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Apr 16, 2007 6:39 PM

Jan 2007
Another great episode. Yoko was hot as usual and Kamina was pretty cool in the beginning in the fight against Virus. The best part had to be the Gattai part. It was hilarious to see that nothing really happen except Gurren having an extra face even though it lasted for only a second or two. While this episode was indeed good, this whole Kamina x Yoko setup is a big turn-off for me right now. It just doesnt feel right. Looking forward to the next episode.
Apr 16, 2007 10:34 PM

Nov 2006
Yeah, I agree about not liking the Kamina x Yoko stuff. It seems like it originated out of absolutely nowhere (although for this show, I guess that's a usual thing)...but still! I just don't like it. I do like how Yoko accepted Simon towards the end of the episode, however. I was afraid it was going to turn out like Yoko likes Kamina but hates Simon, while Simon looks up to Kamina but Kamina likes Yoko etc etc. Though this show is not a relationship show, I still manage to let it bug me ;)

Virus is awesome, and that random grape..hippo...thing that was killed for food made me lol so hard.

Gurren Lagann level up!
Apr 16, 2007 10:38 PM

Mar 2007
awesome episode, what else i can say :D everything that i had in my mind has been said already :D
Apr 18, 2007 12:14 AM

Nov 2004
Just like everyone else has mentioned, Yoko x Kamina is NO GOOD. Bah. Totally going to RUIN the show if they keep hinting at crap between those two. I will seriously drop it if it continues into more episodes.

Simon whined again. A lot. Annoying. *sighs*
Apr 18, 2007 12:23 AM

Oct 2006
Yeah... Simon is pretty irritating thus far, but he's getting cooler. As for Yoko x Kamina, I'm not too fond of the pairing either. I do find it pretty hilarious that he calls her a fatass though when she's so ridiculously hot.

Anyway, I'm really fond of most of the cast thus far. Especially Yoko (for obvious reasons) and Kamina. He's awesome because he's such an idiot.

I really wasn't expecting to enjoy this show so much, but it's quickly becoming one of my favorites out of the new crop
Apr 18, 2007 8:30 PM

Apr 2007
Oh, come on. Who else is more deserving? Kamina is the man. Yeah, it's kind of an odd pairing but whatever. I doubt anything could make me lose interest in this series. As for Simon, Kamina and Yoko pretty much cover up any fail on his part so I don't really mind, lol.
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Apr 20, 2007 8:58 AM

Jan 2007
Sheesh, isn't this aired during the mornings in Japan? That, and just what I've seen of the show, seems to support the idea that this show's target audience is most likely little boys, around 8ish to probably 14. The sexual metaphors and jokes and stuff are probably to drag in a slightly older audience while they'd go over the heads of a younger crowd. Ren and Stimpy did the same thing in America.

I pretty much accepted Yoko/Kamina as an inevitability the second I watched the first episode -- Kamina is what most little boys dream of becoming, the kind of guy a little boy would idealize. Simon is obviously an analogue for his audience, who would also be just coming of age, so they would be able to relate to him being frightened. Yoko is the hot girl who's also sort of sisterly/motherly that the ideal guy gets in the end, after he's proven he's not all talk.

A pairing is not going to ruin a show, especially not a show like this where romance takes a backseat to the action and comedy. Yoko/Kamina, in my opinion was gonna happen from the start, from the second Kamina was all flirty with her -- it definitely didn't just happen suddenly.

I'm gonna stop now for real, but honestly. -_-lll Yoko was gonna get snatched by SOME dude in the show eventually -- would you rather it be Simon or Leeron?
May 18, 2007 1:36 AM
Apr 2007
^i get the feeling that leeron isn't exactly interested in yoko for obvious also agree...i'm not watching this show to see the relationships between the characters...i could care less who yoko ends up long as the humor and action keeps up, i'll be very pleased with this series...

i just watched 3 episodes of this in a row...loving it so far (can't believe i missed out on this)...this episode bumped up the score from an 8 to a 9 for me simply because viral is a total bad ass and i love his character design (hope to see him more in future episodes)...and the scene where they "fuse" together...hilarious...i also don't mind simon complaining that fact, i actually enjoy that aspect about him...he just reached above ground and is placed in a totally different scenario from what he grew up with and with people he doesn't know...i would have been severely disappointed if he was brave and willing to fight right from the start without adjusting or complaining a little...i didn't expect him to be a super hero right from the start...after all, that is kamina's role...
Nov 26, 2007 3:19 PM

Nov 2007
I think Simon is an annoying bastard right now but he'll get better (I hope).

But man.. easily the best episode yet. I love how much of an idiot Kamina is, he just takes Lagann and shoves it into Gurren's head? Rofl.

Good thing lagann isn't any ordinary mecha.

Oh and fanserv gi- er I mean, Yoko is awesome. An anime just isn't an anime without a pair of boobs to be ogled during the off-action scenes. (Sad but true eh? lol)
Dec 1, 2007 8:13 AM

Aug 2006
Am I the only one that actually like Yoko and Kamina together? o__o;


But that aside, this is probably one of my favorite episodes due to Kamina and Viral's fight on foot.

