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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (light novel)
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Dec 18, 2020 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
THE LAST EPISODE...and we're back to Season 1's nostalgic finale of Bell Cranel vs. the (reincarnated) Black Minotaur Asterius! The Xenos monster that's (thankfully) not controlled by Freya this time.

The trickster God Hermes is definitely up to no good this time...the "necessary but uncecessary" act of request/trade of "sacrificing" Xenos to uplift Bell's status once again as the Argonaut: Hero's Return. Hestia should've realized by the deconstruction of Daedalus's forged book, BUT IT'S ALL TOO LATE, and the "killing spree" of the Xenos is in full swing. Another of Bell Cranel's testing: Round 2.

The Black Minotaur Asterius HAS MADE ITS RETURN in a bombastic fashion (even with its dislodged right arm intact). All the memories of fate intact from 5 years ago, only except that THIS IS A FAIR FIGHT between both strongholds (and barring external parties (a.k.a Loki Familia) for a showcase showdown). Time to change the gears of fate around for a rematch (and this is fine by Hermes anyways, as long as he achieves his objectives, even with Freya in the background).

The greatest of the great DanMachi battles, and Bell and Asterius's battle IS ONE: and it was FANTASTICALLY EXCELLENT WITH SAKUGA. A tremor of regret that Bell lost this battle, and despite all this, the Xenos is back to where they belong in Knossos (aided by the Hestia Familia), and everything is back to where it once was.

A spectacular season of DanMachi...AND AN OVA??? LOLS that got me there.
KANLen09Dec 18, 2020 7:03 PM
Dec 18, 2020 7:58 AM

Mar 2019
Great conclusion ! I love it Bell lost but at least the're all safe
I really liked this season better tahn the previous ones imo
Asterius minotaur scared me, I am way too tired I screamed in the office, glad nobody was there
Dec 18, 2020 7:59 AM

Nov 2011
That's hell of a fight Bell had this episode. It also shows how much he really has improved compared when he first appeared from season 1.

This franchise is still far from over so this season went on to develop more of Bell's personality along with some of the other characters' roles in the show. Felt kinda underwhelming imo. Maybe it's because I didn't like Wiene much. Anyways, this was an average season for me, definitely watchable but not great.
Dec 18, 2020 8:00 AM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
It was definitely better than the second season.
Dec 18, 2020 8:03 AM

Apr 2020
The fight scene between Bell and Asterius was great, Zenos returned to the dungeon without fail, and glad Bell's honor was restored.

I liked the way Hestia kicked Hermes, lol
Dec 18, 2020 8:06 AM

Oct 2017
God damn Bell vs Asterius fight was sick af. Definitely reminded of me that fight from season 1, I got goosebumps while watching the fight.

Great season overall, Wiene was the best thing of this season following Haruhime from the last one.
Dec 18, 2020 8:48 AM

Apr 2010
Well things went back to normal again after half the city was wrecked in that fight.
The bright part was Bell reputation being somewhat fixed tho he doesn't like his loss, hopefully he will learn a thing or two from it.
Let's hope we will see more of this tho more of Lefiya would be welcome as well.
Dec 18, 2020 8:57 AM

Apr 2018
Really good season, better than the first one, I really liked S2 and S3 because they're more goals compared to the beginning, also the animation during the last fight was great
7/10, I hope for a 4th season
Dec 18, 2020 9:01 AM

Jun 2015
So Asterius is the reincarnated form of that minotaur that Bell fought back then huh. Hermes's plan though sure ended up drastically changing the plan and place the xenos in harms way. Damm Asterius's entry into the arena sure was dramatic. The tension before the dual between the fight between Bell and Asterius though was so well done. In the background its nice to see Hestia take point and get the xenos to safety. Loki familia being restrained by Freya's own men though was a nice assist on her part too. But the final dual between Bell and Asterius really was impressive. In the end while the odds were totally against them its nice to see that Bell and co were able to save all the xenos and beat Loki familia in a battle of wits. At the same time Bell through Asterius's actions managed to regain his honor in the eyes of the townspeople and his peers as well which was nice to see. Overall an excellent end to an excellent series. Its also nice to see Ais and Bell make peace as well.
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Dec 18, 2020 9:02 AM

