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Feb 11, 2013 3:32 PM

Jan 2011
I really hope this works out for Nagisa.
I'm sick of seeing her do something amazing and then revert back to her old self the very next episode!

I don't think Mimori will be the next Acchan - fingers tied for that to go for Nagisa at the end of the series - but I'm really happy for her! I wonder how that will affect Kanata though, she's sure to be happy for Mimori but conflicted still.
Feb 11, 2013 3:39 PM
Jul 2009
lemon-panda said:
Acchan, With her initially being so timid, but shining on the stage~

Lol, that's how you see Acchan? You probably should get yourself more familiarized with the real AKB. It's true that she was shy, but she was also pretty introverted, unlike Nagisa who is a little more ongoing and friendly. And about shining on stage... well, the real Acchan didn't begin to "shine" on stage until after she was made the Center. Before that point she didn't really stand out on the stage at all. Why do you think the other girls, more talented and skilled than Acchan, were so butthurt about Acchan getting the Center position? Even today no one knows why she was chosen, since she was below average for an idol... Of course, after becoming Center she had to pull herself together and change so that she could show that she was worthy of being in that position, but it wasn't easy and it took time...

To be honest, Nagisa has it easy in comparison. She's still just an understudy and she can already shine so brightly on stage. She's nothing like poor Acchan in her early days.

Anyway, I think Nagisa's personality matches Paruru's a little bit more than Acchan's. But there's already a Paruru successor so I know it's not possible for Nagisa to become Paruru...
1idd0kunFeb 11, 2013 3:56 PM
Feb 11, 2013 3:56 PM

Feb 2012
I hope Mimori succeeded someone. D: She's worked so hard. I want Nagisa to succeed too, but dammit Mimori's been at it longer.
Feb 11, 2013 4:13 PM
Jul 2009
Vyudali said:
I hope Mimori succeeded someone. D: She's worked so hard. I want Nagisa to succeed too, but dammit Mimori's been at it longer.

Besides Mimori is already 17 while Nagisa's just 13. Clearly Mimori needs that succession a lot more.
Feb 11, 2013 4:38 PM

Jan 2013
Kanata will be sad, since she ll be the only one from75th that hasn't able succeed yet.

I dont remember see Acchan before she gets center nova position... and i re-watched first season and 6 episodes from next stage several times...
Feb 11, 2013 5:08 PM
Jul 2009
I can feel the double center nova coming with the force of a thousand suns.

Feb 11, 2013 5:37 PM

Jan 2011
MagicFlier said:
ruffster25 said:
Looks like we get to find out who's the next Acchan first before who's Center Nova.

I had the impression that if someone takes the role of the next Acchan, then that would be the same as being the Center Nova.

They are separate roles?

You don't have to be Acchan to be Center Nova.
However, I think Acchan is a member that is always Center Nova since apperently they glow particularlly bright.
Basically I think it's
Center Nova =/= Acchan
Acchan =Center Nova
If that makes sense.
Feb 12, 2013 1:50 AM

Dec 2010
1idd0kun said:

Lol, that's how you see Acchan? You probably should get yourself more familiarized with the real AKB.

Tbh i don't want to ;D I like the series and i like the music, Im not fussed to get into the fanbase of the real AKB~ I know people who are incredibly into it and It's not my thing. I know a few of the Idols and i like their solo work but I work and in full time uni~ Dont really have le time to know ALL the idols, considering the amount of them~

I based that of purely what they said in the show about Acchan, Tsubasa said she was shy but when she got on stage she was filled with confidence and shined. Tbh i don't think any of the characters should be looked at based on the actual Idol, just how they're developed in the show, If the series was meant for only those who know all the real idols and understood the characters so they weren't needing development, It'd be a awfully weak show. Obviously knowing the Idols you could -say- you understood the characters more and would know all the other Girls as well as even having a better understanding on who they suit in terms of succeeding, but it's not a case of You -must- be familarized with real AKB to understand the characters and how the series is going to flow. The writers aren't that foolish to cut their target audience like that.
Feb 12, 2013 11:22 AM

Jul 2008
People should understand that Mimori will become a successor only if she manage to overcome the fever.
The way Mimori got switched in the middle of the concert should technically means that she couldn't endure it so her becoming a successor is not as certain as people make it sound.
Nagisa stole the show this episode. She wasn't more radiant than Yuuko or Chieri but for the 'no name' Nagisa to shine as brightly as those two, I'm ready to bet that she did an impression on most people, fan or not.
If Mimori failed to endure the fever (Because that's still up to debate) and Nagisa shone this brightly, it wouldn't be a stretch to say that Mimori might not graduate and Nagisa actually might.

