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Pages (3) « 1 [2] 3 »
Aug 14, 2019 1:36 PM
Jul 2018
Aries is a seira clone made by charce?

Love the twist with another astra stuck there
Aug 14, 2019 2:00 PM

Jan 2016
Honestly, this show is just fantastic! I love how we get answers each episode but also more questions!

Aries = Seira is too easy to guess but it was cleverly hidden in the opening. The only thing I didn't like was that they used
Aries voice actor for the Seira part, because that just gave it away
Aug 14, 2019 2:32 PM

Feb 2015
Great episode this planet is pretty savage. It reminds me of the sci day picture books you used to get in the 80s and 90s showing what life is like on other planets.

Have to say the story is intreging to say the least. I suppose there is some logic in another crashed ship there given the nature of the planet. Can't wait for next week.
Aug 14, 2019 2:43 PM

Oct 2012
Well... finally some drama, took long enough to halt this kindergarten space trip. This episode was all that I hoped for this show since the very beginning, too bad it wasn't like this since the start.

Anyway, this episode reminded me of Lost in Space movie a lot. In fact, I bet we've just found the previous version of Quitterie, as it was obviously hinted by Zack before and I sense some conspiracy going on here. Perhaps the anomaly sent them into several parallel timelines? Or they are just clones who are sent to the space every few years repeatedly?

Speaking of clones, if anything was made clear from Charce's backstory, it's that Aries is one - that childhood friend looked exactly the same as her and you can bet that sepia tone of that part was intentional to disguise that (at least a bit because it was made pretty obvious). Perhaps the mother wanted her commatose child back so let 'them' create a new one?

Or... we may even face the same situation as in the movie The Island where clones were made for sake of the paying customers. Heck, it would even make sense that they would want to remove them in such accident manner, all of their 'parents' probably had some ulterior motives as it was hinted before.

And Seira = arieS backwards, nice one there, if only way too obvious (not so for japanese audience as セイラ is ライセ backwards but still very clear). They also couldn't disguise the fact that Minase voiced them both which makes it even more obvious. Really looking forward to the next episode, I sense some mindfuck incoming.
Aug 14, 2019 3:09 PM

Nov 2016
JokerVentura said:
People complaining about the convenience of finding another ship need to cool it.
It will be explained and done amazingly well, the second part of this anime will be where the story really takes off, cannot wait.

I also don't know why people don't consider the possibility that this "coincidence" obviously happened due to a reason. I have some very vague ideas regarding the ship, but I'm extremely looking forward to the explanation.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Aug 14, 2019 3:20 PM

Aug 2018
Jesus f$cking hell, I was convinced the moment they opened the hibernation device was not the end of this episode... argh I was so so so hyped ! I somehow prefer when things go wrong as they just happened, especially when it comes to a pure survival.

I can't wait for next week !
Aug 14, 2019 3:40 PM

Feb 2014
Koito91 said:
Mayuka said:
Simply wow :o

I don't know if I fully believe Charles yet.

I'm finally starting to believe a clones theory could be correct as Aries and Seira are the same thing. ALSO THE REVERSED NAME LOL

Exactly, I'm also starting to believe it. Also, do you remember how the name of Aries was introduced in the OP? Makes total sense...

Mindblowning. Aries is Charce's long lost friend?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Aug 14, 2019 4:05 PM

Apr 2017
So things are finally getting more serious. Can't wait for the next episode to find out more about that girl from the capsule.
Aug 14, 2019 4:28 PM

Aug 2016
FMmatron said:
JokerVentura said:
People complaining about the convenience of finding another ship need to cool it.
It will be explained and done amazingly well, the second part of this anime will be where the story really takes off, cannot wait.

I also don't know why people don't consider the possibility that this "coincidence" obviously happened due to a reason. I have some very vague ideas regarding the ship, but I'm extremely looking forward to the explanation.

It's worth looking forward to, I couldn't wait and last week read the manga and honestly, how good it gets surprised me. There's been some harsh comments on this series and some people are gonna realise in a few weeks, they should have waited to pass judgment.
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Aug 14, 2019 5:11 PM

Jul 2017
Like other people already mentioned, it finally delivered what I would imagine space travel, best episode yet.
Aug 14, 2019 6:58 PM

Jul 2016
Good episode, the mystery continues. They are stranded in the planet that harmful to them. The Astra is broken, they cannot venture to space. But they did not give up. We got Charce backstory this episode, but hes suspicious. And that last scene, other Astra ship and a survivor. To the next episode.

