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Nov 30, 2019 3:08 PM
Jan 2018
Anyone know what volumes this season will cover?
Nov 30, 2019 3:27 PM

May 2019
Donnawan said:
Imohammed206 said:
So Asuna does not have any intention to Enter or what ? e.e
it has been 3 Episodes +++

The time in UW os 1000x faster than reality. Asuna is preparing herself with medicals, eletroids and when she is ready, she will enter in STL machine.
In reality 10 minutes
in UW, 16 hours maybe...

so we will se at least 16 hours of combat in UW then Asuna will join the battle

10 minutes in real world are 10.000 minutes in UW. A day is 1440 minutes long.

So the 10 minutes of RW are the same of almost 7 days in UW

We know that Gabriel just has arrived a couple days before the begin of the load test, so it means that a delay of just 2 or 3 minutes to Asuna entry was enough to make SAO fans be very angst. lol
Nov 30, 2019 4:26 PM
Feb 2017
@Nemesis16 I guess, although the other 2 times we’ve seen incarnation happen it seemed believable because their emotions looked like they went overload (lost his lover, became super ticked off/never expected to face such a power and was scared, thus he became ticked that he was almost killed). While with Eldrie he seems to just get a little support from ghost Eugeo that suddenly makes him inspired? Idk maybe I just expected incarnate to be a sudden influx of an emotion, rather than an influx in will. Oh well.

@-Aincrad- I disagree, I find this to be an average season of SAO, with being in the high 7s being a fine place to put it (a big reason is due to me not caring for any of the knights, we don’t know almost anything about them and they are given spotlights out of nowhere [as well as backstories that seem rushed]. Alice is the only knight I actually care about). Alicization P1 imo definitely deserves to be in the 8 range of at least an 8.2.
MegaStrideNov 30, 2019 4:30 PM
Nov 30, 2019 4:42 PM
Jan 2017
They bring a very fells ep, the scene of HP on Eldrie below do negative status and still alive is soo gorgeous and exciting, the Incarnation System showing us how Kirito can beat Kayaba after "dead" back do Aincrad arc;

And again we see a young master lost the pupil like Kirito on Eugeo back in Human Realm Arc.
Good good ep, next week finally my favorite darkest boi will debut !
Nov 30, 2019 4:52 PM
Jan 2016
So the leader of dark mages and gabriel sacrificed 3000 orcs for nothing, even in bad side i found it sad to watch, orc leader had to watch his men and his beloved being sacrificed!

RIP Eldrie he managed to sacrifice himself in order to counter that dark magic, breaking the limits and even going to negative hp, and that scene was really well animated, and the farewel was also sad!

Alice went full rage mode and annihilated the remaining dark mages!

Gabriel found his objective, affraid of what will be his next move!

Where is my ASUNA xD
Nov 30, 2019 5:27 PM

Oct 2017
3000 sacrifice -> taking down 1 target :P
That must be using 100000000 mana on a single target OHKO skill :P
On the meantime , Alice one cast -> boom 5000+ gone.

That -45000 life and still able to talk to Alice for a minute before he died is as ridiculous as cutting Eugeo in half for 2 episodes and he still able to talk.
On the meantime other people died instantly when they reach 0 hp :)

Also rip the plan of Alice being a docile or something, all she need to do is charge in front, kill everyone, and challenge emperor upfront solo. She has plot armour for unlimited mana/ stamina anyway, and gets stronger as the plot see fits. She'd only ever lose to Kirito anyway. Kinda wonder how Kirito and Eugeo even beat all of those super nutty knights in the first place cuz they're clearly stronger in this war than when they fight Kirito and Eugeo.
Nov 30, 2019 5:29 PM

Oct 2017
Donnawan said:
Imohammed206 said:
So Asuna does not have any intention to Enter or what ? e.e
it has been 3 Episodes +++

The time in UW os 1000x faster than reality. Asuna is preparing herself with medicals, eletroids and when she is ready, she will enter in STL machine.
In reality 10 minutes
in UW, 16 hours maybe...

so we will se at least 16 hours of combat in UW then Asuna will join the battle

So tell me, it seems Asuna enters at a similar time period with the Dark Emperor dude.
Why do Dark Emperor got in so much faster compare to Asuna?
Nov 30, 2019 5:45 PM

Oct 2015
Rest in peace Lenju and Eldrie! Especially Lenju, her death touched me even though we didn't see her in the series before.

