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Oct 8, 2020 9:04 AM
So if the general consensus in this discussion is that Kazuya is the worst MC ever, does this make Mami ultimately superior for having better taste in guys and dumping his ass before things got serious? Chizuru - Kinda into this loser. Ruka - Hella into this loser. Sumi - Well... she doesn't talk so idk why she's "best girl" Mami - This guys pathetic, I deserve better. |
Oct 8, 2020 10:52 PM
Dutch_Chief said: BoltonB07 said: I don't get how this episode has only 49% 5/5s. What a perfect way to set the anime for a season 2, I cannot wait for it! Maybe many voted before S2 was anounced, and thus felt the episode failed to deliver closure? yeah I guess that's the case |
Oct 9, 2020 12:21 AM
Obviously was not nearly perfect, but loved this anime and now is one of my favorites. Also loved Chizuru. Mami is an interesting character, the other girls are not as good but can improve. So happy that this will have a second season :) |
Oct 9, 2020 8:52 PM
Started with a bang, but the more I watched the more I hated Kazuya. 6/10 |
Oct 10, 2020 11:14 AM
Oct 10, 2020 10:46 PM
Kazuya is still trash till the end of the episode. I pity for Ruka. |
Oct 11, 2020 1:48 PM
Was actually pretty enjoyable. Will be back for S2. Hoping for more Sumi screen time next season. |
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Oct 12, 2020 4:59 PM
Oct 12, 2020 7:00 PM
Chizuru_Mizuhara said: Finished with the rewatch and can firmly say Kazuya is still annoying. Dislike the way he treats Ruka and using her as a comfort girlfriend because he can’t get Chizuru Yeah in the last episode he really does leave her hanging. A lot happened in that episode, but right after I was immediately thinking about how disrespected Ruka was from Kazuya before anything else -.- She didn't come off as a clingy annoying type of girl in this episode which made it kinda suck furthur. |
Oct 13, 2020 2:03 AM
Kylesan17 said: Chizuru_Mizuhara said: Finished with the rewatch and can firmly say Kazuya is still annoying. Dislike the way he treats Ruka and using her as a comfort girlfriend because he can’t get Chizuru Yeah in the last episode he really does leave her hanging. A lot happened in that episode, but right after I was immediately thinking about how disrespected Ruka was from Kazuya before anything else -.- She didn't come off as a clingy annoying type of girl in this episode which made it kinda suck furthur. 100% agree, I feel in this episode, Ruka was being her trueself when she realises, Kazuya is somewhat serious until he sees his dream waifu, he forgets what he is doing. Ruka can def get someone better |
Oct 13, 2020 2:22 AM
Kylesan17 said: She didn't come off as a clingy annoying type of girl in this episode which made it kinda suck furthur. I get the impression that Ruka mostly acts clingy and annoying when she feels like her back is pushed against the wall. Like when Kazuya can only see Mizuhara when she's around. When you look at how Ruka behaves in ep7 flashback, she's much more calm and collected. When she doesn't feel like having to compete and fight for Kazuya's attention, she is a really sweet girl at heart. Even Kazuya realizes that, if only for a few short moments. He does care for her, but keeps dreaming about Mizuhara, the perfect girlfriend act that Chizuru impressed him with. |
Oct 13, 2020 3:26 AM
Oct 14, 2020 9:20 PM
Now I remember why I dropped this manga. Not sure how I made it this far. Basically Chizuru is a hoe and Kazuya is a beta simp. There. |
Oct 15, 2020 10:27 AM
Had a hard time watching this tbh, Kazuya pissed me off, Ruka was annoying at times (nice ending with her backstory though), Mami was a piece of trash, Mizuhara was ok, and Sumi was cute. Well, maybe I'll watch season 2, if that might happen let's hope there will be some more development for Kazuya. |
Oct 15, 2020 5:40 PM
I enjoyed the anime. Kazuya is cringy but the story is interesting. Looking forward for season 2. |
Oct 16, 2020 4:13 AM
I like that Kazuya’s development is both slow and subtle. Kazuya’s base personality hasn’t changed, he’s still a coward and lacks self confidence, but he is now able to work past that due to his experiences over the course of the manga. He hasn’t gone through any radical changed of character, which are quite frankly unrealistic. The closest he has had to a radical change is the movie arc, but that was because he was desperate to do what he could to help. |
Oct 16, 2020 6:38 AM
