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Cage of Eden
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Nov 23, 2014 8:56 PM

Dec 2013
A lot of people have been confused and rather annoyed at the abrupt ending so I will do my best to lay out what I believe is what the mangaka was thinking. I believe this is the most plausible ending but please bear in mind that there will be holes. This cannot be avoided because of the rushed ending but even so, this is the most plausible interpretation I believe the mangaka was drawing upon.

For my explanation, it'd be easiest if I draw a timeline and include the supporting evidence. Bear with me. There's a lot to cover. :)

  1. Plane is coming back from Guam carrying the students and various other passengers.

  2. The pilot encounters flight instruments go haywire. Outside suddenly turns pitch black.

    (They are now entering a region of area unaffected by time. During this period, the world has declared them missing. Isurugi's grandfather, along with Sengoku's mother build the island as sort of "memorial." After it's finished, all goes well until there's an outbreak which kills the people/scientists on the island.)

  3. There is blast wave which after this, they find the plane on the island. We see Akira and Mariya and some others appearing somewhere else.

    (This is where they exit that region of area unaffected by time. Think of it like those jet planes breaking the sound barriers. The plane appears on the island. In one of the chapters, someone was praising the veteran pilot of his skill of landing the plane but the pilot strangely denied it saying "it had nothing to do with my skill." I believe that the plane landed/appeared there because when Isurugi's grandpa built the island, they estimated they'ed crashed/missing around here.)

  4. Obviously, the island's a mess since the outbreak. I'll skip through this as this is the main story of their adventures.

  5. They find the residential building at the end and finally realise that they have travelled to the future. All fits into place. The memorial hall with pictures of everyone on the plane, the plane they were on had the same ID, the cross shaped tower was a memorial by Isuguri's grandfather for miina (the real one of course)

  6. Next four years, they live on the island. During the four years, they build a boat and finally set off, not knowing what the world has in store for them. Bon voyage Akira!

Some other theories and issues:

  1. Kouhei and Hades- where are they?

    It's clearly explained why we don't see them again. In the battle against the Chimera (the lion), we see Hades and Kouhei in the trap down below defeating the Ox monster and saving Yuki. Yuki asks Kouhei to join them but Kouhei declines saying he's killed too many and can't face everyone. He also mentions that he is "fine as a shadow." After that, we never see Hades and Kouhei again. During those four years on the island, Kouhei most likely found out where they were living but of course didn't approach them. Possible endings: 1. He escapes by boat with Hades 2. He stays on the island. 3. Both of them are killed (unlikely though with his supersaiyan strength)

  2. All of what happened on the island and the adventures were his Sengoku's mother's dream

    If this was what actually happened I'd be pissed so that's why I'm rejecting this. If you look at how it's worded, Sengoku's mother helped build the island for "the sake of that dream." The dream that if they had lived, how they'ed enjoy the island so much with their friends. I must admit that this is very plausible look on the manga, but that would mean that everything was just an old lady's dream of her dead son. Maybe the mangaka just wants to create two possible routes to tease us? Who knows?

That about sums it up. Thanks for bearing with me. This is what I believe to be the most complete, concrete and realistic storyline. Any questions, I'll try my best to answer. Now it's your turn to go back to your mangalist and change that rating to something it deserves. It truly was a good read. :)

Dec 7, 2014 10:50 PM

Sep 2013
I don't get what you're trying to say since you just basically summarized the whole story and gave us a debunked theory that you could find on the Cage of Eden Wikipedia page
Signature removed. Bro, can you please follow the signature rules? How many times do I have to tell you, 300kb MAX. You know we don't have the server space for your giant ass gifs. Site & Forum Guidelines (read them dumbass).
Dec 11, 2014 6:13 AM

Dec 2013
Exactly my point. Reading in the comments of the last chapter discussion post, a lot of people didn't like it because they couldn't understand it, probably because they followed while it was serialising and forgot parts. Anyway, what you said is true, it is a summary but I've included additional info to backup the summary so it may be easier to understand why happened, so those in the future who are confused may get an insight on what happened and not rage quit over the ending. This is the main purpose basically. By the way, I never checked Wikipedia, just wrote my explanation from what I read in the manga.

