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Do you think the show deserve the low score due to MC?
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Aug 22, 2020 11:36 AM

Jul 2016
Hrybami said:

I agree the girls are idealized a bit too much. I was mostly talking about the MC obviously.

Yeah but I kinda think that's the crux of why the show sucks according to most ppl. I mean, as I said before, having flawed MCs is nothing new, and there're plenty of shows with such MCs that are actually praised for it.

The problem with Kanojo is that Kazuya's story in general seems less like a honest view at people who rent a girlfriend and more like your typical escapist romance - where the original premise is there mostly for marketing reasons and then the actual story is a vapid typical romcom where a dumb, "can't help it" guy gets around with girls because he's apparently "kind", even if he basically does nothing other than... existing, I guess? I mean, if Kazuya passes as "kind", then the majority of guys I know are kind too and I rly don't get what's so special about Kazuya in the first place. Either that, or Japan's a far worse place then I can believe :-)

In short, the MC might be realistic, but little to nothing about... everything else rly is. And mind you, I'm not asking a cynical, no-holds-barred view of the moral misery of renting girlfriends or w/e. It's perfectly possible to treat an argument with a touch of idealism in order to cut the harsher corners but still being overall faithful to reality - just look, say, at Welcome to the NHK. Kanojo, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care about any of that - it's just a cheap 3rd rate comedy that doesn't even try to be anything else other than what we've seen dozens of times.
Aug 22, 2020 12:12 PM
Aug 2020
Hrybami said:
I find this funny how people say the characters are unrealistic and garbage. Have they even seen real people? These characters aren't that bad compared to what happens in real life. And obviously by hearing the inner thoughts of the MC we could picture him as an assholes, though in his behavior he's not so bad. I'm sure by knowing everyone's inner thoughts they would seem more evil than what they seem from the outside.

The problem with this anime is not the lack of realism. This anime is too realistic it hits us too close on our past experiences.

The only thing real with this show is that guys at that age can actually be that horny and constantly cannot help themselves thinking with their dicks. Everything else are kinda meh... except maybe Mami because manipulative but innocent looking girl like her is actually pretty common in real life. If this is real life, MC would have close to no friends and no female friends, because if you are actually that cringy in real life people will just distance themselves from you. Girls won't even acknowledge you, if they don't already talk about how creepy you are behind your back to other people, and you are unlikely to have real guy friends who really give a damn about you.

Chizuru is unreal in the sense that if she is actually as caring as the show tries to portray her to be, I don't even think she would wanna be a rental girlfriend in the first place (she would probably work in a more traditional job). And even if she is a rental girlfriend by circumstances, the moment she realizes MC is a childish cringy creep, she would more than likely try to do everything in her power to distance herself from a guy like that. Keeping a guy like that around is literally asking for big troubles, especially given the nature of her job. There is no way she would want to be involve with a liar who constantly creates trouble for her and drags her into his mess of a life all because of his own childish irresponsibility... I mean no one does, but especially not for very attractive girls because they actually have tremendously better options in real life.

Girl 3 simply doesn't exists in real life, she is just a tropey harem girl, or at least that's how much the show itself has illustrated so far.

I mean, in the end, it doesn't matter too much since this is just an anime. Trying to find realism would be kinda silly. I simply don't agree that this show has any semblances to real life whatsoever, so I really doubt people hate this because it hits too close to home.

Which brings to my next point, which is that.. I think it's fair to hate this show because of MC, all because the crazy unbelievable stuff in this story actually happens because of MC. He is almost the sole reason anything happens at all in this show, and the entire show is about him and his cringy life of trying to simp for a girl out of his league by being a clingy creep with too much cash at hand.... I mean, if that's the premise of the show, then of course it's valid that people hate the show because of MC. IMHO, it's actually worse that some of the girls like Chizuru are likable, because you actually feel bad that they are constantly being used as a device and dragged into the pathetic-ness of MC and has no way out because that's the whole point of the show. At least, that's how my wife felt when she dropped the show almost immediately.

I am still watching because the cringe can be pretty funny and I just wanna see where the show actually tries to go (plus the VAs doing god's work as always). But yeah, I think a lot of the criticisms are still pretty valid.
WhitreAug 22, 2020 12:15 PM
Aug 22, 2020 12:15 PM

Oct 2010
No, people just live in a SJW bubble, while the anime depicts something that ACTUALLY exist IRL.

Yeah MC is a piece of shit, but the show would not work if you had your perfect ikemen lol, people don't make sense haha.

Better go watch your Brainless Shounen with worst character development lol.
AndiuxyAug 22, 2020 12:19 PM
「Self Aware Cringy Weeb」
Aug 22, 2020 12:24 PM
Sep 2018
Tbh, I think this is the best show of the season (not talking about sequels) I really enjoy it and it wouldn't be as good without the MC he just fits the story very well, rn it's really a 8/10 or really 9/10 for me, it may be a guilty pleasure anime but idc.
Aug 22, 2020 12:27 PM

Jul 2016
Andiuxy said:
No, people just live in a SJW bubble, while the anime depicts something that ACTUALLY exist IRL.

Yeah MC is a piece of shit, but the show would not work if you had your perfect ikemen lol, people don't make sense haha.

Not sure what about this anime screams "realistic" to you, to be honest. Sure, real life is full of scummy and childish people like Kazuya. But they also don't have girls falling in love with him just because they saved them or stuff like that.

Kanojo isn't a "real life portrayal" by any means. It's yet another "escapist fantasy", in a long list of escapist fantasies, where a young boy just has to "be kind" (whatever that means according to the anime) and save the girl in order to make progress in life... rather than, say, maturing and getting over their worst flaws.

