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Apr 3, 2018 6:31 PM

Nov 2011
World tour....marriage...

Meh, this chapter is just trying to make the overall series flow longer or at least felt like it.
Apr 3, 2018 6:38 PM
Jul 2012
Overall a good manga. It was one I enjoyed sometimes but hated quite often. An unneeded sequel if I do say so myself.
Apr 3, 2018 10:04 PM
Apr 2015
One of few manga where I don't really care what happen to characters
Apr 3, 2018 10:28 PM

Oct 2011
And it's over... well at least the songs were nice

Apr 3, 2018 10:46 PM
Mar 2014

They never got to sing on stage together :(
Apr 3, 2018 10:48 PM
Jun 2017
Well, for me it was fine. Can't say more.
Apr 3, 2018 11:46 PM

Aug 2014
Really disepointed in this manga from seo. The beginning was good but efter fuuka died it went downhill... to bad. It was a real meh:/
Apr 3, 2018 11:49 PM
Oct 2017
Nik said:
Seo Kouji's next manga will start in June.

They also released a video with the song from this chapter sang by Lynn, the same person that voiced Fuuka in the anime.
(available for download (free .mp3), and has lyrics on the site if you close the music video)

Really ??..source please ??
Apr 4, 2018 1:29 AM

Jul 2012
Well, it started decent, but in the end went downhill. Really not a fan of those repeating shounen-hype like panels to express music. KNIM is still one of my favorite mangas so i'm quite dissapointed with this Seo's work. So he is already on the new story, not that excited but want to read it. 6/10 overall.
Apr 4, 2018 3:42 AM

Jun 2013
a BIG meh of a manga, i finished it cause i already was reading for some time but i would recommend this manga as skip
Apr 4, 2018 6:44 AM
Jun 2013
Honestly, so Yuu travels with Fuuka Mark II. Sigh. Well, what should I expect?

So that Koyuki and Yuu can NEVER be together? Wow, author, that’s one drastic action, you gave us such a SAD background setting, with Koyuki, and even made Yuu make a childhood promise with her, Then you seem to somewhat dump her. Honestly, Main Characters, that fail to keep up their childhood promises with their female childhood friends that loved them until now, aren’t qualified to be main characters. I'm sorry, but I just don't like this manga. Not to anger anyone. I know Koyuki is never the heroine, because she is not the title character, but still T_T
Apr 4, 2018 6:59 AM
Feb 2017
Mihu95 said:
One of few manga where I don't really care what happen to characters

If you don’t care, then why read it
Apr 4, 2018 7:19 AM
Jan 2017
Nik said:
Seo Kouji's next manga will start in June.

They also released a video with the song from this chapter sang by Lynn, the same person that voiced Fuuka in the anime.
(available for download (free .mp3), and has lyrics on the site if you close the music video)

Where did you saw that his new manga will start in June, in the link you posted?
I am asking because Seo Kouji his one of my favorite authors and i'm just super curious about how will his next manga be.
Apr 4, 2018 9:18 AM
Apr 2015
Lukashimoto said:

If you don’t care, then why read it

Cause it was fun to read. Characters were really poor but it was amusing to read that manga
Apr 4, 2018 10:24 AM
Jun 2016
Well, it is not a masterpiece but I enjoyed reading Fuuka, I even liked when Fuuka MK1 died.
Apr 4, 2018 4:06 PM

Jul 2012
It was a good ride.
Apr 4, 2018 9:14 PM
Dec 2017
It was all good. Though Fuuka001 ended up dying there still Fuuka002 which would likely not to enter(i guess) in the anime. Despite the bitterness by what happened with the first heroine, with the struggles they faced. It was still a good story worth reading.
Apr 6, 2018 4:21 AM

Oct 2009
Overall good manga, I was moved in the majority of the chapters which is something few mangaka manage to do. A bit disappointed in this last one. Were those thoughts lyrics? I don't recognize them...

edit: oh, it's probably from wings of light
WiseKouichiApr 6, 2018 4:24 AM
Apr 6, 2018 10:29 AM
Apr 2018
It feels as if the ending just came out of the blue... I was not prepared for it to end. I was half sure the chapter title referred to the end of the Hedgehogs... What happened?
Apr 7, 2018 2:46 AM

Jul 2017
I had a feeling that an ending was around the corner, but this just seemed quite abrupt. Nevertheless it was an enjoyable ride to follow over the past year. Hopefully these guys will make some cameos in Seo Kouji's next work.
Apr 8, 2018 3:00 AM

Jan 2013
This was painfully below average... Might be Seos worst series that I've read.

Why has MAL 204 chapters listed in this manga?
Apr 9, 2018 8:47 PM

Jan 2013
I hated this series at first and then I grew to like it for what it is. But by the end it just fell off I guess. Suzuka is one of my favorite manga's so I expected a lot from this series going on in but it just wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Hopefully his new work is a step up from this.
Apr 11, 2018 8:55 PM

Oct 2013
Aoi grew on me. Actually, I liked her more than version 1 ~ preferred her more assertive nature towards Yu rather than the more schoolgirlish Fuuka v1.

