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Sep 29, 2020 8:59 PM

Jan 2019
Well, if they make a second season of this, I won't be watching.

I'm sure, based off comments, that it isn't the source materials fault. Maybe I'll give that a shot one day, but I doubt it. I have a bad taste in my mouth.
Sep 29, 2020 9:03 PM
Aug 2017
Tbh the Anime is good when it comes to Animation and characters, everything else is kinda bad, the art is good too. but there was no decent story build up. i felt it was just fights since episode 1, not one character arc let alone a good one.
Sep 29, 2020 9:08 PM

Feb 2015
Too many references to Dragon Ball, or the story in which it is based. I didn’t know what was going on, the anime started kind of entertaining, but it became boring tbh. The final fight was ok, nothing impressing, the same with the power ups and character revelations. I lost the interest and I’m not looking forward for sequels or anything related.
Sep 29, 2020 11:44 PM
Jul 2018
So we get a second season uh? mmm
Nice ultimate powers there. Just feel tha alll of this was too rushed...
Anyways we need to give a 10/10 for the animation. It was truly amazing.
Sep 30, 2020 12:12 AM
Sep 2020
It's finally over
Sep 30, 2020 2:47 AM

Apr 2012
It looked like a post-modernist version of Baki at one point, but then it suddenly morphed into a zoomer Dragon Ball Z. What was the point in that? What for? It was more or less interesting and had good martial arts animation in the beginning, what's the point?
Sep 30, 2020 3:28 AM

Jun 2013
I'm not gonna lie. I really loved this show and was going to give it an 8/10 for being so awesome in the beginning but as it progressed, I'm not sure when, episode 4 or 5, I began to like it less and less. I have only read a few chapters in the webtoon and the changes didn't bother me. However, damn, despite not having read much of the webtoon itself, even I could tell it was super rushed. I just lost interest halfway through. It tried to jam-pack way too many things in a span of 13 episodes.

6/10 for me. Way better than the anime adaptation of Tower of God. I'm looking more forward to Noblesse now and hope it's better than this.
Sep 30, 2020 3:41 AM

Mar 2011
What started out as a fun and well choreographed anime turned into seven deadly sins..

Following characters that you know nothing about as they fights gods and demons and only learning their backstory way after the fact.

Never been fond of this story telling method but was fun none the less.
"When everyone else is about to give up, the fighter who becomes the role model, is the true Leader."

Sep 30, 2020 4:27 AM
Oct 2019
Atlas77 said:
Too many references to Dragon Ball, or the story in which it is based. I didn’t know what was going on, the anime started kind of entertaining, but it became boring tbh. The final fight was ok, nothing impressing, the same with the power ups and character revelations. I lost the interest and I’m not looking forward for sequels or anything related.

Bro, you know Monkey King is from Chinese FolkTale right?
Sep 30, 2020 5:39 AM

Jul 2013
This is like Fate/Zero the visuals are good and the action and animation is awesome butt, it's confusing as fuck. Idk what's going on tbh. I thought this is gonna be martial arts focused and now there's gods and shit. It was entertaining though I'll give it that.

Sep 30, 2020 6:40 AM

Jan 2019
It's always nice to see some Chinese culture reference (The Monkey King: Sun Wu Kong or 孙悟空 of the Journey to the East novel written in the 16th century) in another anime, another notable one is Son Goku from Dragon Ball series, it's literally the Japanese name for Sun Wu Kong.

Back to episode, the fight was good, but still overall I don't really like the show, it start of from a tournament that come one from nowhere to God fighting, I mean wtf.
Sep 30, 2020 7:43 AM

Nov 2019

Characters were so bland and the plot was all over the place but animation was so beautiful.
Sep 30, 2020 8:17 AM

Oct 2019
Yep. So Mori is a god and there are still tonnes of unanswered questions.
I'm glad this is over, but i'm also curious to see if a second season is ever actually made.


👏 hyped for 2022 lockdown 👏
👏 all good things come in threes 👏

- - ✽ - -
Sep 30, 2020 8:21 AM

Jul 2017
This show, was fucking lightning fast. You just reach the point where you dont even wknow wth is going on anymore. Events after events keep on happening and i just lose track of everything. The 2nd half was a total mess imo. I thought the 1st one was indeed quite good. I do believe the fights are this show's only saving grace, because what started as a contender for best anime of the year, ended up as an unexpected disappointment.