I do agree that the topic's premise is somewhat flawed, though. The problem isn't that the MC is scum. The problem is that the show hands things to the MC on the proverbial silver plate regardless of how scummy he actually is. In other words, this show is another brainless shounen with worst character development.
ZaratorAug 22, 2020 12:31 PM
Aug 22, 2020 1:19 PM
Jun 2014
Zarator said:
Kippix said:

If you don't like it - it's just not YOUR anime.

This line would bear more weight if people weren't capable of providing examples of MCs that are a-holes or rude (btw Kazuya isn't exactly an a-hole or rude to begin with so I'm not sure where this comparison comes from) which are still better or preferable to Kazuya.

Unless, that is, you basically want to default to "it's just not YOUR anime" for any kind of criticism of what you like.

I didn't typed that MC here is that. In fact there is no single scene where would he act like that (so far). But i can see why you interpreted in opposite way.

And about "it's just not YOUR anime" i meant generalization because half people here like the main character and half don't. There is a lot of very popular anime that have characters that are "not believable" and people like them.

Look - some people enjoy this anime and some don't pool here is almost half to half. This anime is not a masterpiece and lot of people don't gonna like it because of some simplified characters, animations, music, voice acting, not really a progressing story, harem genre, .... But also their own charm.

What i don't understand is why some people spend so many posts to write continuously about something that they dislike. Because from all the post in this section i read from you it's just constant opposition to every positive thing one's type about this anime.
KippixAug 22, 2020 1:30 PM
Aug 22, 2020 1:39 PM

Jul 2016
Kippix said:

What i don't understand is why some people spend so many posts to write continuously about something that they dislike. Because from all the post in this section i read from you it's just constant opposition to every positive thing one's type about this anime.

Well, if I already agree with a person, I generally don't feel a need to post because what needed to be said was already said by somebody else - at most I'll just click a "Like" button if it's there. On the other hand, if a person says something I disagree with or if I feel like a certain view is missing in a discussion, I'll post up if I have the time and will to do so. I don't see what about it can come as a surprise to anyone.

I'm not rly sure why you would come to a thread like this to begin with, without expecting at least some people to hold a view unlike your own, and/or a view critical of the source in question.
Aug 22, 2020 2:12 PM
Jun 2014
Zarator said:

Well, if I already agree with a person, I generally don't feel a need to post because what needed to be said was already said by somebody else - at most I'll just click a "Like" button if it's there. On the other hand, if a person says something I disagree with or if I feel like a certain view is missing in a discussion, I'll post up if I have the time and will to do so. I don't see what about it can come as a surprise to anyone.

I'm not rly sure why you would come to a thread like this to begin with, without expecting at least some people to hold a view unlike your own, and/or a view critical of the source in question.

There is difference between one and way too many.
KippixAug 22, 2020 2:21 PM
Aug 22, 2020 4:27 PM

Nov 2008
Yay more bashing on this loser and again, I DON'T, me on the other hand, HATE him, because Candyass Beta Male Main Characters with no backbone are really stupid and trash for me, like Keitaro from Love Hina or (Shudder) Yukinari from Girls Bravo and hated dealing with them in mostly the early 2000s.

Hell, Kazuya makes Rito Yuuki from To Love-Ru look like a Chad and even Keitaro from Love Hina accomplished his dreams and got the girl he loves, also I don't see Keitaro or Rito, being a complete idiot and kissing up to his Ex-Girlfriend, that treats him like garbage that dumped for ne reason too.

Speaking of the the Trash Ex AKA Mami, where's Hachiman from Oregairu SNAFU when you need him, because he would SO call out Mami on how Fake she is.

Also I just find the relatable character thing really stupid and narcissistic in Anime OR Video Games and movies, because I don't want characters like me, I want strong role models or Heroes.

Also I go for the Badass, OP Main Characters and THANK GOD there's far more of those Male Characters now, like, like Issei from High School DxD, Basara from Shinmai Maou No Testament, Ainz from Overlord, Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul, Kirito from Sword Art Online, Hajime from Hajime or Tatsuya from Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei.
HollowIchigo58Sep 2, 2020 3:08 PM
Aug 22, 2020 5:07 PM

Jul 2008
I just came upon this forum post, I checked about half the comments here and honestly, do you guys understand what's going on with the main character at all?

As other said, our main character is at a somewhat difficult age, yes. He did not experience any relationships during high school and is currently suffering due to that, since he lacks that kind of social experience.

Normally there is no way a guy like this is not popular, or hasn't had any experience with girls by the time he's the age he is now. He's caring, actually rather outgoing and very kind.
The show has given us hints since episode 1 on why he sucks so much in relationships and girls though...

Back during date 1 with Chizuru, we saw how knowledgeable Kazuya was about aquariums. The dude f**king LOVES AQUARIUMS.
Here is a picture of Kazuya's house from this week's episode.

The dude has TWO AQUARIUMS. And several times we've seen what's in at least one of those right? That's no Neontetra or other super common easy to raise fish there. No no NO! That's a スネークヘッド / Snake Head. No everyday aquarium owner has there no, this is some real maniac level stuff only hardcore aquarium lovers would ever have. Kazuya probably spent his whole high school time so obsessed with his aquarium hobby that he simply didn't get to have relationships with girls or nevertheless outing like he's been doing in university now.

Humans aren't and can't be all capable beings, Kazuya put his skill points into the aquarium while others put them into social skills, by his age he just doesn't have enough life experience to put a lot of skill points into both. Once you actually understand this, Kazuya is extremely relatable and a very well built main character at least in my eyes.

Aug 22, 2020 10:14 PM

Mar 2010
skyUFO said:
This Guy Has FISH!!

No, I said that the masturbation scenes from Kazuya are CRINGE.

