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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? (light novel)
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Oct 10, 2020 2:24 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Caden517 said:
Syureria said:
Lili looks like your mouth really needs to be plastered. It seems they can't hide Wiene's form anymore ... All right, who is that elf girl.

Thanks Lili.
forreal who was the elf girl? how did she turn into her? im confused lol. been a while since I last watched this series

That is Lily skill, Cinderella, she can change form to even one of a monster, as long as its level doesn't surpass hers, so it is easy for her to assume a form of an elf she has previously seen, thus the better one to handle that situation.

ALSO, the reason she did that, is because she felt bad, she knew it is her fault, she was just playing Devil's Advocate in that situation and trying to tame her emotions, to stay what she felt like was a logical devoided of emotion, process of though.

You can see she is struggling with it, her hand was trembling on the scene, but regardless, she felt someone had to say it, to play the villain, and she forced herself to be it and felt responsible to corner Wiene to the point she runs out of home in search for Bell.

Also, the only situation plays with more detail in the LN.
Wiene was supposed to be restricted to being inside the house, and she was resisting to go out, trying to be a good girl and staying inside, not causing problems, despite herself wanting to see the outside world with her own eyes (this will be further developed in the following episodes).

When they started that discussion they though Wiene was far away, in another place in the mansion, she was not supposed to be there, they were not having that dialogue to have her eavesdropping, as such it all really made Lilly feel very guilty about it all, and she wanted to atone for it.

The truth is she has also warmed up to Wiene, but if you have been paying attention especially S1, this is how Lilly is like, she is not purely honest with her feelings and many times, to be able to make accurate logical reflections of the situation she and her familiar are in, she will sacrifice her well being and feelings, act cold while delivering what is her assertion of the matter.
Oct 10, 2020 3:01 AM

Jun 2019
Felt bad for Weine there.
Lili, you bitch. Can you just shut your trap for some time?
I didn't like her in this episode.
Oct 10, 2020 3:03 AM
Jul 2018
Poor Weiner-kun. Lili didn't say anything wrong though.
Oct 10, 2020 3:09 AM
Jul 2018
The plot makes sense so far, I still remember how Bell triggered the Apollo arc in season 2 made zero sense to me and was so annoying. If I have to complain then it does seem very convenient to Bell and him making himself a hero. I can totally see this sort of LN plot being satirized in an anime one day, like how one punch man made a parody out of shonen.

Didn't realize the elf girl was Lili, I mistook her for Ryuu and thought it was weird. Also, the way they executed the opening credit was probably used in other anime as well and they probably look good, but in here the way they blend producers' names into the environment reminds me of the over the top SAO fan made subtitles and it became so hilarious
removed-userOct 10, 2020 3:21 AM
Oct 10, 2020 3:42 AM

Jun 2020
SomethinRandumb said:
Poor Weiner-kun. Lili didn't say anything wrong though.

Lmao weinerrr-kun amazing
This anime shit is addictive
Oct 10, 2020 4:01 AM
Feb 2018
Kazuma got isekai'd again lol.
Oct 10, 2020 4:18 AM

Mar 2010
Lil has been annoying this whole season. She just always seems jealous of the monster girl
Oct 10, 2020 4:23 AM

May 2018
Back to the dungeons we go. Bell has already been found out by that god haha

Poor Wiene, monsters just can't have their peace
Oct 10, 2020 5:07 AM
Apr 2018
04:50 "Wow, that's an Amazoness for you."

I only liked the Amazon part, other than that was .....well, what to say..

So that's a POOR "Thing" or a POOR "Monster!"

"It was an OK" episode.

Gonna have to read its LN.
Doutei-kunOct 10, 2020 5:28 AM
Oct 10, 2020 5:28 AM

Dec 2014
i love DanMachi, i really do but Bell...*sigh*
Oct 10, 2020 5:31 AM
Apr 2018
SomethinRandumb said:
Poor Weiner-kun. Lili didn't say anything wrong though.

