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Dec 13, 2017 10:40 PM

Dec 2016
Stark700 said:
Uh to me, this was average. It's not bad but I didn't like the antagonist at all, especially that Zash guy.

Action was good I guess but it didn't blow me a way. However, it was a good thing that most of the main characters got some screen time for the action. Overall, the storytelling just felt really average.

How about Erza in the movie? ?she is awesome 😊😊
Dec 17, 2017 7:06 AM
Jun 2012
Hi !
I watched it yesterday and i don't understand the natsu dragonize, shown in the trailer.
LawesomeDec 17, 2017 8:42 AM
Dec 20, 2017 5:05 PM

May 2012
Well this sure was quite enjoyable I must say, especially liked the intense ending! Quite great compared to the previous movie, I do must say it really was an enjoyable movie.

So all in all, I sure am looking forwards to see what the third season of this franchise has to offer!
Dec 24, 2017 10:42 PM

May 2015
Wow it was a surprise to see Erza do/use Grand Chariot...
Dec 25, 2017 1:41 PM

Sep 2008
It wasn't probably the best idea to watch this movie only after finishing both Fairy Tail anime seasons but well, now I'm more hyped for the 2018 ^^
Dec 27, 2017 10:18 AM

Dec 2014
well expected FT movie gray being naked like it is a thing for him...juvia and her love problems ...natsu and lucy bonding...

I don't want to be that guy but the empire problem was never will the empire explode since the crystal light was no absorbed or something
Dec 30, 2017 11:08 PM
Feb 2015
Lawesome said:
Hi !
I watched it yesterday and i don't understand the natsu dragonize, shown in the trailer.

Influence from the Dragon Cry probably. Well this entire movie was probably for the sake of explaining how the Dragon Seed got activated.
Jan 1, 2018 8:52 PM
Sep 2017
I feel like the Grand Chariot thing came from Jellal.
Jan 1, 2018 8:54 PM
Sep 2017
AngelCam33 said:
I feel like the Grand Chariot thing came from Jellal.

Just checked the Fairy Tail Wiki fandom--yes, Jellal used it in the past. Example; when he was "temporarily blind?"(I don't remember) it was during the Magic Games arc.
Jan 2, 2018 9:08 PM
May 2016
I'm really worried about the next season because they already showed so many of the character upgrades.
Lucy: stardress diff forms
Carla: Transformation magic
etc. I don't get the YESS UPGRADES feeling anymore b/c of the movie D:
Overall I liked the movie. The fan service was a bit much (hope they don't do that in the new season) but I liked the soundtrack.
Jan 3, 2018 9:06 AM

Apr 2015
  • It's been quite awhile since I last time see Fairy Tail. It was nice to again see almost all member in guild. ~
  • Lucy and Natsu relationship in this movie was cute. :)
  • Happy ending like always.
  • 6/10
Jan 18, 2018 4:33 PM

May 2014
Overall the movie was pretty ok. What I really love is A-1 animation. They usually do an awesome job, but for the movies the art is extra good. 8/9 to animation The details were just superb. The sound, as FT OST is, was really good. 7/9 to the OST/music. It was really good both in the relaxing and fighting scenes.

What I really didn't found that amazing were the plot. It was pretty decent. I didn't expect an awesome plot from this series anyway and I knew what I could expect. The character's developement were actually quite good. For instance both Natsu & Gray's transformation were breathtaking. But that's just because I weren't update with the manga so this was new material for me. Even Lucy, who is the weakest among those four, had a power up. I never knew she could cooperate with her spirits. Is this actually in the manga or is it just something original from the movie? Either way, I loved it. It's nice that even she got some power up.

