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Do you think the show deserve the low score due to MC?
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Aug 29, 2020 11:51 AM

Mar 2010
simonitro said:
One of the most polarizing MC's is Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion and that show is very based on him more than anyone else. If that's the case, you'd see more people hating on the show and still one of most beloved Anime in history. Personally, I like him in the show more than the End of Evangelion movie which he became unbearable. That's why personally, I have the TV-show as a high 8 whereas the movie a 1.

Most people who rate franchises like Evangelion highly is because of the hot girls and the "mecha" anyway. The lot of these people are fans of Love Live and Rabbit's Order because "cute girls doing cute things." Only a few people in Japan can do a proper franchise that features a non-pussy-ass shounen lead AND cute girls. Triage X and Peter Grill are a few of those.

Kazuya... After hearing about episode 8 and what he did herein... I've BEEN done with this series (and I end up coming back just to see what type of noise it's causing). If the manga series is anything to go by (since the anime is based on it), all the good he did (like saving Chizuru) will be dangerously balanced out by the cringe he did.

Also, I HATE slow-burn romcoms that have no REAL conclusion(s) for the shounen lead. My fear is that everyone will think these romcoms are better off with just nothing but cute girls in them and no male figures whatsoever.
Aug 29, 2020 10:41 PM
Aug 2020
Yes, the MC is not the most likeable part of this show but I think considering the show's plot being few of the MC's first relationships as an young adult, it captures the picture of first love being the most unfortunate love, preety well...And also considering the lack of confidence and just plain old common sense in the MC personality just makes him the best example of "A simp who has a harem"..
Aug 30, 2020 2:10 PM
Mar 2019
NoviSun said:
He is an annoying little rat, I’d love to see someone beat his ass.
well guess what, most human beings don't act like the majority of anime characters, but this MC is WAY more realistic.... just saying it's good to leave la la land once in a while
Aug 30, 2020 7:26 PM

Jan 2019
This show deserve hate because of how bad it is.
"If someone says it's wrong to hope, I'll tell them they're wrong every single time."
Aug 30, 2020 7:32 PM

Aug 2017
Yes. MC makes or breaks the show.
Aug 30, 2020 8:43 PM

Aug 2018
Levi_akrman_1201 said:
NoviSun said:
He is an annoying little rat, I’d love to see someone beat his ass.
well guess what, most human beings don't act like the majority of anime characters, but this MC is WAY more realistic.... just saying it's good to leave la la land once in a while
I’ve never hung out with a pack of incels, so I’m going to have to take your word about that. Thanks!
Aug 31, 2020 2:41 AM
Aug 2020
Levi_akrman_1201 said:
NoviSun said:
He is an annoying little rat, I’d love to see someone beat his ass.
well guess what, most human beings don't act like the majority of anime characters, but this MC is WAY more realistic.... just saying it's good to leave la la land once in a while

not quite realistic anime, if the other character around him doesn't have that kind of realistic of and just like a majority of character in harem anime, especially the heroine.
Dont try to assume this anime is realistic about how is real world work, if it's only applied on mc, thanks.

It's just a "realistic" mc in unrealistic environment/ typical harem anime.
rivaldiagt777Aug 31, 2020 11:00 AM
Aug 31, 2020 5:51 AM
Aug 2020
NoviSun said:
I’ve never hung out with a pack of incels, so I’m going to have to take your word about that. Thanks!
Incel isn't simp. A incel hates a women, simp loves women... too much.

I like MC because he's different than the rest of the other harem loser boring protagonists. The harem romance manga is the definition of unrealistic story so I'm really pleased with this genuine character. He's annoying, hopeless idiot with low self-esteem and I love it. That's why comedy scenes are fun here unlike most other harems.

There's one exception. I just don't like 8th because it's boring cliché episode and the character's personality doesn't help here.
Aug 31, 2020 6:12 AM
Aug 2020
Love this kind of anime, where the mc starts as a piece of shit like how some people starts. Then character development kicks in little by little. I suppose the mc resembles some guys today, seeing this anime gives hope to them, that maybe they can change too. By they I mean me also. If you hate this anime its probably because you have an awesome personality. I dont blame you id hate myself also but nevertheless seeing someone acknowledge that he/she is shit and do something about it is really admireable.Like the mc here.
Aug 31, 2020 11:43 AM
Mar 2017
PTAC-DG said:
NoviSun said:
I’ve never hung out with a pack of incels, so I’m going to have to take your word about that. Thanks!
Incel isn't simp. A incel hates a women, simp loves women... too much.

I like MC because he's different than the rest of the other harem loser boring protagonists. The harem romance manga is the definition of unrealistic story so I'm really pleased with this genuine character. He's annoying, hopeless idiot with low self-esteem and I love it. That's why comedy scenes are fun here unlike most other harems.

