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Fire Force
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Nov 14, 2020 6:19 AM
Mar 2020
Oh! new characters! ..... and theire dead.
Nov 14, 2020 8:57 AM

May 2018
Hajiki-senpai had the quickest death ever lol

And the other guys with their lives flashing before their eyes lol
Nov 14, 2020 9:44 AM

Feb 2020
Joint Operation Nether Investigation arc started. The beginning was quite funny, with a lot of classical gags, and Arthur became my highlight there. That standing, and the beginning convoy, really become the reason behind an ending song theme. I am a bit of shock there knewing the similarity xD.

Tamaki fanservices, tho. Gladly, it just a glimpse. Because i might be chuckle again facing these episode. But, its not too long. Ritsu, the guardian of Inca was the main villain for these arc, together with the introduction of a new faction within Evangelist White-clads circle and served under her direct command, Knights of the Purple Smoke.

So, thats it, a hectic situations already happened while everyone decided to once again entering the Nether. Their decision to separate the units was sure a difficult situations, knewing the fact that they were all against the infernals, and the army from 2nd divisions mostly couldn't handle the horror of Ritsu's ability. Every teams had their own struggle, a lot of death happened from the 2nd division. But these episode was try to maintain and focus to the previous couple ship, Tamaki, and Jugger Noto to even more deeper.

Yeah, finally! Noto manly up his feeling, by taking the whole challenge from those fire whip knight very seriously after the death of his platoon leader from his division. Yeah, ngl for me, its intensed, with a nice flashback of him before joining the fire forces. That attacking style was great, a mass weapon, combining his whole feeling into a giant fire-bomb-alike which cause a true death for those knight with a massive explosion as a result. However, that end kinda worry me a bit. Could he be survive there?

To be continued!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Nov 14, 2020 9:53 AM

Jun 2014
HOLY SHIT THAT WAS AN EPISODE. Juggernauts is a boss. I also love that they gave the other characters a background story
Nov 14, 2020 10:37 AM

Apr 2015
I love how you're introducing a character and kill him off within 5 minutes, nice job! His strength was pretty incredible though. Well until that White Clad beheaded him...

Juggernaut gets his time to shine, his power till now is quite... strange. Honestly curious how he moves around in all those layers. Also had no idea he had such massive amount of firepower at his disposal. Not gonna lie, no one gets away with hurting Tamaki like that and Juggernaut delivered.

If all these White Clad girls are as thicc as Arrow and now this Purple Haze knight, then I have found my religion.
Nov 14, 2020 10:38 AM
Apr 2020
forgot there was a second season of this show, is it any good?
Nov 14, 2020 10:38 AM
Apr 2020
forgot there was a second season of this show, is it any good?
Nov 14, 2020 10:48 AM
Apr 2016
Ceb_1 said:
forgot there was a second season of this show, is it any good?

fight are cool but this season is more childish, and there s a lot of nonsense. the quality improves in the second half of the anime. I can recommand it but don t expect much
Nov 14, 2020 11:10 AM
Apr 2020
Franck_Nicolas said:
Ceb_1 said:
forgot there was a second season of this show, is it any good?

fight are cool but this season is more childish, and there s a lot of nonsense. the quality improves in the second half of the anime. I can recommand it but don t expect much

:/ i may ggive it a go then
Nov 14, 2020 12:05 PM

Jan 2008
Wow that got dark.
I reject your reality, and substitute my own.
Nov 14, 2020 2:20 PM

Apr 2020
i dont think this episode was TO dark than some of the previous ones. the whole second season has this ruthless tone (does anyone remember Panda and Sancho?) maybe the most shocking thing here is that the characters were "given a face" and a bit of background before being killed. and we can feel it

Juggernoto my boy >w< besides, am bore of the complaints about Tamaki. is repetitive fanservice tiring? yes. is she a bad character? absolutely not

anyway, great animation work and great cliffhanger! waiting for more of Hinawa and Maki's brother

Nov 14, 2020 2:37 PM

Mar 2017
Well shit... things got gruesome real quick! I was actually shook when Hajiki was brutally killed like that so suddenly.