I also loved that they made some screentime for Juvia x Gray. They work great together. It's time they get shipped and actually become a pair lie NaLu. Cool to see some fighting with Charlie and Wendy. I guess that she become a human is also some spoilers. I just can't remember she transforming into a cat human, if my mind doesn't trick me

There were two things I didn't like about the characters. First, of all the four Erza didn't have a power-up. I mean they had already spoiled that much, so why not give her some love too. What I also found very sad is that Natsu didn't say his techniques like he usually do before he preform them. He usually say "Kariyuu..something". He didn't say that even once throughout the movie. I found that very sad since saying their technique before preforming them is usually a thing in shounen anime. At least in FT were Natsu have said that all the time before pulverizing his enemies.

I found the movie ok, though I got a irritated that they used the materials from the manga instead of making their own original transformation. Like, ofr instance, Toei did for Once Piece in the gold movie. They presented a bunch of spoilers for us (non.manga readers) which was really unnecessary. All in all alright movie, so 6/9 from me.
mangalicker94Jan 18, 2018 4:39 PM
Jan 21, 2018 1:29 PM

Oct 2015
Seeing acnologia in the end of the credits made it worthwhile, but overall I wasn't impressed because it felt rushed and lacked a touching story.

But the fight between Animus and Natsu was alright ( that incomplete natsu dragon transformation made it a bit good).

But other than that, typical fairy tail nakama cherishing anime and fan service was scarce as Erza was. I liked it because fan service was low but it still wasn't enough, something was missing man.

So 6/10.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jan 21, 2018 10:50 PM

Jan 2009
the girls here are all extra thicc lol good sexy fanservice there

and seeing the backstory of Sonya and Acnologia in the end is great finishing touch
Jan 27, 2018 9:57 AM

Feb 2013
It was ok.
Natsu's transformation was cool.
So, Acnologia wasn't a bad guy back then.
Jan 29, 2018 4:51 AM
Dec 2016
Well this movie is not as hype as I expected. Erza and Lucy with thick body was kinda disgusting for me. And some of important thing that they forgot is the Soundtrack. The soundtrack wasn't good enough. Fairy Tail without Irish-feel ost is not fairy tail.
Jan 29, 2018 12:44 PM

Jan 2008
Oh wow, so much tits and bouncing... in HD.

Forgive me as its been a while since I've seen the TV series but dang, the power levels are all over the place. I cannot believe Gray was having any kind of trouble with such a weak enemy even while using his demon slayer magic. Juvia was just hilarious though. It was really nice to see Wendy using dragon force in HD. Ezra's fight was just disappointing. Had wished they shown some more of Gajeel and Levy. Natsu's fight with Animus was pretty cool I guess, though Animus was surprisingly weak for dragon.
PaulJan 29, 2018 5:38 PM
Feb 10, 2018 6:33 PM
May 2017
Hi everyone dose anyone know if there’s a dub version of the movie cuz I can’t find it in dub?
Feb 20, 2018 8:54 AM

Jul 2009
Is is just me or Lucy and Erza's boobies get bigger each new movie/anime?! Anyway, good fight scenes, but that's all...guess I was expecting more.
Big surprise was after credits: Acnologia's human form.
Mar 9, 2018 10:58 AM

May 2015
Wait how Erza know Grand Chariot? Bullshit! It's advanced Heavenly Body Magic Spell. ...

And too big boobs.

5/10. It has moments and only that.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Apr 29, 2018 4:41 PM

Oct 2009
my god, those boobs were just annoying to watch
Oct 3, 2018 10:56 AM

Apr 2013
There were a lot of plotholes in this one and apart from that it wasn't flawless either. But it was the good old Fairy Tail I missed so much and the music is still as powerful as before. So I enjoyed it, also that Lucy dancing... daaaaaaamn <3
Hyped for last season now :3
Oct 9, 2018 1:48 PM

Jan 2013
Great movie! I've missed so much FT, it's so good to have another season after the movie.

The fights were epic as always and the soundtrack, oh boy... i missed it, as always amazing!
So the last season will be them all trying to defeat Acnologia? that will be hard xD

So this movie happens after last season or before? Because they didn't seem like a guild because Gajeel, Juvia and others were separated from Natsu etc.

