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Dec 28, 2019 11:52 AM

Dec 2014
Oh, I was caught a little off guard with the whole firework scenes and the post credit time skip since it seemed like the anime was being overly conclusive when the manga was still on going and it sounds like it was indeed an anime original ending.
I guess this means no S3? Shame, I did like this series. I used to read the manga when it first came out and then I put it on hold, maybe I'll go back to it once it ends just to get the actual ending.

Overall, it was a fun show, I'm normally not the biggest fan of harem shows but this one kept me interested for the whole run. Sensei is best girl.
Dec 28, 2019 12:01 PM

Jul 2014
Oh wow, what a shitty ending!

The timeskip came out of nowhere, it didn't change anything than if it had just ended with the festival and killed any chance of a third season. The only important thing was to see that Uruka is the supposed "winner" but even that was done in an awful and rushed way. Like, why not just end with the festival? The interview of Nariyuki finally deciding his future profession was a good point to finish and leave the possibilities open for a third season but no, they had to force an ending in the last few minutes.

I'm so pissed and disappointed because I really liked this show and I liked this season more than the first one but I really hate that timeskip.

Sensei best girl! Her butt had the focus until the end lol... Nariyuki you lucky bastard!
Dec 28, 2019 12:11 PM

May 2019
Well that was a bad ending, if feels way too rushed. I thought the majority barely got any development.

I also hated that they made Uruka the winner, don't get me wrong Uruka is an amazing girl, an amazing girl for me but not for that four eyed bastard. Even tho they're childhood friends Uruka got the least amount of romance scenes with Nariyuki out of the 3. I also expected way more of Kominami....

Time to read the manga, in a few days
Dec 28, 2019 12:16 PM

Jan 2009
Drekaelric said:
It was fun

but some questions here, does the anime skip the year legally or that year is in the manga?

is this the end or now we gonna see them in the college/university?

The manga is finished or still publishing?

Manga is still ongoing, though nearing it's end, and very unlikely a college pathing.
Aori_Gleeful said:
Whatt...Omg Uruka won?
I have to catch up manga and season2.Always thought Fumino as winner.Looks like my team won again!!First Gotoubun second that...
Manga is still going, this is a anime exclusive ending.
Yukikaze_sama said:
I have mixed feeling about that ending. Furuhashi didn't even learn who was in costume, wtf. And from what I read it went original making chances for S3 even lower :(

Oh well, I guess we can just say than anime had open end with Uruka in the lead?
Pretty much, though it feels more like throwing the dog a bone since the manga seems to be more balanced towards riza and especially fumino.

That said if they were going to do this, i'm surprised they didn't shoehorn in
though i guess they really wanted to cut off some of the branches.
Dec 28, 2019 12:17 PM

Oct 2013

What a shit of an ending

Uruka won?

Even the manga didn't reveal who held his hand during the festival, why would the anime decide who it is?

This is some shit-tier meme
Dec 28, 2019 12:25 PM

Jun 2017
Aori_Gleeful said:
Whatt...Omg Uruka won?
I have to catch up manga and season2.Always thought Fumino as winner.Looks like my team won again!!First Gotoubun second that...
Manga is still going, this is a anime exclusive ending.

I don't think anime and manga have diffrent endings.
Dec 28, 2019 12:28 PM

Jul 2014
dadnaya said:

What a shit of an ending

Uruka won?

Even the manga didn't reveal who held his hand during the festival, why would the anime decide who it is?

This is some shit-tier meme

Yeah that was pretty lackluster.

Even if they wanted to spoil the manga, why do it in such half hearted manner?
Dec 28, 2019 12:38 PM
Review Moderator
Jan 2017
shanimebib said:
I can post it here, right? Click the link if you intend to read the manga and it may pique your interest because this is where the manga deviates from the anime original ending:

Link: The point where anime deviates from the manga. << This is immediately after Fumino arc (Fumino arc happens after the festival arc).

