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Nov 26, 2020 6:58 AM

Nov 2011
Don't mess with Satoko when she has a fire extingushier LOL. That first half of the episode cracked me up. Saotoko and Keiichi got to spend some time together that seemed meaningful for both of them. I see she's such a prankster when it comes to pranks.

A very lighthearted episode with a lot of comedy with everyone having fun. That cliffhanger ending is kinda chilling though.
Nov 26, 2020 6:59 AM

Feb 2018
looks like this will be Satoko arc, as usual it's still peaceful like playing baseball and learning to cook. Keiichi was surprised when he heard that Satoko had an older brother but it was really not as expected. Nii-Nii's existence is still hard to understand. Rena's advice really makes Keiichi better, Rena and Mion are really weird.

Somehow this Oji-san is so annoying. Oyashiro-sama please, Noooo...

Nov 26, 2020 7:57 AM
Apr 2019
Finally they mentioned Satoshi now! Looks like this episode is "almost" the same as the Deen Adaptation. This will be most likely the last Answer arc so I'll expect more crazier things, especially things are now different from this sequel.
Nov 26, 2020 8:02 AM

May 2016
Haven't finished watching yet-

But in regards to the broccoli and cauliflower thing at the beginning;

Nov 26, 2020 8:02 AM

Feb 2019
Nice slice of life Satoko focused episode for the most part. We got some hints that something happened to Satoko’s older brother Satoshi and that people in the village don’t want to talk about it based on Rena and Mion’s reaction.

Pretty chill set up for the new arc after last week’s nonstop action. Excited for next week.
Nov 26, 2020 8:19 AM

Sep 2017
funimation translating Nii-nii as "big brudder" is fucking killing me holy shit WHY?? was this ever used before???

seems like a straightforward adaptation of the original arc. wonder how it'll be different
Nov 26, 2020 8:22 AM

Jul 2017
Tataridamashi-hen...another arc full of questions, just like the starting arcs.

Satoko's the MC of this arc, though I'd want to know her intentions THIS soon a.k.a. "the calm of the storm". Meanwhile, the slice-of-life is back with more cooking, because Keiichi doesn't want to lose out to the prankster, and attempted it 10 times worse. Admit it Keiichi, you're no match for Satoko.

It feels weird with lesser screentime of Mion and Rena, but yet at the same time, feels right at home with Satoko and Rika. Maybe that's just me, with the incoming horror vibes still aways away showcasing each character's hidden secrets.

Coach Irie and Shion sure likes to play tag around with Satoko however, wishing those moments would last forever...?

The name catcher of the episode:
Satoshi...this name rings a lot of bells. More than just Satoko's "Big Nii-Nii", OG watchers will know what's up. (And forget about @ me for explanations, just the POV of an anime-only). Mion (and especially Rena) sure know what's up, but of course, this dark secret isn't gonna be an easy reveal. Here comes Oyashiro-sama's Curse once again!

This Uncle Teppei...he's gonna be a catalyst to Satoko's wrath. I already hate him. Plus the ED scene of Satoko hugging a bear with the horrible Uncle, now that's a reveal that finally made sense a.k.a have an ATTENTION TO DETAIL!
Nov 26, 2020 8:23 AM

May 2018
Very similar to Deen's Tatarigoroshi-hen part 1. Just without Rena's explanation (freaking out) about Oyashiro's curse...

Nov 26, 2020 8:34 AM

Sep 2019
Satoshi arc is starting, it was one of my favourite arcs. Looking forward to more episodes.
Nov 26, 2020 8:37 AM

Apr 2018
Ohhh yeah just hearing the name Satoshi in Higurashi makes me nostalgic, it's going to be very interesting soon, I can't wait to see the next episode
Nov 26, 2020 8:38 AM
Nov 2020
***First - Timer

The Character Designs made it feel like I am watching softcore hentai because those red lines triggered something that I am not sure I can tell. On, Mion and Shion they were subtle, but on Sakato it felt like a shota scene.

