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Oct 29, 2020 4:47 PM

Jul 2014
Lelouch0202 said:
My man Keichii tipping those kids over to the dark side with those irresistible deals. I mean, who wouldn't want their own cat eared Rika? (:

Legit my fav part of the episode.
Oct 29, 2020 5:12 PM
Jul 2020
20m said:
JayWeeb33 said:
You could really see the “Hentai” of Passione studios only other works come through in this episode.

Still having trouble getting past everyone’s oily aesthetic and keiichi’s actor now being 50 and hearing it in his raspy cigarette voice. Would have enjoyed a younger recast bc it’s truly hard to get immersed every time he talks.

Intrigued none the less. Curious to see where it goes. 5/10 not bad, but not necessarily good either.

SPOILER : it’s a lot more blatantly obvious when Shion and Mion switch roles at school now. Even new comers could probably figure that out with even a minimal level of critical thinking.
Why would they switch ?

I labeled it spoiler bc in the OG ones you find out about halfway through that the twins trade places for a specific reason and it was hidden very well. It seems very obvious to me now as all of the surrounding characters notice differences in personalities and one of them blushes 5x as much. It’s kind of a wink and nod to the people who’ve seen the previous ones I guess, since you didn’t notice or no why they’d switch. It’s kind of interesting, stick around to find out.
Oct 29, 2020 5:20 PM

Sep 2011
jaw20 said:
Almost 90% percent sure that those eyebrows on the "Shion" in Angel Mort indicated that the person we saw is actually Mion.

I thought exactly the same. All OG viewers know who Shion is so, if this is an alternative version, I am pretty sure they are trying to fool us.
Oct 29, 2020 5:27 PM

Jun 2016
Are you wondering if she's Mion or Shion? Well.... "Eyelashes"

omarkOct 29, 2020 7:51 PM
Oct 29, 2020 5:30 PM
Oct 2020
First time watchers? I made a helpful guide to the series for you!

Oct 29, 2020 5:34 PM

Jan 2020
Oh boy Rika is really trying these past episodes to avoid the catastrophic events. I don't think Keiichi would have given the doll to Mion if Rika didn't encourage him to do so.

Overall another enjoyable episode.
Oct 29, 2020 5:51 PM

Aug 2018
omark said:
Are you wondering if she's Mion or Shion? Well.... "Eyelashes"

Oh wow thats a big spoiler then considering this shot was in the trailer.

Oct 29, 2020 6:17 PM
Jul 2017
jTiKey said:
The thing that triggered it was because Keiichi gave a doll to Rena, while this time it was given to Mion.
Oct 29, 2020 6:23 PM

Jan 2020
I loved this episode a lot like usual. Based on the first episode of Watanadamashi I feel like this arc will be really good in the new version.

Oct 29, 2020 6:23 PM

Oct 2012
Reading the theories and comparisons is so interesting. I have absolutely no idea.

I really thought it was Shion at the curry scenes and throught the whole episode except for the doll scene and everything before that. At the end, though, I guess that was Mion...? Haha, this is too much fun.

Can't wait to see what's going to happen.
Oct 29, 2020 6:42 PM

Dec 2011
Is it just me or more evidence that a switch has already happened is
Then again it's been so many years that naturally, everyone's voices are all slightly different and it takes time to get back into character.

The lack of an OP and no massacre preview is a Choice like oh boy where are we going what are we falling for this time !!

omark said:
Are you wondering if she's Mion or Shion? Well.... "Eyelashes"

Oct 29, 2020 6:51 PM

Nov 2011
To old fans who are also confused about Mion and Shion
Oct 29, 2020 7:22 PM

Dec 2015
omark said:
Are you wondering if she's Mion or Shion? Well.... "Eyelashes"

I can't notice it very much but i think Mion's eyelashes here are 100% like Shion's right?
and we know 100% that in this scene it was Mion, so i don't think we can use this eyelash theory lol.

Oct 29, 2020 7:31 PM

Mar 2020
I've started watching this, thinking it's a remake or adaptation of the original, but after watching the latest episode and reading comments in this thread I feel lied to by MAL.

For someone without knowledge about other series like me, this episode just felt totally out of place and filler-like, especially after the intense buildup we had up to episode 4.
Oct 29, 2020 7:32 PM
Sep 2020
Tsukumo_Yuuma said:

I can't notice it very much but i think Mion's eyelashes here are 100% like Shion's right?
and we know 100% that in this scene it was Mion, so i don't think we can use this eyelash theory lol.