Sep 2020
Really a great episode, that fight was amazing, better than season 2 and it's great to see Bell finally growing up, crying because he lost but those aren't the same tears he used to shed early in the anime and he is talking to Aiz like she's just any other girl acting in a mature way with her, it was really great to see honestly. Also talking about the fight I don't know why but it gave me a fire force vibe with those greyed out scenes and those big clicking sounds during big impacts.
Dec 18, 2020 9:02 AM

Feb 2019
It may not have been a perfect adapation, but judging this season of Danmachi on its own merits, it was an amazing experience. There’s always going to be things left out of the books when being adapted, but I still felt that same joy I had when watching the first season this time around.

Some of my favourite moments in the whole series were done justice in this season and I’m glad. Hopefully season 4 isn’t far away, in the meantime, keep supporting the LN.
Dec 18, 2020 9:04 AM

Dec 2014
Best episode of the season, the fight was intense. Really well done, been a while since I saw the first season but to think that Minotaur would be this one.

The part where the Minotaur broke the clash and threw Bell into the air, only to catch him and eventually ram him through the ground was absolutely insane. Surprising that the Minotaur had the honor to leave after winning the fight. The part where Bell started tearing up after being defeated hit really hard, I teared up a bit too. :(

Hestia kicking Hermes. xD

Overall, way better than the previous season. Huge step up since I felt the last one was very lackluster. This one was way better in terms of story, action, spectacle and even drama.
Dec 18, 2020 9:16 AM

Feb 2018
I don't really understand the Minotaur's name
Dec 18, 2020 9:23 AM
Aug 2020
This season was a great rebound from s2 and the Bell vs Asterius fight was amazing and I liked that fact that Bell's lost the fight and how they didn't make his Argonaut a 1 hit move which leave a lot of room for development in future season.
Dec 18, 2020 9:25 AM

Jun 2019
That was one heck of a fight between Bell and Asterios. The animation was on point.
Bell definitely has gotten stronger. But he lost. Well. Great ending to another season. Hope we'll get to see more of Bell.
Dec 18, 2020 9:25 AM

Jul 2012
Really like this season, so much better than previous one. Always interesting to see what are the gods plotting.

Intense battle. In the end, with the light might've seemed that Bell will win, but losing is just more right. Some cheesy moments, like how does he even stand up after that, mb something like adventurer's stats. Well whatever.
Again the same (small) complaint as for the previous battle vs minotaur, always thought that Hestia's present knife should've much more meaning as Bell's main weapon and not him taking some random longsword.

After this ending interested even more in the story. Hope one day to see it finished and soon at least season 4.
Overall 7/10
Dec 18, 2020 9:26 AM
Oct 2019
Syureria said:
I don't really understand the Minotaur's name

LN Vol 11

The moonlight illuminated the boy and the beast.Standing amid the rubble and ruins with his back to the cloudless nightsky, the minotaur looked down on the boy. He was easily more than two meders tall. Bell remained completely still, gazing up at the monster. Time flowed by tranquilly. The moment of peace was entirely unexpected on the battlefield. As Bell stared into those eyes that seemed to draw him in, the monster slowly opened his mouth.

Minotaur: “Your name. I want you to tell me your name.”

Bell was taken aback by both the human language and the voice that spoke it, which did not in the least match the appearance of the speaker. It was a low voice. The quiet tone brought to mind a warrior. The boy stood in a daze, unable to answer. The monster continued to speak.

Minotaur:“A dream.”

Bell: “Huh?”

Minotaur: “I’ve been having the same dream for a long time.”

The minotaur spoke as if he were delivering a soliloquy.

Minotaur: “A dream of fighting a single human.”

