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Jul 15, 2020 1:35 PM

Nov 2013
Though there are many speculations in general discussion, about what we just saw in episode 2, I believe this requires a separate thread, since too many people seem to be confused about things. I'm one of these people and here's my speculation on the matter:

1)What we saw in episode 1, the war, the fighting, it's real as we're told from the start - but things don't seem to be REAL for everybody!!! The Earth really is in ruin, but there is some "outer" force that is in control of everything, both humans and monsters.

2)Monsters are/have to be real - meaning they are not some pixels in the game, but have physical form, flesh, blood and so on. I speculate that these monsters drove humanity to extinction, but then we got saved by Aliens or some kind of advanced AI.

3)There are "players" who may or may not be actual humans. They can "die" while fighting the monsters, but they can "respawn" instead of actually dying - meaning their physical bodies are probably somewhere else; It's possible that they're "plugged" to some VR-like devices for "possible-eternity" and in order not to die, they do ranking battles, kill monsters and fuel their avatars as well as the aliens or whoever. Some seem to be working willingly for the company, and some are forced to do this job in order to survive, or perhaps that's simply their ordinary job, but most do it simply for the entertainment as we're told from the start. These fake humans may be aliens, AI, or enslaved humans - or maybe all of them combined!!!

4)The male MC - Kaburagi - is apparently not REAL human (maybe he was once, but no longer), meaning if he dies outside Deca-Dence - he can simply get a different body made of flesh and bones, a new name and start over - unless they refuse not to, and get "scrapped" and die for real (meaning their physical bodies - wherever they are - die from fatigue perhaps - after no longer receiving fuel). Just like this male MC, there are many similar FAKE humans, who walk among REAL humans.

5)There are REAL humans - made of flesh and blood, just like MC girl - Natsume. Real humans are said to be endangered species - and, apparently they are even fewer in numbers than it seems (since, as we figured out, many humans are FAKE like Kaburagi, and pretend to be real humans for various reasons). The REAL humans apparently DON'T know about FAKE humans, and will die, or - get hurt for good in battles - since that's how real life works, duh...! Meanwhile, FAKE humans respawn and don't even feel pain (unless they use cheat-code apparently).
The REAL humans seem to be just as naive as the viewers were after seeing the first episode - thinking that humans are fighting monsters and that's the whole story. Humans also seem to have CHIPS in them and are monitored by AI or aliens or whoever's in charge - meaning, humans are slaves just like in the Matrix. Though for some reason, this "alien" organization preserves whatever's left of mankind - Meaning - a)they don't want us to go extinct, b)are unable to do certain things without us, c)they don't believe that we're actually slaves. believing that this entire charade is essential for the survival of human race (hiding the truth is part of it since many would not accept it; rebel against it' cause chaos and unrest - after all, Deca-Dence is relatively safe place).
If these humans find out "the truth", or go against the system - they get killed off, though our MC is an exception since she apparently has no chip and system considers her DEAD - though i'm curious how this wasn't found out before??? - Though i'm also sure we'll find that out once they explain how she survived after her hand was amputated and so on.

Please post your interpretations and speculations to fill the gaps perhaps?
Jul 15, 2020 2:28 PM

Oct 2008
Here is my complentary theory about what we have seen on episode 2.

The world and the things we watched on episode 1 are real but as we have seen on the start of the second episode a great portion of the world is encapsulated in this environment where humans were decimated by the monsters.

But this capsulated reality (like the one we see on Rahxephon) is like a playground for some kind of alien race that uses it to play their game where they inserted those monsters and those real physical "avatars", everything controled by some kind of system (an alternative alien version of a server and program that runs the game online), so it uses a real environment instead of a virtual reality.

The avatars are physical drones that similar to on a game they exist to be the representation and interface within the game world, but in this case the avatars have their own life, existence and conciusness beyond of what the alien(not visible) players can see sustained by the system.

And since that system that works only for running the game as expected, anything that breaks the order of what can be done and who can be inside the game is treated a bug threat but since they are using our planet with it's own variables and environment it just simply can't delet the bugs, it has to send some agent to eliminate those bugs.

In resume, the encapsulated environment created by aliens over the Earth is just a playground they imposed over our own environment and life just for the purpose of running their game, and everything else that doesn't serve to keep running the game is disposable.