5/10. Webtoon anime so far have been really underwhelming. I just hope Noblesse doesnt do this, but we'll see.
Sep 30, 2020 10:42 AM
Aug 2020
davidyodo24 said:
Ofcool2947 said:

Your way of overcoming the skipped scenes just proves even more that this adaptation is bad, the fact that you have to read the source material proves even more that this anime is a bad adaptation cause really you shouldn’t have to refer to the source material to understand things or see skipped content that was missed in the anime

The point of the Anime is to making more poeple to read the webtoon... I don't have an issue like you, so you do you sir

Of course you don’t have an issue cause you seem to not care about the real adaptation of GOH, you probably just admire the animation and the mo cap thing which is fine but that doesn’t excuse the scenes they cut off, buddy go ahead and read the webtoon from chapter 1, you’ll see how much content they skipped and how it’s shocking
Ofcool2947Sep 30, 2020 12:46 PM
Sep 30, 2020 10:43 AM
Feb 2018
It was an awesome anime. I liked in the last episode the main character not alone defeated the enemy,they together defeated in a really spectecular style.
Sep 30, 2020 12:30 PM

Jan 2010
So much wasted potential. Animation of fights were great, art was great, premise was great. Why would you rush this so much then? This should have been like 25 episodes (if not more). Gonna give it 6/10 just because I really liked action scenes and ideas. Even though I should have given this lower score due to such poor execution.

Edit: nah, I'm gonna give it 5/10
chickenslothSep 30, 2020 12:39 PM
Sep 30, 2020 3:21 PM
Jan 2019
I personally like the anime.
Maybe because I read the manhwa and I understand everything that's going on.
Yes, it was rushed and a lot of scenes were cut from the manhwa.
But I'm still glad that it got an anime adaptation.

What I don't understand is there are people who keep on watching the GOH anime but they hate it.
Are they masochists or something?
Sep 30, 2020 3:35 PM

Mar 2009
This show used to be a fun martial arts tournament anime. You knew the characters weren't going to be deep or anything. But the animation and fight choreography were excellent, and it was just a fun show for a while. Why did it turn into...this? A shame.

Cool OP and nice production at least. Who knows if this will get another season, but the girl at the end seemed interesting.
Sep 30, 2020 8:10 PM

Feb 2015
davidyodo24 said:
Atlas77 said:
Too many references to Dragon Ball, or the story in which it is based. I didn’t know what was going on, the anime started kind of entertaining, but it became boring tbh. The final fight was ok, nothing impressing, the same with the power ups and character revelations. I lost the interest and I’m not looking forward for sequels or anything related.

Bro, you know Monkey King is from Chinese FolkTale right?

Kind of remember something like that, that's why I said "the story in which it is based".
Sep 30, 2020 9:29 PM

Mar 2019
I liked it...

But the sad part, is that....

the best parts of this last episode, were the non-fight ones...

They need to work more on the powers, the fights were good and great, but the powers and effects were kind of mneh...

Final Score: 8 of 10...

PS: The Music was really good.
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Sep 30, 2020 10:30 PM
Aug 2020
kurorin579 said:
I personally like the anime.
Maybe because I read the manhwa and I understand everything that's going on.
Yes, it was rushed and a lot of scenes were cut from the manhwa.
But I'm still glad that it got an anime adaptation.

What I don't understand is there are people who keep on watching the GOH anime but they hate it.
Are they masochists or something?

To give an actual review on the anime, we all want to give reviews and it wouldn’t make sense if we give a review halfway of the show
Sep 30, 2020 10:55 PM
Jul 2018
Well, this was something. They went from fighting in a tournament to fighting gods in 1 cour, lmao.
Oct 1, 2020 1:01 AM
Aug 2018
oh great more dumb name changes
Oct 1, 2020 3:11 AM
Jul 2013
Atlas77 said:
Too many references to Dragon Ball, or the story in which it is based. I didn’t know what was going on, the anime started kind of entertaining, but it became boring tbh. The final fight was ok, nothing impressing, the same with the power ups and character revelations. I lost the interest and I’m not looking forward for sequels or anything related.

The author said himself that he created God of Highschool because he is a Dragon Ball Z fan.
Funny enough, Dragon Ball Z shouldn't be inspiring anything, as other than giving a few ideas to fight scenes, Akira Toriyama did everything wrong - from a retarded main character, to retarded villians, to neglecting everyone that isn't the MC, inconsistent power system, constant shallow character arcs that get forgotten once they are done, and stretched out arcs that serve no purpose, endless battles with no context, actual plot or planning ahead while writing the series, and much more.

