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Feb 28, 2008 8:00 PM
Nov 2007
Wow, that one whole ep just for Sai. <_<
Feb 28, 2008 8:03 PM

Nov 2007
The worst Shippuuden episode to date. Absolutely nothing happened, and Kabuto took over 15 minutes to walk down a hall. :\
Feb 28, 2008 8:23 PM

Jan 2007
i pretty much dozed off during this episode.
Feb 28, 2008 8:28 PM

Jul 2007
I'm taking the liberty to summarize this episode with one single screenshot of it...

Feb 28, 2008 8:43 PM

Feb 2008
Yep, this was Sai's episode. It was interesting to see his perspective on things.
Feb 28, 2008 8:54 PM

May 2007
Actually, I think this episode was actually pretty good(poop joke not withstanding, though I agree with Naruto about not wanting the thing to last).
So to review
Sai is weird
Kabuto walks slow and
Naruto really does want to save Sauske and while Sauske does not deserve it, Naruto is a great, complex guy.
My anime list
Feb 28, 2008 8:56 PM

Nov 2007
Sai is still one of the worst characters in manga/anime history, though.
Feb 29, 2008 12:17 AM

Jul 2007
It was a bit slow and no action, (and annoying flashbacks as usual -__-) but Naruto's speech at the end was worth it.. I love sasunaru xP
and I want to hug Sai ;__;
Feb 29, 2008 12:51 AM
Nov 2007
i like how.
sai was about to basically
overthrow konoha in the plan
but next episode, he's all helpful cuz they probably thought "aww, sai's a good guy. i mean, he did have a whole ep to himself. he must be a good guy" *unbinds him from wood bindings*


uh. just get to the part. where i see sai dead.
Feb 29, 2008 1:38 AM

Oct 2007
Asako said:
The worst Shippuuden episode to date. Absolutely nothing happened, and Kabuto took over 15 minutes to walk down a hall. :

Feb 29, 2008 2:30 AM

Sep 2007
The music was once again so over dramatic I started to laugh at the serious parts. Sai's facial expression were the equivalent of a guy being told that he is going to get raped in his butt. But hopefully we can move forward in the next few episode - 'cause I know it won't happen in the next episode.
Feb 29, 2008 6:03 AM

Feb 2008
I almost fell asleep during this episode =/
Just when I was hoping for the pace to pick up, they dragged Shippuuden like never before.
Hopefully next episode will be interesting, or at least semi-interesting.
Feb 29, 2008 9:49 AM

Sep 2007
The only thing slower than this episode is the speed Kabuto walks at. People DON'T TALK WITH 15 SECOND PAUSES IN-BETWEEN SENTENCES. [/rage]
But yeah, I would agree with the earlier comment about the music. Terribly chosen and timed. And Sai really had no reason to be surprised. Did they forget how to make Naruto during the filler arc?
...Though Naruto's speech was pretty good.
Feb 29, 2008 9:54 AM

Dec 2007
I did like the whole lets see how Sai really feels Dr. Phil Ep. But it wasn't that up lifting. The only part I liked was Naruto speech about how much he really want Sasuke back. I mean I felt kind of like hell yeah lets go get ripped apart, for sasuke.
Feb 29, 2008 10:00 AM

Jan 2008
wayyy to stretched out! but i think i forgot that sai said hes from kirgakure! i dont remember that from the manga. in that case it narrows down who his brother is to one person. i wont say who it is bcus its the anime forum, not manga. that is...if his brother is alive XP
Feb 29, 2008 12:57 PM

May 2007
Give me 5 minutes and I'll give you this episode.

Typical Shippuuden yawnfest.
Feb 29, 2008 1:40 PM
Oct 2007
One word to describe this episode: boredom. You can add 'die of' before boredom if u want.
Feb 29, 2008 4:23 PM

Feb 2008
Slow paced as usuall! The episode had nothing interesting for me. The only thing that cought my attention was a new sound track. maybe not new, but it's the first time i heard it. I'm really sick of that dramatic background music!

Asako said:
Sai is still one of the worst characters in manga/anime history, though.

Maybe not the worst , but close ;p. Sai is so irrelevant!!!!!! >.<
Feb 29, 2008 5:42 PM

Nov 2007
Asako said:
Sai is still one of the worst characters in manga/anime history, though.

Sai is up there. After checking your list, you would be unaware of Kazuki from Dragonaut, who currently holds the afore mentioned title.
Feb 29, 2008 6:15 PM

Jul 2007
Oh geez, the entire time I kept looking at the timeline on my player to see when the episode would be over. The pauses between each line was killing me. And seriously, wtf took Kabuto so damn long, it didn't seem like he walked that far away from Sai's cell when he left.
Although Naruto's little speech at the end slightly reminded me why I like this series, speeches like that aren't going to save Shippuuden.

Ethereal_Chime said:
Sai's facial expression were the equivalent of a guy being told that he is going to get raped in his butt.