I don't know why, but it just was so amazing with Kamina slashed his face with his own arrow that he took from his pouch.

And the first Combination of Gurren Lagann ftw. :3
Dec 1, 2007 2:12 PM

Aug 2007
TatsubeiYagyu said:
Am I the only one that actually like Yoko and Kamina together? o__o;


But that aside, this is probably one of my favorite episodes due to Kamina and Viral's fight on foot.

I don't know why, but it just was so amazing with Kamina slashed his face with his own arrow that he took from his pouch.

And the first Combination of Gurren Lagann ftw. :3

I think most people like Yoko and Kamina together, they're a good match imo.
3 is also one of my favorites :) it's a really good episode, for the reasons you stated.

Thanks De-Jay for my claim picture : ).
Dec 8, 2007 7:30 PM

May 2007
I will just quote:
"Now you will see, our super special move!!"
*Gets gurren and puts on the top of lagann (I hope i didn't use the wrong name)
"You see? Now we have two head too!!"


Btw,you guys might not be liking the pairing, but i think its just perfect.
Its finally one anime that the main heroine isn't going to pair with the supposed "main" character.
(You see, simon is supposed to be the main, but i think kamina took his place already xD)
Mar 25, 2008 7:38 AM

Nov 2007
I accually like the Kamina x Yoko part +_+
Apr 27, 2008 10:17 AM

Jan 2008
Simons a whimp..o_O
Apr 27, 2008 10:17 AM

Jan 2008
arnxx said:
I accually like the Kamina x Yoko part +_+

How dare you?!
Apr 30, 2008 1:24 PM

Dec 2007
another great episode, and like everyone says the Kamina x Yuko doesn't feel right, but there are some faint feelings for Simon right now comming from Yuko,
when Simon grows some ballz and Simon x Yuko happens, this anime is gonna be godly

Sumeragi Kururu - Pledge Queen of Tool Toul To

Apr 30, 2008 4:28 PM

Oct 2007
wow, everyones complaining about the 'pairings' ? this is not a romance show, and i'm such a romance fan, and right now i dont really care about pairings o.o; i just think yoko has the potental to be such an awesome character and it bothers me that shes turning into a somewhat boring character, who seems like she's just there for fanservice.

the combination was HYSTERICAL :P
Apr 30, 2008 4:47 PM

Feb 2008
This ep was so funny. xD
YAAY, they all grouped up and left, now it's getting good. :D

Gah, I feel so alone, Im soo Yoko x Kamina right now.

EDIT: nvm I see a few other people like the pairing, too. :Ð
May 4, 2008 5:43 PM

Feb 2008
Not bad
Jun 11, 2008 10:44 PM

May 2008
by far the best episode of the show so far. can't wait for the rest now. (yoko...)

and I agree, that grape hippo was soooo funny when it died, lolz. I also especially enjoyed the pre-power fusion where the head just goes "chunk"...............
Jun 23, 2008 2:38 PM

May 2008
Loved this ep.
but I hate the cowardness of simon }:
Jun 27, 2008 7:58 PM

Jun 2008
2 words:

Flammable. Water. XD

Sig WILL change soon~
Jun 29, 2008 10:35 PM

Feb 2008
this show just gets better and better

92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% who still listens to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
Aug 5, 2008 3:22 AM

May 2008
Pretty good fight scene. Obviously there are more epic out there, but it's not disappointing in the least.

I knew those two parts looked like the fit together.
But that part where they looked unfitting was definitely a surprise, that put a little grin to my face.

And then of course, yep, they fit.
Though after seeing how it worked out, almost impaling himself with his buddy, I'm not so sure how much the two were actually designed for each other, and how much it was their emotional bond forging a connection.

Because for whatever reason, the functionality of these machines lies not only in the skill of the user, but in the emotions the user carries. Anime tends to do this, because we can't all relate to skill, but we can all relate to emotion. I'd at least like to see them give some sort of backstory as to why these machines are emotionally reactant, at least.

Old avatar and sig retired for now.
Sep 17, 2008 9:19 AM

Jun 2007
Random combination? Stupid coincidences are the best kind!

I share the sentiments of many of the earlier posters...Yoko is interested in Kamina? Despite him clearly being an annoying ass?

Also, the gay guy (Ron I think) is hilarious, even if he is an overly camp stereotype.
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Sep 26, 2008 11:00 PM

May 2008
Excellent episode.
Oct 23, 2008 5:05 AM
Jul 2018
lol at kamina: silencer of crying children xD
i cant stop LMAO when he combined Gurren and Lagann haha
and wow yoko fell for kamina 0_o

the animals were kinda cute too...
i have to admit that this was one of those times that i dont feel sorry for dying animals -.-
Nov 5, 2008 11:14 PM

Mar 2007
The part where Kamina is drawing his sword while fighting the pilot of Viral. And the sword just keeps coming out and getting longer and longer and longer ... totally cracked me up. It's one of those man things that totally reminded me of "my schwartz is longer than yours" - only 2 seconds but they did it well.

And of course, GATTAI! Haven't laughed so much at an anime ever!