I didn't say that I can't relate to this guy. As a matter of fact, he's TOO relatable. I was 20 and there; life sucks when you're in college. (I'm not gonna dig into my personal closet for you or anyone.) Also, being dumped HURTS. You're starting life and getting dumped is like a major blow to your "life plans."

Who the hell chooses to rent a girl in order to fill your void? The Japanese, Asians in general, or whatever the hell society would do it. I wouldn't do it. I didn't have the money to do it back then, and I'm sure as hell wouldn't've done it if it existed where I lived.

He should've placed his money on a prostitute and filled his physical void. Then the story could've been how Kazuya slowly-but-surely moved away from being a toxic incel and towards being a better person in society. Instead, the author of this franchise did what he did.

You know, though? I would've been a fan of this series if a few things didn't happen:

* Kazuya wasn't so cringe.
* Kazuya bought a hooker instead of a fake girlfriend.
* Mami wasn't such a manipulative bitch.
* Chizuru was as much of a masturbating failure as Kazuya is. (Honestly; a female cringe makes a much better story than a male cringe>)
Aug 22, 2020 10:16 PM

Nov 2013
Zarator said:
Eira_99 said:

I like the show, and think it's a shame the score is so low

I dunno what your meter for what a "good score" is, but 7 is still a good score - and, frankly, a LOT more than I'd give this show. It does sadden me that there're so many actually good shows with less than a 7/10 MAL average while this sits at 7.22. But then again not every show has the luck of receiving free 8s, 9s and 10s from ppl who have hardly watched any good anime in their life.

I agree that 7 is a good score on a personal level, becuase I actually understand how scores work, the problem is that most people don’t. 7 seems to be the avarage across MAL which is fucked up, but if I’m gonna make 7 the avarage for the whole site then that means compared to how I rate things, 7 = 5. And this show deserves more than a five, it’s above avarage in my opinion.

Look talking about scores is messy anyway cause everyone on this site has such a warped view of what a good score is. 6 and up is good, in reality. But so few people do that. People will say a show is trash and give it a 6 or 7 and so when I know that’s how most people work, I think this show is better then that.

But yes, on a realistic and to my own scale a 7 would surfice.
LOL, your opinion is wrong!
Aug 23, 2020 2:22 AM
May 2019
i prefer this type of mc instead of mc super perfect human who likes by everyone in another harem anime.
Aug 23, 2020 3:42 AM
May 2020
skyUFO said:

Humans aren't and can't be all capable beings, Kazuya put his skill points into the aquarium while others put them into social skills, by his age he just doesn't have enough life experience to put a lot of skill points into both. Once you actually understand this, Kazuya is extremely relatable and a very well built main character at least in my eyes.

THIS is exactly what I wanted to say. Like Kazuya, I also didn't invest enough life points in social interaction. And I still (21 yo) have trouble talking to people let alone girls. Now does that mean I agree with everything Kazuya did, or would I have done everything in the same way as Kazuya? The answer would be no. But the thing is, it is ok because I can understand why he did that. Not everyone is supposed to act in the same way.

Aug 23, 2020 6:42 PM

Jul 2016
skyUFO said:
I just came upon this forum post, I checked about half the comments here and honestly, do you guys understand what's going on with the main character at all?

As other said, our main character is at a somewhat difficult age, yes. He did not experience any relationships during high school and is currently suffering due to that, since he lacks that kind of social experience.

Normally there is no way a guy like this is not popular, or hasn't had any experience with girls by the time he's the age he is now. He's caring, actually rather outgoing and very kind.
The show has given us hints since episode 1 on why he sucks so much in relationships and girls though...

Back during date 1 with Chizuru, we saw how knowledgeable Kazuya was about aquariums. The dude f**king LOVES AQUARIUMS.
Here is a picture of Kazuya's house from this week's episode.

The dude has TWO AQUARIUMS. And several times we've seen what's in at least one of those right? That's no Neontetra or other super common easy to raise fish there. No no NO! That's a スネークヘッド / Snake Head. No everyday aquarium owner has there no, this is some real maniac level stuff only hardcore aquarium lovers would ever have. Kazuya probably spent his whole high school time so obsessed with his aquarium hobby that he simply didn't get to have relationships with girls or nevertheless outing like he's been doing in university now.

Humans aren't and can't be all capable beings, Kazuya put his skill points into the aquarium while others put them into social skills, by his age he just doesn't have enough life experience to put a lot of skill points into both. Once you actually understand this, Kazuya is extremely relatable and a very well built main character at least in my eyes.

I keep hearing this whole "he's very kind" compliment thrown around, both here and in the show, but I'm just not seeing it. I dunno in what kind of world you live, but the "kindness" Kazuya shows is... pretty normal, to be honest. He doesn't really do anything special worth a note as in "wow, so many people wouldn't have been as caring as he was". He just feels like a relatively normal guy, with some serious social issues. Which I don't mind, per se, but I wish we could stop treating normal decency as if it was some kind of rare gift instead of something quite widespread among both genders.
Aug 23, 2020 8:06 PM
Sep 2008
Andiuxy said:
No, people just live in a SJW bubble, while the anime depicts something that ACTUALLY exist IRL.

Yeah MC is a piece of shit, but the show would not work if you had your perfect ikemen lol, people don't make sense haha.

Better go watch your Brainless Shounen with worst character development lol.

I mean the show could be about those 4 girls (well 3 one of them doesnt rent herself right?) and how they do their job about being a Rent Girlfriend with different types of clients alongside their normal lives, without having a MC.

Even adding more girls this way would make more sense rather than trying to relate their stories to this MC.
CesarMagnanAug 23, 2020 8:34 PM
Aug 23, 2020 8:43 PM

Mar 2010
CesarMagnan said:
I mean the show could be about those 4 girls (well 3 one of them doesnt rent herself right?) and how they do their job about being a Rent Girlfriend with different types of clients alongside their normal lives, without having a MC.

