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Jul 17, 2020 6:56 AM

Nov 2016
Loved the color pages. I hoped to see Karasuno before a match one last time and this somewhat fits the bill. Of course they're playing their eternal rivals.

Was a pretty emotional final chapter. Got another time skip with focus on the Karasuno members again, as it should be and a bit of Nekoma as well. But one thing caught me off-guard. The fact that Lev and his sister apparently became high fashion models. Lmao, nice little extra and low-key the highlight.

Team Japan with an impressive line-up and not surprisingly Oikawa is playing for Argentina. Having seen all of that, it's a shame that we didn't get one world stage arc or a full match :/

But wow, the emotions behind that final play and that illustration in form of a collage. It really captured what a fantastic journey it has been nicely. That part was tough to get through without getting wet eyes xD Then we went out with a fist bump, classic, or so I thought. In the end we got a final time skip with Hinata and Kageyama back to being rivals. So yeah, indeed a fitting and satisfying conclusion after all, even tho I still think that the last portion of this manga left a bit to be desired. That's a minor gripe of mine, however. It doesn't diminish how great all these years with Haikyuu have been. The cast of chracters was outstanding and ridiculously lovable with some of the best chemistry and comedy I've ever seen.

Easy 9/10

Truly a masterpiece in it's own right. Hats off to Furudate-sensei for all the hard work. Will definitely look forward to your next series, whether it's something completely new or a sequel manga. Speaking of which

"Haikyu’s author Haruichi Furudate had commented about a sequel manga revolving around the Olympics seven years ago. It is uncanny that the 401st chapter teasing the Olympics time skip has been published seven years after the comment was made."

Can mean everything or nothing, I let you decide

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jul 17, 2020 11:20 AM

Sep 2013
It's finally over. The series has had some minor fumbles over it's run, but it's been an amazing experience. What an ideal finale chapter. It's got just about everything you could want.

Tsuki and Mad Dog are still playing, Asahi and Nishinoya are still besties. Hyakuzawa made it to an Olympic level, Iwaizumi made good on his education, Furudate remembered that Kanoka exists. There's so much to be happy with, and I'll need to keep reading it again and again to make sure I haven't missed any of the details.
Jul 17, 2020 11:36 AM
Demon of Hatred

Feb 2015
Damn, the final chapter of Haikyu was nostalgic af. Can't believe it's been 7 years since I started on this journey.

I, for one, completely digged the last arc except for what Furudate Haruichi did with Nishinoya and Ooikawa, and also the lack of Tsukki.

All in all, a very memorable manga that I will always adore.

Easy 9/10 from me too.
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru)
Jul 17, 2020 12:11 PM

Nov 2018
i want to talk about every page but it will just too much..
i love how furudate sensei really took care of each character.. and that was mad hard to put everyone in one chapter.

i wish sensei got a SP spin-off at least for the Olympic match with Oikawa. but either way, it was a really good experience, couldn't ask too much..
Jul 17, 2020 12:35 PM

Jul 2017
Like I mentioned before, significantly lost my interest in the middle but that ending was decent enough. 3-4/10 for me.
Jul 17, 2020 12:41 PM

Oct 2019
Haikyuu has been with us for years now.. It's been a pleasure being with you all reading...
Jul 17, 2020 1:02 PM

May 2016
A satisfying end to a great manga.

I loved this series so much, from start to finish. It opened up the whole world of sports manga/anime to me, something I never thought I'd be interested in. (Massive shoutout to the friend who convinced me to give it a try, despite my complete lack of interest in sports in the real world.)

Overall I think 9.5/10 - The last arc felt a bit rushed reading it from week to week, although I absolutely still enjoyed it. I wonder how it will feel reading through it all at once... I'll definitely have to go back and reread from start to finish soon.