Charle turned into a cat-girl? hahaha not bad xD
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Nov 15, 2018 11:06 PM

Feb 2015
The whole story starts with Zash and Sonya stealing the staff Dragon Cry. After that, a mission is requested to Natsu and friends from Toma Fiore, the king of Fiore, the mission is to retrieve the stolen staff (named Dragon Cry and created by dragons long time ago in Fiore caverns, very powerful); Zash is now in Stella Kingdom. Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Gray and Wendy get going to Stella, in the island they execute a plan to distract Zash (Lucy and Erza), stole and copy the key (Gray) and open and stole the staff (Natsu and Wendy). At the same time Gajeel, Levy and Juvia arrived to the kingdom. Zash is warned about the action and immediatly called his army to intercept Natsu and the staff, after a persecution, Natsu finally escaped. Zash is chastened by his king Animus, and sent along Sonya (who has the hability to detect people) to find them and retrieve the staff. Natsu and friends were ambushed and confined. Fortunately Natsu was able to get free and help his friends, and with the help of a kindhearted Sonya, escape. Now Natsu's crew made a direct attack, everyone have their own fightings and Natsu got to Sonya and Animus, just to discover that Sonya and Animus have always been the same person. At that moment Zash stole the staff and ran all the way up in the tower to unleash Dragon Cry's power, while Animus separates from Sonya and goes behind the staff. Zash is consumed by the staff power and Animus and Natsu fight for it. Animus won and unleashed his true power, but Natsu got up once again to defeat him. The staff transforms into a band and flew away. Acnologia found the band and remembered how he defeated Animus in Fiore's cavern, how Animus used that littl girl (Sonya) to survive. After that Zeref appears in a mountain.

Extension of fairy tail. It's a lot about the fan service. The story is very simple, at the beginning Zash seemed like a very powerful character, not really demostrated in the final battles. There is Wendy's dragon force and her cat's transformation which I thought that couldn't do it that easy (I mean in special situations). Gajeel and company did nothing, absolutely irrelevant for the plot. Natsu's friendship power won again, just to protect his friends. The story actually had a good plot twist, discovering that Sonya and Animus were the same person was interesting. How the fuck does a dragon with wings made of crystal can fly?
The movie was kind of bad, is not boring but the whole movie doesn't add something to the real plot of the series, is just to entertain and a lot of fan service.
Atlas77Aug 14, 2019 9:19 PM
Dec 16, 2018 6:48 PM
Jan 2015
Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Dragon Cry in fact I loved it but I don't know I felt something wasn't quite right. What's annoying is I cannot put my finger on it. When I think about it I think its the story, the story was almost perfect but I again something was missing but for the live of me I cannot think what that was.

I'm a big fan of fan service so I loved Lucy's dance at the beginning plus I Love Lucy herself and will admit I have a crush on her I also think this is the lewdest we have ever seen Lucy, I also like how it ties in (sort of) with the last arc with the ending. I was told that the fan service is a bit over the top at times but again as I said about Lucy's dance I didn't mind it Erza had a good moment too when it came to fan-service. The fight at the end with Nastu was amazing and really well animated perhaps it could have been a bit longer as he finished off the main Villain quite quickly hell you could say in one punch.

And the final thing I will say I feel some of the other characters where under utilized like Gajeel , Levy and Juvia heck we never find out what sort of job they were sent on. Maybe that's why I felt something was not quite right?.
Dec 24, 2018 3:54 PM

Apr 2015
Finally able to watch it since I thought it was gonna be relevant to the final series. It seems to play out after the avatar arc, but yet still doesnt quite add up to the main story line. Which is a pity imo. Maybe in the future we will see some more connections to the movie.

Fanserivce was really over the top at times, but I guess I can't complain at jiggling boobs XD That Lucy dance was just god damn glorious!

Nice plot twist to see Sonya and Animus being the same person, Animus being a dragon inside Sonya's body.

Seeing Natsu turn into a half-dragon was to expected at some point, after Igneel revealed that the dragon were hiding inside the dragon slayer bodies, so they wouldn't meet the same fate as Acnologia. Speaking of which, was nice to see Acnologia after the credits.