We don't know "100%" that this is Mion. It was Mion in Watanagashi but that doesn't mean anything. She is also wearing Shion's school uniform which makes me a bit suspicious. It could all be Mion, but there is no way to say for sure yet.
Oct 29, 2020 8:14 PM

Dec 2014
ssjokg said:
So nobody is talking about the Tsukihime reference?

That's sad.

Isn't Ryukishi himself already stated that Chie-sensei was parody character of Ciel-senpai? and Ryukishi have green light from Nasu himself for use Chie in his series

also it written like that on Chie-sensei character page
Oct 29, 2020 8:32 PM

Dec 2014
what if its Rena going Lv5 again this time? Since K1 keep wondering about what behind rena's cute behavior

and i think it'll be Mion all the time until the end Shion appeared after receiving bad news about her nee-chan get in some danger and save those two (K1 and Mion)??

well i don't have much evidence but seeing this eps is full of Mion and no switch to Shion even once, that bernkastel poem who rena said, doll which goes to mion, and K1 trying to seek the true face behind someone behavior

also i'm starting to believe that there's really a real Impostor between these characters who act as either 'Rika-counter' or just 'Watcher' since there's so many umineko reference now, and i believe this impostor really strong enough to made hanyuu didn't notice it
Oct 29, 2020 8:36 PM

Aug 2018
We’ll find out in due course, but I think Shion is Shion and Mion is Mion so far in the series, regardless of all the wishful thinking otherwise.
Oct 29, 2020 9:02 PM

Oct 2016
I just finished this arc in the original version a few days ago still haven't finished season 1 but, I suggest watching the original. It's not really needed but, it feels so much better watching GOU after watching the original for me personally.

I am very intrigued to see how this arc will end seeing the different choices in this version. But, even then I am still confused if Shion and Mion are impersonating each other lmao. But, so far so good I really enjoyed that episode.
Oct 29, 2020 9:17 PM

Jan 2011
this episode was peak me not remembering shit second guessing everything related to Mion /Shion at least now i have the choice on being respoiled on things that happened in prospect on how it's changed in this version
Oct 29, 2020 9:33 PM

Sep 2020
Thanks God.
Keiichi gave the doll to Mion.
Oct 29, 2020 9:33 PM

Jul 2007
Found this episode underwhelming tbh. It's still exciting to not really know where things are going.
Oct 29, 2020 10:15 PM

May 2017
I thought that the new arc only begins with Rika is killed, but that didn't happen in the first arc.
Oct 29, 2020 10:21 PM

Aug 2020
so in higurashi, every arc is in a different timeline/parallel universe?
Oct 29, 2020 10:22 PM

Apr 2020
Really funny ep, loving the story
Oct 29, 2020 10:22 PM

Jul 2016
Oh he gave the doll to mion, also
Oct 29, 2020 10:49 PM

Jun 2013
Out of all aired eps so far I enjoyed this one the most. Nice that they didn't waste time on OP, overall episode felt pleasantly long. With this weird-ass artstyle K1 only now started to really look like himself to me. I'm already adapted to everything being shiny and polished, maybe even enjoy it now thanks to Higurashi Mei gacha, but still wish there were much less catfaces. Mion and Shion both were perfection of cuteness during the episode, I wanna take them home. Were they always this perfect?! Jeez I need to re-watch third episode of Kira asap. Giving doll to Mion (that was extremely adorable) is great plot twist for old fans and Rika is doing nice groundwork giving hints to K1 like in previous chapter, will it really help this time tho? As it's Higurashi and it's still sorta question arc, I guess it won't. But interesting how much exactly it all changes things.

I hope in conclusion it will be something like Mion is the culprit this time around (or to be showed like this), that would be interesting, but I can only wonder what tragedy will happen in next episodes. I dunno, the only solved mystery this time is what K1's dad was doing in the restroom inside restaurant full of sexy waitresses. Soul Brothers need that man.
Oct 29, 2020 11:14 PM

Oct 2017
Why do you people even bother using spoiler tags?!
Oct 29, 2020 11:15 PM

Jul 2016
And so we return to the most mundane and personally speaking, most uninteresting part of the series. When everything is normal and lighthearted...

Overall and aside from the last scene with Mion/Shion going full yakuza mode, I found this episode rather boring.
The whole Mion/Shion deal is a really curious addition tho, I must say. Maybe I missed something or was distracted while watching but I'm still confused if what I watched was just Mion having a personality disorder or if there are actually two twin sisters that exchange places every now and then... well, guess I will eventually find out at some point.
Oct 30, 2020 12:12 AM

Dec 2018
littleproblems said:

Shion's shions in this episode were distracting.