There's one exception. I just don't like 8th because it's boring cliché episode and the character's personality doesn't help here.
are we living in the same planet? Since when considered this type of show realistic? Since when a 21 years old college man act like 13 years old elementary boy? Since when stalking someone and get away of it and top of that get rewarded considered realistic? And mostly importantly since when being a pathetic miserable simp-ass beta with zero common sense considered realistic? Self-insert? Definitely but not realistic
Aug 31, 2020 1:11 PM
Mar 2019
rivaldiagt777 said:
Levi_akrman_1201 said:
well guess what, most human beings don't act like the majority of anime characters, but this MC is WAY more realistic.... just saying it's good to leave la la land once in a while

not quite realistic anime, if the other character around him doesn't have that kind of realistic of and just like a majority of character in harem anime, especially the heroine.
Dont try to assume this anime is realistic about how is real world work, if it's only applied on mc, thanks.

It's just a "realistic" mc in unrealistic environment/ typical harem anime.
I agree, it's a typical harem with a not so typical mc (more realistic) and I know it isn't perfect but isn't better than the majority of harems which always have an extremely unrealistic mc, it just makes sense bro🤷‍♂️, but hey the majority of anime fans luv bullshit anyways so I guess it pays 😂😒
Aug 31, 2020 1:49 PM
Aug 2020
are we living in the same planet? Since when considered this type of show realistic? Since when a 21 years old college man act like 13 years old elementary boy? Since when stalking someone and get away of it and top of that get rewarded considered realistic? And mostly importantly since when being a pathetic miserable simp-ass beta with zero common sense considered realistic? Self-insert? Definitely but not realistic
I don't say in my post this type of show is realistic. it's funny dumb harem anime with realistic MC.

And if you read my post camly (the last part), you would notice that I'm criticizing the latest episode.
PTAC-DGAug 31, 2020 1:54 PM
Sep 1, 2020 4:10 AM
Jul 2020
Put it this way, I suspect a lot of folks (myself included) would have tolerated the MC if he wasn't acting so cringe most of the times. There's nothing appealing about a childish guy who just plainly makes a damn fool out of himself whatever he does and says unless it's done for a harmless bit of fun. Of course, it doesn't help that he also has a punchable face.

But as someone here mentioned before, the MC isn't the only problem. The story itself doesn't sound very inspiring. I can't fathom why a guy feels the need to pay for a fake relationship. If it's sex he ultimately wanted then he could have just hire a hooker instead and get it over done with so he won't feel bad being a virgin anymore.

Furthermore, this guy is in college. Shouldn't he be a lot more focused on his studies and earning a good degree instead of fooling around and wasting his parents' money?

Sep 1, 2020 5:00 AM
Aug 2020
Levi_akrman_1201 said:
rivaldiagt777 said:

not quite realistic anime, if the other character around him doesn't have that kind of realistic of and just like a majority of character in harem anime, especially the heroine.
Dont try to assume this anime is realistic about how is real world work, if it's only applied on mc, thanks.

It's just a "realistic" mc in unrealistic environment/ typical harem anime.
I agree, it's a typical harem with a not so typical mc (more realistic) and I know it isn't perfect but isn't better than the majority of harems which always have an extremely unrealistic mc, it just makes sense bro🤷‍♂️, but hey the majority of anime fans luv bullshit anyways so I guess it pays 😂😒

Yeah. I'm also try to enjoy when watch this anime, but i give up on eps 6, even with good graphic and VA. still, the story doesn't make any sense to me, so i can't enjoy it.

i know some people like or can related to this mc, so they can enjoy when watch this anime and i'm okay with that.
Sep 1, 2020 5:37 AM
Mar 2020
Yes, if Kazuya wasnt so shit i would be loving the show, im watching episode 8 and now he is stalking her 😬
Sep 1, 2020 10:05 AM

Feb 2015
I really wish Kazuya wasn't such a creepy looser. Its made the show hard to watch at times, i really don't need to see him crying and wanking his way through the whole series. He's and adult that acts like a 14 year old NEET
Sep 1, 2020 10:13 AM
Feb 2020
i get the feeling ppl who said this is realistic is that saying "realistic romance have to be full of a**hole,cheater,full of ntr,betrayal,no good person,everyone have to cheat on each other" thats realistic right there,so mc like kazuya and the girl who fall for him,ok with what he did is realistic.
Sep 1, 2020 2:08 PM
Jun 2020
Yes it does. In fact, it's still too little. It needs more.
Sep 2, 2020 10:00 AM

Jan 2020
This is the first show I’ve dropped in a while due to the annoying characters (especially mc), so I’d say it’s actually overrated and should be in 6 range. I get it that people seem to like to like the girls based on looks, but personalities matter more imo, and this single handedly ruined to show for me.
Sep 2, 2020 10:02 AM

Jan 2020
Zarator said:
Hrybami said:

Yes, most harem anime are wish fulfillment and this anime is striking hard in the societal problematic of Kazuya's generation. These college students are virgin and have trouble getting in relationships. They even rent fake girlfriend just to show how inapt they are at building relationship. This anime sends harsh political messages and this is a reason why opinions on this anime are that cleaved.