Also it was implied that not everyone had a fever before they graduated and at least never stated that "Every successor had a fever before they graduated".
That shemale wouldn't have used the words "Just like you did" when talking to Tsubasa about Mimori's fever if it was something that happened to every successor. It is likely to be a trait common to those that succeed that same girl Tsubasa did.

It's pretty safe to assume that Nagisa will succeed A-chan at one point.
Either both Nagisa and Chieri will succeed A-chan or either Nagisa alone will, this has been hinted quite a few time already.

Chieri can shine on her own, so can Nagisa. Still they shine much brighter when they are together. I thought that this was shown enough time but I guess some people didn't get it yet.
Feb 12, 2013 11:28 AM
Jul 2009
Scheherazade1007 said:
People should understand that Mimori will become a successor only if she manage to overcome the fever.

If she doesn't die, it means she did overcome the fever.
Feb 12, 2013 11:43 AM

Jul 2008
1idd0kun said:
Scheherazade1007 said:
People should understand that Mimori will become a successor only if she manage to overcome the fever.

If she doesn't die, it means she did overcome the fever.

The way they actually specify that the fever always happens just before a big concert pretty much means that it's somewhat of a test for an idol.
She could stay in bed and have Nagisa replace her or she could take the test, endure the fever and shine brightly on stage.

You can interpret it however you like but it's nothing more than an interpretation for now.

I see it as she didn't manage to endure the fever and failed the test. She was close but in the end she wasn't worthy of succession.
Some could say that she will succeed because she did manage to perform her "idol duties" and shone while having the fever.
Some other like you could say that the moment she had a fever it was decided but I believe that if Mimori does succeed it will be because of the former point and not this one.
That succession deal always was very fickle, it's never something set in stone and it can change anytime, I don't see any reason for it not to apply here.

Like I said I believe the fever to be a test, otherwise there's no point in it.
Also the fever did not happens to everyone, likely only to the successor of the girl Tsubasa succeeded.
Feb 12, 2013 1:57 PM
Mar 2012
Nagisa = Atsuko
Chieri = Maeda

Problem solved~ :P

BTW I love how kira kira everyone are in this ep.

Magito said:
Ponytail no chouchou is already my favorite song.

Now I need to find the english translated lyrics

They're talking about it from a guy perspective btw. AKB songs do that alot.
Feb 12, 2013 2:20 PM

Nov 2009
1idd0kun said:
I can feel the double center nova coming with the force of a thousand suns.

Yes, someone other than me is also predicting that there might be two successors for the Center Nova position for this season. :D
Feb 12, 2013 3:58 PM

Jan 2013
I think Nagisa and Chieri have the power to make others bright much more...

We must focus on what we learned from dance sensei... what is chieri's purpose?
nagisa wants to shine more than any other... chieri only wants to be a sucessor, or not?
Feb 12, 2013 6:28 PM

Sep 2012
wishkas said:
i wish i could read jap : (
Please avoid using racial slur word in internet, even though you did not intend it:

For the successor for Mimorin, the question is whose soul she comes closest. Among the famous AKB members, of course in terms of sexy appeal Mimorin comes closet to KojiHaru but we know KojiHaru is still around and well. Sasshi is the most prominent member who has no equivalent in AKB0048 but I don't think Mimorin is like Sasshi. For sexy appeal, the closet I can think of is Chiyuu but if it is just Chiyuu Tsubasa should not look so surprised. She would gasp if it turns out to be Acchan indeed but I think the story's focus would revolve around Chieri and Nagia and who of the two will be Acchan. Yeah it is hard to predict....
symbvFeb 12, 2013 6:32 PM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Feb 12, 2013 6:41 PM

Sep 2012
Scheherazade1007 said:

The way they actually specify that the fever always happens just before a big concert pretty much means that it's somewhat of a test for an idol.
I don't think it was mentioned that the fever always happens just before a big concert. Tsubasa only said that she also got the fever before a big conert, and the fever always happens before a succession, but that does not mean for everyone a fever will happen before a big concert.
Scheherazade1007 said:
I see it as she didn't manage to endure the fever and failed the test. She was close but in the end she wasn't worthy of succession.
I would not see it that way. I think what happens here in this episode stays close to the spirit of what happened in similar situation in real life AKB. Mimori showed strong commitment to her team and her fans, but physically could not continue. The risk is that she would fail miserably on the stage in front of all the viewers. This is why Mimori decided to hand over to Nagisa. It is not failure, but a sensible judgement in the best interest of the team, not just herself. And this is why it happened in real life AKB before. I believe the anime would also confirm such consideration and lack of self-interest to praiseworthy. So I would say that Mimori's succession will happen. The question is just who will she succeed.
symbvFeb 16, 2013 6:07 AM
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Feb 12, 2013 8:15 PM

May 2012
MagicFlier said:
1idd0kun said:
I can feel the double center nova coming with the force of a thousand suns.