Aug 14, 2019 7:41 PM

Jan 2015
I dunno if anyone had pointed this out already but the names of the planets are hints to what would happen in each particular episode
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Aug 14, 2019 8:12 PM

Jul 2012
kater_tot said:
The mystery element in this anime is soooo freakin' good! What the fuck is going on, man?!
I know right! This is why I'm so hooked to this anime :D There's so much potential for this to blow my mind!

AIDSKrillex said:
I dunno if anyone had pointed this out already but the names of the planets are hints to what would happen in each particular episode
What do you mean?
Aug 14, 2019 8:23 PM

Jul 2016
Even in the middle of a breakdown, I still find Quitterie to be annoying as hell.

By the way, Kanata deciding to wake that girl up gave me some Dr. Stone vibes. I wonder if she will be of help to the group or a potential threat instead...

Anyways, this was another mediocre episode. Full of coincidences, plot conveniences and terrible writing in general. The possible introduction of a new character seems a bit promising tho.

phantomfandom said:
There's already beach planet so I wouldn't rule out hot spring planet and water park planet or planet with a plant that dissolve only clothes.

That can be the case and I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest...
I vote for Onsen Planet, by the way.
Aug 14, 2019 8:38 PM

Jan 2015
Mayuka said:
AIDSKrillex said:
I dunno if anyone had pointed this out already but the names of the planets are hints to what would happen in each particular episode
What do you mean?

McPa = literally an anagram for camp
Vilvavurs = anagram for survival. It was the crew's first planet where they realized that they need to survive in hostile environments
Shumoor = anagram for Mushroom. The planet was filled with fungi.
Icriss = anagram for Crisis. The crew literally were in deep crisis when their ship crash landed in the planet. Icriss is also too hostile for life since only the equator was the habitable zone

Im not sure about Galem though but I think it isnt an anagram

edit: Just researched a little about the name and apparently this may possibly be a deliberate misspelling of the hebrew word galen which means calm
DiginarcissaAug 14, 2019 8:49 PM
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Aug 14, 2019 8:44 PM
Jun 2013
the community on MAL forums are completely different from Reddit community lol. but damn after Charse told his back story, im starting to connect things, Seira = Aries........ i wouldnt be suprised. also the ship got fucked up, but found an old Astra ship that had a survivor in it for 12 years! so glad she is finally out of that hibernation chamber. i feel as though they might be able to fix their ship with some parts from the one they found.
Aug 14, 2019 8:44 PM

Feb 2010
AIDSKrillex said:
Mayuka said:
What do you mean?

Vilvavurs = anagram for survival. It was the crew's first planet where they realized that they need to survive in hostile environments
Shumoor = anagram for Mushroom. The planet was filled with fungi.
Icriss = anagram for Crisis. The crew literally were in deep crisis when their ship crash landed in the planet. Icriss is also too hostile for life since only the equator was the habitable zone

Im not sure about Galem though but I think it isnt an anagram

McPa = Camp, but they never did any camping.
Arispade = Paradise, but that didn't last.

All the planets named planets are anagrams. This show loves them. They aren't limited to planets.
Master_GeassAug 14, 2019 9:22 PM
Aug 14, 2019 9:07 PM

Aug 2018
AIDSKrillex said:

Im not sure about Galem though but I think it isnt an anagram

edit: Just researched a little about the name and apparently this may possibly be a deliberate misspelling of the hebrew word galen which means calm

"Gleam" is the only English word that it solves for.
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Aug 14, 2019 9:50 PM

Jan 2015
Spaceship said:

"Gleam" is the only English word that it solves for.
yeah I confirm, that word pretty much sums up the overall plot of the succeeding episodes. I guess I wont be mentioning further from that since I want to avoid spoiling it

Also, if no one mentioned it yet, the anime/manga also references popular science fiction stories and literature like star trek, lost in space, hitchikers guide to galaxy, 2001 a space oddysey, Brave new World, and 1984. There are specific details in the story that directly pays homage to the stories mentioned and sometimes, directly inspired from. I really like this story and I hope more manga authors would write pulp sci fi as good as this
DiginarcissaAug 14, 2019 10:04 PM
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Aug 14, 2019 10:06 PM
Oct 2017
Aries = Seira ? Just see, is the same thing but in reverse.