LOL couldn't agree more =]
Feb 29, 2008 10:19 PM

May 2007
They sure took their time talking to Sai. x___X' It was an interesting conversation but I think all those freaking long pauses and zooming in on everyone's faces was unnecessary. Shipuuden needs to speed up. >0<
Plus Kabuto seems to like walking dramatically with scary expression on his face.
Though Naruto's speech about saving Sasuke was good... except that Yamamoto was really bad drawn right there. It looked like he was having a heart attack or something. o__o'

Mar 1, 2008 12:31 AM

Feb 2008
NoyaChan said:
They sure took their time talking to Sai. x___X' It was an interesting conversation but I think all those freaking long pauses and zooming in on everyone's faces was unnecessary. Shipuuden needs to speed up. >0<
Plus Kabuto seems to like walking dramatically with scary expression on his face.
Though Naruto's speech about saving Sasuke was good... except that Yamamoto was really bad drawn right there. It looked like he was having a heart attack or something. o__o'

almost agree with everything
This episode SUCKS, the worst one!!!
Come on, producers of Naruto, stop elongating this crap! Give more action!
The last episodes don have any sense!
Mar 1, 2008 1:21 AM

Jan 2008
I think Kabuto should invest in rollerskates.

That's all I got on episode 48.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 1, 2008 1:32 AM

Dec 2007
Ethereal_Chime said:
The music was once again so over dramatic

Yea the speech at the end was more funny than anything because of the music.
Mar 1, 2008 1:42 AM

Jan 2008
I thought the music went well with Naruto's speech, but the animation was lame and that's what made me laugh.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 1, 2008 4:23 AM

Feb 2008
I wish Shippuuden gets better in the future... it's getting slower and more and more boring.
Mar 1, 2008 2:21 PM

May 2007
ep sucked, end was pretty cool, even though it was just a flashback :> also I have been wondering the same thing with the seed lol.
Mar 1, 2008 4:27 PM

Dec 2007
Naruto's speech single-handedly saved this abysmally dragged out episode. Unfortunately, the super-overdramatic BGM that accompanied it sucked (I bet Naruto's old theme back would've been perfect with that scene). At least the next episode looks pretty good (is it just me or does the animation look...kickass again?)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 1, 2008 5:57 PM

Feb 2008
The characters are just extremely poorly made and from my perspective completely unsympathetic. Naruto is this über-naive fucking baby who tries to make decisions for everyone, cant hold his calm for 5 cents. God I hate him. Sai could've been an interesting character, but really they just labeled him as "sociopath" and that was it. Most of the actual good quotes from Sai like "I wasn't sure what facial expression to make" when his brother died, cant be bothered to quote his exact words but that was about it. Thats actually already been said in good anime like Monster, so they're just ripping off people who know how to make good character with good perspective on psychological issues. But I guess Im asking too much of a Shounen anime LOL!
Mar 1, 2008 6:00 PM

Jan 2008
i thought it was a good episode..
even though nothing happened, kabuto took his sweet time to get to sai's
but the ending was what really countedddd..
Mar 1, 2008 6:07 PM

Jan 2008
I love Naruto in the manga.

Hate him in the anime.

This conflict is...TEARING ME APART.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 1, 2008 6:44 PM
Jul 2007
it was pretty average for a Shippuuden episode. i dont remember the mist village part from the manga, though.
...we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here because we're here...
Mar 1, 2008 7:18 PM

Apr 2007
This episode was BORIIIIIIING!!!!

Mar 1, 2008 7:50 PM

Jan 2008
naruto hadd the best spech at the enddd..
that was basically the high light of the ep....

Mar 1, 2008 7:51 PM

Jan 2008
naruto speech wass good,
but that was basically it...

Mar 1, 2008 9:56 PM

Dec 2007
I haven't read the Manga to this point, so to me the pace feels normal to be honest. This was.... an OK episode. I liked Naruto's speech, but everytime I hear that background music they used at the end of the episode I think of Pirates of the Caribbean or something similar.

I think I prefer the soundtrack from the previous series.

Haruhi-Sama said:
wayyy to stretched out! but i think i forgot that sai said hes from kirgakure! i dont remember that from the manga. in that case it narrows down who his brother is to one person. i wont say who it is bcus its the anime forum, not manga. that is...if his brother is alive XP
He never said he was from kirigakure. They mentioned he received the same kind of training.
Mar 2, 2008 6:56 AM

Feb 2008
Sasuke will safe shippuden. Yeah of the Uchiha 2008!!

I just can't imagine the animation teams putting sasuke in bad animated fights etc. That's just wrong.! >.<

Let's hope they feel the same way ^^
Mar 2, 2008 7:02 AM

Nov 2007
Sasuke's looked plenty unco in the past. Though he was spared the low budget filler quality battles.