Its beyond me how some people think the franchise is good.
Oct 1, 2020 6:54 AM
Aug 2020
davidyodo24 said:
Ofcool2947 said:

Of course you don’t have an issue cause you seem to not care about the real adaptation of GOH, you probably just admire the animation and the mo cap thing which is fine but that doesn’t excuse the scenes they cut off, buddy go ahead and read the webtoon from chapter 1, you’ll see how much content they skipped and how it’s shocking

It is what it is... Ohh yeah i read a couple Chapter already... Ok not really care i can get more details on the webtoon

Alright, so basically you admit you don’t care about the adaptation of GOH, no wonder you seem so delusional making your review about the show
Oct 1, 2020 12:58 PM
Aug 2020
This episode was shit the only episode I liked in this series was episode 10
Oct 1, 2020 1:23 PM

Sep 2017
I just finished the show and got no idea what it was about
هیچوقت بهتر نمیشه
Oct 1, 2020 3:30 PM

Aug 2019
I really enjoyed the god of high school. The amazing op, the amazing animation, the stunning fighting coreography, the characters...
The enthusiasm in our 3 protagonist's faces really excites me.
I'm thinking jin mori could be a god or maybe someone even stronger than him. i dont know what is the story with his grandpa and that evil cult(i forget their name)
and i've no idea what they're planning.
I'm really looking forward to a second season, if we get it we'll get to find out who jin mori really is and have an explanation for all those cliff hangers left at the end.
I'm not sure weather to give goh a 7 or an 8. But its around that mark for me.

Oct 1, 2020 7:40 PM
Jul 2011
Somehow the ending wasn't that bad vs. the previous episode but considering how the series got this point overall the whole series is a mess and wasted potential. It's like the author had ADHD and couldn't decide what theme of fighting the series was going for, just said fuck and made it a mismash of all types.

The fights weren't even that good because there is a lack of world building about how all the powers work in balance of other powers, characters just toss moves out and it felt random when they work or not. Felt like fanfiction tier.

Tower of God almost manages to look like the better show of the two. These webtoon adaptations is having it rough.
Oct 1, 2020 7:46 PM

Nov 2012
Strong as hell, always hungry, accompanied by 2 friends who were his enemies before, hints to Buddhism...facepalm.. How did I not see get the Monkey King references! I've been watching all things MK for decades. I'm an embarrassment to myself. Didn't they even show him eating bananas?

Ao_Blue said:
Mori is so strong, he even killed gods in the past. He's kinda similar to Goku tho, monkey, nyoibo, kiton, and silly. lol

Joking? Goku is also the Monkey King. Sun Wukong (Chinese), Song Oh Gong (Korean), Son Goku (Japanese), etc. are all the Monkey King.
Oct 1, 2020 8:33 PM
Jun 2013
Armados said:
Atlas77 said:
Too many references to Dragon Ball, or the story in which it is based. I didn’t know what was going on, the anime started kind of entertaining, but it became boring tbh. The final fight was ok, nothing impressing, the same with the power ups and character revelations. I lost the interest and I’m not looking forward for sequels or anything related.

The author said himself that he created God of Highschool because he is a Dragon Ball Z fan.
Funny enough, Dragon Ball Z shouldn't be inspiring anything, as other than giving a few ideas to fight scenes, Akira Toriyama did everything wrong - from a retarded main character, to retarded villians, to neglecting everyone that isn't the MC, inconsistent power system, constant shallow character arcs that get forgotten once they are done, and stretched out arcs that serve no purpose, endless battles with no context, actual plot or planning ahead while writing the series, and much more.

Its beyond me how some people think the franchise is good.

Well, seeing how DB is the second best selling manga in history, you should ask to the creators from probably 90% of your favorite series in your list kkkk
Shinuki_n_RebornOct 1, 2020 8:37 PM
Oct 1, 2020 9:09 PM
Feb 2016
Through the start of the anime, until the end, I couldn't figure out whether park mujin? guy is antagonist or not...
Oct 1, 2020 11:01 PM
Jul 2013
Shinuki_n_Reborn said:
Armados said:

The author said himself that he created God of Highschool because he is a Dragon Ball Z fan.
Funny enough, Dragon Ball Z shouldn't be inspiring anything, as other than giving a few ideas to fight scenes, Akira Toriyama did everything wrong - from a retarded main character, to retarded villians, to neglecting everyone that isn't the MC, inconsistent power system, constant shallow character arcs that get forgotten once they are done, and stretched out arcs that serve no purpose, endless battles with no context, actual plot or planning ahead while writing the series, and much more.

Its beyond me how some people think the franchise is good.

Well, seeing how DB is the second best selling manga in history, you should ask to the creators from probably 90% of your favorite series in your list kkkk

It might be the second best selling manga specifically for its bad writing. People enjoy simple stuff as its easy to consume. Many people don't give a fuck about the story, characters or what's going on, they want to see characters beat each other up, with random transformations and thinking "wow this character got so much stronger wow I wonder what's their powerlevel". Its apparent in so many live reactors.

