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Oct 12, 2014 6:24 PM

Apr 2007
So in the end, he and Usami ends up together in his original time. He realizes that it's better off not knowing the future, so he goes back to the future since he knows that there will be "someone" waiting for him. Somewhat of an unsatisfying ending, but nevertheless it was really interesting.
Nov 7, 2014 8:20 PM
Jul 2013
i cant find chapter 90 and on :( can you share me where to read this manga :)
Nov 4, 2016 6:25 AM

Apr 2009
Well, that was a rather abrupt end. It feels like there should have a been a bit more to flesh out Imamura's relationship with the president. Also, while I do get the point about Imamura going forward instead of re-doing things, that also means Fujieda's bit with her boyfriend two-timing her being undone as well, which kinda bugs me.
Feb 19, 2018 12:16 PM
Apr 2017
So does he end up with Usami????
Feb 27, 2018 1:43 AM
Feb 2018
he rather moved on to change the future of what he doesn't know than to relive the past and attempt to change it...that was his conviction after discovering that reliving his past just resulted in him reverting to his original self...

It's quite sad the manga ended abruptly as it felt pretty enjoyable to me.
Aug 15, 2018 3:47 AM
Jul 2018
Zephys said:
So in the end, he and Usami ends up together in his original time. He realizes that it's better off not knowing the future, so he goes back to the future since he knows that there will be "someone" waiting for him. Somewhat of an unsatisfying ending, but nevertheless it was really interesting.
where did you read chap 135
Aug 15, 2018 3:47 AM
Jul 2018
Zephys said:
So in the end, he and Usami ends up together in his original time. He realizes that it's better off not knowing the future, so he goes back to the future since he knows that there will be "someone" waiting for him. Somewhat of an unsatisfying ending, but nevertheless it was really interesting.
where did you read chap 136
Mar 2, 2019 9:43 AM
Aug 2018
Can anyone spoil me what happened between Imamura and Shibata?
Did Imamura never develop feelings for her?
Nov 26, 2019 8:45 AM
Apr 2015
Thats kinda gliche.
Jan 2, 2020 2:41 PM

Sep 2015
From what I understand, since it was missed, and author did it deliberately, the thing with Usami being pregnant is supposed to be not important one and we as readers should not think about it... Yes?

And. I think, the author wanted the series to be much longer, or the ideas he had in mind turned somehow different from what he wanted at beginning. Maybe the ending was supposed to be like this, there is a chance for it, or from what I guess, it was cut off. Seriously cut off. That's how it feels, and it makes me sad, since I really enjoyed the story.

you've taught me how to breathe again

Mar 12, 2020 6:35 AM

Nov 2011
> I'll do it all over again!

Lol. I kinda feel like this needs an epilogue though but these past few chapters to the end here has been a wild ride. Been reading this manga for many years and to see it conclude feels a bit sad honestly.

7/10. I might reread some parts of this manga again. (no pun intended)
Mar 12, 2020 8:34 AM

Feb 2014
Stark700 said:
> I'll do it all over again!

Lol. I kinda feel like this needs an epilogue though but these past few chapters to the end here has been a wild ride. Been reading this manga for many years and to see it conclude feels a bit sad honestly.

7/10. I might reread some parts of this manga again. (no pun intended)

True that. The long run of the story has kept us longing for the afterstory now.
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 12, 2020 7:41 PM

Jan 2018
What a ride! But i can't stop to feel sad after more than an year reading this manga and with so many ways that the story could come to this end. The end was good, but not the way to wich it came to. The story started to becoming abrupt after the marathon part... So many plots unanswered, like, Usami becoming pregnant and her relation with SamaHiko from the future without Imamura in the past Ouedan.
What i loved the most in this manga was the character development on Imamura, like the way he was before this confusion of time skips...
Best arc was the "I want to die"! Who can forget about Hanataka? :) After that arc it the story started to get overlly focused on Imamura becoming good at Ouedan and eventually becomming Danchou. And out off nowhere we get this sudden time skip wich triggerd the end.