Thanks for a wonderful journey, Furudate.
Jul 17, 2020 1:23 PM
Oct 2013
If this is truly the end, I am satisfied. So proud of Hinata and Kageyama....Kageyama seeing Hinata now as a vital part of the team to win. Makes my heart scream 🥰🥺😭 we literally got to see this boy from middle school to adulthood. What a wonderful ride. Thank you Furudate Haruichi. 🙏🏽 Haikyuu has now become my favourite manga/anime series to date. I hope one day we can get a spinoff manga on the middle years (Hinata and Kageyama as 2nd and 3rd years) to fill the gaps in time 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😁
Jul 17, 2020 5:39 PM

Mar 2012
What a phenomenal run and a suiting conclusion! I was captivated time and time again with each chapter! This chapter was simply all smiles for me.

I've said this before, but I'm so glad that Haikyuu got to end on its own terms rather than be forced to an unfulfilling conclusion after being dragged out. Seeing the landing be stuck makes this feel all the more special to me!

I'll be looking forward to Furudate's next work if he has one. Regardless, all the best going forward after producing this splendid work!
Jul 17, 2020 6:01 PM
Mar 2020
Bruhh i dont know how much i cried :'/
Jul 17, 2020 7:07 PM

Apr 2017
I've been watching many anime for a long time but Haikyuu is probably the series that I regret not having watched sooner. I've been ignoring this one, I thought it was meh. I made a bad decision, It feels like I've been left out in the hype train for the long time.
This month, I binged the anime and I'm already updated in manga now when it's already end. I'm feeling so empty.
Jul 17, 2020 11:18 PM
Jul 2018
I love the colour pages where all of them gathered and we got to see interactions from them!! I'm glad I decided to pick this manga and watch the anime because it truly indeed a great run.

I like Furudate chose Oikawa to be the final boss. He definitely proves that he can beat everyone. I didn't expect Tendou became a chocolatier and oh wow Haiba siblings as models!! I wish we could see the Olympic match though. Haha

Thank you Furudate!!
Jul 17, 2020 11:22 PM

Oct 2019
I got shivers reading this chapter, what an amazing conclusion for this phenomenon sport manga.

There were some flaws here and there some matches can feel too rushed at times but other then that it was a great watch/read 9/10 for me but I might re-read the last arc because I've read it weekly back to back.

Congrats and thanks for Furudate for finishing this series!
Jul 18, 2020 2:21 AM

Oct 2017
A wonderful ride comes to an end. Too bad we didn't get to see the match but this was still a good final chap. Glad to see everyone's face one last time. Lol Lev and his sis became models, his sis looks kinda weird with make up on thou. Also lol Asahi and Nishinoya's pic was funny.

This was thw first sports anime I ever watched and then started the manga at some point. This was an absolute masterpiece till the timeskip and it was really fun after the timeskip too but I can't help but feel we missed out a lot. It would have been so great if we got to see them playing volleyball in their second and third years but hey this can't go on forever so this was fine.

This was a long journey and I'm definitely gonna miss this a lot. Solid 9.5/10 from me.
Jul 18, 2020 2:35 AM

Oct 2018
this was a really good chapter, I was satisfied with last one but this one was delivered well too and I will miss this manga.
Jul 18, 2020 4:45 AM
Jul 2017
I cried when read the first page
Jul 18, 2020 6:05 AM

Apr 2020
The last chapter was amazing.I can't believe that this manga is over.Haikyuu made many memories for me.
Thank you Furudate...
10/10(In fact 9.5 /10)
MPanahJul 18, 2020 6:31 AM
"Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder"~Rumi

Jul 18, 2020 7:55 AM

Dec 2013
AHHH I’m gonna miss this manga so much. I’ve been following since 2013 and I’ve been love with it so much. The last few chapters have been so good and this was such a satisfying conclusion. I can’t wait till the author’s next work, Furudate is an excellent writer.
Jul 18, 2020 8:46 AM
Jul 2018

i cried. thank u furudate i owe you my life
Jul 18, 2020 8:59 AM
Jul 2020
Did you see a kid on the last part? That scene reminds me of shoyo.
Jul 18, 2020 7:42 PM
Dec 2019
I was crying before reading it, can't believe I had read this manga for over 5 years now. I really wished there would be one more chapter to finally wrap everything up but this was beautiful. I am content now seeing how everyone is happily living their life. The panel where Hinata and Kageyama fist bumped each other gave me goosebumps. I will never forget how much of an amazing manga Haikyuu was/is.
Jul 19, 2020 5:13 AM