And it should be easy to identify the potential end girl(s) if you read the manga. The manga is in the end game now.

Also, the worst part of the anime is the pathetic way it seem to show that Uruka won when she didn't in the manga. It made it look like Uruka didn't do enough yet became the destined girl. Absolutely pathetic. The worst.

More complaints: The anime made Sensei into a fanservice character when she is one of the best written characters in harem manga. The anime did not animate Senpai arc (the most tear-jerking arc of the manga) and made her into a joke character. The anime didn't follow up on Rizu's experience after her first kiss. And I am not gonna mention what they did to Uruka - reducing her to just another old acquaintance with confidence issues. It was Fumino. FUMINO. F U M I N O! Argh!

Stupid 2/10 for the ending segment. I wouldn't have complained about the episode if they kept the anime open ended instead of showing Uruka being the destined girl in this piss poor final segment. I will just think this does not part never happened.

There will not be any sequel and it maddens me because of this segment. Way to kill the hopes I have had for the March 2020 announcement. This anime ends here. Go read the manga. Incredible number of chapters have been removed and some of the best ones at it. This could have been one of the best harem shows if they made it into a 2 cour season covering the arcs of all the girl. Overall 6/10 because at least they gave me animated heroines, including Fumino. She is a fun character but her insufferable fanbase made me come to hate her.

#TeamUruka since the bicycle ride (which is illegal in Japan btw) and #TeamUruka until the end no matter who wins. My girl is destined for stardom even if she doesn't win. The best girl in the manga.

I agree with you, that last segment is useless and it is a spoiler for the manga readers. Sadly, all points that there is not going to be any third season.

Dec 28, 2019 12:57 PM

Oct 2007
From which chapter it's safe to pick up manga at this moment?
Dec 28, 2019 1:02 PM
Nov 2018
Nikodemsky said:
From which chapter it's safe to pick up manga at this moment?

I suggest you start from the beginning and just skip any chapter that was animated, both seasons skip some chapters in between.
Dec 28, 2019 1:09 PM
May 2017
Meh....what a disgust. Uruka is a joke and if she really does win i'm f*cking dropping the entire series.
Dec 28, 2019 1:18 PM

Jun 2014
Oh my goodness, that anime-original, post time-skip ending really dropped the ball.

If the anime version is so pro-Fumino to the point only her important arcs got adapted, why not go all the way? They would only anger more anime-only audience by doing this.

Also anime-Uruka definitely got shafted so hard that few of her arcs made it to the screen, that is why her "win" felt so out-of-place for the anime ending.

Not to mention Sensei and senpai, who also got touching character development arcs but also got shafted by anime

They literally pissed everyone, including team Uruka, by ending the anime this way

PS: If you like the anime and want to continue reading manga, start from chapter 70
Dec 28, 2019 1:22 PM
Jul 2018
At least one who was never going to win in the original story won in this one. It was a nice anime. 8/10.
Dec 28, 2019 1:23 PM
Jul 2018
Which chapter did the anime end on?
Dec 28, 2019 1:33 PM

Jun 2017
Paul said:
That ending left a bad taste. Not even a manga reader and it didn't even feel right. The time skip felt so unnatural and out of no where.

I was like WTF too..the manga is still going, now I am not sure if the anime staff already knew the end girl or this is really just an anime original ending.

It was very random because popularity wise there was nothing wrong as far as I know. Even if there will be no Season 3 they should have left this open anyway. What a weird and sudden move.
Dec 28, 2019 1:46 PM

Nov 2007
RPWPA said:
At least one who was never going to win in the original story won in this one. It was a nice anime. 8/10.

Haha! Say that after reading the latest chapters.
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Dec 28, 2019 2:11 PM

Oct 2012
Man i got some 5bride vibes at the end of the scene.

Im guessing Ogata is the girl he touches hands with? Or is that the shadow that basically any girl can have? cuz he touches the hand of Uruka next at the airport.