[quote=Chizuru_Mizuhara message=60815031] Nakshatra_Tp said: yea can relate it he pussied at that confession lolGuyz idk abt u all but i really enjoyed this Idiot MCs cringy actions is the real punch to this anime 😂 And kazuya is not that bad common guyz he just doing what his mind tell unlike us we still cant even speak when bad times comes atleast he brags out what his heart want...we shut our mouths thinking that will cringe all (sometimes) And abt RUKA there too he was playing good man as he ca Chizuru_Mizuhara said: Nakshatra_Tp said: Guyz idk abt u all but i really enjoyed this Idiot MCs cringy actions is the real punch to this anime 😂 And kazuya is not that bad common guyz he just doing what his mind tell unlike us we still cant even speak when bad times comes atleast he brags out what his heart want...we shut our mouths thinking that will cringe all (sometimes) And abt RUKA there too he was playing good man as he can do what ever with her but he still not accepting her as his gf instead he still have love for that btch + new feelings for chizuru I agree the MC can be annoying most of the time but he pussied out on the confession (I understand its a cliche scenario since manga is on going) .Though he had the courage from previous episodes to state what was on his mind at the time. I agree the MC can be annoying most of the time but he pussied out on the confession (I understand its a cliche scenario since manga is on going) .Though he had the courage from previous episodes to state what was on his mind at the time. |
Oct 16, 2020 1:44 PM
this anime was so good but the ending sucks... atleast Season 2 is coming. |
Words |
Oct 20, 2020 8:02 PM
I liked this more than I thought I would. It had it's cringe moments, but there was some humor here and there as well. Sure the MC is frustrating, but he's supposed to be. I would've liked to see more of Sumi-chan. I do feel bad for Ruka, as she's the most honest person in this show next to Mami. I'll watch Season 2 when it comes out. |
Oct 21, 2020 11:29 AM
I thought I wouldn't enjoy this show, but I did. I don't dislike the MC, but I don't like him either. Will still watch the 2nd season. |
Oct 21, 2020 3:53 PM
Mami is scary (but at least she calls them out for their BS), why didn't we get more of the fish, and why the fook did I watch this Started out pretty great actually, thought it was mildly funny with a captivating premise, sort of. But then it just turned into pain and confusion as you start to wonder why anyone has any feelings whatsoever for this dumbass mc. I appreciate that he admits several times that he's a loser, but saying so over and over again doesn't help the character if he doesn't end up growing. He ends this series as the same loser he was at the start, wtf. At least grow some balls and be honest with the girl you like, the one who did so much for you out of the kindness of her heart. But nah he proceeds to be an actual punching bag of a character. Heck mami is way more of a man than this wimp Also I think it would be kind of hard to hide your job if you're like the number one rookie on what seems to be a really popular (and weird) service Watched this because mizuhara is peak anime girl, and nothing else. Without her this is just a dumpster fire that made me uncomfortable and cringe. 2/10 anime, but she bumps it all the way up to a fat 4/10 That all said I still want to see happens next and am looking forward to the next season. Just hope that it spares us a bit of the pain and cringe that this season gave. |
Oct 22, 2020 11:53 AM
What a royal fuck up that was Mc boy, luckily best girl called you baka, so you got your message across, you failed your task successfully. Chizuru and Yuki Aoi brought this episode to an another lever compared to the others. Can't say i disliked this series, coincidences, plot devices and the garbage MC aside, but he shows some signs of life. I'm really loving the female cast, Chizuru and Ruka most of all. I won't bring myself to charge Mami as a shit person, not yet, there is definetly something behind her behavior. See you in 2nd season. :) |
Oct 23, 2020 7:43 AM
Oh man, now that was one difficult show to get through. Possibly the least likeable MC of all time? I can't remember the last time a show felt like it intentionally went nowhere and felt so mean spirited. It amazes me how I feel like shows like Konosuba, Prison School, WataMote, and Shimoneta got this kind of awkward comedy so right and this show got it so wrong. It was a very good thing that they got the only 3 likeable characters, the girls decently right because they really carry the whole show. And when the fan favorite is a character that people know hardly anything about and who has only said 4 words, you know you have a big problem on your hands. |
Oct 23, 2020 8:56 PM