I don't claim my explanation is perfect so feel free to add or take away parts. Think of it as a community written explanation :p I'll update the explanation with your suggestions so those in the future who are confused may have at least an understanding and grasp of the manga. Thanks for your contribution!
EscapadeProDec 11, 2014 6:29 AM
Feb 16, 2015 1:54 PM

May 2013
yo i expected something like

" the mangaka fell dead ill thats why the ending is rushed wierd shiit"

I only kept reading because I always thought that on the manga page of the 3rd point u made,
it looks like a crab hand between sengoku and the girl .
Jun 28, 2015 11:00 PM

Jan 2014
I agree with EscapadePro's explanation.

And I disagree with the theory that it was all a mother's dream about her son.

Nowhere did the mangaka said that. There was a scene of her lying on her death bed dreaming about her son having adventures on the island.

So what?

She spent her whole adult life building that place and thinking about her son, so naturally she would entertain romantic ideas of her son having adventures on that island. I don't understand how anyone can just conclude that the entire story was a dream. That whole death bed scene was just a plot device that makes the readers want to reach out to the character (Akira's mom) and tell her: Your son IS having adventures on that island! Uwah!

The shock wave in the plane, the black space, the date on the stone monument in the "school building", the pictures of the "dead" and everything else pointed to the time leap explanation.

In fact, the mangaka said so by showing us the years that passed in Japan after the disappearance of the plane. He was telling us how the island came to be and how many years have passed since then. That fit in with the time leap theory the island survivors were talking about when they found the dated stone monument.

I only wish there was a Season 2. I want to find out what's going on in mainland Japan. And how the survivors will adapt to mainstream society. A pity that they will never see their loved ones again. Also, I was hoping to find Zaji alive again. Like what they did for Kouhei.

As for the Kouhei and Hades pair... Perhaps it would be better for them to stay on that island. Kouhei, with his mental issues and abnormal strength, has no place in a modern and peaceful Japan. Let's say Japan is still normal and they all return. Kouhei will very likely end up murdering some human one day and end up getting the death sentence anyway. He's abnormally strong, but they are going to have guns in modern Japan.
Jul 12, 2015 9:45 PM

Dec 2014
I think it was ending 2 because the island was built for scientific advances as well as a memorial site after all.
Aug 23, 2015 9:05 AM
Aug 2015
Kinda ironic. The island was built by the mother because of her dreaming her son, sengoku, living and having adventures on yhe idland with his friends. But the island is the sole reason more than half of the plane's passengers die(if we assume those we didnt see died).
Sep 14, 2015 7:10 PM
Sep 2015
Ok i know the ending is very poor and i hate it as well, but something i really wanted to know was when they reached civilization what was the worlds response? how did they travel through time? And something about a helicopter with the deadly pathogen on it may have left the island, was the world still okay when the groups jumped in time, or did they all die as well?
Sep 15, 2015 3:17 PM

Sep 2012
Pretty much this.
I don't undertsand why people have a hard time understanding the ending.
It was even predictable: Miina's Memorial, 50 years old supercomputers and cloning devices.
Everything was heading towards "we are in the distanr futue" scenario.
Sep 17, 2015 1:13 PM

Jun 2013
The ending was explained thanks to Mina... but the manga was still rushed and certain things here and there weren't exactly explained... and definitely it could've been better.
Oct 8, 2015 7:47 PM
Aug 2015
2 Things I wanna add

U said that Isurugi probably built the island where the plane crash? THis is proven. Akira's mom said "underneath this is where you lie." Upon completion of the first stage of the island.

There is proof that it wasn't just a dream. If it was a dream they would've found remnants of the plane. It was stated no remnants of the plane was found even though US and Japan worked together for 3 years to find any clue.

Theory for the Time Travel:
DO you remember how Akira's mom prayed for a miracle... also those people that got attacked by the biohazard symbiote prayed/cursed God. Imo God answered their prayers by sending Akira's group through time (150 yrs +) onto the "new eden" to give humanity a second chance with all the dinosaurs, animals, etc

Akira's mom dream was like a confirmation by God that He actually answered her prayer.
gozarusanOct 8, 2015 7:53 PM
El Psy Congroo
Oct 28, 2015 5:08 AM

Sep 2013
I really don't know why a certain reader don't understand the ending, to me, it was simple. They got into space time rift and landing into raika island. like seriously, someone mentiion they're clone. how the fck they're clone when they in plane with their memories from the past still there.
Oct 30, 2015 12:00 AM

Dec 2010
So finally just finished this Manga. Ending fairly straightforward but really sad for Akira's mother.