Bell: “!”

Minotaur: “This human is the strongest and most worthy of opponents. Even as we fight to the death, our blood and flesh flying, we recognize each other as destined rivals.”

Bell stared wide-eyed at the minotaur. As soon as he heard the word dream, he had recalled his conversation with Lido about the past lives of monsters. And as the minotaur talked about his own past life, his form reminded Bell of something else. It was a scene he could never forget. His first adventure. He had staked his life on that fierce battle. He and themonster had thrown everything they had at each other.

Minotaur:“There is a being who drives me on, in pursuit of a rematch.”

It couldn’t be. Even as Bell realized the truth, the black minotaur continued.

Minotaur:“I have come here to meet with the being of my dreams.”

He had stated his reason for existence. His deepest feeling, the yearning so powerful it had pushed him to be reborn.
It was not envy toward the human race or longing for the surface that had brought him here but simply the search for his old opponent.

Minotaur: “My name is Asterios.”

It meant lightning. It expressed his desire for the crimson flash of light that he saw at the end of his dreams. Even as Bell floundered in disbelief and confusion, at the bottom of his heart, he understood everything.

Asterios: “Tell me your name,”

Asterios implored him again.

Bell: “…Bell. Bell Cranell.”

The monster engraved the whispered words into the core of his being.
Then he brought the double-edged ax in his single hand to his breastplate.

Asterios: “Bell, please.”

The boy’s oldest and most worthy of opponents, returned to life, was
begging him.

Asterios: “Fight me again.”

The monster’s will echoed across the moonlit ruins.
Bell knew that he should tell the minotaur to wait, that he was not ready,
that he had to return to Gros and the others. But his heart would not let him
say those words. He looked at his feet. He looked up at the massive figure. The monster’s blood was dripping onto the ground. Countless wounds were etched into his skin, and he was missing one arm. Although he was on the verge of death, he had come this far to fight again. Bell felt he had to grant his request. No—he felt it would be wrong to run away. He felt exactly like he had the last time. He had not fled from that fight, and he should not flee from this one.

Bell: “…”

Bell apologized silently to everyone and everything. Then he drew his
weapon. He raised the Divine Knife, holding it backhand, and looked at the black monster.

As Asterios watched the boy prepare to step into battle, his mouth stretched into a broad smile. And with that joyful and ill-omened smile, he tipped his head toward the night sky and the moon watching over them.


His roar shook the heavens. The shot signaling the start of the battle had been fired.
Dec 18, 2020 9:27 AM
Aug 2020
A great EP and a fantastic rebound from s2.Bell vs Asterius fight was amazingly done and im glad that Bell lost because it leaves room for improvement with his character and its great that his Argonaut power wasn't a one-shot move. The ending was nice to how everything is how it should be and Bell going back to Aid to be trained.
Dec 18, 2020 9:27 AM
Jul 2018
So Hermes had good intentions to try to get back Bell’s honor, but at the cost of some of the Xenos’s lives. Lucky that Freya interfered and got the Minotaur to fight Bell. Sucks that Bell lost though. Also good that Ais and Bell sorta made up. I was wishing for a season 4 announcement man :( but overall it was a good season 6/10 or 7/10 I can’t decide lol.
Dec 18, 2020 9:33 AM

Nov 2010
The last fight was amazing! Almost on par with their first fight.

This season was definitely better than the previous one. A solid 8/10
Rinji-Dec 18, 2020 9:57 AM
Dec 18, 2020 9:34 AM

Jul 2017
Hermes got what he deserved yet again. Naisu kikku Hestia-sama.
And I love the Ais appearance in the end.

I'd say its been a good season yeah, see you in the next season guys.
Dec 18, 2020 9:39 AM

Sep 2019
The fight between Bell and Asterios was so good that it me increase my score.

It was a perfectly average Danmachi season except the Asterios’ Ais and Bell fights. 6/10.
Dec 18, 2020 9:43 AM

Aug 2013
The fight between Bell and the Minotaur, Asterius was the best thing in this season. That fight was just insane.
Hermes plot failed in the end.