Even adding more girls this way would make more sense rather than trying to relate their stories to this MC.

In all honesty; getting dumped and having to deal with your personal devastation moment is that "elephant in the room" that needed to be addressed much sooner than later.

Let's not forget that Kazuya's still popular as an anime character. And there's a reason why blue-balling dumpster fires like Rent-A-GF, Hajimete no Gal, B-Gata H Kei, on down are popular. Japan is a pressure cooker of sexual repression. So yeah.
Aug 23, 2020 9:17 PM
Sep 2008
Hectotane said:
CesarMagnan said:
I mean the show could be about those 4 girls (well 3 one of them doesnt rent herself right?) and how they do their job about being a Rent Girlfriend with different types of clients alongside their normal lives, without having a MC.

Even adding more girls this way would make more sense rather than trying to relate their stories to this MC.

In all honesty; getting dumped and having to deal with your personal devastation moment is that "elephant in the room" that needed to be addressed much sooner than later.

Let's not forget that Kazuya's still popular as an anime character. And there's a reason why blue-balling dumpster fires like Rent-A-GF, Hajimete no Gal, B-Gata H Kei, on down are popular. Japan is a pressure cooker of sexual repression. So yeah.

I mean the protagonists of those shows are not the popular ones, the waifus are popular, also there are shows like Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (not that great anime but also not that bad) that have male mc with no personality; or face, that are more relatable or at least they don't make me hate them.

Wait, B-Gata H Kei is not like those shows the MC is the girl trying to lose her virginity, also it doesn't try to be a harem and the girls have their own romantic stories with other guys.

Also for the animes that you mentioned to be honest it is better to wait for a compilation of fanservice rather than watch them, with the exemption of B-Gata H Kei it is actually funny.
Aug 23, 2020 11:02 PM
Aug 2020
To be Honest I think the show gets an instant bad rap because of the constant misplacement of certain situations (like the constant heavy music).

The Mc may be a pretty pathetic dude but be honest, he's not the only MC like that.
If I'm being completely honest I'm sticking with the show in hopes for improvement. currently yes, the character is an A hole who still beats his meat to his ex and cant control his eyes to save his life, but I have hope for the show, after all its only just started.

Overall my rating of the show so far is a 4/10
the art style doesn't bother me, and they dont bring in a new character every second. the opening and ending are great songs, the character development is a little bad, the story could be sorta better if Kazuya didn't constantly beat his meat to Mami-Chan pictures. and Kibe is right, he needs to get over Mami-Chan and actually work things out with Mizuhara.

Let me know what you think of the show.
Aug 23, 2020 11:08 PM

Mar 2010
CesarMagnan said:

I mean the protagonists of those shows are not the popular ones, the waifus are popular, also there are shows like Getsuyoubi no Tawawa (not that great anime but also not that bad) that have male mc with no personality; or face, that are more relatable or at least they don't make me hate them.

Wait, B-Gata H Kei is not like those shows the MC is the girl trying to lose her virginity, also it doesn't try to be a harem and the girls have their own romantic stories with other guys.

Also for the animes that you mentioned to be honest it is better to wait for a compilation of fanservice rather than watch them, with the exemption of B-Gata H Kei it is actually funny.

Kazuya's #8 while RomCom SNAFU's Hachiman is #1. But yes, you are right.

B-Gata H Kei was NOT funny. I was expecting the girl to lose her virginity with the guy we met. And all we've gotten was a gigantic middle finger from the anime. (Of course, the manga probably wouldn't take it seriously either.)

All the more reason why I'd watch H-anime. The /e/ animu that's mega-popular now can't even compete anymore. And I can understand that these H-companies are trying to get more work making /e/ anime. (As long as they're paying their animators more than slave-wages.) But still...
Aug 23, 2020 11:08 PM
Aug 2020
Andiuxy said:
No, people just live in a SJW bubble, while the anime depicts something that ACTUALLY exist IRL.

Yeah MC is a piece of shit, but the show would not work if you had your perfect ikemen lol, people don't make sense haha.

Better go watch your Brainless Shounen with worst character development lol.
(okay but facts) the fact that the reviews are almost all bad just proves that some people expect all anime mc's to be perfect
Aug 23, 2020 11:23 PM
Sep 2008
Hectotane said:

All the more reason why I'd watch H-anime. The /e/ animu that's mega-popular now can't even compete anymore. And I can understand that these H-companies are trying to get more work making /e/ anime. (As long as they're paying their animators more than slave-wages.) But still...

I feel you some H-animes are better than these shows in evey aspect from the MC to the Gals sometimes the animation and even in the story (simple but efective). And most important they give us what we want to see.
Aug 24, 2020 12:47 AM

May 2018
Fool is a mark-ass-trick. Fool you're playing a losing hand, you're down 40 points in the fourth quarter, the gates of Berlin son, shits done surrender ASAP. Chizuru got no time for you and the only way you still been in the game is Gram-luck fool. Play the the next girl you met, ESPECIALLY since Ruka-chan is fiiiiiinnnnnneeeeeeee
Aug 26, 2020 12:18 PM

Sep 2014
Whitre said:
Hrybami said:
I find this funny how people say the characters are unrealistic and garbage. Have they even seen real people? These characters aren't that bad compared to what happens in real life. And obviously by hearing the inner thoughts of the MC we could picture him as an assholes, though in his behavior he's not so bad. I'm sure by knowing everyone's inner thoughts they would seem more evil than what they seem from the outside.

The problem with this anime is not the lack of realism. This anime is too realistic it hits us too close on our past experiences.