Can we please stop it with this whole "virgin = has social problems with relationships" kind of comparison? I mean, I'm older than Kazuya and I'm still a virgin. Yet that doesn't mean I behave the way he does around girls. You don't need to get laid in order to grow up (nor getting laid makes you grow up, for that matter).
Zarator said:
Hrybami said:

Yes, most harem anime are wish fulfillment and this anime is striking hard in the societal problematic of Kazuya's generation. These college students are virgin and have trouble getting in relationships. They even rent fake girlfriend just to show how inapt they are at building relationship. This anime sends harsh political messages and this is a reason why opinions on this anime are that cleaved.

Can we please stop it with this whole "virgin = has social problems with relationships" kind of comparison? I mean, I'm older than Kazuya and I'm still a virgin. Yet that doesn't mean I behave the way he does around girls. You don't need to get laid in order to grow up (nor getting laid makes you grow up, for that matter).

I agree with you on this.
Sep 2, 2020 1:19 PM
Lady of Floofs

Jan 2010
I haven't watch much of the show yet, but what I did watch was surprising me in a good way. But it seems most people aren't open-minded enough for the topic, considering the whole comments section on MAL has exploded and the reviews don't seem too have the capability to voice constructed criticism, so I feel I just have to put up my BS-filter and just watch more of it.

PS: I have no idea if people realize this, but this concept of renting a GF is real and ACTUALLY EXISTS in Japan. Just like maid cafes do, which put up a BS act. Just like butler cafes. Just like fake shows from Japanese Idols. It's again the majority of the western world that can't seem to understand difference in culture and just accept that not every human is the same and only one "right" and "correct" exists when it comes to these things.
Sep 2, 2020 1:47 PM
Aug 2020
astra_moon said:
I haven't watch much of the show yet, but what I did watch was surprising me in a good way. But it seems most people aren't open-minded enough for the topic, considering the whole comments section on MAL has exploded and the reviews don't seem too have the capability to voice constructed criticism, so I feel I just have to put up my BS-filter and just watch more of it.

PS: I have no idea if people realize this, but this concept of renting a GF is real and ACTUALLY EXISTS in Japan. Just like maid cafes do, which put up a BS act. Just like butler cafes. Just like fake shows from Japanese Idols. It's again the majority of the western world that can't seem to understand difference in culture and just accept that not every human is the same and only one "right" and "correct" exists when it comes to these things.

i know about that thing actually exist, the thing i don't understand is how some people say this anime so realistic, when the story is just like another harem anime. you can also see with how other character action around mc, especially the heroine. i bet, no girl/woman who work as rent-gf even the hardcore one (*ykwim) in real life, fine with her personal life to be brought up too, like how this anime do.
Sep 2, 2020 2:35 PM

Mar 2010
astra_moon said:
it seems most people aren't open-minded enough for the topic, considering the whole comments section on MAL has exploded and the reviews don't seem too have the capability to voice constructed criticism,

this concept of renting a GF is real and ACTUALLY EXISTS in Japan. Just like maid cafes do, which put up a BS act. Just like butler cafes. Just like fake shows from Japanese Idols. It's again the majority of the western world that can't seem to understand difference in culture and just accept that not every human is the same and only one "right" and "correct" exists when it comes to these things.

You're just mad that there are people in the world who don't like what you like; and they refuse to be silent about it. Because, you know. Silence means acceptance. Acceptance begets bandwagoning. And bandwagoning begets +10 more badly-written and cringe so-called romcoms before the genre needed to re-invent themselves.

People are aware of the existence of Rental GFs. [In the US,] they're known as escorts. And they're also expensive as hell. And even so, what works in Asia does not work in the West. [Nobody] wants fakeness, no matter how difficult getting real love can be.
Sep 2, 2020 8:59 PM

May 2015
7 is a pretty reasonable score I think. A lot of rom-com here are scored a 7.

i actually dropped the anime and just started reading the manga. I kinda feel bad for the voice actors whenever they need to voice over any sex fantasies that Kazuya thinks. Well anyway, like most of the people here, I don't really like him from the start. I think he was in a really terrible place after the break up with Mami (which is yet to be explained), that's why he ends up fapping and having sexual fantasies. Also the reason he's branded as a horny loser

Eventually, in the manga at least, he grew. He realized who he really loves even if that person didn't like him back. As he said, he'll support her to the end. He eventually became honest to some degree. He looks for ways to help someone he really likes. That's some big simp move, but hey, he really likes her. But he still has a lot of room for improvement. I'm looking forward to how he'll end up to be

Sep 3, 2020 3:39 AM

Feb 2020
Well, of course MC sucks balls. However, him being such a simp loser is what drives a lot of the plot. It may be somewhat lowbrow, but if he actually were adequate then he could just get a real girlfriend and there would be no show, now wouldn't there!?

Where would the fun be if he were f'ing Light Yagami from Death Note? This is a show about a failure, after all.
Sep 3, 2020 12:26 PM

Sep 2015
As someone that feel like the show is greatly hurt by the MC let me explain. I feel that a lot of the opinions here doesn't quite understand why.

There is plenty of positives regarding the MC. He is full of personality and is quite unique. Not a copy pasta "normal" guy which is honestly quite boring. Giving him some flare is a good thing and I fully approve it. However since we are seeing it from the MC perspective with only very few exceptions, it is vitally important we actually LIKE him and that we can sympathize with him.