I just finished watching this anime, and to be honest, I find it to be pretty average at best. Kazuya Kinoshita is a terrible protagonist who tries to simp other girls like Chizuru and Ruka, and he is annoying to say the least. He kept stocking at Chizuru who tried to do her job, which upsets her, and kept bringing up the situation that gave him some problems. I don't feel bad after he got hit by Chizuru for being an annoying douche and Ruka for being a pervert. Other characters like Ruka and Mami are just as bad, with Mami being the terrible bitch who broke up with the guy, and Ruka being way too obsessive to Kazuya. The only characters that I like in this show are both Chizuru and Sumi, and unfortunately, Sumi only appeared in the last couple episodes in this season. Overall, this is one of the worse anime I've watched this year, and I'm not sure if I'll be looking forward to the second season. |
"You don't have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you." - Drax the Destroyer Mirishita ID: L3N93SKX Discord: DawnHibiki #6454 |
Oct 24, 2020 12:20 PM
An ok wrap up for the series hinting that Chizuru has feelings for him. Kind of disappointed that we didn't get any more of Sumi. Overall was a bit too cringy for my taste. Hated the MCs guts with all his lies and indecisiveness. Dude hooks up with Ruka who not only loves him very much but is also as beautiful as Chizuru (according to his own words) and then gives her no attention. "When did I set my love life to hard mode?" my ass. |
Oct 25, 2020 7:03 PM
I really enjoyed this anime. I hated it for the most part mainly because of the protagonist's attitude towards chizuru. Gotta admit though, I've been like this in the past, but when I see other dudes doing it just makes me so mad and cringe. I didn't like chizuru so much throughout the series, but with this last episode especially, she proved herself to me lol. She won me over with that mami scene. Compared to her, the other girls are like little children. I was so mad when the protagonist declared to her and tried to pretend ae didn't right after. Seeing chizuru's reaction after she went inside her house too 😭. He still has hope tho. I've still got hope for this series. Let's see where it goes😁 |
FrostyinsideOct 25, 2020 7:06 PM
Oct 25, 2020 10:18 PM
The writing here is really not that good even for romcom standards. Still had fun though because of the waifus. xD |
Oct 26, 2020 12:48 AM
Personally I just Loved the show for a moment when Kazuya says. "You are the one I want" I thought that this will be the moment but it wasn't it and it really was for good now I've really loved the series thought Just can't wait for the next season hope it will be more fun |
Oct 27, 2020 9:48 PM
That actually ended the way I thought it'd end. Unfortunately, we didn't get any Mami-chan backstory (other than at the very end when she was being chauffeured), but it's interesting that she took the whole affair so well. The fact that she turned into her listless self when Chizuru brought up her and Kazuya arises even more questions: does she actually feel anything for Kazuya? What does the apathetic face mean? Annoyance that Chizuru touched the wrong nerve? And I can't believe Kazuya. He had the confession out there and ready to be received...and then he messed it up. I understand that he doesn't want to ruin their relationship, but that was just a perfect chance: Chizuru stood up for him, even implying her feelings for him, and his feelings was fresh on her mind. I guess from an omniscient standpoint it's blatantly clear, but as an insecure college student the logic would seem different. I actually really enjoyed this show way more than I thought I would. People have been saying that it's the best new show of the season, and I can see why they would think that. Even though it was mainly driven by coincidences, there's still some very real, organic, and relatable moments that makes the show worth while. Sometimes, though, Kazuya makes me cringe out of my mind, which is somewhat of a turnoff. But I'm confident that he'll develop into a better person; we actually see remnants of it in his guilt for making Chizuru do so much for him. So I have hope for the poor guy. It's too bad that this was such a great show, because now I have to go buy and read the manga. |
Oct 28, 2020 1:29 AM
people really rate this a 10? what you all smoking? |
Oct 28, 2020 7:14 PM
I am soooooooo happy a season 2 was confirmed this is one of my favs for this year Loved it and will always love it |
Oct 29, 2020 7:59 AM
Freestyle80 said: people really rate this a 10? what you all smoking? Some people rated this a 1. Some rated it a 2, or 3, or 4. |
Oct 29, 2020 3:47 PM
The importance of ratings is so overrated. ;-) |
Nov 5, 2020 8:05 AM
Opticflash said: Freestyle80 said: people really rate this a 10? what you all smoking? Some people rated this a 1. Some rated it a 2, or 3, or 4. average is still above 7 so means thousands of you rated it a 10 this is the reason MAL ratings can never be taken seriously |
Nov 5, 2020 8:12 AM