This was better than season 2 imo and I would be looking forward to when they announce a new season. Till then, guess we'll have to wait for that OVA.

Dec 18, 2020 9:43 AM

Jan 2009
so the coexistence of monsters and humans are not gonna happen this time yet huh

and Asterius got his arm back thats good

Dec 18, 2020 9:45 AM
Feb 2018
I thought previous episodes were horrible. I've never been so wrong. Now, instead of a proper ending, they give us huge mash up of storylines and moments and tonns of "what an actual F was that?" questions. And - surpise-surprise - Bell is being completely useless as it has been over the last two seasons.
ghtyujkkpkohkjbDec 18, 2020 10:09 AM
Dec 18, 2020 9:47 AM

Apr 2020
The last episode was so good. I really hope they will soon announce a season 4.
Must love Moe!
Darkness prevails!!
Slice of Life is all we need!
Dec 18, 2020 9:51 AM

Apr 2014
This season is much better than Season 2. Sure it has its' problems and it does not fix everything that it has issues with. But I think it was a nice season involving monsters and humans possibly coexisting. One thing for sure the adventure is not over. I hope another season comes about sometime in the future. The characters in this season was fun to see. Hope to see the Xenos again. Especially Asterius. Ais and Bell making up was a good thing. Holding onto actions that is understandable is not worth it. Glad to see how it ended. Sure there are problems and issues. When it came to art, animation, and music it was good. Story and writing seems the same and it has problems. But I think it was alright. A 7/10 for me
Dec 18, 2020 9:51 AM

Apr 2020
The 3rd show of the Fall 2020 season to close its season / the third season of DanMachi is finally over! Better than the disappointing the 2nd but not surpassing the wholesome and awesome 1st, here's one of the reasons why.

Hermes pulled off another trickster move on Bell like what he did back in the 1st on the 19th level. He sets up a fight between Bell and Gros to make it look that Bell is a hero again. I get what he's doing but it feels a bit wrong. The Freya Familia actually stopped the Loki Familia for intervening, what's up with Freya? She might be important in the next season, gotta watch her out.

In the end, it's not Gros that Bell's fighting but Asterius the Minotaur. And DAMN, Bell took a big beating from Asterius, I was actually bummed out he's gonna let him go that way. So they pretty much wrapped out the confusion for Orario by proclaiming the Loki Familia defeated the monsters. Thankfully the Xenos is now back into their home in the Dungeon along with Fels-kun. Haruhime is leaving soon, that's kinda sad. And we closed off with Bell asking for (not best girl anymore) Aiz to train him to become stronger, and just like that we're back to Season 1 on a messed up circle.

I kinda dig the character development of Bell. And the good story they presented with the Xenos...but the art and animation did not improve from the second season. And the climaxes and slowburns of the series doesn't feel satisfying and fulfilling to me. Which leaves me to rate this in an odd 7/10...
Dec 18, 2020 9:54 AM
Aug 2020
It was obvious, the coexistence between Humans and Xenos was not possible, at least not yet, so I am happy with that conclusion.

I did not expect for Bell to get rekt so hard, I liked that, Bell is not invincible and this will be a good setup to make him train more and get stronger faster for bigger arcs to come.

I liked this season, way better than the second second solid 8/10
Dec 18, 2020 9:57 AM

Jul 2009
Syureria said:
I don't really understand the Minotaur's name

the name comes from the myth
Dec 18, 2020 10:08 AM
Feb 2018
Stark700 said:
That's hell of a fight Bell had this episode. It also shows how much he really has improved compared when he first appeared from season 1.

This franchise is still far from over so this season went on to develop more of Bell's personality along with some of the other characters' roles in the show. Felt kinda underwhelming imo. Maybe it's because I didn't like Wiene much. Anyways, this was an average season for me, definitely watchable but not great.