But damn, even though we had a good arc to serve as a final one, the manga ending here still feels a bit...abrupt. The chapter itself though was great for a final one but I just feel as if at least 2-3 more chapters to close all loose ends was expected, especially for a manga. The truly lackluster element for me was the romance. It was there sure, but it didn't receive as much attention as you'd expect from a Seo manga. Ofc, that means both less of the pointless back & forth drama but less of the spicy one too ~ you often won't get one w/o the other after all when a manga/anime tends to be fairly long. Guess Seo wanted to experiment a bit here.

As a whole though, I enjoyed this more than Kimi no Iru Machi - it had a more adventurous feel to it as a whole whereas the former was dragged out too much to the point where a good chunk of it was pretty much filler(still grew on you eventually though,lol).

I'll sure miss this one. Hoping for some bonus chapters!
Apr 22, 2018 11:57 PM
Apr 2018
What happened to the return of truck kun 😔?

Maybe we will see him return on their new adventure!
Apr 27, 2018 9:41 AM
Jun 2012
Nik said:
Seo Kouji's next manga will start in June.

They also released a video with the song from this chapter sang by Lynn, the same person that voiced Fuuka in the anime.
(available for download (free .mp3), and has lyrics on the site if you close the music video)

I've listened to this song like half a dozen times in the last week (since I found it). It's got exactly the kind of frenetic enthusiasm to it that I would expect from either Akitsuki or Aoi, and the lyrics and sentiment of it wrap up the series perfectly. Never thought I'd be such a fan of a song from a manga as opposed to one from an anime. 😄
Apr 29, 2018 8:02 PM

Jan 2015
IS THAT THE END?? not even an ecchi scene between Yuu and Fuuka wtfffff. And thats after so much continuous teasing.......
Heh im kidding, its not like it was really that necessary, but i'm kinda upset that i was sure that's what Seo would do and my expectations just crumbled >< So if anything im sad of being wrong.
STILL i thought there would be more material, how is this really the end? really rushed ending i feel It's like, Seo just wanted to finsih it asap and just go to his new manga... We didnt even see Koyuki in the end?

Btw if anyone remembers there was one Pierott anime called Sousei no onmyouji and the final episode with the wedding was just like this chapter. Where you expect main characters to marry but get baited and its actually secondary's couple marriage.
ALSO WAS SUPER BAITED that she wasnt marrying Nico for a second, wtf, nice baits Seo ><

Anyway despite the rushed and not the most satisfying ending, the manga is still greatness >< I read it a year ago during the time when the anime was airing, THANKS GOD i didnt read the spoilers of the death and it totally blew me off and caught me off guard. When i read it, i just dropped dead on my bed and slept for 10 hours or so, that left a huge impact on me ><
Not to mention that i cried a lot during the manga, and sure most scenes were concerning Akitsuki Fuuka, i even cried in the last 4 chapters where Fuuka appeared and pushed them forward >< too emotional man, thanks a lot Seo ><

Also i went into this anime for a ROMANCE but somehow music and a group or what we onepiecers like to say NAKAMA POWER swayed the hell out of me. I liked band's interactions, the hurdles they went through. Most emotional moments were during concerts where i cried sometimes.

Not to mention that manga taught me a lot, probably the most important thing is that if you are nobody you dont be too stressed out and just try do your best, since there is no pressure on you, no one will expect anything from you, if you plummet, you'll be forgotten right away but if you rise like a star you'll get popular and be remembered.

I mean what can i say, if i was behind on manga for 40 chapters and when i came back i was just tearing up while reading it,unconsciously since i probably missed it so much or i had some goosebumps even, i was too connected with the manga but now its over.... and so my life is.......
no, i'll be fine, i'll just wait for new Seo's manga ^^ maybe now its gonna be a battle shonen? PLS Seo? LOL

Anyway thanks a lot Seo ><
Ofc we wont have those songs animated or the new story, since stupid Diomedia ruined the hell out of the story in the animation so now SECOND SEASON is impossible ................
Hope for a remake, but if you are gonna remake Fuuka, i'd rather them remake Kimi no iru Machi, please?.... pretty please? ><
Apr 29, 2018 11:45 PM

Feb 2014
Just finnished it after almost 2 years after starting and I can say this for sure: Definitely not worth of a "Seo Kouji's work" title.

Expected way, way more considering Suzuka or KNIM...

It started well and Fuuka's death was a cool turnaround, something different from his series, but after that it went downhill, he didn't know how to continue it and it only got worse.
May 21, 2018 8:56 PM
Mar 2015
Seo has published a Fuuka Special Edition in which we will get to see Yuu nailing as many of the girls as possible
I was hoping he would do this since he published fantasy chapters for all the girls in Kimi no Iru mACHIS
Mar 5, 2019 5:14 AM

Nov 2011
I would say it was fine. Not bad. Not memorable. Just fine~
Aug 14, 2019 2:44 PM

Aug 2013
It was definitely different than Suzuka and Kimi no Iru Machi which were way more relationship focused and I won't be lying - I liked these series way more. But it doesn't change the fact that Fuuka was really good on its own way too. It was more about the band and relationship between band memebers. Yet main couple development was directed nicely too... My only complaint would be be the ending which was really underwhelming. Especially for these people that rooted to Yuu and Fuuka (the ending was too bland).