Lol, First TRUCK-kun, then Weiner-kun.

That's a Ran_dumb for you. :)
Oct 10, 2020 5:32 AM

Oct 2016
Yes, some Ryuu screentime we have been blessed. Evilus was mentioned, now I am 100% sure the story is now tying in with Sword Oratoria which is great hopefully the Loki Familia also gets some good amount of screentime for this arc.

And I felt so bad for Wiene, made me sad as fuck. I mean I understand Lili's thinking though but, damn poor Wiene.

Ikalos must be the God of Kazuma with that tracksuit lmao. Anyway, that was a really good episode. So far this season has had better production than season 2 definitely.
Oct 10, 2020 5:38 AM
Apr 2018
LILI shows her maturity. She isn't really against helping WEINE.

It was obvious, what happened with WIENE. Other people threw stones at her doesn't make them bad ; & that doesn't mean the world's hopeless ; except BELL & only his companions. --- Let's be practical , just POOR "Thing" isn't gonna work for your hatred. --- Now you wanna hate those characters (People who threw stones without knowing WEINE's intentions), because they did what you don't like.

If that monster named WEINE wasn't a beautiful human-like girl, i bet not many would say "POOR THING" ; & one should not expect it. --- If that monster was a Succubus, that's even better. ---- Helping others instead of just saying POOR "THING" means much more to me. Just being practical.
Doutei-kunOct 10, 2020 6:03 AM
Oct 10, 2020 9:10 AM
Jul 2016
Gotta be honest, whatever studio is directing this and whatever vision they have is absolute dogshit. Absolute minimal effort of an anime that does its best to just pass the time for its viewers.
Oct 10, 2020 11:34 AM

Mar 2017
Awww, poor little Wiene! I'll fight anyone who hurts her 😑

I'm so intrigued by the fact that Welf and Bell found another intelligent monster on the exact same floor, in the exact same place as they found Wiene... I wonder what the means? I'm also really curious about who the person with the owl is. A lot of mysteries this season!
Oct 10, 2020 11:51 AM
Feb 2020
I thought they would take longer before showing us the antagonists
The whole time the crowd was threatening Wiene, I was thinking 'do you not care that she saved one of your own?'

I noticed a distinct lack of Wiene in the Ed

ChetanS said:
--- If that monster was a Succubus, that's even better. ---- Helping others instead of just saying POOR "THING" means much more to me. Just being practical.

Watch Interviews with Demis one of the primary characters is a succubus and she's my favorite. One of the monsters Bell encountered was a Lamia with Wiene's face and no one but Bell seemed to have any problem with killing her
BastionoOct 10, 2020 12:32 PM
Oct 10, 2020 12:49 PM

Apr 2017
the episode was alright, I still don't like how quickly they solve most of the conflicts (just my personal taste) anyway it's too soon for any major event to happen yet so we are still placing the pieces on the table.

aaaand, just like everybody, I'm happy to see Ryuu again!! hopefully she will be kicking more butts in the next couple of episodes \o/
Hestia is cute as always too.
Oct 10, 2020 7:36 PM

Apr 2020
This season is going to hit deep for me mentally and emotionally. We are introduced to another god this episode, Ikelos (same VA as Kazuma from Konosuba, can't believe it) and he is a one tricky motherfucker. And his kids ain't playing around as well, so that's a steep challenge Bell is going to face in the future.

Bell and Welf made contact with another sentient monster in the same 19th floor, which bamboozled them. Lili scared for the Familia's future proposed to throw out Wiene from the mansion, this scared our loli vouvire and fled away. After saving a child outside, she accidentally revealed her wings which scared the folks of Orario. A roaming monster in the surface is now a thing. With Hermes on the eye as well, Hestia's familia is up to a task harder than anything they have dealt with before.