Being awkward, dumb, OR a bit creepy is perfectly fine, since we see it from his perspective we can understand. But when you combine all these together and turn the knob to max. It becomes unrelatable and hard to sympathize.
Like in episode 8, he suffered from pessimism and confirmation bias. Very normal and relatable. But confronting, and openly admitting to stalking a "couple" for a whole day is NOT normal. He even acknowledged it himself SEVERAL times yet he continues to do so.

This is also after many other 'mistakes' he did in the past and he still manages to never learn. His actions are something no normal person would do. There's plenty of relatable things but there is enough extremely stupid stuff that it becomes hard to sympathize. He deserves to get yelled at for his stupidity yet he doesn't get much of a beating for it.

He is also a dick. He lied to Ruka-chan about being busy which he agreed to give her a chance, but proceeded to try and rent Mizuhara? When that failed, he went to stalk her the whole day? No normal human being does that and it can't be justified. Sure Ruka pushed herself on him, but that doesn't warrant all the other stuff he did in episode 8 alone.

Sure there are points where I understand his feeling and actions like in the Izakaya where he took all that from his ex. Not everyone would take it but given his personality it is very realistic and relatable. However there are equally as much far less realistic and unnecessarily extreme examples of him being flat out dumb. The latter part is the problem here.

If I as a viewer can't relate and sympathize I wouldn't care if he gets character development. The importance of character development is only highlighted if you care about the character, and in this case I don't. So any improvements or change will not affect my perception of him other than he becomes more tolerable. But feeling "more tolerable" about a main character is not something you want your audience to feel when watching your show.

This is further exacerbated by the writing of this story. It is a romcom with a twist. It is unique enough to be a very enjoyable show but the core essence and the rather obvious tropes present itself as a typical romcom. And typical romcom wants the audience to cheer for the main couple. The problem here is that if the MC is NOT relatable then how can one cheer for the couple?

I'm not suggesting a bland self-insert as there is nothing to relate to an empty shell. But that the quirks of a character needs to have a realistic limit so that it is relatable. Being too quirky becomes too difficult to relate since normal people aren't a walking trope. After all this isn't solely a comedy. It is both a drama and a romance, you can't have your main character be nothing more than a joke, he needs redeeming qualities so that when his flaws are resolved, it has meaning.

For those complaining about the girls. Yes and no. Ruka and Mami so far is completely unreasonable. But so is he as I already mentioned. That is why I like Mizuhara the most, even though she seems difficult to get along, she really isn't.
he was being unreasonable dragging her into all this mess. His lies were so poorly thought out and serve to only dig his grave ever deeper.

He caused a ruckus on the 2nd rental despite clearly knowing what it entails. He also proceed to lie to his friends and family about her despite there being plenty of alternatives. Now she is forced to deal with him. Yet she is kind enough to deal with him, accommodate his needs, defend HIS HONOR, and go out of her way to give him a present. I mean seriously she gave him a present on Christmas eve after he stalked her the whole day. Like he was rewarded for such a creepy action? He don't deserve her, and I should note that this is the first time i ever felt this way for any animated couple.

In turn he constantly annoys her with his needs. Naturally she will snap back to put him in his place. If she just takes it then he'll just keep demanding ever more. He already does even after she tells him to stop dragging her and revealing their secret! Her attitude towards him ultimately spawns from him being unreasonable and not because she is difficult in of itself.

When you realize the crap that he put her through; her irritated response is justified if not even mild. She was pretty light on him when he literally stalked her the whole day. He's like a giant baby and she is baby sitting him. She is kind of weak willed since she still get pushed around and maintaining the status quo for arbitrary reason and minor pressuring. Despite her major flaw of lacking self-respect as a legal "JK escort"... She as a person is still pretty alright and that is what I mean. You can have flaws but still likeable, the MC is not. Although none of the girls are relatable because they are still pretty unrealistic.
No she's not perfect but at least she's likeable even if not relatable.

Conclusion, he does hurt the show with some of his more extreme actions but the show don't deserve to be sub 5 because of it IMO. Obviously others can feel like this deserves a 1. It is their opinion and their feeling. Everyone is affected by different aspects differently. But for me I wouldn't rate it any lower than a 5 due to Kazuya alone. I currently have it at 7 though because everything else is still of sufficient quality, and the MC do have moments where he shines even if it is far and few in between.
zcv45Sep 3, 2020 1:52 PM
Sep 4, 2020 8:47 AM
Lady of Floofs

Jan 2010
Hectotane said:
astra_moon said:
it seems most people aren't open-minded enough for the topic, considering the whole comments section on MAL has exploded and the reviews don't seem too have the capability to voice constructed criticism,

this concept of renting a GF is real and ACTUALLY EXISTS in Japan. Just like maid cafes do, which put up a BS act. Just like butler cafes. Just like fake shows from Japanese Idols. It's again the majority of the western world that can't seem to understand difference in culture and just accept that not every human is the same and only one "right" and "correct" exists when it comes to these things.

