for all ranting/blog threads. There are plenty of places where you can discuss, there's no need for a new thread every five minutes. Gossiping threads will be removed too. Anything concerning the community being x or y. That's not fair I can't create a poll now. deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. Imagine calling people stupid for loving AoT S4 😂😢 Cry me a river buddy. That's make no sense, right? What happen with this world, being positive is now bad, huh? Hahaha |
Jan 19, 2021 12:03 PM
Zener said: that reiner vs eren shot was pre animated from the super animator kameda, he worked on the intro but I dont know if he is working on the anime too. And the whole mikasa vs warhammer titan was awesome, I would go that far and say its one of the best human odm vs titan shifter fight, just look at the camera angle and the warhammer transformationsHey so just wanna say about the CGI that during the barrages of punches by attack titan on WHT,at the start of the fight,the CGI looked awesome.Attack Titan looked terrific than ever.But after that I dunno what happened.The quality of CGI depreciated or maybe it was more slower(fps).Some models of WTH looked bad,some good.The whole sequence with Mikasa and WTH was awesome but was ruined by the mediocre CGI before and afterwards.After that the way eren jumped from the roof to transform again,the sequence was odd.Maybe the CGI or the timing,I am not sure. The ending was great with Levi outta nowhere,but is it me or who thought that Eren's neck was cut in that scene instead of Jaw Titan.I just assumed it was Jaw's but they didn't make it visible enough I really liked Armored Titan's CGI design,but was unimpressed with Attack Titan's and WTH.I dunno,WTH should have had a larger impact on me. I am kinda disappointed that we didn't see the scenes from trailer.Maybe that fight shot b/w Eren and Reiner will also be CGi as opposed to what we saw in the trailer.Tha would be a bummer.Anywhay,I guess what is done is done and can't be changed. |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 12:11 PM
deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Fr those people praise a company that abuses their animators and mistreats them 🤢, anime studio that deserve praise are kyoto animation and maybe ufotable. |
Jan 19, 2021 12:49 PM
Won't anyone notice how top tier the animation of explosions and wreckage have been since episode 1? |
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it. |
Jan 19, 2021 12:56 PM
HyperL said: Won't anyone notice how top tier the animation of explosions and wreckage have been since episode 1? Yep. Credit goes to Satoshi Sakai. He really carried this season. |
Jan 19, 2021 1:52 PM
Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. |
Jan 19, 2021 5:57 PM
Ofcool2947 said: deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Fr those people praise a company that abuses their animators and mistreats them 🤢, anime studio that deserve praise are kyoto animation and maybe ufotable. Oh no, we got a white knight here. All studios could care less about you, they all want money, simple as that. |
Jan 19, 2021 6:23 PM
dompsterfire said: I think this shot is a perfect example of what mappa is capable of. It used CG and blended in some 2D aspects and used the back lighting to hide the janky-ness of the shot which imo is a really good technique and it looked really cool too. Mappa would've been perfect if it did not have a shitty schedule. Yes, part of Mappa as a company is to blame for that but they've done well so far considering the circumstances. This shot is seriously not good... |
Jan 19, 2021 6:28 PM
On_the_Lam said: hmmm okay, can you explain why you think it is not? This is the first time I've heard someone say that. dompsterfire said: I think this shot is a perfect example of what mappa is capable of. It used CG and blended in some 2D aspects and used the back lighting to hide the janky-ness of the shot which imo is a really good technique and it looked really cool too. Mappa would've been perfect if it did not have a shitty schedule. Yes, part of Mappa as a company is to blame for that but they've done well so far considering the circumstances. This shot is seriously not good... |
Jan 19, 2021 6:55 PM
MAQS said: deg said: i was right or anime production history and the sakuga community is right again to show that pre-animated PV is better than the actual TV show although im personally fine with 3DCG but for me they should have gone Full 3DCG with it since at times the visuals switching from 2D and 3D does not blend well compared to other 2D and 3D hybrid anime like Promare movie but ye thats a movie anyway You were spot on about the trailer overall looking better than the series. Eren looked so damn fine when it first appeared. imo, animation was overall better in trailer but compositing, character designs and art is much better in the anime |
Jan 19, 2021 7:50 PM
Madlaad said: I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO this is hilarious, thank you |
Jan 19, 2021 7:55 PM
I'm not happy with the way they're cutting panels to reduce animation either . The attack titan is a joke . Warhammer is alright . ODM scenes are alright . CGI scouts are bad . I had to bleach my eyes after watching the attack titan . |
Something that’s supposed to die and doesn’t… will eventually rot away , whether it’s a man or a nation |