Season 3 is looking to be the best season of the series. And if they execute it rightfully, it's gonna be a top-tier show of the year.
Oct 10, 2020 7:38 PM
Apr 2018
Bastiono said:
Watch Interviews with Demis one of the primary characters is a succubus and she's my favorite. One of the monsters Bell encountered was a Lamia with Wiene's face and no one but Bell seemed to have any problem with killing her

Thanks for the recommendation. :)
Oct 10, 2020 9:05 PM
Jul 2018
Anotha monster lol, this is gonna be a monster fest.
Oct 10, 2020 10:19 PM

Oct 2013
Yesh, I hate when animes or manga go through an arc where they discover stuff about themselves and emotions they thought they never had! Only to then do the same stupid shit they did in the first season and have to re-re find those emotions huuuuh.

Bell either you want to be a hero that literally is there for every single person in need or you don't. Why are you hesitating on helping weine when you literally helped every single person with their problem in season one to satisfy your hero complex???? now season 3 comes along and you're like well fuck it, I never was big into helping people stoop.

Lille is doing the same character as in season 1&2 as well, she gets helped by Bell. But literally doesn't want Bell to help anybody else because it might be a problem for him.... Only to then allow him to help those people. Now you're going to say don't help weine because it could cause a problem for him, only too end up helping the person you were going to get rid of anyways. Then also probably just let Bell do what he wants in the end.
Lille plz just lick a long shaft and shut up, we lewd lolis we don't listen to them!

Come on man so fucking retarded! Literally every single one of these people in his familia were saved by bells soft hearted nature but now they keep bringing up this trait knowing who this CHARACTER is. Already had two seasons an a movie for you all to figure out what your position on helping people is... Yeah it's lube up and turbo pound any person, familia or God to save someone! Even if you've only known the person for one day or don't even know the person but a friend of a friend knows the person.... Nut up or shut up and lay limp dicked in a cellar still not getting laid!

Ugh, I don't need another whole season of will they won't they help a person only to not help the person, have it become a bigger problem and then decide to help the person after it's become a huge dickzilla of a problem!

So they better wise the tits up, throw on a magnum sized condom and reverse cowgirl weines problem in to the ground!
Collins89Oct 10, 2020 10:33 PM
Oct 10, 2020 11:22 PM

Oct 2008
many are getting involved again! Bell is such a trouble attractor/magnet!

Oct 11, 2020 3:08 AM
Oct 2019

Before You Watch DanMachi Season 3 - Things to Know

DanMachi S3 Cut Content and Review - Episode 2

ithyphallic60Oct 11, 2020 3:15 AM
Oct 11, 2020 8:21 AM
Feb 2020
Poor Wiene all she wants to do that to protects that girl😒😒😒. Well that bird monster appeared who was in opening. Then we can see many More monster fighting alongside with bell like in opening. I am also hyped for what will ais do as we can see she was raising her sword against bell in opening.
Oct 11, 2020 10:28 AM
Jul 2017
Ugh. Straight out of the Unnecessary Drama playbook :(

I want better from this series!

And the angry mob? "Hey! There's a scary monster! Lets antagonise it! I'm sure that will turn out well for us unarmed civilians!""
Oct 11, 2020 12:13 PM

Jul 2007
This show had been going downhill for the last couple arcs, but this arc though. Lili is annoying and all of the characters suddenly lack a backbone after they were all considered misfits themselves.
Oct 11, 2020 1:21 PM
Nov 2016
Throwing stones at an unknown monster that has appeared in the middle of the city and possibly making it aggressive is not very intelligent.
Oct 11, 2020 3:39 PM

Mar 2010
Strong start but then it became so cliche'd I almost lost my dinner lolz but yeah idk wtf they are so worried about, they are always gonna be in trouble and in danger going into dungeons but when it becomes political they act like cowards lolz so much for putting your life on the line.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Oct 11, 2020 5:04 PM