You're just mad that there are people in the world who don't like what you like; and they refuse to be silent about it. Because, you know. Silence means acceptance. Acceptance begets bandwagoning. And bandwagoning begets +10 more badly-written and cringe so-called romcoms before the genre needed to re-invent themselves.

People are aware of the existence of Rental GFs. [In the US,] they're known as escorts. And they're also expensive as hell. And even so, what works in Asia does not work in the West. [Nobody] wants fakeness, no matter how difficult getting real love can be.

If you don't like something, that's completely fine. I don't like most of these shows for many different reasons. But there is a clear difference between bias and actually judging a show on it's own merits. I am not saying, you specifically, but this show seems one of those where people love to do that. I like to be open to surprises when it comes to new and original topics in shows. Trying to limit 'judging a book by it's cover' is a good way of living, in my opinion.

I do not agree that rental services are the same as escort services. By pure textbook definition I would agree, but when you tell me you went to an escort, the connotation is not the same as in Japan, and that just based alone on the difference in culture. Like I said, maid cafes with their fake performances are also probably frowned upon by most western cultures, but in Japan that is just a mostly accepted phenomenon. Not to imply that you should like it because of that, but we can't just all act like the western vision is the only vision that is correct to have about certain subjects. Thus, I prefer to be open minded when I approach a subject of an anime that is a bit more accepted in Japan. (since it's a JAPANESE anime after all)

Sep 4, 2020 10:28 AM

Jul 2016
Alex796 said:
Well, of course MC sucks balls. However, him being such a simp loser is what drives a lot of the plot. It may be somewhat lowbrow, but if he actually were adequate then he could just get a real girlfriend and there would be no show, now wouldn't there!?

Where would the fun be if he were f'ing Light Yagami from Death Note? This is a show about a failure, after all.

The problem is not with him being a failure, but with the people around him (especially the girls) treating him way better than he would reasonably deserve. People aren't mad because he's not the next Light Yagami, but because the world around him doesn't treat him the way a "failure" like him would deserve.
Sep 4, 2020 10:36 AM

Feb 2020
Zarator said:
The problem is not with him being a failure, but with the people around him (especially the girls) treating him way better than he would reasonably deserve. People aren't mad because he's not the next Light Yagami, but because the world around him doesn't treat him the way a "failure" like him would deserve.

Nah, I still can't agree with that reasoning. He sure doesn't have a spine and cries way too much.

But it's not like he doesn't have good qualities that can't be appreciated. He did save Mizuhara when she drowned at the ferry episode. He did defend her against Mami when she badmouthed her. He went the extra mile with Ruka because he didn't want her to reveal her secret even more than his own.

Now, if MC was that friend of his, Kuri, then I'd agree that he's total trash and it's weird that these girls are even giving him unpaid time of day at all. But he did manage to pull Mami into their short-lived relationship, so I guess that we can even safely assume that he's somewhat attractive physically.
Sep 4, 2020 10:38 AM

Jul 2016
zcv45 said:

Conclusion, he does hurt the show with some of his more extreme actions but the show don't deserve to be sub 5 because of it IMO. Obviously others can feel like this deserves a 1. It is their opinion and their feeling. Everyone is affected by different aspects differently. But for me I wouldn't rate it any lower than a 5 due to Kazuya alone. I currently have it at 7 though because everything else is still of sufficient quality, and the MC do have moments where he shines even if it is far and few in between.

Well, I mean, that depends on where your average lies, what you have watched, and your criteria for rating too.

I mean, my average is barely above 6 - and that's partly because I use the full extent of the scoring scale, from 1 all the way to 10, with most shows falling in the 6-7 range. The thing is, this show doesn't deserve to fall in that range for me because - as you yourself explained so eloquently - it's well below average. In fact I have it at somewhere between 3 and 2, simply because I'd say everything I rated 4 or higher is better than this show, for one reason or another.
Sep 4, 2020 10:47 AM

Jul 2016
Alex796 said:

But it's not like he doesn't have good qualities that can't be appreciated. He did save Mizuhara when she drowned at the ferry episode. He did defend her against Mami when she badmouthed her. He went the extra mile with Ruka because he didn't want her to reveal her secret even more than his own.

Now, if MC was that friend of his, Kuri, then I'd agree that he's total trash and it's weird that these girls are even giving him unpaid time of day at all. But he did manage to pull Mami into their short-lived relationship, so I guess that we can even safely assume that he's somewhat attractive physically.

Maybe we have different standards for what counts as "good qualities".

"He defended Mizuhara when Mami badmouthed her" - considering the kind of crap he put her through, that's the bare minimum (probably not even that, all things considered).
"He went the extra mile with Ruka because he didn't want her to reveal her secret even more than his own." That's... debatable. I don't think it was a gesture spurred of genuine altruism, at the very least.
"He did save Mizuhara when she drowned at the ferry episode." This is generally how these kinds of 3rd-rate romcoms try to bootstrap MC's and relationship's development - instead of showing the MC actively doing socially commendable things that makes you feel like "Wow, what a good guy", they just have the MC save the girl to show he's a "good man". Well sorry but I don't think that's good storytelling - at least not the way it was done in this anime.