This kind of work will resonate with people that have something to do with music especially. I wonder if Kouji himself were a part of some band (or have close friends in this business). Many things were portrayed way too realistically for someone who has no idea about it.
Anyway, I think that Fuuka01 death was necessary and this manga gotten way better after the incident with Truck-kun. Of course it's sad that it was Fuuka. Everyone who read Suzuka know how important she was for her parents.
HidenNinpoAug 14, 2019 2:59 PM
Aug 29, 2019 9:01 AM
Nov 2016
A 5/10 at best. I binged this in 2 days and it's honestly pretty bad.
The whiny MC, violent women, grown up human beings who are scared of sex for some reason, unnecessary drama, awkward and cringe moments aside.
Half this manga felt like padding and filter. Like they should make a "Kai" version of it and cut out 100 chapters of aforementioned drama, back and forth and filler.

I'm especially pissed about the whole Hedgehogs stuff at the end. Why all the surpass crap if they make a comeback anyway ? Stupid. And with whatshername (pseudo Tama), of all people, as the replacement for Tama (poor girl. Love her her crying at the concert almost killed me).

And why have Sara have a crush on MC at all if nothing ever came out of it ? Just for the laughs ? Lame. Sara is awesome btw and better than Aoi. Not that i hate Aoi or anything. She's definitely better than Fuuka1 or other Seo heroines.

Anyway, this was kind of a pain in the ass to read, if anything. Far too long and riddled with too much Seo K crap cliches. It's a miracle i even managed to finish it considering i dropped KNIM years ago. Cuz of the same Seo K stuff that's annoying the crap outta me in most of his works {{whiny MC, violent women, unnecessary drama, awkward and cringe moments, unlikeable heroines etc.}}.

Definitely not going to bother with anymore of this authors works. Too annoying.

Edit: 2 hours later and i'm still hella angry and sad because of Tama. :(
Hedgehogs should've just stayed dead. She's was (or seemed like) alone quite a while at the festival, while her bandmates, including her future husband, were rocking with whatshername and Shelley. Poor girl, seriously. I felt really bad for her. Arggh.

Ok, ok. I'll stop here.
BlueSnow93Aug 29, 2019 11:12 AM
Sep 24, 2019 10:23 AM
Sep 2019
I like koyuki more than fuuka ver 2. Fuuka ver 2 made the series very so-so, at least for me.

I got hooked on it when fuuka ver 1 died. But since then fuuka ver 2 i just didnt like at all, could have really done something great with koyuki and yuu.

Those are my thoughts on the topic.

F for repects to koyuki :(
Oct 1, 2019 9:23 AM
Dec 2018
This guy seems to have a thing about dead ex partners. Overall, I thought it was better than Suzuka, which just irritated me by how the main characters had all kind of personality disorders. I liked the fact that conflicts in this story were resolved pretty quickly without all the drama. That seemed more realistic to me. The truck scene was surprising but, for me, it added to the story because you could see how all the main characters were struggling to cope but somehow used a tragedy to find inspiration. All a bit tame, overall, and too many convenient solutions but i found it passable. I do find that this writer seems to write better supporting characters than main characters. In all his main work, I've usually been rooting for the characters who clearly are not going to win in the end.
Nov 12, 2019 4:45 PM
Mar 2019
Took me a while to finish but I manage to get this over with. It had ups and downs but its still a solid music anime.
Mar 5, 2020 4:29 AM
Mar 2019
Idk why so much people hate this manga, I REALLY LOVED IT!
The ending was satisfying dan make me so happy
Jun 30, 2020 2:53 PM

May 2015
Why does the MAL entry have 204 chapters?
Aug 6, 2020 3:31 PM

Jan 2013
Ali1996 said:
Idk why so much people hate this manga, I REALLY LOVED IT!
The ending was satisfying dan make me so happy

Just finished after not reading for years, and same!!!
I think Fuuka dying early on soured it for a lot of folks. It did for me too, but I never read the original and think the manga really grew into it's own throughout the years preceding (doesn't mean I wanted her to be killed off though smh). Also loved playing music back in the day so this hit home on a lot of different levels. Open ending was good, but more so glad they left it on a high note. The whole thing was a really emotional and positive ride with an impactful message :)

And for an almost 200 Chapter manga to flow together this nicely must have required a lot of care and attention to detail, major props. Definitely not gonna forget this one. 10/10 Cheers!
Mar 12, 2022 3:52 PM
Jul 2018
When Fuuka died I was shocked. I liked the whole music concept, it was different from Suzuka being about sports. I think my favorite by him will always be Kimi no Iru Machi
Sep 27, 2024 1:20 PM
Jul 2021
What a disappointment

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