Dec 2015
I feel bad for Wiene. All she wants is to live in peace with everyone, but because of the prejudice in their world, monsters like her will never really be accepted. Plus, it doesn't help that Lili always tries to distance herself from Wiene since she got to the guild. Is it because she's a Vouivre or is it because of how clingy she is towards Bell? With that being said, I can understand where she's coming from. I don't blame Wiene for running away as she did when listening to their conversation. Thankfully, Ryuu was there to save her from the hostile mob and in the process also saving Bell. Ikelos' guild is going to be a problem I can already see it. Also, what is with that owl?
Oct 11, 2020 8:44 PM

Mar 2015
Goddam, Aisha is sexy af.
Oct 12, 2020 12:53 PM
Oct 2015
Leo said:
I feel sorry for Wiene, the way people treated her just because she is a monster. I understand their hatred but still.

Ikelos is another creepy person that Hestia Familia needs to take care of.

In a city with Renards, Dwarves, Elves, and other manor of humanoids that can speak and think for themselves (and not just mindless animals) whats one more being (Wiene)?
Oct 12, 2020 1:02 PM
Oct 2015
CeddyyBearr said:
Ikelos is such a shady god, so sus.

I wonder what the individual was Welf and Bell met on the 19th floor, same species as Wiene that's for sure, but an Adult? Or maybe an adolescent? That feather it left behind is quite interesting. Makes me question what an actual adult of that species looks like.

Poor Wiene, only wanted to save that little girl. Glad they were able to handle quickly to get her out of there, but shame that she got exposed already. Soon the whole town will know..
That feather makes me think the female creature is a harpy.
Oct 12, 2020 1:04 PM
Oct 2015
Caden517 said:
Syureria said:
Lili looks like your mouth really needs to be plastered. It seems they can't hide Wiene's form anymore ... All right, who is that elf girl.

Thanks Lili.
forreal who was the elf girl? how did she turn into her? im confused lol. been a while since I last watched this series
Lili has the ability to disguise her shape. Just like she did in season 2 pretending to be that nasty shorty and she opened the gate and gave Apollo's familia incorrect info.
Oct 14, 2020 4:43 PM

Feb 2017
Just like episode 1, second episode also follows in a good pace and it for sure lives up to my expectations so far, season 2 was all over the place and you had no idea what was the real deal with that season, but season 3 seems to know where it's heading.
Oct 15, 2020 3:39 AM

Jun 2010
This season is looking promising.. already better than the whole of S2 in just the first two episodes.

Oct 15, 2020 7:21 AM

Sep 2020
The plot is progressing nicely, more interesting characters make an appearance and I'm glad Hermes, who's my favorite character of the series, seems to play a big part in what's to come. Excited.
Oct 15, 2020 12:38 PM

Jul 2017
The Ikelos Familia is more fearsame than what has been encountered so far, and Bell and Co. must tread their lines extremely carefully in accordance to Wiene and her loose history.

Just this quote alone: "Do you feel we can coexist?" creates a lot of doubt for Bell and Welf, the same shade of monsters that casts thoughts to come. Even for Hermes who manages to stop Ikelos before he wrecks Bell any further, this confrontation is only the beginning.

Lili's proposition may be ridiculous, but from her position, she's the same as Wiene, and I don't blame her if she just ran out of the Familia like that, not to mention the distancing ever since she popped up in Bell's security.

Things are only gonna get more extraneous, and I'm excited for what's to come.
Oct 16, 2020 12:00 AM

Feb 2019
I actually liked this episode. They're delving into the issue and the impossibility of Wiene's --or just monsters' in general-- compatibility with the human public. Sure, Bell's going to want to protect her, but she brings harm to all of them. It feels like an impossible situation, and I'm looking forward to how they'll react.

Ouranos, if I remember correctly, is like the big daddy god, right? I don't know. But he seems to be on a higher plane than the rest of the gods, considering he's sitting up there just observing while the rest of the gods are down in the Lower World. I'm interested to see what he wants from watching Bell and Wiene-- Entertainment, perhaps? Maybe he wants to watch his friend Zeus' relative? Also, Freya hasn't gotten any screen time; I wonder what she's been doing. Now we have two parties spying on our gang.