Jul 15, 2020 2:49 PM

Dec 2008
Based on only two eps it seems that the anime subscribes to the zoo hypothesis. In this case humanity may be either just cattle or, given how rare humans are in that world, peculiar specimen thrown into nature reserve for amusement of technologically the vastly superior faction.
Jul 15, 2020 5:25 PM

Jan 2009
im guessing that real humans like Natsume are rare and the ones playing the deca-dence game are dimensional aliens (that uses capitalism lol) perhaps by how cartoony they look so they might have invaded earth long time ago and made humanity almost extinct and now they made the game deca-dence somewhere in the real earth world named eurasia (europe+asia continent in history right)

or maybe the cartoony aliens are actually once real humans that become digitalize (digital immortality aka mind uploading to a computer world) and made a cyberpunk cyber digital world where a megacorporation (aka capitalism again) made the deca-dence game for just entertainment to sometimes make the cyber beings experience reality

it reminds me of the anime movie Expelled From Paradise with a loose theme of "humans become AI while AI become humans"

i got this ideas from the hints on the episode about the game deca-dence is not a virtual world but its a location in eurasia on earth also they mention humans are implanted by chips so i guess that is where they do mind uploading to have a human body and maybe Natsume is born naturally thats why she does not have a chip but that means she is clearly a bug too that way since all things that gives trouble to the deca-dence system is a bug they say
Jul 15, 2020 11:54 PM

Dec 2015
It's a LOT of information for one episode, but it was explained pretty clearly.

Alien remote control human to farm for the liquid which they need to survive.

Bugs refer to human they cannot control properly.
Jul 16, 2020 12:13 PM
Shōjo Specialist

Oct 2014

In a nutshell, sentient alien robots destroyed most of the world and with the last scrap of humanity as “Peaceful Villagers”, they set up a reverse VMMORPG over EuroAsia kinda like a take on a creepy Twilight Zone episode. The monsters being Hostile Mobs.

Then a bunch of TRON/SAO thrown in for spice?
So the reality the humans are in is a captive false reality as part of the game.
Jul 16, 2020 12:22 PM
Jan 2009
Here's what I wrote in the episode 2 thread.

"I think the "technicolor world" exists in the same reality. In the opening shoot you can see the Eurasian continent surrounded by a sphere, and if you look closely you can see the oblong spaceship (called the 超巨大企業 - super giant corporation) hovering on the apex of the sphere. (it's at around the 01:41 mark). Forward to 05:39 and you got another shoot of the ship, surrounded by a bunch of spheres, with little orbs going between the bigger spheres and the ships (probably smaller spaceship). In the distance you can see what appears be horizon and glow of earth from space.

I guess that the tiny robot found in the opening (the first episode at around 00:41), that seem to around 0.8-1 meter tall, are the actual physical size of the "robot" race.

The avatars are probably some kind of clones that are spawned inside the decadence, and they are likely controlled with some kind of neural link. The "cheat" they are talking about is that they transfer their whole consciousnesses to their avatar down on earth, so if they happen to die in that state, they can't break the neural link fast enough to go back to their body back up in orbit.

I'm guessing humanity has fought a war against the robot race, and lost pretty badly, or at least to the point of a large part of humanity being kept as "NPC's" in a twisted amusement park. The robots themselves don't seem to have all of a great time though, more or less living in a communist regime where their function, life & death is decided by the system, or maybe it's just a super capitalistic society where they have been bought by the system and know exists as it's property."
Jul 17, 2020 7:13 AM

Jun 2019
Aliens/robots play as gear's to fight monsters, but what are these gear's? Real humans, clones or?
The real humans are the tankers? they have some kind of chip which is controlling humans to help the gear's or what is these chip's purpose?
Jul 17, 2020 1:24 PM

Jan 2015
Anime: *clearly explains the setting in an exposition dump*
Watchers: I hAvE a tHeOrY

Jul 17, 2020 2:46 PM
Jul 2017
1) Tankers are real, living human. All of them that survived the extinction event (which killed 90% of the population as mentioned in Ep1) are now managed by the Corporation, and each carries a chip since birth. Corporation use them to run the game.

2) Natsume lost her chip (perhaps the chip was in her right arm and it was lost as she lost her arm?), thus the system / Corporation considers her dead.

3) Gears consist of Rankers and Players. Rankers are some sort of robot / AI that are also the properties of the Corporation, and control avatars to hunt monsters & interact with human. Kaburagi is one of them. (Remember Kaburagi mentioned that Rankers and Players have different consequences when the cheat code is used) Players are still not clearly explained, probably aliens? But we know they are the target customers of the Corporation for this game they are running.