Freestyle80 said: Opticflash said: Freestyle80 said: people really rate this a 10? what you all smoking? Some people rated this a 1. Some rated it a 2, or 3, or 4. average is still above 7 so means thousands of you rated it a 10 this is the reason MAL ratings can never be taken seriously It's fairly good. So I expect a ~7.5 ± 0.3. |
Nov 12, 2020 6:44 PM
Kinda enjoyed this show. But what the heck is that ending tho?? And Kazuya?? Lame af. Just confess already!! Lmao. Is this going to be one season show or will it continue?? Can somebody confirmed? Edited : oops, just found out there will be a 2nd season! Okay then.. |
Nov 20, 2020 2:24 AM
BoltonB07 said: Dutch_Chief said: BoltonB07 said: I don't get how this episode has only 49% 5/5s. What a perfect way to set the anime for a season 2, I cannot wait for it! Maybe many voted before S2 was anounced, and thus felt the episode failed to deliver closure? yeah I guess that's the case I voted a 1 before I knew there would be a season 2. If I had know it definitely would have got a fucking 1 because that shit was trash. I wanted to like this show. Really did. Outside of bitch ass Kazuya the characters are really good. What even was the thought process writing his character? Thats not a real personality. Nobody like that has friends and damn sure doesn't have someone like Ruka ready to risk it all for him. Ridiculous. |
Nov 21, 2020 10:10 PM
After watching this anime, here is my honest review character : Kazuya : Stalker, Simp, piece of sh*t and loser.(Trash MC) Chizuru : Just want more money from simp like this MC loser and his friend or his comrade or whatever then be an actress (a hypocrite character) and fall in love with the fcking loser because she is stupid enough for falling from boat and saved by the loser.(Bad plot) Ruka : Just a stupid child who loves the fcking loser because her heart goes BRRRR, even an old man >60 could be her love interest.(bad writting character) Sumi : Just an introvert and innocent college student girl which is doesn't exist in real life and I wish I meet this girl character in real life. (Just a fanservice character and I love it) Mami : Hmmm I dont know. Maybe the most realistic girl in real life because I had meet a lot of mami character in real life and the most interesting character in this anime because I want her to make a more conflict in the story but the plot remove this girl existence for no reason (best written character with a great plot she made). Well I know the reason, because the fanbase hate this girl so much and dont even care about this girl existence and just watching a hypocrite main heroine and the loser MC relationships or fanservice harem bullsh*t without conflict or mami in the story but I dont really care about that. Here the score 6/10. I like the conflict in eps 12 who is made by mami and make me tense after watching it. The best episode in this anime. And I want to know the reason of her action and backstory behind her character. Me : Just a college student and a salesman with the broken english Note: Looks like everyone trigger and salty about my review. Well, I dont really care. |
NarukamiYu01ChadNov 22, 2020 2:53 AM
Nov 22, 2020 4:06 AM
NarukamiYu01Chad said: Note: Looks like everyone trigger and salty about my review. Well, I dont really care. I have no problem with your review, it's your personal opinion, and thus neither right nor wrong. And you are right about Mami introducing some element of tension, which makes the story more interesting. Also would be nice to get some more backstory on her, why she does what she did. One 'little' detail about Ruka, she doesn't love Kazuya because he just happens to have an effect on her heartbeat. Because he went all out to convince Ruka to keep Chizuru's rental job a secret, and thus showed his passion and caring nature, which usually remain deeply hidden under his simply behavior, she started to see him differently, not like the typical shallow person she was expecting from someone who would go for a rental girlfriend. So she doesn't love him because her heartbeat responds to him, but her heartbeat responded to him because she began to see him differently from the moment he told her he would do anything to keep Chizuru's secret safe. If it would have been a pure physical thing, that could have happened with any random character, she would have fallen for him at first sight, but that didn't happen. The manga does a better job explaining this, with the full chapter showing Ruka's backstory. |
Nov 22, 2020 6:13 AM