Overall, very good episode, I liked it.
Aug 14, 2019 10:07 PM

Feb 2010
AIDSKrillex said:
Spaceship said:

"Gleam" is the only English word that it solves for.
yeah I confirm, that word pretty much sums up the overall plot of the succeeding episodes. I guess I wont be mentioning further from that since I want to avoid spoiling it

Also, if no one mentioned it yet, the whole anime/manga also pays homage to popular science fiction stories and literature like star trek, lost in space, hitchikers guide to galaxy, 2001 a space oddysey, Brave new World, and 1984. I really like this story and I hope more manga authors would write pulp sci fi as good as this

Someone mentioned last episode that it seems to be inspired by this one manga from the 70's called They Were Eleven. 10 students were sent to a derelict space ship as a test. There is a fake eleventh member, but they don't know each other and have to figure out who it is. There is also an intersex character. I haven't seen it, that's just what I was told. There are also some movies made of it, one live action and one animated.
Aug 14, 2019 10:13 PM

Jan 2015
Master_Geass said:
Someone mentioned last episode that it seems to be inspired by this one manga from the 70's called They Were Eleven. 10 students were sent to a derelict space ship as a test. There is a fake eleventh member, but they don't know each other and have to figure out who it is. There is also an intersex character. I haven't seen it, that's just what I was told. There are also some movies made of it, one live action and one animated.
Shinohara is a big fan of sci fi. I've seen his illustrated fauna in the manga that clearly looks like it was inspired to that creature from the Thing

DiginarcissaAug 15, 2019 2:50 AM
Twitter and it's consequences had been a disaster for the human race
Aug 14, 2019 11:33 PM

Jul 2015
You may call this ship being here an asspull.
I call it foreshadowing.

Aug 15, 2019 12:18 AM

May 2018
AIDSKrillex said:
Icriss is also too hostile for life since only the equator was the habitable zone

Actually it's the terminator not the equator...but this is a little bit of nitpicking from me.
Aug 15, 2019 1:12 AM

Mar 2018
Another good episode from kanata no astra! It’s been Episode after episode that has left me saying ‘WTF YOU GONNA STOP THERE!?” 😂 Making me want more!!!
Aug 15, 2019 2:20 AM

Jul 2017
Oh my Lord @AIDSKrillex so much thanks for the analogy, missed this entirely. So that's what it is, why it is put this way.

Anyways, we're at the midway point (of the manga), and Charce's revelation was no different than the others we've seen so far...except that Charce is born under royalty. AND THE MOMENT Seira came onboard, I'd swear that she AND Aries have the same VA...that's insane, other than the OP foreshadowing which comes as no surprise. As stupid and illogical as it sounds, it is a HUGE undertaking on Charce's part.

And so another planet, but one that is like Mars, only that there's more danger than the last. But the Astra broke down, and along with it, Quiterrie. Her whining may come across as super annoying, but from a human standpoint I can understand the trauma of not being home.

So Kanata's crew found another Astra, but with a cryogenic chamber to find somebody else...leaving her Identity for the next episode.

This show is getting more mysterious by the minute, and definitely better. Looking forward to next episode.
KANLen09Aug 15, 2019 2:24 AM
Aug 15, 2019 4:29 AM

Aug 2017
Amazing episode, more mystery to solve!

Aug 15, 2019 5:58 AM

Feb 2014
This episode is definitely making my brain think a lot, which is a really good thing. The mystery is getting ever so deeper and it's left me really eager to know the answers to so many questions. =)

Charce's backstory was interesting and I do have sympathy for him. His home was the only place on Earth that kept rule by nobility, but it was the type of old fashioned nobility that segregated the nobles from the commoners that would also leave me feeling a bit pissed off at. His friend, Seira was unfortunate to be flung off the wall by that dick of a guardsman though. =/

But this is where things got VERY interesting. It was only after the end of Charce's backstory and when he was speaking to Aries while making some mushroom tea that the penny dropped for me...

Seira + rearranged letters = Aries.
Seira and her family leaving Vixia without telling Charce....and that Aries is a transfer student, just like him.
Even the OP animation has Aries' name upside down that spells Seira...

