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Dec 25, 2019 7:48 AM

Nov 2011
Ah yes, imagine a world where Jiro and Pansy became lovers. Let's not also forget about Sun-tan showing his real personality in front of Joro. Since this anime is about manipulation and drama, it's hardly a twist.

Jiro had trouble hiding his own emotions this episode as well. For a series' finale, this turned into quite a serious episode especially regarding the relationship between Pansy, Jiro, and Sun-tan.

OVA also announced.
Stark700Dec 25, 2019 8:10 AM
Dec 25, 2019 7:48 AM

Feb 2018
It seems like Pansy has an appointment with Sun-chan to be his girlfriend, but I didn't expect Pansy to shout at Jouro for not coming to the library.

Dec 25, 2019 8:00 AM

Apr 2018
It was cool at the beginning but jokes were too repetitive...
Dec 25, 2019 8:18 AM

Jul 2014
Thus the final episode of the romcom I enjoyed the most this year, yes even more than Kaguya-sama has now ended. It appears there will be an OVA of the last part this 2020 summer from their twitter announcement. Damn that is one brutal cliffhanger.
Anyways this shows peak only shows when its Joro and Pansy centered.
Had tons of fun with this series more than I expected, its like a harem that already has a definitive end girl, we don't get harems like that.
The thing that sets this apart from some of the normal romcoms and harems is its execution of the jokes and references, said this a lot of times but this reminds me of Gintama so much hence why not a lot of people can appreciate it, cause a lot of their references can only be understood when you understand Japanese language and some of its live TV shows and some other anime.
Tho not technically in xmas but 0:30 26th, this was a great Christmas gift! died when the OP song hit when it went to Hose PoV shadowing Joro lol.
Joro being upfront that he won't hand Pansy to Hose infront of everyone was nice tho the fiery background behind him kinda ruins it but I'll take what I can get.
Hope we get more romcom's like this where the MC and his harem's flaws/dickish/jerkish sides are out in the open, we don't really get stuffs like this and mostly the nice types and innocent ones daily.
The thing that separates this from other romcoms is that unlike the norm where I watch harem and romcom because of the waifu alone, I watched this and got entertained because of Joro and a few Pansy here and there. I probably wouldn't have liked this that much if Joro wasn't the MC unlike other harem romcom where it can still work if the main male gets replaced, Joro's VA really put up his A-game, Haruka Tomatsu as well.
Would I say this was a unique take on the typical harem/romcom shows? ...probably? since I rarely come across a main character who's saving grace was him being somewhat of a jerk and the girls actually liking him because of that flaw, well not all of them but Pansy seems to be, so was Sasanqua from this ep when Joro made that assholey expression that woman got turned the fck on lol.
9/10!!!! every ep kept me entertained, laugh and time to time actually sad for some serious developments. Cant wait for the OVA.
Dec 25, 2019 9:08 AM

Aug 2018
Awesome! Episode and I'm going to miss this anime and I hope for season 2
Dec 25, 2019 9:33 AM

Jul 2017
Welp this show went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. Started off so so promising but climaxed too quickly and became a generic lame ass harem rom com with a slightly more aware protagonist. The drama in this series was also laughably bad with how it was executed (like this whole arc/drama is because Pansy is afraid of Hose being.....dense? And not to mention the whole Sun thing), characters changed their minds faster than the speed of light, and the bench/baseball running gag got oversaturated way too fast (ok maybe not the bench one that wasn’t too bad)

At least it was better done than the manga, but that wasn’t too hard to do

Dec 25, 2019 9:34 AM

Aug 2016
I cringed way too much in the ending.

All the best people are crazy!
Dec 25, 2019 9:39 AM

Aug 2013
Good episode.

We got to see Joro being himself again in this arc and that smile of his.
Good to see Sasanqua getting some screen time.

Joro's plan backfired with the three girls confessing their love to him.


Dec 25, 2019 9:41 AM

Mar 2017
Season 2 when? or maybe an OVA
Dec 25, 2019 9:44 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm while its nice that the library was saved to think that this was due to its new use of being a social space. Even the best of intentions can become uncomfortable when its too forceful. So that was Sun chan's plan back then, quite the move. Sasanqua really is pulling out all the stops huh. Still her earnest desire to help was pretty refreshing. Joro's comeback speech though sure was fun and sweet at the same time. Joro's challenge to Hose though sure was an interesting one. Though that was one hell of an upset for Joro due to the girls own unique views. What a hillarious time for confessions though. Overall a decent end to the series that managed to save the library while also setting the stage for a potential sequel via the beginning of the contest claim Pansy's heart.
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Dec 25, 2019 9:50 AM

Nov 2011
I actually expected Joro to pull out bench-kun and confess to Pansy in the end.

I thought that would have been a pretty awesome way to end the show. But if the OVA is coming like stated early in this thread then Sun-chan will be the deciding vote.

I can see the OVA starting off with The two girls and Pansy giving the Barrettes to Joro. Thus the game having to decide the vote.