There isn't a lot known about Rena's father, And I think there is some relation between him and bridge because she said something about freeing her father from the curse in the first loop.

Many things show that Keiichi isn't a lolicon or a maid enthusiast, for the very least. But, We don't know about his backstory either, so what is exactly his potential? That is something I am looking forward to.

I am not an expert, but the translation really was google level.
anstar019Nov 26, 2020 8:48 AM
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Nov 26, 2020 8:50 AM

Dec 2015
Shion with Satoko was so cute

Tsukumo_YuumaNov 26, 2020 9:11 AM
Nov 26, 2020 8:52 AM

Aug 2018
Good episode with a light and fluffy start.

Nov 26, 2020 8:56 AM

Sep 2020
A nice start for this 3rd arc; the fire torrent in the kitchen scene was pretty funny.

Can't wait to see how Ryukishi07 will deceive the original fans this time. :D
Forum avatar by © dorg
Nov 26, 2020 9:00 AM

Dec 2015
NoviSun said:
Good episode with a light and fluffy start.

Tsukumo_YuumaNov 26, 2020 4:00 PM
Nov 26, 2020 9:02 AM
Oct 2020
As someone who read the visual novel, the scene with Shion makes me extremely happy.

Nov 26, 2020 9:04 AM
Nov 2020
Rena being sus near the end 👀
Nov 26, 2020 9:06 AM

Dec 2015
LeaveSatokoAlone said:
As someone who read the visual novel, the scene with Shion makes me extremely happy.

Nov 26, 2020 9:07 AM

Apr 2020
Okay after almost 2 months, we got some true Satoko screentime! Its her arc this time and just like at the start, its cheery and fun. I love seeing Satoko smile, she's actually pretty funny and caring as a best friend. She cooking for Keiichi was absolutely adorable, easily a girl worth proposing for. Although really...her laugh gets old really fast and Passione made a mistake for adding that FANG, she is not Uzaki idiots.

Anyways, we got a nice Satoko home run. And with the barbecue party held after their win, we got to meet Coach (Irie) and he too got a crush on Satoko. But detailing it as being his maid and wanting to be called "Master" is...pretty icky man. And I was also weirded out by the fact that Keiichi is flushed by Satoko, but considering last arc he got some moments with Shion, I expect the same thing too.

And it looks like Rena is back being the villain here. Like after being Keiichi's best girl last episode, she's back to being a killer again, I guess. It was a nice episode and-HOLY HELL THAT ENDING.

EWW, GET THAT never went away. Well we have Uncle Teppei...and he's not just ugly he's a fucking BASTARD. I already saw it from the ED art, but I wasn't expecting this to happen. Poor Satoko, you just received your spotlight and this is what actually happens backstage. Well our boi Keiichi and Coach ain't allowing this! Arc 3, Satoko, it's going to be good. Last thing to add, this is actually the last arc before When They Cry reach the end of the year.
Nov 26, 2020 9:31 AM

Sep 2020
Similar to the VN actually.
I don't think the shopping scene was in the VN, and they made Keiichi useless here in the anime, while he was the winning factor in the VN/OG anime.

The biggest sin in this episode was translating "nii-nii".
WTF Funimation?!
Nov 26, 2020 9:41 AM

Dec 2015
ArcueidBestGirl said:
Similar to the VN actually.
I don't think the shopping scene was in the VN, and they made Keiichi useless here in the anime, while he was the winning factor in the VN/OG anime.

The biggest sin in this episode was translating "nii-nii".
WTF Funimation?!

The match was not even the OG right?
they placed it in the original arc in Kai, so at least it was in the right place in this anime lol, but they had to cut Keiichi and Kameda's cringy conversation.
btw the shopping scene was in the VN
Nov 26, 2020 9:49 AM

Apr 2019
andddddd the satoko arc begins. Fun little episode with the cooking battle at the start and the baseball game. Irie and uncle have been introduced. Irie receives just as creepy of an introduction in this version and uncle is already infuriating! I don't want to see satoko suffer again...