I wonder where is Asuna?
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Nov 30, 2019 5:52 PM
Dec 2018
For a moment I felt just as if I was watching some kind of Fate spinoff, the last two fights were really great
Nov 30, 2019 5:53 PM

Feb 2013
Ventus_S said:
Donnawan said:

The time in UW os 1000x faster than reality. Asuna is preparing herself with medicals, eletroids and when she is ready, she will enter in STL machine.
In reality 10 minutes
in UW, 16 hours maybe...

so we will se at least 16 hours of combat in UW then Asuna will join the battle

So tell me, it seems Asuna enters at a similar time period with the Dark Emperor dude.
Why do Dark Emperor got in so much faster compare to Asuna?

Because she entered minutes after him, which will make her reach Underworld days due to the time difference between underworld and real world. All of this difference of time was explained already and the guy you quoted also explained to you. It's a simple concept.

He entered 10 minutes before her, so he reached before the war. She entered more or less 10 minutes later, so she'll appear later in there due to how much of difference there was and how much time already passed between him entering underworld and the 10 minutes that she entered there. You all are forgetting that our perspective is with the people of UW, not Asuna, so we won't see it already on mid war but all the confrontation that happened in the meantime of Asuna entering, and then Asuna reaching the war.
Nov 30, 2019 6:19 PM

Nov 2016
I think this war is pretty much the best SAO has offered so far. Eye candy action and the emotional scenes serve a good punch.

Pretty fucked up to sacrifice so many lives for an attack. I don't know how much potential it had, but Eldrie surely did well to prevent worse.

And Alice or Alicia spotted xD

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 30, 2019 6:21 PM
Anti-social One

Mar 2013
Pastaninja69 said:
Jogan6 said:
Eldrie's scene was great, and very well animated. And does anyone know who pushed him when he was going to die?
its eugeo s s spirit who pushed him

cries in eugeo. Still best boy post mortem.
But also, this scene with Eldrie going into the negative really makes me hope/believe that Eugeo can be revived. We never saw his fluctlight die (I think), and we've had preivous experience of turning humans into other forms.... so when can we turn him back to human? Will this revive Kirito? So many questions...
KaguyachinchinNov 30, 2019 6:25 PM
Nov 30, 2019 6:25 PM

Dec 2015
Rob7 said:
Nemesis16 said:

Maybe, just maybe, because Eldrie was a dearly person to her.

The point is: To us, the viwers, he was not.

The anime (the ANIME for the f* sake of God, not the source) is failing to make the audience to share the feelings of the main characters.

I mean, just few episodes ago (previous season), all these knights were pathetic enemies, and now the plot is pushing them over your face, "you must care about them!"


At this moment, my level of sympathy for the knights, except of Alice, is the same for the part of dark hordes who are being forced to be sacrificed in this unbalanced war.


And the Bercouli is the WORST. Come on, stop of smiling a bit, stop being just chill and cool. It is a war, do show some legit concern.
Fucking thank you! Finally someone talking something that actually makes sense in this forum. This serie is failing in every single way to make the viewer care about anything happening on the screen, so how come this is suposed to be the best season of SAO? It proves once again those people only care about Sakuga and hype for the sake of it.
Nov 30, 2019 6:42 PM
Nov 2019
Love it,i'm really waiting for the next episode!And sacrifice again,R.I.P Eldrie:(
Nov 30, 2019 7:03 PM

May 2018
Great fight as usual, now Eldrie became a sacrifice and finally the enemy recognized Alice.
Nov 30, 2019 7:09 PM

Nov 2011
Every episodes someone dies but the Dark Territory always suffer bigger loss. 3k pigs people for 1 integrity Knight and an enraged Alice. Not a good trade there.

Now that Vector have noticed Alice, he will most likely make a move.

Nov 30, 2019 8:13 PM

Jun 2017
I totally agree with Rob7's post here.

Rob7 said:
The point is: To us, the viwers, he was not.

The anime (the ANIME for the f* sake of God, not the source) is failing to make the audience to share the feelings of the main characters.

I mean, just few episodes ago (previous season), all these knights were pathetic enemies, and now the plot is pushing them over your face, "you must care about them!"