That's a big enough hint that Seira IS Aries, unless in the unlikely event that all of us users here are being duped, but for now, I think the chance of Aries being Seira is extremely strong.

While this was in my mind, the crew reached the next planet and things went out of control. Zack did a great job in freeing the Astra ship from the clutches of the colossal plant that trapped them, but the ship took too much damage, rendering it unusable for space travelling. Just the thought of being stuck on a planet so hostile as the one they're on, with no reliable way of getting home, would make any strong human panic and cry. This was such the case for Quitterie. Her VA did a great job with her desperate anger and crying as she struggled to accept that they're stuck on this planet.

However, what the crew didn't expect to find was ANOTHER Astra space ship close to their damaged one. This one looks weathered and also has taken damage to the point of it being unusable for space flight, but after Zack's thought of the cryogenic pod, he, Kanata and Ulgar made the shock discovery of a blond women being asleep in the pod for 12 years.

This has left me with SO many questions now. How did this ship arrive here? Did this other Astra crew go through the same scenario as Kanata's crew? For an anime-only viewer like myself, I'll have to wait until the next episode to find out if some of my questions do get answered. I can't wait! ^_^
Aug 15, 2019 6:37 AM

Aug 2018
AIDSKrillex said:

Also, if no one mentioned it yet, the anime/manga also references popular science fiction stories and literature like star trek, lost in space, hitchikers guide to galaxy, 2001 a space oddysey, Brave new World, and 1984.

Yeah I'm enjoying the show more now that I know it has a similar tone to some of those old series.

In 2019, especially after the success of great movies like Gravity, Interstellar and The Martian, we have an expectation that our sci-fi will be 100% scientifically rigorous and airtight as far as plotting.

Watch any old Star Trek episode and there are "coincidences" galore---for the purpose of making a good story. Still a classic show.

The nitpickers are judging Astra by the wrong standard. To reference a recent (great) anime, there was a lot of seemingly coincidental stuff in SSSS.Gridman that was explained by the end of the show AND we gave the effects and cheesiness of the battles a pass b/c it was clear they paid homage to the tokusatsu genre.

Same thing with Astra. Let's reserve judgment on the so-far unexplained coincidences until the end of the show and bear in mind that it's paying tribute to older sci-fi shows.
boldulyssesAug 15, 2019 8:46 AM
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
Aug 15, 2019 12:08 PM

May 2018
Oh great they just totaled their one and only ship and not even the antique ship they found would be in any used...So the one we suspect that is the enemy was not what we thought he was, he was actually ex royalty from some backward kingdom......

Looks like the 3 Prince's Charmings has just woke up Miss sleeping beauty.

Could it be that there is a similar entity like her in their ship that was responsible for taking down their comms and it just so happen that the hibernation pod was the last thing that they never checked????
Aug 15, 2019 2:21 PM

Mar 2017
AIDSKrillex said:
Mayuka said:
What do you mean?

McPa = literally an anagram for camp
Vilvavurs = anagram for survival. It was the crew's first planet where they realized that they need to survive in hostile environments
Shumoor = anagram for Mushroom. The planet was filled with fungi.
Icriss = anagram for Crisis. The crew literally were in deep crisis when their ship crash landed in the planet. Icriss is also too hostile for life since only the equator was the habitable zone

Im not sure about Galem though but I think it isnt an anagram

edit: Just researched a little about the name and apparently this may possibly be a deliberate misspelling of the hebrew word galen which means calm

OMFG that is sooooo cool! How did u even figure that out?!
Aug 15, 2019 3:15 PM

Dec 2016
Well, after Quitterie said that she wanted to get married I was expecting that Zack would propose to her in the end of episode by saying some cheese line like "You don't need to be on Earth to get married, so would you marry me?" and because Charce is noble probably could perform the ceremony. Therefore next episode or mini arc (2~3 ep.) would be plotline with preparation for the wedding.

But new waifu can be too, I guess...

Nim0174 said:

no 2nd season, its gonna be done with in this season.

Wait what!?! That's illegal!!!
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Aug 15, 2019 5:28 PM

Jan 2009
Nieznajomy43 said:

Nim0174 said:

no 2nd season, its gonna be done with in this season.

Wait what!?! That's illegal!!!