Mangka already established that clarvoyance exists so it's likely that his mother had in some way seen the future thinking it to be a mere dream.

At the beginning they knew exactly where on the map the plane had lost contact but there was no island in their time. It's likely they built the island on that spot as last known location but it was made clear that the plane was never found. The mother either assumed the plane was somewhere under the ocean where she built the island or again she used clarvoyance without realising it.

Most likely they are 100's of years in the future and something has happened to the human race probably caused by the spread of the biohazard. Can only hope the mangaka does a sequal. The name of the Manga would be different cause no longer trapped in Eden.
Mar 20, 2016 4:51 AM
Jul 2015
i will just add information about the cetain location where time stop. Its called the dragon,s triangle.. 1 of the 10 vile vertices in the world located between japan and guam
Apr 28, 2016 7:47 PM
Apr 2016
I know I'm like suuper late in this discussion, but I still want to put in my opinion anyway. I read this manga recently, and honestly my theory might be wrong.

Okay this is my theory. If the mom didn't make the eden island or whatever, wouldn't the plane won't crash in the first place? It's like parallel worlds, and if Akira's mom decided not to continue making the raika island with the old guy, then the plane wouldn't crash. I don't know what the mangaka really wants the reader to understand, but I definitely love this manga. The plot of the story is rather detailed.
Jun 2, 2016 12:37 AM
May 2016
I believe their lives would be easier if they didn't made the extinct animals I mean many people died because of the animals I know that grandpa isurugi wants to.put this as a reminder to her daughter but because of the extinct animals everyone panics and was killed
Oct 26, 2016 10:19 AM
Oct 2016
Alright i know Im pretty late for this but hear me out: When you die people say that that is the place where you rest for eternity. It happens in many anime and manga.

So what the mother wanted, as well as the grandfather, was to create a proper burial ground for their children.

Since they never found their bodies, the parents felt really unsatisfied. This happens in real life too: when people die in avalanches and their corpse is never found,the family cant really rest ever again.

I dont think that everything happened in the head of the mother, as there are some really nasty stuff that happens in the island.

However, I do believe that as the story ended (only taking into account the material in the manga) what we see are the spirits of the children living in the island.

Why time travel? That was never brought up with an explanation, as did everything else in the manga. How did it happen? Why they time traveled and safely landed where centuries ago people just so happen to have created an island?

Plus, at the end it says "no matter where they go, that place will always be the eden". It was meant to be a paradise to rest in peace, based on how it ended.

To be honest, i find it pretty satisfying to have it end that way. In just like 2 points of the story i actually thought that they would make it out of the island, actually.

They will just live on as protagonists who dont die. Like every character in a manga that ends with a happy ending (inuyasha).

Also, it would have been pretty boring if they had actually just gone back home just fine.

Maybe this wasnt the intended ending originally, but as the story was rushed, this is what seems to be the most reasonable ending to me.

Now, there are quite a few reason to think otherwise: why did it start off so fucked up? They last few chapters were really nice, with everyone working together and being happy. So if it was a heaven for them, why did it seem like hell in the beggining?

Maybe at the beggining or some point of the 4 years of cage of eden this wasnt the intended ending. Therefore, you can think what you want. However, regarding the ending, i find this to be pretty satisfying.
Nov 15, 2016 5:32 PM
Apr 2013
EscapadePro said:

Some other theories and issues:
[*]Kouhei and Hades- where are they?