For a comparison, Toradora has a similar scene, but with a very different context. First of all the scene in question isn't played to make the saved person fall in love with the savior (which rly stinks as a concept, to me), but to make the savior confront his/her own feelings about the saved.
Sep 4, 2020 12:43 PM
Aug 2020
astra_moon said:
Hectotane said:

You're just mad that there are people in the world who don't like what you like; and they refuse to be silent about it. Because, you know. Silence means acceptance. Acceptance begets bandwagoning. And bandwagoning begets +10 more badly-written and cringe so-called romcoms before the genre needed to re-invent themselves.

People are aware of the existence of Rental GFs. [In the US,] they're known as escorts. And they're also expensive as hell. And even so, what works in Asia does not work in the West. [Nobody] wants fakeness, no matter how difficult getting real love can be.

If you don't like something, that's completely fine. I don't like most of these shows for many different reasons. But there is a clear difference between bias and actually judging a show on it's own merits. I am not saying, you specifically, but this show seems one of those where people love to do that. I like to be open to surprises when it comes to new and original topics in shows. Trying to limit 'judging a book by it's cover' is a good way of living, in my opinion.

I do not agree that rental services are the same as escort services. By pure textbook definition I would agree, but when you tell me you went to an escort, the connotation is not the same as in Japan, and that just based alone on the difference in culture. Like I said, maid cafes with their fake performances are also probably frowned upon by most western cultures, but in Japan that is just a mostly accepted phenomenon. Not to imply that you should like it because of that, but we can't just all act like the western vision is the only vision that is correct to have about certain subjects. Thus, I prefer to be open minded when I approach a subject of an anime that is a bit more accepted in Japan. (since it's a JAPANESE anime after all)

maybe this link of review from japanese people can help you to see how them rate this anime.

overall score from them is 60.0 point.
rivaldiagt777Sep 5, 2020 6:07 AM
Sep 4, 2020 2:40 PM

Sep 2018
Yes, I love this show and the MC is the main reason I don't.
I truly am enjoying this show very much, it's just every time Kazuya speaks, I want to kill him. He keeps and keeps on lying, I can't fuckin stand it. It's so pathetic and irresponsible. He just can not grow up. The show is funny, Chizuru is best girl but the MC Kazuya is just too childish for me to have any sort of respect.

Now that I am at Ep 9, I also hate Ruka, Why? Because she is putting Kazuya in corners for her own selfish reasons, she keeps saying "I love Kazuya" but can't see that what she is doing isn't what he wants. She doesn't care about what Kazuya wants every time he says no she just does it anyway. Kazuya should be more clear and stop lying but Ruka should also understand that Kazuya clearly doesn't like her and forcing herself upon him will not work and will make him hate her if she continues.
The first rule of a relationship is communication and that is the first place Ruka doesn't listen and Kazuya just lies.

TLDR: Yes this show does deserve the hate, MC is childish and it's pathetic. Still, I enjoy this show very much even when the second girl Ruka is even worse than MC is.
Sep 4, 2020 7:15 PM
Nov 2017
I will say I dislike the MC in this anime. But School Days MC is much... much worst.
Sep 4, 2020 8:26 PM
Sep 2008
rivaldiagt777 said:
astra_moon said:

If you don't like something, that's completely fine. I don't like most of these shows for many different reasons. But there is a clear difference between bias and actually judging a show on it's own merits. I am not saying, you specifically, but this show seems one of those where people love to do that. I like to be open to surprises when it comes to new and original topics in shows. Trying to limit 'judging a book by it's cover' is a good way of living, in my opinion.

I do not agree that rental services are the same as escort services. By pure textbook definition I would agree, but when you tell me you went to an escort, the connotation is not the same as in Japan, and that just based alone on the difference in culture. Like I said, maid cafes with their fake performances are also probably frowned upon by most western cultures, but in Japan that is just a mostly accepted phenomenon. Not to imply that you should like it because of that, but we can't just all act like the western vision is the only vision that is correct to have about certain subjects. Thus, I prefer to be open minded when I approach a subject of an anime that is a bit more accepted in Japan. (since it's a JAPANESE anime after all)

maybe this link of review from japanese people can help you to see how them rate this anime.

overall score from them is 60.0 point.

It seems that japan has a better evaluation of the anime than here in MAL.
Sep 5, 2020 4:34 AM

Jun 2020
Hm? I think people should think a little bit outside of their bubble because it is an interesting and realistic scenario indeed.Never met someone like Kazuya but its not hard to imagine someone being like him if you gets exposed to such an tough environment from a young age on.

Im not saying that the premise is 100% realistic but the overall theme of the anime shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.

I somewhat enjoyed the anime but after I saw episode 2 and I heard that there is little no character development including the girls + he gets the girls by playing the white knight on the horse, im not interested to continue anymore.

LLetCCSep 5, 2020 4:41 AM
Sep 5, 2020 6:30 AM
Aug 2020
CesarMagnan said:
rivaldiagt777 said:

maybe this link of review from japanese people can help you to see how them rate this anime.

overall score from them is 60.0 point.