It's a fully self contained story, don't worry.
Aug 15, 2019 6:48 PM
Jun 2017
love this episode, as we have the back story of Charce...


it just to showed how long will they need to wit for help if they have already been stranded in a said planet... just like the girl they have seen, it took 12 yrs to be found..

lets see what she can bring to kanata's group...
Aug 15, 2019 8:42 PM

Nov 2011
I'd like to know Kanata's reasoning for waking Blondie.

On one hand why would you wake her up if she is looking for help? You can not give her a rescue atm.

On the other hand you hedge your bet on obtaining knowledge from her in hopes you can fix your ship and rescue said girl.

We'll see.
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Winter 2525 Waifus on Profile

"You can have multiple Waifus" -me

Aug 16, 2019 1:11 AM

Apr 2015
lmao im the 100th comment saying Seira = Aries
well hell yeah I'm hooked to this series
I hope they'll at least manage to leave this planet by the end of the summer season
Aug 16, 2019 3:59 AM

Dec 2016
Tatsuya said:
Nieznajomy43 said:

Wait what!?! That's illegal!!!

It's a fully self contained story, don't worry.

I'm fully aware, but still at least for me anime is too good to be done just in one season (particularly 12 ep season). :'(
I want prequels, sequels and spin-offs!!
Manga recommendation:
- Spy x Family (Ch.112/? - biweekly) | Sakamoto Days (Ch.203/? - weekly)
- MARRIAGETOXIN (Ch.119/? - weekly) | Machi and Oboro (Ch.22/? - biweekly)
- Make the Exorcist Fall in Love (Ch.86/? - biweekly)
- Monochrome Days (Ch.15/? - biweekly)
Anime recommendation:
- Deca-Dence (Finished) | Wave, Listen to Me! (Finished)
- If My Favorite Pop Idol Made It to the Budokan, I Would Die (Finished)
- Diary of Our Days at the Breakwater (Finished)
Aug 16, 2019 5:40 AM

Sep 2013
All that backstory but not the answers I was hoping for. And the Seira stuff is a bit too on the nose. if the same voice wasn't enough, and the same hair wasn't enough, just have her name backwards instead.
Aug 16, 2019 7:08 AM
Apr 2017
That "oh didn't you know, you can get frozen for years on the spaceship but there's space just gor 1" LITERALLY 2 minutes before they find another spaceship was atrociously bad writing, to be honest. It's the kind of thing you mention in passing on episode 2 while exploring the ship, not on the same bloody episode you find another one, moments before finding it. Christ, that was painful.

That aside, I'm really liking it. So far it's been a lot better than I had any right to hope for, can't wait for next week.
"The problem with defining even an aspect of your personality by something that you like, is that criticism of that product appears to you to be criticism of you personally. I find it to be a very harmful attitude, [...] you can't rationally discuss a product because you've started to define yourself by its very existence."

John Bain
Aug 16, 2019 7:16 AM

Apr 2019
Nieznajomy43 said:
Tatsuya said:

It's a fully self contained story, don't worry.

I'm fully aware, but still at least for me anime is too good to be done just in one season (particularly 12 ep season). :'(
I want prequels, sequels and spin-offs!!

there would be no point in any of that because the story is going to be finished
im not sure if you read the manga but if you did im sure u'd understand
if not, u will understand at the end of this anime why it would make no sense anyway

You son of a .. turtle

Aug 16, 2019 7:35 AM

Dec 2008
MomoSinX said:
Seira....Aries.. something is very fishy (voice gave it away too lol). almost identical ship which just happens to be not damaged at the parts they actually need...yeah very fishy.

Same thoughts omg ._.
I didn't like the ending! I don't need any more members lmao ;o;
she also looked fishy, can she actually be an addition to the group or an enemy..
Aug 16, 2019 11:35 PM

Sep 2011

This is me during Charce's story. Like c'mon man. The fake name for your fake friend is literally Aries backwards. Try harder.
Aug 17, 2019 3:41 AM

Oct 2008
that was mysterious! exactly the same ship!?
the moment that the woman woke-up i felt some creepy vibes!
Quitterie has almost lost it!

Aug 17, 2019 4:26 AM

Apr 2015
Inorin has 'another' character to voice.

Crass backstory of the week. How relevant is it?