The only thing real with this show is that guys at that age can actually be that horny and constantly cannot help themselves thinking with their dicks. Everything else are kinda meh... except maybe Mami because manipulative but innocent looking girl like her is actually pretty common in real life. If this is real life, MC would have close to no friends and no female friends, because if you are actually that cringy in real life people will just distance themselves from you. Girls won't even acknowledge you, if they don't already talk about how creepy you are behind your back to other people, and you are unlikely to have real guy friends who really give a damn about you.

Chizuru is unreal in the sense that if she is actually as caring as the show tries to portray her to be, I don't even think she would wanna be a rental girlfriend in the first place (she would probably work in a more traditional job). And even if she is a rental girlfriend by circumstances, the moment she realizes MC is a childish cringy creep, she would more than likely try to do everything in her power to distance herself from a guy like that. Keeping a guy like that around is literally asking for big troubles, especially given the nature of her job. There is no way she would want to be involve with a liar who constantly creates trouble for her and drags her into his mess of a life all because of his own childish irresponsibility... I mean no one does, but especially not for very attractive girls because they actually have tremendously better options in real life.

Girl 3 simply doesn't exists in real life, she is just a tropey harem girl, or at least that's how much the show itself has illustrated so far.

I mean, in the end, it doesn't matter too much since this is just an anime. Trying to find realism would be kinda silly. I simply don't agree that this show has any semblances to real life whatsoever, so I really doubt people hate this because it hits too close to home.

Which brings to my next point, which is that.. I think it's fair to hate this show because of MC, all because the crazy unbelievable stuff in this story actually happens because of MC. He is almost the sole reason anything happens at all in this show, and the entire show is about him and his cringy life of trying to simp for a girl out of his league by being a clingy creep with too much cash at hand.... I mean, if that's the premise of the show, then of course it's valid that people hate the show because of MC. IMHO, it's actually worse that some of the girls like Chizuru are likable, because you actually feel bad that they are constantly being used as a device and dragged into the pathetic-ness of MC and has no way out because that's the whole point of the show. At least, that's how my wife felt when she dropped the show almost immediately.

I am still watching because the cringe can be pretty funny and I just wanna see where the show actually tries to go (plus the VAs doing god's work as always). But yeah, I think a lot of the criticisms are still pretty valid.

Did you create an account just to reply to me? Thanks.

I agree for Mami, she's a manipulative bitch like so many other bitch in the real world. She's definitely not unrealistic.

Chizuru is doing all of that because that's what her job is asking her to do and given how much she gets paid for it I totally understand going in all this trouble for that amount of money. Also Japan has plenty of embarrassing jobs like that. I recall there is a weird job like a girl being paid for watching a guy masturbating. Of course there were rules forbidding any physical interaction between the guy and the girl, but it still would be a traumatizing experience, but I guess that there were some pricey extra that the customer could purchase. In comparison, rental girlfriend sounds like a less troubling and less terrifying experience. Dealing with idiots is something any worker in the customer services are doing. You have to get accustomed with any kind of customers if you want to continue working in this area. Also yes I agree Chizuru is idealized a bit too much in this anime even though her character is not completely absurd. I don't consider her unrealistic.

I'm not sure I understand Ruka's character for now. We'll see.

Maybe you missed the title of this thread because you were only talking about the girls here while the title specify the MC (Kazuya) which was also what my post was mostly referring to. It is not about trying to find realism in the show, but more like feeling related with the events and the characters. I'm not trying to prove that this anime is 100% realistic. I'm more trying to debunk the arguments saying that it is NOT realistic. The problem in most anime which carry a political viewpoint is that it usually cleave the opinions into two categories between people who agree or disagree with what the anime is trying to tell. Kazuya is a pathetic cringy dude which is a reflection of anyone's past experience that turned bad. Calling this anime or this MC unrealistic is opposing the assertion that human beings have embarrassing past (or present behaviour). My guess it that some people refuse to believe that everyone or themselves can become a Kazuya or was a Kazuya sometimes ago in their past.

People are free to hate on the show, it's not my business. Maybe you hate the MC and it's all fine. Nobody has to love the MC. But saying that the MC is unrealistic is just simply wrong. So hating the show BECAUSE the MC is too unrealistic doesn't make sense to me. This anime has lots of flaws, but the lack of realism is not one of them. Kazuya is garbage, yes. He was written like that. The criticism telling this show sucks because Kazuya has lots of flaws doesn't work since that's exactly what his character is. He never was supposed to be a white knight hero saving everyone life the coolest way possible. Right away into the first episode the anime tells us that Kazuya is a virgin loser with no job. Kazuya is a caricature of a failure. There is something to relate whether in yourself or with the people surrounding you since I believe no one is far from perfect.

Zarator said:
Hrybami said:

I agree the girls are idealized a bit too much. I was mostly talking about the MC obviously.

Yeah but I kinda think that's the crux of why the show sucks according to most ppl. I mean, as I said before, having flawed MCs is nothing new, and there're plenty of shows with such MCs that are actually praised for it.

The problem with Kanojo is that Kazuya's story in general seems less like a honest view at people who rent a girlfriend and more like your typical escapist romance - where the original premise is there mostly for marketing reasons and then the actual story is a vapid typical romcom where a dumb, "can't help it" guy gets around with girls because he's apparently "kind", even if he basically does nothing other than... existing, I guess? I mean, if Kazuya passes as "kind", then the majority of guys I know are kind too and I rly don't get what's so special about Kazuya in the first place. Either that, or Japan's a far worse place then I can believe :-)

In short, the MC might be realistic, but little to nothing about... everything else rly is. And mind you, I'm not asking a cynical, no-holds-barred view of the moral misery of renting girlfriends or w/e. It's perfectly possible to treat an argument with a touch of idealism in order to cut the harsher corners but still being overall faithful to reality - just look, say, at Welcome to the NHK. Kanojo, on the other hand, doesn't seem to care about any of that - it's just a cheap 3rd rate comedy that doesn't even try to be anything else other than what we've seen dozens of times.