I've been intrigued by Juggernaut since the beginning of this series, especially with the whole seemingly hollow thing. It was awesome to have an episode focused on him... but if he dies I will riot!
Nov 14, 2020 3:24 PM

Dec 2013
A surprisingly gruesome episode, I don't really like when shows starts killing people left and right and shame they decided to kill Hajiki, he was pretty cool.
Nov 14, 2020 4:06 PM
May 2017
It's wild how the writer of Soul Eater is the same person that wrote this. How he went from displaying women competent to a character like Tamaki is absolutely insane to me.
Nov 14, 2020 4:10 PM

Feb 2009
Sooooooo many death flags damn!
Nov 14, 2020 4:15 PM
Oct 2019
YOOOOO Juggernaut popping off!!!! Takeru the real MVP. Tamaki was almost going to be useful but ofcourse not. Hajiki was pretty strong but mans just got sliced up in now time. Ritsu causing trouble again with infernals and undead crewmates that had sad backstories and that funny shoe one. Why are all these White Clad girls so damn thiccc, Haumea, Arrow and now this Knight of The Purple Haze girl. Much tension between Hinawa and Maki's brother.

Solid episode with good fights, character development, new characters and the merciless killing.
Life is not daijoubu
Nov 14, 2020 5:18 PM
Jun 2016
I cannot believe how people can think this episode was good....yeah the animation was ok, but oh god...everything else was shit. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks Tamaki is an offensively awful character? is useless, her fanservice quirk is stupid and presents her just as a sexual object to arouse the audience, and the author also treats her horribly like.... all of her battles end up with her being beaten badly and waiting for a man to save her... and for some strange reason she always seconds the popularity charts in the shonen is wrong with this people? they just want a girl that shows skin in the stupidest ways possible and gets beated like the spouse of an alcoholic? and that is somehow supposed to be sexy since her clothers gets removed like it was made of sugar in all of her fights because yeah...seeing a woman being beated to pulp = hot stuff amirite?. And this is the guy who made Soul Eater? a pretty solid anime with a strong/interesting female

and yeah... the whole death flag part was pretty lame...honestly am I too old to find that kind of stuff funny anymore? I mean I didn't think it was offensive, I don't really care if you wanna do dark humor, but if you gonna do least try to be funny?....I don't know man, do people really though those old tired clichés were hilarious? maybe Im just too old Idk man. Im not even a female, but If I were I would be even more grossed out by Tamaki as a character and the fact she is so popular.

rant over....
Nov 14, 2020 5:30 PM

Oct 2018
OMG, death flags galore! LOL
Nov 14, 2020 9:22 PM
Jun 2013
Ceb_1 said:
Franck_Nicolas said:

fight are cool but this season is more childish, and there s a lot of nonsense. the quality improves in the second half of the anime. I can recommand it but don t expect much

:/ i may ggive it a go then

Don't listen to his nonsense, there's nothing really childish about this season, don't even know what this guy is talking about, also the animation has been amazing the whole season and the direction is far better than season 1 that was a bit messy, watch it.
Nov 15, 2020 2:00 AM
Sep 2014
The sneakers joke was actually pretty funny lol
Nov 15, 2020 4:41 AM

Jun 2013
F to Hajiki
Introduced and killed off within five minutes loooool
Nov 15, 2020 5:54 AM

Jul 2014
Can't believe how seriously underrated this show is... God damn, the high octane action sequences are awesome! Animation is also always on point.
Nov 15, 2020 7:18 AM

Jul 2017
what an episode.. didn't expected that Fire Force could went this dark.

Holy shit, I felt like I was holding my breath the entire episode watching all the flames come in and there + a giant Atomic Blast in a cramped non-ventilated underground area aka Nether.
Nov 15, 2020 7:45 AM

May 2015
When that bomb hit whip bitch! It was so satisfying.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Nov 15, 2020 9:26 AM
Jan 2016
Bruh how they gonna introduce a bad-ass chatacter like Hajiki and
Nov 15, 2020 10:47 AM
Apr 2016
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
Ceb_1 said:

:/ i may ggive it a go then

Don't listen to his nonsense, there's nothing really childish about this season, don't even know what this guy is talking about, also the animation has been amazing the whole season and the direction is far better than season 1 that was a bit messy, watch it.