4) Rankers have an expiration date. They can extend that by performing well in hunting and taking-in Oxone as a reward. When they expire / are killed in action, they would reincarnate into a new 'account'. If they are caught breaking the rule, they would be permanently terminated (such as Kaburagi's teammates).

5) Monsters are not clearly explained yet as well. Are they also the product of the Corporation? Or are they naturally-occurring and just happened to contain Oxone that the Corporation seeks after?
Jul 18, 2020 4:37 PM
Aug 2013
Some things from my side, as explained only Europa and Asia are in this bubble and used as "playground" so there still might be humans outside of it in America, Africa and Australia, they just cant get through the barrier.

Second, I dont think anyone has questioned the reason the aliens are there in the first place, because if it was just for their entertainemt, why would they scrap rankers that underperform? and forbid the use of the limiter realease? I assume the ones we saw so far are also just pawns to the so called "system" and are there to collect Oxygen wich all of the Alien technology seems to be based of off so far.

I would say the aliens created the gadoll to harvest earths oxygen, since for some reason they couldnt simply extract its gasous form or needed it in this green liquid nature, while the gadolls also served as a way to cull the human population in euroasia, so they could collect all survivors in deca-dense and keep them under observation with the chips.

They want to keep this a secret from the humans, so if one of them finds it out he gets killed as a bug of the system, presumably, because there are still surviving humans on the other continents and maybe he could escape with his knowledge from inside the bubble or something.
Jul 18, 2020 10:36 PM

Dec 2016
The twist I was expecting: We WhErE pIlOtInG aLiEnS aLl AlOnG

The twist I got: We where watching sword art online all along.
Jul 18, 2020 11:30 PM
Feb 2011
Bob-o-Dominador said:

The twist I got: We where watching sword art online all along.

Clearly you are not watching the same show. Its not a virtual world. That part of the reveal is definitely evident by the fact either side can die and the "game" is just a facade.
Jul 19, 2020 12:01 AM

Dec 2016
poiuytrewq said:
Bob-o-Dominador said:

The twist I got: We where watching sword art online all along.

Clearly you are not watching the same show. Its not a virtual world. That part of the reveal is definitely evident by the fact either side can die and the "game" is just a facade.
I get it, there is no game the humans and monster are real actual meat and blood being, it is real life. I just tougth about SAO because it is a situation where the "players" are basically enslaved by the "game" but this time the players are actually robots an the game is some strange body stealing imoral... thing.
Jul 22, 2020 8:32 AM

Aug 2012
Sigmar-Unberogen said:
Though there are many speculations in general discussion, about what we just saw in episode 2, I believe this requires a separate thread, since too many people seem to be confused about things. I'm one of these people and here's my speculation on the matter:

1)What we saw in episode 1, the war, the fighting, it's real as we're told from the start - but things don't seem to be REAL for everybody!!! The Earth really is in ruin, but there is some "outer" force that is in control of everything, both humans and monsters.

2)Monsters are/have to be real - meaning they are not some pixels in the game, but have physical form, flesh, blood and so on. I speculate that these monsters drove humanity to extinction, but then we got saved by Aliens or some kind of advanced AI.

3)There are "players" who may or may not be actual humans. They can "die" while fighting the monsters, but they can "respawn" instead of actually dying - meaning their physical bodies are probably somewhere else; It's possible that they're "plugged" to some VR-like devices for "possible-eternity" and in order not to die, they do ranking battles, kill monsters and fuel their avatars as well as the aliens or whoever. Some seem to be working willingly for the company, and some are forced to do this job in order to survive, or perhaps that's simply their ordinary job, but most do it simply for the entertainment as we're told from the start. These fake humans may be aliens, AI, or enslaved humans - or maybe all of them combined!!!

4)The male MC - Kaburagi - is apparently not REAL human (maybe he was once, but no longer), meaning if he dies outside Deca-Dence - he can simply get a different body made of flesh and bones, a new name and start over - unless they refuse not to, and get "scrapped" and die for real (meaning their physical bodies - wherever they are - die from fatigue perhaps - after no longer receiving fuel). Just like this male MC, there are many similar FAKE humans, who walk among REAL humans.