NarukamiYu01Chad said: Dutch_Chief said: NarukamiYu01Chad said: Note: Looks like everyone trigger and salty about my review. Well, I dont really care. I have no problem with your review, it's your personal opinion, and thus neither right nor wrong. And you are right about Mami introducing some element of tension, which makes the story more interesting. Also would be nice to get some more backstory on her, why she does what she did. One 'little' detail about Ruka, she doesn't love Kazuya because he just happens to have an effect on her heartbeat. Because he went all out to convince Ruka to keep Chizuru's rental job a secret, and thus showed his passion and caring nature, which usually remain deeply hidden under his simply behavior, she started to see him differently, not like the typical shallow person she was expecting from someone who would go for a rental girlfriend. So she doesn't love him because her heartbeat responds to him, but her heartbeat responded to him because she began to see him differently from the moment he told her he would do anything to keep Chizuru's secret safe. If it would have been a pure physical thing, that could have happened with any random character, she would have fallen for him at first sight, but that didn't happen. The manga does a better job explaining this, with the full chapter showing Ruka's backstory. Wow what a polite reply. Well, I am an anime watcher and reviewing this from anime perspective. I haven't read the manga yet and I dont have a time to read it. Btw, I like the polite fanbase like you. Sorry for my broken engruish. I understand. And I think staying polite is important, even when we may have different opinions and preferences, we can still listen to each other, right? As for Ruka's backstory, I would recommend to read chapter 28 of the manga. Won't take a lot of time, and doesn't contain any spoilers for future anime episodes, but gives a better explanation of her childhood than the anime ending sequence did. |
Nov 22, 2020 6:18 AM
Dutch_Chief said: NarukamiYu01Chad said: Dutch_Chief said: NarukamiYu01Chad said: Note: Looks like everyone trigger and salty about my review. Well, I dont really care. I have no problem with your review, it's your personal opinion, and thus neither right nor wrong. And you are right about Mami introducing some element of tension, which makes the story more interesting. Also would be nice to get some more backstory on her, why she does what she did. One 'little' detail about Ruka, she doesn't love Kazuya because he just happens to have an effect on her heartbeat. Because he went all out to convince Ruka to keep Chizuru's rental job a secret, and thus showed his passion and caring nature, which usually remain deeply hidden under his simply behavior, she started to see him differently, not like the typical shallow person she was expecting from someone who would go for a rental girlfriend. So she doesn't love him because her heartbeat responds to him, but her heartbeat responded to him because she began to see him differently from the moment he told her he would do anything to keep Chizuru's secret safe. If it would have been a pure physical thing, that could have happened with any random character, she would have fallen for him at first sight, but that didn't happen. The manga does a better job explaining this, with the full chapter showing Ruka's backstory. Wow what a polite reply. Well, I am an anime watcher and reviewing this from anime perspective. I haven't read the manga yet and I dont have a time to read it. Btw, I like the polite fanbase like you. Sorry for my broken engruish. I understand. And I think staying polite is important, even when we may have different opinions and preferences, we can still listen to each other, right? As for Ruka's backstory, I would recommend to read chapter 28 of the manga. Won't take a lot of time, and doesn't contain any spoilers for future anime episodes, but gives a better explanation of her childhood than the anime ending sequence did. Ok. I read it when I have free time |
Nov 22, 2020 6:37 PM
NarukamiYu01Chad said: After watching this anime, here is my honest review character : Kazuya : Stalker, Simp, piece of sh*t and loser.(Trash MC) Chizuru : Just want more money from simp like this MC loser and his friend or his comrade or whatever then be an actress (a hypocrite character) and fall in love with the fcking loser because she is stupid enough for falling from boat and saved by the loser.(Bad plot) Ruka : Just a stupid child who loves the fcking loser because her heart goes BRRRR, even an old man >60 could be her love interest.(bad writting character) Sumi : Just an introvert and innocent college student girl which is doesn't exist in real life and I wish I meet this girl character in real life. (Just a fanservice character and I love it) Mami : Hmmm I dont know. Maybe the most realistic girl in real life because I had meet a lot of mami character in real life and the most interesting character in this anime because I want her to make a more conflict in the story but the plot remove this girl existence for no reason (best written character with a great plot she made). Well I know the reason, because the fanbase hate this girl so much and dont even care about this girl existence and just watching a hypocrite main heroine and the loser MC relationships or fanservice harem bullsh*t without conflict or mami in the story but I dont really care about that. Here the score 6/10. I like the conflict in eps 12 who is made by mami and make me tense after watching it. The best episode in this anime. And I want to know the reason of her action and backstory behind her character. Me : Just a college student and a salesman with the broken english Note: Looks like everyone trigger and salty about my review. Well, I dont really care. The most accurate review that I have seen. |