Jan 19, 2021 8:02 PM
Overall they could've put more textures on titans (like skin texture or dirt texture) which would've helped blend everything together better. example from season 1: |
removed-userJan 19, 2021 8:19 PM
Jan 19, 2021 8:15 PM
chiearlymorning said: did you read the message from a staff member? Many off model CD, textures and other things will be fixed in the bluray versionOverall they could've put more textures on titans (like skin texture or dirt texture) which would've helped blend everything together better. example from season 1: |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 8:18 PM
yaegerist-15 said: did you read the message from a staff member? Many off model CD, textures and other things will be fixed in the bluray version i didnt. do you have a link? |
Jan 19, 2021 8:19 PM
SaberHotMikasa said: Ofcool2947 said: deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Fr those people praise a company that abuses their animators and mistreats them 🤢, anime studio that deserve praise are kyoto animation and maybe ufotable. Oh no, we got a white knight here. All studios could care less about you, they all want money, simple as that. ok?, that just proves my point more that studios mistreats their animators, for money not including ufotable or kyo ani since their animators are treated well. Wait a minute....oh you that GOH fan, i remember🤮. |
Ofcool2947Jan 19, 2021 8:26 PM
Jan 19, 2021 8:23 PM
chiearlymorning said: no but youll find it in the general discussion thread on page 68yaegerist-15 said: did you read the message from a staff member? Many off model CD, textures and other things will be fixed in the bluray version i didnt. do you have a link? |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 8:51 PM
JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Jan 19, 2021 8:58 PM
chiearlymorning said: Madlaad said: I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO this is hilarious, thank you No problem, its sums up my feeling. Y'all too optimistic. |
Jan 19, 2021 9:18 PM
Madlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 9:22 PM
yaegerist-15 said: Correction, Production started in dec 2019, not pre-prod, but doesn't change the circumstances, and tbh, if pre prod started in dec I would've lost all hopeMadlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Jan 19, 2021 9:23 PM
yaegerist-15 said: I wouldn't bet on taht, even if storyboarding is movie quality, action quality might be worse than this ep who knows, only time can tellMadlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Jan 19, 2021 9:27 PM
Harsha1314 said: I really wouldnt call the action bad, wht was good and his weapons were fire, mikasa vs warhammer titan was awesome, attack titan had some bad scenes thats true but aside from that, the episode delivered very good moments. And some textures and off-model CD will be fixed in the bluray version like always. I would say this adaption is at least on par with season 3 part 2. Sorry Im not lying but I find AT vs WHT better than eren vs reiner round 2 (that fight wasnt bad either). yaegerist-15 said: I wouldn't bet on taht, even if storyboarding is movie quality, action quality might be worse than this ep who knows, only time can tellMadlaad said: JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 9:29 PM
Just for your information, things will be fixed in the Blu Ray version. Here's the message from Ep 6 director. |
Jan 19, 2021 9:38 PM
yaegerist-15 said: Madlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. Dec 19 😬 damn that's hella late wonder what the hell they have been doing all this time. Anyways chances of super animator are non-existent now that we already into hype territory but no one is working personally i would've liked for super animator to do erems both transformation. The second transformation was off screen 🤣. Wasting opportunity like that really shows how short on time they are. |
Jan 19, 2021 9:40 PM
Madlaad said: Im corious what the director mean when he said that not all titans would be cgi. The pure titans are hand drawn as we know, did he mean the transformations and close-ups? Or is there really a good chance of a 2d animated fight or some good shots at the end? (chapter 116-119)yaegerist-15 said: Madlaad said: JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. Dec 19 😬 damn that's hella late wonder what the hell they have been doing all this time. Anyways chances of super animator are non-existent now that we already into hype territory but no one is working personally i would've liked for super animator to do erems both transformation. The second transformation was off screen 🤣 |
Attack on Titan ended with chapter 123 and 130/131 is the epilogue |
Jan 19, 2021 9:52 PM
yaegerist-15 said: Madlaad said: Im corious what the director mean when he said that not all titans would be cgi. The pure titans are hand drawn as we know, did he mean the transformations and close-ups? Or is there really a good chance of a 2d animated fight or some good shots at the end? (chapter 116-119)yaegerist-15 said: Madlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. Dec 19 😬 damn that's hella late wonder what the hell they have been doing all this time. Anyways chances of super animator are non-existent now that we already into hype territory but no one is working personally i would've liked for super animator to do erems both transformation. The second transformation was off screen 🤣 Fingers crossed its levi vs mindless titans or the beast. It has to be i refuse to think about cgilevi vs cgi bt. Wht vs mikasa had 2d elements too maybe thats what hes talking about. Oh my gawd wht vs mikasa was good. I was so dissapointed after seeing cgi AT and scouts. I didn't even focus on the good things. I didn't even want to watch it so i realized later there was some heat in this ep too. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:01 PM