5)There are REAL humans - made of flesh and blood, just like MC girl - Natsume. Real humans are said to be endangered species - and, apparently they are even fewer in numbers than it seems (since, as we figured out, many humans are FAKE like Kaburagi, and pretend to be real humans for various reasons). The REAL humans apparently DON'T know about FAKE humans, and will die, or - get hurt for good in battles - since that's how real life works, duh...! Meanwhile, FAKE humans respawn and don't even feel pain (unless they use cheat-code apparently).
The REAL humans seem to be just as naive as the viewers were after seeing the first episode - thinking that humans are fighting monsters and that's the whole story. Humans also seem to have CHIPS in them and are monitored by AI or aliens or whoever's in charge - meaning, humans are slaves just like in the Matrix. Though for some reason, this "alien" organization preserves whatever's left of mankind - Meaning - a)they don't want us to go extinct, b)are unable to do certain things without us, c)they don't believe that we're actually slaves. believing that this entire charade is essential for the survival of human race (hiding the truth is part of it since many would not accept it; rebel against it' cause chaos and unrest - after all, Deca-Dence is relatively safe place).
If these humans find out "the truth", or go against the system - they get killed off, though our MC is an exception since she apparently has no chip and system considers her DEAD - though i'm curious how this wasn't found out before??? - Though i'm also sure we'll find that out once they explain how she survived after her hand was amputated and so on.

Please post your interpretations and speculations to fill the gaps perhaps?

Explained in ep 3:
Jul 22, 2020 9:10 AM

Jan 2009
deg said:

or maybe the cartoony aliens are actually once real humans that become digitalize (digital immortality aka mind uploading to a computer world) and made a cyberpunk cyber digital world where a megacorporation (aka capitalism again) made the deca-dence game for just entertainment to sometimes make the cyber beings experience reality

err ye confirmed in episode 3 the story is moving fast
Aug 10, 2020 2:31 AM
Jul 2020
So some humans are real(ill say most of them after watching ep05).
Gadoll aŕe generated by the drone people in the real world,they write the storyline for the "real humans".the question is why?
They are on eurasian land where humanity lives bcs pollution stuff around the world.
Humanity is owned but some corporation.
This is far as i understand this story,we dont know why it is game for others and how things ended up that way.dont understand the world with drones everywhere and having a profitable day.
I dont really like making theories bcs most of the time their wrong,so ill just wait and see.the story is definitely interesting but what i fear is that since many do not understand the elements of the story they may miss out on the plot too which i think is going to be interesting.
Aug 10, 2020 4:14 AM

Jul 2009
Battlesentory said:
So some humans are real(ill say most of them after watching ep05).
Gadoll aŕe generated by the drone people in the real world,they write the storyline for the "real humans".the question is why?
They are on eurasian land where humanity lives bcs pollution stuff around the world.
Humanity is owned but some corporation.
This is far as i understand this story,we dont know why it is game for others and how things ended up that way.dont understand the world with drones everywhere and having a profitable day.
I dont really like making theories bcs most of the time their wrong,so ill just wait and see.the story is definitely interesting but what i fear is that since many do not understand the elements of the story they may miss out on the plot too which i think is going to be interesting.

all humans (tankers) are real. gears (avatars) are cyborgs.
everything about gadolls will be explained later, probably. the same goes with the corporation, why they do the things they do and everything. at least I hope that most things will be explained properly.
ame-furiAug 10, 2020 4:37 AM
Aug 10, 2020 9:04 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
ame-furi said:
Battlesentory said:
So some humans are real(ill say most of them after watching ep05).
Gadoll aŕe generated by the drone people in the real world,they write the storyline for the "real humans".the question is why?
They are on eurasian land where humanity lives bcs pollution stuff around the world.
Humanity is owned but some corporation.
This is far as i understand this story,we dont know why it is game for others and how things ended up that way.dont understand the world with drones everywhere and having a profitable day.
I dont really like making theories bcs most of the time their wrong,so ill just wait and see.the story is definitely interesting but what i fear is that since many do not understand the elements of the story they may miss out on the plot too which i think is going to be interesting.

all humans (tankers) are real. gears (avatars) are cyborgs.
everything about gadolls will be explained later, probably. the same goes with the corporation, why they do the things they do and everything. at least I hope that most things will be explained properly.
correction: there's a small minority of gears that are humans but yeah, most of them are the avatars
Aug 10, 2020 9:32 AM

Jul 2009
DatRandomDude said:
ame-furi said:

all humans (tankers) are real. gears (avatars) are cyborgs.
everything about gadolls will be explained later, probably. the same goes with the corporation, why they do the things they do and everything. at least I hope that most things will be explained properly.
correction: there's a small minority of gears that are humans but yeah, most of them are the avatars

yeah, that would be correct.
Aug 31, 2020 10:41 PM

Nov 2019
Matrix and Avatar plot?

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