Im guessing manga readers would know the answer. feel free to spoil plz or pm. ty.

wait ppl are saying its an anime orignal ending? wtf.. no season 3. okay now im bummed out/ sad.
Dec 28, 2019 2:36 PM

Aug 2013
So everything that happened prior to the credits is legit, everything after is bait. Sad part is...I've been reading the manga side by side with the anime to determine whether or not I'll dive in after the anime airs; aside from the sheer amount of content cut...the one thing the anime sells about the manga is this: It gets repetitive when it comes to reuse of some of the gags or misunderstandings that occurs between characters. It was a fun series but I have mixed feelings over my continued interest especially when it feels like the development of the girls really cap off quite early.

Overall the series gets about a solid 6/10 for me. I think the Quintuplets series sells this kind of format with its narrative than We Never Learn (even though apparently We Never Learn came out before Quintuplets).
Don't believe the hype.
Dec 28, 2019 2:41 PM

Aug 2019
Feels the same like the previous season, 6/10

Dec 28, 2019 2:45 PM
Mar 2017
God I hate this ending! I’m not going to accept that he’s going to go out with her even though she Went overseas. They literally use the typical school festival trope to hint out it’s her. Fumino and Ogata are better candidates then Uruka. Uruka is more like a friend to him then anyone of the girls who are around him. I’m literally going to say it’s free game to any of the girls because they are now closer to him than ever since fumino likes him more after her dad incident. She can claim him at any point. Especially after the sleeping beauty play. And she kissed him while he was in the cat suit. Ogata Has literally done an indirect kiss with the noodles and wants to be with Nariyuki for the rest of her life by saying she wants to open a restaurant with him. Anyone but Uruka! Even the maid or teacher are better!
Dec 28, 2019 2:47 PM

Jan 2016
This is a first, if Uruka now wins in the Manga, they've single handedly destroyed a really good Manga.

Ffs this was a good season but did they have to do that at the end? They've potentially ruined the next Manga chapter now
Dec 28, 2019 2:57 PM
Oct 2016
Soo.....Uraka is The WINNER
Dec 28, 2019 2:57 PM

Sep 2011
I am happy that there was some closure, enough to make me feel like I don't need to watch more to see where this goes.

I say this because I do not want to watch any more of this. It wasn't going anywhere and it felt like it had lost sight of its original goal. I don't care if this was an anime original ending. The adaptation overall felt mediocre, and I didn't even read the source. All I could have asked for was some closure and I got it.
Dec 28, 2019 3:06 PM

Mar 2019
Clearly Uruka Best Girl...

Splendid 2nd season...

Most of the times (like 95% of times, the 2nd seasons are pretty lame or bad compared to the first ones, but i gotta say that this one in particular was like x3 times better)...

I liked the first season, it was pretty entertaining... but this 2nd one, was way much more fun, interesting, entertaining and got more feeling..

2nd place in my top favorites series in this season... (#Honzuki 1st Place)
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Dec 28, 2019 3:14 PM
Jan 2012
This has to be one of the worst endings I have seen, it feels like they told the anime studio that S3 was cancelled when they were halfway done with the episode, and then they had to rush this monstrosity to give us an "ending"

Uruka being the festival girl feels like a kick in the nuts here, specially because we didn't get her character arc, where she was at least developed further. If we were to go with character development in only the anime, Furuhashi should have been the end girl.

And dont get me started in all the character arcs that they cut off, just remembering them is starting to piss me off.