Rest was more interesting than usual. More serious. More of a Hollywood movie vibe than the strongly anime style the previous episodes had(not necessarily good, but in this case an improvement)
Aug 17, 2019 7:37 AM

Jul 2019
I thought there would be time travel or something and that they were going to find Quitterie in the ship. D:
Life is a despicable endurance race
Aug 17, 2019 12:37 PM

Dec 2016
Spaceship said:

In 2019, especially after the success of great movies like Gravity, Interstellar and The Martian, we have an expectation that our sci-fi will be 100% scientifically rigorous and airtight as far as plotting.

How far did you reach down your ass in order to pull out that number? specially how cheesy Kanata no Astra has been so far in the sci-fi department.

Spaceship said:

Watch any old Star Trek episode and there are "coincidences" galore---for the purpose of making a good story. Still a classic show.

Old shows become classic because there are viewers for them. But also old franchises need to reinvent themselves in order to catch up to new generations. Compare the classic Star Trek episodes to the rebooted JJ Abram's Star Trek and the whole streak of coincidences and soft sci-fi is cut down very drastically. In 2019 coming up with a cheesy soft sci-fi show that generated a lot of hype before it's launch has to come up with something fresher than just a bunch of coincidences that translate into just writer's convenience.

Spaceship said:

The nitpickers are judging Astra by the wrong standard. To reference a recent (great) anime, there was a lot of seemingly coincidental stuff in SSSS.Gridman that was explained by the end of the show AND we gave the effects and cheesiness of the battles a pass b/c it was clear they paid homage to the tokusatsu genre.

And the huge difference with Gridman is that it was an anime original, so there were no pesky manga fanboys building false expectations. The universe in SSSS.Gridman was also incredibly small, coincidences were something hard to avoid. In Kanata no Astra we're talking about an actual expanded universe, yet the coincidences are so cheesy that are hard to believe, like finding another ship just like the Astra a few steps away from their spacecrash, when if we repeated the same experiment in a real ecuator line on earth, the posibilities of getting two ships within the same cuadrant are astronomically imposible based on the lenght and width of the whole ecuator line.

Spaceship said:

Same thing with Astra. Let's reserve judgment on the so-far unexplained coincidences until the end of the show and bear in mind that it's paying tribute to older sci-fi shows.

If judgement was meant to be reserved until the climax and resolution of a series, there shouldn't be weekly discussions at all, admins should just create the final discussion thread once the last episode had aired.

This show deserves each and every piece of criticism is getting.
Aug 17, 2019 2:29 PM

Feb 2017
Yeah, there's definitely something going on with Seira and Aries thing. Can't wait to see inevitable revelation and whether Charce himself has a role in it or is he still clueless about the connection between Aries and his childhood friend. Really interesting episode overall, mystery aspect intensified. Can't wait to meet that girl at the end and hear her story.
Aug 17, 2019 2:59 PM

Jul 2009
Interesting to see a potential addition to the party this late into the story. I'm guessing all the other crew members of the mysterious Astra are dead and she was the only one spared because of the hibernation pod. Not to mention she looks like an adult(?), which is a nice change.

Also, Aries = Seira is a cool find. Could be clones, I guess.
Aug 17, 2019 4:18 PM

May 2016
Aries-Seria. Too obvious. I vote for the "clone theory". In Funi-Quittorie case too.

Btw. this was a pretty solid episode. Not flawless (the cliffhanger of the prev episode was solved the easiest way they could, plus that cringe crying killed the Charce's backstory scene), but maybe the best episode so far

Aug 17, 2019 7:56 PM

Aug 2018
SoraSenpai said:
I'd like to know Kanata's reasoning for waking Blondie.

On one hand why would you wake her up if she is looking for help? You can not give her a rescue atm.

On the other hand you hedge your bet on obtaining knowledge from her in hopes you can fix your ship and rescue said girl.

We'll see.

If she can't provide any useful knowledge, she could just go back into the hibernation pod and it would be like nothing happened. As long as she can "go back to sleep" without adverse effects, there's no downside to waking her up.

Nim0174 said:
there would be no point in any of that because the story is going to be finished
im not sure if you read the manga but if you did im sure u'd understand
if not, u will understand at the end of this anime why it would make no sense anyway

I think people (myself included) are just eager for more worldbuilding. I think if this were a 2-cour show they could have fleshed it out more...
Away from the things of man, my love, away from the things of man.
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