It's clearly explained why we don't see them again. In the battle against the Chimera (the lion), we see Hades and Kouhei in the trap down below defeating the Ox monster and saving Yuki. Yuki asks Kouhei to join them but Kouhei declines saying he's killed too many and can't face everyone. He also mentions that he is "fine as a shadow." After that, we never see Hades and Kouhei again. During those four years on the island, Kouhei most likely found out where they were living but of course didn't approach them. Possible endings: 1. He escapes by boat with Hades 2. He stays on the island. 3. Both of them are killed (unlikely though with his supersaiyan strength)

Teckmeister said:

As for the Kouhei and Hades pair... Perhaps it would be better for them to stay on that island. Kouhei, with his mental issues and abnormal strength, has no place in a modern and peaceful Japan. Let's say Japan is still normal and they all return. Kouhei will very likely end up murdering some human one day and end up getting the death sentence anyway. He's abnormally strong, but they are going to have guns in modern Japan.

this might be a little late and old for the topic but i want to share some of my thoughts as well :D for kouhei and hades whereabouts i think they were on the boat as well before they set sail you can see class pres yuki arranging her stuff not sure if it really was her but next to her inside a room you can see there are two people's shadow assuming that thing on the ground beside the other shadow is hades mask that could still be wrong though cuz judging by the shadow's shape as they have some women chest shape they could be just other girls already on board but if it's really them then the one who probably let them slip in was yuki since she is the only one who knew about kouhei being alive.
toshiro002Nov 16, 2016 12:46 AM
Feb 3, 2019 5:18 AM
May 2018
probably the ending is Akira and others really died back then. And their journey are from Akira's mother dream. She did mention it and I believe
Mar 17, 2019 3:01 PM

Mar 2011
There is three interpretation to the ending of this Manga.

First - You could consider that it was all just a memorial for everyone that died in the "crash", and they built a lot "monuments" to remember them by, like the obelisk for Mina's, the central building that resembled the school and the memorial inside, and then we have Sengoku's mother having her dream with them on the island, which could be interpreted and it was all her dream. But, I don't believe this one since it wasn't too straightforward and we still had those chapters after her having the dream, with the kids a little older. If we didn't have these chapters after Sengoku's mother dream, then this would be a lot more plausible.

Second - Mina's grandfather was a very powerful person, very well known and with connections everywhere. It's not hard to assume he tried everything possible to know what happened to his only family. With it, he could have even reached the conclusion of the "time travel" since we all know that there were people with premonitions powers in that world. With it, he invented a way to build an island where the crash happened as a way to help where the plane would crash and give all of them a way to survive. He manages to "invent" a purpose in that location as a top-secret DNA facility to get enough funds to build the island way he wanted, but since he was old, he had to find someone to carry his convictions and then he found Sengoku's mother. Maybe he shared what he knew with her, and that was enough to convince her to give her all for the project.

Third - The grandfather just got a little crazy and obsessed with leaving as big as a memorial he could have ever made for his only family, and he also convinced Sengoku's mother to do the same for her son, since she was practically lost anyways and didn't have anyone else too. So, they joined hands to make the biggest memorial they could ever do. The fact that they time traveled and ended up on the island was just a coincidence that saved them, even though 2/3 of the people in the plane died. If it weren't in the island in the first place and they all crashed in the water there are two possibilities, one they would be all dead if they did time traveled and ended up in the water, since there wouldn't be any rescue team, or if they didn't time travelled and ended up in the water, they might have survived if the rescue team got to them fast enough which I doubt it would happen.


The one I believe the most is the third one. It was just a coincidence, that their families decided to make the island as a memorial which ended up saving a grand part of them.
XadowMonzterMar 17, 2019 3:11 PM
May 29, 2019 9:51 AM
May 2019
Well nobody is perfect but.. If The Mangaka explain these Question, 1 What happened to Akira and the other passangers exactly in the Story(well i mean i know that the plane was gone but why it appears in that man-made island,) 2. Is akira and the other were gone beyond time and matter? Why tho? Well i guess thats it UwU sorry my bad english
Jul 22, 2019 10:35 PM
Jul 2013
tsuki_shiro said:
I really don't know why a certain reader don't understand the ending, to me, it was simple. They got into space time rift and landing into raika island. like seriously, someone mentiion they're clone. how the fck they're clone when they in plane with their memories from the past still there.
there's just no way they got into a time rift
first if they got in a time rift their coordinates in time would change but they would still be crashing down when they get out and would die
second the way minna's grandpa talked it was obvious he talking about revivng minna
3rd theres no way sengoku's mother would get so absorbed into a project that's only a big ass zoo
4th unless sengoku mother knew they had entered into a time rift she wouldnt make the plants edible and say that was for sengoku
most likely explanation is they took their dna and replicated them while messing with their memories as to not alert them to the fact they died and cause shock (they could have told them they entered a time rift or one of many other possible explanations), they meant to rescue them right away but the terrorist attack happened and caused the scientists to die leaving the clones all by themselves
logically the terrorists wont get mad and kill everyone after the revived all these species they will start their attacks at the beginning of the recreation if they were mad about messing with the lives of animals, they probably tried to stop the act of messing with human lives and reviving the dead
May 4, 2020 6:52 AM
May 2020
It's been 7 years. Lol. Rereading this makes my heart boil. This had so much potential. Its engaging and the mystery was definitely the hook. But it does have its flaws. One of them was the explanation of phenomenons by either the whiz kid or the girl who seemed to know a lot of facts. At times it made me go"how tf did you know that." It's just doesn't fit sometimes (if that makes sense)