What a way to kill an awesome anime, but at least we still got the manga. I just hope this dumpster-fire of a end is really anime only
Dec 28, 2019 3:15 PM
Feb 2015
Wow, that was an unexpected ending, they cut through a lot of the manga, they should have left an open ending. It's weird with how long the manga has gone I was sure they had at least enough for a third season. But well this happens sometimes.
Dec 28, 2019 3:17 PM

Dec 2015
I would prefer to pretend this episode 13 didnt exist, I dont know how good the character of uruka can be in the manga, but here I just felt she came from nowhere and won, we didnt even have a good arc of her, well we only got a good arc for fumino, which I wont complain about it, I would prefer her to be the one who won, I prefer open endings rather than destroying an authors work, and I hate how this ended, cuz is difficult to find a good harem anime on this days, and they ruined this one.
Dec 28, 2019 3:31 PM

Jan 2013
so i'm definitely willing to believe Uruka low-key won and i'll leave it at that
you know, its funny that even when they graduated that Nariyuki still has that ability to conveniently randomly bump into someone he knows on the street

im gonna miss these bunch of knuckleheads
Dec 28, 2019 3:35 PM

Nov 2013
Childhood friend wins?!!!!

Finally some justice for Onodera lool

I was sad there was so little of Uruka this season , also a reason I enjoyed last season a bit more, but that ending redeemed it .
I was wondering who helped him up at the festival, but that hint at the airport *fingers crossed*
Seeing all their hairstyles change was nice , especially Uruka with long hair

Pretty nice ending but I need more eps... what happens to them afterwards?...
Hopefully there’s another season or a movie!!
herricklukDec 28, 2019 3:40 PM
Dec 28, 2019 3:48 PM
Feb 2017
Lmao so basically uraraka won.
Damn I wanted fumino but oh well, time to get your genki on
Dec 28, 2019 4:03 PM

Nov 2007

Uruka in the manga:

So, yes. This is a half assed retarded story that should never happen.

The manga has not ended. But I can see some sort of disjoint in the final segment. The animators definitely wanted to shoehorn Fumino (the director apparently revealed that he likes Fumino the best) but the author probably intervened or revealed them the manga ending. It could also be that the end girl is Uruka after all and the halfassed ending was the animator's way of saying "You are not getting a sequel". Or, "how does it feel to have not making it Fumino end?" Could be me overthinking or just furious with the ending but it's not impossible.

This is almost incredible that there was supposed to be a big announcement on Jump Festa 2020 with three seiyuu appearing but then the announcement was reduced to the revealing of the already announced OVA 2 cover in the most half assed way which is evident from the comments from those who were present and looking forward to the news (with many expected it to be a sequel/movie announcement). Like WHAT?!! It feels like there has been a major disagreement and a continuation was dropped (the huge drop of quality of the post credit part also says it was rushed in the final moment without much effort). And why did the reveal the end girl being Uruka before the episode even aired?

The author revealed right after the anime that the anime ending is original. The developments are already different. But that doesn't necessarily negate Uruka's chances. Because there has been a proper foundation for an Uruka end (the closest second is Sensei).

Also, leaning on Nariyuki's shoulder is not an Intellectual Property owned by Fumino. You might as well guess the other heroine who did it in a romantic way.

Uruka might win in the manga as well, but her winning will not be rubbish like the one in the anime. That's all I wanted to say.
shanimebibDec 28, 2019 4:07 PM
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Dec 28, 2019 4:17 PM

Jul 2017
Note that this is from a person who is caught up with the manga:

I'm content with this ending. Did best girl win? No. Was it a superb ending that will go down in anime history? No.
But I can appreciate a definitive ending at the least.

As a whole, this season was... Fine. While a lot of sequels/continuations (at least the stuff I've watched) at the very least marginally improve. However, this season was fairly par for the course and I'd argue slightly more inconsistent than the first season.
The high moments of the season were fairly high, but I felt the show generally meandered. It killed some of the momentum coming off season 1.
Even the Furuhashi arc didn't impress me much, but that's mostly in comparison the manga, which handled it far better in my eyes.
That said, speaking for both seasons, this series was a solid romcom. Nothing more, nothing less.