What became childish :
-The villains move like three years old babies and wear diaper. The villains just look like teams of bad nurse cosplayers in this season. And their voice actor are babbling like idiots
-Arthur became completely stupid. In the first season he was just arrogant, now they just made him a pure fool and delusionnal 100% of the time. Are you telling me the part where he rides the top of the vehicule makes sense and is not childish?
-The plot is messy.
-The first episodes are just meant to see the character fooling around in the city, it as zero depth.

The animation quality of the first half was really down compared to the first season. In the second half it improved a lot especially during fight scenes.
Nov 15, 2020 2:11 PM
Sep 2019
Good Animation for a fight as always...
Too bad Hajiki-senpai didn't survive , he was a good character.
And about Juggernaut... boy , you are the main event youngman
Nov 15, 2020 9:32 PM

Jul 2016
Damn, what a way to kill off unimportant characters. Not even random flashbacks could make me feel something for those fodder soldiers... no, I lie. The dude who just wanted to try his new sneakers had me dying actually xD

Now seriously, I really missed Maki this episode. Fantastic animation aside, I couldn't care less about Juggernaut and his beheaded senpai. Not to mention also that seeing Tamaki demonstrating, once again, how much of a damsel in distress she is, was truly infuriating.

This said, let's hope next episode can do better considering the focus will be on more relevant characters such as Hinawa and Maki's brother.
Nov 16, 2020 1:19 AM
Mar 2015
The inconsistency bothers me. Showing so strong and capable enemies, but then when it comes to characters that the show wants to keep, it makes the enemies ridiculous.

I mean what was holding the whip lady back to whip off Juggernauts head so fast that he can't see it?
Why doesn't any bullet hit Viktor, even tho his entire squat got hit?
Nov 16, 2020 5:39 AM

Apr 2017
I didn't really expect this much death in one shounen episode :/

RIP Hajiki :(
Nov 16, 2020 6:03 AM

Jun 2020
Normally I enjoy dark and bloody episodes, because i believe it makes anime more realistic
But I hate episodes that try too be dark ,And I can't get rid of the thought that the episode was try too hard to be dark.
And Tamaki......I am tired of Tamaki doing nothing but Fanservice. I don't expect Tamaki to be overly strong or win every fight. but the same things happens in every fight and it start bothers me now.

Nov 16, 2020 9:36 AM
Nov 2020
Kionashi said:
I cannot believe how people can think this episode was good....yeah the animation was ok, but oh god...everything else was shit. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks Tamaki is an offensively awful character? is useless, her fanservice quirk is stupid and presents her just as a sexual object to arouse the audience, and the author also treats her horribly like.... all of her battles end up with her being beaten badly and waiting for a man to save her... and for some strange reason she always seconds the popularity charts in the shonen is wrong with this people? they just want a girl that shows skin in the stupidest ways possible and gets beated like the spouse of an alcoholic? and that is somehow supposed to be sexy since her clothers gets removed like it was made of sugar in all of her fights because yeah...seeing a woman being beated to pulp = hot stuff amirite?. And this is the guy who made Soul Eater? a pretty solid anime with a strong/interesting female

and yeah... the whole death flag part was pretty lame...honestly am I too old to find that kind of stuff funny anymore? I mean I didn't think it was offensive, I don't really care if you wanna do dark humor, but if you gonna do least try to be funny?....I don't know man, do people really though those old tired clichés were hilarious? maybe Im just too old Idk man. Im not even a female, but If I were I would be even more grossed out by Tamaki as a character and the fact she is so popular.

rant over....

You do not seem to pay any attention at all also you seem rather femenist here is a question that if you answer this correct you are gonna get the answer you seek.

Would you a nobody who probably know nothing about martial arts be able to beat someone who is amongst the most powerful fighters in the world.