Mar 2016
Man, what a ride it's been. Thank you Haikyuu!

just wanna feel wanted by someone other than the police 😫
Jul 19, 2020 7:10 AM

Oct 2019
I'm literally sobbing I love all these characters so much. Kageyama literally asked Hinata if he went to the toilet I can't, this is too much for my heart. Their first and last important game is against Oikawa it's so fucking perfect and now I feel empty.

That photo of Asahi and Nishinoya in Egypt? Golden. Tendo as a chocolatier (and Ushiwaka's bestie)? Amazing. Lev and his sister are models? They're gorgeous.

The fistbump panel gave me goosebumps, I could die tomorrow and have no complaints.
Jul 19, 2020 8:29 AM
Feb 2019
I think the ending was satisfying. It was quite nostalgic and it leaves a good impression with the reader. The way it doesn’t explicitly say who wins that match was a nice choice because of how it reminds the reader winning is not the most important - despite how much you want to win. Volleyball should be fun for those playing it. Also, the fist bump panel was a personal favorite.
Jul 19, 2020 9:00 AM

Jan 2017
It sucks being in the apparent minority that just did not like the decisions made in the ending. This was an okay ending to a series that had already lost it’s stride during nationals and completely tripped when the time-skip hit. I think if Furudate wanted to go the time-skip route they should have just skipped right to this chapter instead of all the stuff in the middle. The chapter prior to the time-skip was even a mess imo. It just makes me sad that a series I loved took such a weird, downward spiral in terms of the story and made me lose more and more interest with each passing week. I’m still debating whether to give it a 5 or a 6/10 but I’ll probably leave it at a 6 because I did like the beginning.
Jul 19, 2020 9:22 AM

May 2015
Alright, I cried.
Jul 19, 2020 9:39 AM

Feb 2017
And so, the great journey comes to an end. What great ride it was. When I opened the chapter and saw that color spread with everybody on it, I couldn't help but get emotional. Tears have flowed. Will take me some time to get over it. Definitely one of my favorite manga. I will miss it so much!

Thank you Furudate for such an amazing work!
Jul 19, 2020 9:46 AM

Jan 2018
My eyes became all teary while reading the last few spreads. What a journey it was! That fist bump at the end tho. And then ending it with Hinata and Kageyama standing on the opposite side of the net.
I loved the manga till the end. Will miss it a lot. Thank you Furudate-sensei.
Jul 19, 2020 5:22 PM

Oct 2016
Damn, I need more. But, that ending was great eternal friends and rivals. Congratulations Furudate-sensei and thank you for giving us one of the best if not the best sports manga out there.
Jul 19, 2020 5:28 PM

Aug 2015
finally brought myself to read the last chapter of haikyuu about an hour ago! it hurts knowing that it's over -- i've been a fan since i was 13 and i'm 19 now. how crazy is that? it's like the end of a 6 year relationship and it breaks my heart, but haikyuu has always been such a big part of me that it ending feels like finally leaving my teenhood LMAO. yet at the same time, even though it's over it doesn't really feel like it is somehow.

thanks furudate!!! <3 gotta bust out a drawing to celebrate asap
(/ ̄ー ̄)/‥∵:*:☆*part time human, full time weeaboo★。::*☆
Jul 19, 2020 5:40 PM

Dec 2011
That was a great ending. *wipes eyes*
Jul 19, 2020 7:31 PM

Mar 2013
I can't believe it's really over. I was 16 years old when I found this series and now I'm 22. How time flies.. I'm so happy but so sad at the same time ToT I will never forget this wonderful series and reread it again in the near future.