Nov 26, 2020 10:12 AM
Jul 2016
Were finally at the heaviest arc in higurashi. The OG tackled parental abuse in such a beautifully tragic way. I wonder how Gou will, since it's changing almost everything.

Also I'm glad satoshi is finally getting the spotlight; I wonder if that bat satako was using is his? I hope keiichi gets his bat this season. It would suck if keiichi never got his iconic weapon.

Also seems like the parents coming back home earlier (this dind't happen in OG IIRC) will mess up rekas plan to make satako not go beserk.

I hope we get a cool ending that pays off, unlike shions arc. Satakos ending wasn't as insane as shions, but it was still of of the coolest ones.

Satako arc is mad underrated and is probably my second favorite, next to shions.

Also was kameda this much of a creep in the original? Seems like Gou is really playing up his perverted nature.
Nov 26, 2020 10:22 AM
Jul 2018
Looks like we are getting Satoko’s arc now. Keiichi and Satako’s interactions in the first half of the episode were super cute and wholesome. I wonder how this arc is going to play out.
Nov 26, 2020 10:23 AM
Mar 2020
I'm sorry, this new adaptation might be more faithful to the original VN in some aspects (although its already confirmed to be a sequel and not a remake), but I'm finding the re-adaptation of the arcs more boring to watch this time around compared to the original 2006 anime.

At least in the original every episode had me on the edge of my seat because they were greatly directed and balanced the slice-of-life and the horror aspect perfectly and that made me be entertained by both, but Gou is being mostly just boring SOL stuff 80% of the time specially on the first 2 episodes of each arc. This episode even cut the Rena mental breakdown scene that the original anime had which I loved and was iconic (don't know if it was present on the VN or not).

Yes, I'm aware Gou is being more faithful to the VN in this aspect and that the original Deen anime was a worse adaptation focusing more on the horror than on the SOL stuff, but well I honestly found that to be a much more interesting way to adapt it to be honest (and let's be honest, the horror and gore themes of the original is what made most people want to watch the show in the first place).

I'll continue to watch it because I love Higurashi and if I managed to put up with the fanservice Kira's OVAs I can tolerate this one perfectly, and I'm also looking forward to the new plot twists and changes of this new one, but so far I'm not engaged with this one as much as I was with the Deen one which became one of my favorite animes of all time.
Nov 26, 2020 10:31 AM

Aug 2010

Yeah, Keiichi, I felt that one too. Seriously, it says something about how much I love and feel for these characters that I found myself tearing up at various scenes of Keiichi with Satoko.

Best Boy Irie finally makes his appearance in Gou. I love this man.

"You see, Keiichi, Satoko doesn't FUCKING go to places she shouldn't go and doesn't use STUPID-ASS cat metaphors."
"Nothing-nanodesu. Nipah~"

*episode 4 PTSD flashbacks intensifies*

FINALLY, Satoshi is mentioned. I guess R07 didn't find a reason to mention him before because:
1. Keiichi doesn't get nearly as paranoid in Onidamashi. His talks with the clinic duo and knowledge about Satoshi don't play a significant role there.
2. The Shion twist in Watadamashi, assuming it's still there, requires Satoshi, so R07 cut down on the redundancy and left his entire thing to Tataridamashi since the answer to Watadamashi will have to come after both anyway. But, well, this is assuming it's Shion. If it's actually Mion, then yeah, it does make sense that Satoshi is never mentioned.

Still, having him as a mysterious presence whose mere existence bodes really badly for Keiichi was one of the coolest things in the original's question arcs. I guess we'll have to see how Satoshi's role plays out here.

I don't know why, but this is my second favorite episode of the show so far, after episode 4. They're also really making me love Satoko herself, instead of just feeling very sorry for her.
Her last scene in Tatarigoroshi is still one of the scenes that makes my heart fucking bleed.
Nov 26, 2020 10:32 AM

Dec 2014
Satoko focus this time around...hmmm
Nov 26, 2020 10:35 AM

Aug 2019
Nothing new here, except for Shion, she kept her promise after all.
Oh, and finally Irie is introduced and Satoshi is mentioned, I was starting to miss them, but they did it in the right time.