Nov 28, 2020 3:26 AM
I found myself liking this anime more than what I would expect when starting it, it was cool to follow all those cute girls and the event that happenned to all of them, I find myself liking Mami even more at the end too, people tend to hate her but I think all in all that she's the most reasonable one out there between all those lying With this ending if we still didn't know before, we're now absolutely sure where this anime want to take us and that is the relationship between Kazuya and Chizuru, I think I liked the sub-characters more than Chizuru but well it's too bad I guess There was still really cringe episodes like the one where Kazuya follow Chizuru all long, and of course Kazuya is overall a piece of trash, but it's funny sometimes to follow trashs mc imo Will look forward to the season 2, I somehow devored this anime in like 2 days so yeah I was pretty well absorbed by it 7/10 |
Nov 30, 2020 8:26 AM
I Am going to describe this Anime in the most simple way as possible, SIMP, Let me emphasize that again, yes this is a SIMP anime made for SIMPS/virgins. If you watch this and giggle then you're probably a simp. Second only to boku no pico one of my most hated anime of all time. If you have watched Boku no Pico and reached it's end then you're a legend, a legend for being the most perverted person on the face pf the Earth. Sorry anime jesus, I still love anime but there are those who really doesn't deserve to be loved. |
Dec 19, 2020 2:44 PM
I really hope there’s some kind of development in the 2nd season, cause their relationships have literally gone nowhere since episode 1. 7 out 10 I guess? The story is still interesting even if it drags the fuck out too much. But the girls are cute so... I’m 100% on Ruka’s team. She deserves the best Kazuya is literally the worst cringiest idiot I’ve ever seen |
Dec 25, 2020 12:24 AM
GROAN! Oh man, I was pretty excited when the credits began after his confession. So, naturally, the post-credits scene walked it back. Of course, that's how these kinda shows always go. Need to save stuff for season 2. Only here, where everyone involved is an adult, you really don't. Why can't they start dating as a couple while the other girls try and steal him away? It would be forced and not great, but that's this show in a nutshell already. Reminds me of Uzaki-chan from earlier this year. You intentionally make your characters adults and don't do anything with them romantically. Why bother? But how was this series as a whole? Mediocre. Yet after reading reactions after each episode I almost feel compelled to defend it, even though I don't think it's good, just because of how terrible everyone else found it. Particularly the mc. Look, I'm in my mid-30s now. I'm an old man. I'm not really up on the kid's lingo anymore, if I ever was. So I had to learn the derogatory term "simp" from reading comments about the mc in this series. If I had a nickel for each time I read him called a "simp" I'd be able to buy the Taj Mahal! If I never see the term "simp" again it'll be too soon. And look, is Kazuya a weak protagonist with several faults? Yes. Yes he is. But you know, alotta the guys in the series don't exactly come across as looking particularly great. His buddy that slugs him early on and Chizuru's actor friend are probably the best representatives us guys get. I partly attribute this to the questionable premise of the series, but only partially. Kazuya isn't THAT bad. To be sure, some of the girls come across as obnoxious too. Whether well meaning as with Ruka, or to just be a jealous twat as with Mami. Then there's Sumi who leaves no real impression other than cute because she gets barely any screentime. Chizuru is far and away the best girl and she's still not without character flaws. I suppose on some level having imperfect characters could be seen as commendable, but this series isn't going for that as some kind of conscious effort to make a point. On the whole this isn't a good series. It's a very generic harem romantic comedy, perhaps lower than average among them due to the premise and less than likable cast. It in no way deserves a season two. It probably didn't deserve a season one. Countless other manga that will never get an anime adaptation should have before this got one, but you know what? It did, and it must have for a reason despite what you'll read in the comments sections on various places. Success and good taste don't always go hand in hand. So here we are. Do I plan to watch season 2? No, not now anyway. Maybe after it airs, if I'm bored enough and have free time for it, but it's unlikely. I was gonna give this a generous 6 but I think writing this review I've actually talked myself down to a strong 5. Maybe the haters have a point. Oh, and Merry Christmas everyone! |