It was only one year for me, i can't even imagine for others who started earlier or even from the beginning of serialization...
Anyways, it was good and not good at the same time... If the story now that it was already this long, it wouldn't hurt to let it go further so that it wouldn't have to be such an rushed ending...
Sten_PTMar 12, 2020 7:55 PM
Mar 16, 2020 10:27 AM

Aug 2013
Been a fun ride reading this for all these years, can't believe it's finally the end.

Felt a little unsatisfying going back to the original timeline only for Usami to be the only one who remembers everything seemingly. Not to mention some of the unanswered questions regarding the other timelines.

I felt left hanging. Wondering if it makes more sense if I re-read the whole thing from scratch, been so long, might fill up some holes.

I'm happy that he still ends up with her though or that's how I took it so 8/10 from me
Mar 19, 2020 9:45 AM
May 2016
Sten_PT said:
What a ride! But i can't stop to feel sad after more than an year reading this manga and with so many ways that the story could come to this end. The end was good, but not the way to wich it came to. The story started to becoming abrupt after the marathon part... So many plots unanswered, like, Usami becoming pregnant and her relation with SamaHiko from the future without Imamura in the past Ouedan.
What i loved the most in this manga was the character development on Imamura, like the way he was before this confusion of time skips...
Best arc was the "I want to die"! Who can forget about Hanataka? :) After that arc it the story started to get overlly focused on Imamura becoming good at Ouedan and eventually becomming Danchou. And out off nowhere we get this sudden time skip wich triggerd the end.

It was only one year for me, i can't even imagine for others who started earlier or even from the beginning of serialization...
Anyways, it was good and not good at the same time... If the story now that it was already this long, it wouldn't hurt to let it go further so that it wouldn't have to be such an rushed ending...

That was Reo, not Usami. But i get your points, too many things that need further explanation.
Mar 20, 2020 3:35 PM
Mar 2016
Neo-Natsugi said:
Sten_PT said:
What a ride! But i can't stop to feel sad after more than an year reading this manga and with so many ways that the story could come to this end. The end was good, but not the way to wich it came to. The story started to becoming abrupt after the marathon part... So many plots unanswered, like, Usami becoming pregnant and her relation with SamaHiko from the future without Imamura in the past Ouedan.
What i loved the most in this manga was the character development on Imamura, like the way he was before this confusion of time skips...
Best arc was the "I want to die"! Who can forget about Hanataka? :) After that arc it the story started to get overlly focused on Imamura becoming good at Ouedan and eventually becomming Danchou. And out off nowhere we get this sudden time skip wich triggerd the end.

It was only one year for me, i can't even imagine for others who started earlier or even from the beginning of serialization...
Anyways, it was good and not good at the same time... If the story now that it was already this long, it wouldn't hurt to let it go further so that it wouldn't have to be such an rushed ending...

That was Reo, not Usami. But i get your points, too many things that need further explanation.

Nah man, when usami threw herself from the stairs, in her again she was pregnant, never got an answer of who was the father or if it was just a dream
Apr 9, 2020 2:10 AM
Jul 2013
dang... i started reading this like three years ago but scans were only up to like 100 at the time, so I waited for the scans to finish. I recently just picked it back up a few days ago and re read the whole manga. All I can say is THAT'S ALL???? Talk about leaving us on a cliff hanger. No closure???? He had plenty of missed opportunities to hook up with Usami, and there are just way too many things left open. What the hell.
May 7, 2020 3:02 PM

May 2011
I also waited years for the translation to finish.But this ending was kinda expected since the manga got canceled in 2014.I was really hoping Mitsurou would atleast wrap up the relationships.
''I was dead serious''

Jun 24, 2020 10:19 PM

Jan 2014
I hated this final chapter.

It doesn't make sense! It would have made sense if the author had deleted the last few panels!