The plot is thickening, and it's making this season look more promising.
Oct 16, 2020 4:27 AM

Jul 2013
In the previous season, Bell rescued a prostitute, this season a monster, what's next? Probably another god lol. If a monster can join their family why not another god that'd be interesting.
Oct 20, 2020 10:43 PM

Oct 2017
Lol the catfight was hilarious and feel bad for Wiene.
Oct 28, 2020 1:53 AM
Oct 2018
There was absolutely no reason for lily to say what she said in this episode. She already said it when Weine arrived. Lily was worse than the monster when the Anime introduced her, betraying Bell almost three times and leaving him to die. It's so disrespectful talking about it too behind Bell's back, in front of his room?!
WarringWindsOct 28, 2020 2:07 AM
Nov 10, 2020 3:31 AM
Jun 2014
This show is getting so dumb it's hard to keep watching. Viene was always cancer, but she's literally done nothing wrong and now we have to suffer through this insufferable prejudice arc where everyone acts worse than they are, even Bell. Let's hope the author got over his brain hemorrhage, it shows in the quality of the writing and plot.

Now i'm not saying muhh racism or any of that type. I'm just saying everyone is out of character to move this plot in a stupid direction.
Nov 10, 2020 12:19 PM

Mar 2019
I feel like i've seen this plot in like 5 other anime, hopefully something more unexpected happens sooner than later.
Nov 10, 2020 3:09 PM
Nov 2020
KudanMX said:
I feel like i've seen this plot in like 5 other anime, hopefully something more unexpected happens sooner than later.
Yeah I agree, they should switch it up a bit.
Nov 11, 2020 6:14 AM
Dec 2017
Everyone in this Universe is absolutely racist and oblivious to their racism.

There are literally dog-humans, cat-humans, elves, dwarfs, and tons of demon folk.. But who fucking cares about common sense. People are magically riot mobbing for no good reason.
Nov 20, 2020 11:15 AM

Jul 2016
As with Apollo in S2, it seems we now have another god who can't help but make not-so-subtle "I'm such a chaotic god" faces every 10 seconds.

By the way, I can understand Lili's concern about Wiene but it's still hypocritical of her to act so adamant about not wanting to help the Vouivre when she herself has also brought her share amount of problems to Bell and co. in previous seasons. I know someone had to play the devil's advocate role but Lili is the least believable option in this case.

Anyways, leaving predictable narrative and lame harem comedy aside, this was still an interesting episode overall.
Nov 22, 2020 6:28 AM

Nov 2016
Aisha's suggestive as always.

Nice episode, I think I'm gonna like the theme of this arc.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 27, 2020 6:24 PM

Jun 2015
Syureria said:
Lili looks like your mouth really needs to be plastered. It seems they can't hide Wiene's form anymore ... All right, who is that elf girl.

Thanks Lili.

Lol I only came here because I got annoyed by Lili if the studio or the mangaka doesn't know how to make use of Lili as a character I believe yes she should just shut up and be a mob character cuz damn when she opens her mouth shit comes out, i wouldn't have any problem with what she was saying but it seems like she forgot where she came from and how she started in the series it wasn't a decent one πŸ˜‚ but she wanna talk big I don't know what to feel for her she needs more beatings the past beating she got didn't do enough

Dec 16, 2020 1:48 PM

Aug 2017
ofc, the loli conveniently listens to the conversation, conveniently escapes, conveniently save someone from a random danger and is conveniently saved. Kinda funny people are scary of a random monster but they don't care when Familias are in war and destroying everything. What is this? Another generic God looking for trouble? And Weine simping for Bell is getting annoying.
NurguburuDec 16, 2020 2:07 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. ζ—₯本
Dec 21, 2020 7:24 PM

Apr 2019
Definitely haven't seen the whole "can we coexist with them" before!

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