Does that make Dragon Ball good? nope. There are far better stories out there. Akira Toriyama himself said he barely had any idea what he was doing, and was sitting in a cafe coming up with random bullshit to please Shounen Jump's editors.
Oct 2, 2020 12:29 AM

Jul 2019
lapine05 said:
you cant carry shit with animation

tell that to the demon slayer stans

im joking
Oct 2, 2020 3:42 AM
Aug 2020
davidyodo24 said:
Ofcool2947 said:

Alright, so basically you admit you don’t care about the adaptation of GOH, no wonder you seem so delusional making your review about the show

I judge what i get from the Anime only... Yeah for sure it's delusional for webtoon reader like you... I get it you so upset, but you can't do anything about it...

Just admit you’re watching GOH for the animations cause clearly you don’t care about how the story is performing and use the excuse of reading the webtoon when you really shouldn’t if you think this anime adaptation is the best
Oct 2, 2020 4:55 AM
Aug 2020
davidyodo24 said:
Ofcool2947 said:

Just admit you’re watching GOH for the animations cause clearly you don’t care about how the story is performing and use the excuse of reading the webtoon when you really shouldn’t if you think this anime adaptation is the best

Ohh look at you so upset on Anime... Hahaha...

Relying on insults cause you have no comeback? Lmfao no wonder why you struggle to provide some valid info, suggest you fix your grammar cause rn you’re sounding like a kid
Ofcool2947Oct 2, 2020 7:34 AM
Oct 2, 2020 8:39 AM
Sep 2020
was disappointed ugghhhh
Oct 2, 2020 2:09 PM

Oct 2019
It was like watching Dragon Ball, Naruto and FMA at the same time in three different screens at twice the speed, it should of been a 24 episode anime because hype without proper build up is just boring, at least they got me into reading the manhwa.
Oct 3, 2020 3:51 AM

Feb 2008
The animation was good, the fights were great. But the pacing, especially for the latter episodes was absolutely horrible.
Oct 3, 2020 10:09 AM
Apr 2018
This has to be one of the most retarded stories I have ever seen in my life. Even if it wasn't so rushed, it's super generic, and probably even a 5 year old could come up with more creative ideas.

On the bright side, the animation quality was amazing, specially in this final epidode, plus the op/ed, and ost for the most part were also pretty good.
Oct 3, 2020 6:57 PM

Jan 2013
Nothing to say other than it was a fun show with great animation, and MAN was this episode cool. I'd give it an 8.5+/10. Hopefully next season will be 24 episodes now that they've gotten past this prologue portion. Since most manhwa's are divided into seasons, and that's it for the introductory one, it's gonna be real hype in the next seasons :)

Aside from that I'm gonna go on a tangent. People only say the same criticisms and junk about this show on here, it's like a bunch of people on reddit pointing out "OP is wrong" over and over again without realizing they made the correction - it's honestly gotten embarrassing at this point. Yes, the story was unfortunately rushed. Yes this is an action heavy manhwa to be begin with. They packed 110+ chapters into 13 episodes, but they'll have more opportunities to do justice to the story, which they'll hopefully take. They also didn't pace some of those key character moments well, BUT people forget to mention thee key character moments they do hit. Mira's wedding arc was controversial, but did anyone notice that while in the first episode she freaked out over losing the sword her dad left her, in this arc she was completely okay with having it stolen; because she had her friends to back her up and remined her she is the true successor of the artform. It's pretty sad that people are so closed-minded and it shows. Also, I'm not gonna sit down and watch a shoujo and judge it on lack of action, likewise this show was intentionally made to focus heavily on it's action. The saddest people in this thread on those that WATCH 13 episodes of a show that they supposedly don't like and PROCEED TO GO TO MLA to complain - like damn that's hilarious AND sad, not sure which of more it is. /rantover
Oct 3, 2020 8:20 PM
Aug 2020
TheBlackCrow said:
Nothing to say other than it was a fun show with great animation, and MAN was this episode cool. I'd give it an 8.5+/10. Hopefully next season will be 24 episodes now that they've gotten past this prologue portion. Since most manhwa's are divided into seasons, and that's it for the introductory one, it's gonna be real hype in the next seasons :)

Aside from that I'm gonna go on a tangent. People only say the same criticisms and junk about this show on here, it's like a bunch of people on reddit pointing out "OP is wrong" over and over again without realizing they made the correction - it's honestly gotten embarrassing at this point. Yes, the story was unfortunately rushed. Yes this is an action heavy manhwa to be begin with. They packed 110+ chapters into 13 episodes, but they'll have more opportunities to do justice to the story, which they'll hopefully take. They also didn't pace some of those key character moments well, BUT people forget to mention thee key character moments they do hit. Mira's wedding arc was controversial, but did anyone notice that while in the first episode she freaked out over losing the sword her dad left her, in this arc she was completely okay with having it stolen; because she had her friends to back her up and remined her she is the true successor of the artform. It's pretty sad that people are so closed-minded and it shows. Also, I'm not gonna sit down and watch a shoujo and judge it on lack of action, likewise this show was intentionally made to focus heavily on it's action. The saddest people in this thread on those that WATCH 13 episodes of a show that they supposedly don't like and PROCEED TO GO TO MLA to complain - like damn that's hilarious AND sad, not sure which of more it is. /rantover