Answering this is the 1rst step of finally realizing why tamaki cannot beat these guys you mentioned because simply everyone from rekka to assault and this lady in this episode all these enemies had something in common.
THEY WERE OUT OF HER LEAGUE!!!!!!! Do you understand what this means?

They were much stronger if the author did what you wanted then it would have been realistically stupid and equivalent to some trash weak ass lady beating someone 20 times stronger than her.

You have zero common sense lad.

She is untrained she has little to no experience and she is a nun what do you exactly expect? to be able to beat characters like charon?
How the hell would that be realistic? At least she is weak and loses and she is consistent as a character.
Nov 16, 2020 10:55 PM

Oct 2008
IMMENSELY UNBELIVABLE!!! Juggernaut overwhelming awesomeness! That was shit dope ending execution!!!

Nov 18, 2020 9:57 AM
May 2020
This episode stripped the watchers of their comfort zone of being protected in that naive dream fantasy world and delved them into the actual true reality Fireforce post Catalysm.
The shift in tone and reality from a dreamlike and childlike world into a no hold bars world absolutely swooped audience of their feet, whether they'd like it or not. Before this, there were very dark themes and buildup for the past few episodes, but this episode absolutely intensified the grisly and immoral nature of fireforce to the max and gave us the most gruesome and despicable deaths yet.? "Cold" is the perfect way to sum up this episode, the characters were killed off like fireflies without remorse and with such a unique indifference; destroying any semblance of hope in the future development and potential of a few characters. The ambition and direction of D. Prod was entirely put on display, as they weren't afraid to kill such promising characters despite utilising them for further roles in the next episodes. Such as Hajiki who was presented to be one of the coolest and freshest bad asses in the anime to be killed in such a unemotional manner should be the direction that D. Prod continue to further pinpoint the true gruesome and despicable reality anime Fireforce. This is a similar dramatic effect and form that D. Prod used for Jojo which utilises the same technique of unfearful indifference to kill great characters despite their potential and role to the anime. If this were to be the cold direction that Fireforce proceeds, we might be in another emotional nightmare that might reach the heights of Re:Zero and I'm entirely up and looking forward to that.
Nov 18, 2020 12:35 PM
Apr 2020
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
Ceb_1 said:

:/ i may ggive it a go then

Don't listen to his nonsense, there's nothing really childish about this season, don't even know what this guy is talking about, also the animation has been amazing the whole season and the direction is far better than season 1 that was a bit messy, watch it.
ill go for it! or ill try at least
Nov 18, 2020 1:51 PM
Mar 2015
Hooray for Juggernaut weapon of destruction
Nov 19, 2020 5:07 AM

Nov 2016
I was fanboying over Hajiki and then he was gone..

Rip him and the fodder fighters.

But props to Jugger, he fucked that bitch up. Don't wake up a sleeping giant.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 19, 2020 5:29 AM

Feb 2018
This episode was crazy holy s... They mocked the death flag idea like that and made a plot twist with killing the gun guy without giving any flag. This episode was very realistic in so many ways. I still can't believe they showed me a very likeable character and chopped his head off in a moment. Plus, I think with that Juggernaut they made a very interesting character. He is weak minded and afraid of fire so he has multiple layers. Those layers represents his mindset aswell, because he is putting a wall with real world with them. But he wanted to take them of for the girl she loves, I think that was a metaphor too.
Nov 19, 2020 8:16 AM

Dec 2016
I was this 👌🏽 close to think “Juggernaut is so useless” I'm glad he proved me wrong. But did he sacrifice himself to defeat that white clad?

Hajiki was so cool but unfortunately he just lasted for like a few minutes...

I don't know why but I laughed when those soldiers were dying one by one after reminiscing their life XD

In that one scene I thought this became a hentai...
Nov 19, 2020 2:38 PM

Mar 2016
Fire Force always shakes me up. The immediate death of 3 new characters and Hajiki just being one shot to death after his bizarre display of gun dancing...... it's too much😭 I genuinely have no problem who Shinra ends up with as Juggernaut and Assault have the hots for Tamaki. I felt really bad for Tamaki, but damn...... she's genuinely tough! As for Juggernaut, you finally shined like a tank🔥
Nov 20, 2020 8:10 AM

Aug 2018
Surprise decapitation! Didn't see that coming did ya?
I hope they don't pull a ''he forgot he died''
I think I don't know wtf I'm doing. Maybe. Probably.