It seems that japan has a better evaluation of the anime than here in MAL.

yeah, i was suprised with their score for the graphic and VA, even when i give 8/10 for both of that. this anime overall star is 2.9/5 star (Story 2.6, Drawing/Graphic 3.1, Voice actor 3.1, Music 3.0, Character 2.8). It's interesting about how they evaluate and give a score, after all this anime is at SAME LEVEL with the new monsume from this season that only got 5.9 in MAL (still hold for watch, not sure to continue or just drop it).

you can try to searching another anime in that web from this season to get better comparison.
rivaldiagt777Sep 5, 2020 6:41 AM
Sep 5, 2020 7:56 AM
Lady of Floofs

Jan 2010
rivaldiagt777 said:
CesarMagnan said:

It seems that japan has a better evaluation of the anime than here in MAL.

yeah, i was suprised with their score for the graphic and VA, even when i give 8/10 for both of that. this anime overall star is 2.9/5 star (Story 2.6, Drawing/Graphic 3.1, Voice actor 3.1, Music 3.0, Character 2.8). It's interesting about how they evaluate and give a score, after all this anime is at SAME LEVEL with the new monsume from this season that only got 5.9 in MAL (still hold for watch, not sure to continue or just drop it).

you can try to searching another anime in that web from this season to get better comparison.

Okay, fair enough. I might be slightly in the minority with my opinion, even when it comes to the Japanese opinions. That's not to say that it's about the topic 'rental services' specifically, but maybe they didn't like it for other reasons. I wouldn't be able to tell, honestly.

But upon further watching the show till the (almost) latest released episode 8, I am definitely in the minority when it comes to me being more annoyed with Mami and how awfully manipulative she seems to be, than I am annoyed at the MC. But I can see why people might not be able to stand him.

I think, I just am not as annoyed with the MC, because he at least seems to somewhat regret getting Chizuru, into so much trouble, while I can see most guys just sayin "Welp, I guess I paid for her service, so too bad if I have gotten her into some trouble". But yes, he can be a bit whingy at times and to quick to jump to the wrong conclusions.

Let's just say, he is far from being as terrible as for example, the MC from School Days.(although that would be an achievement in and of itself)

But I do really get why people say that this show feels realistic. I can confirm that most of the characters in this show I knew someone in real life that is extremely similar. That's something I can not say that for most harem show's characters, which usually feel one-dimensional and say and do almost always unrealistic shit. For example, the best friend of MC is great and I knew people that did most things the did in the show, in real life. Same goes even for Mami. I know some girls just love playing with guys like she does, either because they love the power-play or often also because they don't know any better/had not the greatest upbringing.(regardless, women can be real bitches sometimes. I can be too, frankly.) Even the friend-group they are in, react like I feel most people their age and in that situation would act like.
Sep 6, 2020 8:26 AM

Nov 2013
darkfearie said:
I will say I dislike the MC in this anime. But School Days MC is much... much worst.

School Days at least tries to justify why Makoto in the visual novel lore in which he is actually
Sep 7, 2020 9:33 PM
Aug 2020
astra_moon said:
rivaldiagt777 said:

yeah, i was suprised with their score for the graphic and VA, even when i give 8/10 for both of that. this anime overall star is 2.9/5 star (Story 2.6, Drawing/Graphic 3.1, Voice actor 3.1, Music 3.0, Character 2.8). It's interesting about how they evaluate and give a score, after all this anime is at SAME LEVEL with the new monsume from this season that only got 5.9 in MAL (still hold for watch, not sure to continue or just drop it).

you can try to searching another anime in that web from this season to get better comparison.

Okay, fair enough. I might be slightly in the minority with my opinion, even when it comes to the Japanese opinions. That's not to say that it's about the topic 'rental services' specifically, but maybe they didn't like it for other reasons. I wouldn't be able to tell, honestly.

But upon further watching the show till the (almost) latest released episode 8, I am definitely in the minority when it comes to me being more annoyed with Mami and how awfully manipulative she seems to be, than I am annoyed at the MC. But I can see why people might not be able to stand him.

I think, I just am not as annoyed with the MC, because he at least seems to somewhat regret getting Chizuru, into so much trouble, while I can see most guys just sayin "Welp, I guess I paid for her service, so too bad if I have gotten her into some trouble". But yes, he can be a bit whingy at times and to quick to jump to the wrong conclusions.

Let's just say, he is far from being as terrible as for example, the MC from School Days.(although that would be an achievement in and of itself)

But I do really get why people say that this show feels realistic. I can confirm that most of the characters in this show I knew someone in real life that is extremely similar. That's something I can not say that for most harem show's characters, which usually feel one-dimensional and say and do almost always unrealistic shit. For example, the best friend of MC is great and I knew people that did most things the did in the show, in real life. Same goes even for Mami. I know some girls just love playing with guys like she does, either because they love the power-play or often also because they don't know any better/had not the greatest upbringing.(regardless, women can be real bitches sometimes. I can be too, frankly.) Even the friend-group they are in, react like I feel most people their age and in that situation would act like.

yeah, the only girl that can related to real people is just mami (idk with the 4th girl, because i already drop it), even thought she some kind antagonist chara. The main heroine character is too perfect/unrealistic to be show as a real people, especially toward mc (idk either too kind or too dumb).