SaberHotMikasa said: Alpha_Druid said: Jehad321 said: DeadlyRaven said: Since people can't behave and keep making thread about these, you can all have a special thread to talk about these topics. This thread will also be heavily moderated. If you can't discuss these in a civil fashion, you will be at risk of receiving a warning of a ban. Please read the Site & Forum Guidelines before posting. Reminder of some rules and rules for this thread:
This is mostly an anime only thread, please use spoiler tags. If someone repeatedly posts spoilers without tags, it will be a trolling rule violation. Here are the Site & Forum Guidelines, the Anime Discussion Rules and the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules. Want to read the old Rumor & Leaks Thread? You can find it here. All other threads concerning these topics will be either locked, merged or removed. The same goes for all ranting/blog threads. There are plenty of places where you can discuss, there's no need for a new thread every five minutes. Gossiping threads will be removed too. Anything concerning the community being x or y. That's not fair I can't create a poll now. deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. Imagine calling people stupid for loving AoT S4 😂😢 Cry me a river buddy. Nice cherry pick. I also called the people harassing the staff as stupid, y'know the black view of the black and white. Along with the fans who are blindly praising Mappa not unlike you. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:13 PM
yaegerist-15 said: Yeah the fight was great for the most part, just eren cg face looking bad quite a few times. The CD's.... Idk I don't have any problem with the cd's they all look good to me, the scouts are cg but not the jarring and off putting, pull out of the moment cg at all, in other words great use of cg. AT design, can be improved by a lot, and hope they make more 2d shots for close ups.Harsha1314 said: I really wouldnt call the action bad, wht was good and his weapons were fire, mikasa vs warhammer titan was awesome, attack titan had some bad scenes thats true but aside from that, the episode delivered very good moments. And some textures and off-model CD will be fixed in the bluray version like always. I would say this adaption is at least on par with season 3 part 2. Sorry Im not lying but I find AT vs WHT better than eren vs reiner round 2 (that fight wasnt bad either). yaegerist-15 said: Madlaad said: they started late because the comitee asked very late, pre production began at december 2019, thats wayyy to late, pre prodcution has to began at least 1.5 years before the release. Ill not say this adaption is perfect but Ill wait until at least the marley arc is done to judge it but chances are that if mappa didnt pick this up, kodansha would gave it to studio deen or j.c staff, because all they care is to release it before the manga ends, isayama wants that too unfortunately (surprising), but I thought he is passionated about the anime? That why we still have to wait, the director hayashi said something about the last 2 episodes will have movie quality storyboarding, maybe there is still some good freelancer for some good 2d shots like the 40 seconds mikasa vs warhammer titan fight which was good.JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:18 PM
Alpha_Druid said: Not trying to hate but you should take your own advice.Jehad321 said: DeadlyRaven said: Since people can't behave and keep making thread about these, you can all have a special thread to talk about these topics. This thread will also be heavily moderated. If you can't discuss these in a civil fashion, you will be at risk of receiving a warning of a ban. Please read the Site & Forum Guidelines before posting. Reminder of some rules and rules for this thread:
This is mostly an anime only thread, please use spoiler tags. If someone repeatedly posts spoilers without tags, it will be a trolling rule violation. Here are the Site & Forum Guidelines, the Anime Discussion Rules and the Anime Series Episode Discussion Rules. Want to read the old Rumor & Leaks Thread? You can find it here. All other threads concerning these topics will be either locked, merged or removed. The same goes for all ranting/blog threads. There are plenty of places where you can discuss, there's no need for a new thread every five minutes. Gossiping threads will be removed too. Anything concerning the community being x or y. That's not fair I can't create a poll now. deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Hit the nail right on the head. People's views are so black and white. Is this prevalent in the West or is this just stupid fans of AoT. Alpha_Druid said: So this is the thread to segregate the ones who as such dare to dislike the adaptation? The mods are basically saying that