Why would he want to do another do-over? He had achieved a normal high school life already right? Sure, it wasn't the roaring success he had hoped for, but so what?

It doesn't make sense for him to want to do another jump only to end up right at the beginning!

I mean, he made friends in the current "do-over"! Lots of people care about him! Girls!

So why would he suddenly go jump into the future world where he's a loser??

Cop out ending. I suspect the author got rushed into making an ending because the manga got cancelled! There was no resolution or whatever in the last chapter.

So he ends up with Usami in the original world? What's gonna happen to all those friendships he formed in the "do-over"? Gone like the wind?

Screw this. This last chapter is a huge disappointment.
Jul 1, 2020 10:04 PM

May 2010
AS soon as HIro showed up this manga went down hill
Jul 9, 2020 5:36 PM

Aug 2008
So I guess its over then? What a letdown. Abrupt and no emotional payoff. Think I'll rate this a 6 and that may be overly generous.
Jul 25, 2020 7:01 AM

Apr 2009
GalacticOctopus said:
From what I the thing with Usami being pregnant is supposed to be not important one and we as readers should not think about it...

Sten_PT said:
So many plots unanswered, like, Usami becoming pregnant

When was this mentioned again? I forgot since it was years since I read this manga.
Jul 25, 2020 8:18 AM

Jan 2018
Nilvius said:
GalacticOctopus said:
From what I the thing with Usami being pregnant is supposed to be not important one and we as readers should not think about it...

Sten_PT said:
So many plots unanswered, like, Usami becoming pregnant

When was this mentioned again? I forgot since it was years since I read this manga.

i can't remember in which chapter it was mentioned, but it was told that Usami in her future without Imamura present she had abandoned the the ouendan and school because she got pregnant. But i know for sure that in chapter 120 in the Imamura "Again" that she was heading in the same direction, or atleast heavely implied.
Sep 1, 2020 6:51 PM

Nov 2015
Like Sten_PT said, the "I want to die" arc was the best. That actually might be the only part I would re-read if I ever plan to do so in the future with how disappointing that ending was to me.

Oct 8, 2020 5:46 PM
Oct 2020
I just blasted through all twelve volumes so I can’t imagine what it was like to wait years for the story. I’d heard the ending was a bit strange so I half expected it to end with Imamura in the future, searching eternally for Usami. The actual ending was much more satisfying than that! I appreciate that it acknowledges that not knowing the characters future is the point. I personally am drawn to open endings where it feels like anything can happen for these characters.

The “I Want To Die” arc was maybe actually a low point for me. I liked Imamura’s development but missed out on having the focus be the Ouendan, with Reo and Usami. Having said it was a low point, I still enjoyed the series the whole way through.

Small favourite thing was the callbacks to Reo “thinking global”. Shoutout for Imamura’s grandmother too for just generally being... for just being!
Dec 1, 2020 3:01 PM
Aug 2019
I generally only try to read completed manga so that I don't have to wait many years just to learn the ending of a storydidnt live up to the extensive amount of build up. As I was about ten chapters away from the end, I knew there was no way it could possibly wrap up everything it had begun and it really was a bit of a let down.

It was painful watching precious pagecount be wasted on the ghost section since it didn't tie up any loose strings either in the story or the reader's emotions.

When it comes down to it, everything of importance only affects the timeline in which he's no longer a part of, except maybe usami remembers all of it? Maybe she just experienced a few dreams and had the gut feeling to go there? We'll never know because he was rushed back to the original timeline for no real reason, and where 95% of his accomplishments appear to have made no real change.

I understand that the reason to go back to the beginning is to show some sort of love transcending multiple timelines.....bullshit....but I personally would have been satisfied much more if the manga ended with past Imamura being caught by Usumi and then some stupid fan service panel of her telling him to never leave her again

Shit....was this whole manga a dream? Did anything really matter?
Mar 1, 2021 8:07 PM
Jan 2017
This was like a bad sex.

Jesus fking christ, this is the dumbest MC I've ever known!