Best thing for me personally, being a Jellal fanboy... Seeing Erza use Jellal's magic, is just the best thing this guy could ever want, personally my biggest surprise!
Feb 12, 2019 7:32 AM

May 2010
People complaining about big boobs in a fairy tail movie..cmon man you know what half the show is about. Have you seen those "juicy" OVAs?

One thing is clear though and that is that they blew half their animation budget on those thicc lucy and erza animations in the first 10 minutes.

i watched it right after finishing season 2 and there were atleast 1-2 surprises i wasnt aware of. (i dropped manga back at the grand magic games arc)

I went in with pretty much no expectations and for 1 and half hour i was well entertained and had a few good laughs here and there.

It could have been way better for sure but im surely not dissatisfied.

My main issue is that the fights were way too short. 7/10

Feb 14, 2019 9:46 AM

Aug 2013
Erza using Grand Chariot was a surprise.

Nice to see Acnologia in the after credit.

Overall a fine movie. 6/10.

Mar 25, 2019 5:44 PM

Nov 2018
Tbh the first movie had better action but this had some great plot points, like introducing the 4th generation of Dragon Slayers and some Acnologia backstory even if it wasn't enough. Sonya was pretty likeable even if she was sad most of the time. Overall not bad, it's shonen after all. 7/10
Apr 15, 2019 1:23 PM

Nov 2018
There were plenty of graylu and team natsu scenes so it was a good movie for me. Even if there were gruvia scenes idc. And nalu scenes are more tolerable.
Jun 9, 2019 6:09 PM

May 2010
GlowingAura said:
Loved the NaLu moments in it, but the part where they were looking up at the stars was really cheesy yet adorable.

Apart from that, I loved the animation. Everything looked beautiful. I'll definitely watch it again.

my thoughts exactly! < 333
Jul 19, 2019 6:23 AM

Jul 2019
It just seems to me, or all the female characters have bigger breasts?
Oct 2, 2019 1:44 AM

Dec 2012
A boy. A dragon.
Natsu. Igneel.
A bird is carrying Natsu.
A man and a girl.
White Tiger?
Who is she? She is cute.

And that was the end. It was ok. Riana is waifu. Lawd! Lucy and Erza oppai were on point. The waifu Charle slayed as usual.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Jun 19, 2020 11:22 AM

Apr 2014
The movie was probably a 7 for me but I loved the end with Sonia and Achnologia.
Now it's an 8
"You don't become Hokage in order to be acknowledged by the village.
The one who is acknowledged by everyone, is the one who becomes Hokage."
Uchiha Itachi, Naruto Shippuden
Sep 7, 2020 7:27 AM

Nov 2019
A relatively normal Fairy Tale episode with better than average animation (for a Fairy Tale episode) and average to subpar artwork.

The core issue lies in its placement. It takes place after episode 285, yet at that point Natsu is one-shotting bosses and Lucy can do her whole dress transformation thing. Yet here he's struggling and she plays damsel in distress yet again.

Everything the beginning of FT's last season fixed, this breaks. Nothing about it enhances or compliments the series proper (not even the post-credits scene) and it obviously doesn't work as a stand-alone story.
Oct 16, 2020 1:20 PM
Jan 2011
Ulquiorra said:
It was ok.
Natsu's transformation was cool.
So, Acnologia wasn't a bad guy back then.

If he wasn't a bad guy, why didn't he check on Sonya? He has rage, as in how dare you dragons, but is already beyond salvation, as in he dosen't care if Sonya or anyone else is still alive.

Btw, if that scene is from 400 yeara ago... How was Sonya still alive? What am I missing? Need answers please -_- plus, especially how did she become the queen? King? if she was native to another contrary (since the even was were they built the coliseum
Apr 30, 2021 12:37 PM
Jan 2021
Sonya looked like she came from another studio hahaha
The acnologia and sonya connection caught me by surprise
Dec 2, 2021 9:49 PM

Mar 2016
That was amazing. And with this I completed my Fairy Tail collection.