complain here, don't 'pollute' the episode discussions with your negative opinions because apparently that's a sacred place now. You can't even dare dislike this season lest you want to be called a hater. And they call us toxic when they're the ones who are trying to stop us from expressing our opinions. This Mappa dickriding is getting out of hand. The fans like to bootlick Mappa for feeding them shit. They're probably laughing at them and raking in the easy cash they made with such low effort. That's for the executives. The staff isn't innocent either. They became over ambitious and tried to mimic Wit by putting in the details. They went for the hard work instead of smart work. Should've just cut all the art details as needed so it is animation friendly atleast. I can only describe this is as poor foresight and incompetence on their part. They knew they had less time but still tried to do twice the work you'd do for a regular anime. No one's to blame but themselves. Anyone who had creative control over someone in the production process is to blame. The only one exempt from blame are the ones who were ordered around and made to overwork. Those who're telling that it isn't the fault of Mappa are wrong. Mappa voluntarily decided to pick up the task. They failed to properly analyze the time and resources required and didn't took into consideration the feasibility. As a result the animators suffered. Well this isn't unique to Mappa. As Mr. Cao said, the production is 'normal'. As in the overwork is normal in the industry. Don't let anyone fool you into thinking that Mappa took this project because they're passionate about AoT. They took it because they saw easy money. Mappa is a shovelware studio. They know they can get away with making a colored manga panels animation. Other studios refused because they actually want to enhance the manga to its fullest potential in the anime. Also, they know that the schedule is bad and they have other stuff to animate just like Mappa, but they just weren't greedy enough, unlike Mappa. Just look at Wit for the immediate example. |
Please learn about cel animation and its technical process. Learn how special effects and backlighting were done without computers. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:19 PM
Koustubh said: Just for your information, things will be fixed in the Blu Ray version. Here's the message from Ep 6 director. I don't think Western people and people in general look so ugly. And anime art doesn't look like Asian to me. It looks like unique anime style to me that cannot be found in real life. Last I checked, real people don't have such large eyes. Also that excuse of not getting used to the new art style smells like bullshit. They're saying this as if they worked on the previous seasons and now that there is a new season with a new look they're having a hard time adjusting which is as we know is not the case. It's literally a new project for them. Then why didn't they have problems with JJK? Why don't other studios have the same problem then? I'll tell you, because such problem doesn't exist. Moving on, the director indirectly confirmed that they were lax during the animation process when they mentioned that they have to fix the issues and couldn't fix on time because the number of issues were huge. This also confirms that Mappa themselves believe that what they delivered is not up to par. Now fanboys can't defend them as the defendant itself has confessed to it's mistakes. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:20 PM
Jan 19, 2021 10:28 PM
Harsha1314 said: yaegerist-15 said: Correction, Production started in dec 2019, not pre-prod, but doesn't change the circumstances, and tbh, if pre prod started in dec I would've lost all hopeMadlaad said: JustVibin said: Bro they don't deserve to be Cancelled but rather the community give constructive criticism over the CGI. The only good CGI is when you can't tell and it's pretty obvious they used a lot of CGI this season. They really should have taken a longer break between seasons because this last episode really makes my opinion of AoT worse and I'm not anticipating anything great art wise for the rest of the season. I also have never thought of AoT as a masterpiece so it could just be my opinion. Warhammer titan cgi was top tier. Attack titan cgi was atrocious. Some scouts cgi was shit too. Nothing can be done now. They took a year and half break thats longer than any break between aots seasons except for s2. It really is there fault if they started late because anime schedules are decided atleast 3 years prior to the release. Aot is masterpiece for me even if it has shit tier animation. Its really a shame to see whats become of it but oh well we move. If the production started in dec 2019 then thats more than enough time to produce 12 great episodes. So the schedule isn't that fucked after all. You can outsource 4 eps and make 12 eps in house problem solved. It usually takes a year to create 12 eps season Source |
Jan 19, 2021 10:30 PM