I guess what killed the show was the rush ending and so many unanswered questions. The actual big mystery was pretty straightforward. They were caught in a time rift and blasted 100+ years into the future. As for the theory of them being cloned, highly unlikely. If they were, does that mean their memories were erased and they were unfittingly put on an airplane crash site?

It was all a dream? No way. If it were, then the manga's standard is really that low. It's like saying Ash got into a coma because he got electrocuted by Pikachu during the first episode and his adventures were just a dream.

My opinion is Akira's mother (Yuna) adapted Isurugi's final wish to coincide with her own. Isurugi's wish is to create her granddaughter's final resting place while Yuna's wish is to have an Eden where his son could thrive. Yuna couldn't have known that they would be back unless she went to see a clairvoyant (which would make sense as the author had established a premise of that sort). But, I still think it was only a coincidence.

A lot can change in the face of trauma. A theme the author dabbled within many forms, i.e mass panic, Kouhei Arita, the whole Nazi's Stockholm syndrome. Yuna lost her son. She lost a part of herself. It came back (albeit not much) when Isurugi revealed his Eden plan. That light a fire in Yuna to see it through to its completion.

Now, am I reaching? YES.

Sadly, we may never get to know its true ending. I, like many of you, have a lot of questions.
Who's Hades??
What happens to the world? It's got to be a pandemic (fitting how it's 2020 now)
What happens to that crazy fake doctor?
Did Miina (girl) really lose her memory?
What about the other passengers?

So many unanswered questions, can someone please ask the author about it already.

Aug 16, 2020 5:28 AM
Sep 2016
JaegerZero93 said:
It's been 7 years. Lol. Rereading this makes my heart boil. This had so much potential. Its engaging and the mystery was definitely the hook. But it does have its flaws. One of them was the explanation of phenomenons by either the whiz kid or the girl who seemed to know a lot of facts. At times it made me go"how tf did you know that." It's just doesn't fit sometimes (if that makes sense)

I guess what killed the show was the rush ending and so many unanswered questions. The actual big mystery was pretty straightforward. They were caught in a time rift and blasted 100+ years into the future. As for the theory of them being cloned, highly unlikely. If they were, does that mean their memories were erased and they were unfittingly put on an airplane crash site?

It was all a dream? No way. If it were, then the manga's standard is really that low. It's like saying Ash got into a coma because he got electrocuted by Pikachu during the first episode and his adventures were just a dream.

My opinion is Akira's mother (Yuna) adapted Isurugi's final wish to coincide with her own. Isurugi's wish is to create her granddaughter's final resting place while Yuna's wish is to have an Eden where his son could thrive. Yuna couldn't have known that they would be back unless she went to see a clairvoyant (which would make sense as the author had established a premise of that sort). But, I still think it was only a coincidence.

A lot can change in the face of trauma. A theme the author dabbled within many forms, i.e mass panic, Kouhei Arita, the whole Nazi's Stockholm syndrome. Yuna lost her son. She lost a part of herself. It came back (albeit not much) when Isurugi revealed his Eden plan. That light a fire in Yuna to see it through to its completion.

Now, am I reaching? YES.