Cause many people overhyped this show and the animation looked good from the trailers, why wouldn’t people want to watch this show or miss out on the hype?, if you complain about this show and judge it from only 3 or 5 episodes, it’s stupid and just makes you seem like a hater, so we endure it all and watch until the end to make an actual legit review

Take for example gibiate, you wouldn’t crap on it based on the first few episodes, most you can do is praise it, you’d want to see if it improves or goes bad throughout more in the season, in some cases most animes do go either from good to bad or bad to good, and just like that gibiate did the complete opposite of going good and went the terrible way, and just like that, people started bashing the anime for it’s animation, pacing, etc. You see change that can be either going from good to bad, or bad to good, in this case GOH went from good to bad from reviews, mainly about how the pacing ruined the anime.

This is MAL, this site is literally meant for anime reviews, any kind, expect positive and negatives reviews of any anime, especially the ones that are overhyped from the trailers, so it’s quite hard to find it “sad” if you’re making a review on the anime based on your POV and especially if you notice the pacing is going way too fast, including to that if this anime had 24 episodes, you wouldn’t see that many people complaining but the fact this anime adapted 113 chapters in 13 episodes is concerning, quite stupid to be honest and it feels like 2 seasons were cramped into 1 cause surely adapting that many chapters must have had some good plot moments which unfortunately made it a bit confusing in the anime which led to many people not understanding wtf is going on and some a bit understanding what is going on, and it makes all criticism basically valid on how this show was disappointing to many here on MAL (especially webtoon readers) and on other social media sites except for the animation, plus have you ever read the webtoon? If not read it and you’ll see what we mean on how the webtoon is much more executed better on the characters and storyline, even the people who don’t agree with this animes criticism now see how the anime has problems after reading the webtoon once the anime finished airing
Ofcool2947Oct 4, 2020 2:20 AM
Oct 3, 2020 11:31 PM

Apr 2018
Absolutely awful. The concept and plot of this was just horrible, pathetic and made zero sense. It started out as a martial arts tournament and ended up a battle between super powered gods. Yeah, okay. Not to mention, this was overhyped beyond belief.
Oct 4, 2020 9:56 AM

Jan 2013
Ofcool2947 said:
TheBlackCrow said:
Nothing to say other than it was a fun show with great animation, and MAN was this episode cool. I'd give it an 8.5+/10. Hopefully next season will be 24 episodes now that they've gotten past this prologue portion. Since most manhwa's are divided into seasons, and that's it for the introductory one, it's gonna be real hype in the next seasons :)

Aside from that I'm gonna go on a tangent. People only say the same criticisms and junk about this show on here, it's like a bunch of people on reddit pointing out "OP is wrong" over and over again without realizing they made the correction - it's honestly gotten embarrassing at this point. Yes, the story was unfortunately rushed. Yes this is an action heavy manhwa to be begin with. They packed 110+ chapters into 13 episodes, but they'll have more opportunities to do justice to the story, which they'll hopefully take. They also didn't pace some of those key character moments well, BUT people forget to mention thee key character moments they do hit. Mira's wedding arc was controversial, but did anyone notice that while in the first episode she freaked out over losing the sword her dad left her, in this arc she was completely okay with having it stolen; because she had her friends to back her up and remined her she is the true successor of the artform. It's pretty sad that people are so closed-minded and it shows. Also, I'm not gonna sit down and watch a shoujo and judge it on lack of action, likewise this show was intentionally made to focus heavily on it's action. The saddest people in this thread on those that WATCH 13 episodes of a show that they supposedly don't like and PROCEED TO GO TO MLA to complain - like damn that's hilarious AND sad, not sure which of more it is. /rantover

Cause many people overhyped this show and the animation looked good from the trailers, why wouldn’t people want to watch this show or miss out on the hype?, if you complain about this show and judge it from only 3 or 5 episodes, it’s stupid and just makes you seem like a hater, so we endure it all and watch until the end to make an actual legit review

Take for example gibiate, you wouldn’t crap on it based on the first few episodes, most you can do is praise it, you’d want to see if it improves or goes bad throughout more in the season, in some cases most animes do go either from good to bad or bad to good, and just like that gibiate did the complete opposite of going good and went the terrible way, and just like that, people started bashing the anime for it’s animation, pacing, etc. You see change that can be either going from good to bad, or bad to good, in this case GOH went from good to bad from reviews, mainly about how the pacing ruined the anime.