Yes, someone other than me is also predicting that there might be two successors for the Center Nova position for this season. :D

Happy I am not alone in this one and I have being thinking about a double center novae since season 1 ;)
RDF2050Feb 12, 2013 8:45 PM
Feb 12, 2013 9:22 PM
Jul 2018
I still prefer having only a single Center Nova,(it's CENTER after all)

Chances are whoever succeeding Acchan will become Center Nova.
Feb 13, 2013 12:33 AM

Apr 2011
argee said:
I still prefer having only a single Center Nova,(it's CENTER after all)

Chances are whoever succeeding Acchan will become Center Nova.

So being Acchan means the most popular, the most radiant of the rest of
the girls. So if given a choice as to what idol to succeed a lot of girls would choose
her the most.

But what does it take to be Acchan? What personality trait should the inheritor
have to be the successor?
Feb 13, 2013 6:18 AM

Jan 2013
symbv said:
wishkas said:
i wish i could read jap : (
Please avoid using racial slur word in internet, even though you did not intend it:

hum, gomenasai i didnt know about that, english is not my primary language and there are things i dont know yet :/

The idea of double center novae is given by the opening too, that was changed in the last 2 episodes...
Feb 13, 2013 8:21 AM

Dec 2010
I don't think Whoever becomes Acchan will definitely be the center nova, but i do think Nagisa will be acchan the 14Th and is also a strong contender for center nova as well as chieri.
But is everyone else as sad as i am for the fact it probably wont be yuuko? who no one can argue wants it the most. considering when sensei sensei announced center nova he only showed the understudys is clear it will be one of them. I Don't mind who succeeds Acchan but I'm horrifically gutted that Yuuko won't succeed her dream :'<
Feb 13, 2013 11:46 AM
Mar 2012
Magito said:
argee said:
I still prefer having only a single Center Nova,(it's CENTER after all)

Chances are whoever succeeding Acchan will become Center Nova.

So being Acchan means the most popular, the most radiant of the rest of
the girls. So if given a choice as to what idol to succeed a lot of girls would choose
her the most.

But what does it take to be Acchan? What personality trait should the inheritor
have to be the successor?

Acchan isn't someone that is the most "radiant" she's one of the plainest of the members. Oshima Yuko is the one most fans consider to have star power

Acchan is someone who's normal, kinda plain, like wearing black clothes, don't dress flashy, and don't really stand out, but on stage she have certain likable charisma and her image can fit for cute or cool songs. When she's put in the front, she always try her best. She's someone that won't stand out but you'll end up liking her the more you see her.

Nagisa out of everyone give off Acchan vibe + she like tomatoes and look like one.... like Acchan.

Also one of the scene last season, when Nagisa was like "I CAN'T BE CENTER NAGISA NO CHERRY~ I'M NOT GOOD ENOUGH" was basically giant reference to what Acchan did when she was told to be center

Everything about Nagisa scream Acchan...but they could always troll and pick someone else

I'm pretty sure it's going to be double center anyway like how Acchan and Yuko were double center for Kaze wa Fuiteiru. BTW how they hell they haven't used this song yet? The phrase was on one of the concept pics of the anime......D:
akbfanFeb 13, 2013 2:43 PM
Feb 13, 2013 8:24 PM

Apr 2011
Thanks for the lyrics akbfan.

I've read that she's the most plain and average out the rest and the others that you described kinda fits Nagisa's personality well.

During episode 9 of the first season, she cheered the young fan girls from Thundristar by singing "aitakatta to them" and that's when I saw she's Acchan material.

I have a feeling the staff knows a lot of fans are expecting Nagisa to be Acchan. Trolling them could be bad. Thought the director is well known in the trolling department. Crossing my fingers that she'll be one.
Feb 14, 2013 12:45 PM

Mar 2010
Scheherazade1007 said:

I see it as she didn't manage to endure the fever and failed the test. She was close but in the end she wasn't worthy of succession.