Sadly, we may never get to know its true ending. I, like many of you, have a lot of questions.
Who's Hades??
What happens to the world? It's got to be a pandemic (fitting how it's 2020 now)
What happens to that crazy fake doctor?
Did Miina (girl) really lose her memory?
What about the other passengers?

So many unanswered questions, can someone please ask the author about it already.

Yeah, I wish someone would ask the author about these unanswered questions already. In addition to yours, I really wanna know how the plane survived the crash landing and how Akira, Mariya, and some others appeared in a different place than the rest. Also, there are some good explanations from others about the questions like how the time travel happened, etc. So, I really do hope that all these can be answered. It's sad it was a rushed ending left with so many questions; nonetheless, I'm satisfied with the ending considering that it was rushed and had to make it up with 4 many chapters or so.
Dive01Aug 16, 2020 5:36 AM
Sep 4, 2020 11:19 PM
Jun 2020
For those people who said “if they entered a time rift and travelled to the future they would still crash” well i will let my imagination run wild

What if they’re whole world is made by higher beings/developers from another world and they are the AI that the higher beings made, then they entered a zone that the higher beings forgot to make just like in games where the map is not fully finished and you entered the zone and then you’ll get bugged

Then the plane entered the place where the part of the map is not finished and they get bugged then 100 years+ passed and the part of the map that’s not finished is finally completed then the plane got out of that bug and then they got teleported to the nearest ground making their speed 0km/h so they won’t crash to the ground

They might also be the last humans from the earth

Lol why am i saying tons of nonsense
Nov 23, 2020 10:00 AM

May 2010
Eden123 said:
Kinda ironic. The island was built by the mother because of her dreaming her son, sengoku, living and having adventures on yhe idland with his friends. But the island is the sole reason more than half of the plane's passengers die(if we assume those we didnt see died).

not really bcus that island gives them food and shelter, bcus if theres no island in there remember it is artificially created so that means it will only be a sea then that means they will stranded or drowned either way will die, so she did save her so..
Jan 4, 2021 7:23 AM
Oct 2020
The thing about some people claiming that it was all a dream of sengoku's mother is way too unreal. It is way too much detailed to be a dream and to be able to remember each and every nook of it is utterly impossible. Also we have chapters that show moments after sengoku's mother was shown dead, where everyone has become older.
SouvikDihidarJan 4, 2021 7:31 AM
Mar 16, 2021 11:48 AM
Dec 2020
Based on my understanding, the whole story was actually just Sengoku's mother's imagination. FIRST the plane crash on october of 4th 2007 (not sure) and in present which is the actual time, the plane crash to the sea and there is no Raika Island. SECOND, all those machines, technology, and extinct animals are actually real but they are made after the plane crash, they are possibly real even in our time (maybe it in near future, like 2100). And THIRD I can tell that it was all just Sengoku's mother's imagination because if they time leap, why the airplane landed safe? did it teleport? Mariya's laptop can't possibly open that drive cuz it's 40 years ahead? nonetheless they use old hard drive same as Mariya. too much coincidence. If you think that they time leaped. I think it's not what the mangaka wanted to tell. Time leap may not be possible in eden no ori world, based on how they elaborate the sci-fi things the mangaka clearly give the concrete evidence why and how they exist after.
Mar 19, 2023 12:07 AM
Mar 2023
I just want to know
JUST like there is no murder some seismic make the virus "mushroom" fall out and killing The sciences ... But but!! They going for their live? So the true there really have murder in there.
If they really been mushroom kill by seismic they will quickly find the medicine to heal. Not going out like bees break hive.

2/ the author still alive hope he know and make part 2 or some chap to help we solution

3/ Hades and best friend main on boat is can be see that can be right or not (there is lót people can no one seeing them)

4/ the true they just need to make something Healthy no need to make some creature or what ever to killing people like this?

5/ and now get back to 4/ and 1/
We can think the killing seeing the people making creature and hate what they doing like this will destroy the laws of ecology. like fanatics for a natural society. so they killing all and get back to social and happy with what they have done for the world :)))

That all for now 19/3/2023
Love from Việt Nam
May 2, 2023 5:52 PM

Aug 2020
An adaptation would make justice for this series. It's really underrated.

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