This is MAL, this site is literally meant for anime reviews, any kind, expect positive and negatives reviews of any anime, especially the ones that are overhyped from the trailers, so it’s quite hard to find it “sad” if you’re making a review on the anime based on your POV and especially if you notice the pacing is going way too fast, including to that if this anime had 24 episodes, you wouldn’t see that many people complaining but the fact this anime adapted 113 chapters in 13 episodes is concerning, quite stupid to be honest and it feels like 2 seasons were cramped into 1 cause surely adapting that many chapters must have had some good plot moments which unfortunately made it a bit confusing in the anime which led to many people not understanding wtf is going on and some a bit understanding what is going on, and it makes all criticism basically valid on how this show was disappointing to many here on MAL (especially webtoon readers) and on other social media sites except for the animation, plus have you ever read the webtoon? If not read it and you’ll see what we mean on how the webtoon is much more executed better on the characters and storyline, even the people who don’t agree with this animes criticism now see how the anime has problems after reading the webtoon once the anime finished airing

You've got some good points, many of which I cover in my comment. I never said the show was good, I said it had some good moments for being rushed. And yes it was incredibly rushed, but yea considering how many chapters they crammed it honestly wasn't as bad as it could have been. What I was saying earlier is that I believe most people here knew exactly what they were getting themselves into before complaining about the same thing over and over again, especially because people comment on those same things way too much. In regards to the idea of a review, I am commenting on the notion of a review a bit cause what I usually see isn't a critical analysis to me, more so beating a dead horse. As for what you've said, it does further the discussion on what went wrong with this adaptation, but I also talked about those points in my initial comment. I think the idea you present that people are forcing themselves to watch this show just so they can give it an educated negative review is situational and not indicative of the majority of viewers. If it is, isn't that "sad"? because as a consumer of media anime and western alike...why? there are so many enjoyable shows you could be watching instead. Also keep in mind the criticisms that you see of this nature, while in itself valid, are from a very specific subsection of individuals who are influenced further by its community (i.e. i've found that youtube comments talk more positively about the show despite knowing that it is rushed). I find your interpretation of overhyped shows a little strange. Personally, I don't think you need to watch a whole season to make an educated guess on issues one already has with it. I wasn't saying that negative reviews were bad, just stating that seeing the same negative comments about this show is tiresome. Side note, the way I rate shows is on how much I enjoyed them, if they were a decent time - it was very well animated and fun so I give it a good review. I really don't think I personally would watch a show knowing I basically already don't like it, whether that be to make a review or not. Likewise, If a show is not enjoyable I would give it a below 5 score, and i'm accepting of this fact/everyone's different. But to drive the point home. No hate to you man, hope it didn't come off in a rude way, just wanted to elaborate on why I thought the way I thought.
Oct 4, 2020 10:33 AM
Aug 2020
TheBlackCrow said:
Ofcool2947 said:

Cause many people overhyped this show and the animation looked good from the trailers, why wouldn’t people want to watch this show or miss out on the hype?, if you complain about this show and judge it from only 3 or 5 episodes, it’s stupid and just makes you seem like a hater, so we endure it all and watch until the end to make an actual legit review

Take for example gibiate, you wouldn’t crap on it based on the first few episodes, most you can do is praise it, you’d want to see if it improves or goes bad throughout more in the season, in some cases most animes do go either from good to bad or bad to good, and just like that gibiate did the complete opposite of going good and went the terrible way, and just like that, people started bashing the anime for it’s animation, pacing, etc. You see change that can be either going from good to bad, or bad to good, in this case GOH went from good to bad from reviews, mainly about how the pacing ruined the anime.

This is MAL, this site is literally meant for anime reviews, any kind, expect positive and negatives reviews of any anime, especially the ones that are overhyped from the trailers, so it’s quite hard to find it “sad” if you’re making a review on the anime based on your POV and especially if you notice the pacing is going way too fast, including to that if this anime had 24 episodes, you wouldn’t see that many people complaining but the fact this anime adapted 113 chapters in 13 episodes is concerning, quite stupid to be honest and it feels like 2 seasons were cramped into 1 cause surely adapting that many chapters must have had some good plot moments which unfortunately made it a bit confusing in the anime which led to many people not understanding wtf is going on and some a bit understanding what is going on, and it makes all criticism basically valid on how this show was disappointing to many here on MAL (especially webtoon readers) and on other social media sites except for the animation, plus have you ever read the webtoon? If not read it and you’ll see what we mean on how the webtoon is much more executed better on the characters and storyline, even the people who don’t agree with this animes criticism now see how the anime has problems after reading the webtoon once the anime finished airing