What I find a bit unrealistic (or rather unbelievable, not entirely unrealistic) is how the guy is 21 years old and never had girlfriend before that day he was dating Mami and now suddenly every girls fall for him for little to no reason. If he was that kind all along, then I believe he would have easily gotten a girlfriend before, but no. This is weird.

There was someone who also told be it is unrealistic for a Chizuru to fall in love with Kazuya just because he saved her life. I can't remember who said that, but I just wanted to say that people can crush rather easily and it usually don't require much for someone to start getting interested in the person if there already is some chemistry. Kazuya and Chizuru already had chemistry while going out and doing some activies together, and even sleeping in the same room in a ryokan. If saving her wouldn't be enough to push their relationship forward, then I don't know what could.
Aug 26, 2020 1:17 PM
May 2020
No, read the manga and you will know how Kazuya improved eventually.
Aug 26, 2020 3:15 PM

Jul 2016
Hrybami said:

What I find a bit unrealistic (or rather unbelievable, not entirely unrealistic) is how the guy is 21 years old and never had girlfriend before that day he was dating Mami and now suddenly every girls fall for him for little to no reason. If he was that kind all along, then I believe he would have easily gotten a girlfriend before, but no. This is weird.

There was someone who also told be it is unrealistic for a Chizuru to fall in love with Kazuya just because he saved her life. I can't remember who said that, but I just wanted to say that people can crush rather easily and it usually don't require much for someone to start getting interested in the person if there already is some chemistry. Kazuya and Chizuru already had chemistry while going out and doing some activies together, and even sleeping in the same room in a ryokan. If saving her wouldn't be enough to push their relationship forward, then I don't know what could.

I get what you mean, but the "chemistry" between Chizuru and Kazuya was pretty unlikely to begin with - again and again it feels like she warms up to him for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I seriously can't believe she never met a better "client" than him before, especially if she's been into this business as much as it's suggested in the show. Kazuya just isn't that special, period.

And the whole "saving girl" trope might be somewhat justifiable for Chizuru and Kazuya, but when the show pulls this shit again only 2 eps later with Ruka it does become hard to bear with.
Aug 26, 2020 5:03 PM
Jun 2020
The MC is actually very realistic due to the circumstances he's been put in. Being in a manipulative relationship, with parents who don't think too highly of him and a grandmother who's dying wish is just to see him get a girlfriend, anyone put in those situations would be self loathing, and it gives him a lot of space for a good character development and start to slowly show bits of confidence as the show progresses.
Aug 26, 2020 5:06 PM

Sep 2014
Zarator said:
Hrybami said:

What I find a bit unrealistic (or rather unbelievable, not entirely unrealistic) is how the guy is 21 years old and never had girlfriend before that day he was dating Mami and now suddenly every girls fall for him for little to no reason. If he was that kind all along, then I believe he would have easily gotten a girlfriend before, but no. This is weird.

There was someone who also told be it is unrealistic for a Chizuru to fall in love with Kazuya just because he saved her life. I can't remember who said that, but I just wanted to say that people can crush rather easily and it usually don't require much for someone to start getting interested in the person if there already is some chemistry. Kazuya and Chizuru already had chemistry while going out and doing some activies together, and even sleeping in the same room in a ryokan. If saving her wouldn't be enough to push their relationship forward, then I don't know what could.

I get what you mean, but the "chemistry" between Chizuru and Kazuya was pretty unlikely to begin with - again and again it feels like she warms up to him for absolutely no reason whatsoever, and I seriously can't believe she never met a better "client" than him before, especially if she's been into this business as much as it's suggested in the show. Kazuya just isn't that special, period.

And the whole "saving girl" trope might be somewhat justifiable for Chizuru and Kazuya, but when the show pulls this shit again only 2 eps later with Ruka it does become hard to bear with.

While it's true Kazuya is nothing special, he doesn't actually need to be for being allowed to have a girlfriend. Some of my female friends are nice and sweet girls, but for some reason they only date assholes who don't treat her correctly. As for Chizuru, Kazuya is not so bad of a pick. He's pathetic, but he still have some qualities. Chizuru might have seen better clients for her, but it's not really how love works. You don't decide who you love or who love you. They wouldn't be close to be the weirdest couple I've seen to be honest.
Aug 26, 2020 5:34 PM

Jul 2016
Hrybami said:

While it's true Kazuya is nothing special, he doesn't actually need to be for being allowed to have a girlfriend. Some of my female friends are nice and sweet girls, but for some reason they only date assholes who don't treat her correctly. As for Chizuru, Kazuya is not so bad of a pick. He's pathetic, but he still have some qualities. Chizuru might have seen better clients for her, but it's not really how love works. You don't decide who you love or who love you. They wouldn't be close to be the weirdest couple I've seen to be honest.

Tbh I've never met a person as socially inept as Kazuya who actually gets around this much with girls. As much as love is blind and all that, this entire story reeks of wish fulfillment on part of all the otakus in Japan who wish they just needed to be "kind" in order to be loved for what they are.
Aug 26, 2020 6:26 PM

Sep 2014
Zarator said:
Hrybami said:

While it's true Kazuya is nothing special, he doesn't actually need to be for being allowed to have a girlfriend. Some of my female friends are nice and sweet girls, but for some reason they only date assholes who don't treat her correctly. As for Chizuru, Kazuya is not so bad of a pick. He's pathetic, but he still have some qualities. Chizuru might have seen better clients for her, but it's not really how love works. You don't decide who you love or who love you. They wouldn't be close to be the weirdest couple I've seen to be honest.