Nov 17, 2008 6:22 PM

Nov 2008
What is the thing that Boota gave Simon and Kamina to eat ? LOL... What kind of ... tail... is that ? =))
The wind is my voice, the moon is my heart. I'm here... So close to you... - "Lullaby", Yuki Kajiura
Nov 21, 2008 1:05 PM

Mar 2008
Ah, great episode. The beginning was a bit so-so, but that episode has both great action and comedy. I'm starting to like that anime :)
Nov 21, 2008 4:52 PM
Apr 2008
Like most of you guys said I don't like Yoko X Kamina either. The episode was good though. I thoght the first two were a little better but this wasn't bad.
Dec 16, 2008 6:23 AM

Aug 2007
It was too funny when Kamina just stabbed the small mech into the bigger one! XD
Dec 26, 2008 8:23 PM

Jun 2008

Somehow, I can't help but feel that I'm in for a rare treat.
Dec 31, 2008 12:53 AM

Jul 2008
To be honest I didn't understand the hype surrounding this show, I found the first 2 episodes dreadfully boring. After watching the 3rd one though, things seem to be looking up a bit... ^^. Hopefully the upward curve continues.
Jan 2, 2009 11:42 AM

Mar 2008
They forgot they had their mechas when they walked towards the sunset in the end (lol)
Jan 28, 2009 2:42 AM

Nov 2008
It's getting better. Almost living up to the hype. To enjoy this you really have to "kick reason to the curb".
Get a life and stop reading my signature...
Jun 20, 2009 12:28 PM

Dec 2008
Great episode, the fight against Viral was great, with Simon and Kamina combining their mechas and becoming the Gurren Lagann, and Yoko accepting Simon at the end of the epiosode was a great moment. I just didn't really like the Yoko x Kamina stuff, it felt too forced and It's way too early in the anime for this kind of stuff.
Jul 13, 2009 3:47 PM
May 2008
Simon is slowly becoming a more likable character imo and of course Yoko was gorgeous as usual. Even though this show has an abundance of action it never seems to get boring or drag on which is nice. One thing I don't like so far is the Yoko x Kamina... it feels like it is too soon for any relationships other than friends... but Kamina is kind of dense anyway, lol.
Dead Account
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Jul 17, 2009 12:32 PM

Sep 2008
I don't really care about Yoko x Kamina. XD' I know I should, but I'm not watching this for the romance at all. I don't mind it as long as it doesn't mess up the "brigade" members' relationships with each other (i.e. Simon and Yoko) so I was happy to see that she accepted Simon in the end.

I'm not really liking the mechas for some reason. o_o''
Aug 29, 2009 11:43 AM

Aug 2009
Holy shit.
It's over 9000! The way they combined was hilarious.
Sep 20, 2009 7:26 PM

Sep 2009
I laughed so hard that I had to pause it when he was unsheathing his sword... I felt horrible for loling at such a part, but srsly. It wouldn't stop growing. XD

At the moment I think the show is okay. I'm still trying to figure out why a lot of my friends are fangasming over this anime, but I suppose I'll continue watching anyway. After all, this anime combines all the genres I'd rather steer clear of-- the main one being mecha/military.
Sep 20, 2009 8:06 PM

Jun 2008
Besides the amazing first episode, this one REALLY stood out. It's just totally amazing. It's probably the most memorable for the entire series, even though I've rewatched it twice already. Not because it's just so over-the-top amazing, it's the first episode that completely shatters expectations. Anything is possible. Not just breaking through an underground village, not just defeating overwhelming odds, nothing.
Sep 22, 2009 10:23 AM

Jul 2009
LOL that 'combination' was epic! I was completely laughing my head off and then it was awesome when it actually worked. This series just went to the next level for me :P
Oct 13, 2009 4:07 PM

Feb 2009
i think this is probably the stupidest thing i've ever seen
Dec 3, 2009 7:11 AM

Dec 2007
Whiskers said:
I laughed so hard that I had to pause it when he was unsheathing his sword... I felt horrible for loling at such a part, but srsly. It wouldn't stop growing. XD

Lol me too.
Dec 4, 2009 6:01 AM

Jun 2008
Whiskers said:
I laughed so hard that I had to pause it when he was unsheathing his sword... I felt horrible for loling at such a part, but srsly. It wouldn't stop growing. XD

Ahaha, same.
Feb 17, 2010 11:04 PM

Jan 2009

Mar 20, 2010 4:48 PM
Nov 2009
The part where Kamina was unsheathing his sword was extremely funny, I mean, how long is it supposed to be? The fight was also very entertaining.
Apr 3, 2010 3:19 PM

Jan 2010
Very good episode! The animals were the best part, after Kamina's comically long sword of course.
Jun 11, 2010 12:47 PM

Feb 2009
ANIMAL CRUELTY! Those were some fucked up animals xD

And how long is that sword supposed to be!

If this show keeps up this amazing pace I am seriously going to overdose! Really really good so far.

People we get that Simon is whining... he is a child in the middle of a freaking giant battlefield! It's only natural it's shocking and scary no??? Jeez people, give it a break, let the show have some character realism.
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