You've got some good points, many of which I cover in my comment. I never said the show was good, I said it had some good moments for being rushed. And yes it was incredibly rushed, but yea considering how many chapters they crammed it honestly wasn't as bad as it could have been. What I was saying earlier is that I believe most people here knew exactly what they were getting themselves into before complaining about the same thing over and over again, especially because people comment on those same things way too much. In regards to the idea of a review, I am commenting on the notion of a review a bit cause what I usually see isn't a critical analysis to me, more so beating a dead horse. As for what you've said, it does further the discussion on what went wrong with this adaptation, but I also talked about those points in my initial comment. I think the idea you present that people are forcing themselves to watch this show just so they can give it an educated negative review is situational and not indicative of the majority of viewers. If it is, isn't that "sad"? because as a consumer of media anime and western alike...why? there are so many enjoyable shows you could be watching instead. Also keep in mind the criticisms that you see of this nature, while in itself valid, are from a very specific subsection of individuals who are influenced further by its community (i.e. i've found that youtube comments talk more positively about the show despite knowing that it is rushed). I find your interpretation of overhyped shows a little strange. Personally, I don't think you need to watch a whole season to make an educated guess on issues one already has with it. I wasn't saying that negative reviews were bad, just stating that seeing the same negative comments about this show is tiresome. Side note, the way I rate shows is on how much I enjoyed them, if they were a decent time - it was very well animated and fun so I give it a good review. I really don't think I personally would watch a show knowing I basically already don't like it, whether that be to make a review or not. Likewise, If a show is not enjoyable I would give it a below 5 score, and i'm accepting of this fact/everyone's different. But to drive the point home. No hate to you man, hope it didn't come off in a rude way, just wanted to elaborate on why I thought the way I thought.

I guess it’s the way the anime community works, if you see an overhyped show that everyone is claiming to be “the best” and especially if its origin isn’t manga and is webtoon, would you miss the opportunity to watch it? I had that experience during july, everyone in twitter, YT, Instagram, facebook kept stating how oh “God of highschool is hype” “y’all ain’t ready for this” “this is gonna be anime of the year” “anime fight of the year incoming” and when i saw the looks from the trailer, yk you seen how the trailer is portrayed, like in a hype way, and including to that, this anime brought very high expectations since it was heavily promoted by crunchyroll

It’s alright bud, you just gotta remember that people will make reviews on anything anime on this site, and since GOH was a popular anime this summer here in the west, and since it had a pacing tragedy, well just expect negative reviews, as i said from earlier, those people that don’t like the show or have some problems of the show judge a show to early, like deca dence, people hated the plot twist from episode 2, but later in the series, it improved and had a very satisfying ending, and the people the dropped the show, watched it a second time and now changed their opinions about the show into positivity.

Sometimes you have to watch a full show before you make an actual review, cause reviewing it from the 2nd episode, 3rd, 4th really isn’t fair cause the show has yet to maybe have some good into it, in which we’d expect for the show to improve and be hopeful, i thought GOH would improve since i disliked episode 4 and i’m sure a lot have as well, And from episode 5 and above the show actually has gotten better despite the pacing issues, and i was planing to stay positive on the full review, but then i got disappointed again by episode 11-12 , here i thought the show had a chance to redeem itself from the pacing issues but i turned out for the worst, then once the show ended, a full review from judging 13 episodes makes the review legit instead of judging it from 5 episodes, kinda a problem MAL has, and you seen many Updated negative reviews of GOH here in MAL and barely any updated positive reviews

Well my point is, making a review based on a few episodes won’t always be accurate, you’d have to watch the full anime to make sure your review stays legit and sometimes it can go your way or the show can improve a lot and your review can change into improvement, like you seen some reviews where their was no plot in GOH, few episodes later, their was some type of plot despite it being poorly explained, sometimes it’s best to watch all episodes to make sure your review is legit

But i respect your views, and i hope you respect mines, truce.
Oct 4, 2020 11:01 AM

Jan 2013
Ofcool2947 said:
TheBlackCrow said:

You've got some good points, many of which I cover in my comment. I never said the show was good, I said it had some good moments for being rushed. And yes it was incredibly rushed, but yea considering how many chapters they crammed it honestly wasn't as bad as it could have been. What I was saying earlier is that I believe most people here knew exactly what they were getting themselves into before complaining about the same thing over and over again, especially because people comment on those same things way too much. In regards to the idea of a review, I am commenting on the notion of a review a bit cause what I usually see isn't a critical analysis to me, more so beating a dead horse. As for what you've said, it does further the discussion on what went wrong with this adaptation, but I also talked about those points in my initial comment. I think the idea you present that people are forcing themselves to watch this show just so they can give it an educated negative review is situational and not indicative of the majority of viewers. If it is, isn't that "sad"? because as a consumer of media anime and western alike...why? there are so many enjoyable shows you could be watching instead. Also keep in mind the criticisms that you see of this nature, while in itself valid, are from a very specific subsection of individuals who are influenced further by its community (i.e. i've found that youtube comments talk more positively about the show despite knowing that it is rushed). I find your interpretation of overhyped shows a little strange. Personally, I don't think you need to watch a whole season to make an educated guess on issues one already has with it. I wasn't saying that negative reviews were bad, just stating that seeing the same negative comments about this show is tiresome. Side note, the way I rate shows is on how much I enjoyed them, if they were a decent time - it was very well animated and fun so I give it a good review. I really don't think I personally would watch a show knowing I basically already don't like it, whether that be to make a review or not. Likewise, If a show is not enjoyable I would give it a below 5 score, and i'm accepting of this fact/everyone's different. But to drive the point home. No hate to you man, hope it didn't come off in a rude way, just wanted to elaborate on why I thought the way I thought.