Alpha_Druid said: Koustubh said: Just for your information, things will be fixed in the Blu Ray version. Here's the message from Ep 6 director. I don't think Western people and people in general look so ugly. And anime art doesn't look like Asian to me. It looks like unique anime style to me that cannot be found in real life. Last I checked, real people don't have such large eyes. Also that excuse of not getting used to the new art style smells like bullshit. They're saying this as if they worked on the previous seasons and now that there is a new season with a new look they're having a hard time adjusting which is as we know is not the case. It's literally a new project for them. Then why didn't they have problems with JJK? Why don't other studios have the same problem then? I'll tell you, because such problem doesn't exist. Moving on, the director indirectly confirmed that they were lax during the animation process when they mentioned that they have to fix the issues and couldn't fix on time because the number of issues were huge. This also confirms that Mappa themselves believe that what they delivered is not up to par. Now fanboys can't defend them as the defendant itself has confessed to it's mistakes. This guy is spitin facts |
Jan 19, 2021 10:33 PM
Madlaad said: I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO The thing is people don't want this to be a GOT S8 kinda situation where the ending of a great show is ruined. Granted it will be ruined because of different things but the status quo is the same. People are desperate to not see this fail and clinged to any hope they got before the episodes aired. Now that they have aired and they're out for the world to see, they make up excuses and even worse boycott any criticism or opinion. Now some people react in a different way. They accept that this season is inferior but to compensate for their anger and disappointment they harass the staff. They can't get over it. They haven't moved on. Some people like you and me have moved on and are able to see clearly. We are sure disappointed but we don't go harassing people because we're not that pathetic. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:37 PM
Alpha_Druid said: Koustubh said: Just for your information, things will be fixed in the Blu Ray version. Here's the message from Ep 6 director. I don't think Western people and people in general look so ugly. And anime art doesn't look like Asian to me. It looks like unique anime style to me that cannot be found in real life. Last I checked, real people don't have such large eyes. Also that excuse of not getting used to the new art style smells like bullshit. They're saying this as if they worked on the previous seasons and now that there is a new season with a new look they're having a hard time adjusting which is as we know is not the case. It's literally a new project for them. Then why didn't they have problems with JJK? Why don't other studios have the same problem then? I'll tell you, because such problem doesn't exist. Moving on, the director indirectly confirmed that they were lax during the animation process when they mentioned that they have to fix the issues and couldn't fix on time because the number of issues were huge. This also confirms that Mappa themselves believe that what they delivered is not up to par. Now fanboys can't defend them as the defendant itself has confessed to it's mistakes. Well, I don't want to comment on excuses and all. Just wanted to point out that things will be fixed in BD, so there is hope. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:38 PM
Alpha_Druid said: Madlaad said: I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO The thing is people don't want this to be a GOT S8 kinda situation where the ending of a great show is ruined. Granted it will be ruined because of different things but the status quo is the same. People are desperate to not see this fail and clinged to any hope they got before the episodes aired. Now that they have aired and they're out for the world to see, they make up excuses and even worse boycott any criticism or opinion. Now some people react in a different way. They accept that this season is inferior but to compensate for their anger and disappointment they harass the staff. They can't get over it. They haven't moved on. Some people like you and me have moved on and are able to see clearly. We are sure disappointed but we don't go harassing people because we're not that pathetic. Bro that’s hilarious considering you think Mappa ruined AoT & called everyone who likes the CGI a fanboy lmao like come on dude. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:39 PM
SaberHotMikasa said: Finally a person who believes and appreciate a studio that abuses its animators and staff openheartedly. Anyone who thinks that staff should be treated well is a white knight. I see your point of Money>health but he wasn't talking about himself so your one line "All studios could care less about you" doesn't make any sense unless you are talking about staff as you have already said that caring about staff is a weak thing anyway so you might be referring to that.Ofcool2947 said: deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Fr those people praise a company that abuses their animators and mistreats them 🤢, anime studio that deserve praise are kyoto animation and maybe ufotable. Oh no, we got a white knight here. All studios could care less about you, they all want money, simple as that. BUT I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU BECAUSE I AM KNIGHT OF KNIGHTS: THE KNIGHT. |