Tsukumo_Yuuma said:
Shion with Satoko was so cute

I was theorycrafting about this before this arc started, it'd have a high chance of happening. But I don't think they want to do anything similar to any previous arc, even a console one. Otherwise they would just adapt the console arcs instead - which would still be nice.
rafaelfserafimNov 26, 2020 11:30 AM
Nov 26, 2020 10:39 AM

May 2012
Frick Teppei pepeD
Nov 26, 2020 10:43 AM

Jul 2014
This is actually much better than Watadamashi arc.
Looking forward for this.
Nov 26, 2020 10:47 AM

Aug 2009
Everyone's favorite uncle is here...sigh

And what do you know...Satoshi does exist afterall.

Lets see how this goes. If we are lucky we will see Satoko killing Teppei but I doubt it.

rubybestgirl said:
funimation translating Nii-nii as "big brudder" is fucking killing me holy shit WHY?? was this ever used before???

seems like a straightforward adaptation of the original arc. wonder how it'll be different
Big Shister is even amazes me that fan translators were doing a better job than people that get paid.

Nov 26, 2020 10:51 AM

Jul 2014
Teppei did nothing wrong.
Nov 26, 2020 10:55 AM

Mar 2017
I need me some Big Brudders and Shisters
Nov 26, 2020 11:00 AM

Jul 2014
That ending... OH NO! That shot in the ED was already giving me bad vibes but I hadn't really paid attention to the part where Satoko is kind of getting undressed in the OP until someone told me last week and... OH NO!

I like how the focus changes for each of the girls. The slice of life part was a lot of fun and we learned more about Satoko.

Something important is that it was Satoko's parents who fell from the cliff. We had been hearing this part of the supposed Oyashiro curse on all the routes but it feels different now that we know that the victims were Satoko's parents. And this also ties in with the previous route in which Mion mentions that Satoko's family was a victim of this new negative solidarity of the village. There is also that one of the victims of the curse was the wife of the younger brother of the man who fell so, we are talking about the wife of this uncle Teppei who we just met?

I know the different timelines have some changes but it's a little weird to see that now Keiichi knows Shion since the beginning when we just met her on the previous route and on the first one she wasn't even mentioned.

Another weird thing is the guy who wants to marry Satoko... what!

I wonder what the hell is going on with Rena? As soon as Keiichi mentioned Satoko's brother and the curse, her switch flipped. We know from the first timeline that she is tied to Oyashiro in some way and she also mentioned that she was already cursed... Ahhh I want to know more but I guess we'll have to wait xD.
Nov 26, 2020 11:04 AM

Sep 2020
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:
ArcueidBestGirl said:
Similar to the VN actually.
I don't think the shopping scene was in the VN, and they made Keiichi useless here in the anime, while he was the winning factor in the VN/OG anime.

The biggest sin in this episode was translating "nii-nii".
WTF Funimation?!

The match was not even the OG right?
they placed it in the original arc in Kai, so at least it was in the right place in this anime lol, but they had to cut Keiichi and Kameda's cringy conversation.
btw the shopping scene was in the VN

It's been a while since I have seen the OG, but I do remember the match happening in the anime (just forgot when).

Man, I have terrible memory if I forgot the shopping scene. It's been like 3 months since I've read Tatarigoroshi.

Devil_Slayer said:
Teppei did nothing wrong.

Are you sure about that?
Well... if this is your first time watching Higurashi, then prepare yourself for what is about to happen.
NekoArc666Nov 26, 2020 11:08 AM
Nov 26, 2020 11:09 AM

Aug 2009
SkyLETV said:
I hadn't really paid attention to the part where Satoko is kind of getting undressed in the OP until someone told me last week and... OH NO!

Excuse me, the what?
Nov 26, 2020 11:15 AM

Jul 2014
ssjokg said:
SkyLETV said:
I hadn't really paid attention to the part where Satoko is kind of getting undressed in the OP until someone told me last week and... OH NO!

Excuse me, the what?