I'm really torn between a 7 and an 8 for this season. I'd give it a 7.5 if I could.
So in that, sense, for MAL scoring, I'll round 7.5 up to 8.
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Dec 28, 2019 4:19 PM

Oct 2010
I really enjoyed both seasons of this and I'm glad it seems that best girl won. Thanks to whoever shared that manga image in a different thread, I'm also very sad that they seemed to have skipped such an important scene. I really wish it was adapted better in that sense but such the norm in anime production.... Fun ride, and I guess I'll be starting the manga very soon!

edit: it did really seem liek Fumino was main girl and was gonna win because of this season....I really wonder why the anime team decided to go that route lol
Dec 28, 2019 4:36 PM

Dec 2014
Ok I am gonna miss this....nice till the very end
Dec 28, 2019 4:39 PM
Aug 2016
If this "original" ending (since this was chapter 69, and this week comes out the 142) and it spoil for good the jinx girl i'll be extremely disappointed.
No, i do not care about the modification, random timeskip etc. but it must stay ORIGINAL.

I don't mind Uruka to win if it really happens (and who catched up with the manga knows), but not this way.

Just end the manga already Tsutsui.
Dec 28, 2019 4:46 PM

Nov 2013
best part:
"sensei, there's still time, please drive safely"

"of course" - she says with a sadistic smile, as she deeply presses the pedal

yep, sensei best girl <3

winddevil1Dec 28, 2019 4:56 PM
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Dec 28, 2019 4:53 PM

Feb 2017
I don't really like uruka at all ... which for me drops the score plus this anime original ending was ok, but way to sudden.
So the fireworks girl is uruka in the manga aswell which also means that she'll end up with yuiga in the manga ?
Dec 28, 2019 4:57 PM
Jan 2017
After 13 episodes, We Never Learn comes to an end. The festival concludes in an explosive and hilarious fashion and the characters get one moment of peace together before returning to their studies. This has been an amazing show and a serious contender for best anime of 2019. I'm not sure if we're getting a third season, but for now, this is a beautiful sendoff to the characters and their stories. Hope is all we have right now, so let's hope that a third season reaches us, sooner rather than later.
Dec 28, 2019 5:00 PM

Feb 2019
shanimebib said:
_xSilver said:
Im sure im not the only one whos really annoyed that the anime just abruptly ended like that.

You think #TeamUruka like me will be happy with this garbage adaptation? The final segment made it even worse. The fireworks girl reveal is the worst possible decision I could think of and they went on and did it. I would rather see the things that could led to Nariyuki ending up with Uruka than an anime shoehorned for Fumino and this retarded final segment which basically says "You ain't getting your third season."

Also, what a lame ass thing to do when the manga is still ongoing and anyone could be the end girl (although there are those who has advantage over the others) exactly because of the things that got skipped. Also, it's not 40 chapters. Fireworks arc ends in chapter 69. The manga is now at chapter 142 and we still don't know the identity of the fireworks girl.

Marinate1016 said:
Man I hope we get a season 3, God I love this series so much. You really become deeply invested in the characters and everything. Bokuben doesn't try to be something it's not. It is very simple and is comfortable in its own skin and I love that. Def had tears in my eyes with this finale seeing everyone get into their university and head off on their journeys.

There won't be a sequel. The original anime ending destroyed any chance of a sequel.

Not true. Look at Oreimo S1.
Dec 28, 2019 5:03 PM
Jul 2014
I'm gonna be so mad if Nariyuki goes out with Uruka. Furuhashi + Nariyuki has some deep connection and has been steadily building their relationship on the manga.
Dec 28, 2019 5:10 PM

Nov 2007

No. There won't be a sequel. The manga is in the end game. They should have left it open ended. Not an ending that bends the work Tsutsui has been putting since the turn of the year. Oreimo didn't change the time span. The manga story heavily involves Uruka and her leaving changes the dynamic of the entire setting.