Shippuuden will be no better with his fights, though. If the pacing continues to be this slow, it'll still be frustratingly stupid. Not bad enough that I'll drop it, since watching one ep a week is no skin off my nose, and I want to see some of the big upcoming fights (having read the manga) animated.
Mar 3, 2008 3:32 AM

Nov 2007
LOL. I love how Kabuto walks for about five minutes (...the time it takes him to realize "oh crap, forgot something"...). But then it takes him an hour to walk back. Did he get lost? Was he thirsty and decided a nice glass of water + a good book would be a better waste of his time than accidentally stumbling in on the ninja who have intruded on his home? How convenient!

And the supposed god of all ninja, orochimaru, isn't skilled enough to realize: "Ah, it seems someone broke into my hand-made fortress of nearly impenitrable rock." I mean, with his kind of sensing power, a toddler could jump on his back and he'd hardly notice...


Everything seems horridly inconsistant.

Orochimaru is a god one episode but pathetic the next. He's ranked as one of the most feared ninja, yet he can't fight at all. He has to turn into a snake...and besides throwing up a sword and slamming into the ground, he seems useless.

Kabuto walks a couple minutes in one direction. And it takes him an hour to walk back. Sai has no emotion one episode living his entire life following orders...only to change his mind in a 2 minute Naruto-speech and revolt against his entire life's work. Sakura goes from the genius ninja that aced every single requiring Naruto's help in figuring out the meaning behind a stupid picturebook that a LITTLE KID drew.

Ugh...too bad I have a horrible compulsive desire to see things through to the end. I foresee a long painful battle and I fear I'll be the one fighting it. Hybrid vs the 'stop' button on my media player...take one...
Mar 3, 2008 4:11 AM

Jan 2008
It's amazing how the show makes canon material look like filler. And its interesting how the pacing is the major factor involved in all this. I mean it's not like we're all suffering from ADD either, the producers have paved new ground in slowing down a show methinks. They should be proud of themselves, the bastards that they are.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Mar 3, 2008 9:53 AM

Dec 2007
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring...
Mar 3, 2008 10:10 AM

Dec 2007
Cihan said:
It's amazing how the show makes canon material look like filler. And its interesting how the pacing is the major factor involved in all this. I mean it's not like we're all suffering from ADD either, the producers have paved new ground in slowing down a show methinks. They should be proud of themselves, the bastards that they are.

Couldn't agree with you more, it's very interesting too because of how many people continue to watch this show every week including myself.
Mar 3, 2008 10:15 AM

Aug 2007
why do they stare at each other for 10 mins and then theres like 30 seconds of dialogue...*stabs self*
Mar 4, 2008 2:26 PM

May 2007
hybridkiller said:

Orochimaru is a god one episode but pathetic the next. He's ranked as one of the most feared ninja, yet he can't fight at all. He has to turn into a snake...and besides throwing up a sword and slamming into the ground, he seems useless.

I know what you mean, I never liked Orochimaru or considered him fearful in all my time of watching Naruto. He turns into snakes, summons snakes, shoots out snakes and coughs up swords. Strong? I think not. The only reason I consider him strong at all is because he doesn't seem to be killable =/. There is nothing likable about him nor is there anything admirable about him. IMO, he's just this lame ugly villain that someone must have accidentally thought up after dropping a piece of artwork into a puddle or something.
Mar 4, 2008 7:55 PM
Dec 2007
Boring episode. It took longer than it should have. I'm gonna go back to waiting for a few months, before getting back into Shippuuden, since it doesn't appear that the fight will happen anytime soon.
Mar 5, 2008 8:06 AM
Dec 2007
there is something wrong
Mar 5, 2008 4:20 PM

Oct 2007
sasxxx said:
there is something wrong

understatement of the year? xD

It feels more like I'm continuing to watch this anime out of pity, rather than enjoyment. Hey guys, have you realized? We're almost at FIFTY EPISODES now, and what has gotten accomplished? That's right, little to nothing. ALMOST A FREAKING YEAR OF EPISODES and this is where we're at. If these are the measures required to avoid catching up to the manga without having filler arcs, then i pray to god bleach doesnt get the same idea, I'll take another bounto arc anyday rather than see the non-filler episodes reduced to this trash.
Mar 5, 2008 10:04 PM

Feb 2008
ONe word for this episode..

Mar 6, 2008 10:48 AM

Dec 2007
Shiken said:
sasxxx said:
there is something wrong
If these are the measures required to avoid catching up to the manga without having filler arcs, then i pray to god bleach doesnt get the same idea, I'll take another bounto arc anyday rather than see the non-filler episodes reduced to this trash.
Aren't you a little bit late to make this wish? =p

Well, ignorance is bliss, I say. I haven't caught up to the Manga, so I'm actually enjoying the Anime. Give me a few days and I'll be agreeing with you about how slow the pacing is.
Mar 21, 2008 6:02 PM

Jul 2007
Sai: Why do you want to save Sasuke so badly?
Naruto: Because he's my friend! (Insert dramatic music here.)
I'm sorry Naruto, but Sasuke has moved out of state, changed his name, delisted his address and phone number, and filed a restraining order against you--you went from "friend" to "deranged stalker" a long time ago!

Seriously, it is the worst episode!
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