"I think I wanted to attack something. Like betraying people or hurting people. And, well, it's not exactly nice, but hurting the readers too... In all honestly, I feel that's what I really wanted to do. For me, as a reader, when I think, "this manga will remain in my heart," it means, for example, it phenomenally hurt me: It's those kinds of experiences I'm after." - Pajime Hisayama (My favourite hurting author). |
Jan 19, 2021 10:42 PM
Peeti said: SaberHotMikasa said: Finally a person who believes and appreciate a studio that abuses its animators and staff openheartedly. Anyone who thinks that staff should be treated well is a white knight. I see your point of Money>health but he wasn't talking about himself so your one line "All studios could care less about you" doesn't make any sense unless you are talking about staff as you have already said that caring about staff is a weak thing anyway so you might be saying that.Ofcool2947 said: deg said: the sakuga community is saying it too Can people stop idolizing current M*PP* for one fucking second Don’t harass the staff for their hard work. Don’t praise their employer for achievements and ideology they don’t possess. It’s simple. Studio: we picked this up because other studios didn't want to kill their staff Randos: cool *big naked person is CGi* Half of those randos: wtf ur family should suffer The other half: Please praise the studio that deliberately put themselves in that position every time!!!! Fr those people praise a company that abuses their animators and mistreats them 🤢, anime studio that deserve praise are kyoto animation and maybe ufotable. Oh no, we got a white knight here. All studios could care less about you, they all want money, simple as that. BUT I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU BECAUSE I AM KNIGHT OF KNIGHTS: THE KNIGHT. No need to reply because I could care less what you say lol Anyways, all studios do the same shit. Just blaming Mappa is ridiculous. |
Jan 19, 2021 10:49 PM
Jan 19, 2021 10:49 PM
SaberHotMikasa said: Alpha_Druid said: Madlaad said: I was one of the BIGGEST AoT stans..... This is ridiculous... Start of the episode, back to eren. I see Tybur falling from the sky. Eren catches him. I'm HYPED AS F... Then I see Titan Eren looking like he's straight out of a Tom and Jerry episode, eat Tybur in the MOST comedic, cartoonic way....I cringed. Then after that, I see this dude sit there watching as he's too scared to move... I see Eren's HAND DRAWN face... I get hyped again. I see Eren charging him and RKO'ing the living shit out of him. I GET HYPED. MY ADRENALINE OFF THE CHARTS AGAIN I see the warhammer titan, hand drawn transformation. Im like, damn this can be salvaged.... I see Eren knock the living shit out of WH titan and punch her like Chris Brown punched Rihanna. I get HYPED cause Eren was in the zone It was like some UFC fight. That.....was my mistake... I thought for a second it was salvageable... Nah....MAPPA deserves to be Cancelled. For the people saying its ok and different....Did we even watch the same episode? You remember those old days? Levi ODI Gear scenes. Beast T vs Levi, Eren vs Annie, Levi standing in the building as Beast T throws boulder and that beautiful SLOWMO Scene... You telling me you see NOTHING WRONG? Bro.....WH Titan looked like it was animation from when Animation was first discovered... WTF IS THIS.... Bro...come on. This was supposed to be THE show. Sooo glad I bought all the AoT merch. Manga, spinoff, light novel, before the fall. all Box sets out to this date......IM SOOO GLAD I DIDN'T BUY THE BLUERAYS I could have never finished the entire show.... When Eren pulled out the WH titans hardened core off the wire or w.e Did you hear the sound effect? THAT SHIT WAS STRAIGHT OUT OF A CARTOON LMFAOOO NO this should be illegal. Studio Clown did a better job with Tokyo Ghoul I have no complaints with the other episodes but.....this episode sucked ASS. LMFAOOOO The thing is people don't want this to be a GOT S8 kinda situation where the ending of a great show is ruined. Granted it will be ruined because of different things but the status quo is the same. People are desperate to not see this fail and clinged to any hope they got before the episodes aired. Now that they have aired and they're out for the world to see, they make up excuses and even worse boycott any criticism or opinion. Now some people react in a different way. They accept that this season is inferior but to compensate for their anger and disappointment they harass the staff. They can't get over it. They haven't moved on. Some people like you and me have moved on and are able to see clearly. We are sure disappointed but we don't go harassing people because we're not that pathetic. Bro that’s hilarious considering you think Mappa ruined AoT & called everyone who likes the CGI a fanboy lmao like come on dude. Yup anyone who like clownass cgi attack titan is a mappa fanboy. Because that thing is...... Uuhh cant find words to describe it. Action sequence are ruined, previous season had miles and miles better action sequence. Cgi scouts you gotta be kidding me. Do you remember kenny squad coming through the street to hunt levi that scene was beyond amazing. Now compare it to this ep and say it to my face that it was at the same level. I get it the episode was good and the story is carrying it. But you gotta understand its a downgrade. |
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