If the OVA is coming in Summer thats a long time. Might have to start reading the LN.
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Dec 25, 2019 9:54 AM

Oct 2017
In the end Joro's plan backfired, all three of the girls confessed their love for Joro. Well I guess now Joro needs to convince those two girls to give the vote to him. Damn this ended in a huge cliffhanger, need s2 asap.
Dec 25, 2019 9:55 AM
Jan 2019
How much story is left after this final episode??
Dec 25, 2019 9:58 AM
Apr 2016
lol i was sure they wont show the desired ending
thank god i had been reading the manga/light novel

well viewers have to wait for 7 months for the OVA
AsT5Dec 25, 2019 11:19 AM
Dec 25, 2019 10:11 AM

Nov 2017

I enjoyed the show somewhat.
A 7/10 for me just because i enjoyed all the 4th wall break gags and the whacky comedy. Plot wise it wasn't anything new but it was still interesting enough.

I hate when shows split the ending for an OVA but oh well what can we do . . .
Dec 25, 2019 10:13 AM
Jul 2018
Sequel baiting at its worst. Dang! Enjoyed this episode but wish they had ended the story here.
Dec 25, 2019 10:17 AM

Dec 2012
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand the ending literally guttered the anime, good job guys
"Only one with the courage
to shoulder the burden
of their own fate can
be called a hero.."

Dec 25, 2019 10:18 AM

Sep 2019
Everything started with a baseball match and the final showdown will be at another baseball match XD. I liked how Joro's plan backfired him and all the girls confessed to him too. Sasanqa was adorable btw. Looking forward to the ova.
Dec 25, 2019 10:42 AM

Apr 2011
A good final episode I must say. Looking forward to seeing the OVA.


Dec 25, 2019 10:46 AM

Apr 2019
That was a really good episode. Too bad this is the last one. The OVA will apparently come in Summer 2020. Can't believe we have to wait for a long time to see the conclusion of this arc.
Dec 25, 2019 10:54 AM

Oct 2017
It's a pretty fun series with alot of reference from other anime used as joke.
The artstyle is also very appealing too.

HOWEVER, this ending is unacceptable/ atrocious, and it is very unlikely it'd have a 2nd season..

6/10 show. I'd have rate lower if the artstyle isn't this good...
Dec 25, 2019 10:55 AM

Oct 2013
Damnit Shukashun, she betrayed him real hard. Flexes her muscles on him
Dec 25, 2019 10:56 AM
Apr 2016
Anime_freak_08 said:
How much story is left after this final episode??

Another six arcs and still counting
We do have story for s2 tbh
Dec 25, 2019 10:59 AM

Apr 2018
But can someone explain me what really is Pansy's plan with Sun-chan ?
Dec 25, 2019 11:06 AM
Jul 2019
Ya know I kinda feel bad that Sasanqua was left out of the harem circle.

Oh Baka Joro, your plan to take Pansy backed fired, since you could've know that those 3 other girls love you.
Dec 25, 2019 11:18 AM

Aug 2016
Sorry but This is just TRASH simple as that, This show started as a show that mocks the harem shows and cliches and TURNED İNTO ONE REALLY FAST, and This episode is just so STUPİD This is simply ridiculous, There was no need for Rigged Games (and His own rigged game turned against him What a joke) As Hose said They could have talk it out, All pansy have to do is Saying a serious ''NO'' to hose and Everything would turn out Fine and I can t get her problem with him too, Just say him that You can only see him as a friend and Everything will be good, There is no need to act like a scaredy cat, If She is grateful to him for What he did Then She should just say so, Her actions disrespects him more than Turning him down but NO for God damn Harem purposes, We have A School that CLOSES İTS LİBRARY FOR NO REASON and Pansy Who acts all alpha against Joro turned into a damsel in distress
İN SHORT This was a show that started with potential and Just ended up as another Harem Trash
Dec 25, 2019 11:20 AM

Apr 2018
Hoshimiya1 said:
Sorry but This is just TRASH simple as that, This show started as a show that mocks the harem shows and cliches and TURNED İNTO ONE REALLY FAST, and This episode is just so STUPİD This is simply ridiculous, There was no need for Rigged Games (and His own rigged game turned against him What a joke) As Hose said They could have talk it out, All pansy have to do is Saying a serious ''NO'' to hose and Everything would turn out Fine and I can t get her problem with him too, Just say him that You can only see him as a friend and Everything will be good, There is no need to act like a scaredy cat, If She is grateful to him for What he did Then She should just say so, Her actions disrespects him more than Turning him down but NO for God damn Harem purposes, We have A School that CLOSES İTS LİBRARY FOR NO REASON and Pansy Who acts all alpha against Joro turned into a damsel in distress
İN SHORT This was a show that started with potential and Just ended up as another Harem Trash
Totally accurate
Dec 25, 2019 11:21 AM

Nov 2016
Became less and less enjoyable until it turned into full garbage. I genuinely liked some aspects at the beginning, even tho equally as many were cringe worthy. Not my type of harem series and with horrible values to boot.