They sure were ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oct 30, 2020 12:24 AM

Feb 2011
Tadeshibu said:
Things of note with the whole Mion-Shion switchings:
- At Angel Mort, when Shion introduces herself, she says "ane (姉)" which is actually "big sister". In the Watanagashi, she refers to herself as "imouto (妹)" which is little sister. Like most of us are guessing, that is actually Mion at Angel Mort.
- Though the day after K1 calls Shion Mion's "little sister (imouto)" even though at Angel Mort 'Shion' introduces herself as "ane". I don't know if this is a key point or just a continuity error.

Hey just pointing out she did say 姉 (ane/older sister), but she was saying「魅音は双子の姉なんです。」(Mion wa futago no ane nan desu/Mion is my older twin sister) so K1 can infer from that that Shion is the 妹 (imouto/younger sister) it's not a continuity error or anything, just a different way to phrase the same idea.
Oct 30, 2020 12:31 AM
May 2014
tiritto said:
I've started watching this, thinking it's a remake or adaptation of the original, but after watching the latest episode and reading comments in this thread I feel lied to by MAL.

For someone without knowledge about other series like me, this episode just felt totally out of place and filler-like, especially after the intense buildup we had up to episode 4.

It's definitely not a remake, but the thing I will say is the original followed the same flow. There's a reason for it that will become apparent in time.

Oct 30, 2020 12:34 AM

Aug 2009
kohxdom1 said:
Honestly, Gou is failing to convey the creepiness and horror that makes Higurashi special. The scene where the villagers stare at the bike thugs was so poorly done compared to OG, pretty disappointing. In OG these creepy scenes (usoda scene, villagers staring, etc) were the ones giving the anime a mystery ambiance and keeping you hooked on. And the overly cute fan-service shit doesn't fit higurashi at all. Not hating it's just the truth whether people like it or not.

I will ignore the comparison of the "creepiness" but did you really just say that the cute fanservice doesnt fit Higurashi when that's all Higurashi is before shit goes down?


omark said:
Are you wondering if she's Mion or Shion? Well.... "Eyelashes"

I think comparing something in the physical appearance of IDENTICAL twins kinda beats the purpose, especially when the original designs are the same except for hairstyle and clothes.

ExTz_Thomazz said:
ssjokg said:
So nobody is talking about the Tsukihime reference?

That's sad.

Isn't Ryukishi himself already stated that Chie-sensei was parody character of Ciel-senpai? and Ryukishi have green light from Nasu himself for use Chie in his series

also it written like that on Chie-sensei character page

I know.

But seems nobody gave a shit.
Oct 30, 2020 12:59 AM

Oct 2017
I'm a little confused about the story of this anime.

So basically each time the timeline is just going to reset and Keichi is going to interact with one of the female leads, and then that female will turn all psycho at some point and they'd probably going to kill each other soon. And then timeline reset again and Keichi go for another female lead?

Honestly not sure what to think of this. This is not exactly a game setting which you can just go for all female lead routes and then replay it. Fate series work because they adapt them separately for each female lead.
Oct 30, 2020 1:07 AM

Aug 2009
Ventus_S said:
I'm a little confused about the story of this anime.

So basically each time the timeline is just going to reset and Keichi is going to interact with one of the female leads, and then that female will turn all psycho at some point and they'd probably going to kill each other soon. And then timeline reset again and Keichi go for another female lead?

Honestly not sure what to think of this. This is not exactly a game setting which you can just go for all female lead routes and then replay it. Fate series work because they adapt them separately for each female lead.

It is like Rezero, except that(it really isnt a spoiler because of episode 2 but anyway)

It isnt different routes like with Fate/Stay Night.

Oct 30, 2020 1:28 AM

May 2018
Reminder, Mion/Shion is 16/17 y.o. <@:^)
Oct 30, 2020 1:40 AM

Aug 2009
ForzaItaliano said:
Reminder, Mion/Shion is 16/17 y.o. <@:^)
They are fourteen actually.
Oct 30, 2020 3:18 AM

Aug 2018
ssjokg said:
ForzaItaliano said:
Reminder, Mion/Shion is 16/17 y.o. <@:^)
They are fourteen actually.
I'd verify that. Keiichi and Rika are 15 if memory serves, and the twins are a year older than that.
Oct 30, 2020 3:21 AM

Apr 2009
Ventus_S said:
And then timeline reset again and Keichi go for another female lead?
Keiichi is not trying to "go for a female lead". It is far from the main point. And while Keiichi is an important character, episode 2's opening scene already pretty blatantly reveal that the key character is actually Rika and they're trying to break the loop and also solve the mystery of why the loop is even happening when it should have ended previously.
Oct 30, 2020 3:29 AM

Aug 2009
NoviSun said:
ssjokg said:
They are fourteen actually.
I'd verify that. Keiichi and Rika are 15 if memory serves, and the twins are a year older than that.