Tbh I've never met a person as socially inept as Kazuya who actually gets around this much with girls. As much as love is blind and all that, this entire story reeks of wish fulfillment on part of all the otakus in Japan who wish they just needed to be "kind" in order to be loved for what they are.

Yes, most harem anime are wish fulfillment and this anime is striking hard in the societal problematic of Kazuya's generation. These college students are virgin and have trouble getting in relationships. They even rent fake girlfriend just to show how inapt they are at building relationship. This anime sends harsh political messages and this is a reason why opinions on this anime are that cleaved.
Aug 26, 2020 11:02 PM

Sep 2016
Maybe some people see too much of themselves in him and they don't like what they see.
Aug 26, 2020 11:22 PM
Jul 2018
My answer is NO.
MC is awesome and and beautiful. If not true, then why so popular?? MC has one of most player and it is so fun and difficult. If u have a problem with that.. bring it up with mr notch himself :)
Aug 26, 2020 11:51 PM
Sep 2008
5olomon said:
My answer is NO.
MC is awesome and and beautiful. If not true, then why so popular??

Well Kirito from SAO is popular that doesn't mean he is awesome and beautiful, he is that because the author says so and weirdly people feel relatable to him; also he like Kazuya has lots of girls interested in him and only one formal relationship (Asuna=Chizuru?) so yeah.
Aug 26, 2020 11:58 PM
Jul 2018
CesarMagnan said:

Well Kirito from SAO is popular that doesn't mean he is awesome and beautiful

Well if he had full netherite armor, he would be awesome and beautiful!! oh yea :)
Aug 27, 2020 12:48 AM
Sep 2008
Maybe the problem is that this anime tries to make a relatable MC but the way story progesses is totally unrealistic like a generic harem with the only particularity that the MC had a relarionship that broke with him (the only thing that makes it different) and the generic result first girl wins, also it feels like a combination of different harems.

PD: Probably wrong but it is what it feels for me. I haven't read the manga and won't do for the time being.
Aug 27, 2020 5:27 AM
Sep 2019
If the reason to flame a show is because the main character is bad most of the harem rom comedy will be on the low scores since the main character is just the same guy with different faces.

Everyone has the right to have his own opinion but I don't think a 7.25 score for this kind of show is not bad at all, what makes me crazy is something like to love ru, which is boring as fuck, not funy and idiotic characters in general, has a score really close to that.

So people like what they like and they don't like what they don't like, there is no point on raging about what you think is a low score or about other's opinion, if you are enjoying the show great for you if not, just quit it and be happy.
Aug 27, 2020 7:18 AM

Apr 2016
I see the MC quite human, maybe a little immature, but relatable.
I don't think the show deserves hate only for the protagonist,
I personally enjoy this anime a lot week after week, and I think that a considerable part of the funny scenes is given by the protagonist.
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Aug 27, 2020 7:22 AM

Apr 2016
DeepMind2038 said:
Maybe some people see too much of themselves in him and they don't like what they see.

I can't stop thinking about this.
I see many men complaining about the protagonist, saying that Kazuya's way of acting does not represent them at all, but they are the type who believe themselves the reincarnation of L
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Aug 27, 2020 5:29 PM

Dec 2015
I think this hate should be towards the author
Aug 27, 2020 8:57 PM
Sep 2018
No, In fact, he isn't a terrible main character. The guy has shown to be a better version of deku due to his own power of flexibility. Although, he does have ups and downs like complaining and pushing him self down. It seems like he is a very honest guy, and a very realistic adult in most cases. The complaining and his attitude can get very annoying from time to time.
Aug 28, 2020 2:37 PM
May 2017
Zarator said:
I keep hearing this whole "he's very kind" compliment thrown around, both here and in the show, but I'm just not seeing it. I dunno in what kind of world you live, but the "kindness" Kazuya shows is... pretty normal, to be honest. He doesn't really do anything special worth a note as in "wow, so many people wouldn't have been as caring as he was". He just feels like a relatively normal guy, with some serious social issues. Which I don't mind, per se, but I wish we could stop treating normal decency as if it was some kind of rare gift instead of something quite widespread among both genders.
Same reason why they're probably calling him relatable. They're dickless losers who think that's all it takes to win the affections of women. "I opened the door for you, now have sex with me" mfs. Anyone who unironically likes Kazuya or thinks he's relatable is putting up a red flag.
Aug 28, 2020 4:36 PM

Jul 2016
Hrybami said:

Yes, most harem anime are wish fulfillment and this anime is striking hard in the societal problematic of Kazuya's generation. These college students are virgin and have trouble getting in relationships. They even rent fake girlfriend just to show how inapt they are at building relationship. This anime sends harsh political messages and this is a reason why opinions on this anime are that cleaved.

Can we please stop it with this whole "virgin = has social problems with relationships" kind of comparison? I mean, I'm older than Kazuya and I'm still a virgin. Yet that doesn't mean I behave the way he does around girls. You don't need to get laid in order to grow up (nor getting laid makes you grow up, for that matter).
Aug 28, 2020 4:52 PM
Jul 2013
Yeah, we see the story from Kazuya's perspective, and he is a walking abomination.

I'll never understand people who think Kazuya feels like a real person. While self loathing is very common in our day and age, and many people feel as if they don't fit the social norms, or they don't have the right social skills in order to create bonds that turn into romantic relatioships, Kazuya's case is just exaggerated to no belief.

Looking at his actions, the entire situation he is in, and the fact people can still stand him simply IS wish fulfillment. Sort of feels like the writer itself created Kazuya as a self insert to make people who feel bad about their current social situation a bit better about themselves, because Kazuya constantly hits the rock bottom, and if he "manages around" they might believe they'll be able to manage around aswell.