He improved so much that his Argonaut skill didn't help him to fight a one-handed minotaur.
Dec 18, 2020 10:22 AM

Apr 2020
I liked this season more than the previous ones but it's still not enough to be higher than 7/10.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Dec 18, 2020 10:22 AM

Mar 2016
Oh boy, it's finally over for now.

Danmachi is a perfect example of what a show like Wandering Witch avoided trying to be. An asswipe roundabout plot with barely redeemable factors beyond decent animation quality. The story moves like sludge, and the characters are still akin to merely caricatures that have me extremely tired and bored. In this case, I only had fun blurting out FranXX references and that's about it. Yea, I know there's Aiz and she's easy waifu baiting, but in the end, her existence didn't make any difference. Any good aspects the story might've had are poorly executed or misrepresented. Bell Cranel's "progression" is practically rinse-repeat: plot conveniently has people antagonizing him, then right near the end everyone be like "let's help him out cause he reckless but righteous".

What an eyesore. I kept following this series to see if anything changes, but at this point, I doubt anything actually significant to an overarching story will really happen (and it sucks that delusioned people will still praise the shit outta this crap while decrying actual well thought out stories).
Dec 18, 2020 10:23 AM
Oct 2015
Love this series but hated this episode. Whats the point of this whole season if it goes right back to how it was before the season started?
Dec 18, 2020 10:33 AM

Feb 2020
Bell vs. Asterius wasn't even a fight, it was a massacre

Incredible episode, the final fight excited me almost at the same level as their first fight in the first season, and without a doubt it was a much better season than the second.

Just a random guy who likes random stuff (ᐛ)و
Also, nice to meet you ;)
Dec 18, 2020 10:38 AM
Feb 2020
Great episode. Awesome fight. Bell lost but everything turned out to be for the best.
Dec 18, 2020 10:38 AM
Feb 2020
Will it get season 4 or not????? 😳
Dec 18, 2020 10:41 AM

Feb 2015
This ending is so perfect that Bell's "loss" doesn't even mean anything, and so does his determination to get "stronger".

Better season than the mediocre first season and the terrible second one, but just a correct season in the end seeing how low Danmachi set the bar from the very beggining. Despite the sakugas, Bell's vain fight in this last episode doesn't make up for the major fault of the season that was resurrecting Wiene juste after her death (talk about building tragedy then destroying it the minute after...).

EckhartPilgrimDec 18, 2020 11:10 AM
Dec 18, 2020 10:43 AM

Apr 2020
Amazing final fight between Bell and Asterius even though it was one-sided. Hermes is still a likeable god despite asking the Xenos to die in order for Bell to regain his honor but of course Freya's meddles somehow anyway.

Not surprised the last shot we see is Bell in the spot where Ais first trains him vowing to become stronger.

Since season 2 or 3 were separated by a year, I hope we get something by late 2021 or 2022. I would even settle for another season of Sword Oratoria. The OVA is going to be fan-service anyway.
Dec 18, 2020 11:04 AM
Aug 2020
Man every single time this show makes me beg for a new season. Ending after ending with so many cliffhangers. Hope to see it go in another good direction.
Dec 18, 2020 11:05 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So the Minotaur that Bell fought in Season 1 is now back in Season 3 as a Xenos. Hermes was trying to set up a fight between Bell and the Xenos, but it was the Freya who took over and made it a fight between the Minotaur instead. Bell tried to put up a fight against the Minotaur and he even used a sword for once instead of those puny little knives. In the end Bell wasn't strong enough to beat the Minotaur on his own, but it didn't matter because Bell was able to regain some of his honor and salvage his reputation among the people.

Bell is now motivated to get stronger and seeks to train with Ais again. Hopefully she will teach him how to use a sword this time because I think that would be a better weapon for him going forward. I mean Bell has blacksmith in his party now. Gather some materials and put this guy to work.