At this moment, my level of sympathy for the knights, except of Alice, is the same for the part of dark hordes who are being forced to be sacrificed in this unbalanced war.

I think except that I'm feeling for the lower-ranked dark hordes a tad bit more.

Alice's double standards xD, absolutely on the mark there.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Nov 30, 2019 9:47 PM
Jun 2017
Ohhh i just feel sad for those orcs.. because of failure of mages, they became a sacrifice...

Well lets see what will happen in next episode
Nov 30, 2019 9:51 PM

Sep 2019
R.I.P Eldrie.

This show is now going further than I've ever expected it, and every eps so far just keeps one-upping, again, again and all over again.

But, still wondering when will Asuna come into existence :))
Nov 30, 2019 9:54 PM

Jan 2011
love Alice but these are some next level double standards coming off when she used her nuke last week showing Remorse for murdering all those hordes to full on wanting to just slay everyone over one death that to us the anime viewers doesn't weigh that much.

for real kinda mainly feeling bad for the lower tier DT hordes (also not a fan of a ton of witch babes being burnt not cool) but them killing all those Orcs in not even a less painful way just sucked ,and turns out the werewolves just wanted back their native? land to live out like shit man
Nov 30, 2019 10:25 PM
Oct 2017
Danggg, what a hype episode! So much stuff happened in this episode.

Alice rekt them all with her blast spell and was able to "win" that part of the war.

When they went to sacrifice those orcs, I kind of felt bad but then again they were gonna try to kill the Human Empire but rip to the orcs anyway.

Eldrie with his time to shine TANKING the deathworm curse attack. Also when he went into the negative life points that was hypeeeeeeee! That was definitely Eugeo's hand pushing him to keep going right?

Now Alice is pissed and is about to kill everyone in the Dark Territory!

At the end Gabriel is actually enticed to do something in this war after he sees Alice. Looking forward to find out where this takes us!
My Candies:
Nov 30, 2019 10:38 PM

Oct 2014
Can we take a moment to appreciate the godly animation and sound effects! Especially with the massive arts, they just look and sound sublime.
Nov 30, 2019 11:58 PM
Sep 2019
A lot of interesting developments.

Where's Asuna? She went into the underworld like 4 episodes ago
Dec 1, 2019 1:08 AM

Feb 2014
I really enjoyed this episode a lot. The animation used for the scene with Eldrie's sacrificial attack was really impressive.

The Dark Territory's plan to sacrifice 3,000 orcs to create a powerful attack at the Integrity Knights did leave me having some sympathy for the Orc leader. He might be on the side of the enemy, but the fact that Lenju, the girl that I presume that he likes/loves, was willing to be part of the sacrificial spell was a powerful scene.

Same with Eldire's last stand to divert the attack away from Alice's group. He somehow stayed alive, even though his health went below -500,000 at one point. A bit ridiculous, but I'll let it slide since it did give us a rather powerful send-off scene with him and Alice, though.

Alice's rage was unleashed at the Dart Territory Army as a result of Eldrie's death. It was a bit of double standards, no denying that, but her rage and vow for revenge was very understandable. In her position, most users here would retaliate the same way if they lost someone that they hold dear to, wouldn't they? I feel that the criticism here was justified, but unsurprisingly, exaggerated.
Dec 1, 2019 1:09 AM

Mar 2013
Good Episode... Kinda feel bad about the orc armies died in vain for the dark mage's spells and yet that only killed Eldrie. RIP Eldrie.

Gabriel's creepy smile when he sees Alice for the first time also creeps me out.
Dec 1, 2019 1:40 AM

Jun 2017
t was nice to see Eldrie one last time, turns out he is actually skilled. He fulfilled his duty as a knight and protected many others before him. F. To the 3,000 orcs who were sacrificed though, I kinda feel bad for them, especially after it was wasted on that spell. That Mage Corps or Battalion or whatever though, looks like they are helpless when they have no spells around, it was pure enjoyment from me seeing them get destroyed lol.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 1, 2019 3:52 AM

Apr 2018
Plot armor is so strong you can still live while having negative health lmao what. Woah what is Alice the same as Alicia? Hoping that Gabriel wouldn't poke a pen in Alice's ear
Dec 1, 2019 4:58 AM

Jun 2019
Rest in peace for Eldrie.
Dec 1, 2019 5:42 AM
Oct 2019
- RIP Eldrie Synthesis 31
- I'm happy Alice got revenge for Eldrie
Dec 1, 2019 6:32 AM

Oct 2017
Rob7 said:
HaXXspetten said:
>Alice kills a couple thousands with a giant laser cannon
>They retaliate by killing one person

Alice: "How dare you? You're going to pay!"