Almost everything pointed to one heroine to be the end girl against all naysayers in the manga. Well, the anime has already revealed it. So, there is no point arguing over it. The manga will probably still have an Uruka ending BUT a proper one.
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Dec 28, 2019 5:12 PM

Jan 2018
Another mediocre harem, the Furuhashi episodes were the only ones worth a damn this cour
What a beautiful Duwang
Dec 28, 2019 5:17 PM
Mar 2015
Our boy is best boy nice of Uraka to give him a hand during the fireworks
Dec 28, 2019 5:28 PM

Jan 2011
shanimebib said:
I can post it here, right? Click the link if you intend to read the manga and it may pique your interest because this is where the manga deviates from the anime original ending:

Link: The point where anime deviates from the manga. << This is immediately after Fumino arc (Fumino arc happens after the festival arc).

wtf i'm anime-only but this is so cute i wish they animated this :(

i'm team uruka and i heard her chances of winning in the manga are low so i like that she got this anime-win but it was done so poorly
Dec 28, 2019 5:32 PM

Feb 2009
What a disappointment with the episode, they decide to conclude the story with alternative ending even though the manga hasn't ended yet. It seems they give up on a possibly third season, what a waste. So much material don't covered, like sempai's mother, sensei's arc, Furuhashi falling in love, among others, so much waste.

Dec 28, 2019 5:35 PM

Feb 2019
shanimebib said:

No. There won't be a sequel. The manga is in the end game. They should have left it open ended. Not an ending that bends the work Tsutsui has been putting since the turn of the year. Oreimo didn't change the time span. The manga story heavily involves Uruka and her leaving changes the dynamic of the entire setting.

Almost everything pointed to one heroine to be the end girl against all naysayers in the manga. Well, the anime has already revealed it. So, there is no point arguing over it. The manga will probably still have an Uruka ending BUT a proper one.

We’ll have to agree to disagree.
Dec 28, 2019 5:45 PM

Nov 2007
wank said:
shanimebib said:
I can post it here, right? Click the link if you intend to read the manga and it may pique your interest because this is where the manga deviates from the anime original ending:

Link: The point where anime deviates from the manga. << This is immediately after Fumino arc (Fumino arc happens after the festival arc).

wtf i'm anime-only but this is so cute i wish they animated this :(

i'm team uruka and i heard her chances of winning in the manga are low so i like that she got this anime-win but it was done so poorly

Read the manga. Do not believe what other people say. She is the most significant heroine in the manga other than Sensei. The forums/boards are full of naysayers because Uruka has become too powerful for their comfort in the latter half of the story and they thus tend to rely on a lot of cliches like "Not happening because she keeps failing/ her chances are long gone/ tangirls don't win in JUMP/ Osananajimi (she barely counts as one) never wins" etc. etc.

People tend to compare her with all those harem cliches associated with her for not winning because they want to keep their mental well being up saying negative things about her.

The chapter before the most recent one seemed like game over for her to many, but after seeing the latest chapter, she probably has the highest chance she ever had, even if she were to leave. Other heroines will have to get 50 chapters to reach her. Especially the MAL's adored Fumi.

@Marinate1016. Okay.
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Dec 28, 2019 5:46 PM

Jun 2017
What a bad way to end it imo...

With this anime original ending a third season is (almost) out of question, right?
ZhexalDec 28, 2019 5:49 PM
Dec 28, 2019 6:02 PM

Jul 2017
I'm totally sold on this anime. 26 episodes of harem greatness right here.

Well, nothing much to say about this season tho, i thought it was pretty much the same as the 1st one, we had some valuable character/relationship between characters development, wich is always a big plus for me and i believe it is a plus for everyone. Yeah, i'm satisfied with this season! Too bad it's ending here it seems.. might as well just go into the manga now.

A big 8/10 just like the 1st season.
WaterLordDec 28, 2019 6:09 PM
Dec 28, 2019 6:05 PM

Feb 2013
WaterLord said:
I'm totally sold on this anime. 26 episodes of harem greatness right here.

Well, nothing much to say about this season tho, i thought it was pretty much the same as the 1st one, we had some valuable character/relationship between characters development, wich is always a big plus for me and i believe it is a plus for everyone. Yeah, i'm satisfied with this season!

A big 8/10 just like the 1st season. Hoping to see a 3rd season soon!

There won't be a third season. Go read the manga.
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