Nov 20, 2020 10:17 AM

Jul 2013
I love how someone said the Nether is creepy like a zombie movie. And then...everyone dies and became the walking dead. lol. Ritsu's power is one of my favorite's.

Hajiki was so cool :( why introduce a character with an interesting ability to kill him in a minute wow

Tamaki tried...Urgh but like another user said, I'm tired of seeing her just being a Tortured Girl and Lewded Girl ~_~

Nov 20, 2020 5:59 PM

Nov 2016
Definetly the best episode so far.... yet it was still kinda trashy, the unnecesary comedy all over the place, this cat bitch getting naked again 2 times and literally doing nothing again. A great character introduced and killed in 3 minutes, the Second is full of trash and useless people how the fuck they can't win even against normal infernals smh. The only good thing was the las moment, everything else was trash.
Nov 21, 2020 4:07 AM
Nov 2020
Taifood said:
It's wild how the writer of Soul Eater is the same person that wrote this. How he went from displaying women competent to a character like Tamaki is absolutely insane to me.

The comparison of maka's in soul eater with tamaki is the most stupid thing i ever heard.

I have done already explained this many times yet people still say this crap and i am so mentally tired writing this over and over again so this is the last time i write this you dumbshits.

Start comprehending what the plots establishes and stop asking stuff out of plot.

In soul eater maka's who is the lady you refer to she is trained to kill because that is her job while tamaki in fire force is a nun her job is to pray and she is not some kind of close combat fighter.

Do you understand what i am talking about or this is too difficult to get it?

Nuns in fire force are not supposed to be fighters their job is to pray for the infernal souls to be put into rest nothing more nothing else.
Tamaki while not doing much stuff and most of times she has been a burden sure. She is the only fire ability nun we have seen so far because the rest have not shown to have fire powers .

She had moments where she wasn't totally useless that unfortunately because those are not into your liking, you consider that they do not exist just because you refuse to accept their existence because they are minor things of not importance to you.

You do understand that she defend juggernaut while he was down and couldn't do anything right?

How that was not important? He would have been 100% certain dead if she wasn't there to defend his unconscious ass if those infernals had him.

Seriously what you feminist dudes wants from tamaki to start doing in order to consider that she does something? To start shoot nuclear bomb attacks from her ass and kill everyone with one attack?

InsignNov 21, 2020 5:28 AM
Nov 21, 2020 12:54 PM

Mar 2013
Hmm, that Orochi sure looks like a certain witch I've seen before. Well, maybe it's just a coincidence. I mean, it's not like she has a weapon that references the witch's name or anything, right??
Nov 22, 2020 1:08 AM

Sep 2018
What a dark episode, a wild one, like it a lot.

A unexpected one, I think because we don't expect something this crude in Fire Force
I keep moving forward
Nov 22, 2020 8:02 AM

Feb 2016
Nov 22, 2020 8:03 AM

Feb 2016
RiceKnight59 said:
I died when Shinra gave Company 2 a manual on how to deal with Arthur. It's like he's telling them, Arthur's an idiot but he's Company 8's idiot.

When I get back from this mission, I'm going to wear these brand spanking new sneakers LOL

Juggernaut was best boy this episode.

Care and feeding manual looooool
Nov 22, 2020 3:12 PM
Feb 2020
Finalmente um episódio interessante, porem o mesmo problema de sempre, esse fan-service totalmente desnecessário tira toda a tenção do episódio e a Tamaki é muito inútil cara, não serve pra nada. Outra coisa, o clímax do episodio foi bom mais o Juggernaut morreu pra um personagem random que foi aparecer na metade deste episodio, enfim, merecia uma morte mais digna.
Nov 23, 2020 11:12 AM

Sep 2020
OMG!!! This one was amazing and it felt really really short. Kinda ironic how the 2nd Leader was killed that easily despite his seeing ability.

Mess with waifu, lose your laifu
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