Nothing left to do for me but to wait for 100 years quest to come up.
The movie was really cool, I did not expect Natsu to go half END mode. I see how this movie fits very nicely if watched just after the second season and before watching the third.

Acnologia crazy as always. Zeref getting ready for battle. Although it was nice to see all the peeps :D

Mar 9, 2022 2:10 PM

Jan 2013
Wendy using her power to boost herself forwards was cool.
Happy using the staff to scribble a fish lmao.
"Graydar" ... Oh Juvia ...
We see Carla's human transformation! - We already saw her form in the 2016 OVA but it's nice to see the transformation too.
Seeing Gray's new form was great too.

AND NATSU'S TRANSFORMATION! - Actually came to me as a surprise, love that we finally see him as part dragon, not just the scales from the start of the series.
We see Acnologia in human form too, I wonder how Sonya got to the current year, I'm guessing the Eclipse Gate as I see no other way of her surviving for 400 years lol.

Anyway, enjoyed this movie a lot more than movie 1, story was more entertaining, animation was on point and overall just fun to watch, seeing all the improvements the Fairy Tail members made too.
I'm guessing this is quite a bit into the final series as they're all together again as a guild.

Excited to finish the series with Final Series.
Aug 19, 2022 8:10 AM

Jan 2020
Okay, I'm in love with Lucy's feet now. That belly dance was so goood!
Sep 1, 2022 7:38 AM
Jul 2020
Ein Toller Film, mit richtig Geilem Finale!
Apr 10, 2023 11:10 AM
Nov 2010
Lady Sonya is a cutie!
Erza is so hot! I love her armor that shows her armpits. I haven't seen her in a long time! It's been nine years since I last saw any Fairy Tail content.
I want Zash's ability. It's so easy to mind-control any kind of pretty girl and have lots of sexy times with them!
44:54 Oh wow, since when can Charles turn in a cute girl? Did this happen in the 2014 season? I don't remember this at all. Happy's reaction was funny!
Erza vs. Swan fight was eye candy! They're both so hot!
Natsu's half-dragon form looked badass!
Decent story & action. The fanservice at the bar was very good! Both Lucy & Erza were yummy! 7/10
Aug 4, 2024 2:44 PM

Jan 2016
The place I was watching english subbed was abysmal, so watched english dubbed instead.
So I have not seen fairy tail since the 2014 version ended in 2016 (this movie was made between series and in 2017), I plan to watch the 2018 "final series" next. I was very much confused by
1. Charles Transformation
2. Lucy Transformation
3. Acnologia
What I recall is getting a history of Fairy Tail and Zeref, them disbanding, and Etherious Natsu Dragneel (E.N.D.) being the final boss/book of Zeref, but maybe I'm misremembering or understanding.

Lucy really got the moves! This movie (and technically anime too) is so painful to watch, it physically hurts to see their breasts. Pain.
These movies are always involving a weapon of mass destruction LOL Animus is an idiot and Zash is pathetic. Sonya disappointing.

Did I misread that? Did they just call those things 4th Generation dragon slayers LOL. I will say the way the call "generations" are kind of dumb regardless (1st is trained by, 2nd is consumed, 3rd is trained by AND consumed, unless I'm misremembering)
Juvia x Gray was really nice.

Really sucks, another nation place destroyed due to trash rulers...

So, I assume the final series, will have some final fight with Zeref, Acnologia, and Natsu, since they are the main 3 mythical beasts that can cause maximum mayhem.

3/5, the oversize breasts physically hurt me (I have small breasts, but still hurts to run, and many people get breast reduction surgery), I was fairly confused (likely due to not seeing Fairy Tail in 8 years), and annoyed. I definitely got emotional and enjoyed it for the most part.

Nov 19, 2024 8:02 PM
May 2024
Really good movie with a peak animation!The fights were epic! But I need to know when the author will put Natsu and Lucy together!!! It's been years now.
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