I guess it’s the way the anime community works, if you see an overhyped show that everyone is claiming to be “the best” and especially if its origin isn’t manga and is webtoon, would you miss the opportunity to watch it? I had that experience during july, everyone in twitter, YT, Instagram, facebook kept stating how oh “God of highschool is hype” “y’all ain’t ready for this” “this is gonna be anime of the year” “anime fight of the year incoming” and when i saw the looks from the trailer, yk you seen how the trailer is portrayed, like in a hype way, and including to that, this anime brought very high expectations since it was heavily promoted by crunchyroll

It’s alright bud, you just gotta remember that people will make reviews on anything anime on this site, and since GOH was a popular anime this summer here in the west, and since it had a pacing tragedy, well just expect negative reviews, as i said from earlier, those people that don’t like the show or have some problems of the show judge a show to early, like deca dence, people hated the plot twist from episode 2, but later in the series, it improved and had a very satisfying ending, and the people the dropped the show, watched it a second time and now changed their opinions about the show into positivity.

Sometimes you have to watch a full show before you make an actual review, cause reviewing it from the 2nd episode, 3rd, 4th really isn’t fair cause the show has yet to maybe have some good into it, in which we’d expect for the show to improve and be hopeful, i thought GOH would improve since i disliked episode 4 and i’m sure a lot have as well, And from episode 5 and above the show actually has gotten better despite the pacing issues, and i was planing to stay positive on the full review, but then i got disappointed again by episode 11-12 , here i thought the show had a chance to redeem itself from the pacing issues but i turned out for the worst, then once the show ended, a full review from judging 13 episodes makes the review legit instead of judging it from 5 episodes, kinda a problem MAL has, and you seen many Updated negative reviews of GOH here in MAL and barely any updated positive reviews

Well my point is, making a review based on a few episodes won’t always be accurate, you’d have to watch the full anime to make sure your review stays legit and sometimes it can go your way or the show can improve a lot and your review can change into improvement, like you seen some reviews where their was no plot in GOH, few episodes later, their was some type of plot despite it being poorly explained, sometimes it’s best to watch all episodes to make sure your review is legit

But i respect your views, and i hope you respect mines, truce.

Yea I totally agree with this point, glad we had this discussion. And I get not wanting to miss out cause you're right there was some anticipation, but I think that's like with most things on earth and can't fault it for trying to be hype (on that note Jujustu Kaisen better not dissapoint lol). Also definitely agree that it isn't fair to review too early, totally agree that is an MAL problem smh. redemption in two eps is a lot to expect, I know a lot of people in that boat - I was one of them - but in the end I was satisfied, even if it wasn't super amazing. In the end I just wanted to voice my opinion from the positive side.
appreciate that man, it's a mutual truce. ofc I respect your opinion :)
TheBlackCrowOct 4, 2020 11:09 AM
Oct 4, 2020 1:47 PM
Aug 2015
Am I the only one that noticed how he used ´´Kinto un´´ and ´´Nyoibou´´. Great animations, can't wait for season 2:)
Oct 4, 2020 6:44 PM

May 2010
I came to this thread to hate, but it seems like y'all have done a pretty good job of that already!

I don't like seeing comment threads filled with hate from the first episode to the last, they make you wonder what's wrong with people that they would watch a whole season of something that they never liked. This is different though, this is a show that started off with lots of promise and by the point it started to tank most viewers were so far along that it was reasonable to stick with it.

My thoughts overall are to give this a 5/10. The animation was 8/10 and the story was 2/10, so I'll meet in the middle. It's "average" even though nothing about it was average, simply because the terrible parts exactly cancelled out the great parts.
“Money can't buy dere”
Oct 5, 2020 5:47 AM

Dec 2019
I was most excited for the spooky/occult stuff but when it finally came.. it didn't make any sense.. The last 4 episodes just came out of nowhere.. I'm pretty confused but I guess I'll look up some stuff & hopefully make some sense of it.
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