Overall, I liked Season 3 compared the previous season and I felt that the stakes were much higher than before. Hopefully the series will keep this up otherwise it will get stale from being repetitive like Season 2. I wasn't a big fan of Wiene since they used her as a plot device to a point that I got tired of seeing her. Another problem I had with this series was that the conflict between Ais and Bell was resolved way too quickly. It kinda felt like a rush job by J.C. Staff since they spoiled and hyped up the fight between Ais and Bell in the OP.
Dec 18, 2020 11:08 AM

Jun 2017
Pretty dope finale to sign things off with for Season 3! J.C. Staff really took it to the next level with the animation during some of the exhilarating action moments too, which is always fantastic!

1-1 now, certainly an interesting rivalry building up between the two. And both training in their respective ways, definitely curious to see how the next will progress.

Hermes's grand plan getting upped by the Goddess though, damn that's neat.

Personally though, I thought the season as a whole started off fine, got better mid-way but then reverted back to fine-ish status. Yes, the final battle was cool to watch unfold but that was about it for me.

Wouldn't mind a fourth season after the upcoming OVA.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Dec 18, 2020 11:08 AM

Jun 2020
Damn what a banger of an episode, they always nail the OSTs. I do find it disappointing how it really ended without there being much repercussions or changes to the regular life of the Hestia family, it's like this season was a good filler arc but skippable and you still would understand what's happenin in S4. Still enjoyed it moment-to-moment much more than the two previous seasons. This gets an 8/10 hopefully we get s4 announced quick
This anime shit is addictive
Dec 18, 2020 11:09 AM

Mar 2013
Really great animation on the conclusion of the fight against Asterios
I think it's even better that Bell loss,
I mean the lvl 5-6 were having trouble with him there was no way Bell could've won. So that loss was good to give some resemblance of accuracy to the power level.

Definitively a better season than the second one, guess the series is at its best when Bell is fighting Minotaurs lol
Dec 18, 2020 11:24 AM

Jul 2014
First of all, fuck you Hermes! He deserves worse than just a dropkick.

Now, what an episode and what a great season finale! The fight against Asterios was epic and the face off between the Loki and Freya familias was quite tense.

Overall, a great season and definitely an improvement over the previous one, which I personally liked.

Season 4 when?! For now I look forward to the OVA.
Dec 18, 2020 11:24 AM

Feb 2014
what is going on with the BRACELET?!

Dec 18, 2020 11:39 AM

Oct 2012
This season was great, I mean, all those things that were at stakes, all those plot points going...

Yet in the end, it all resolved to THIS? To be stronger, childlishly don't want to lose? Wasn't there any other more meaningful message to be told?

Hermes sudden change of heart leading to cliffhanger at the end of the last episode turned completely unnecessary and I don't even know why xenos was brought in when everything returned back to original status quo and nothing was resolved. No meaningful character developement, no lessons taken.

So this was a disappointment, this very episode undermined whole this season, provided no conclusion to the current arc and made everything in it pointless.

6/10 I wish this season had a lot more meaningfull final episode which would reflected all the consequences, it would change the final impact a lot.
Dec 18, 2020 11:41 AM

Mar 2020
You know what's so funny it's that they're both going to do more training, well it's not funny just wanted to say it.
Dec 18, 2020 11:58 AM

Jun 2014
Well that was quite the finale with Bell and the Minotaur having a rematch. That was intense and props to the animation team for making key moments of the fight look great. It really added to the insanity that was happening. How Bell managed to survive some of the blows he took, we may never know (wait yeah we do, he's the main character lol). Another season of Danmachi in the books.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Dec 18, 2020 12:18 PM

May 2019
This season was so fun
bell vs asterius was insane but i prefer their first fight from season 1

5/5 for this episode
9/10 for the season
”A fight isn't won once a victor is decided, it's won when someone loses.” – Izayoi Sakamaki

I don’t even know the real names of the two… no, three that I killed back then. I just closed my eyes, put my hands over my ears and tried to forget it all.” – Kirito

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