There is a shot of a short hair blond girl getting undressed in the OP.
Many people assume it's Satoko for some reason lol.

The girl in question looks much older than Satoko though.
Nov 26, 2020 11:20 AM

Aug 2009
Devil_Slayer said:
ssjokg said:
Excuse me, the what?

There is a shot of a short hair blond girl getting undressed in the OP.
Many people assume it's Satoko for some reason lol.

The girl in question looks much older than Satoko though.

It is either future her or a different, maybe console or even new, character.

I just fail to imagine how that shot is relevant to anything regarding Teppei.
Nov 26, 2020 11:24 AM

Jul 2014
ssjokg said:
Devil_Slayer said:

There is a shot of a short hair blond girl getting undressed in the OP.
Many people assume it's Satoko for some reason lol.

The girl in question looks much older than Satoko though.

It is either future her or a different, maybe console or even new, character.

I just fail to imagine how that shot is relevant to anything regarding Teppei.


It was always a popular theory back in episode 3 before episode 6 kinda crushed that idea
Some images of them still give the creep though.
Nov 26, 2020 11:24 AM

Jan 2013
Monusha said:
Haven't finished watching yet-

But in regards to the broccoli and cauliflower thing at the beginning;

That's what it is.
Nov 26, 2020 11:32 AM

Nov 2011
This is gonna be rough.
Nov 26, 2020 11:32 AM

Dec 2015
SHINOBI-03 said:
Monusha said:
Haven't finished watching yet-

But in regards to the broccoli and cauliflower thing at the beginning;

That's what it is.

She's not colorblind where did you get that info from?
Nov 26, 2020 11:36 AM

Aug 2009
Devil_Slayer said:
ssjokg said:

It is either future her or a different, maybe console or even new, character.

I just fail to imagine how that shot is relevant to anything regarding Teppei.


It was always a popular theory back in episode 3 before episode 6 kinda crushed that idea
Some images of them still give the creep though.

What I dont get is how you can she an older girl, even if it is Satoko, undoing a ribbon and assume anything.
Nov 26, 2020 11:43 AM

Aug 2015
So the deciving of one of the more heavier arcs had started, can't wait to see what would change.

The K1 cooking scene was really awesome lol, and the same can be said for all the slice-of-life part of this episode.

Interesting that K1 had 0 to do with them winning the game, so that had changed.

Shion was also likely listening to Irie's and Keiichi's conversation, wonder if that would have any impact (tho seeing her going full Big Sister on Satoko, I kinda doubt it).

Rena's big rant/crazy talk also didn't happen, which is interesting as I didn't expect this.

And Teppei is back... UGH. I hope his arc has a similar resolution to Miotsukushi where
Nov 26, 2020 11:46 AM

Jan 2013
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:
SHINOBI-03 said:

That's what it is.

She's not colorblind where did you get that info from?

The broccoli and cauliflower question was always thought to be hints of her being colorblind. I don't think it was confirmed if she has it, but her not knowing the difference between white and green made it safe to assume that.
Nov 26, 2020 11:55 AM
Oct 2020
Plot twist - Satoko kills Teppei, but then gets paranoid and sets deadly traps all over the village.
Nov 26, 2020 12:04 PM

Dec 2015
SHINOBI-03 said:
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

She's not colorblind where did you get that info from?

The broccoli and cauliflower question was always thought to be hints of her being colorblind. I don't think it was confirmed if she has it, but her not knowing the difference between white and green made it safe to assume that.

It's just a cute and funny thing and many children can't tell the differences between some vegetables so it's not unusual.
A weird assumption tbh
Nov 26, 2020 12:06 PM

Oct 2012
Good thing that Satoko's uncle is back. Now he's gonna be the one who will cook her Bento.
Nov 26, 2020 12:18 PM
May 2009
Who the hell keeps golf clubs in their KITCHEN?!
Nov 26, 2020 12:22 PM

Dec 2015
rjg4242 said:
Who the hell keeps golf clubs in their KITCHEN?!

you don't use your golf clubs as emergency spoons some times?
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