I agree with this. Or rather, I fear it will end up as a failure for the said reason because it was kind of lampshaded. Mimori cried during the dream when the person in her dream was disappearing (it looked as if she lost the opportunity) and Tsubasa looked WAY too surprised. Even if she were to succeed Acchan (what, obviously, can't happen), Tsubasa wouldn't be so surprised since it was clear SOMEONE would succeed her soon and Mimori was shown to be a successor. Since she was THAT surprised, it must mean something she had no chance of predicting happened. Such as Nagisa succeeding Acchan.

As much as my logical thinking says this is the most... logical. XD If it's true I'll feel as if Mimori got cheated. I mean, she was so close to succession and, imho, she deserves it THE MOST out of all of them (partly because she's been an understudy longer than the rest, along with Kanata). She's been working very hard and is very nice to fans and everyone around. Not to mention that she made it into top 10. She even went through the pain of dancing and singing with a fever! I had only once fever that I couldn't move properly even so I can say that it wold be impossible for her to sing during the whole thing. That would be insane not to mention dangerous. Dedication is pointless is it gets one killed or otherwise permanently damaged.

Ranting aside, as much as I'm 99% certain Nagisa will become Acchan soon, I really don't want her to succeed instead of Mimori. Especially when comparing their dedication, work done, time spent on it and mental growth.
Feb 15, 2013 1:46 PM

Oct 2011
I think Mimori might have done it. She did perform and she was really great, but there was no way she could have gone on. Her picture in the Kirara looked like it was changing to Mariko in my opinion. I'm excited~

Hoping Nagisa does get to succeed Acchan and become Center Nova. Her interrupting the concert was hilarious :')
Feb 15, 2013 4:23 PM
Feb 2013
mimori si tubo existo, por lo que vi en las pagina oficial de akb0048 donde estaba en un ritual para convertirse en una sucesora si no hagan clip en : para que vean las imagenes.
Feb 15, 2013 11:12 PM

May 2012
jhuli12 said:
mimori si tubo existo, por lo que vi en las pagina oficial de akb0048 donde estaba en un ritual para convertirse en una sucesora si no hagan clip en : para que vean las imagenes.

Escribe en inglés, por favor. La mayoria de las personas aquí escriben en inglés ya que es el idioma oficial usado en esta página. Si deseas escribir en español, tendrás que hacerlo en otro foro o página de internet.

TL: English, please. Most of the people, here, write in English because is the website's "official" language. If you wish to write in Spanish, you have to do it in another forums/website.


RDF2050Feb 15, 2013 11:18 PM
Feb 16, 2013 2:30 AM

Jan 2013

It seems Mimori gonna be Mariko 8th

Hope her personality doesnt change much... she is perfect the way she is

Now who's gonna be acchan? :D
Feb 16, 2013 2:57 AM
Feb 2013
RDF2050:thanks for the observation, it is my first time posting a comment on this page, I will take good intoaccount.
Feb 16, 2013 4:52 AM

Nov 2007
Gah poor Mimori :c the AKB world is so harsh and political. Sometimes when watching this show I think about how difficult these girls are working from a realistic perspective and I'm just like "wow I could never do that"

Feb 16, 2013 6:04 AM

Sep 2012
wishkas said:
It seems Mimori gonna be Mariko 8th
Now who's gonna be acchan? :D
That would explain why Mariko gasped when she looked at the Shumei Kirara revealing the result and since Mariko already graduated her slot is open. That said, I think among the top AKB48 members, Mimori comes closest to Chiyuu because of her sexy appeal (KojiHaru would also fit but KojiHaru is already taken) but then I guess Chiyuu would look unfamiliar to those watchers who are not AKB fans.

As for Acchan, I think it will be Nagisa as the story seems to be all about how Nagisa grows and works herself up to the top. I am more interested in who will Chieri succeed. Are we going to see Mayuyu 3rd die/eliminated and Chieri gravey wounded in an attempt to stop her father and his crazy plan, and Chieri turned into a cyborg and Mayuyu 4th, thus completing the legend of Mayuyu voicing Mayuyu in the anime?
So MAL finally starts locking news threads that are only a few weeks old?

I wonder where was the announcement of this change? Or we are seeing yet another case of changes made that impacted users but not communicated to them?

I wonder how long people would put up with this.