>She then proceeds to kill tons more

Just what on earth are these double standards lol

Or 9/11 compared to any other war involving US elsewhere

This chart is shockingly accurate.
Gonna save it for later.
Dec 1, 2019 7:03 AM

Jun 2019
Nemesis16 said:
Ventus_S said:

So tell me, it seems Asuna enters at a similar time period with the Dark Emperor dude.
Why do Dark Emperor got in so much faster compare to Asuna?

Because she entered minutes after him, which will make her reach Underworld days due to the time difference between underworld and real world. All of this difference of time was explained already and the guy you quoted also explained to you. It's a simple concept.

He entered 10 minutes before her, so he reached before the war. She entered more or less 10 minutes later, so she'll appear later in there due to how much of difference there was and how much time already passed between him entering underworld and the 10 minutes that she entered there. You all are forgetting that our perspective is with the people of UW, not Asuna, so we won't see it already on mid war but all the confrontation that happened in the meantime of Asuna entering, and then Asuna reaching the war.

Let me ask something
How Gabriel contacting to the real world? when they contact each other, reality and Underworld's timeline didn't change
Dec 1, 2019 7:40 AM

Apr 2016
Aim1rR said:
Nemesis16 said:

Because she entered minutes after him, which will make her reach Underworld days due to the time difference between underworld and real world. All of this difference of time was explained already and the guy you quoted also explained to you. It's a simple concept.

He entered 10 minutes before her, so he reached before the war. She entered more or less 10 minutes later, so she'll appear later in there due to how much of difference there was and how much time already passed between him entering underworld and the 10 minutes that she entered there. You all are forgetting that our perspective is with the people of UW, not Asuna, so we won't see it already on mid war but all the confrontation that happened in the meantime of Asuna entering, and then Asuna reaching the war.

Let me ask something
How Gabriel contacting to the real world? when they contact each other, reality and Underworld's timeline didn't change

When they contact each other the flow of time become the same, it was explained in the previous season and also there was an animation to indicate that thing when it happened in one of the previous episodes.
Dec 1, 2019 8:22 AM

Jan 2015
save us from this annoying alice already asuna, please :/

great episode overall, RIP eldrie, hopefully alice will be the next one to die
Dec 1, 2019 8:57 AM
Nov 2019
BlakexEkalb said:
Still bothers me that Eldrie was actually able to push himself beyond what he can endure. I understand the message, but I unlike those rage modes we’ve seen with that giant orc(?) and that one dark knight it’s like they unlocked a special transformation, unlike Eldrie who basically just cheats the entire system.

No .. he shows us what that the willpower can break limits ,, it 's amazing in its own way ...
Dec 1, 2019 9:31 AM
Feb 2017
BestBoiEren said:
save us from this annoying alice already asuna, please :/

great episode overall, RIP eldrie, hopefully Asuna will be the next one to die

FTFY........ Asuna is meh.
Dec 1, 2019 10:16 AM
Jan 2019
Somehow, I don’t believe this season will go only 12 episodes.
Dec 1, 2019 10:39 AM

Feb 2013
Aim1rR said:
Nemesis16 said:

Because she entered minutes after him, which will make her reach Underworld days due to the time difference between underworld and real world. All of this difference of time was explained already and the guy you quoted also explained to you. It's a simple concept.

He entered 10 minutes before her, so he reached before the war. She entered more or less 10 minutes later, so she'll appear later in there due to how much of difference there was and how much time already passed between him entering underworld and the 10 minutes that she entered there. You all are forgetting that our perspective is with the people of UW, not Asuna, so we won't see it already on mid war but all the confrontation that happened in the meantime of Asuna entering, and then Asuna reaching the war.

Let me ask something
How Gabriel contacting to the real world? when they contact each other, reality and Underworld's timeline didn't change

There's a console inside the Underworld in both sides. One side for Dark Territory which is where Gabe is contacting, and the other on Human Territory, which was with Quinela on the tower.

And no, they did change. If you rewatch the episode, you'll see that when they talk, there's a effect to show that the time gets the same between each side.