Although there were some characters that lacked presence in the remaining chapters that I would have liked to see more, I'm satisfied with the ending. It was nice to see Kageyama and Hinata on opposite courts in an official match but meet up again on the same side together like old times. All the characters have grown on me, but these two will forever hold a special part in me. Wait.. Tsukki too.. No.. Kuroo too.. There's too many to name. I loved watching the characters grow up.

I love how the author timed it with the Olympics and I know that the animation series was also meant to be released alongside, but unfortunately, with this pandemic it will just have to be released like this.
Jul 19, 2020 7:50 PM

May 2018
I cant believe this is the end, I mean, I want more...

Ngl, I cried reading this chapter, and when Oikawa appeared it, I... I was and am happy for him, he's my fav character by far, his development was one of the most interesting to see, and even more, he ended playing in Argentina, my country, and even being a citizen, I... just cant, I love him so mucho T_T

Love this chapter, but I wanted more, I mean, how that fcking match end? Who wins? Who lost? I NEED ANSWERS. I read people saying that Argentina wins, but the official translation dont say anything about it ._.

I really hope that Furudate-sensei writes/draws an spin off based on the Olympic Games next year T_T

I'm not part of the fandom for such a long time, but I really enjoyed the time being part of it, the ships, the fanarts, every new chapter, inside jokes, and more... I'm really happy that I decided to watch the anime and then read the manga, it's become one of my fav mangas of all times.

I'm gonna miss this...
Jul 19, 2020 9:48 PM

Dec 2012
So the best character was kept until the end. I can't believe Twitter predicted that lmao
Honestly that was the final straw to make me emotional, seeing my fav character reappearing on a different team than all those good players. Oikawa remains the true rival after all

I can't believe it's over, I've been following this manga for so long... There is this emptiness everytime a manga ends, but haikyuu was something special, I will definitely miss my boys <3
Jul 19, 2020 10:35 PM
Jan 2015
what a good ride ..
finally have to end
9/10 from me , almost give it 10 but stick to 9 regardless
Jul 19, 2020 10:43 PM

Apr 2020
Even though I don't really like reading manga, I think this manga is really good.

I will miss this manga
Jul 19, 2020 11:14 PM
Apr 2013
All throughout I think we have been shown who wins and loses, but this last chapter showed us that it really is not about that. Pure passion for volleyball, competitiveness, friendship, and rivalry have always been such a strong focus and I'm glad it ended that way. Hinata and Kageyama would probably play against each other until they no longer could, so seeing it end with their fire still burning strong after so much time is so refreshing. It also leaves a ton of room for the anime to just animate those matches near the end if they can (at least one can hope). And as a casual volleyball player, there are only so many cool things you can do and think of in volleyball and Haikyuu has covered so many things already to avoid getting stale.
Jul 19, 2020 11:41 PM

Apr 2011
That's the third of one of Jump's biggest hitters to finish in the span of months. What the fuck is going on? I can't believe they're really allowing this. Just how much confidence do they have in their new stuff?
Jul 19, 2020 11:47 PM

Sep 2009
i honestly wasn't sure how this was gonna go. i've been pretty disappointed by the final chapters for a lot of the series i've followed, but this one was so incredibly well done. there were so many callbacks to some big moments throughout the series and it truly made it feel like a love letter to the fans. i appreciated how we got further glimpses into everyone's lives and the colored page and opener were sweet and nostalgic.

a personal bias for me, but one of the highlights for me was this panel with kita showing how proud he was of his juniors. this scene was one of the highlights for me at the end of inarizuka match, and to see it brought back in the final chapter was so sweet, and maybe i'm sentimental, but it definitely got me a tear up a little as i read the rest of the chapter.

it's been a wild ride, but this chapter was an excellent send off to me.
Jul 20, 2020 12:24 AM

Mar 2016
I feel grateful to Furudate, not only they introduce me the concept of sportsmanship and friendship between rivals of varying teams, but also many life lessons, words, and advices are so echoing in this series. I'm filled with happiness from start to finish, #thankyoufurudate
Jul 20, 2020 8:51 AM
Jul 2016
I'll admit, I ugly cried when I reached the end (and I'm probably not the only one). Haikyuu will always have a special place in my heart and I'm gutted to see it end. I've been reading since 2014 - but it feels like longer! The ending might not have been this big fanfare but it definitely fit the spirit of the series and I love that. Thank you Furudate-sensei for 8 amazing years!
Jul 20, 2020 10:58 AM

Sep 2018
I didn't know what to write down here after first reading but still don't know tbh

I just don't believe it's really the end and no more chapters left

Thank you and congrats Furudate- sensei.