As much as I have a bunch of information to share about anime announced recently I cannot share it in news board, and the anime series is too disorganized and chaotic to share information except with people already interested in the particular series.
Feb 16, 2013 10:29 AM

Jul 2008
Am I the only that think that Nagisa doesn't need to succeed anyone?
Succeeding someone mean staying in that person's shadow and for that reason I believe that Nagisa should not succeed anyone.
She should write her name in history and be on equal standing with the firsts AKB0048 members, not be the new "A-chan" but become the first "Nagisa".
Chieri can become the new A-chan for all I care.
Feb 16, 2013 2:05 PM

Jan 2013
symbv said:
wishkas said:
It seems Mimori gonna be Mariko 8th
Now who's gonna be acchan? :D
That would explain why Mariko gasped when she looked at the Shumei Kirara revealing the result and since Mariko already graduated her slot is open. That said, I think among the top AKB48 members, Mimori comes closest to Chiyuu because of her sexy appeal (KojiHaru would also fit but KojiHaru is already taken) but then I guess Chiyuu would look unfamiliar to those watchers who are not AKB fans.

As for Acchan, I think it will be Nagisa as the story seems to be all about how Nagisa grows and works herself up to the top. I am more interested in who will Chieri succeed. Are we going to see Mayuyu 3rd die/eliminated and Chieri gravey wounded in an attempt to stop her father and his crazy plan, and Chieri turned into a cyborg and Mayuyu 4th, thus completing the legend of Mayuyu voicing Mayuyu in the anime?

That would be... a nice development .__. o.o

Or Chieri could be center nova and disappear like all of them (center novas) and nagisa, having center nova potencial could save her and the others, including 13th acchan...
Feb 17, 2013 5:27 AM

Jan 2011
I think that Nagisa just "stole" Mimori's Center Nova position by saying that!
I wonder what happens next, I still think that Nagisa will be #1 (together with Chieri perhaps).
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Feb 19, 2013 4:27 PM

Nov 2009
Scheherazade1007 said:
Am I the only that think that Nagisa doesn't need to succeed anyone?
Succeeding someone mean staying in that person's shadow and for that reason I believe that Nagisa should not succeed anyone.
She should write her name in history and be on equal standing with the firsts AKB0048 members, not be the new "A-chan" but become the first "Nagisa".

Oh, i never even thought about this, this is actually an another unbelievable possibility. o:
Feb 23, 2013 7:15 AM

Aug 2011
Every time I slip behind on this show, it pulls me back in. Every time.

I can't get enough of the sci-fi elements! Love the whole fever challenge to be a successor. I think I can say I'm convinced that Nagisa is determined to be Centre Nova now due to that outburst on stage. Yuuko, Chieri and to some extent, Mimori I understand but with Nagisa, I was having a hard time understanding why a person trailing behind and having occasional Kirara moments would be shortlisted, until now. Well, she's always been my favourite so I do hope she gets the Centre, or does well throughout the series.
Mar 9, 2013 8:54 AM

Sep 2009
I'm so proud of NAGISA!!! ^^
What a big cliffhanger! Go for it nagisa chan!!!!
Feb 13, 2014 6:58 PM

Feb 2013

Nagisa is finally stepping up her game. Nice recovery for blurting that out in the middle of a song!

Edit 2014-05-22, 3rd time watching.
It always makes me nervous waiting for Nagisa to blurt that out. Great episode. So many great songs.
BurntJellyMay 22, 2014 7:42 PM
Jun 9, 2014 11:39 PM

Dec 2012
I loved Nagisa's declaration of war. She managed to take what would have been an extremely awkward and embarrassing moment and turned it into her chance to shine. She's finally stepping out of her comfort zone to aim for the top. Wonder what everyone else's reaction to that is going to be.
Sep 9, 2015 4:19 PM

May 2012
Nice episode! Pretty general development in this one so let's see what's next!
Jun 26, 2019 4:05 AM

Nov 2013
Yuko is actually really boring and uninteresting. I don't see why she is somehow popular.
And this little shit Nagisa fucked up performance for her selfish reasons, what a bitch.
Mimori? Who needs her now. We are gonna throw her the fuck out because now we have "great" Nagisa. She is fucking MC after all, who cares that she is most bland and shitty character of them all.
Oct 19, 2019 8:55 AM

Oct 2015
Mimori performing even though she came down with fever, I wonder if she will be the successor? I also wonder why her image disappeared on the sacred ground?

Nagisa declaring her desire to shine was actually my highlight.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

May 8, 2021 8:18 AM

Apr 2018
Well something major is happening with Mimori and it's really concerning.
Nagisa during the representation was fun xD
May 18, 2021 3:35 AM

May 2020
Mimori is best girl, with Kanata closing in on second place. Nagisa and Chieri can go fuck themselves.
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