animefan8800Dec 25, 2020 12:34 AM
Dec 27, 2020 12:51 PM
I liked this a lot more than I thought I would to be honest. I don't know why everyone is calling Kazuya a trash MC because he's actually developed a lot more and is able to recognize what he wants now. Still kinda eh of a series but I want to see what happens next. |
Dec 28, 2020 8:11 PM
7,5/10. The MC is kinda trash at the beginning but he developed kinda throughout the story. Also I feel like the ost was pretty bad on this episode and in the whole anime overall, for example, this tense moment when Mami is talking to Chizuru, a big silence would have been enoumorsly better than a happy shitty dubstep song. Also the direction was putting me on my nerves, getting deeply inmerse on the serious moments to in a few seconds get the mood completely destroyed by the MC reacting like woah i love chizuru. Chizuru best girl, followed by Mami (she is pretty much the villain of this series, but I enjoy watching her because adds a more serious tone to the series and seems she has her own good reasons to be like that), then by Sumi, and at the very very last place Ruka (i loved the mini arc with his friend that also rented a gf, but i hated most of her screentime since shes cringe af and she has a very idiotic reason to love or whatever the MC) Besides this? Pretty addictive anime and fun to watch, really interesting topics, love (most of) the girls and the op is a banger |
Jan 6, 2021 6:03 AM
Farabeuf said: Beautiful character designs and an interesting premise ruined by a worm of an MC who not even after all this time can muster a proper confession. if you're going to make women left and right fall for your main character, at least make him a bishounen, give him super powers, sense of humour or some characteristics that would justify his appeal. He doesn't deserve any of them, not even Mami with all her faults. I would try looking at his pluses too. He's extremely caring and loving. Doesn't wanna have to do anything bad to anyone. That's what made Ruka fall for him too. |
Jan 6, 2021 11:40 PM
Even though we all wanted that confession, pulling that sike hurt harder then just not saying anything at all. They're both putting up fronts, I get it--it's less complicated. It's also real life, but dang that dropped it down a point. If anything, his kindness and also selfishness kind of makes him a great match for Ruka. I think Ruka's a great contrast to Mizuhara too. But my god, his personality (of not just telling Ruka straight up), and also Ruka lowkey dating him via black mail (although we see she never goes through with it) is kind of ... exhausting. Like damn. It's one thing if Mizuhara never gets happiness, but it's another to just see her literally bend in half emotionally and existentially to meet his needs. She's definitely the type to choose someone else's happiness over her own life. Damn, she deserves more. Also, someone needs to knock her acting down a peg. It'll kill her. Also Mami basically showing that she was in it to play Kazuya, but got bored and wanted to be chased... her personality was exhausting too. I hope these girls are all truly fictional and not a spinoff of life, because if so--damn too much for me. For fiction, sure we get it. We see hormones and also real-life responses. We see the flaws that make the characters even closer to our hearts. But nah if this is based off real life - hard pass. I don't care if they're soulmates personality wise or destiny wise. It's time to cut all that off or say it as it is. (Which to be fair we don't even know Mizuhara's personality outside of girlfriend mode. Like grandma said, as precious as she is that pedestal is only getting higher) 6/10. Went from my favourite show of the season to downright nails on a chalk board. I'll stick around for a season 2, because I want to believe atleast one of these toxic chains will end, but to be honest the more I marinate the less invested I am in their relationship. It's just making sure Ruka doesn't get him, and also Mami snaps out of whatever the heck is her problem. (She wants the D and the attention? She wants virgin blood? I hope I'm not sensing a redemption arc for her. ) |
KaguyachinchinJan 6, 2021 11:48 PM
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