Rena was born on july 1969. She isnt even 14 yet.
Oct 30, 2020 4:09 AM

Feb 2013
Lol, the way he won was funny.
Oct 30, 2020 4:37 AM

Jul 2014
Rika is so inactive for someone who knows so much.

Oct 30, 2020 5:06 AM

Aug 2018
ssjokg said:
NoviSun said:
I'd verify that. Keiichi and Rika are 15 if memory serves, and the twins are a year older than that.

Rena was born on july 1969. She isnt even 14 yet.
Strange how MAL directly contradicts that and says ‘67. Are you perhaps watching some other series?
Oct 30, 2020 5:42 AM
Jul 2018
DrLarsen said:
I feel like Shion has a bigger chest than in the Original back in 2006.

What do you expect? It's Passione.
Oct 30, 2020 5:43 AM

Oct 2020
First time watch this series.

1. Didn't they get murdered in the last episode? Why are they alive and acting like nothing has happened?
2. Isn't Mion/Shion the same person?

Oct 30, 2020 5:43 AM

Jul 2014
NoviSun said:
ssjokg said:

Rena was born on july 1969. She isnt even 14 yet.
Strange how MAL directly contradicts that and says ‘67. Are you perhaps watching some other series?

There's a disagreement about their age.
Some sources say that Keiichi/Rena and Mion are 15-16 years old, while others say they are just 14 years old.

The problem is that Satoko and Rika's age is 11-12 and Keiichi/Mion looks WAY older than they are.
Devil_SlayerOct 30, 2020 5:56 AM
Oct 30, 2020 6:01 AM

Aug 2009
NoviSun said:
ssjokg said:

Rena was born on july 1969. She isnt even 14 yet.
Strange how MAL directly contradicts that and says ‘67. Are you perhaps watching some other series?

The ages were definitely changed for the live action adaptations. Dont know where MAL, being MAL, got it's info.

Arkaisen said:
First time watch this series.

1. Didn't they get murdered in the last episode? Why are they alive and acting like nothing has happened?
2. Isn't Mion/Shion the same person?

look at the dates in this episode.
Oct 30, 2020 6:06 AM

Jul 2014
ssjokg said:
NoviSun said:
Strange how MAL directly contradicts that and says ‘67. Are you perhaps watching some other series?

The ages were definitely changed for the live action adaptations. Dont know where MAL, being MAL, got it's info.

Arkaisen said:
First time watch this series.

1. Didn't they get murdered in the last episode? Why are they alive and acting like nothing has happened?
2. Isn't Mion/Shion the same person?

look at the dates in this episode.

Mion is listed at 16-17 in one of the game ports as well.
Their ages are never consistent through ports and what not.
Only thing we know is they all are young, and Keiichi is good amount of years older than Satoko/Rika.
Oct 30, 2020 6:08 AM

Dec 2015
NoviSun said:
ssjokg said:

Rena was born on july 1969. She isnt even 14 yet.
Strange how MAL directly contradicts that and says ‘67. Are you perhaps watching some other series?

MAL is wrong, Keiichi and Rena is 14, Mion is 15
they're in middle school,
Oct 30, 2020 6:20 AM

Apr 2020
No OP's this time, I'll bet it will for next episode. Anyways this is the 'reset' that they're talking about after each 4 episodes, and this is the second arc. Ok.

Opening to up to a different type of calendar, with Keiichi playing games with the club. It was weird for me to digest the first half of the episode, but I did catched on. I love how Keiichi is bribing his juniors to give him victory, in exchange for their crushes Rika and Satoko. And I got introduced to Shion...Mion...(dual personality), nah I guess it's Shion.

I didn't expect a freaking "romance" on When They Cry, that angle was something out of left field for me (but I do admit Shion is really hot). I was juggling my mind on why they're pairing Mion and Keiichi, but I guess that's new developments. Mion is actually a girly teenager, ok.

And with that ending, yeah all throughout the episode it was so light. But those scary eyes with all the folks was damn terrifying (I think I saw that 2006 version clip somewhere), but those delinquents are gonna get flamed next week.

Anyways this fifth episode is almost striking with Halloween, but that was not the episode to put it at the day before Oct.31. Overall, it is the weakest but not bad episode.
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