At least the opening was pretty catchy.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 25, 2019 11:33 AM

Jan 2013
What an absolute disaster of a last episode.
Dec 25, 2019 11:40 AM

Sep 2018
"Even Shuka Saito betrayed me!" has got to be my favourite 4th wall break ever
Dec 25, 2019 11:50 AM
Feb 2009
I knew it they were gonna vote against him and they finally came thru with the confessions luls
Dec 25, 2019 11:53 AM

Sep 2017
Nice final episode

That's a 7/10 for me. The general humour and the 4th wall breaks were great, but unfortunately the anime didn't dare to go further in its "anti romcom" way after the 3rd episode, and the only really likeable character, Jouro, was sometimes way too gentle and nice. If he had went for a total manipulative jerk behaviour, it would have been way better and funnier
Dec 25, 2019 12:08 PM

Aug 2017
I don't think that the show as a whole is amazing like the first 3 episodes but the anime did what it could. 7/10 for the anime.
NurguburuJan 3, 2020 8:04 PM
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Dec 25, 2019 12:23 PM
Mar 2015
The Pansy challenge has Joro being Hosed but he is not giving up
Dec 25, 2019 12:36 PM

Aug 2019
This show turned okay, after the first 3 episodes.

Those first 3 episodes were really good.

Dec 25, 2019 12:47 PM

May 2017
Could they not just let Pansy chose who she wants to date? Imagine having a poll to see who your friends want you to date and not have a say-what the hell?

I thought this was going to be a fun show but it totally peaked halfway through and instantly dropped all the way to the bottom imo. I liked some of the episodes I'll admit, but so many characters pissed me off, making it impossible to fully enjoy the show. I'm happy a lot of you guys were able to like it though, considering I definitely couldn't.
Dec 25, 2019 12:51 PM

Sep 2013
wait wait wait so the final ep is the the OVA?
Dec 25, 2019 12:51 PM

Sep 2015
That was a terrible ending for an anime that started making fun of the romance and harem cliches

Pansy became just a trophy to be disputed. Shame.
Dec 25, 2019 12:53 PM

Mar 2018
The "Shuka Saito betrayal" got me in tears of laugh

Dec 25, 2019 1:11 PM

Mar 2019
Hmm not gonna lie I am pretty disappointed about the final. The anime was one of my favorites at the start for this season... But at the end it just got boring in my view. No really development anymore, everyone plays their own mind game....
Dec 25, 2019 1:17 PM
Nov 2017
Seems like it’s pretty split on what people think of this finale. I’m on the side that is pretty disappointed with how it ended. Just that last few minutes was enough to drop my score. Started off real strong and promising, setting itself apart from other rom-coms but then it got repetitive. All I could think about each new arc was how was Joro going to get fucked over this time. That got annoying halfway through, but either way it was a decent time killer.. I guess.
Dec 25, 2019 1:19 PM

Jul 2019
No one cares about Pansy's decision? they treat her like an object. bruh
Dec 25, 2019 1:20 PM

Jan 2014
I feel like this show built up so much hype within the first few episodes, and then tried to keep up said hype as it went along, but it just didn't have the same effect as it did in the first three or so episodes. While the show wasn't bad or boring, as I did enjoy it as a whole. But after a breakout start, it did fall down bit by bit.
Dec 25, 2019 1:24 PM

Oct 2010
"Even Saitou Shuka betrayed me!" funniest part. I hate when anime require an OVA to finish. They could've skipped the recap and finished this with 13 episodes if they had planned properly. Overall very enjoyable and I loved all 4 main girls.
Dec 25, 2019 1:31 PM

Nov 2018
Such a disappointing ending.

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Dec 25, 2019 2:07 PM

Nov 2017
I hope Joro winss :')))
Dec 25, 2019 2:07 PM

Dec 2015
Good episode, but what a shit way to end the season.
Dec 25, 2019 2:27 PM

Apr 2015
Omg I really got to wait till the summer to see the conclusion, DAMN IT! I guess I'll have to be patient....

I am a little sour we didn't get to see this end yet but damn this episode had some entertaining moments.

"EVEN SHUKA SAITO BETRAYED ME" I mean, there's 4th wall breaking, but that was probably the best one of them all!

8/10, I rather would have loved to see this wrapped up without the wait of an OVA 2 seasons down the line, but overall the show has given me loads of laughs. Joro was great, Sun-chan has redeemed himself a little and Pansy is just too damn cute!
Dec 25, 2019 2:43 PM
May 2019
So, it'll be hard anyways. Probably the girl who are friends with Hose will give their things to Joro, alongside with Pansy, then Joro's school wins the tournament, which means Hose have to stay away, but then also means Pansy is dating Sun-chan from now on.
Anyways, Sasanqua finally did something, I wish I could see more from her and Joro.
Dec 25, 2019 2:58 PM

Jul 2017
FMmatron said:
At least the opening was pretty catchy.

yea holy shit the OP and ED were dang good
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