Waterdragon884 said:
Somehow, I don’t believe this season will go only 12 episodes.

It will, it's split cour.
Dec 1, 2019 12:00 PM
Jan 2019
You mean we have to wait months again when this season ends?
Dec 1, 2019 12:08 PM

Jul 2017
People will disagree with me on this and this is my opinion, but I think this episode is probably top 3 if not the best episode in the post Aincrad world. Every second was really just beautiful.
Dec 1, 2019 3:09 PM

Dec 2013
Sacrificing their own troops actually made me feel bad for them.

RIP Eldrie. Died a manly death.
Dec 1, 2019 3:33 PM

Jul 2017
In this sacrificial war, everyone dies for no reason, but being forced to fight this as a double standard.

Knowing that Alice is the main person in question for the enemy to capture, another strategy to counter the (sacrificial) enemy.

RIP Eldrie Synthesis Thirty-one, for all that you do. Your efforts are not in vain. To counter this insane one Dark Art power, is to die for the better of humankind. A manly finish to the death, wreaks havoc for Alice.

As this war rages on, things could only go bad at this point, but WOW the visuals and sounds that could only be better from now on.
Dec 1, 2019 5:48 PM
Jul 2018
HaXXspetten said:
>Alice kills a couple thousands with a giant laser cannon
>They retaliate by killing one person

Alice: "How dare you? You're going to pay!"

>She then proceeds to kill tons more

Just what on earth are these double standards lol

I couldn't care less about Alice but in her defense it's not a double standard because the people from the Dark Territory are the ones who attacked them first while they only try to protect their homelands.
Dec 1, 2019 6:43 PM

Sep 2016
Eldrie fucking Chad he took 100 times his max hp of damage getting his health several times in negative, he absorbed the whole attack, mad respect.
And he didn't even disintegrate instantly, he still had the time to talk, also, I take that last speech as a love confession.
That makes it more sad :S

Also Alice super badass. And Gabriel thinks Alice is Alicia, oh no. But I guess Alice's aim is to bait him to come at her.
Dec 1, 2019 7:56 PM

May 2019
Made-In-Heaven said:
HaXXspetten said:
>Alice kills a couple thousands with a giant laser cannon
>They retaliate by killing one person

Alice: "How dare you? You're going to pay!"

>She then proceeds to kill tons more

Just what on earth are these double standards lol

I couldn't care less about Alice but in her defense it's not a double standard because the people from the Dark Territory are the ones who attacked them first while they only try to protect their homelands.

(Should i polemize? Should i? Come on, why not)

- Human Empire = Israel

- Dark Territory = Arab League

- Final Load Test = Arab-Israeli war.

The Dark hordes attacked first and with more men, but the Human Empire was just too strong.
Dec 1, 2019 11:01 PM

Oct 2008
way to go Alice! go on rampage!
strong emotions this episode huh! plus the OST!

Dec 1, 2019 11:14 PM

Oct 2016
That spell that allows the sacrifice of 3000 lives should be illegal in any game. Seems right out of the Exodus or Leviticus. Super EWW.

I wonder if the hand that allowed Eldrie to go below zero in health points was Kirito's or Eugeo's.


Rob7 said:

(Should i polemize? Should i? Come on, why not)

- Human Empire = Israel

- Dark Territory = Arab League

- Final Load Test = Arab-Israeli war.

The Dark hordes attacked first and with more men, but the Human Empire was just too strong.

Lol that's just inaccurate of a comparison. Plus I would avoid bring religious conflicts, especially when you seem so misinformed.
Dec 2, 2019 12:27 AM

Mar 2014
I like that Eldrie redeemed himself in the end, realizing he couldn't (and shouldn't) keep Alice all to himself
Dec 2, 2019 7:50 AM
Aug 2019
I am fucking sick of this shit. When the fuck is Kirito gonna wake up?
Dec 2, 2019 9:53 AM

Mar 2017
Fuck, Eldrie... why?! 😭

Alice's revenge was so fucking cool; i just hope that dark mage bitch dies a horrible death after everything she's done. Also Alice probably shouldn't have shouted her name out above the battlefield considering she knows Vecta is looking for her!
Dec 2, 2019 1:30 PM

May 2018
Nice, all that animation flexing xD

If only other shows had animations like this :D
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