He's not even cool in the first place, more emotional than a fucking female, permanent woe is me victim status and a fucking diva who fails to appreciate the progress he's had.

He had all the things he's missed pre-again phase yet he fucking reverts to his old pathetic self whichever stage of again he was. Fucking loser.

HE ALREADY WAS IN THE PERFECT TIMELINE when he returned to the part where he was afraid of losing her again, frantically chasing after her and meeting her halfway in the marathon, and once he found her, kissed her and ...

He just went back to skulking off like a bitch?!

Dude you just caught her in the perfect timeline, confess and go out, fuck have kids leave the timeline alone! Your bitch and yohr life IS in front of you you goddamn idiot.

Instead you just have to fuck your timeline up ending with the one with Usami was pregnant and god who knows the fuck was the father.

For some writer who fucking covers all the lives of his side characters he failed to even give a proper closure to his two main characters.

Worse he ended the manga on that note!

Usami never had her own future family, we never saw her own child or husband.. jfc

This author needs his own ass in an Again time warp!

crimson_fukrMar 1, 2021 8:17 PM
Oct 9, 2021 1:23 PM
Oct 2021
crimson_fukr said:
This was like a bad sex.

Jesus fking christ, this is the dumbest MC I've ever known!

He's not even cool in the first place, more emotional than a fucking female, permanent woe is me victim status and a fucking diva who fails to appreciate the progress he's had.

He had all the things he's missed pre-again phase yet he fucking reverts to his old pathetic self whichever stage of again he was. Fucking loser.

HE ALREADY WAS IN THE PERFECT TIMELINE when he returned to the part where he was afraid of losing her again, frantically chasing after her and meeting her halfway in the marathon, and once he found her, kissed her and ...

He just went back to skulking off like a bitch?!

Dude you just caught her in the perfect timeline, confess and go out, fuck have kids leave the timeline alone! Your bitch and yohr life IS in front of you you goddamn idiot.

Instead you just have to fuck your timeline up ending with the one with Usami was pregnant and god who knows the fuck was the father.

For some writer who fucking covers all the lives of his side characters he failed to even give a proper closure to his two main characters.

Worse he ended the manga on that note!

Usami never had her own future family, we never saw her own child or husband.. jfc

This author needs his own ass in an Again time warp!


I feel that the protagonist himself should not be criticized, he was always the cute type for his disability. He was never great, seinen or edgy, he was just a protagonist who did not know what to do, everything went wrong, and you laughed at it.

The author's decisions are ridiculously questionable, but criticizing the protagonist for decisions that the author described very little, without having a clear answer of what he did, (why it is never understood what he did in the end), putting him in a situation where Few actions would be reliable, it is a behavior that does not look so good in an argument.

Since he could put the batteries, have all the girls he wants and not have any weakness, but that would be a worse written ending, since as I say, the protagonist was always something else, he would not be the same if he behaved like him self-insert character stereotype that doesn't fit.

-And as an addition, that of more emotional than a female is not a comment that fits very well, it sounds like something an old man would say
Apr 12, 2024 3:25 PM

Aug 2018
Weird conclusion, not in the ending sense but the whole conclusion of the manga and what the mc arrived to was weird. You built many relationships, you did so many interesting things, you influenced so many around you and you became popular. Why go back to the original timeline where you literally achieved nothing and no one remembers who you're. His effort basically went nowhere. that's what I found weird, it's like there's definitely something missing, he had no reason to choose the future. Worse of all is that a main character like Aki gets fucked over because her final conclusion in the story is that her whole again never happened and her progression went nowhere, we can say she got the bad ending, what was the point of her then ?
Besides usami in the future has the worst outcome, she drops out and achieves nothing, If MC kun stayed in the 2011 timeline he would have at least shared his school life with her and got a better graduation ceremony where he has people who care about him cheering for him. I'm not sure what's the message here is tbh, what's the lesson?
Jan 18, 5:52 AM

Dec 2022
Doesn’t feel complete

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