I'm broken
Jul 20, 2020 11:55 AM

May 2016
First let's talk about the chapter...

The match comes to end and we finish seeing player futures.

I wanted to see Tooru so much, Hajime looks cute smiling.
But seriously... what the hell did you do with Mori-senpai? I am not pleased.
I get weird vibles from Lev, sure he and his sister are pretty damn attractive but I didn't get the feels of a model for the little brother I guess it's something like you don't know where the future is going to take you, that or the author wanted variety in the futures of the characters.
I still don't like the beach volleyball as a traing for a court volleyball since they are so different but whatever.

Oh dear, "Le subió?" The spanish used is kinda weird but I guess is okay.

We have a lot a lot of time skips.

Now about the series...

I am not quite satisfied, I mean, it didn't have the hype of the finals of the high school championship Iis fine but it didn't fulfill me, even if repeated a final like the one with Kuroko no Basuke (no extra game just the main series) would be perfect, this seemed like Kimetsu no Yaiba but a bit longer final.

It was a wonderful series so I guess is fine.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Jul 20, 2020 3:59 PM
May 2020
Anyone else cried when kageyama and hinata fistbump. Finally hinata got revenge for middle school tournament and still 4 wins behind!! But nevertheless together at Olympic damn feeling like a proud parent. One of my favorite things about any anime or manga which i look forward to the most is epilogue and haikyu delivered a great deal of it. Not like demon slayer that epilogue really sucked.
Jul 20, 2020 4:01 PM

Nov 2011
What a journey this has been. Been reading the manga for years and it came down to this. I'm also really glad to see a lot of characters in the finale to celebrate the work of this wonderful sports manga.

Goodbye Haikyuu, going to miss this but will definitely look forward to the upcoming anime season in Fall.
Jul 20, 2020 11:41 PM

Jun 2013
My favourite manga of all time and the manga that got me into reading manga in the first place has ended... It will now become legendary. Surely this masterpiece will be celebrated and enjoyed for many generations to come. Thank you Furudate-sensei for all the laughs, excitement and inspiration. I'm sad it's over, but I'll be a fan of Haikyuu!! forever.
Jul 21, 2020 1:25 AM
Nov 2018

The only sports manga/anime that made me work hard on my physique and be a better athlete(a little exaggeration but kinda true)
Jul 21, 2020 9:57 PM

Jun 2012
Im excited to see what the author does next, I feel like some sort of sequel or spin off has to happen.
Jul 22, 2020 9:50 AM
May 2018
I loved how furudate added the depiction of tv in store and kid watching the world stage match on the bicycle at the end. It was heartwarming as he paid homage to where it all started, Hinata watching the little giant on a tv store and now a kid was watching hinata ,the Little giant of Japan.
Felt like a whole cycle had completed and a new cycle from the kid who was watching might start giving an open ending to Manga.

I would've liked to see full match of the freak duo vs daiyo-sama at world stage though and who the freak duo would shake the world stage up.
But we don't get everything we want,like being 20 more cm tall :P.
It is the first running Manga that I've completed and I'm glad it was Haikyuu!!
Jul 22, 2020 8:34 PM

May 2018

I'm from Argentina and yesterday Oikawa was TT in the country, and why? Because one of the most famous and important team (UPCN San Juan Voley) tweet THIS:


Also, a lot of news sites published articles about it, this is the most accurate and complete (it's in Spanish, so use google translator):

Well, guys, the fandom did it (?
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