If only some of character in this anime that people said realistic, then i agree (like mami, mc and his friend), but if the whole anime? Big No. How the story behind chara like chizuru & ruka fall in love with mc, it's just identical scenario that common in romcom/harem anime.
rivaldiagt777Sep 7, 2020 10:20 PM
Sep 7, 2020 10:00 PM

Nov 2019
kazuya could have just told chizuru that he liked her when she asked in the latest episode

if he got rejected he can move on with ruka chan
but no, the mangaka just wants to drag the story out until it dies so he can make as much money as possible

Sep 9, 2020 1:26 AM
Mar 2018
all ive seen is youtube clips and man this nigga is the biggest simp of all time and he gets rewarded for it smh
Sep 11, 2020 6:27 AM
Lady of Floofs

Jan 2010
HotPocketChris said:
all ive seen is youtube clips and man this nigga is the biggest simp of all time and he gets rewarded for it smh

You can base an anime with 12 eps of potential development off of a couple of youtube clips alone? Way to go, dude. Such insight.
Sep 11, 2020 8:09 AM
Sep 2008
astra_moon said:
HotPocketChris said:
all ive seen is youtube clips and man this nigga is the biggest simp of all time and he gets rewarded for it smh

You can base an anime with 12 eps of potential development off of a couple of youtube clips alone? Way to go, dude. Such insight.

Potential development hahahahahaha!!! That means he hasn't develop in these 9 episodes therefore making him the biggest simp hahahahahaha!!!
Sep 11, 2020 1:19 PM
Oct 2018
MC makes or breaks the show. So yes, this show definitely deserves all the hate it's getting for it's garbage mc.
Sep 12, 2020 3:17 AM
Aug 2020
Nik03178 said:
MC makes or breaks the show. So yes, this show definitely deserves all the hate it's getting for it's garbage mc.

not only mc for me, but the heroine too (i can't stand with her personality & action) this is the first time i hate a heroine like this, both of them is so bad, i can't take it & must drop this anime.
rivaldiagt777Sep 12, 2020 3:21 AM
Sep 12, 2020 3:44 AM
Oct 2012
There has been a couple of episodes that I felt quite annoyed by the story and the MC himself... but then there is a fair episode, and then some weird ones... I guess it is just an average show.

Let me change the question a little bit... Does this show deserve love just because of the Female Characters?
Sep 13, 2020 12:01 AM
Aug 2020
rooru-kun said:
There has been a couple of episodes that I felt quite annoyed by the story and the MC himself... but then there is a fair episode, and then some weird ones... I guess it is just an average show.

Let me change the question a little bit... Does this show deserve love just because of the Female Characters?

First of all, The only thing that i can give love in this anime is the graphic & VA Selection.

Female Character? No for the heroine, "chizuru" is Same Worse like the mc, ruka is a little bit less because she is not the main character and mami, even thought she is somekind of the antagonist but i can accept it. (*idk with the 4th girl so i can't rate it).

this one kind of heroine that i really hate it, because her just make it worse for something that she want to end it. completely stranger with mc & doesn't have backstory, but somehow she always agree with all mc wish, as long mc there is money for it and she looks fine with her personal life/family got involved in this kind situation, like it's nothing wrong, something that she want avoid in the first place and one of her reason to do rent-gf, but somehow make it worse, how irony. i mean, even the hardcore in this kind of job doesn't want to her personal life involved.

then i hear that in next eps, she fine with mc stalking her, like it's normal for someone to do it, idk in this point, either she so perfect/kind or just dumb pretty girl.


Let me give a little example. Shizuka from Doraemon, an anime from my childhood literally a heroine that more mature and realistic when it come to handle a loser mc (in this case is nobita).

this combination of mc & heroine, perfect to ruin anime that already have common romcom story. This anime literally wasting a talented va.
rivaldiagt777Sep 13, 2020 12:24 AM
Sep 22, 2020 1:25 PM

May 2009
GUYS. Simpy McCuck is simply irredeemable, this is 2 page spread from latest, 157th chapter. FUCKING ZERO PROGRESS
Sep 22, 2020 2:12 PM

Aug 2020
bastek66 said:
GUYS. Simpy McCuck is simply irredeemable, this is 2 page spread from latest, 157th chapter. FUCKING ZERO PROGRESS

Seriously? I thought that after he was able to control himself with Ruka, when she stayed over, and in the swimming pool, and being around Sumi, would have triggered some progress with Kazuya. I had some hopes for it. But unless chapter 157 throws us some nice curveball somehow, it indeed feels like having come full circle. Maybe he can even get back together with Mami again, to fully get back to the situation from chapter 1?

Glad I decided to write some fanfiction for this series, and added some progress to a few of the main characters, without making them too grown up suddenly, because that also would feel weird. I'm not saying it's a great story, but any progress feels better than zero progress.
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