Funny thing though, is that he is shallow, dumb, cringey, is the typical character associated with the term "simp", yet no one treats him that way, for some silly reason. Mizuhara constantly gets involved with his bullshit due to plot convinence, a girl he clearly showed attraction towards fell for him because he was nice for like a few minutes, and, instead of trying to get to know her, once she shows interest he throws her away and runs after his queen to continue simping. He stalks Mizuhara for hours thinking she is on a date - once again, what does that have to do with him? He just created this dumb image in mind as if she belongs to him and that her actually having any interaction with boys is dangerous and suspicious. Also, instead of throwing him out of her life, she does the typical "Oh this is creepy but you are the MC so I'll forgive you" shtick.

So yeah, this show deserves all the hate it gets, specifically because of how horrible of a character Kazuya is, and how every freaking character around him just keeps on giving him free passes.

Btw, being ONLY nice doesn't make girls fall for you. There are plenty of nice guys out there, but they offer more qualities alongside being nice, and the entire mixture makes girls interested. What Kazuya has is "being overly nice" and well "pathetic". No reason for any girl to fall for that.
Aug 28, 2020 5:24 PM
Mar 2019
The dude literally busted one to Mizurihara taking a shower. The show gets taken down consistently because of him. If the writers didn't include so many tissue scenes then maybe Kazuya would be more tolerable. But nope.
Aug 29, 2020 3:20 AM

Jul 2016
Armados said:

So yeah, this show deserves all the hate it gets, specifically because of how horrible of a character Kazuya is, and how every freaking character around him just keeps on giving him free passes.

I think the latter part is key, here. For comparison, Tomoko Kuroki in Watamote was also a horrible person in many ways, but the show really gave her no free pass at all - if anything, she had it even worse than she deserved. That really helps making an otherwise awful character acceptable.

Kazuya, on the other hand, is a shallow person who only sees girls as sexy bodies - even this last episode pretty much confirmed it, both with him fapping to Mizuhara having a shower and his imagination during his chase of Mizuhara and her suspected boyfriend. Kazuya simply doesn't really have a reason for loving Mizuhara other than "she's hot" - or at least the show rly doesn't give us any reason to think otherwise. Hence the shallowness.

Yet, unlike Tomoko, Kazuya has it all in his way. What does he get for stalking a girl and act in an incredibly rude way? A present ofc, and the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. It's like Mizuhara isn't even slightly troubled by the fact this guy would stalk her the entire day. FFS, I'd feel troubled if my girlfriend stalked me like that, and Kazuya isn't even her boyfriend to begin with!
Aug 29, 2020 3:31 AM
Jul 2018
currently vvatching episode 7,im getting tired of this shit. this mc i ridiculously pathetic
im gonna try to keep vvatching it for Ruka though but i dont think this shovv deserves more than a 5
mc is a brainless 0 control over himself monkey
if it vvouldn't be such a pathetic character maybe i could ve enjoy vvithout cringe every minute
Aug 29, 2020 9:05 AM
Jul 2013
Zarator said:
Armados said:

So yeah, this show deserves all the hate it gets, specifically because of how horrible of a character Kazuya is, and how every freaking character around him just keeps on giving him free passes.

I think the latter part is key, here. For comparison, Tomoko Kuroki in Watamote was also a horrible person in many ways, but the show really gave her no free pass at all - if anything, she had it even worse than she deserved. That really helps making an otherwise awful character acceptable.

Kazuya, on the other hand, is a shallow person who only sees girls as sexy bodies - even this last episode pretty much confirmed it, both with him fapping to Mizuhara having a shower and his imagination during his chase of Mizuhara and her suspected boyfriend. Kazuya simply doesn't really have a reason for loving Mizuhara other than "she's hot" - or at least the show rly doesn't give us any reason to think otherwise. Hence the shallowness.

Yet, unlike Tomoko, Kazuya has it all in his way. What does he get for stalking a girl and act in an incredibly rude way? A present ofc, and the equivalent of a slap on the wrist. It's like Mizuhara isn't even slightly troubled by the fact this guy would stalk her the entire day. FFS, I'd feel troubled if my girlfriend stalked me like that, and Kazuya isn't even her boyfriend to begin with!

Funny enough though, people hate Ruka for stalking Kazuya and "blackmailing" him for asking him to give her a try as a boyfriend.

Not only he never gives her a try, he doesn't even tell her he is not interested, aka giving her false hope, WHILE also stalking after another girl for an entire day, yet his blind fans are like "Yeah that's acceptable I mean Mizuhara best girl".

Aug 29, 2020 10:00 AM
Sep 2008
Could someone remind me why he is relatabke? Because as far as this anime goes I can't find anything, it even shows bad ways to deal with situations but still getting the reward? What a bad example is this show leaving totally unrealistic. At this point Kazuya should be either in jail or with a restriction order, but nooo give him the reward just because the author couldn't think of anything better.

If I want a MC with a better complex of being good with everyone I would watch To Love-Ru, or a MC that is a pervert I'd rather watch Highschool DXD or Sora no Otoshimono.
CesarMagnanAug 29, 2020 10:05 AM
Aug 29, 2020 10:35 AM

Oct 2009
It really depends, I guess.

One of the most polarizing MC's is Shinji Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion and that show is very based on him more than anyone else. If that's the case, you'd see more people hating on the show and still one of most beloved Anime in history. Personally, I like him in the show more than the End of Evangelion movie which he became unbearable. That's why personally, I have the TV-show as a high 8 whereas the movie a 1.

Now, for this show, he can be overbearing but we haven't seen the finish line yet, and who knows, we might get surprised at the end or stay annoying, as hell. The show, in itself, is enjoyable whether the MC is annoying or not. So, I'm still watching and see what happens later on.
Aug 29, 2020 10:41 AM
Jul 2019
Yes it does, especially when you have an MC who is wishy washy with his decision.
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